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Dick Morris on the importance of election integrity / Clare Lopez and Co-Host Rick Manning discuss the Venezuelan Paramilitary

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 28, 2022 2:07 pm

Dick Morris on the importance of election integrity / Clare Lopez and Co-Host Rick Manning discuss the Venezuelan Paramilitary

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 28, 2022 2:07 pm

Dick Morris on the importance of election integrity and the power belonging to the State Legislature. Also, how the polls are in favor of limiting abortion to 15 weeks and the GOP must talk life and expose the Democrats love of abortion an unpopular position.

Clare Lopez and Co-Host Rick Manning discuss the Venezuelan Paramilitary who are invading America at the Southern border. Cartels and terrorists and an invasion along with the fentanyl epidemic and its threat to children.


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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses, hour number two.

Thanks so much for being here. If you missed any portions of our number one, our conversation with our constitutional originalist attorney, David Shostakos, who just ran for attorney general in the great state of Illinois. And we just talked about a variety of issues, a lot of stuff that's coming up at SCOTUS, a lot of cases that are being heard. And we talked a bit about that as well as states' rights. And, well, actually states' powers, which is a different topic, versus the people's rights.

And it's important to understand the difference between those two because those are concepts that are not discussed a lot, as well as the Declaration of Independence and its bearing on how we interpret the Constitution of the United States. Well, I'm very excited to welcome back to the program, a gentleman who needs not a great deal of introduction because he's, well, he's one of the leading political commentators and advisors in the country and really around the world. He's had a call by God.

We've talked about that in several of our recent interviews with him to be engaged in promoting freedom and liberty around the world. And it's my pleasure to welcome author of the book, The Return, Trump's Big 2024. Come back, Dick Morris. Dick, welcome. Good to have you. Good to be here. Can I ask you about your previous guest?

I didn't get to hear your show. Can you discuss more of the Harper case about who controls elections, the state legislatures or the governors? We did talk some about that. Absolutely. And you're talking about the North Carolina case, right? Yes.

And what did he say? Well, that the responsibility for that belongs to the legislature. The legislatures are the ones we don't want. This is that whole issue of the 17th Amendment, really, in large part. But yeah, his opinion is that the founders intended for the state legislatures, which were the closest to the people, to be the ones that made the determinations with regards to the procedures for the elections. Did he feel we're going to win? I got the impression that he felt that it was a strong enough case that we should prevail. Because that is so important.

I talk about it in my book, The Return. The theory here is that, as you said, that the legislature determines the voting rules. And right now it's the states. So the governor plays the key role in that. And we have five states now, where there's been major election reforms passed by the legislature, Republican legislature, but the governor has vetoed it. Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. And if we win the Harper case, which is coming down in October and November, then we will have no election fraud in 24. Because all of the key states will be protected by that legislation. So that's very important. I haven't heard people talking about it.

When you mentioned your guest, I thought there was a chance to... No, absolutely. Well, and he is actually also involved in a case in, of all places, a town in Illinois called Normal, where that very question is being raised and adjudicated and argued and so forth. And his comment to that is that it's anything but normal. So yeah, and he actually was in Pennsylvania and testified before the Pennsylvania legislature, because he was in charge in Allegheny County or supposed to be in charge of monitoring what was going on there. And of course, they were locked away in cages from a vantage point where they couldn't see anything. So yeah, he has been very heavily involved in identifying the election fraud. And it was fraud. We had election fraud, for goodness sakes. We can't have a free constitutional republic if we can't have elections that have integrity. And we talked about Italy as an example, right? One person, one vote, one day, and oh, hey, guess what? The Italians elected a conservative.

And I'm sure we can get into this too, but you talk about how crazy it is. The left, of course, wants everybody to think that fascism is somehow on the right. When fascism, communism, socialism, folks, if it's an ism, it's on the left, okay? Just remember, isms on the left, freedom on the right, and you'll be okay.

And there's a reason for that. Hayek, Frederick Hayek, in his book The Road to Serfdom, wrote in 1946, writes that isms are utopias, and utopias involve government planning, because you can't have utopias if everybody does their thing. But if everybody's disciplined by government, and they happen to make the right decisions, you can try to have a utopia. And that's the defect of isms. But please go ahead. Yeah, well, no, and to your point, I mean, and this is, you know, we've talked a little bit about this, but that's where the role of God in Christianity, why that is so critical to our form of government. Because it's the moral base that creates the opportunity for a type of utopia, whereas the left wants to institute a man-made utopia, and you can't.

