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Judd Dunning Left uses Violence Threats Afghanistan 081621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 20, 2021 4:38 pm

Judd Dunning Left uses Violence Threats Afghanistan 081621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning in to Chosen Generation. Chosen Generation. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event.

Again, that number is 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you so much for keeping it tuned here to the program. We welcome all of our audience all across our network. And we want to welcome also, I didn't get a chance to do this last hour, but our good friends at TECN-TV, If you want to watch us live, you can catch us there, You can watch us right now on their network.

And we would encourage you to check things out over there. Well, hey, I'm very pleased to welcome my next guest to the program. He has his own program on KABC on Monday nights there in Los Angeles, California. And he also has Bullet Point. And he also is an entertainer as well as an entrepreneur with his own real estate company.

And a lot of cool things that my friend does. Judd Dunning, welcome. Good to have you. Pastor Greg, so good to be back. You know, when we wrote our book, you were one of my first interviews, I don't know, a couple of years back here, a year or so. Thirteen and a half ways, right?

The 13 and a half ways book. We still have reasons why not to be a liberal and how to enlighten others humbly. I think Christ is the only person that really enlightens for our call during the break.

But we claim some enlightenment power. And getting back here, Jeff, thank you so much. You know, as I said on the break, I get to walk in your big footsteps in a little California greatness on the air in KABC. And you've been a great influence and it's always an honor to be here, buddy. Well, Judd, I greatly appreciate that.

I greatly appreciate that. Well, you know, you brought us some interesting points. I want to get into what happened there in L.A. and get your thoughts with regards to that. But I think that there's some interesting thought processes, you know, as far as, you know, understanding some of what may have brought us to some of where we are per se.

But let's talk about give me your thoughts. Antifa, as an example, of course, they attacked people who are questioning masks and vaccines, a peaceful protest. And it was interesting to watch the news talk about how, oh, they're aggressive and Antifa trying to make accusations that people who are, you know, protesting masks and vaccines were the aggressors. It boggles my mind.

You know, first of all, it's interesting if you go back to the swine flu, there's a great video going around at the exact period in the 70s in American history. And it is uncanny the exact amount of the of the propaganda that's going against individual liberty. Right.

I mean, there's a point for government to expand that. I said, you know, racism, Trump is back to them. Those are the big three of liberal bigotry. I did. I did that article a while ago. And that doesn't tell you. So what's this?

What's this? When the vaccine starts to to get out to be less powerful is the tip of the spear. They'll shift over to climate change. We already saw the infrastructure bill was a socialistic shift in our in our complete globalistic economy. There's so much power, there's so much support, there's so much inflation, there's so much disregard, there's so much bad stewardship in that. And that's waiting right behind this distraction.

And if, you know, even Trump said this, we have a series of distractions from the truth that we can use opportunistically to move legislation in the background. So the awakened citizen is not only who's always in Greek and you die in the mayor. What is Greek?

You die to me. It's that we're prospering intellectually, spiritually, mentally, physically, creatively, financially, psychologically. We have we as children of God, we can claim full prospering. You know, this false socialistic Jesus that wants us to suffer in a line and be small, you know, the whole way that the left reframes it, if they don't just disdain it, it's false. So, you know, they're using this distraction in my eyes as part of this bigger problem we have, which is this creeping moral relativism where you use the polarized problems for the day and then you slowly take away freedom and liberty. And masks are just a symbol.

You know, they said since the beginning, the microns never went through. If you're sick and you don't want to cough on somebody, wear a mask. If you wake up tomorrow and you're sick. Yesterday, I sprayed insecticides all over my house because there's mosquitoes. Happens twice a year.

We have a bunch of trees around. And I told my wife, I said, I have the appropriate use for a mask today. So a lot of us know this.

You know, I wore a mask proudly for the first time since the pandemic. You know, I just know too much in this possibility. So you're talking about this, this thing where we're going to focus on the noble Antifa, the noble BLM, not to put them at the same pot, because they are different.

