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Guests Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Michele Swinick

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
December 8, 2022 1:09 pm

Guests Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Michele Swinick

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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December 8, 2022 1:09 pm

Tieren Rose Mandelburg Censor Track and Newsbusters discusses Elon Musk, J^ trial in Florida, FBI Director lies about the attacks on Pro Life Centers in America and instead falsely claims Pro Life people are attacking Baby Killing Centers.

Michele Swinick exposes the really evil agenda that is happening in America and their primary target is our children. Also discussed the actions to take to stop election fraud.

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg and you're listening to Chosen Generation Radio.

Get more at That's Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classes. Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education both break down inhibitions. That's what they start with. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them towards sexual activity.

Anything goes. You are teaching children adult child sex, you're teaching transgender issues, and children are moldable and influenced by that. They said, okay, now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student. To introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly it's child abuse. You're going to teach our children that it's okay for any two children of any age, of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. One's using a condom and they both give consent.

Did I hear that correctly? It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing. The schools are doing your job, they are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives that system.

Most do not survive, most have not survived. They believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right to be sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure. And if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and oppressing them. Even kindergarten now, they're wanting to teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that into the children's minds. And once that poison is in the child's mind, it doesn't leave. They'll always remember what they learned. And it's by design, it's orchestrated.

In my humble opinion, it will be worse before it gets better. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg.

Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. So my very special guest, by the way, hour number three. Wow.

If you missed any parts of the first two hours, I encourage you to get it. And I want to welcome our friends in Guanabara Bay, north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Welcome to the program. Great to have you watching. And we believe in freedom and liberty for Brazil.

And we do. We believe in freedom and liberty for your country. And we're grateful to have you watching our program today and all of those that are watching us here at Chosen Generation Radio. So great to have all of you with us.

All right. Very pleased to welcome my next guest to the program. They are with us on Wednesdays from Sensor Track and News Busters. This week's representative is Tiaran Rose Mandelberg. T. Rose, welcome. Good to have you. Thank you, Pastor Greg. I love coming on this show. It's great. Good Wednesday thing we get to do.

And I get the pleasure of doing it every other week. So definitely an honor. Well, it is my pleasure to have you with me and to also welcome the family that comes along as well. So shout out to the Mandelberg family. Thank you so much for tuning in. Yeah, we're a package deal. I love it.

I love it. Well, gosh, there's a lot to cover in the news. There's a trial taking place in Florida that's not getting a lot of coverage. But this has to do with another J6 situation. Jeremy Brown lives in Florida and they raided his home and it really was triggered. And there's a tie in because there's, you know, the Elon Musk story, right, just came out today. He fired James Baker because he wasn't releasing the documents that Elon told him to release regarding the FBI and their involvement in manipulating and coercing Twitter and their employees to withhold information about the Hunter Biden laptop.

And we have a situation down in Florida with Jeremy Brown. Jeremy was present on January 6th, never went in, never breached. He was just, he was there. But it wasn't until he came forward and began to talk about and show the information that he had been attempted to be recruited, because he's a retired Marine, attempted to be recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the Oath Keepers, which he was already a part of, but to infiltrate it and then feed information to the FBI in an effort to try to coerce him to be engaged in entrapment. And when he came forward with his story saying this is what the FBI was actually doing, all of a sudden, the FBI and the feds came down on him, served a search warrant on his house, went into his home, supposedly found hand grenades, which he said he didn't even know where they came from because they don't belong to him, and then claimed that he had two rifles, that the barrels were just slightly too short.

Oh, my goodness. It seems to me like they're just trying to find something to get him in trouble for. Well, it certainly seems that way, and again, this is, you know, the targeting thing, and now we have with the J6 Commission, they have stated that they are sending, I guess, sealed indictments over to the Department of Justice. Benny Thompson came out yesterday and said he's sending indictments over to the Department of Justice, recommendations that they file criminal charges.

