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Dr. David Wurmser discusses the current efforts to remove the rule of the Mullah's in Iran

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 3, 2022 2:17 pm

Dr. David Wurmser discusses the current efforts to remove the rule of the Mullah's in Iran

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 3, 2022 2:17 pm

Dr. David Wurmser discusses the current efforts to remove the rule of the Mullah's in Iran by the Iranian people and the impact on Iran and the region. The influence of Russia and China and their own internal issues.

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Thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. Lastly, we thank Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that our help and support of Pastor Grigg Young.

Thank you and God bless you. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

I wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I had a whole bunch I wanted to say. It was like it all came to my mouth at the same time. Hour number two.

I can say that. Hour number two. My goodness, if you missed any part of hour number one, you can pick it up. Go to and click on show archives. Rick Manning and I had a great conversation. I'm going to begin with this really quickly, folks. I want to thank all of you that have been tuning in to our program.

We are so grateful. We are 1.05 million viewers so far this year on TECN. And by the way, it's TECN.TV now. If you were looking for it and wondered where it went, TECN.TV.

Hopefully, we believe that will be a permanent home. A lot of cyber attack with regards to TECN TV. But you can always watch all of us right here at on the embedded viewer. Jenn Lowe will be starting a brand new program. She starts her new program today. In addition to, let's see if I can find that piece of information. New shows that are starting.

Where is that? Okay, no, that's not it. Well, I thought I had it up here really quick.

At any rate, excuse me. So, again, we greatly appreciate everyone that's been watching. Here's our debuts. So, Jenn Lowe, the playbook with Jenn Lowe will start at 11 a.m. Eastern today. And her first interview I believe was with a gentleman by the name of Tiny.

And his persecution as a J-6er and what have you. And she'll get into that and talk about that. And then my good friend who's with me on Tuesdays is now starting a Monday through Friday program here on TECN TV. And that's Monday through Friday 7 p.m. Eastern. If each person who has watched our program, we had 41,000 viewers just last week.

If each person, if even half of each person would skip a cup of coffee this week, just skip one cup of coffee, and donate the proceeds, three bucks, five bucks, of that to us here at You can do it at forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg.

You can do it at Cash App, dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, or at Pastor Greg CGR, at Pastor Greg CGR. I network people together regularly. I've networked David here, this is my next guest, together with other people associated with the program. And they have done things together.

Rick Manning, who was just on with me in the first hour, I've networked him with others. We have large tentacles here on this program, and there's a lot that we could do. But in order to be able to continue to do it, and do it on the level that I believe God wants us to do it, and one of the words that was spoken over me this weekend at a meeting that I was at is elevation, elevation. Elevation is going to take finances, it's going to take your help, and it's not a lot. Five dollars times 40,000 people would be hugely impactful. One dollar times a million people. What we could do, we could change America, we could change India with that kind of money. I'm telling you, we could do that through our network and through the relationships that we have.

We could radically impact this nation and the nation of India. So please consider one cup of coffee. And then the second thing I ask you to do is tell a friend about the program. Share with a friend. Let's double our audience.

Let's just double our audience. If every person tells one other person, whether you're listening on the radio, or whether you're watching us at on the viewer, tell one other person, hey, check out this show. All right, Dr. David, let me let you speak to that.

I know and I appreciate your words of encouragement. Well, absolutely. I mean, I can't imagine a better person than you to network, to put together various communities that are sort of atomized in outer space. All think the same. All think in the same direction and want the same thing.

True patriots. But we're all in different places, and we need something to put it together. And Pastor Greg, you're it. I mean, you're the one who connects us to the world, first of all. I mean, we have wonderful conversations in Washington, but there are three people, four people. You know, you don't change the world that way.

So it has to hook up to a larger structure. And all along, Chosen Generation has been as solid as anybody's come. So appreciate it. I really appreciate the opportunity to be part of that network.

Well, I appreciate you being with us. And so let's get into some content here. There's a lot that's going on right now. The push to solidify, quote, unquote, the evil axis of Russia, Iran, and China, and the efforts by Russia and China to kind of prop up the mullahs in order to maintain the control of Iran is going on. Talk to us about what's happening inside of Iran. There's a lot of different kinds of reports that are coming out. What do we know for sure?

