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David Shestokas Cash Bail System Failing Violent Crimes are Rising Clare Lopez Rick Manning Uvalde Shooter Children Must Be protected

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
May 25, 2022 2:19 pm

David Shestokas Cash Bail System Failing Violent Crimes are Rising Clare Lopez Rick Manning Uvalde Shooter Children Must Be protected

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, neither products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. Well, I hope that you were able to join me, but if you weren't, we're in hour number two.

Hour number one, a lot of great conversation. T Rose and I had some great conversation. If you're not familiar with the site, you should be with,, and it is an effort by MRC and their Free Speech America efforts to give people a place to share where they have been censored. I have a couple of different stories up there about mine where I've been censored on Twitter, on YouTube, on LinkedIn, and Vimeo, which took down all my content.

So that is there. I encourage you to check that out. We talked quite a bit about the censorship issues. We talked about the upcoming Pride Month that's going to be starting in June and protecting our children. And of course, we talked about the terrible events that happened in Uvalde. In our last segment, Reverend Clannard Childress and I had a conversation. We'll talk more about that with our national security expert, Claire Lopez, and my guest host Rick Manning at the bottom of the hour.

And there's connectivity to that and some SCOTUS cases that are coming up regarding 2A. And I want to welcome our law and order candidate. And if you're not familiar with his candidacy in the Illinois Attorney General race, I encourage you to get familiar with it at That's He is a constitutional originist who is running in order to bring law and order back to Illinois.

And in particular, areas like Chicago. I want to welcome David Shostokis to the program. David, welcome. Good to have you. Great to be with you, Greg. We look forward to each and every Wednesday morning. Even though we're really, really busy, it's kind of like the highlight of the week and the break to be able to reflect on a lot of things that are going on beyond running for Attorney General in Illinois, which has been just a wonderful experience in terms of meeting so many people. I was yesterday in Galesburg.

And there was just a great group of folks there in Galesburg. And, you know, the something about something about this is important to people throughout the country. Because I've been one of the things I've been doing on this is educating people on the role of the elected Attorney General.

So many people don't understand. Because when they hear the term Attorney General, the United States Attorney General is appointed by serves at the pleasure of the President, and so ultimately executes the policies of the individual that couldn't, in fact, fire him. Governors that have been overstepping their bounds for the last two years could be reined in by elected Attorney Generals who represent the people, not the governors. But those are important issues for people, not just in Illinois, but anywhere they elect their Attorney General.

So hopefully we can talk about that. There are plans and and and this has already happened in certain areas where they have reinstituted mandatory masking and where they're trying to push for mandatory, you know, vaccines and inoculations and injections and so on. Your Attorney General is going to be the person who is going to be able to defend the rights of the people and that's something that you have really harped on and I'm so glad that you have because it really, it helped me. When I look at the Ninth and Tenth Amendment, and I'm hearing people talk about, you know, states rights, it's not actually states rights, it states powers, because the rights, the rights are reserved for the person. And David, would you do me a favor and would you just give me a quick synopsis of the difference between a power versus a right? Well, certainly, governments have authority or power that is granted by the people to in fact create a civil society. People have rights, governments have no rights, there's nothing that a government has. And basically a right, even a right is something that you are born with that you, that nobody can take, that's not given to you, you can't give it up, it's not and nobody can take it away. Everything else actually, relative to government and their interaction with their citizens, turns out to be privileges that you have to do something to earn. So you have powers or slash authorities, you have rights that belong to people and then you have privileges, which are completely different. When everybody talks about the right to vote, that's a misnomer when you say that, because of course you have to be a certain age, you have to be a resident, you have to be a citizen. There's a variety of things that you have to complete to have the ability to vote, but that's not the situation with, say, your right to free speech.

You're born with that and you don't have to be a citizen, you don't have to be 18, those are things that attach you simply as being a human being that's alive. Authority and power is something that we grant to the government for the purpose of creating a civil society that allows us to in fact exercise both our rights and then exercise those privileges that are concurrent, that come along with rights that we believe are appropriate for having a good quality of life, if you will. Well, and let me interject this as a question, and poses that as a question, but when you talk about rights, there's also, I would assume, a presumed right to defend one's self, and so the Second Amendment becomes the tool that one can use in order to provide for that defense. Am I on track with that?

