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Pastor David Lowery discusses the elections and the manipulation of Americans

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 15, 2022 12:51 pm

Pastor David Lowery discusses the elections and the manipulation of Americans

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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November 15, 2022 12:51 pm

Ballots for judges in certain Chicago districts never went to black voters so they could decide the election of these judges. Corruption under Obama and the destruction of the black community by BLM and the LGBTQ agenda.


I am back on your face I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers, put their testimony on record. These are brave men and women of very high rank in the U.S. military because not just do we, Congress, in this building need to hear about it. The world needs to hear about what is going on. This is what we get when I investigate. This isn't to do with this. This is after a couple of years trying to get information out of another agency and we finally get the information and it is all redacted. This is how the federal government, the agencies comply with congressional oversight. We are glad to share with you, Senator, because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out and we also want to tell you, listen, the side effects, the only one that they are recognizing?

That is an outright lie. I have got the Pfizer documents. Pfizer said, in their FOIA documents that they released, they said we are looking for these side effects. The FDA said we are looking for these documents. We have got their documents showing what they are looking for. They are not sharing it with the American people because they are covering this up. We're looking for these documents. We've got their documents showing what they're looking for They're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering this up Corruption was the word of the day and I think it needs to be reiterated Welcome to chosen generation with your host Pastor Greg Young but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a Peculiar people that you should shoo forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light Which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy But now have obtained mercy and now chosen generation where no topic is off limits And everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host your pastor Greg And welcome back to children generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses I'm your host pastor Greg if you missed any portion of our number one. I really encourage you to Get get it in the podcast.

It'll be available in show archives at the website children generation radio Com. Dr. James Thorpe was with us folks that the the stillborn rate he is a a premier OBGYN been practicing for 43 years Has written a letter? challenging the head of obstetrics obstetrics in the United States and their policy that Encourages women pregnant women to get the injection. He's been after this his wife is an attorney They've written another piece that I'm gonna get published at our website at children generation radio com We'll do that this afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, it is the numbers we're talking about are are devastating stillborn numbers The average rate going back, you know, they look back five years was 5.8 The rate during the plandemic was actually five point seven So it actually went down the stillborn rate went down now hear what I'm saying During the plandemic.

So what does that tell us that tells us that? This kovid thing this Wuhan virus does not impact women's babies the babies have so many millions of Antibodies and so forth in the in the womb Embryonic that that they are insulated from these things now, they're not insulated from what the mother eats I mean think about it you taught you you you and any any good Ob-gyn, who's treating your wife? I've had my wife has had five kids But you know, we always were concerned about what she was eating What she was putting it and we and we discovered early on that certain foods Well, the baby is allergic to those foods So guess what mom doesn't get to eat those foods if she if she wants to take care of the baby She won't eat those foods even she may want him She may think I like that but it's not good for the baby anyway, all that being said so now we have the study and the stillborn death rate amongst women who were injected jumps from in that 5.7 range all the way up to 29 and in some communities as high as 160 per thousand They're killing They've just found another way to murder babies in the womb just another way and it's called an injection and so Dr. Thorpe said under no Circumstances does he recommend that a pregnant woman? Allow herself to be injected. I Want to welcome? Pastor David Lowry pastor David.

Welcome. Good to have you sir good morning vietnam Good morning chosen generation family American people and Patriots across this country, you know, you know pastor Greg You're absolutely right about this injection because here in Illinois They they forced it into the schools now and they make it in a mandate If the children don't take the injection the covered injection, they cannot participate in the schools And so if the kids immune system doesn't need that Why are they continuing trying to put it in their bodies? And this is the reason why they want to create dummies That shot creates a brain brain fog to the children. They can't focus They can't critically think they can do nothing but think about the social stuff and the computers that they look at every day And I think that's what this administrative wanted. They want our kids to be dummies. They're failing and everything else and and so This is gonna be on us from this point to the American people. This is gonna be us we really really have to stand firm because We can see I hope y'all listening to me good right now, man They stole elections across this country like it was nothing like it was nothing. Yeah, let me tell you here in Chicago It was so bad in Chicago that in all the black precincts over 24 precincts did not get ballots to vote against the judges Against the judges.

