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David Shestokas #FreedomConvoyFirstAmendmentRights #StopTyranny Clare Lopez Rick Manning #NATO #UkraineRussiaIran #PutinXiRaisi

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 23, 2022 5:09 pm

David Shestokas #FreedomConvoyFirstAmendmentRights #StopTyranny Clare Lopez Rick Manning #NATO #UkraineRussiaIran #PutinXiRaisi

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young.

No topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through Biblical classes. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for tuning in. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, hour number two.

Hour number two. If you missed any of our first hour, Michael Morris and I got into some great conversation about the media, what they're not telling you, what's not coming up. A couple of things that we've covered right here during this segment, actually. In particular, we talked about the John Durham case, and why that's not being covered by media. And then we also talked about the FTC case.

I brought that up to Michael, and why that is not being covered in the media as well. But a number of other issues that were brought up in that, I encourage you to listen to that. And then Reverend Clannard Childress and I,

If you're not familiar with the website, you should be. I mean, really, it is the most well-researched issue on black genocide, on abortion in black neighborhoods, definitely in the country and probably in the world., Reverend Clannard Childress. And we talked about the Gosnell case. And why is it that a case like Gosnell's didn't bring an end? Where were the protests? Where were the riots? Where was the outrage in the black community over what was happening at the Gosnell clinic and the Department of Health turning a blind eye, and separate rooms for white women versus black women, and the guy hanging on to baby's feet and baby's bodies? You know that they convicted him on murder because they rehydrated the bodies of the babies that he aborted that he was storing on the premises? Can you imagine that? And thank God for Betty, one of the people that worked there who took a picture of one of the live babies that he murdered.

And there were probably thousands that he just snipped their spinal cord at the back of their neck after they were born to kill them. It's horrific. Horrific. Anyway, we talked about that, and you should be aware of it.

And really, it's a horrific situation. The David Daleiden case as well. And we're going to try and reach out to Thomas More Society and try to get David Daleiden on our time. Another David joins me, who is a warrior for justice and the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence, and is running for the Office of Attorney General for the great state of Illinois. I want to welcome my dear friend David Shostokis. David, welcome. Good to have you. Thanks so much, Greg. It's great to be with you, as I mentioned regularly. Wednesday morning is one of the highlights of my week, to be with you and your audience. So we're happy to be here today. Thank you.

Thank you so much. Well, I wanted to visit with you about the convoy that's building. And I believe that the plan is that they're planning to leave and start the convoy today. It's the U.S. truckers, but it's actually the Freedom Convoy. And they've been very emphatic about telling folks, look, yes, we're going to have truckers, but this isn't just about truckers. This is about all Americans.

And every American that would like to join us is welcome to do so. And they're working with local authorities and taking non-federal roads, as I understand it, to drive through roads controlled by states and counties in specific preparation to repel federal tyrannical overreach. The Biden administration, of course, sent a message to Trudeau telling him that he should bring out the troops, put in place an emergency and shut down that convoy.

And Trudeau did that. So, David, I guess the question to you is, when you look at this, and I'm sure you've been kind of monitoring, paying attention to what's going on with regards to this, these are the kinds of things that I know are important to you. Americans gathering and using their constitutional rights of free speech and freedom to assemble and peaceful assembly to redress government. Talk to me about what you've heard about the convoy and more specifically, what federal interference, if any, constitutionally, can they really stop this? Well, you know, number one, no, they can't stop it.

That's the easy answer. And strangely enough as well, even though there's federal money, I've seen different plans and they're talking about it. And it may make sense in some other ways, actually, to avoid things like interstate highways. Actually, that may make sense in terms of, you know, of course, if you go down an interstate highway, you avoid everybody. You know, you don't get, you don't go by the local businesses, you don't go by the cafes and the truck stops and the folks that would be rallying around you. Because, you know, when you're doing that, you know, I mean, that's one good reason to avoid the highways because, or the interstates, because you get closer to the people in doing that.

That's a separate issue. As a practical matter, of course, there are no federal highway troopers, if you will. The FBI doesn't patrol the highways, you know, and things of that nature. So even though the feds spend money on them, they have neither the manpower nor specifically the authority to, if you will, police the highways.

