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Michael Morris #TwitterIsWorseNow AK Kamara #StopDividingUs David Shestokas #WeThePeopleSCOTUS David Wurmser Rick Manning #DefendUSAIsrael

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
December 1, 2021 3:39 pm

Michael Morris #TwitterIsWorseNow AK Kamara #StopDividingUs David Shestokas #WeThePeopleSCOTUS David Wurmser Rick Manning #DefendUSAIsrael

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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I want to thank you for tuning in the June generation radio when God called me to start this program eight years ago he led me to address three main topics while discussing current events through biblical lands.

I knew this was not supposed to be a preaching program is there are a number of those on the radio. My calling was to address the LGBT Q agenda Islam and secular humanism just some noncontroversial stuff, secular humanism, which simply stated, says man is the center in human reason has all the answers, and to leave God out of this indoctrination is really at the core of the shift in understanding America's founding Constitution and the Declaration of Independence by removing God and biblical values. It's easy to see how gender dysphoria unnatural sexual desires and embracing a confused seventh century belief that rejects life, liberty, and The Pursuit of Happyness namely Islam, a militant geopolitical totalitarian and brutal regime has taken root. I believe God's chosen this generation to ignite the passion to advance the radical message of the gospel and to once again establish America as the salt and light through which the messages advanced each segment applies that principle, no matter the topic. But how do we become the secular, democratic, nontheistic, top-down country run by a combination of demagoguery and elitism. I would suggest we examine our history at America's founding.

We had been oppressed by a tyrant can claimed he actually spoke for God and claim to divine right monarchy in order to set people free from these kind of desperate leaders. One must reconnect the people with the one who grants all freedom and so preachers in the mid-1700s challenge the Christians in America to decide whom they should serve, who was their King was in a man on a throne across the sea, or was the King of Kings Jesus Christ cannot serve two masters. As the founders fermented in this, they began to see the need to create a new kind of country and nation, a valued life and recognize God is the author who'd been set free to liberty in Christ and to pursue abundant life go these workpieces on a board passed one and not to another.

As John Locke suggested, but rather they were a very part of who being American was a concept only understood through biblical glasses as a blood bought son of God and heir to the promise. So why are Christians so $you see we live in a world filled with sin that is taking a stand called God the enemy. We are children of God, heirs to the promise. Yet we stand idly by as our brothers and sisters are slaughtered in our children's innocence is destroyed, where's the anger and the rage of such atrocities.

Jesus said it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, that he should offend one of these the ones Jesus warned them not to cause harm or offense to the little ones to the least of these, it would be better than a millstone were cast around his neck and he be drowned in the sea.

That's not domicile in the face of offense being done to children. This is Jesus speaking, the one that they say only speak soft, lovely words, what about these verses. If God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God, nor have I come of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech because you were not able to listen to my word, you are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do while to the leaders of the church. He says you are sons of the devil you were deaf and unable to hear or understand the words of God, because you do not know him yet.

Day after day Christian setback silently while little boys are chemically castrated, while children's minds are violated in a comprehensive sex education curriculum while they are taught that America equals Christianity equals all white people are bad and they should be ashamed.

Let's be clear. If you believe in the truth of the Bible than you believe that all are sinners and a fallen short of the glory of God that God in his grace and mercy. While we were his enemies doing all forms of file behavior send his son, his only begotten son to die for our sins to lay down is perfect and sinless life as a human being having set aside his divine nature to become a man, so we could take our place and overcome sin and death on the cross, Jesus the Christ shed his blood died on the cross rose the third day set free the captives presented himself to the disciples at the several thousand, and then ascended to heaven at which point the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to lead us into all truth.

Ultimately, then, we understand that sin is the issue and the nature of man.

The key then is a confession of faith in God through Jesus Christ and asking for forgiveness of sin. I believe that we have been called and it is the purpose of June generation radio to raise up a generation to take back this nation to reestablish a constitutional republic with Jesus Christ at its core, providing life, liberty, and The Pursuit of Happyness for all Americans. And once again advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ chosen generation, host pastor and you are a chosen generation, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should show forth the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous life in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy now chosen generation pastor Greg to have you anything somewhat tuning and I do know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you so much for giving a June deer to churn generation radio while got a great program lined up for you. Bottom of our number two David worms are will be joining us Center for security policy director of the project on global anti-Semitism in the US Israel relationship will get into a number of topics with him and and possibly even discuss a little bit of his thoughts on a story that is out about a former Israeli military spy who claims that the Israeli military was involved with Robert Maxwell displaying Maxwell's father and involved with the Epstein Maxwell that the discussions about the possibility they were involved in a sexual blackmail operation so we'll talk about that were going to talk about Iran were going to target a lot of other things that are going on in the tensions in the Middle East and the rise of anti-Semitism right here in the United States and what does that mean 75 years after Auschwitz. We'll talk about that. Let's see I David just focus is with us, our constitutional attorney. Today's big day at that. The Supreme Court Supreme Court is hearing a case out of Mississippi having to do with the issue of abortion and we will get David's thoughts with regards to that, and that some of the other constitutional and legal issues that are going on so will get all that coming up.

Let's see also coming up bottom of the hour a.k.a. Camara is with us and we will have him visiting with us about the armory case and that his thoughts with regards to that and also defending the men in blue defending the men in blue. I justice served in the Arboretum verdict along with the Rittenhouse verdict. Our justice system worked with the left doesn't want you to know that so we'll talk about that with AK coming up bottom of this hour, but jointly right now is the way he is such a long title� Is always the case. This is a long hospital at at any rate I he is a part of free speech America and news busters. You can find them in our CG contributors. I want to welcome Michael Morris to the program Michael welcome good to have you. So help me, you will be a short official title that we could start saying when I introduce you probably fine okay editor and busters is that without being present. I will repeat American MRT business though editor with okay all right good deal.

Well let's let's get into some of the meat of the matter, as it were a lot lots lots and lines for us to discuss. I mean, one of the things, obviously, is that Jack Dorsey is stepping down or has stepped down at twitter and that's it. That's a pretty big free-speech story except that it seems as though the guy that's coming in behind him is maybe even more dangerous.