You had the court case with regards to the Trump Organization, which was found, according to, again, in a New York court, found guilty on all charges of fraud. You know, T. Rose, the war is elevating itself, if you will. Yeah, definitely, Pastor Guy. I totally agree with you there. You know, I've been noticing that, like you're saying, we've got the Elon Musk thing, and then, of course, the January 6 stuff, and then since I deal mostly with abortion, I've also noticed it in that realm as well. You know, the FBI, they've done little to nothing to stop the threat on different pro-life groups and individuals who are getting attacked. You know, there's been over, I think it was around 135 attacks since the Dodds leak on pro-life groups or pro-life or just churches in general. The FBI has not done anything that they've said so far or that we've noticed where they've condemned that behavior or done any arrests on any of the attackers, the second somebody is a pro-life person and, you know, does anything. You know, basically there was a man in one of the states where he just protected his son because his son was about to get attacked by a pro-abort person and basically pushed somebody away. But because he was affiliated with the pro-life movement, the FBI raided his home and arrested him and charged at him with numerous guns and I think it was over a dozen agents in front of his wife and children, all just because basically he's affiliated with the pro-life movement. So it's like this blatant hypocrisy with our, you know, Federal Bureau of Investigation, which of course, you know, President Biden and his administration I'm sure are fueling the different motives, but just a blatant bias between, you know, them no longer doing their job but them having an underlying political agenda based on people's beliefs that they're going to execute their job in some circumstances but not in others.

It's just quite disheartening. And it's obviously fed from the very top because you had Christopher Wray that sat before Congress and made misleading and misrepresentations with regards to what he termed to be the violence of pro-life people against baby killers by suggesting that 73 of the cases that he brought in, that he used in his numbers to try to validate his case, well 73 of those situations were A, old cases that have been closed for quite some time and B, they were cases that were revived using what they're calling the FACE Act and they're completely non-violent events. They're individuals standing on the sidewalk in front of an abortion clinic that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has now decided you're not allowed to stand on a public sidewalk and suggest that babies should be allowed the opportunity to live. Right. That's exactly right. You know, they're not even conducting anything violent. They're basically just exercising the person in the Constitution, bringing them to speech. So now we're in a world where we can't even do that peacefully.

Certain groups are not allowed to do that but some groups are allowed to enact complete violence and destruction on other groups and get away with unscathed. Is that how this works now? Well, it seems to be.

Compass Care had their facility in Buffalo burned to the ground and there's still no suspect that's been arrested regarding that. Yeah, that's right. And that's just one example. There have been numerous of those examples. During the time that we were having Reverend Jim Harden on the program talking about that, I believe there were two or three other cases where there had been actual physical assaults on facilities of pro-life centers, pregnancy resource-type centers.

Yeah. Earlier this week, I wrote a piece about there's a ministry center, Catholic Ministry Center in, this is Nebraska, and basically they got a death threat from the group called James Reven. They said, you know, if you guys stop allowing us to have abortion, if our abortion rights are taken away, we're going to shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR-14 rifles. And, you know, supposedly the police and the sheriff's office are looking into it, but that's a literal death threat and this barely even surfaced on the news. I don't think it made national news. It made public news with Catholic and Christian agencies, but that's really it because nobody, the media doesn't want to paint the idea that we care about people unless they are on the side of the left and whatever the left likes to push. Well, and the misrepresentation, too, of suggesting again that the overturning of Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court level was an abortion ban.

That's not what took place. What took place was simply to say the states and the people in those states should have the ability to decide how their state is going to handle these, excuse me, how their states are going to handle these issues. And so you have the same situation, you know, where you have, like, for example, in some of these states, their legislatures have put in place stricter things, like here in Texas, as an example. But again, it's not a full ban. It's just saying we're going to cut back. And again, I should mention that the cutback that we're doing here in the United States, for the most part, is not as severe, as it were, as what they're doing in Europe. Right, right.

I know. I mean, it's like people get so caught up with the whole 15-week quote-unquote ban or whatever, or even like the heartbeat ban, but there are other groups across the nation or across the world who have much stricter laws because, you know, even in places like Communist China, like, they at least recognize that a child is a human being, right? So it's like we're the barbaric ones now, apparently, for suggesting that a child at 15 weeks, who, mind you, has pretty much basically formed all the way, just needs to grow a bit more, you know, up for disposal, which is just crazy, the way that the media completely neglects the actual facts and what's happening in other parts of this world. Just so that we can continue promoting and prompting this pro-abort narrative.

