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Pastor Greg With A Patriot IC Witness Calling Out The Govt Corruption We The People Stop Lawlessness 110521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
November 6, 2021 12:24 pm

Pastor Greg With A Patriot IC Witness Calling Out The Govt Corruption We The People Stop Lawlessness 110521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me.

Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here at the Chosen Generation Radio.

Hour number two. If you missed any of our first hour, well folks, I would encourage you to get over to, You can load up your podcast. We're on TuneIn, iTunes, iHeart, Deezer, Spotify, Joyvon.

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That's forward slash Pastor Greg. Or you can send a check to Faith Harvest Church. That's Faith Harvest Church, P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas 78003. Faith Harvest Church, P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas 78003. Psalm 9416 suggests to us, actually doesn't even suggest, it clearly states, God speaking through the psalmist, who will rise up for me against the wicked?

Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity? Early in the week, my next guest, we called him citizen, US patriot, was with us along with Rick Manning. And we shared with you that there were going to be some indictments that were going to take place in the coming week. We told you they would likely happen on Thursday. And yesterday there was an indictment by the Durham investigation. And we believe there are more to come. But there are a lot of questions that still remain. And my next guest is here to help us kind of walk through some of those things. The Durham indictments, the election integrity and illegal activity, Fauci's gain of function, the evidence of NIH and Wuhan. So the question, my first question for our guest is, where do you believe investigators need to be looking? Yeah, hi Pastor Greg. Welcome.

And thank you for providing the mic. Well, the first place investigators should be looking, and hopefully they have been, I believe a lot of them that were in the Durham camp were going in the right direction at first. Hopefully they still are. Yes, like you said, there were the indictments, well, the one indictment on Thursday.

We were hoping that there would have been four additional indictments from the Clinton campaign. So that's where one of them, one of the areas they need to look at, Fusion GPS and also in Perkins Coie, besides Mr. Sussman. And so those are the areas that they should be taking a look at. And there's a PR firm too, and another K Street company that were involved. And until they make announcements on those people, our group really can't say anything, but we certainly gathered a lot of information and so did other people, their own investigators, the outside effort that we engaged with them on.

We compared notes, we sorted the information, went through the four steps of processing intelligence, and came up with those places I just mentioned. So let me ask you this question too, because the Durham investigation very quickly veered into the direction of referring to itself as a criminal investigation. Talk to me about the difference between what they started out as and a criminal investigation so that my audience has an understanding of what those two paths look like in brief, and how they differ. Well, each agency has its own focus and its own direction it has to go. But everything that they were investigating had the potentiality for a criminal charge. When you say the two investigations, are you talking about- Well, so what I'm saying is, okay, so the special counsel was put in place, and Durham was charged with a specific focus of investigation.

Shortly after he began, he announced, we are now, we have begun our investigation, the investigation has taken a turn, and we are now going to be looking at this as though there are criminal acts that have happened, and we're going to be taking the tact of a criminal investigation. So I guess the question is, you see what I'm saying? So a regular- No, I understand. Okay, go ahead. And I apologize if I didn't clearly ask the question.

No, no, that's okay. I thought you were talking about different investigation. Anyway, in order for it to evolve into criminal investigation, there has to be a There has to be items found.

Okay. When you're assessing the environment, getting your data points, you are in the process of carrying out an articulable factual basis analysis. And if there is something that you can articulate that has all the underpinnings of being a fact of having an actual event happen, then that is how you form a criminal predicate. And that's what gets you over the line of making it a criminal investigation. And so in this instance, right, Durham discovered that.

So then the next question, and follow up to that, and as an investigator, and you have been in this industry for many, many years, we don't have to tell them how many years, but many, many years, along with your team and people that you are engaged with and have been engaged with, what does it do to the intel community when a preponderance of evidence and hours of time and effort are presented and then ignored? Well, Pastor, it's very frustrating because we're a country that's based on laws. And we're a country that has a constitution, the most successful constitution out there. And it's worked for over 200 years. And when you see the manipulations by political folks, a lot of whom are driven by the financiers and special interest groups, and also actually foreign state actors that are influential to the finances of these politicians. And then, of course, their appointees are the people that they champion to be in the different intelligence and law enforcement agencies are pretty much marching to the beat. Now, not all of them did, but certainly a lot of them did.

And when the people at the top are doing that, like Andrew McKay, Peter Strzok, Bruce Orr, Sally Yates, John Carlin, those people who were singled out. Loretta Launch, maybe? Loretta Launch, there's a whole lot of people that were in there. We could spend the next hour, right?