I do know that's what some are saying it a big deal, story, object or or not a friend of the right not that way on the left and bank but you think may have gone from bad word Dorothea corporate dining at a date look like.

Here's what happened under Dorothy plot will probably ban on the platform on January clear a target drop without friction between even before that during Presidents' Day media research Center Creek Beach, America actually track the number I entered hundred 25 Pine or even banned outright hundred and 25 rate by altering the pinkeye. Monitored by Twitter. All other news outlet call the New York both had a couple of bombshell report leading up to the elections of the 2020 and the posted cited reporting out then Democratic and built by Donna Hunter and reportedly for the lead dealings of both fighting in Ukraine and also in China and both the story brought both for media platform rightly recording on Facebook and in particular twitter Dorothy with no trying to write. Twitter has been a friend of the right overwhelmingly the employees there donate Democrat. We had a report out on that ugly year ago now, but the inbound guy has said usual printed right uterine unity work named Eric Agarwal. I hope I didn't burn out.

But the people that think like that I will not be bound by the First Amendment, but are will disturb a healthy public accommodation are like the thing neatly to help your public thing that we do about the focus on thinking about repeat but thinking about how the kind yet thing is that I won't repeat. Now you want Americans to be able to build on the Twitter platform and speak their mind freely and debate.

Thanks and have an open conversation about what's going on in the real world.

You want the thing and then you know you think lead to a hope here public conversation while your public accommodation to the left one. Talk about not one American. I think something to that we unit in framing this to you whether you and I and I and I agree with you, I mean certainly conservative speech is something that twitter Facebook Google have come out and said and and we have whistleblowers that have come out that I've had Zach Voorhees and Ryan Hartwig on the program talking about is that the biases that exist within these platforms, but I think in general for for you know Americans, they consider themselves to kinda be middle-of-the-road Americans if you will that you know free-speech folks is something that is a critical underpinning of what gives us the liberties that we have enjoyed in this country for 246 years. It's what made America different. It's what set us apart from the rest of the world is the ability to have true public discourse and people who have opposing views and now's the social platforms and become the place that for a period of time. That's where these issues were aired in individuals that leaned in a particular way would follow individuals that they wanted to hear from an individual you know and and it went both ways and that was it.

That was a reasonable use of these platforms and and sadly, my goal that that's not the case anymore. Now, as you said you have individuals that are sitting at the top of these files that are saying no, we're going to decide who's going to get to have a platform here and let's face it, you know, there are there are others that are coming up. There is been parlor there's been gab. There's been clout hub that were on that. There's been you know a number of others that are that are out there, but at the end of the day, Facebook and twitter are still the dominant social platforms in our country and around the world and if you want to have a place where people are going to hear what you're going to have to say those are places you've gotta break into and and have and have a voice and what you're saying I think is dangerous and I'm just saying that all Americans should be incredibly concerned about this free-speech issue important in the online realm right now and back to back to back Dorothy resignation will warning about people gloating about ducking down here in the event editor Jack meeting, twitter and bad bad bad or creepy. The world will be unleashed now commentator go make a gang about the Nata deck Dorothy candidate think that the ship and got it much agreed with� Duration at that debt and all the right take. I've been telling people per year. Deck Dorothy is not your enemy prisoner at his own company and the Internet, maybe even the left wing people that believe in creepy will are out there projecting all maybe maybe things will get better now gone built building. I think they're getting worse. The day after twitter implemented the quality you United land. The nuclear policy that all information, I will twitter all private media can affect everyone have a good proportionate effect on women and members of minority community ability doing that they declare MacLachlan that they will not allow the sharing media or video. The private individual without me.

What how the work, but it appears that they don't want recording on things on their platform not may have, except for things like thing that will be useful for public information or for storytelling for the trying to make a card out. Look at what they think the debt that they're not taking to think that they will enter and impairment of the warning about this as well. Again deck in your editor for the new credit union regulation would be allowed to crank out the Dell never being one that was a sharp utility vehicle about out the billions. Debt we need to get into that story to go ahead and continue the winning week with that that is a story that is fallen off the front pages and I want to address that issue relative to Eunice CNN is still the lead when it comes to mainstream media and and what mainstream media is talking about.

Go ahead and whine about what he grabbed a beer unworkable. All uniquely contracted go out brand, although other with delectable pork that all will pertaining to be impartial and interested only in the date the Dano mode even had a comment on Twitter trying to model your feet only corporate bracket that the narrative on Kenosha project American can be silent what is all the things are no longer wear that exemption, we believe that this what you think.

The top five stories are the CNN is covered. I can promise you that want shot is not one of them, nor is the fact that a senator a senator today is calling for revolution. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Mississippi relative to the issue of abortion.

And there's no conversation about the after standing on talking about.

Thank you for tuning into a chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping and encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city, County, state and nation to be the Christian influence and life been called to be pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life-changing power work in you, or have a question you can reach us at 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation is available to bring that life-changing message and anointing to your event again. That number is 86 24 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation, are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry this product he's passing that savings on to you is the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on praising the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there something you can do by from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever, and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider.

They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multiline accounts.

They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972. Patriot, 972 patriot calls today use the code chosen patriot as pastor Greg goes to the generation radio show thanking you for tuning in. I have been battling covert and double pneumonia and I want to tell you what I did to overcome quercetin with bromelain 1600 mg, 800 mg twice a day vitamin D3 10,000 IUs zinc 100 mg, 50�2 vitamin C 2000 mg. I'm using Airborne also had a lot of prayer and my doctor immediately put me on azithromycin and dexamethasone as soon as we got the positive result along with Symbicort and albuterol. I'm not giving you medical advice. I'm simply saying to you ladies and gentlemen.

There are some things that we can do to combat this, and I hope that you will stock your pharmacy in your house with the quercetin the vitamin D3 the sink and the vitamin C God bless you. Now back to chosen generation with your host pastor Greg. Don't forget you can get more chosen generation, at and log back to June generation radio were no topic is off-limits.

Everything filtered through biblical glasses, my guest, Michael Morris news busters and free speech America associate editor and that Michael so CNN has this thing that they do.