And we'll be back to talk more about this and other stories and censorship right after this break. Here's an important message from the Diabetes Solution Center. Diabetics understand all too well the pain of pricking your fingers. But now, by wearing a small remote device called a continuous glucose monitor, or CGM, you can immediately reduce your pain. It's easy to use and helps you make more accurate diabetes treatment decisions. If you are testing your blood sugar four or more times daily, injecting insulin three or more times daily, or using an insulin pump, call the Diabetes Solution Center right now to learn about this groundbreaking new CGM technology. And if you have Medicare, you can get a new CGM at little to no out-of-pocket cost.

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So please call right now. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest, T. Rose, T. Aaron Rose Mandelberg, you can find her at and So I don't know if you saw this story carried over on Daily Caller.

School board held closed-door presentation on how to hide kids' gender transitions from their parents. I can't say I'm surprised at that, honestly, Pastor Greg. That's just the kind of overall climate with schools now. They're no longer places of learning.

They're places of brainwashing and indoctrination, dealing with mostly LGBTQ stuff. We saw a lot last year with critical race theory as well. It's easiest to start your activist indoctrination or training at a young age where kids don't know how to critically think and they can't protest. You know, well, and of course, you know, journalism has completely and totally died, right? Because journalists don't cover these kinds of stories.

That's exactly right. And these are precisely the kinds of stories that journalists should be uncovering. They should be, I mean, that's what I think. I think that a journalist would be identifying this and saying, hey, wait a minute, you know, where do you believe that you have the right to hide these kinds of things from the parent? What about parental rights? What about the rights of the parent to raise their child?

You know, apparently that right doesn't exist. Yeah, you're totally, yeah, you're spot on with that, Pastor Greg. You know, it's become more rare for us to see somebody calling out this behavior than it is for us to see this behavior accepted. So what I mean by that is that most people, most reporters or most journalism, quote, unquote, sites and news sites, they'll be sharing this information, sharing this as a celebration, as a way of celebrating when teachers are sort of pushing this narrative down kids' throats.

But, you know, it's become rare, especially amongst more left-leaning news agencies, as they call them, to say that these are kind of bad things. I did a piece the other day about a teacher in Minnesota, and she asked students, I'm going to read the questions really quick. She said, what name should I use when speaking to your parents as if the child could have a different name in the classroom, and they could go by Sally with their parents, but then maybe Sammy in the classroom. Another question was, what pronouns should we use when we talk about you, and you could choose as many as you want. Another one was, is it okay to use the pronouns you selected above when we talk to your parents? So, you know, if you had selected you want to use they, them, can we use that with your parents, or do you want us to use different ones?

And is it okay to use the pronouns when we talk to other students in the class? So essentially just saying I'm going to verify and I'm going to validate any decision that you choose to make in this classroom, and not only that, I'm going to help you keep it a secret if you don't want to tell your mom and dad because they don't need to know this possibly life-changing, what I call delusion, but, you know, decision that they think that they are able to make. You know, a child can't make soup on the stove, but they can pick what gender they want to be.

This doesn't make any sense. Well, I think part of the other issue here that's going on is this has to do with, you know, validating something and not just validating. The idea for this, kids don't just come up with these ideas in a vacuum.

They don't just think, oh, you know what, listen, I don't think I'm a boy, I think I'm a girl. They don't just come up with these concepts and these ideas in a vacuum. And it's clear by some of the documented evidence that we've seen, you know, teachers bragging about how they are essentially pushing their agenda on these young people. We've seen this kind of behavior. And so, you know, it's been blown.

Whistleblowers have blown it, whatever you want to call them. So it's not as though this is something that is, again, you know, done in a vacuum. Right. It has to kind of be, you know, like you were saying, it's not that kids just come out of the womb asking about gender.