Sure. First of all, about the summit that you mentioned about a week or two ago of Putin, China's Xi, and Iran, it's very interesting that all three seem to be facing internal trouble now. Russia, we see with the draft issue, has triggered a backlash. Xi, it's really not hit the news very high on a high level, but something happened in Beijing, a coup attempt, something like that.

It's been a very unusual two weeks in China. And of course now the main issue that you just raised, which is Iran, what we have now is no longer a disturbance, a riot. It's an attempted revolution by the people. They've had it with their regime.

They're sending a very strong signal. I'm on Twitter, and I get all these tweets from Iranians, and the main theme of all the tweets is absolutely 100% consensus, which is this isn't anymore about the veil. This isn't about reform. This isn't about the behavior of the Iranian government. This isn't about pressure on the Iranian government. This is about bringing the Iranian government down. The Iranian people have had it. They want out. They want to get rid of these guys, and they're willing to do things that they have not been willing to do for the last 40 years. We've had serious disturbances in 2009, 2014, et cetera. This is different. We have Iranians running into bullets to try to take out their regime and in large numbers.

Wow. Talk to me about, I mean, what could that mean for the region, and what do these individuals, I mean, what's the ideology of these individuals? Is it a renunciation of Islamic law? Is there another form of Islam they're trying to bring in? Is it secularism that they want? I mean, what do they want?

What are they looking for? Well, at this point, they don't want the mullahs, and that defines who they are, that regime. It defines the opposition. It defines the regime. The regime is an Islamic radical government, and I think that the universal sentiment is that whatever happens afterwards, the mullahs are out of power. I've even seen now one group, which is basically the union of Qum seminary students. The Qum seminary is the theological epicenter of the regime. It is the structure of schools that generate the mullahs that form the regime.

It's the spiritual and educational epicenter. And I saw the students of the Qum seminaries, their union, announce that they're done with Khamenei, the leader, and they're done with Valiata Faki, which literally means rule of the jurisprudent. It is the theological construct of the Iranian regime where you have an absolute totalitarian dictatorship or autocrat that defines theology and politics under one person, essentially like communism did in a secular sense. They do in a religious sense. The educational structure of the mullahs is falling apart.

They're turning. So what that tells you is that after the regime falls, this rule by mullahs is gone. There's no reform, and there won't be moderate mullahs that will come into power.

They will be gone. And I think that there's no real idea right now as to who will take over, although I think the former Shah, Reza Pahlavi II, is beginning to emerge as a spiritual leader, and I know him, and he doesn't want to be a real ruler. He wants to be the spiritual head of the country, much like the king of England now is to England, a constitutional monarch. So we have symbolic head emerging, which is important. I would look to some of the voices, especially the women voices right now, and I think those who are the strongest suggest it will be a very pro-American, very pro-Israeli, not quite secular, but definitely freedom-oriented government. I don't believe that we're going to see the communists take over, although there are communist factions out there, and there's always a danger as a reaction to the religious overstep of the previous government.

Right. I don't really see those forces. You could see some ethnic unrest spinning, but at the moment everybody's unified. So, and we're going to be heading into a break here in just a moment. How does that play in, I guess when we come back we can ask this question, but you talked about them not moving into the communist side of this, but I would think that with both China and Russia and those influences, they don't want to lose Iran as part of their triad because that's their entry point into the Middle East is through Iran.

If they lose Iran, then they potentially lose Syria, they lose Iraq, they lose that ability to be able to have a foothold in what's going on in the Middle East. So we'll talk about that when we get back. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio. I'm Tim Scheff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. It's a product called Natural Sleep, available at I've been seeing clients in the alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress, maybe they've gotten older, whatever the reason, we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at Natural Sleep uses a combination of vitamin, minerals, and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep.

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And get deep discounts on all MyPillow products. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work. It supports four areas of the body.

Cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use, or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest is David Wormser, Dr. David Wormser, with the Center for Security Policy. And he is their director of all things Israel and anti-Semitism as well. But really, an emphasis on the Middle East and foreign affairs. And so we're talking about the fall of the Mulas and what's happening in Iran. And Dr. Wormser, I asked you the question as we were headed out about the China and Russia influence. And you mentioned about, you know, them not pursuing communism.