It's called the five things to know and each day they give you five things that they think you should be paying attention to number one. The Michigan shooting. I have no issue with that is terrible. Three people were killed eight people were wounded. Number two Scotus the abortion hearing Mississippi law that that that quote unquote bars.

Most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and the coronavirus got to talk about coronavirus, the capital riot because Mark Meadows. Now the former Chief of Staff is a semi regular guest you're in the program is going to be testifying will reach out to Mark actually in that get some thoughts from them on that and then minimal are military, government filed a new corruption charge against the deposed civilian leader. I don't see anything on here about Warwickshire. I don't see anything on here about all I don't know Chris Cuomo and and and his manipulation of media relative to his brother Andrew and his smear campaign against Andrew Cuomo's accusers.

This is typical of media and they think is a you know that they have a right to manipulate the general public as we were talking about. The first segment social media platforms. Then follow their lead and censor out the things that they don't want discussed media and you're right again the mayor what the media that I would ever be decade ago about training and what they to talk about.

By by omission bank and what I call the lane during media or the little bit you know that the shooting is number one on the letter. There and yell that pretty typical of the left as well.

The left like to make about the gun and not about the actual tutor.

Obviously they'll like the thing that quickly your prayers go out the things affecting the people involved in the shooting really terrible and I'm glad at least covering it, but yet why aren't they covering what going up that's probably because there the left put the narrative of van Dyck. The left can't put the narrative of like the that's why you're ignoring it. You noted Chris Cuomo that you know being in critical with the convention one on-air minute and it was under one second that with the that was yesterday on-air 30 p.m. Cooper moment before Cuomo time would normally air and out of the back in our live an article by Nicholas Monte Carlo out. He wrote, turning away from new masturbator and she legal analyst different Cuban to print out the Greek that he had knew about the network in both Chris Cuomo the oath of the Cuomo primetime.

It went on to say new document delete the week indicated to Chris with more intimately involved than previously known.

In helping his brother or near Andrew, crafted, or if� Though, I'm really crazy. Again, this is a big story ends not so much is that it's a big story because of the names or what have you. It's a big story because it is an absolute right in your face evidential proof of the fact that we have a media that attempts to manipulate and craft house stories get to the public and what stories get to the public. Here's a story that's on children's that's not going to be seen. The mainstream media of 49-year-old Texas man who required to have long a lung transplant. His Liz that he had problems with his lungs, not covert related. Ended up getting coded, recovered from covert, but in order for them they would not grant him the lifesaving transplant. According to his wife Amy. His name is Bob Bolin. His wife's name Amy Bolin in order to get the transplant he was forced to inject that injection gave him a a a pulmonary aneurysm and killed him well. Terrible prayer audience that another group that I'm over here. The new thought. I our writer that you be putting out later about, and Kramer had about covert, 19 about back unit and Kramer and thought not being a lot of talking points on their yet pretty crazy coming out and Kramer was up on Twitter the other day. Perhaps what going on and off dry on some of the European countries in terms of lockdown, what they're calling on Sugarman Duke for those that are on back to keep an eye out for that not all defined things like sweet naked is with this defending and will also be vigilant in the defense of our freedom.

There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people are joined now carry the a Mac membership card. A Mac was built by regular folks feel the same way you do. You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and holds a traditional American values.

You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values call the day 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago. Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free.

You find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy.

The prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there something you can do by from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever, and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multiline accounts. They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972. Patriot, 972 patriot calls today use the code chosen patriot high this is Michael Kreider of Michael's MNP supplements.

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That's Pastor Greg get your special discount today. Thank you for tuning into chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping and encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city, County, state and nation to be the Christian influence and life been called to be. Pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life-changing power working you if you or have a question. You can reach us at 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation is available to bring that's life changing message an anointing to your event again. That number is 830-446-3624 446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening know you continue typing and love offering right from your computer.

Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace generation radio or code topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. Well, couple of interesting things that that I think deserve our well deserve our attention and focus. II want us to understand the place that we are in and the end and where we find ourselves, what are they trying to do and I think one of the best places to understand this is to understand the push that is happening right now to move us into socialism and I would suggest to you that socialism is a place that we have in fact already gone. It's not a place that were going to do. It's actually a destination upon which we have arrived these conversations about universal income. The fact that we have had this situation relative to shutdowns and lockdowns and businesses being closed and now we have attempts to try to open up business but I want us to think for just a second about and I talked about this before it in and it may seem as a radical idea.

There's our guest here we go see if we can bring him into the conversation. All right, hey, welcome to the program. This AK are you and I am very good how are you sir I am doing well the morning. Good good good good what's good to have you on board. Glad to be on. I was just talking to my audience hereabouts how you know people are our talk about communism and socialism in an and are we are we getting there and I was suggesting to them that we actually we are there. You know when you think about while your businessperson so you fully understand this, you have all of these regulations and and I've been in been in business to add started many companies in my 59 years here on earth. You have all of these regulations. All of these entities that attempt to tell you how you can or cannot do business and you have to pay them in order to be able to hang a shingle and and and do business and now because of this plan. Endemic that we been under we have a situation where individuals are now being paid by the government to stay home, which makes it very difficult for small businesses.

In particular, which is Brenda backbone of our country.

Can you speak to that for just a second and then we'll get into some of the other stuff that I know we want to talk about yeah you know I think you're your probably on. More than operated. I think that there is a larger plan in place that have been employed working toward the goal of your shipping our free-market capitalism toward a socialist dental plan the night.

I think that it happened at such a slow rate that under a lot of people's radar, you know, when you talk about Corporation. You know, kind of. Basically doing the will of the government know the CEO of the huge multinational corporation doing the work of the government and when you get back when you know you feel more beholden to the federal government to their church shareholders or or to the consumer.

I think that when you start the transition away from the premarket capital we do this. Whatever the quads I authoritarian with socialism. It communism and I think that that is something I've been concerned about and that I think people are starting now realize as the rules and regulation come rolling out but you already know that the government has all the power very difficult. The party can unless you live in a state that has no the apparatus but Lord, or a that are really pushing back your South Dakota pushing back the government central planning. Okay sure well and and one of the ways to that they attempts to enforce or bring in and and."" Fundamentally change a nation is to create chaos and animus in the way they do.