Sure, I got you. Yeah, I think we counted 62 people, if I remember right. But also, like I say, and I'm not saying that in the narrow field we looked at, we didn't find anything against Christopher Ray or other people that were mentioned, but a lot of what we did, like Andrew McKay, Peter Strzok, Bruce Orr, Sally Yates, all those. So it's very frustrating to see all the evidence, because the evidence that we collect, it's collected by former FBI, former CIA, former NSA. We have a couple people that are from the NRO, people that are in ODNI, DHS, DEA. So this investigation branched out in so many different places in the decision tree, and the people that were financing, the people that were getting together on private meetings to deliberately obstruct justice.

There's a lot of that stuff in there. I sent you a couple of pages on some things on copies of one of the reports. Sure. So let me address that, if you'd be so kind, Mr. Patriot. A recent document, the one you're talking about, outlines a number of illegal acts and indicates that it contains irrefutable evidences of illegal activity. So here's the question, because this information, as I understand it, has been handed to specific members of Congress, the Department of Justice, other agencies, the FBI, and so on, that should have acted on it.

It was actionable intelligence, actionable investigation, step by step. We have irrefutable proof of the illegal activities and criminal activities of individuals. At what point then, based on that inactivity of those agencies, is there maybe a reason to bring this into the public sphere? Because at the end of the day, it's we the people governed by our consent. And if we've got criminals that are trying to govern us, and we've got evidence that supports that they're criminals, shouldn't we the people then be saying to those that we have sent to Washington as our representatives, hey, wake up, get on this, or we're gonna have you removed.

Yes, that's right, Pastor. And that is something that, you know, we've been banging the drum on. And there's two types of information that you can't publicize, classified, of course, and the second is controlled unclassified information. But as a courtesy to people that are still working in their positions of government, most people that formerly worked in government, we will not go in certain areas that could affect an investigation, because it's important that you don't tip off anyone that you're investigating. So that is part of the problem. But right now, when several of us, I mean, more than three dozen of us actually were carrying this information to the DOJ, to Congress, to the First Black House Intel Committee, to the Senate, to the IGs, the National Security Division, the National Security Council, the ODNI, and the Treasury Department, because of certain areas of suspicious activity report violations concerning the financial decision tree, you expect them to react in a way that's responsible for their position to react, and issue criminal referrals, and carry out the investigation.

And we all assumed that was happening, and then we found out it was not. So that's why some of the people shared those documents. I sent you a portion of the document that was sent to Mr. Durham. And my understanding is there's a whole lot more reports that were sent out there.

I'm not sure which reports they're referring to. I know our team, we were one of four, at least, teams that were working on this. We certainly did our part. We were given instructions accordingly by members of the Trump administration.

We interacted with FBI and ODNI. We're going to go into a break. We're going to go into a break. Stay with me, though. Don't go anywhere, folks.

Please don't go anywhere. Because there's a couple other questions that I think are worthy of asking. And having been in Air Force intelligence as a Russian linguist before the fall of the wall, I fully understand the importance of maintaining intellectual properties. I owned an intellectual property company that protected intellectual property for people. I completely understand that, and classified, and all those kinds of things. But when you have a president like Obama did, and others even before him, I mean, he's not the only one.

But when you have a president that classifies documentation and information solely for the purpose of hiding criminal activity that is being done under their watch... Hi, this is Michael, creator of Michael's MNP supplements. Let's talk energy. Do you wake up tired even after a full night's sleep? Does keeping up with your family and or your job leave you exhausted by noon? Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day and too often to caffeine-loaded drinks just to get you through it all? Why not turn to Michael's MNP's energy factors instead? Our energy factors are safe, healthy, and a natural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at This is Pastor Greg and I use energy factors.

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Use the code chosen. forward slash chosen. Here's Dr. Robert Jeffress with today's Pathway Minute. Whether you know it or not right now, you're headed to a destination called hell. Every one of us who is ever born into this world is automatically on that plane, so to speak. But if you've come to the point that you want a different destination, it takes another ticket. It takes another transport, so to speak, to get you to heaven. You need another ticket that will take you to your intended destination, heaven. Here's the good news of the gospel.

That ticket has already been purchased for you. It's available to everyone who receives it as a gift. John said it this way in John 1 12, but as many as receive Him, Christ. To them, He gave the power to become the children of God, even those who believe on His name.

Today's Pathway Minute is provided by your station and pathway to victory. To hear the Bible teaching of Dr. Robert Jeffress, go to This is Carter Conlon, Psalm 119, beginning at verse 28. My soul melts for heaviness. Strengthen me according to Your word. Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me Your law graciously. I have chosen the way of truth. Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies.