We still remain with the 10th Amendment and local authority under those circumstances. So I would suggest that the folks that are doing the planning, they're smart to involve local law enforcement to have their cooperation and to, you know, ahead of time indicate that, you know, nobody's intending to break any laws. They're not going to block traffic.

They're not going to do these things. They're just going to, you know, essentially a peaceful demonstration for restoration of the rights of Americans, which have been trampled in so many different ways. It seems like that seems to be the goal. Although, you know, while you say that, while you mentioned the One Freedom Convoy, there's about three or four folks that are looking to organize different things. One is, from what I understand, supposed to leave California on the 1st of March, designed to get to Washington, D.C. on the 6th, which has an interesting goal. And that goal is to have the trucks going around the dope way around Washington, D.C. And traffic around Washington, D.C. is bad enough without a whole bundle of trucks surrounding it, rather than going to the Capitol, which I guess is, again, wired off or walled off and whatnot.

You think about that. If walls don't work, why are they barricading the Capitol? Well, my understanding, too, is that they feel pretty confident that, you know, there's going to be, they don't want a repeat of the issues that surrounded the folks from January 6th. Not that any of these people believe that the January 6th people did anything inappropriately, although there were obviously actions that were. But the more we find out about those, the more we find out that there were federal instigators and informants and, you know, a lot of setup, really, that that that took place there. And some of the individuals that they have taken and held and arrested never even went to the Capitol.

These are individuals that never went there. And some people like Dr. Simone, who was ushered in to the Rotunda by the D.C. Capitol Police, that's her testimony, is that she was headed to a stage outside and they blocked her off and they pushed the crowd into the Rotunda. So that's where she gave her speech.

Yeah, yeah. And and Dr. Simone is just an amazing, amazing woman. There's no reason to disbelieve her testimony in that regard.

I was blessed at a dinner in June to have her as my dinner partner. And I just just an amazing, amazing person, both both a doctor and a lawyer, you know, and yeah, anybody that goes through goes through the rigors to achieve both those professions is not somebody to be trifled with. So, right. Yeah, there's that. But, you know, regarding the convoy situation, again, it's it'll be interesting to see if it coalesces around an issue and coalesces around a particular particular group, because there's four or five groups that are trying to work to organize, organize some things. And the problem is, of course, this is, again, a political problem. Legally, legally, I think the guys that are doing the organization are doing the right thing in terms of talking to local law enforcement ahead of such activity so that they are in compliance and probably will get some help in escorts in that respect to keep. You know, I don't I don't think the dangers are for the convoy people, but the danger, the dangers would be for people that would be like the anti convoy people that would be waiting for that might be waiting for them or attempt to intercept what's going on. I've heard some conversation about right, you know, like Antifa.

I'm going to try and get Andy no one to see if he has any intelligence, you know, relative to Antifa attempting to try to block what what the convoy is doing or or set up roadblocks along the way or what have you. Yeah, that was it. I think that's probably the best the best reason for them to be in consultation with local law enforcement as they as they move forward to avoid.

So the local law enforcement is in a situation to essentially protect the town lawyers from folks that may want to intercept or interfere or or bring violence to an otherwise otherwise peaceful demonstration and exercise of their of their constitutional rights. And so that's that. That's the best thing. I've been involved in some anti mask, anti mask and anti vaccine activities.

I've talked to several of them and we've always consulted with the LEOs in advance. And they in a couple of situations, they saw to it that people who bore ill will for the expression of our speech were kept away from doing such interference. So that's the advantage of speaking with local local law enforcement ahead of time, because basically driving down the highway, you're not breaking any law. Yeah, right.

Right. There's there's no you're not you're not doing anything even if you've got a train of trucks that goes for miles. You've not broken any laws. And but having the having the local guys have a heads up of your intentions and your intended route will give them the opportunity to see to it that your your activities are not illegally interfered with.

And so I was just I was at an event for a candidate for sheriff of Lake County last night. Local law enforcement is really supportive of people trying to exercise their rights. They're they're on board with that kind of thing.

But you need to you need to give them a heads up and cooperate with them. Sure, absolutely. Well, the next thing I want to get into in our next segment is to talk about these emergency powers.