That is, as they tried to get people sectioned off into groups divide them. Get them angry at one another in order to be able to create the necessary chaos in order to destabilize and and and D structure. The system that you know that that was in place and and and that really speaks to and I have you now have members of project 21 black leadership network, program regularly because these are the kinds of things that we want to push back against. We want to make sure the people understand that you know how they're how they're working to manipulate us. You know we had I believe to just verdicts in the last week. You know Ahmad Aubrey's verdicts was a just verdict we can not have vigilante justice under any circumstance, and self-defense in the Rittenhouse case is something that that we have to have in order to be able to defend ourselves such as Kyle was forced to do it and there's an even bigger thing. They're having to do with all of the businesses that were being burned down in and the rioting that was taking place, but talk to me about your thoughts as you look at that picture and you look at the justice picture. What message do you want people to take away from that AK you I want I want people to take away that our job ingrained right with the belief of what the founder you are certain to be and I think that when you think of America's founding. You had all of the gentleman that came together and how can we create society really going to allow freedom of liberty and justice prevail, and I put together the masterful document the masterful and I initial system is a work question on that though I have always adequately that while there are times in which jury get long and that you have prosecutor manipulate with the lie. Sometimes you have the correct attorney manipulate quick and why in general are restricted with the great system and so I believe that these two cases which had very differing reactions.

For those that want to provide yet they could indicate the written out the justice advocate are buried to the bait picked into when they think that you and I you exactly how to host the work might not have the outcome that you personally to the higher meant you care about your feeling that you care about truth in Chuck that give people an opportunity to actually be presented with information to lift the trigger. I think that's really what about it. I think there may be reinforced or have a conversation with which I've been doing on my social media journal thing. I want you to take the it really how justice work. You know, you don't have to tropic being used by the local monitor fighter that you know if Kyle was a black man that he would've been found guilty, you know, things like that don't go out go through that noise is look like a carbon look at the contrast to that they tried to do because what did they say they said Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist right okay and then on the court, on the steps of the courthouse where the armory trial is being taken place.

You have armed new Black Panthers saying we're going to seek retribution. So in other words, the very thing that's being tried in the armory trial which was vigilante-ism and we are family and saying that's a lawlessness. We can't allow that. There standing on the courthouse steps saying that's exactly what we intend to do and then on he other side you've got the written situation where there crying Outlook.

This is just self-defense and there's I know this was white supremacy except the problem was is that it was three white guys that got shot to kill the one wounded, and I made a video laying out Cory? You like to permit the and Ralph Nader like the gram, the night I laid it out at you got a white kid who I think maybe Hartley got a call right now. I know that they're actually true, but typically the three people that were where in all shot and killed two of them killed one of them entered well. Like I buy I've made the pickpocketing on a blue blood by Robbie McCalla Goddard 70,000 views a leader, whatever nonsense: when you like.

There are people again from the cracked want to divide people that want to divide this push this way you narrative to the point that there are average American really think that black people died during the hearing that bring out any of them, you know.

Sure, it want you said earlier could be any more accurate unified people and you put them in the little group and a few everyone else. The other always push the other and in that that I think what America did understand that what brings us together, not the immutable traits right Collier Skynyrd or think what it isn't that bring together value C American we can have the value bring us together and then you know you are trying to take our freedom will be right back. AK Camara is where this right after this regular signature. This is Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of the chosen generation of Pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me chosen generation has to say all his for once again that Saverio 46624 visits will be blessed as ours is found by this Pastor Greg goes to the judge generation right reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you are goal is to return our country to a biblically-based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world over hundred 50 years.

You are a part of that vision. So please join us a chosen chosen and sign up for our emails today. You find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on praising the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever, and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multiline accounts. They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972. Patriot, 972 patriot calls today use the code chosen patriot are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired.

It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike window started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry us product he's passing that savings on to you is the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people are joined now carry the a Mac membership card. A Mac was built by regular folks and feel the same way you do. You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and holds a traditional American values.

You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values.

Call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago.

Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free.

Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman I am for life from conception I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles. I'm in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for immoral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code.

I believe we are all sinners and the God in his grace and mercy said his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow local precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ spirit man perfected and so was man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame of the fall, but we were pens and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness the God will heal our land. I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes and that's a call evil wicked and to learn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated Christianity. That's a love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me means that I must risk scorned to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong, silent and not fearful, courageous. Therefore, if you're my friend may not fully know that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs.

They are not available for me and you can if you choose, unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, and that God, not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way God bless you. You can support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace Hale of the messenger. Dinner is ready where no topic is off limits everything filled through biblical glasses. My guess is AK Camara is a member. Project 21 black leadership network. You can find look on the project.

21 icon and you'll find a AK Camaro over there. He also does a weekly podcast called black Republican black Democrat and encourage you to check that out and if you're residing in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area well. He owns a small insurance agency there. You might want to reach out to him and see if he can help meet your needs. AK we were talking about has so many different things in there I I'm interested. I think it's cool to bring into this because you you were all you're in Hawaii right now and I was just telling you that I had a friend of mine that was gonna be on yesterday and we had some technical issues but they were in Hawaii and he was saying man I'm telling you Hawaii is like Australia and I'm man if we don't if we don't stand up. It's going to be right here in the states, but talk to me about some of the things that are going on in Hawaii that people really need to know about and then I'd like to get into our conversation that we had about Black Friday and some of the some of those things that happen to because I know that you're a you know I great line order supporter and the and a lot of your love, your video Highway it's time to pick a side law enforcement or BOM. I watch that in was just very impressed by that and then I went from there to watch a number of your other wonderful ideas that you have up on YouTube rather self but no go ahead, please talk to me about so what you're what you're seeing in in Hawaii in the transition to Black Friday though why you have to show your paper or you have to show proof of a -24 hour of your you want to fly to Hawaii and it was never going though.

I have never gone anywhere that required you to have to show anything. Let me participate in a in which United States operates right like oh well three American dear you hear about it now people are living your. But we haven't been at extreme you know there I would not format for going that well, but thereafter your going to a special event with Lloyd because I don't like that when you get Hawaii you have to show them that you do your back nation card or you have to show them that every single person political line and in any kind of talk that the people in, get preapproval type of thing. You get a written plan. People in mind. Probably hard to make land in Hawaii when you're asked again why you're driving around every single plate have format you want about the kind of day is like $500 fine. We went to a luau just like might actually go out and out and they said no where your map in between plate between drink it.