You know, this has to be something that is hinted at and then slowly talked about. And then now we're at the point of celebrating, and now it's more common to, you know, have a different gender than your biological gender sex, you know, same thing. But then it is to, it's more common to be part of the LGBTQ than it is to be a straight, regular, regular old child. And that's what they're sharing. My sister's kids, they're all home schooled and they have no idea what any of this stuff is. And I thank God for that because, you know, if they were in public school at six years old, they might be worrying about how to, you know, how to master what relationships are in terms of, you know, intimate relationships are. They don't need to learn those things. They're children. Yeah.

It's really, really stunning. And of course, here's the, you know, we flip this over real quick and we're going to run out of time here in about 30 seconds. But on the sensor track side, if you talk about these things from a, you know, without validating them, if you suggest that there may be a problem with this, if you want to put out information about detransitioning or former LGBTQ members of their community, you know, and so on, if you do that, they're going to block you and they're going to de-platform you. And I'll be back with more after this. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need. From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment, we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And it is my pleasure to welcome my guest to the program. Yes, she is here. Ms. Michelle Swinik joins us. Hi, Michelle. Thank you, sir.

Welcome. Good morning. Good morning.

EECN TV audience, Chosen Generation Radio audience. And don't forget, you can always buy Pastor Greg P.G. a cup of coffee. Raise your coffee cups, everybody, this morning. That's it right here.

I have my special coffee cup that Lucida Grazia got me. There you go. Does it say faith in the Lord? Oh, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Okay. So there you go. Lucida Grazia, host of Jesus Rocks Live today at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. Right. On TECN.TV.

All the social media platforms. And you can also find it right here on I just wanted to be sure before I promoted it. No, no, no.

We always we always have all of the TECN TV programming is available on the player at Well, then. Yeah. So then here's here's what I what I'm going to plug real quick. I never get a chance to plug even the topics or some of the guests that are coming up. And since you're covering it, then we're like we're like a team. So let me go ahead and give everybody who's Lucy is not going to be going live today, but I'm going to go on live for like five minutes.

I'm gonna do five minutes real quick. But the topic is one that we did on the 17th of August. But it's timely.

You know, all these things like we do it a couple of months in advance, maybe. And then all of a sudden people start talking about. So is Satan is real.

He doesn't carry a pitchfork. And the military is a hub for child sacrificing and trafficking, which, you know, they're hearing about more of this child sex trafficking. But I'm calling it sacrifice.

Right. Because they're like trafficking. You know what that means?

Let me just I'm going to give you a whole blanket because it talks about what you guys mentioned in this last segment. So the whole thing is child sacrifice and rape. OK, because that's what we need to call it for what it is.

You don't need to skirt it around. It's like when they say pro choice. They do that because they don't want you to know it's pro killing a baby.

Right. So they change the words again. They've hijacked the language. And until we hijack it back and give the true definitions, none of this is going to change.

None of this is going to change until you actually address the issues. So when I'm now calling it, whether it's humans, it's child, they don't want to say child sex trafficking. And people are like, I'm not quite sure what that is. You know what? Sacrifice. It's child sacrifice. Your mind, body, soul.

It covers it all. Let me let me just interject. I'm going to interject in that part, because that's one of their big arguments now, too. Well, you know, don't you understand that if you ban our abortions, the satanic church or one church or state or whatever, one one chapter of it or what have you. But they've actually filed they filed a lawsuit against Texas. And they were not they were not successful, as I understand it. But they are they're filing lawsuits all across the country because they're claiming that now that what they're going to do is, is they've created a ritual whereby a woman should be able to get an abortion in any state by using their satanic ritual. Right.

It interrupts their inventory and it interrupts their ability to do their their routines. Right. And they've had their sacrificing and their rituals by not having the abortion. Oh, yeah. That's the beauty of, you know, I'm going to plug it again, the beauty of Jesus Rocks and Lucy DeGrazia, the host, she mentioned it like six, like six months ago when we first started doing the show, but she was also talking about it on my show, Everything Home, when we just had the talk radio show, which PG has been on many, many times.