And the Biden administration has determined that they're going to extend their emergency powers past the March 1 deadline that had originally been set. So we'll talk about that, folks. And again, this idea of mandate. Well, account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at PG at Pastor Greg Young dot com.

That's PG at Pastor Greg Young dot com. And I'll tell you how to get well. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending on crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on. There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

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You'll get great mobile phone service and you'll be supporting a company that supports our values. David, in looking at these emergency powers acts, you were telling me in the break, there's the 1976 Carter signed an emergency powers act relative to Iran. It's kind of like being ignored today, but there have been several of them, some that are still in existence. So emergency powers, I guess, is not unprecedented. However, there are, I would assume, limits and purposes, and I guess one has to wonder if any of that is being met by what he's doing, especially in light of new evidence that's coming forward. Even the CDC, who is not reporting some of the statistics and now that's all beginning. I mean, it's all unraveling. Their whole plan is unraveling. Yes, that's accurate from that standpoint regarding the CDC having kept the information from the public to, you know, there's a variety of ways you can lie.

One of the ways to lie is by concealment, by not providing all the appropriate information. But before the break, you were referring to an emergency act regarding, I believe, coronavirus, which actually, actually President Trump issued the very first one that March 13th, 2020. And under these emergency powers act, generally speaking, these emergencies need to be renewed annually by whomever is president. It's interesting to note that dating back to Jimmy Carter, we have had a state of emergency since 1979, since the Iranian hostage crisis. There's been four and there are 40 emergencies the presidents have declared that have continued to be renewed through all that time frame. And certainly the continued renewal of those indicates different kinds of policy issues. I think it's kind of Trump's coronavirus emergency March 13th.

They'll be coming up for review. And it's likely that Biden will renew Trump's declaration. Trump has declared about eight national emergencies, only one of which was actually ended.

And Bill Biden ended that one. And what Trump declared an emergency on had to do with the International Criminal Court and the International Criminal Court looking to prosecute American citizens. And Trump properly indicated that we're sovereign and the International Court is not.

And then place sanctions on them. And Biden ended that national emergency, allowing the International Criminal Court to prosecute American citizens. And that's Biden ending that emergency and allowing these other circumstances more about Biden than anything I could possibly imagine in terms of continuing to give up American sovereignty.

And these things happen without anybody paying attention to it. Right. So he terminated the protection of American sovereignty and Americans being charged and held by international court systems. Yes.

Yeah. He terminated Biden, terminated that order and let eight or nine other Trump orders continue to stand. But he he surrendered American sovereignty in terms of criminal criminal prosecutions by an international court as opposed to the court of a particular country where you committed a particular crime in their under their soil and whatnot, but actually gave up American sovereignty to an international globalist, if you will, part of the new world order, International Criminal Court. And this that I'm more concerned about Biden given that up and then not not terminating our coronavirus emergency, of which there's that's that's like similar to the other 40 emergencies that various presidents have declared since Jimmy Carter that are still in their standing. They've declared 77 of them, but 40 of them are still in place. But he took out the one that was protecting America, protecting American citizens from overreach by an international body, not by a particular government, not like you killed somebody in Germany and then the Germans prosecute you. You know, this is an international criminal court that typically we do not recognize the existence of.

And yet Joe Biden said, no, you guys can go in and arrest American citizens. This is that's horrific. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.

I mean, yeah. I mean, and this is relative to our predominantly to our soldiers. That's that's what this is. This is and this is the same kind of thing that the Obama administration did. You send our soldiers out.

They put our soldiers in between in Syria, in between ISIS and Assad, dropping our soldiers in the middle of that situation and then saying, oh, by the way, if you do anything that the international community doesn't like, we're going to let them take you and try you. And we're not going to protect you. That is criminal. Criminal. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night? Still tired? Stop.

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Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation radio show, reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years. You are a part of that vision. So please join us at chosen generation radio dot com chosen generation radio dot com and sign up for our emails today.