Not clock her dog had if you really like what were doing and I know what I'm called water are good Mike. I will do it in my hand and in object you could draw relatively close Mike. I like to have a map much of Turlock. She went to the template you go the tires. There you know, because now they held her so great a colored and it not the business. I don't think you got the government to change what they feel and it was my perfect. The term man. I don't really want to get out how to go to work, the value, but not you like no other, or you like to make gave you a flower, no laying all that and you know what outer walk around and drama going to everybody, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt all the time. It's ridiculous but you're right that may land to look like a lie, so there so the contrast that I live in Texas right so on.

On Friday, and I don't get out a lot since my accident that I had in the car accident when have you and be in a wheelchair. I just I don't get out a time getting out with more now, but I went out and a friend of mine invited me to lunch on on Black Friday, so we were up in in Kerrville is just up the road from us and went to a fairly popular Mexican restaurant there and sat down and had a meal and and I had to get rolled over to to the restrooms. I rolled through the end of the main lobby area and I mean I'm looking AK and the place is packed. I will split and in there that you know there's a few scattered masks here and there but for the most part nobody has masks. People are sitting right next to one another. Having these, you know, having conversations, laugh, and having a great time and I made a comment about it.

I might man it is so nice to see people out enjoying and it was so cool I got like three a man's comment from people in the Lottie yeah that great man you are free you know what I mean and I just say that to suggest that you know that the contrast is you're saying is you are experiencing what you experienced in Hawaii. The contrast between a state where the people have said, we reject these mandates were were not going to be, you know, imprisoned in our homes were not going to be in for a look if somebody wants to wear a mask, knock yourself out if somebody wants to get an injection, go right ahead were not saying don't do it where Jim simply saying no one, no government entity should mandate and if an individual business wants to say hey you can't do this or you can't do that in my business that's on them as well. We make a decision as to where were going to go eat and who were going to do business with. Based on those ideals and that's what a free America is all about AK and what the computer a lot I have encountered people and you know you got it delivered earlier and everything that I already got going on, but I think we have more concerted conversation talking think that we are diametrically opposed to find the thing that we agree with your old tropical agreed to get the Greek right should I think a lot harder to do. But when we talk about certain thing such as what what do people tolerate and what will they tolerate in the name of safety. It bring to the interest included work argument about about their server to persuasion or freedom quickly is very simple. We don't care what you wanted you putting up again you're not putting other people I think are we don't care what it is that you want to get what I mean. I think I'm correcting out like Mike. I'm talking about trying you appetite and you're right. Putting other people literally danger or stealing going into stores okay and cleaning off their shelves so you can go ahead and sell it on the black market. That's not cool and you know and lawlessness and I will went on to get into that, but I know your big law and order guy and I really appreciate that about you checking out a cake tomorrow for sure and get over you. National Center for now. Maria Van writer and cohost of breakpoint this week. Your weekly conversation on news and culture from a Christian worldview perspective inviting you to join me and John Stonestreet each weekend right here on this station for a 30 minute look through what's happening in our world and how we as Christians should respond with truth and love, chosen generation, host pastor and you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should shoot for the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous life in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy and now chosen generation pastor grade program here. I know you rejoice in who you can listen to each and every day and I am so pleased to be able to be here and join you each and every day, and Debbie sure sure the website generation that's chosen got some my new sponsorship things going on over there and encourage you to check that out. One of them is a great cell phone company. Patriot mobile.

The only Christian conservative mobile phone company. They are on all of the big towers folks all the big towers and you'll get great coverage, but you'll also be supporting an entity that supports well all of things we believe in, including one of the issues were to be talking about with my next guest contacted today. 972. Patriot is the number to call 972 patriot use the code chosen get a free activation that's patriot mobile or reach out to them online patriot You can find their banner and are sponsors that can also want to let you know that say if you're looking for some gifts in this holiday season, Americans for Limited government ALG has some incredibly cool comedic arts that they have put together on canvas and you could pick those up as well at our website by simply going again to the sponsor page and clicking on that link and one last thing, and I'm a new be pushing this more this next week. If you are concerned about the cold season were men that were in the cold season and forget you okay so we got this on the Cron and Corona and what have you but look all of those things are addressed by addressing your immune system and I've put together for that CG an incredible immunity packet. I've consulted with some physicians on this. I've consulted with the owners of this company and we want to offer this to you as that the CG packet CG and I'm taking one of their products which is called vibe and if you been watching me for any length of time you know the my beard has as always been super whites right since he been on will if you look at it right now you can see the color is coming back in my beard and I am not dying. It this is a direct result of about two months now worth of taking this product vibe and it's truly some outs and it is clinically proven to deal with aging issues via the Cleveland medical clinic are enough about that day which is focused as my guest and David and I started taking this stuff actually when you and I gotten it got together and connected in Illinois when on that that that great steak dinner that we had together. Have you met my son, so that's when I got introduced to this product and I've been taking it ever sense and and I'm I'm telling you it has it has made a huge difference for me and that's why I'm encouraging people to take it well will hear about that.

I have figured out generation to not only I was started. About a year and 1/2 ago and all white so I don't know why I was I wasn't really taking it thinking that I was going to happen, but I just I look in the mirror and gone. Holy smokes, my I'm getting color back in my in my beard and color back in places and in my hair with that that word just you know if you months ago, completely white and and and so yeah, I'm kind of enjoying you know that that kind of energetic youthful feeling that I get from taken the stuff let's thereabouts were to go toward the yes side by May. Yes sir, I might want to consider the declaration of the Bennett 100% and an explanation of either or both with the personal sound like my book about the my book about the banana court creating the Declaration of Independence. My book about the Declaration of Independence no better time to get back things that are different, but also know that America's founding document that I know what you have linked the Amazon site on CG contributors and it would be really great. It will consider constitutional sound like the Declaration of Independence are both available on Amazon Beaufort and hopefully can get those that those in circulation to some educational best for Christmas and for this you that are watching ice on TEC NCV or on our website. It should you're looking at a picture David and right underneath it it says constitutional sound bites right underneath his name for that exact purpose to help promote that because it's definitely something that I believe in, and I believe that you should death get one of the those books and the and check it out and know your Constitution and why should you know your Constitution because of your reading your Constitution, you would know that killing babies is not in our Constitution. Thank God that Novak got our yard this morning in the spring port on the Jackson down. I believe Jackson Hole help right the ship. He thinks that regarding abortion matters. I hesitate to call board like that.