So yesterday in the Southtown Journal I was reading and it said that well, you know All the judges people complain about the judges, but they all was retained to their seats and I said well Most of the people that would have complained did not get a judge's ballot to get them off the seat So this is pure trajectory. It's all about cheating and that's what the left is doing They are still in elections everywhere like I did Arizona California they're filing ballots on the side of the road I mean, it's not gonna stop and it's just ridiculous The only way it's gonna stop is the American people in pictures across this country. We're gonna have to make it stop That's the only way We it's it is up to we the people and and we're going to have to change our tactic We've got to understand that it's it's not even you know what's happening and what's Causing the issues is not even at the polls if you will Yes, okay and there's a there's a famous quote that says that You know, it's it's not who casts the ballot, but who counts the ballot that matters and and we need our Our patriots to be the ones that are overseeing and doing the actual counting and right now in In so many of these blue areas and blue states were blocked out. We're locked out Patriots are not the ones that are engaged and involved in the counting process My friend Michelle Swinnick who's on our TECN Network was on with me yesterday she was working with act for America on ban the machines and she was a Maricopa County election judge and She she shares her experience with it in the morning from 6 a.m. To 9 a.m. 90% of the ballots that were attempted to be scanned Couldn't the scan would come back negative.

It would fail What does that mean? That means you go to the machine and and for the first time ever since I've been here where I live We had a paper situation David where you went in You you put in your your thing on on a machine But they had handed you a blank sheet You picked to the sheet put it in the machine did your thing? And then it said do you want this to print and I just I picked print nobody had Constructed me to do that, but I thought well that sounds like a good idea So I pressed print and it did it printed out, you know and so there I have a printed copy that shows how I voted and Then I wheeled over because I'm in a wheelchair. I Wheeled over to the gal at the door as you know, who's right at the at the exit kind of the exit And she she says okay you take your sheet and you and you scan it in and we wait to make sure that the light turns green to indicate that your Ballot was accepted. So in Arizona, this is what they were doing. They would go they would take their sheet. They would go to insert it and it would reject and And reject and reject 90% between 6 a.m. And 9 a.m Rejected. Well, that's the busiest time That's when everybody's coming through there before they go to work before they go You know if they're retired before they go hit the golf links, you know, whatever but that's when they're coming through is during that time and Then she said progressively through the day the number got a little bit better the mix got a little better till it got to be about 60 40 and then Miraculously a technician shows up at about 3 30 in the afternoon and then from about 4 o'clock or 4 30 on It's perfect.

Everything worked great for for the final few hours Okay Go ahead. We have to understand this, you know first Let me say this to the American people Joe Biden is not running this country It's the queer Barack Obama that's running this country from Joe's basement. Okay Our machines here. This is this is how bad the machines were here in Illinois. We watched the race closely Darren Bailey needed at least 10% of the black vote in Chicago He got over 20% But this this was the catch. I know he want I we pulled downstate and he won almost every City down state. I'm he won 70 to 30% So how is it that in the middle of the night? He wins 20% in the city of Chicago, which could have netted him the governorship but As we watched the polls go after about three hours in it showed Bailey with his percentages He was ahead a Pritzker then all of a sudden things went blank and when it came back Mr. Bailey did not have one vote in the city of Chicago and everything was blue See, so that's why I know we got to get rid of the machines the machines can be manipulated They can be corrupted and just like in Pueblo Mexico where the guy had the thumb drive And he stuck it into the machine out there back up in the summer.

So I'll tell the American people a page. Don't get caught up in the hype. Okay, here's nothing We're gonna we're gonna take a break be back with more with Pastor David right after this I'm Kim chef certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to product that I think will interest everyone It's a product called natural sleep available at I've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one problem problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep Maybe it's too much stress.

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If you've got the time I'd like you to stay with me for as long as you can this morning. Um, uh, but that what we don't have in America right now and this is this is and I and I read a a very impassioned letter from a from a good friend who who provides guests to the program and And he was talking about, you know, I I if conservatism Is only about politics then for me It's not conservatism Exactly. It's a way of life, you know being a conservative well But but let me let me just say that It it's about God David.

Yes, it is. Okay, the the the the real conservative And and the and the manual for conservatism Is the bible and i'm not using the bible as a political prop I'm using the bible as the foundation because it's not about the Bible As the foundation because it is the foundation upon which this nation was created And again, it's so important When I say when we talk about the struggle for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness If we don't understand that the creator Is the author of those? And that the creator has placed them in us in us that this was in fact a religious a Christian Effort a a spiritual Christian birthing Is what life liberty and the pursuit of happiness Is actually about and that's what we've lost. David Well, I want to say this to The American people I want to say this to God's people and to pastors across this country see What pastors have done they have failed to step up to the plate? to their calling see When we accepted Christ in our life And we accepted the Holy Spirit Christ said greater works that you should do after i'm gone and I send the Holy Spirit So that would make us sons and daughters of the most high God if God is in control of everything and created everything Then being the heirs of his throne of his world Then we got the same power to sit over the politicians the lawyers we have the power to sit over all of them because All we have to do is as Christians take our rightful place and throw them down. That's all it is but because of Materialistic things because pastors that are out here that are taking the money Just like the ones in Chicago JB Pritzker made rounds to the the pastors out here in the south suburb And gave them a funky thousand dollars And those pastors took their money And they went in to vote for JB.