No, you're absolutely on track. In terms of the Bill of Rights, there's the five rights at the very beginning in the First Amendment. The rest of the things in the Bill of Rights are to facilitate protection and exercise of the first five that are in the Bill of Rights.

Everything else is facilitation. The Second Amendment is to facilitate your right to religious liberty, your right to free speech, your right to free press. Those are there to facilitate that. The Fifth Amendment is the right to remain silent, the right to counsel, the right to have a public and open trial. Those kinds of things are to facilitate all the first five rights. So everything else is for the purpose of facilitating those rights that we are born with. So while we call them other things rights, they're actually privileges for the facilitation of the first five. Such as in the Fourth Amendment, the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. But this speaks about your right to have protection of yourself. Am I interpreting that correctly?

You're interpreting it correctly. As I say, the first five are what we would call immutable natural rights. The rest of them are to facilitate what goes back to the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Fourth Amendment that you just described is to facilitate your right to liberty. You're right to be free from government intrusion, to be able to go about your life without the government interfering, except upon, as it says probable cause based on oath or affirmation. Each and every thing, all the rest after number one, are procedural matters, if you will, by which those in number one are protected along with those that you would find in the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That's how everything that's how it all interacts.

Yes. What about the civil codes relative to your ability to provide, again, to have self defense against, you know, someone that that is that you're considering and and see as a threat like like, for example, what we've seen happen, you know, with with a shooter at the school. But, you know, you mentioned to me this morning when we were texting about, you know, the shooter in the subway in New York. I mean, these are obviously situations where individuals are under threat. What are the what are the civil protections that would give them the right to be able to defend themselves? Well, you know, we're doing we talked a little bit about New York, we exchange a few things about New York and the and the subway shooting there.

Sure. This is this is that one is a clear failure of government, because the man who did the shooting had been previously arrested 19 times. He had has currently three pending cases, one for assault, one for violation of an order of protection, one for illegal possession of a stolen property. So he's got he's out on three, three things where this whole no cash bail business shows you what the danger is when you take away a judge's discretion to determine who is who is in fact a threat to society and should be held because of because of the because of their history.

You know, and this is this is that's one of the dangers of the whole no cash bail situation. But plus, this all runs back to probably the 80s, late 80s, early 90s when there was this movement to do away with mental health treatment at the at the state levels. And those folks that used to be treated as as public health issues are now homeless or being committing crimes. So there's a series of failures of public policy that led to led to the fellow being shot dead in the subway. And it's just that it's just a terrible shame because that one is eminently was eminently preventable, was eminently preventable that that man need not have died. It was failures of a series of failures of public policy that killed that man on the subway.

I don't know. You know, we're still unfolding much of the details of what right what happened in this horrific situation in Texas. Yeah, but but but there's enough information about the shooter in New York to know that a series of public policy failures in terms of treating mental illness and the situation where you're treating the criminal justice system is now so many of these people are working on it.

proportionality response, that is, you're classifying criminals per their, for their demographics, as opposed to the case that's in front of the judge. And this is this is what's causing the problem. Well, and and, you know, when you go to the mental illness, we talked about this briefly, but I was able to pull something up, and I'll share this when we come back, but it's it's very interesting.

At any individual connected with the APA on CNN, talked about Christianity as a mental illness, the belief in God, that's what Richard Dawkins called it. We'll be back with more right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Use CGR for 5% off, that's CGR all caps for 5% off. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country. By contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights, I am Patriot Mobile. Now, back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. And don't forget, you can get more Chosen Generation at

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Let's talk about the lawless issue. Because you were talking about the cash bail situation and the gentleman in the subway in New York who was murdered by a man who should not have been out.

We had a very similar situation, and nobody's really talked much about this since it happened, but in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where you had 78 people, I believe it was in total, that were impacted, six that died. And this was an individual who had been guilty of running someone over and had been in jail within the previous several weeks. And then was released on one of these very low dollar cash bails and had been beating up a girlfriend when he then targeted the individuals at this parade, David. So how dangerous is this to our society that we're creating this lawless behavior? And then we want to try to blame it on, well, it's the gun, but it's not the gun. It's the policy of letting people who are dangerous out. And of course, it's not difficult for a criminal to get their hands on a gun. Yeah, that's exactly right. And it's got nothing to do with the criminal and the difficulty.