This is Barry Maguire. I'm a car guy here to help you understand God's purpose for your life through the eyes of a layman. Are you changing your environment or is it changing you? Are you lifting the world up with your faith or is it dragging you down, causing you to wonder where God is in the midst of the chaos? Are you asking the same questions as your unsaved friends or are you answering their questions with the evidence of your life and the word of God? This is the ultimate test of where you are in your walk with God. Are you always ready to give a clear presentation of the hope that's within you or are you expressing the same doubts of your unsaved friends, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof? If you're a follower of Christ, you're a witness, either for the defense or the prosecution of the gospel. Which is it? Your job is to ignite revival outside the walls of the church by moving everyone every day closer to Jesus.

If you need help doing that, go to And now, your Pathway Minute with Dr. Robert Jeffress. God has a plan for your life. He had a plan for His people Israel. And by the way, it was a plan that was big enough to include Israel's rejection of Christ, their crucifixion of Messiah.

It was big enough to even include the Antichrist. God had a plan for Israel. God has a plan for you as well. And God's plan for your life, this is so encouraging to me, is big enough not only to include the mistreatment by other people against you, just like people mistreated the Jews, God's plan is also big enough to include your mistakes and your sins against God. Just like God's plan for Israel was big enough to include Israel's rebellion against God. God is able to take all of those things and work them together to accomplish His plan for your life.

Pathway Minute is produced by Pathway to Victory. To access the Bible teaching of Dr. Robert Jeffress, go to Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And we'll go back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. We're in, we're in, we're in. That was, yes, we are. I'm just making the announcement.

Oh my goodness. So I feel as though we should, we have to kind of begin our segment, Clare, on a little bit of a somber note. And I'm so sad to hear this.

I'm working with, starting to work with an organization, a medical organization that is rescuing people out of hospitals. I actually watched an interview they did with a, with a two-star general that they rescued out of a hospital and he's doing well. But I hate hearing these stories, Clare. I hate hearing these stories. They just, yeah. I mean, can we even imagine that we're in a time when people have to be rescued out of hospitals because the hospitals refuse to give the treatment that will save their lives?

It's unimaginable. Ah, I just, I, guys, I just, I want to scream. I want to scream. Look, and Rick, you subbed in for me. You know how sick I was.

Yep. And I told my doctor, man, under no circumstances will you put me in a hospital. Do not send, look, I'm armed and dangerous. Don't you send anybody out here to try to take me to a hospital because it ain't going to end well.

And you know what? He told me, he told me about two and a half months later, he said, Greg, you know, if I had sent you to the hospital, they would have killed you. You'd be dead. I, I have your, you were right.

I have no doubt you'd be dead. Um, and how terrible, how terrible like you said, Claire, how horrible. Yeah. No, the bigger picture in all of this of course is the massive, and I don't know if it's recoverable, um, loss of trust by the American public in our public health system to include of course hospitals and all the leadership of our public health institutions. How do we ever get that back? This didn't happen in other countries. No, it happened here.

Right. But, but I, you know, I've talked to a lot of doctors and there are, again, I'm working with some organizations and we're going to be, we're going to be helping launch some things here on Children Generation Radio to make people aware of places that you can go because there are doctors who are saying the hospital system is now broken and in their opinions beyond repair, um, the medical system is, has been destroyed and they are leaving it in droves, but they are creating an alternate medical treatment environment. And Colin Gunn talked about this years ago in a documentary called Wait Till It's Free, talking about socialized and communist medicine coming out of Scotland and what he witnessed there and warning Americans, just wait, just you wait. And you know, I know we pushed back against the Clinton healthcare initiatives and the Obama healthcare initiatives and Obamacare passed with a, uh, a wink and a nod of, you know, uh, well we'll pass it and then we'll see what's in it. I mean, you know, and, and there is a tie in to our topic about the Ukraine and Russia today because what we're watching in foreign policy, what we're watching the Biden administration do and how they're behaving is this same kind of wink and nod attitude and ladies and gentlemen, it is not about taking care of Americans, taking care of America and doing what the federal government was primarily designed to do, which is defend our interests. No, it definitely isn't.

You're, you're wanting to say correct. It is, uh, there is a, um, there's actually a documentary that's coming out in the next week or so. Um, from a young lady who was a weather woman in, um, I think in Missouri and she quit on air because they were basically just lying to people when she quit on air. And she's now playing the role.