They had them all up in the churches and all that man. So So men and women of God and pastors have to really understand our position. We're supposed to be God-like we're supposed to be Christ-like We're supposed to stand on the right side and not get caught up into the world because the world produces what we see right now The hatred go ahead brother. No, we're gonna have to take a break No, i'm i'm right there with you brother and and you know the other piece of this too is is Christ-like Okay Is not a wimp no, christ-like Is is is not just lying, you know, everybody you say christ-like and it's immediately Oh, you're just supposed to turn the other cheek.

You better shut up and just turn the other cheek No No, i'll i'll get in i'll i'll explain to you about turn the other cheek when we get back. Okay We're going to take a break folks jesus christ was a warrior and He was a lover Of his people and i'll show you that i'll show you that in just a minute back right after this Hi, i'm tim shep a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years I went under issue to a product that changed my life the products called vibe available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered vibe I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets wasn't really feeling any different So I tried vibe vibe is an all-in-one vitamin mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin It's cold pressed whole food sourced non-radiate gluten-free and has no pasteurization vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work It supports four areas of the body Cardiovascular health immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication Vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go The first time I tried vibe I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear Even believe I slept better get yours today at Coupon code chosen gin radio at checkout and receive twenty dollars off your first order fifty dollars or more That's coupon code chosen gin radio get yours today These statements have not been evaluated by the u.s Food and drug administration negative products do not treat reduce cure or prevent disease Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed where did this robbery occur? The dispatcher asks at pump number seven says the man. Can you describe them?

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Can you describe them? Sure They had flashing lights and a long trunk Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles We have an answer for you green fuel tabs green fuel tabs by green fuel global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually Accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents Our products are epa registered and have been used commercially for almost two decades So stop getting gouged at the pumps Just drop a green fuel tab into your tank and save from 10 to 20 percent on your next tank of fuel Head over to green fuel tabs dot shop. That's green fuel tabs dot shop two dollars and fifty cents We'll treat a 10 gallon tank get your order in today drop a green fuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg And welcome back to ten generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses So I was going to share with you this you know, jesus christ Said in his word he says You you think that I came to bring unity, but I came to bring a sword He was talking about hard choices Are you going to choose? to follow after and pursue The kingdom of heaven and the king of kings Will you make him lord? He didn't come To to simply be your your brother your brother And he didn't come to simply be Your savior he is your savior, but he's your savior and lord there's an exchange that takes place When your old nature is crucified on that cross and dies and your new nature literally literally Born again a new man in christ when that happens You exchange who is now in control Of your life and it's no longer you And it can't be anything else that you handed the keys to The keys now have been taken back and they have been handed to god through christ He is your lord and savior and you're right you're right brother because I would say just I would say for myself when I was living for the world. I lived for the world But when god I gave my life to christ My whole life changed all the old crazy stuff.

I was doing that was that was gone All the silliness all of them was gone and I did become a new creature. I can't I gave my life to christ and everything changed And I think that that's what a lot of people don't understand is that when you accept christ in your life You don't even want to continue to drink. You don't want to continue to be out at the clubs You don't want to continue to be hanging around the wrong people You're going to get with like-minded people so that you can serve the lord and do the right thing Right thing and that's what's the key that's missing right now We have so many people that don't have a relationship with god through christ And they're just living for the world, you know, whatever the world says that's what they believe but at the end of the day pastor Yeah as we don't as pastors If we don't do our job Then this is what we see because we can already see if all the christian pastors and all the christians stood up We could have stopped all of this foolishness a long time ago But the church has been under attack Satan has had his way. They've allowed the church to become a a commercial place, you know I looked at the church. I just started to decline you started getting the homosexual preachers They were all in the church jumping up and down then all of this lewd lewd lifestyle this unnatural lifestyle Turned a lot of christians away And so the church is at a place right now It is almost shattered because as we see it today and I see a lot of pastors A lot of people are not coming back to the churches because they know that a lot of the past has been in cahoots with the politicians The pastors have not stood up to help fight the problems in this country because we should it's on us to do that Well, it's the the irony in in this too is is now you have for because for years You had democrat candidates during election season that would stand up in churches predominantly black churches and deliver their messages And now you have a few conservative pastors That are going around speaking in churches And it's funny to watch the left go You know apoplectic About how oh, yeah.