I've never route read anyplace in any of the decision whether Roe versus Wade or Casey versus Planned Parenthood not know nobody ever says that there's a right to an abortion. I called all of those things are built upon a consideration of a right privacy which is been saying that there's a right abortion and that one of the one the argument this morning that the Mississippi was putting forward was in fact that there is no place in the current edition. There is no reference and there is there are ways of the rights of the ground within the Like the right to privacy out through our tradition and long-standing old of the at the founding of the government in a course at the founding logs every year, every state founding are prohibited abortion was related to something they call reckoning and those that but at the time. A lot of the print.the 14th amendment and that your theoretical equal protection argument and at the time that that the 14th amendment was ratified, that there were 37 states in the two of them had criminalized as an abortion is making strong historical arguments against the existence of the alleged right and that doing very very well so far and here's here's something else that you know again and this is how the left frames the arguments David is the pro-choice advocates versus the managerial abortion folks, let's be very clear as to what it is that were talking about. It is basically the Pro kill the baby because somebody decided to have sexual relations, and didn't maybe necessarily take into account somehow that the byproduct of those relations might mean the responsibility of a wife versus those who are pro-life and believe that God has a plan and a purpose and that that that baby that infants is an innocent victim whose rights need to be defended by someone. Somebody has to step up for the innocent and not have their bloodshed and and there's a real quick fix to not having AA that that particular issue, David, and it's called abstention directly right on all what kind the medical and scientific facts right. If you don't have sex. You're not going to get pregnant, you know, I and Ryan and and I think the other thing, statistically speaking, is you know rape is not the number one reason nor the number one cause of someone going in and having an abortion that that is it's of methods and argument, but it is not the number one cause of the number one reason it it it it it it is, of course, at the moment that Greg or the court right before the court day. Got there making legal argument that whether or not, but the right has many have what they call covering the question or whether or not there's any legal basis for finding such a right in that vision that theoretical combination of the ninth amendment, which which indicates that there are unenumerated rights that there are right but it just that are not listed in the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment applies the ninth amendment to the state. And in that situation. The strongest argument the legal standpoint is in fact that there is no such prediction, history I distance for the legal right.

That's really the center of the debate in the spring port. The deck would like to thank the summer. Some of the things are up all night and they are all the percent but do not confuse people.

Those are not the things that are talking about the court, the court that are actually talking about whether or not there actually was a connection in the two alleged right abortion in the strongest argument is it was never, it was a political vision to begin with and which case it really did something very very bad and that was make the decision away from the people and that's why we had all the tongue wrecked the daughter over your because it when things are not in the Eye is provided for either appropriation for the government, or a grant of authority for the government in which then those are those made with the people so that the day in the court is not really what abortion should be legal or illegal, whether there issues regarding rape or viability theater, whether or not decisions made by gap by the United States spring port will usurp the authority of the people or whether it should devolve back to the state legislature was rampant.

Where was it the founding word had that unknown I think of the three I believe what I meant really what they're debating legal right and and Mississippi today frames this way. Currently, the right, they say this the right to abortion is protected prior to fetal viability. That's their statement and that's what you're saying. The argument is is is there a constitutional right to that end the argument by Mississippi is is no there is not and it brings up an interesting question that we can also delve into a little bit. On the other side of this and that is the Supreme Court made a decision relative to the issue of marriage and is there a constitutional right to marriage in a constitutional definition.

Accordingly, hi this is Michael Kreider of Michaels M and P supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all. When I turned to Michael's MMPs energy factors instead our energy factors are safe, healthy and unnatural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at Michael's is best Dragon I use energy factors there great order yours that's and use faster Greg for your special discount. That's Pastor Greg I get your special discount today you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on praising the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there something you can do by from companies. The believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever, and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multiline accounts. They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972. Patriot, 972 patriot calls today use the code chosen patriot out of action chosen generation with plastic tray and is faster. Greg, thanks so much for tuning in ice so greatly appreciated. Did you know Matthew 10 tells us whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light and what you hear in the ear preach on the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your father's will but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear. Therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows. I want to encourage you in this Thanksgiving time that God has a plan has a purpose and he's working it out and he wants you to be a part of it and you can through Jesus Christ his son.

If you've never professed faith in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to do that today simply pray this prayer. Father, please forgive me for all my sins take them away from me and help me to become the person that you created me to be. I desire to have relationship with you, and I asked Jesus Christ to become the Lord of my life. I put my faith in him and I believe on the promises you've made a man if you prayed that prayer reach out to me and let me know. I'd love to hear from you today and know this. We are God's chosen generation chosen for such a time as this and every day when you listen to the program and you hear the opening that we play that is a reminder of who you and I are God bless you and have a great rest of your debt. Now back to chosen generation with your host Pastor Greg. Don't forget you can get more chosen generation, at and will go back to June generation ready on your host Pastor Greg and my guess is David just took us again encourage you to get constitutional soundbites be a great Christmas present for your grandkids for your kids for yourself if you don't have a copy of that you should have a copy so that you understanding of one of the critical issues that you should understand has to do specifically with the case that's happening right now. Relative to the rights and and is there a right to this concept of abortion. And then, in addition to that, where does the power lie relative to deciding whether or not something along this line is going to happen and let me read you to constitutional amendments, and then David's going to give us insight and commentary.

The ninth amendment says the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The 10th amendment, the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people and Dave is suing both those instances, there is a natural assumption of powers and privileges and rights and this has a lot to do with that. You know that the consent of the governed right there I Greg first opera report regarding states right wrenching briefly before the bright state not have right of power granted by the people and know that and said that it the federal government. The federal government. Our granted by the people, in which case the people had granted the federal government authority, overwrought matters like abortion and it would be among the enumerated powers in article 1 section 8.