She's now expected to kind of a investigative journalist and she's got a documentary coming out. Um, that's shocking in a different little different way in that she's showing how unvaccinated patients are treated significantly different than that and vaccinated patients when they get in the hospital. And it's a, um, and it's just, it's, it's third world ish.

It's, it's astonishing. And, uh, uh, so I can't remember the name of the thing, but it's coming out next week and I'm sure we'll get some pub, but it's just, it's astonishing of how these health systems are actually segregating out unvaccinated and giving them treatment that is proven to proven to be worthless. Well, we'll talk about that Merck on Monday.

You'll be with me on Monday and we'll be able to talk about that, uh, documentary and about that situation. Claire, I want to get your thoughts on this Ukraine Russia situation and the Biden administration's response to it. And, you know, I mean, is, is, is the, is the support of these separatists entities in what were Ukrainian providences or provinces, um, were, is, is, is there anything really to this?

I mean, is he really serious about war and, and is, and is Biden pushing us to start a war? Uh, yeah, I mean, number one, Putin is absolutely, um, on a course for war for all out war against Ukraine today. There was a devastating denial of service attack, cyber attack against, uh, Russian government, um, uh, websites, networks. Um, where we're at right now is that, uh, yesterday, what he met Putin made an announcement, uh, over, uh, his own system within Russia to the Russian people, essentially, um, uh, declaring the independence of, uh, these two so-called people's republics in Donetsk and Luhansk. These are smaller parts of, uh, the larger Oblast, which is kind of like a province or a state of Donetsk and Luhansk on the Eastern side of Ukraine, right up against the border with, with Russia. And in response, president Biden, uh, had a, uh, an announcement that, uh, there were going to be sanctions levied against a certain Russian bank, certain Russian oligarchs and individuals, although not Putin himself, um, and that in coordination with the Germans, um, the already, um, pause Nord stream to pipeline would be paused.

It's already paused. Um, so these are fairly meaningless and, um, not really going to get the attention of Putin. Um, but what is happening is that Putin is declaring, not just those two, um, people's republics, as he calls them of Donetsk and Luhansk to be independent, I guess.

What, what does that got to do with international, you know, status standing United nations, nothing at all. It's purely a fiction of his, in his making, but he also declared, um, that, uh, Russia, uh, has a right to expand into the broader, the bigger Oblast of which these people's republics are apart each in its own Oblast, Donetsk, Luhansk together called the Donbas. Um, and, and so those places are still occupied by and defended by the Ukrainian government. And that's where the conflict is, is, is heating up now across that line of demarcation. Um, it looks like Putin has every intention of seizing the entirety of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast, whether he'll go further into the rest of Ukraine remains to be seen, but he's got numbers very 150,000, maybe 190,000 troops, um, arrayed around Ukraine's border from the North in Belarus, all the way around the, by the Russian border. And then in the South, obviously in, in Crimea, as well as an entire Armada of naval forces in, um, certainly the sea of Azov, but also the black sea. So it's getting worse.

Um, it's getting, um, a lot more dangerous. Um, of course, Ukraine is not a member of NATO. The United States has zero treaty obligation to defend Ukraine. Um, but yet, uh, what we're looking at is, is, is, is a rogue, uh, you know, aggression, you know, by, by Putin who, who dreams of restoring Soviet Union's glory days, I guess. Um, uh, but also has legitimate concerns that Ukraine never be a member of NATO and able to play nuclear weapons five minutes flying distance from Moscow. Well, we never took account of that legitimate, legitimate to, to Russian interests and, and, and the communist interests, but not necessarily, you know, a, a, is something that we need to look at as a, as a, as a, as a deterrent concern. I mean, what I mean by that Claire is, is we, we need to understand that, that a, a rebuilding of a Russian empire, a, a, a USSR is not in the best interests of the United States nor in the best interests of the world. And when you look at now a USSR combined with what we, you know, the CCP situation, which we'll talk about a little bit on the other side of the break, because there's a lot coming out.

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855-696-7930, 855-696-7930. Use the code pastor Greg, get your first year absolutely free. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending on crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on. There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

We need to stick together now more than ever. And there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012. Patriot mobile. Patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers. Patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts.