It has everything to do with the fact they're a criminal because all the gun laws in the world will not stop a criminal from breaking the law. So that's the easy part. The situation is that the first duty really of a government in civil society should be to secure the safety of the society. That's the single purpose of government. You know, I often still quote, you know, we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal in the end, that governments are instituted among men to secure these rights.

That's that's the single purpose of government. And if you do not do things appropriately to protect those rights, it's an it's an abject failure. And here's here's what's become the problem in these what they call criminal justice reform.

They are talking. They always talk about statistics and proportionality and how many of this this particular demographic are adversely affected by cash bail and things like that. And what's lost in those discussions is, no, you have to deal with this individual that's standing before this judge at that moment regarding the strength of the evidence, regarding the seriousness of what it is that they've been accused of, regarding their history of appearing or not appearing in court, regarding their history of criminality beyond that. And that's that's where you make those decisions. You don't say, well, we have too many of this this this demographic locked up or too many. So we have to let everybody free. That's nuts.

That's just that's just crazy. And that is the basis by which they are putting together this criminal justice reform. And that's what's putting us all in danger. And the guy the guy that died on the subway, Mr. Enrique's in New York over the weekend, need not have died. There was a 19 19 arrests for Mr. Abdullah, three of which are currently outstanding cases. And had the judges been given the discretion to, in fact, set a significant bail because Mr. Abdullah had this history of criminality. He had three outstanding cases.

There would be no reason that he would have been out and available to kill Mr. Enrique's. This is this is the failure of those kinds of systems. Right. We don't know enough about. I don't know enough about what happened in Texas yesterday or you all day in the man that was accused or the man that was gunned down in the midst of that. All we know at the moment, all I know at the moment is the horror of it all.

But 19, 19, 19 dead children or 17 dead children, I guess, and two dead adults. Yeah, but the but it stems from it's it's currently stemming from misguided policies regarding mental health issues that cause them cause the homeless problems. That's caused the criminality problems I was talking to and causes drug issues.

My become friends with the sheriff of DuPage County here in Illinois, which the largest county next to next to Cook County. And Sheriff Mendrick was saying that as many as 60 or 70 percent of the people that arrive in the jail for processing do so under the influence of drugs. And then and then the circumstance turns out to be with these no cash bail situations before the individual is even off the drugs or they're still going through a withdrawal process for which they have treatment in the jail in DuPage County.

The judges are turning the people loose and they've not even recovered from the drug situation. So it's it's it's a horrific situation that we have to sit down and do something about if we're going to prevent and protect ourselves. Well, and the issue, as you're describing it and as I hear it is, is, you know, it's criminality, it's criminals and criminal behavior. And if you want to change criminality and criminals and criminal behavior or you identify that it's happening in a particular grouping in a particular community, what have you, then you've got to get down to the root of the issue. You've got to get down to the root of the problem and not be afraid to talk about that and that it exists. And at the end of the day, folks, the root of the problem is the is the wickedness in the heart of men.

And the only one that can fix that, in my opinion, is God. David, thanks for being with us today. I appreciate it.

Back more after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Have you been looking for a trusted long term storeable food company? We have a solution for you. Simply Clean Foods is dedicated to providing the best quality food you can buy next to fresh from a farmer's market. Our line of resealable fruits, vegetables and meats are suitable for everyday use.

And you won't have to worry about throwing away valuable groceries ever again. Our food is completely GMO free and our stringent quality controls plus testing for heavy metals makes us unique in the storeable foods market. Simply Clean Foods' primary focus is to bring clean food to people all around the world and change the way we look at freeze-dried food in our daily cooking. When you purchase from, not only will you be receiving high quality food, but you will also be supporting veterans in need across the country and those who are affected by natural disasters. Go to That's Use CGR for 5% off.

That's CGR, all caps, for 5% off. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. It's a product called Natural Sleep, available at

I've been seeing clients in the alternative health industry for over 40 years. One common problem seems to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress.

Maybe they've gotten older. Whatever the reason, we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at Natural Sleep uses a combination of vitamin, minerals, and some very healthy calming herbals to support relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast-acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effects in the morning.