You can't, because it's absolute power. I have some input. I just did a national poll with John McLaughlin, who does Trump's polling, and we found a five-point swing from pro-choice to pro-life among American opinion. Last month, we found that there's been a big shift away from abortion. And I've been trying to speculate, and it is animating a Republican surge. Republicans gain five points in that same poll.

And we've been talking about what causes it. My theory is that Americans have kind of come together on a consensus about the 15-week program in Mississippi. We didn't have abortion 15 weeks, and after that not. And most pro-life and most pro-choice voters seem to be willing to accept that in the polling. And the Democrats blew right past that to go to 40 weeks and delivery table abortions.

I say they're going to turn our maternity wards into abortion clinics. And they stopped talking about choice and talked about abortion. And nobody likes abortion. Even the extreme left does. But most pro-choice voters don't like it. They just accept it as a necessity sometimes. And the Democrats became almost abortion advocates.

Let me throw this into that great mind of yours to process and tell me your thoughts, too. Let's remember that we had this shutdown. Parents and kids shut down together. Now all the curriculum that the kids are having pushed in front of them is now that the parents are like kind of going, I wasn't paying attention. What is that? What are you reading?

What are you looking at? Oh my God. Parents have come against CRT. Parents have come against this forced sexualization of their children. So I think the other awakening that has happened is that parents have rediscovered the value of their children. They have fallen back in love with their kids. When you have a group of individuals, parents, that are now back in love with their children, they're going to be like, wait a minute, my child once was a baby. You're talking about killing babies. You're talking about killing my kid. I'm against that.

And I think I think there is I don't know. It just seems to me that you could draw some connection there. You're making a good point. I think that the Democrats have become the party of single women and the Republicans become the party of parents. And the Democrats are really focused on reproductive rights and sexuality. The Republicans are focused on raising children and families. And in a sense, the Democrats are for abortion. The Republicans are for children.

And that dichotomy, I think, is is impressing itself upon the voters. I agree. No, I agree.

Well, I think the Democrats are for transgenders. Yeah. OK. And and in reality, I think they're even going to see some bolting amongst single moms, because at the end of the day, a single mom. Right. You know, we think about David. What how did how did David or Solomon, I should say, how did Solomon settle the dispute between the two mothers? Right.

OK. He knew that the true mother would give up her child rather than see her child killed. I think there's a lesson.

In that, in what you're saying, and I thank you because you're you're you're you're you're spurring this in my mind, but I think there's a lesson in that as well. And I think they're going to see some bolting from single moms that are going to say, wait a minute. You know what? You don't care about my kid.

And I do. Well, single mothers are Democrat and leftist because of the feminization of poverty. They basically had decent incomes.

They got divorced. Now they're on one income and they're poor and they want the government to help. But parents are not. And the from the beginning of the abortion debate has been a split between married women and single women. And I think that's what's acting now to move sentiment. But it is fascinating. This is the first big change in pro-life versus pro-choice numbers in a year.

It is it is a it is a it is a monster thing, I think. And if the Republicans will stay, you know, will recognize that and stay on message with a with a message of life. Right. You can't have liberty if you don't have life. Did you see that story on the Today Show three days ago where they showed a sonogram of the fetus and the fetus, the mother eats kale, which is bitter and the fetus is unhappy.

And the mother eats carrots and there's this big grin on the fetus's mouth. Well, it makes good sense to me. Yeah. It makes it makes good sense to me.

All right. Listen, we're going to have to take a quick break. You're coming back. I know I'm going to need to let you go at twenty five, which I've got set on the clock, but Dick Morris will be back with us.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg, my very, very special friend, Dick Morris.

Dick, and I have to tell you, my dear friend, what an honor and a privilege it is to have had you coming on the program. And I look forward to you continuing to do that. But it's just such a pleasure. It's kind of funny.

I look at my schedule each day of interviews and stuff. And I do about seven or eight or nine to promote the book and talk about the election. And it's like, oh, goody, I'm doing him a tad. Oh, bless your heart. Well, it is it is really it's it's just a joy.

All right. So let's talk about we only got a couple of minutes for I know you've got to jump. How do they stay on this message? What how do they how do they message this and stay on this? Because they're you know, they're going to get the they're going to try to turn it into pro-choice when we know that's not what it is. It's abortion.

And how do you how do you keep messaging that? The first thing is that we have to let our candidates go. We pro-lifers have to tell our candidates it's OK to win the election, to compromise, to go for a 15 week solution.

That's not heresy. We we've gone from a situation where there's a fight between pro-life and pro-choice in public opinion, to a situation with the 50 democracies we have that are legislatures that have to make the decision. And the time has come to cobble together majorities that can actually legislate. And in that concept can compromise that you normally don't do on a greatest moral issue like abortion.