So that was back in January of last year, like a year ago. Okay. Well, and we're all friends and we all are on the same page. So we can't, we cannot, I think part of the issue here is, is that it is. It's very difficult, I think, for people to process this kind of of evil and this kind of witness wickedness that's taking place.

It's no, I'm not because it is real. And I can tell you, and I think I shared this when you were on earlier this week about, you know, living here in Texas many, many years ago. And there were, there were sacrifices. I said to you, go to Robert Stack, Unsolved Mysteries, San Angelo, Texas, look up that story.

There were back then, and this was the folks, this was in the early, early, early to mid 80s. There were sacrifices, there were, there would, there would be, we would find or it would be found, I would not find them, but it would be found. They'd find pentagrams out at Lake Nazworthy. And in the center of those pentagrams would be a large animal that had been sacrificed. Okay.

Then the person would, maybe they got interrupted. Well, you know, well, and I know, you know, we had, I had, I personally had a couple of people that I personally knew that had gone out there over weekends on motorcycles and rescued children. And I shared the story about the woman that I had the encounter with who claimed that she was a breeder and that she was involved in transporting, you know, in transporting children.

You know, at that juncture, you know, to hear that it was like, you know, I mean, I didn't even, I couldn't even comprehend what to do with that now. My pastor was working with the FBI at the time as an expert witness in that particular arena. So I, you know, I know that he was engaged in, you know, in reporting those kinds of things. To my mind, you know, if I'd gone to, I mean, I don't even know who I would have gone to, but if I'd gone somewhere to somebody to try to report what I was told, number one, it would just be hearsay. I mean, okay, they're not going to, they're not going to do anything, nothing, nothing will happen predicated on hearsay. They would have to actually witness her in the possession of a baby.

And then even at that, you know, they couldn't necessarily stop her because she's got a baby with her. No, but that was 20 years ago, too, right? Well, it was. It was. And it was a different world. Well, actually, it was, it was, yeah, it was, it was, it was almost 30 years ago. It was, it was 19. Back in your single days. 19, well, no, no, I was married.

No, no. Not a levitating lady. No, but at the levitating, when she was doing the levitating, I didn't know anything about the breeding or any of that. I didn't find that out until afterwards. And I'd already thought that we had done a deliverance and that she was clear and then she took this back and so on. So that was, yeah, that would have been 1986, 1987. Totally different world.

The demons weren't still emboldened as they are now, which is why all this is coming to the surface. But I want to make a comment before we because I'm watching the clock and I know you're going to make a go to commercial here in a second. But when you guys were talking about the school boards, okay, and you're talking about the teachers, okay, here's the problem. You cannot leave your kids in the school system.

End of story. I mean, you can go to the school board meetings, which I encourage you to do. You can go ahead and yell and scream and say, we don't want to do this. But the people on the panel know that your kids are already in the school. Like if they could say, okay, well, you know, I understand that you're very concerned.

And this is what I would do as being a person on the bad side at the panel. And I would say, okay, Mr. Young, I understand that you've had some issues with the school system. Well, at nine o'clock this morning, where were your children? And you'd go, well, they were in school.

Why should I change anything? That's what I say. I said, you people are doing the heavy lifting for us.

You are physically dropping off your children and they use the words drop off. Remember language matters, right? Remember when we learned greatest of all time was not what goat meant, right? That's Boffa Matt, right? I love Satan. I love Satan, right? That's Boffa Matt, right? That's what that means.

Thumb in or thumb out, which also means I love you in sign language. And we did a whole show on Helen Keller, the Satanist, the new genest that she is. Oh, yeah. That's real. So you drop off your kids at school, right? Goat is kids.

Greatest of all time. That's the goat with the boobs, with the horns, with the medical symbol in its belly, right? So you're dropping off. You are literally offering a sacrifice of your children to the demonic indoctrination centers called the school system and you're willingly doing it. It's like literally dropping off and offering your child to Moloch at this point. So the parents, you're the ones that got to do the time out. Don't drop the kids off. You have to figure out another way to do it. Until the system is totally changed and it's safe, then you can go drop your kids off.