And it's not a habit for me. The products available in a 16-ounce bottle for home use are a very handy 1-ounce travel packet for life on the go. Get yours today at, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO at checkout, and get $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO. That's, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO.

Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. If you're interested in looking younger and may be helping slow down some of those old age-related challenges, stay tuned. Red wine is said to be good for everything from lowering your cholesterol to improving heart health to blood sugar control, enhancing memory, and immune boosting. Liquid Resvante is a product for you.

Available at One ounce of Resvante has a transresveratrol equivalent to 300 glasses of a red Cabernet without the alcohol. Harvard Medical Research shows resveratrol improves sentry motor coordination, endurance, muscle function, energy, stamina, and more.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Neither products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And I want to welcome to the program our special guest who is Claire Lopez. And Claire, welcome. Good to have you with us. Thanks for being here. Thank you.

Thank you. And I want to welcome my co-host, Mr. Rick Manning. Rick, welcome. Good to have you here with us today. Thank you for being here. Good to be here. Good to be here. Important day.

I believe that it is. I believe it's significantly important. And of course, again, our sincerest condolences to the families that have been impacted by this horrific violence that has taken place in Uvalde at the school there. We just send out our love and prayers to those individuals and those parents that are, oh my goodness, 19 children were killed. There are a couple of things very quickly as we get into this.

And I was bringing this up with Reverend Clennard Childress last hour. But, you know, I've done some shooting. I've not been able to do as much as I did prior to my car accident. My son does a lot of training when it comes to that. But if you are killing 21 people and injuring others, that, I mean, there is a skill set level that has to be in place in order to be able to accomplish that. Claire, you've trained and are trained as a member of law enforcement, as a member of the CIA. Am I off base in suggesting that this 18-year-old had to have had some pretty significant understanding and perhaps training in order to have done this in the amount of time? Because we've seen the video of him going into the school and then we are told that the response time was pretty quick. Yeah, no, you're getting at a very important point, Pastor Greg. I, by the way, was never law enforcement.

Okay. But, yes, served in the U.S. government. But the point that you're making is a good one that he may well have had training. We don't have a whole lot of information yet about this individual.

Salvador Ramos was his name. But here's the other point, that his ability to kill and injure that many people in a short amount of time may well speak to training, yes, prior training. But the other thing it speaks to is an absolute and complete and total lack of response inside that school before the first responders got there. There was nobody in that school armed and trained and ready at the door to counter this guy and stop him in his tracks before he killed and injured so many people.

And that's a point that a lot of commentators I've heard the last day or so have been making. Number one, the schools need to be hardened. We have security all over, sporting events, festival events, concert events, et cetera. And the schools, they need to have a single point of entry, locked doors, armed guard, at least one, and a number, at least, of staff at the school well trained with concealed carry permits.

Yeah, I think that's exactly right. As you guys know, I was an NRA for nine years, and we spent a lot of time, this is back in the 80s, and this is a pretty, it's kind of an anomaly when it occurred. But it is a, the fact of the matter is, we make our schools the softest targets possible. Efforts to allow teachers to make the choice to arm themselves are universally resisted by the teachers unions. We have, obviously, there are control points of entry, and the idea of having to funnel people through a control points of entry, potentially even using metal detectors, doesn't fly with the teachers unions.

And so there's a lot of opposition to hardening the schools, and instead, people want to rely on sophistry. Because the truth is, Greg, evil exists, real evil, absolute evil exists, and when you describe what you described in terms of the training, I went to the amount of absolute callous evil of being able to walk through children's blood and continue to shoot children. You think of that, and you say, how could somebody do that? How could somebody who's human do that? And the answer is they can't, you know, you have to be completely possessed. Disassociated, disassociated. I actually like, I chose the word possessed for real. I understand, I understand.

No, I'm saying because evil is completely inculcated by evil, whether we want to give it a psychological term or a or more of a religious term, it is fully, fully compelled by evil and unable to see anything else but blind hate. And the fact that he killed his grandmother beforehand tells you that this wasn't an incident where he went off and then cooled down. This is something where he went off, and he continued being off until he was killed. And fortunately, a border patrol agent who was off duty saw something happening and apparently went into the school and killed him with no backup, which is in contrast to what happened with a sheriff down in Palm Beach County a few years ago. You know, a small piece of good correction news is that the grandmother, he did shoot his grandmother, but she apparently has survived. Well, that's good news.