They are 100% US based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, Patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders, and veterans. Use the code chosen for free activation. Call 972-patriot, 972-patriot. Call today. Use the code chosen. forward slash chosen. Thank you for tuning into chosen generation. Chosen generation is about equipping, encouraging, and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city, county, state, and nation to be the Christian influence and light that we have been called to be. Pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life changing power work in you. If you need prayer today or have a question, you can reach us at 830-446-3624. 830-446-3624. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life changing message and anointing to your event. Again, that number is 830-446-3624.

830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Hey, mom and dad, can I encourage you to not grow weary of the important job you're doing?

Hi, I'm Chuck Swindoll. I love the little cartoon I ran across. It showed a two-year-old freckle-faced boy in a hallway. His pajamas were unsnapped. His diaper was bagging and he's standing in front of his mother and father's bedroom door, which is shut. On the door is a little sign written by a weary mother. It read, Closed for Business, Motherhood Out of Order. Have you ever felt like that?

I think all parents have, but this is the most important job we'll ever have, loving our kids. God bless you as you do that. Pastor and teacher Chuck Swindoll.

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And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My special guests, Claire Lopez, Lopez Security, and Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government. Claire, we were talking about this situation with the Ukraine and Russia, and there was a lot that was brought up in the in-between there, folks. I wish you could have been a bug on the wall.

There are bugs on the wall. Anyway, I wish you could have heard what the CIA and the FBI were dropping in and listening to as we were talking, guys, because of course we know there probably are eavesdropping on our conversation today. There was a lot that was discussed, the interest of the gas, the pipeline, the support of the Russian and Iranian energy. Claire, you brought up the globalist interest in driving up the prices of oil and gas to the point that people can't even afford it, and so that ultimately the globalists can get wind power in operation, which the people who suffer the most are going to be the elderly and the poor.

Those are the ones that will get no power at all. And then Rick, you mentioned that we're buying barrels of Russian oil. Let's throw all that out on the table wherever you guys want to go with that. But talk to my audience about about these issues, because nobody's talking about this stuff, folks. You're not going to hear this on mainstream media. You may or may not hear it, you know, even on some of what we would consider or classify as conservative media. I guess I thought we were live on the air, so I'm not sure what got out. Now we can bounce into a break.

Sorry about that, Pastor Greg. I think the key thing where we were talking was how Russia is completely dependent on high energy prices and the Green New Deal policies, both domestically and in Europe, have dramatically increased or are directly supportive of Russia. And because of those Green New Deal policies and the high cost of gasoline and barrel of oil that's resulted, we are effectively funding the Russian invasion in Ukraine. And that is because we're driving the price, the green energy folks are driving the price up. So Russia now makes a profit.

So they got excess cash so they can afford to engage in adventuring, you know, military adventurism. And if they didn't, the simple way to hurt Putin is to turn the spigots on and begin to lower the cost of barrel per oil and the cost of natural gas. You do that and Putin doesn't have any cash because they are one product system.

They're totally energy production dependent. And we're now importing, we're now importing a ton of hundreds of thousands barrels of Russian oil when we were energy independent a year ago. That's just true. Yeah, exactly so. And not only that, but Putin and Moscow planned these actions against Ukraine a long time ago.

They're meticulously planned out over a period of many months. And they knew that the White House's response would be weak and NATO would be divided. And so Putin has built up a massive war chest of reserve, financial reserve in preparation for the sanctions he knew would be coming. But he also understands, you know, just as Rick just said, that the United States under the Biden administration is going to, you know, kneecap our own energy production and fund his.

So he's got, you know, nothing to be concerned about in financial terms. Claire, you mentioned something and I want to I want to I want to lead you into this so you can talk a little bit more about it, too. The boomerang or maybe the backfire, I guess, for Putin. And you mentioned it, you know, about division within NATO. But there's a unification within NATO as well, because NATO understands that under a Biden administration, the United States is not going to be there and NATO is not going to have the support of the United Nations or the United States relative to this issue that they normally would anticipate.

Exactly. And even though none of the rest of the countries in the world have come out in support of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, not even China, by the way, that aside, even so friends, allies, partners, as well as our enemies and adversaries around the world, they see the weakness in the White House. It's provocative.