But really, there's a major concern as it relates to the possibility of communism because of... Well, just because of those influences and how serious would they be? I mean, what efforts will they make to try to hang on or be able... Because that's their inroad. I mean, Iran is their inroad into Iraq, into Syria, basically their foothold in the Middle East at this point. Yeah, the Russians have to play a very careful game because on one side, the Mulas have been one of their closest allies in the world. They're deeply identified with the Iranians. The Iranians have helped them in Ukraine quite a bit with sending drones, suicide drones, and so on and so forth. So to the Iranian people, Russia is wrapped in with the Iranian government. So I don't see a lot of sympathy for Russia. So Russia faces a very difficult circumstance. On one side, they want to support the regime to the end because the alternative for them is a disaster.

But at the same time, I'm seeing their minions essentially out there trying to hedge. So they're beginning to lay down lines to maintain some influence in Iran if they can. Afterwards, I think the Iranian people are not really there.

Not receptive to that. Who are there is all the Westerners who suddenly have found the, how do I put this, the evilness of the Iranian regime. I mean, you have Roger Waters, you have Ocasio-Cortez, some other members of the squad suddenly realize that what the Iranian government's doing isn't really wonderful. And they have been absent and silent for God knows, since the beginning. Well, AOC and them are, I mean, they're not even, I wouldn't even consider them to be, you know, pro-American, right?

No, they're minions basically. Whatever the, I don't want to say that they're KGB assets because I don't know if they are. They're just part of this morass, this mass morass of leftists who are rudderless since the fall of the Soviet Union and still long for those days.

Okay. They'll take their cue from the propaganda networks coming out of Moscow. But at any rate, the point is, they're out there trying to bend this revolution in their direction. The condemnation by AOC was that the government of Iran, she didn't mention government of Iran, she said the protesters are out there protesting the global patriarchy. As if the Iranian government is just sort of a passive bystander to this greater battle that is really waged here against men.

You saw Roger Waters and others doing the same thing. So what they're doing is they're trying to bend it to their agenda to have some influence. And I think the Russians are pushing them in that direction because they're trying to lay down lines of influence. The Chinese certainly are too. But the Iranian people, I think they realize who was on the side of Iran. And China was on the side of Iran. Russia was on the side of Iran. And they know all these people from AOC to Ilhan Omar all the way over to Jeremy Corbyn and Roger Waters were dead silent if not supportive of the Iranian regime until now. Well, and when you say supportive of Iran, what you're talking about is supportive of the Iran under the mullahs, which is supportive of the IRGC, right?

Yes. Now, refresh people's memory really quickly, and we're going to have to go into another break, but refresh people's memory really quickly on what is the IRGC? First of all, what does it stand for and who are they? Okay, IRGC is Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. It is the shock troops, the SS, of the Iranian regime. They had a military, an army, still fairly large, but they don't trust it politically. The army has existed before and will exist after this regime. And the army could turn. In fact, what we're seeing in Iran right now is the army is beginning to turn.

Okay. The Iranian government always knew that, so they created a parallel armed internal structure. Essentially an equivalent of the Iranian SS or the KGB in a broadest definition of the sense in Russia, the Red Army Corps and stuff like that. So they have this alternative structure of oppression, and that's the real key, is how much of the army will revolt and how much of the IRGC will not shoot.

And the IRGC right now is who the Iranian people in particular, there's been sabotage and destruction of their core headquarters and attacks against the IRGC, because the Iranian citizenry understands that the only means by which to actually take down the current regime is you have to first get through this SS group, if you will, this IRGC. That becomes the first thing. All right. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we've got more to discuss with regards to Ukraine, Russia, China, and Iranian drones, by the way, being used by Russia.

Back after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at

I've been seeing clients in the alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks? At pump number seven, says the man.

Can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter, and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

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Drop a GreenFuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Hello, I'm Mike Bindell, inventor of MyPillow. Thanks to your support, you've helped make MyPillow become one of the fastest-growing companies in America. Over the last 12 years, you've helped MyPillow create thousands of jobs right here in the USA. When I got MyPillow, I'm asleep almost immediately.