I heard she died. Yeah, well, and hopefully she will be able to shed some additional light on, you know, on what's happened here and what's gone on. I'm disappointed that we don't have more information relative to that when you consider the fact that we have, you know, so much information, for example, on the Buffalo shooter, including statements by his parents that were that were demanded and so forth. We don't have any of that information as it relates to this young man.

And, and I think we should I think it's also interesting, not really interesting. It's a factual that, that he was wearing body armor. And, and so this this that again, it there's an indication here, this was not a random event that this there was some kind of a plan in place.

I know he got into a car accident, they're saying and then he went into the school. But there was a plan in place of some sort because he was wearing body armor. And you don't just, you know, I don't know, go out and get in your car wearing your body armor.

That's not normal. I wouldn't think Claire you you did you do any kind of evaluations of, you know, individuals that were involved in criminal activity in your in your government work? No, never. I did not. But what I will say about this particular shooter, this 18 year old Salvo Ramos is his name was his name. He posted on social media, which of course has now been taken down very quickly. But for those who saw it, before it was taken down, he had apparently posted their disturbing messages, including images of weapons, and other other posts that would that were disturbing, but I don't know why they do this. They always tear down the social media as soon as an event like this happens so that nobody can figure out who you know who this was or what he what was his background. It would be extremely helpful if they would not do that, but they do it every time. Well, it seems like the guy in New York, they allowed his social media to be out pretty far front. And everybody knows what was in his social media. So they tend to tear it down when it doesn't fit a narrative that they might want to push.

Not to be too suspicious of it, but I've observed that too many times. But it's my hope that because it's my hope that we'll get we'll get the full story. We know the Texas Attorney General's Office will be heavily involved in it along with the department. And I think we'll get the full story in due time. And I do think it's wise not to have people jumping to conclusions about things when temperatures are hot.

And that is a really know that that makes a lot of sense to avoid an escalation. Or we do have a couple things that are true about you balding. Pastor Greg, you brought these things up. The text message to me and Sinclair.

Where is you balding taxes? So people around the country, you know, kind of understand where it fits in the geographically and and who lives there? Well, it's a very small town.

It's sort of in the south western part of Texas. If I recall, it's something like maybe 15,000 people is about that number, quite a small town that means that everybody would have known everybody. And, and these these, you know, horrific losses are going to be felt throughout that that community, everybody will have known everybody. Well, and you're and you're in you're right on with your with your number and your assessment as of the 2020 census as well.

It was 15,214. My son at one time was the manager of the Radio Shack there in Uvalde we used to go down and visit them quite frequently. And you've all these a wonderful community wonderful people.

My wife used to love shopping in the Walmart there in Uvalde. And but another piece to the Uvalde picture that's not out in the news, but that is that there is a significant presence of custom and border protection agents and and DPS that work the border. And they and their families, many of them are housed there or they are housed there during the times that they are on shift working the border.

So there's also some concerns that I have relative to the potential of this being a targeted attack. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic's off limits, everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guest, Claire Lopez, my co-host Rick Manning in this segment, I want to encourage you folks, if you're using a cell phone, consider supporting a company that supports our Christian conservative values, Patriot Mobile. Go to forward slash chosen to get a discount on the signup. You can get your signup waived, your setup waived with them, or call them at 972-728-7468.

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Call them today, 737-400-2066. All right, as we're talking about this situation at the border, you know, one of the things we talk about as well, Claire, as we talk about it as a national security issue, and we know that we are seeing terrorists and others, cartel influences, gang influences, a variety of people that are coming up through this very porous southern border. How significant do you think that issue is relative to the vulnerability of these border communities? Well, you know, it's not just the border communities, and I've heard it said by commentators like Tom Holman and Mark Morgan, every state in the union, maybe except Hawaii and Alaska, are border states because of the way the Biden administration has been using United States government federal resources to bust and fly illegals once they're in the country to every state in the, at least in the United States. In at least the lower 48, they're depositing these illegals in every state of the union all over the country, which makes every state basically a borderline state. You're talking about drug cartels, you're talking about 107,000 Americans dead of fentanyl last year, you're talking about number one cause of death in 18 to 45 year old Americans is drug overdose. You're talking about a gang activity of all kinds, including drug trafficking. You're talking about MS 13. You know, this is what's being brought into our country by the federal government with US government taxpayer money.