It's dangerous. And certainly China is is watching closely. But the other thing is that in terms of NATO, just what you were saying there, Pastor Greg, is even at the same time that Putin showed up the fissures, the divide within NATO, Germany in particular, as the offensive goes on and becomes, I mean, moving further and further into Ukraine proper, NATO is rightly taking more alarm and and and maybe coalescing a little more than it had done before. Certainly because on the other side of Ukraine to the West are multiple NATO members, which we are all obligated to defend, including Poland, including Romania, including Bulgaria. And and who knows how far Putin would go to recreate his dream of a Russian empire? Maybe not that far.

Maybe not. But but they're beginning to take notice. And that perhaps is bringing NATO a little closer together than it had been before. What it does do is it reestablishes the NATO, what the NATO purpose was, which was to stand up against the Soviet bloc. And so NATO's 75 year purpose has now been reestablished as Russia's on the move, whereas it had for 30 years, it has had really no purpose whatsoever other than to kind of drain our treasure and and have the people we're defending laugh at it and cause trouble for us. And the other thing, you know, NATO, probably in these years, since the end of the Cold War, did off more than it could chew. NATO right now is not capable of even defending its own member states as comprised within NATO right now. They can't do it.

Right. And Putin knows that, too. Well, because they don't fund it. They don't fund it and they don't participate. They haven't participated at the right level. But they expanded too far too fast.

And for what reason? Which was provocative and overly ambitious, in my opinion. And they need to consolidate within themselves before they go looking to bite off any more, you know, chunks. Well, Claire, don't don't forget that NATO made a strategic decision to include Turkey and its membership. Turkey has a military agreement with Russia. So there is a so we're it's kind of a significant interesting challenge when one of your NATO members is actually converting their military hardware over to Russian hardware. Not to mention that it's a jihadist nation, a jihadist nation under Erdogan and the AKP that wants to reestablish the Ottoman Empire, which you would think would bring it into conflict, opposition with with Russia from, you know, it was Catherine the Great, for example, that that took Crimea back, freed Crimea from the Turks way back when.

It's an odd it's an odd situation. Well, but the enemy of my enemies is my friend. And I think we're watching that, too, when we look at the the axis of the CCP and Iran and and Russia, which would have to be considered to be a pretty significant axis at this point. I had David Wormser on earlier in the week and we were talking about, you know, that that that particular alignment, if you will, that's taking place. And, you know, and and ultimately, at the end of the day, for all of them, their enemy is the United States of America. And we have a guy in the White House who is is playing Neville Chamberlain or or perhaps even Lord Halifax. Right. You know, I mean, we're sitting here having our enemies negotiating with another enemy for peace treaties.

And we can talk about that clear the next time that you're on having to do with Iran and who we're using as our intermediaries that do not have our best interest in art. Claire Lopez has been my guest. Rick Manning with me as well. Rick will be back with us on Monday. We'll be back with you tomorrow. Judy Mikovits is with us.

Dr. Brian Hooker, Todd Bensman and Tracy Fenton tomorrow on Children Generation Radio. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, What did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation. And I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good. And Jesus came to save the world. That no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up. And in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his wrath. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer. And this pastor is Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village.

And really this village is really in a big need of a church building. Keep us in prayer. God bless you.

This borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.

God bless you. Hey, this is Pastor Greg. For only $400, just $400 American dollars, we can drill and buy the equipment to put in these life changing wells. Would you consider making a donation today? forward slash Pastor Greg. forward slash Pastor Greg.

Only $400 changes thousands of lives for generations. You can be a part of that today. forward slash Pastor Greg. Please consider making your best donation today. We thank and praise God that God has enabled us to put the board well here in this community with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry. And this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good. Therefore, we would like to request all our supporters and Pastor Greg Young and their chosen generation ministry that there are many villages in Punjab, those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages, in their communities. And if God is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put the bore wells in a needful and poor villages, then you can directly contact Pastor Greg Young or chosen generation ministry. And we pray and we bless all the people, those who have been doing and supporting this bore well through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry. And this pastor is doing the ministry in this community and please keep us in your prayer. And we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this bore well through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry. God bless you and God be with you all and always keep us in your prayer. We are also praying for you. Thank you.
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