But you're basically giving them the fuel. It's just like when you go and I know it's hard and I have to do it for certain things I have to buy because I can't get it from stores. The more you pay Amazon for anything, the more that you use Disney Plus, the more that you use these companies that are out to get us and take away your freedoms and use ESG and love the non-vaccine bioweapon and require their employees to get it, mandate, not a thing. Remember mandate used to mean two guys going to dinner.

How great. What a great time that used to be, right? So the more that we fuel that, all we're doing is we're fueling the beast.

We're enabling the bad people to win. We've got to take the break. Get your kids out of school. Get us through the problems. You lost the clock.

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We always promise you a free consultation. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, and you're listening to Children's Generation Radio. Get more at That's chosen generation radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glass. You can support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to chosen generation with Pastor Greg. Welcome back to chosen generation radio, where no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glass, and Michelle Swinik is my guest. So Michelle and I were kind of going back and forth on a number of these things, and I get this folks, here's where the rubber begins to meet the road. Now, one good thing that has come out of this whole plandemic in reality is, is that people's schools, everything was shut down.

Good. Well, no, I'm just saying, and in some instances, you know, for entire school years, remember, you couldn't send your kids to school. Now, so your kids were at home, a lot of parents then were at home because their work was shut down, and so there was all this shut down going on. But the upside that came out of that was, is that's how parents began to get involved in looking at what their kids were being taught, and they were like, whoa, wait a minute, they said, this is not, I didn't sign up for this. This is not what I want my kids engaged and involved in.

And so coming out of that, you've had this huge drop. There are some areas in the country where the attendance in public school is down as much as 70%, and you have, you know, individuals that are doing now, that's why you're watching and it's good that we're bringing this up because you want to be forewarned about this. That's why you have legislators that are going in and they are changing some of the rules. They are trying to, you have local state and local boards of education that are attempting to change the rules, whereas before you had maybe lesser restrictions on you if you kept your kids home, didn't send them to school or charter school or what have you relative to curriculum and what you could and couldn't teach. Here in Texas, there's what's called TEKS, which is basically the education standards, okay? If you're going to, you know, keep your kid at home, there are certain standards that you are supposed to meet.

There's standardized testing and there's all these different kinds of things that they want you to adhere to and be a part of, depending on where you live, the laws change. There is an organization here in Texas called Texas Homeschool Coalition, I would encourage you to make contact with them, they're a great group. There's also the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, HSLDA, Homeschool Legal Defense Association. They have been in this forever and they have online curriculum that they can point you and direct you towards, they give you a legal covering, there's a variety of things.

There's also a defense fund that I'll have to, I wasn't prepared to give you this today, but I can. When we have our kids at school, in our homeschool situation, we have HSLDA and their coverage and then we have a separate coverage that has to do with other matters specifically related to dealing with things like CPS and you need, unfortunately, it just is, that's the way it is, you need to have those things. Going back to what you were saying about the dropping off and that is an important conversation, an important topic and going back to what happens, and I've talked about this on this program for years, asking people to think about this. Why do you have to sign your child out?

Think about that. Why do you have to ask the school for permission to get your kid? I mean, think about the implications of what that means that you have to ask for, you know, I had Tim Scott on, Tim is the father, his daughter was raped by a boy who wore a skirt. Now, what's so horrific about that situation is, is that that same boy was involved in another assault, he raped two girls, two girls, and they hit all this, well, the superintendent lied to the school and then said, well, I misunderstood the question, or you know, it was wearing a kilt too, I mean, the whole scenario and here's the thing to understand as well, Michelle, we've got to draw this line too. On the one hand, you have the satanic influences and the satanic issues. On the other hand, you just have plain, like, like this, this kid that was involved in this that was allowed to do this. You can't say that the boy that raped these two kids was a Satanist or that this was some satanic, no, we don't, we don't, I just know it's not right, and there is no question with regards to this, all I'm saying, my point, folks, that we've got to be mindful of is at the end of the day, whether it's the satanic and the kinds of things that I witnessed for first hand and spoke to someone that was engaged in, that Michelle has shared with us that's real and important to understand, or whether it's just the plain indoctrination, the plain vanilla indoctrination that is taking place, that is destroying the conscience of our children, either way, it's not right, we got to stand against it.