Sure. Desirable and becomes acceptable. So we have to let them go. And the other element of it is that while we're on defense by talking about 15 weeks, so we're not going to force everybody to go to term. We have to be on offense of a late term abortion and we have to spell out what that means. We have to flesh out the difference between abortion and infanticide. And we have to really let the week on abortion. Whoever is the extremist loses and because it's such a hot topic. OK, I think loses because we say not in case of rape or incest and the left wing loses because they say 40 weeks. And we have to pull back from our defeat, stay on the 15 weeks and offense on the 40 weeks and carrying it and the late term abortions. And that can make abortion a winning issue, which can make all the difference in the Senate races. Well, and I guess then the recognition, too, that, you know, and once you have your majorities, once you're in that place, then you can have conversations about other, you know, other decisions or or or moving the ball further down the field or what have you. But but until you have that majority, you can't do any of that.

And so you do this in order to get to that place. I called a friend of mine for advice on this issue because the president asked me for it. And I spoke to Rick Santorum, who appears with me on Newsmax a bunch. Sure.

And you ran for president and on a straight pro-life platform. And he said, look, if I were running for office right now, I would say we need to get the best we can. We need to take advantage while this decision is given us. Yeah. It's to legislate.

And this is the right course to take now, the 15 week, because we can pocket that and then win and then move on. So I think that's important. The other thing that is on my mind right now.

OK. In the polling, there is a vast difference between sentiment about inflation and sentiment about crime and immigration. Republicans tend to merge the three issues and inflation is the issue. Crime and immigration are there, but they're mainly felt by Republicans, independents and Democrats don't don't think about them as much. But inflation is everybody's number one issue, and particularly with young voters.

Because when you and I experience inflation, we have to get a little less gas. People under 40 can't buy a car. Right. Or home or put groceries on the. Yeah. Or put groceries on the table. Yeah.

Or move out of mom's basement. Yeah. Right. Exactly.

Life decisions that they're being blocked from doing because of inflation. And it's really helping us win the under 40 vote and a very important part of our campaign. Dick Morris, thank you. I know you've got to run to your next interview. God bless you, sir. Thank you so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to your next visit. Thank you. Me, too. All right, folks, we're going to be taking a break in a minute. Dick needs to run to his next interview and we greatly appreciate him being again.

You can pick up his book, which is the return, the return. You know, there are there are there are times. Look, I'm I'm you know, if you watch my program, I'm I'm I'm not a big fan of, you know, sitting down at the table of the of the of the devil.

I don't believe in doing it at all. But we're not sitting at the devil's table. What we are doing is, is we're reaching people where they have an understanding of some of these issues. And as we get them and we communicate with them regarding their understanding and get them in agreement.

On those issues, we can then move them a lot further down the field because then they begin to say, hey, you know what, I can trust you to have more conversations. We're going to take our break. We'll be back. Claire Lopez, Rick Manning will be talking about Venezuelan paramilitary and terrorism and Ukraine and Russia. Oh, boy.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And it is my sincere pleasure to welcome to the program as my guest, Claire Lopez, and as my co-host, Mr. Rick Manning. Welcome, folks. Good to have you all with me. Thank you, Pastor. Good to be with you both, Rick, as well.

All right. Well, much to talk about. Claire, I was particularly interested in what you have been sharing regarding the whole Venezuela and the, you know, the paramilitary and so on. And I don't see a lot of people talking about that. And I'm just going to throw this last little bit in and then toss it to you.

But I find it interesting, you know, we've got and we exposed this on Monday, by the way. The Bexar County sheriff who's decided that he's going to investigate and start a criminal investigation of Ron DeSantis for shipping people out. What most people don't know is, is that at that immigration center, they're running drugs and prostitutes. And the sheriff is not doing anything about the running of the drugs or the prostitutes.

I just might mention and that's in his jurisdiction. They literally have 100 feet from the front door of the immigration center. They have prostitutes on the street. And they're selling drugs. And the sheriff is doing nothing about that except getting upset that some of the drug dealers and some of the prostitutes got shipped to Martha's Vineyard.

He is a little bit upset because it's cutting into his cut. Yeah, right. Anyway, but I think it's interesting because it was, if I'm not mistaken, it was Venezuelans that were the ones that that got with that attorney that raised the concerns. So now I throw to you the whole issue of the Venezuelan paramilitary and the Venezuelan connection with Martha's Vineyard and all that.