Look at look at those right-wingers those right-wingers. They're all in church They shouldn't be speaking about this stuff in church. It's like they have amnesia Like they completely forgot about the fact that for the past 40 years almost 50 years Democrats have been standing in pulpits in democrat city democrat cities preaching their democrat Slavery and that's what they've been preaching brother. They've been preaching slavery Let me tell you something man. I and I did that sermon yesterday and I was talking about this see on the show I took a segment to talk to black people.

Okay, and it was much needed because What black people have done? Is allow the political process? To come into our lives and take over a lot of these pastors that would have the politicians up in the churches, man They were in there giving them the money and i'm telling you I saw with my own eyes I heard pastor say, you know what man? We can't we can't let uh, the republican guy get in because we need to keep our money coming from jb prisca Now check this out First of all, a lot of the pastors who had programs jb prisca stopped the money so they lost money To continue to teach their programs, right? So then when jb says, okay. Well, because I know he said this he told some of the pastors well after the election I get back in i'll give you all y'all money But after he got back into office the first thing he told them this and they've been down that downtown Downtown with with jb trying to kiss his butt. You give him that money back to jb says well now that I got elected I don't think that I want to continue to fund these certain programs You know what i'm saying?

I don't want to fund them now. So now these pastors are running down there big man You you said jews gonna do this if we got you to vote Well, you can't make the deal with the devil and expect for him to honor it. Nope So that's why the church is so weak across the country is because of all the money That they're taking they're not they're not fighting for god's people man And that's the big issue that we haven't in this country and I told black people yesterday. How do black people continue? to vote for the same thing every election, you know These politicians they come to the black community.

They'll tell you anything. Yeah, i'll do this I'll make sure we do that. We're gonna do this and do that but then to black people Once those people get in office like barack obama barack obama was in chicago Talking about what he was gonna do how he was gonna do this and this and that And then when black people came out and voted for droves And he started doing everything for everybody else Except the black people so black people regressed after putting him into office our communities regressed no economic development Man, he didn't do nothing but give good speeches and this was a sad This is the sad part Black people still made excuses for him like they make an excuse to know Well when he got it, it was all messed up and he had to fix it Every president that took the office had to pick up the bad news from the last one. Okay He had eight years to black people Y'all got tricked bamboozled swindle.

What malcolm said was right. He had eight years to do something positive in the black community And yet nothing happened. Joe didn't do nothing and we in trouble again and and and what did he support? He supported blm and you and I have have talked about that together here But i've talked about that with a lot of different guests and exposed what blm did Blm did blm was was a it was a lesbian organization Whose focus was to destroy the traditional family to further destroy their traditional family Who by the way? The democrats have destroyed the black family it went from 75 intact husband wife children Children serving the neighborhood serving the community having success going to church God is the focus in the center of the family to today 13 percent 11 It's down to 11. I mean, I mean how ridiculous Here's the other thing The democrats and the black congressional caucus Have been the greatest proponents and supporters of planned parenthood the most dangerous place in america For a black person to be Is to be a black baby in their mother's womb That's the most dangerous place for a black baby to be because 61 percent of them will be murdered 61 percent Will be murdered That's like about that's a that's about 58 million.

Why why is it? Let me ask just a question Why isn't there Protea, what where's Where are the black panthers? Why aren't they out in front of planned parenthoods? neighborhoods Shutting them down. Why isn't b.o.m out in front of planned parenthoods Shutting them down. They're murdering the babies and they're sterilizing the women Where where's the up, right? Let me let me tell you where the black army is.

Okay. See when I was growing up and and in my community It was predominantly white A lot of the street organizations was created to protect the communities to protect the kids in the community And so as those brothers like the black panther party, they implemented the school lunch program The gang the gangster disciples the vice lords the stones all of those street organizations Were building the community up It wasn't until they saw how powerful they were and then they had to be destroyed They taught them how to get 501c3 money. They gave them the money They started throwing a rock and hide in their hand the different fractions instead of helping the community got the money They started fighting against each other and that led to what the jails being full going private So most all these black men who had some kind of sense to help save the community is locked up So now you got 10 seconds Okay. Now you got these new wave young people who call themselves gang bangers. It has nothing to do with the community It has nothing to do with the black black family It has something to do with drugs and money and killing and that's the problem. We don't have that Protection mode in our children anymore and most of the black men are locked up and we have to get back to basics with that My passion is the fight for freedom My father fought for a world war ii defending our country today. We are no longer fighting with guns instead We are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights I am patriot mobile Hello, i'm mike lindell ceo of my pillow Retailers shopping channels and now even banks have tried to cancel myself and my pillow During these times your support has meant everything to us My employees and I want to personally thank each and every one of you by passing the savings directly onto you For example, you can get my geezer dream bed sheets for as low as 39.99 a set That's a savings of 60 percent and the lowest price in history and remember they're made with the world's best cotton Grown where the sahara desert the mediterranean sea and the nile river all meet They come with my 10-year warranty and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own So go to my now and use the promo code on your screen or call the 1-800 number below To get my geezer dream bed sheets for as low as 39.99 The lowest price in history if you do it right now.