It is not, and show that wind up being served to regulate the power to regulate abortion through the 10th amendment is reserved to the states or to the people, respectively, of the state had not granted the power to hurt the people not granted power to the state regulate abortion benefactor states would not have all so now that that's their conduct with our notice.

The ninth amendment is significantly different because it refers to right and it talks about right of the people. It doesn't talk about right now any government people have right and so those are two different type and the ninth amendment was happily relied upon the series of the stitching zapped.

Starting with one call Griswold versus Connecticut the burning for road Casey versus Planned Parenthood that revolved around the right vibrancy was right to privacy. They found grounding for the Duchenne through a combination of reading certain things like the fourth amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. That means you have a right to your privacy from the federal government that the government can intrude upon that and so this is what and so was the ninth amendment right to privacy, that this bold host of abortion regulation by the federal part of court was built upon, but you can find nowhere in our predictions are history or the lot of the founding or the adoption of the ninth amendment, or the time of the adoption of the 14th amendment that allowed the federal government regulate or that I the state power or authority to regulate abortion so that that's what the argument will allow 10th amendment and spirit you decide these matters and just because spring court determines that it's not the federal government decide it doesn't mean that tomorrow abortion will be outlawed across it mean that decision goes back respectively to the state as per the current amendment and showed laughter and of course everybody goes to their owners on their on the ground of the underlying issue that they're interested in, but input but I very very important to consider going number that we have our own rule of law.

Nine. Many little dictators sitting up in the spring court should be bound not only did the are bound by the current and under the Constitution. They do not have the authority to regard to ban abortion, or to go through up regulation of Joseph Edward, this is what went all about our and it's interesting.

I think the notes you because once you have reestablished that the right of again of these kinds of decisions to be made by the people in each state where they reside and honor. Once again the will of the people in the Constitution of the states in which they reside. Now you you bring into you know into focus. Perhaps quiet.

What is so egregious about the Supreme Court's decision in Oberg Feld where you had Supreme Court justices that just simply said what we we feel individually not based on any legal precedent.

We just individually feel like this is how it should be a family matter. Family matter because they belong to wait a minute. Just like with you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night.

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This was I this Pastor Greg goes to the generation right reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with interviews on topics that impact our goal is to return our country to a biblically-based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world are over hundred and 50 years. You are a part of that vision.

So please join us a chosen generation chosen generation, and sign up for our emails today. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom.

There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people are joined now carry the a Mac membership card payment was built by regular folks and feel the same way you do. You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution.

So if you're 50 or over and holds a traditional American values. You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values. Call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago.

Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free. Thank you for tuning into chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping and encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city, County, state and nation to be the Christian influence and life. We have been called to be. Pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life-changing power working you if you or have a question. You can reach us at 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation is available to bring that's life changing message an anointing to your event again.

That number is 830-446-3624 six 3624. Give us a call and keep on listening to you continue typing and love offering right from your computer. Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation.

Now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace L of the message.

An generation radio were no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. Well folks, it is my pleasure as we do here on Wednesdays to welcome my cohost to the program. Rick Manning is on witness, Americans for Limited government Rick welcome good to have you, sir. A great debater. Thank you and my pleasure always to welcome Dr. David warms her center for security policy and as I as I mentioned in the in the warm-up. He is the director of the project on global anti-Semitism and the US Israel relationship and there's a lot of anti-Semitism that is taking place right now we are. We just passed the 75 years after Auschwitz and it's interesting to note relative to that. That's when our American General came upon that he wanted to make certain that lots of pictures were taken. Lots of historical record established because he said one day, one day they will say that this did not happen. David were were experiencing that I mean we been experiencing for quite some time were worse, especially it seems experiencing it now and it's really become more emboldened among some of the higher academia can you speak to that 100 hire a new dominant part what you will, that, right now gravitating toward what an actionable idea left and I think what really coming from the day or what happened at Mount Sinai and what happened in the Bible and what happened at Mount Moriah where it got up I this is the foundation of the wet wanted Gordon have to go back with. And while in Qu�bec or all back or we aren't the end of the great day of hope.

We are the if you really want to put down the wet got down that right now why the bill gravitating toward help you out the first emotional and earth work on the long walk, not the creek. I think all part of the larger war on� All anti-Semitism in particular left thought the day on the work ethic by the more the Rector Campfield ground of America and the gist of this is happening where they're doing this inside a vacuum. When the reality is is that this is creating a huge destabilization in the Middle East in an area that under the Trump leadership in the Trump policies. There was a piece that was beginning to take shape that had not happened in that region in a very very long time and now you have, you know, Bochum China Joe and his policies are are very quickly unraveling that issues with Iran. Their nuclear program certainly has to be a grave concern.

Isis seems to have risen again and nobody wants to talk about it but you know Turkey and their influence in that region and what they are trying to accomplish in early wants push towards a new Ottoman Empire and all of it is being supported in the background by China take your pick. I just said to pay for it which one of those you want to take a swing at where on her part, of the Obama or where the Obama administration 112 with our ally credit outline during the Cold War, whether it was Columbia fighting the fark whether it was a code you Israel and the mentally UN evaluated: European country with great hope. When you look at Obama on, felt from our ally and we had with Alan and reached out for enemy fire.

Later on you are our minimum car with her. I want order much more aggressively than are our unfeeling surface you have.

It might be bad cop you had with Obama rate 93. In the Cold War that Jacob fell hard on ally of United under the and the result in our enemy will have a moment and yet there are political happening not incurred what happened though for a couple weeks ago though they know they have about a year really got on top.

I would look at the neck month awfully younger life you follow this very closely. Please get by all means are the irony to our course toward Iran is actually solidified the round-trip record in terms of the relationship formed with between Israel and those southern Arab state UA radio a particular as were saying relationships, becoming more closer and closer play. They know they can't depend on our way to my writing thing that is backed up at the backlash in the Middle East is less reliant on the US had more self reliant and I either go together will absolutely arrive. Alignment the American I want diplomat called community. The mother, David Nathan either chose to go more quickly. McIntyre last year, but in braille for cocoa and brick UAE and their providing the very cognitive think that the Bible I'm glad you're beginning carry the water of the lectern.