Right. So the entire situation goes back to our open, unsecured, undefended southern border. And I will say at the outset here that the articles that you have seen that I've written recently are at, website, which is a project, a teamed up project between Tom Trento of the United West and former acting ICE director Tom Homan, who has authored a book by that name and with other productions, including a documentary, probably also with the same name, Defend the Border, due out in coming months and into the next year of 2023. So at that website, I have been posting various articles and the first that came to my attention and very few others, I guess, was the story that Breitbart broke originally. Credit to Breitbart for breaking the story that the Venezuelan ruler, Nicolas Maduro, was emptying his prisons of convicted felons.

We're talking assault and murder and rape and and other kinds of serious crimes. Emptying those prisons out, letting the convicts go with the proviso that they head north and cross into the United States across our undefended open southern border. So that was the first part of the story. Right. But then and some of those at that center down there in Florida that you're talking about, Pastor, may well be among those and or others who are just waltzing across our southern border. Yes.

White House spokeswoman. Yeah, they do just walk across the southern border. But the second part of that now is the other article that I wrote. And that one is based on information that comes from a former Venezuelan National Guard lieutenant by the name of Jose Antonio Colina Pulido. And he is now in the United States and but remains in touch not only with the Venezuelan diaspora, the Venezuelans who are already here in the United States, but also with those in the flow of the migrants, the illegals still heading north. OK. And so according to Colina, he wrote about the fact that the ex convicts are being released by Maduro, but that in addition to that, Maduro was also sending paramilitaries, Venezuelan paramilitaries up through the flow of the migrants into the United States. And that once here, those paramilitaries were forming up into cells to cause mayhem and chaos in the United States. Well, and this sounds a lot to me like, you know, the terrorist cells. Right. That are that come into our country and and create the same kind of structure for the purpose of carrying out attacks within our borders. Claire, does that am I I mean, am I am I interpreting that incorrectly?

No, not at all. That wide open southern border allows one and all and any who can make it across to come in. That's the problem we know from CBP data that they that they have publicized customs and border protection.

Right. That is what is it, upwards of 70 between 70 and 80 individuals apprehended at our southern border with names identified on the terrorist watch list. Now, that's just the ones they caught.

How about all the rest they've not caught? And while we're at it, how about those plane loads and plane loads of tens and tens and tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees after our disastrous, chaotic flight retreat out of out of Kabul, out of Afghanistan one year ago in August of 2021? And those evacuees were not vetted.

They weren't checked. They don't have strict background checks before they were allowed into the United States on U.S. government flights and flown to a town near you, near all of us. Which is the Taliban certainly have taken advantage of that flow. You're talking about terrorists there, Pastor.

Yes. To seed that flow with their own jihadi terrorists. And I've said this before on different programs, but I would be very surprised if the advance team or teams for the next 9-11 are not already on U.S. soil. Well, the issue, too, I think ties back to there's Soros money that has to be traced out of Venezuela, certainly, relative to bringing these individuals here, and this is the means that he used in order to topple the governments in South America. And it seems as though all of these entities, whether it be Islamic terrorists, whether it be the Venezuelans, the socialist communist regime, or even the cartels are all working together with the same goal in mind. And that is to destabilize and create chaos and potentially take down our nation. That's exactly what's happening. But the thing that most of us can't wrap our heads around is that it's our own leadership, our own administration that is not just failing to meet this challenge. They're not even trying and they're trying in the opposite direction. They want this flow coming into the United States. They want this country to be destroyed. I mean, there's no other way to look at it.

Rick? Yeah, Claire, I agree with what you've said. Let me just go to a tactical point. We know that there's 200,000 people at the moment that are being picked up. Basically, some of them are just walking up to Border Patrol agents, which ties up all the Border Patrol resource. And while we get some people who are drug runners and terrorists in that mix, it's almost by accident. Isn't that just a tactic in terms of bringing people, helpless people that people feel sorry for from places, particularly Guatemala, Honduras, elsewhere, to put a face on the illegal immigration, to allow the getaways who are the bad guys that they're trying to infiltrate the country with, to allow the getaways to actually set up the cartels, set up the drug running operations, set up and be the soldiers of those operations in our country? Yeah, I mean, what we know and have seen of their tactics, Rick, as you're talking about down there on the southern border, is that the cartels, which literally control our southern border with Mexico and that entire flow of illegals coming across it, the cartels will rush the border at an unprotected point with a great big number of illegals, a mixed group maybe of perhaps including women and children. And then Border Patrol is so busy dealing with processing that big group that over there, down the line somewhere, down the Rio Grande, at a place where there is, you know, an opening, that's where they'll send through the ones they really want to get in. The terrorists, the jihadis and the drug runners, we haven't even talked about fentanyl yet. That's where the gotaways get in.