It's stunning. Nevermind. Yeah, terrorists.

I should have added yes. They've caught a number that they've identified, who knows how many have gotten through that they that they don't know about. It's a certainty with a wide open southern border there that that malign actors of all sorts, criminal terrorists, whatever from around the world are flooding through there.

And we're going to be paying for this for a long time. Well, and and before we, you know, went into the break, we were talking about I and I was describing, you know, that I am very aware from my trips to Uvalde in the time that we spent down there when my son lived there that, you know, there, there's a significant presence of custom and border protection agents and DPS. They are pretty much on on pretty high alert. But nonetheless, you know, this kind of a situation and and I and and and I say that too, because I think it's also interesting that who was it that put a stop to this shooting. But it was one of custom and border protections, high level special operative Task Force people that was engaged that went in and and as you mentioned, Claire, I think in this segment that went in, you know, without backup, but that they went in, and they're the ones that ultimately ended the the killing that was going on and and and the murder spree that was happening. But just the fact that someone like that is in the area is just more substantive substantive evidence of what I'm sharing with you, that there are a lot of those people that live in Uvalde especially during the time when they are serving at the border. Yeah, too bad too many of them are down on the border processing paperwork, changing diapers and handing out baby formula. Yeah, it's a Claire in terms of in terms of this is if we can broaden it just for a second because I don't believe we spend enough time talking about the national security threat at the border.

And, you know, and we see a lot of things that just drive us nuts, but I don't think it can be expressed enough. The danger of the cartels sending soldiers into America across America to be the drug distributors to run to be the enforcers for their enforcers for their drug networks. And the probable relationship to that to the murder rates that we've seen explode around the country. You know, it's not it's not even just the cartels, but we know for a fact that the Mexican drug cartels Sinaloa and Zetas and Gulf cartel and what have you are closely allied and working with Hezbollah. And we know from court cases that have become public in the United States that Hezbollah operatives have come across that border. Just what was it a week or something ago, a huge tunnel was just discovered under what was it, San Diego, right? Yeah, enormous tunnel. I mean, size wise, a huge tunnel.

So it's it's it's the cartels working in collaboration with terrorists like Hezbollah. And we're talking a tunnel that, you know, really shipping, you know, I'm talking backpacks here. You're talking, you know, like coal trains of not trains, but coal cars get pulled through out of a coal mine. That kind of tunnel is big enough that you're pulling literally the time, you know, tons of stuff through it rather than pounds of stuff.

Yeah. A rail line running through there. There's, you know, air ventilation, there's electricity, there's lighting. I'll tell you what that tunnel and others like it found earlier, very similar to a tunnel that I was actually in over on the border between Gaza and Israel a number of years ago.

The construction is the same that the concrete lining the rail lines, the ventilation and so forth, very similar construction as well, I understand, as tunnels across the northern Israeli border into Lebanon. Some of that tunneling expertise looks like it made its way over here. Not surprising. So what do we do about it? Well, the first thing we do is November elections absolutely have to change the course of that we're on in this country. And that begins with elections and it means not just at the federal or the congressional level.

It means at the local level, the county level that that far down that that is where it's going to make a difference. You know, I would, I would go and posit that it goes, it goes to primaries. It goes to forcing to forcing and Texas already had their primaries because we were having them all over the country right now and primary candidates need to deal with a border issue and they need to be be forced to kind of to say what they think and be held accountable if they don't represent what Americans want. And, you know, there's no, the idea that an open border under any circumstances acceptable is no longer can no longer be one that we just kind of swap off and say, but he's good on other things.

We have or she for that matter. So it's a, I think it's important that the candidates, whether they've already had a primary or not, that they understand that the border issue is a top priority of the American people. And because, you know, politicians don't lead, they follow. And this is the time of year when they have to listen to you.

It's also, I think, significant for all Americans to understand that, and I'm on in that area on no bull radio, the Hispanic population supports a secure border. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good, and Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up, and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth. God bless you all, and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is, and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. So please join us at,, and sign up for our emails today.
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