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and and the need for love And that's why you tear the family apart You don't teach men how to be men And that and that doesn't mean going out and getting in a brawl every night. That's not a man Well, you're still correct pastor and I want to say this too to the other pastors and we talked about this How can you say you're a true man and a god? When you condone abortions How can you be a pastor and support?

A democratic leader like jb priska here And know that he's pushing homosexuality He's pushing the abortion. He pushing everything evil And we see it these guys here see it when we talk about it We see what's happening here even with in the whole country with this homosexual thing and yet pastors are accepting that like oh It's such a they got to live too Yeah, that's true. They have to live but in order to be in the church they have to repent And that's what pastors aren't holding these gays Accountable.

They're not saying you can't come in the church. You can't start spreading all this homosexuality around You can't start trying to present yourself as this good saved person yet You still having an abomination sexual lifestyle and promoting it to the children see that's what the big problem is And when the church got infiltrated with the gays see let me tell you what the gays do Let me tell you what the gays do Everything that god created for good They took it and made it part of their lifestyle the perfect just like the rainbow The rainbow was a it was a message from god to say he would never destroy the earth again the water now Every time it rained as a kid, man, I would look for a rainbow because I thought that was really cool Yeah, now all of a sudden the rainbow became the the mascot for the gays So what they took god's rainbow and put it into their lifestyle and says, oh, we're the rainbow coalition Everything that god has created for us Gays have taken it and they've made a mockery of it. And so as a pastor, I mean, I love everybody I'm, not against gays. I'm not homophobic I'm not none of that, but i'm a man of god and if god told me that it was an abomination lifestyle Then that's what it is in order to be saved and I tell gay brothers all the time to be like well pastor You know you're a little hard.

No, i'm not hard i'm saying I can't I can't get famous for having sex You can't get famous for having sex. So why should somebody who have sex with another man or same sex be famous That doesn't make sense and and just like i'm saying to two pastors day We work for the lord There's nothing above god If we exercise our rights as ears to the throne then we would take this world back All of this stuff that's happening in politics. The pastors would tell the politicians hold up. Wait a minute You're not going to indoctrinate our people like this and pastors get together and shut it down So that's what the politicians did first.

They made sure the pastors was dead in debt They start giving them money then they start changing the way they should think change the way they should act Forcing them to allow gays into the church without them repenting. It has been an attack on god Covid was the big attack on god when they shut the churches and god's people now just have to stand up We got to step out of this normal lifestyle that we're just saying. Oh, it's okay.

It's okay It's okay. It is not okay. If god said it was an abomination i'm asking christians patriots and american people Let us stand right now and toe the line because if we don't from this point Stand up this world is ours. It don't belong to the politicians It belongs to god and christ and we're the heirs to the throne It belongs to christians who accepted the holy spirit if we don't stand and i'm calling pastors out I'm saying to the christian people let us stand and put god back into our lives because we're gonna have a fight And that fight is what we're gonna have to take on right now It's true men men and women of god. Look at the elections. Look at what's happening. We see that these things were stolen Everything is corrupt If god's people don't stand up now because see i'm getting hyped if god people don't stand up and put up a fight When it's time to go home god's gonna say who are you I don't know you You didn't stand up for those who need to stand up.

You didn't help the homeless person You didn't fight for a person that went to jail unjust. We haven't done our jobs. I'm gonna say I And do my job as a pastor to live and be christ-like but it's a lot of pastors pastor greg that are not like us They've taken the okey-doke. They done drank the tea and all they worried about is getting money who they can sleep with Who they can sleep with who they can lie to and that's what's killing the church and it's killing this country At the end of the day, you know, we what we have to remember is is there's power in the blood There's power in the blood and we need to preach From the position that the name jesus christ is what changes lives Every tongue must confess and every knee must bow for christ.

Yep. All right, we're out of time I'm david. Lowry's been my guest Y'all check the show out tonight six o'clock t e c n tv, but the truth be told it's gonna be off the chain Y'all can go there and catch it. Go to my facebook. We gotta jump And get back right after this Okay.

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