I stay asleep at night, and I wake up more well-rested in the morning. That's why I invented MyPillow. My patented fill adjusts to your exact individual needs and helps keep your neck supported and aligned. I'm interrupting this commercial to bring you my BOGO extravaganza. For example, you get one of my Geeza Dream bedsheets, and you get a second set absolutely free. Or my six-piece towel sets. Buy one set, get another one absolutely free. Or get my classic premium MyPillow and get another one absolutely free. So call the number on your screen or go to and use your promo code to get my buy one, get one free offers.

And get deep discounts on all MyPillow products. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different. So I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work. It supports four areas of the body.

Cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

I even believed I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio.

Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Neither products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Our goal here at Children's Generation Radio, no topic off limits, everything filtered through biblical glasses. Our goal is to return America to her Christian biblical roots, to understand the purpose of our country, to address topics like Islam, the LGBTQ agenda, secular humanism, and their influence on our culture, and to drive our country back to the Christian base and roots that guarantee our liberties and our freedom, our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. A strong America makes for a better world.

And it really does, folks, I'm telling you. And so our goal here at Children's Generation Radio is to bring together individuals and provide platform for people to be able to educate all of our viewing and listening audience on the significance and the importance of that view and the influence of it as it relates to these world events as well as local events, economic events, state and national events. In addition to that, we are making a huge impact in India. And so I'm asking you, and I want to thank all of our 1.05 million viewers so far this year for this show, 41,000 plus that watched just this last week. I want to ask you to do two things, please. I want you to share with a friend the program at The podcast, you can find them under show archives at the top of the page at Sign up, iHeart, iTunes, TuneIn, Deezer, Giovanni, Spotify. There's about a dozen ways you can sign up to listen. Encourage your friends to get signed up.

Spreaker is another great place to go. If you sign up at Spreaker and you listen, guess what? They pay us, they give us some funds for the commercials that you hear as you listen to the program. It helps to support the ministry.

In addition to that, I'm asking if you'll consider skipping one cup of coffee this week. One cup of coffee might be two bucks, three bucks, five bucks, and make a donation. We are a charitable fund at PayPal has acknowledged Faith Harvest Church. Faith Harvest Church, you can find us at Faith Harvest Church at the PayPal Charitable Funds or just go to forward slash Pastor Greg, forward slash Pastor Greg.

On Cash App, it's dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR, or at Pastor Greg CGR on Venmo. And we'll appreciate that and that'll allow us to expand our audience but allow us also to have the finances to really take our networking and our influence on the ground to a whole other level right here in the United States and advance the chosen generation. Dr. Wormser, we were talking, and my guest is Dr. David Wormser, Center for Security Policy. And Dr. Wormser, we were talking about the influence inside of Russia and China with Iran and the turn. Where do you see Iran turning?

I know you wanted to finish a point with regards to that, but where do you see Iran turning in the midst of this and perhaps even opportunities you mentioned in the break about possible opportunities for the advancement of the Christian faith as well? Yeah, you know, one thing about totalitarian regimes, which the Iranian regime basically is, is they fill every corner of life. So you can't be a stamp collector and not have some way in which that glorifies the Islamic revolution.

You can't have an un-Islamic stamp collection. So if that regime collapses, you can imagine the extent of the void that is left in its wake. It's a deep spiritual crisis.

So in that context, two things happen. One is people turn back to old forms, so Persian nationalism, et cetera. They will return maybe Zoroastrianism, maybe Baha'i.

These are all Iranian religions. Suddenly people will discover the Jewish roots, et cetera. The second thing is a trend that we've also seen over the last few years in secret, which, again, shows to its strength, which is there has been increased interest in Christianity in Iran. First of all, there are, I'm sure, many Christians, closet Christians, who had to hide their faith that will suddenly appear out of the woodwork.

Old communities, maybe some new. But I think this is also a period in which there will be a lot of freedom to do that sort of stuff and to worship the way you feel fit in Iran. Well, it should also be understood, and I know you can speak to this, because we talk a lot about historical things here with you on the program, but it should also be understood that Christianity had a strong foothold in that part of the world, in the past, in its history, if you will. Well, the Fertile Crescent is the cradle of Christianity. I mean, when you look at places like Aleppo and Syria, obviously all the way down to Jerusalem and so forth, but ironically, less so Jerusalem or the Holy Land, much more the areas of the Syrian coast. That is the heartland of Christianity from roughly the time, maybe 100 years after the time of Jesus, until roughly about 600, 700 AD.