It's all of the above, from the physical to what's up here, what's in here. Now, one thing I wanted to bring up, because it's day 55, and I know that we're close, just because I didn't mention Arizona today, and I didn't mention the election, don't think that we've moved on. Oh, hell no. Okay. So what I just want to give everybody an update, you know, I'm not letting up.

It's like, you know, give this, give me a bone and forget it. There's gonna be nothing left. Get to it, get to it, come on, We want to get over there and we want to tell folks to get there. You're gonna fill out the HAVA Act, which I started to do yesterday, and then I ran it some of the things, I'll get it done today, but we're redoing the actual, the petition and the email for everybody, because we're gonna be focusing on the next phase of we the people taking the action that needs to be done, and it sparked an idea, because we were talking about oaths yesterday, right? So the legislature and the people that are in office have taken some sort of an oath and they have not obligated, they have not lived up to that oath, so they have violated their jobs, because it's like the Brunson case, that got me thinking, so the Brunson case is going to the back door to get to the front door, right, because they're talking about they did not uphold what their, basically their job description was, and that is what's going on here. So it's about calling out the legislature, still calling about the elected and selected elitists for not doing their job to not investigate, right?

That's what they were supposed to be doing, investigate fraud and amongst them, because we, and then of course there's other court cases, so we're working on that today, that's coming out, and then you asked me who that other gentleman was, and I wanted to know too, that was in the certification, it was the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, Robert Brutanelle, so I can guarantee you that whole thing is layered with fraud and then some, so I encourage everyone to still go to it, and there will be a new thing tomorrow. I'm going to, yes, absolutely, and so we will, then have that, you're going to file that too. Now, what I'm going to do is, is I'm going to close this, because the most powerful weapon that we wield as believers is prayer, that is the most, that is the me, the most powerful thing we wield, and so will you pray with me right now? Pray with me right now, let's do this, Father we just come into your presence right now, we give you praise, we give you glory, we give you honor, Father we thank you for your son Jesus Christ, we thank you that by the name of Jesus Christ every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, thank you that he will wash away, and has washed away and cleansed us of our sin as we have confessed it before him, Father, you know all of these things that are happening in the world, and you're, you're not powerless, you are powerful, but you have given to us the opportunity to make a difference and make a change, and you have given us this authority and this power through Jesus Christ your son, and you have redeemed us as many as will call upon the name of Jesus Christ, confess our sins, and allow that old nature to be crucified with Christ, we hear about this evil and it's devastating, it's devastating, and it's the most innocent amongst us that are being impacted by it, we ask Father God for the angels of the Most High God right now to do warfare in our schools against this evil, we speak against the spirit of wickedness that has taken over our public school system, we ask you Father God to raise up righteous men and righteous women to serve, and we ask Father God that the wicked would be removed and taken from their place, your word says that we should fret not about the wicked because there is a day coming when they will be removed and they will no longer even be in remembrance, we ask for that day, we ask for that day right now in the name of Jesus Christ, we ask for the day when the wicked will be removed in the name of Jesus Christ and remembered no more, we ask Father God for the innocence of our children to be returned and restored in the name of Jesus Christ, we speak against all of the evil that has penetrated their eyes and their ears, and we speak healing right now and we ask that those memories, even as sin is washed away as far as the East is from the West, wash those memories away from their minds right now in the name of Jesus Christ, we speak the blood to wash away every single bit of that evil and wickedness that has come upon them right now, and I ask you Father God to give the parents strength, courage, let them know to turn to you and that you are their source, you are their strength, you are their victory, we know that this is giants in the land, but we know Father God that you are bigger than the giants and you have called us, raised us up and appointed us for such a time as this, so continue to give us words to speak, a voice and continue Father God to spur us on to action and let us walk in accordance to your perfect will in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen. Amen. Folks, God bless you, we're out of time, Michelle thanks so much, I love it, folks listen we'll be back tomorrow, Sondra Whitten coming up right now here on TECN TV and on don't touch that dial, don't hit the button, don't do anything because she's coming up right now.
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