They may see them on, you know, some sort of video footage or camera, might catch them, but they can't apprehend them. All right, we need to take a quick break. We'll be back to talk about that. And I want to let you folks know, too, that on Friday, I will have Victor Avila, Agent Under Fire, Sheena Rodriguez, Secure Border US, Oscar Blue and Anthony Aguero on for a roundtable for a full hour on this border issue on Friday.

Back after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care. If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God not man gets to decide what is truth, life and the way.

God bless you. We were talking about the border issue. We had more people die just this last year alone, 30 times more than died in the towers in the attack on 9-11 which was horrific by the way. And more, you know, we've had more people die, like what is it, half a million people I think something along that line, more than in the Vietnam War if I'm not mistaken. 107,000 Americans in the last fiscal year died from opioid overdose, most of that being fentanyl. The thing about fentanyl is that the precursors for it are coming from China, we all know that. The precursors go to the Mexican drug cartels which then in Mexico mix it all up and stamp out the tablets. I don't know if folks know this but a lethal dose of fentanyl for an adult person would fit on the tip of this pen. That's all it takes for a lethal dose to kill an adult. There are tons, tons of fentanyl coming in across that undefended, open, unsecured southern border.

They're trafficked by the Mexican drug cartels, they're trafficked in collusion with Hezbollah which also brings other things and people across the border. Now they're worried because they're finding that the cartels are mixing in small amounts of fentanyl, but remember tip of the pen kills you. Mixing in amounts of fentanyl into other counterfeit drugs that especially young people unfortunately tend to try to buy online or maybe in the schoolyard. Things like Xanax or Adderall or I don't know what. And they're unwittingly taking fentanyl and I can't even imagine how horrible this must be. The parents come in the morning to the bedroom and they're dead in their bed. I watched a report about this last night that was on ABC about a young man who was sharing his experience and he had been going with friends to parties, what have you, and had taken a pill that he presumed was one thing.

And his friend came in to check on him and he said the last thing that he remembered before he blacked out was saying to his friend, you know, I'm not feeling really good. And it turned out that it had been laced with the fentanyl and that was one of the things they were lacing the marijuana with that they were bringing into the United States before they legalized it and started harvesting it out of Oregon and Washington and California and Colorado. But the point is that now they've found another place to lace this stuff in. It's deadly. A heads up, a heads up. This is the end of September right now. One month from now will be Halloween. For the first time since maybe the breakout of the virus, kids will be back out on the street to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

What they're finding already right now is that the cartels are mixing in fentanyl into candy that looks like candy, not just those rainbow colored tablets that we've seen, but candy disguised and packaged in actual brand name boxes like Skittles, for example, and putting the fentanyl in there. This is really, really dangerous. And yeah, and so, you know, can I make a yes, go ahead, please. Yep, absolutely. This is war.

Okay, please understand. This is a war that's being conducted against America. A pharmacy way back when, and it was one lone person who was sick and found them and the situation ended. This is a wholesale war against young people. The marketing of drugs with fentanyl in them, designed to kill them, is happening. You mentioned the rainbow colored pills.

The rainbow colored pills are intended to attract children. This is a, and so let's not make a mistake. You know, it's all fun and games until somebody dies, but the problem is people on the southern part of the border are trying to kill a generation of Americans. And by allowing them to exist, not declaring fighting back against those who are doing that, we are effectively aiding and abetting that. So it's more than just closing the border, because they can get this stuff in here with a closed border. It's about going after the cartels and making, and basically taking them out.

And we have to start fighting this war for what it is, as opposed to what my effort has been. Going after those who are trying to kill our children and have a plan to do so in our marketing, that's, we have to do that both here inside our own states, but also to those who are in Mexico who are doing, who are basically concocting this junk. Because otherwise there's no downside for them to do it. It's all money to them. Well, and this is why, you know, to governor Abbott's credit, you know, he, he's identifying these individuals as, as, as criminal organizations. He has tagged some of them now, finally, as criminal organizations and that, and that's important, but the United States government needs to do that. And unfortunately, as you said, Claire, Mayorkas has no interest in doing that.

And, and they're feckless when it comes to this stuff. And you really have to ask yourself, you know, why? All right, we've run out of time. God bless you guys. Thanks for being with me. I look forward to having you back, Claire, in two weeks. Rick, I'll talk to you on Monday. We're going to take a break. We'll be back.

Hour number three coming up right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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