When the Islamists came in and basically slaughtered the Christians in ultimately taking control of that region. Right. But you'll see ancient forms come back. This is one of those periods people will look back to, to try to hold on.

People try to hold on to what they can, when you're adrift at sea, you will hold on to whatever seems solid and flows. So I think that's what you're going to see in Iran, which is a hopeful circumstance. Sure. It's a great opportunity for many people.

Okay, so a lot of people will say, okay, hold on. We tried to go into Iraq and create democracy, and we tried to go into Afghanistan right after 9-11, and we went in and we tried to take out Al Qaeda and certain tribes, and we tried to elevate other tribes and all of that kind of stuff. And, you know, come on, they're not, because that was one of the big issues, was the cultural dynamics associated with that. What makes Iran unique as it relates to that picture? Well, Iran, first of all, is an Indo-European country. It's a European country. Its culture is Indo-European. The second thing is it is not part of the Arab world. It has its own history that is distinct and quite at odds with Arab history. It is an urban population rather than a nomadic population. By that, I don't just mean now being nomadic or urban, but the soul of the culture, did it arise out of the nomadic people, or is it urban? So you have a highly educated, highly Western-oriented population that is very close to universally literate, which doesn't always help, but in this case, it always helps.

Well, it makes a big difference, right. And those, so are you suggesting then that those ideals of learning and gaining more knowledge and getting understanding and even pursuit of truth are built into the culture in a manner of speaking, as opposed to, I mean, in the Arabic world, it's a refutation of advancing education, especially when it comes to women, but just as a general rule. And if women can't teach their children, then you're going to go backwards.

There's no way to go forward. No population which enslaves half of itself gets anywhere. And I think that's why the women aspect of this revolution is not this feminist anti-patriarchy thing that Ocasio-Cortez is trying to push, but it is a human rights issue where women are treated as equal to men in terms of being human beings, fundamental rights.

So I think that's a major element. But I also think that the Iranian regime helped us a lot over the last 50 years by being so intensely anti-American. When they're overthrown, you're an Iranian. It's the enemy of your enemy, except it's America.

Right, except it's America. Obviously the root of all evil, so when the regime goes, we're the root of all good. And that then, of course, leads back to the question we always ask, which is our own house and getting our house in order, because it isn't just a question of us getting our act together and living the lives we need to be living here, but it's the beacon. And again, American power is critical around the world, but the American example is even more powerful.

And the American example is entirely anchored to our getting our house in order. It's our beacon. Even without ever sending any single soldier anywhere, as a strong beacon, we can shape the world.

And that's our natural and best role, to be honest. Well, and the absence thereof, and I mentioned this in my segment before you had come on, but I told you in the break about it, and I'll just touch on it briefly, but I was with a gentleman from Albania over the weekend, a friend of a friend, and he said, look, if there wasn't an America, the Serbians would have overrun our country, Russia would have helped them, and they would have slaughtered us. They would have wiped us out. We would not exist were it not for American intervention and simply the existence of the United States of America as a deterrent.

We'll be back to talk about that with Dr. Wormser right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. And everything filtered through biblical glasses. My guest is David Wormser, Dr. David Wormser, Center for Security Policy. You were, man, you know, sometimes I wish we just had the microphone just on during our break time because just some great things come out of those conversations. But you were, we were talking about, you know, the ability to defend ourselves and the significance of that because as we were going into the break, we were talking about the difference between the Iranian, the mindset in that part of the world versus the Arabic nomadic mindset, which is more totalitarian and authoritarian. And a friend of mine, David McQuill, who's on this network, on the TECN TV network, by the way, shared a post with me that was written in 2013 by a Marine defending weapons. And let me read the close of this because it kind of sums it up rather well. He says, when I carry a gun, I don't do so because I'm looking for a fight. But because I'm looking to be left alone, the gun at my side means that I cannot be forced or persuaded, that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. Let me start over.

I'm so sorry. When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight but because I am looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force.

It removes force from the equation. And that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act. You made a statement, and I'd like you to see if you can make it again, regarding the defense of life.