The fact that what the living but at the end of the day tomorrow at the morality and power not an though the world ultimately the cut are our I'm glad that there may be added and added to that alignment. After clearing the water, but but I America about the ability of the lectern world you are in our way of life.

Do it without the direction I like to go but American power given the transitory nature of American power for administration or desperation and the fact they left and the right America do not agree about what are who are allied actually are in America had to leave in the future or in our week of the good to have you on your side when you're here. I'm trying to really figure out what that looks like a decade now because no matter who wins in 2024 and I got 25 want relationship and trust. The relationship shattered the right to request and I have to go back to the internal American clerk at on all the radical or with collection internally. The very fact of who we are having a break in building the back when you have a following.

Comparing now and you know we have to go back and rethink the school.

We happily think the character makes people go to character.make code.

People go back with her are no quick though the people back for three I undervalue where we found like her that of Western thought, though rebuilt the applicant that calibrate, create wildly When we command we take a break and dismember again we come back as I like to talk in some specifics relative to Iran and and their efforts towards becoming a nuclear power and and there are many who believe and I said this, you and I David have talked about this and in other times I believe that Iran actually is already there. They already have that they already have that capability is a matter how how are they getting use it what's it gonna look like when they do, and I think that's why Israel's reaction where they are but also was about Turkey and I want to talk about just simply jotting terrorism in general and where we may be going in the next 6 to 10 months now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom.

There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people are joined now carry the a Mac membership card. A Mac was built by regular folks and feel the same way you do.

You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional American values. You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values call the day 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago. Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free.

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Thank you for tuning into a chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping and encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city, County, state and nation to be the Christian influence and life been called to be.

Pastor Greg is committed to seeing God's life-changing power working you if you or have a question. You can reach us at 830-446-3624 K30 446-3624 if your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation is available to bring that life-changing message an anointing to your event again. That number is 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation, are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night.

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As we went into the break. I suggested that we might want to think a little bit about Iran, Turkey, and jotting terrorism. David, we're talking you and I and Rick and in the break, but bring our audience in. If you would your thoughts with regards to Iran, Turkey, and Rick asked a very interesting question. I know Rick you want to ask that them will run from there. I work with Jay Leno if you know the NATO NATO quest and alignment. Turkey desired return of the Ottoman Empire. Can we became the membership and I would argue that it should not return the fact that they no longer have NATO's interest at heart. They have a they have the interest of Empire. But dammit, what you what you think can never NATO NATO and what what about the relationship between them and I grant that inboard that they're heading for trouble between the article arrived on the hard part of Parker regarding the court part of the political direction of her right now. What grandpa for NATO will and current military structure matter of the really don't belong there and there you NATO both to shut down quickly and critically. But think of all the wall in your very danger. We think alike. European politics the large Muslim population area collectively on radical movement in the court possibly throughout your pro-Turkish structure everywhere you go in every year that is radicalizing them up the great threat nation the code expect the work be part of the wine of the life and what no absolutely have to. For the removal.

I'm not sure what the neck that it really real mechanism for but anyway we had a really quick about the larger question about Iran and Turkey yell at the end of the day, Katie got there they think they back the very lot identity and and Turkey and about the house. Modern Iran reaction. It had been a party to another to be up there. However, they are quite outspoken. But what is most important correct that there civilization. O'Fallon left with the power and any alkali or are residual in the American power drill to UAE bottling Arabia go you really think that with cart a lot of money on the radical activity on the quote tricky turkeys economically collapsing and it is a very great threat. I think we have to leave. He re-examined all of his band on undoing. Christian (and not by the private with one cook the HyperCard. The Kirk and Mark under the Ottoman then under the Kirk with hundred and be delivered by my work but we kind of warm very much your Christian world and it was deliberately done. David Denton grant you one. I think the other side of that is is the Armenian genocide that continues that no one talks about we talk about it at save the persecuted Christians, but there is there is there is a a direct assault on Armenian settlers in the southern part of Turkey, and many of whom are are beaten and and their women taken and put into slavery and so forth. And there's no there there is little or nothing that they are able to do even though they are not attempting to oppose any form of threat whatsoever to the Turkish government. David regarding who is not a mark "error one over the lack year government erected a whole slew of Kirk funded by the and in our current Kirk and all not only attract more in the Michael Koplin on the north radicalizing 100 million on Muslim population try to create it. In view my comfortable warning rocket typically Bakelite the higher level by air to want to go wherever you current weather curriculum whether or whether New Delhi you're going to find Eric on out there trying to radicalized Muslim life situation again, universal out interesting things about that Turkey has a tremendous amount of high to the Uighur population in China and yet they give China prepacked and played the Uighurs and I we are in yet are doing China business.

I tried to think like India because India is the offset to chime in terms of Western world report and committee respect India and China are the two game and there are doing China to 35 by trying to stabilize the how he was writing the needle China that way, which I was also interested in Iran while working a clever got a lot of revival. Everyone on the practical covenant country falling apart the economy falling apart currently blocking. I prepare the court when a gun about the economy on it right now.

The thing with the Iranian economy completely bankrupt on the unfortunately may well be lifted by the where you going back deal: the program but Boyd got a blind eye money: economically stabilize the country with a clear goal in the mentally quick and the and and that ultimately what is all about great and in the course.

Is this China's greatest threat because it is said it is it is the only nation that is anywhere near close to the synthesize relative to population its own although and I spend a lot of time with India. It is also a a a severely impoverished area as well. In many respects because of its caste system, but gathers there's huge conflict between the Hindus and Muslims, and so on I were out of time. David worms there you can find them at Center for security policy Rick Manning. You can find him CG contributors at the gym generation radio page at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight, share the good news. Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message.

Did you call evil good and good evil, did you forsake my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you to file yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination. Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up.

And in spite of the hate I will love. In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his next time on Focus on the Family Dr. Tony Evans explains what it means to have a kingdom marriage under God's authority and for his glory. He shares about maintaining oneness.

The importance of having a servants heart and how to rebuild a marriage relationship that's been fractured God's wisdom for your marriage.

On the next Focus on the Family

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