O Lord, do not put me to shame. I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart. In this psalm, the psalmist cries out to be delivered from the narrowness of his own heart, which causes him to walk in a lesser victory than that which God has ordained for him.

He calls it the way of lying. He prays a prayer. He cries out from an honest heart and says, God, give me a largeness of heart.

In other words, give me a state of mind that will move me towards the full plan that You have for my life. This is Carter Conlon. Remember, my brother, my sister, it's time to pray. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And you know, to get this kind of important information out, we need to be on the air and we need your help to do it. Please support what we're doing. This is, Jesus Christ pronounced that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, repent. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, repent. The enemy has infiltrated our country, infiltrated our churches in many respects.

And it's so important that we get the truth out. Help us to do that. You can do it today. forward slash Pastor Greg. forward slash Pastor Greg. You can also send a check to Faith Harvest Church. That's Faith Harvest Church. P.O. Box 3393, Bandera, Texas, 78003. And we will greatly appreciate whatever you can do.

$10, $20, $50, $1,000 if you can do it. It will help us to be able to stay on air, buy airtime and be here to speak the truth. We're talking with a member of the investigative community who hand delivered documentation to the Department of Justice, to the congressional members on congressional committees that had oversight over issues that were taking place, to DHS, to a variety of different agencies and expected that justice would be done, predicated on irrefutable evidence of criminal activity. And yet here we are today and nothing has been done. We, the American people, must wake up. And I totally understand the frustration of people who have been in this fight for many years, 10, 15, 20, 30 years, some of us, and the sense that we keep having to educate, educate, educate. And it feels like almost a losing battle because the education system is fighting against us tooth and nail to indoctrinate another generation with lies and disinformation. But, you know, one of the good things that came out of this pandemic is, is that parents got to see that disinformation when they were sitting with their children, looking at the curriculum for themselves.

And Virginia is a great indication. My guest is a U.S. Patriot. And Mr. Patriot, I know that you had a small dissertation that you wanted to share with us on this alignment.

Talk to us about it. Share with us your thoughts, please. Sure, Pastor. Yes, everything that you said is accurate. There's enough information out there, just an open source, just from the publications and the media forums that are considered hostile, even like New York Times and Waffle, the Washington Post and CNN, MSNBC, that would convict a lot of these people. There's the C-SPAN congressional hearings. We coupled that with information, the public information, along with the investigative work that we did.

And we correlated the 18 USC violations with each of the items that showed criminal action and also showed mens rea, which is a requirement with some statutes to convict someone. Certainly there was men's as we're finding out with the German investigation publicly. All of us knew about it since 2016. But then we found out more and more. And that information was delivered.

I participated in some of that, along with 30 some odd other people. And it was not backed upon. So we have to make a decision if we're serious about who we are as Americans. We have to stand strong in our Constitution and our core beliefs. And that's been the problem that so many people have had on the Republican side, too, not just on the Democrat side. They get influenced by media.

They get influenced in the different social environments that they're in. But our Constitution has been proven for over 240 years to be a successful document. And the people, if you notice, who are committing these crimes and who are manipulating the media and. Slow rolling and stalling action or people whose ideology is diametrically opposed to our Constitution. So we welcome, you know, everybody who's oppressed, the tired, the poor come into our country, but they have to adapt to our rules and our morality and our law.

And let me say this. Morality is the cause of morality is the key issue. You can have all kinds of constitutions and rules, but you have to have the morality behind it. And there's no saying that you can't legislate morality or what someone thinks. But we can legislate an environment that is conducive to morality.

Well, let me let our kids know. I'm just and just to add to what you're to what you're saying, because I agree wholeheartedly someone's morality, ladies and gentlemen, is being legislated. That's the other piece to this that has to be understood. There is a morality that is, in fact, being legislated.

And it's important for us to understand that. And it's the reason why 65 percent of Americans don't believe there is any absolute moral truth. It's the reason why 77 percent say that having a faith matters more than which faith you pursue. You know, on one hand, they're saying 72 percent believe that God is the all knowing, all powerful and just creator of the universe who still rules the universe today. And yet they don't believe, my patriot friend, that there is any form of absolute moral truth. Fifty two percent, in fact, claim that determining moral truth is up to each individual. And there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone all the time. Folks, if the rules aren't the same, you're in you're in gigantic trouble. We've only got just a few seconds left. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired? Stop.

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Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Chosen Generation radio show, reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you. Our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years. You are a part of that vision. So please join us at and sign up for our emails today.
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