Right. It starts from the idea of self-defense. We've had this assault on the concept of self-defense, one that the government should have a monopoly of force and citizens shouldn't defend themselves. Similarly, internationally, you see this movement toward the United Nations as the only arbiter of when a nation can use force, whereas every nation has the inherent right of self-defense. Self-defense is enshrined in our Constitution, and one of the three things that it mentions, which is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Essentially, the concept of life means that you have the right to your life, and self-defense is the action whereby you preserve it rather than forfeit it to the greater interests of the community. You can wonderfully believe in what you want to believe, but if somebody is coming to kill you and you don't want to defend yourself or you don't have the right to defend yourself, then the community has decided that your life is subordinate to the interests of the community. So it's enshrined in this concept of self-defense, that a person has the right to defend himself, is so essential to our very way of life. By the way, it's not the American Constitution only, the British Bill of Rights. So this goes back to Britain all the way to the 1500s. Sure. Well, and I think your quote that you made in the break was something to the effect that if you don't have the ability to defend yourself, then you don't really have the right to life.

That's right. And immediately when you said that, I thought about the issue of abortion, and I don't want to get off on a wild trail with it, but stop and think about that, folks. If you don't have the right to defend your person, then you really don't have the right to life.

The baby in the womb is a person. Someone has to defend their right to life. And this goes back again, too, as a person out on the street.

You know, or in your home or at your place of business. If you don't have the right to defend your life, then you truly don't have the right to life. And then drawing the impression of that over to what's happening in these countries, Russia, China, Iran, and why American democracy and the idea of the constitutional republic and American freedom gets into the blood and the spirit and the souls of individuals is because there's an awakening and it comes through faith to understand the value of your life. That God wants you, our God, the Christian God, the God, the only true God wants you alive, not dead. Every other God wants you to sacrifice yourself to somehow satisfy their sadistic beliefs or sadistic interests. But Christians and our God, He wants you to live. He values you individually and He sets you free.

Absolutely. It's the foundation. It was born in Mount Moriah with the episode of Isaac's near sacrifice and the marking off of human life as the domain of God, that the life of a human belongs to God, not to other men, even, even, by the way, to the parents. I mean, one of the things that Abraham faced on Mount Moriah was that his son's life was given to him as a gift by God and was still in the hands of God.

And that was what that episode was partly about. Well, and then God's mercy, because He shows us, you know, the value of human life over the value of the life of that which we have been given dominion over, which was the ram, right? So He put the ram in the thicket as the means for sacrifice because why? Because the life of Isaac was of greater value than the life of the animal. And this goes back to the understanding too. Paul writes about it in the New Testament in Romans where he says, look, if mankind chooses to elevate the creation over the Creator, he does that by disrespecting the life that the Creator has created, which is us.

Exactly. You know, there's a juxtaposition, the Tower of Babel versus the Altar of Joshua. The Tower of Babel was, the Altar of Joshua, one of the directives of how to build it was not to hew any stone, that you build it out of stones as they are.

It's not primitive looking at all. It's a very, you know, proper structure, but it has to be done with individual stones. And the idea is that the Tower of Babel was built of bricks, which was man-made, created uniform pieces to build an edifice, to build a tower.

And it wasn't that it was just reaching the skies. It was that it was the homogeneity of man, the enforced homogeneity of each brick to build something bigger, which was an act here. And this is ultimately, the juxtaposition is the difference between totalitarian communal erasing of the individual and our system, which is grounded on the uniqueness of each piece that builds it.

Okay. Each stone. And each piece, as it was created by God, not honed by man, which speaks directly to Psalm 139, you know, where it says, you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that your soul knows very well, and then speaks to God's intervention in man's life, having written out the days of man before he was born. And again, this is, folks, what we're talking about. This is what makes the belief so inviting, especially to those that have been trapped in darkness that are now looking for light.

And that's what we can potentially be praying for and looking for and hoping for, that even while they're trying to extinguishing the light here in the West, there's light rising in the East. All right. We're going to take a break. Dr. David, thank you so much for being with me today.

I greatly, greatly appreciate it. Always a good time. Bob Gonzalez will be with us on the other side.

We're going to talk Florida coming up. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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