There's a lot of crossover. And they're suddenly the holders of what's good and right. Well, the people in January 6 are the holders of good and right to me, and they're being held without full due process. Political prisoners in America.

We have a double standard. We have a double standard between January 6 and BLM and Antifa. So anything they start to do as far as a sense of justice with their background of what? That they wanted to deconstruct the nuclear family in America.

They wanted to destroy our foundations. I disregard them. I can't even acknowledge the validity of Antifa anymore. Can you?

No, not at all. As a matter of fact, to me, Antifa showed its, you know, again, its really true colors when they came after Pastor Paulter there in Portland, right? Christian families sitting around, you know, praying and praising God, and here comes Antifa in with their flash bombs and their bear spray, and they assault them. And then, you know, Sean Fuchs, the very next day, has probably about 1,500 to 2,000 people out there. They couldn't get into the center of that, and Sean even announced from the stage, if you want to learn about laying on of hands, go ahead.

You know, be aggressive. But they continued praising God, but at the end, when they were trying to get to their cars, many were assaulted. Children and women as, you know, as a part of that. So, as I explained in the last half hour, you know, Antifa is supposed to be about anti-fascism. They don't even understand what it is.

Most of them, I don't think, even understand it. They're so wrapped up in their own heads that they don't even understand that because you pledge allegiance, because I, as a veteran, took an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I'm a patriot. That does not make me some evil nationalist. In fact, Israelites went to war in Scripture against other countries that tried to take them over. So, there's no ambiguity, biblically speaking, when it comes to how God saw the boundaries and the sovereignty of nations and the sovereignty of individuals within those nations. Yeah, amen.

And, you know, I agree that. And that would be the awakened half of America, within America, at the moment. I think liberalism is becoming at the ease of distortion because so much information is going around and clouding people to the truth of what's really going on. You know, I think Antifa's real risk for us is going to be a mirror of January 6th, which is if they get involved. The DHS just said that there was a risk in the nation on the 9-11 anniversary, right? Now it's domestic terrorists. Now they're talking about vaccines. It's vaccine and election integrity terrorists, right, which is called free speech, if I remember.

I think talking about the vaccine and election integrity is free speech. But now we're domestic terrorists. Meanwhile, Kabul is burning down and Antifa is one to watch if there are vaccine protests. We haven't broken out like Europe yet. And if they go through another lockdown cycle with Delta and Lambda and people start losing, you know, it's one thing to knock somebody down and let them and have them recover.

You knock them down a second time, you can disable them for life. Right. So there may be we may eventually face riots about personal freedom. But there's people we're having discussions about, you know, secession in two different Americas because they're making masks and vaccines a problem.

I think Antifa would love that. They're basically, you know, they're like the Russian forces that want to create disruption and disarray so that they can expand power and government. They're the brown shirts.

They're the brown shirts. They're very organized in the deconstruction of our country because then they can then you can expand government because, you know, I don't know why, Greg. I don't know why, Pastor Greg, why people trust government. Our founding fathers said again and again and again, our system is set up not to trust government. I've written about this again and again and again. Everything said, no, we don't trust government.

We have government and we keep it in its role and away from our positive and negative liberties. But that discussion only happens here. You know, Mark Levin, you know, a few people are like correlates or pounding the truth. Like, hey, this leftist push of moral relativism and making this all OK is not OK. We have to we have to stay in that dialogue. Right.

Keep talking truth. I mean, I'm also about focusing on the positive. Just for everybody out there. I wake up every morning. I'm like, I love my life. Thank you, guys.

My children, my faith, my family, my long term sobriety, my business, all my blessings. And then from there, I say, but let me stay awake. What is your call of those I need to rebuke for the insanity? Because we have to be, as my show is now, unapologetic. We have to keep unapologetically saying, oh, that's not true. That's not real. That's not racist. That's not back. That's not Trump. You just have a different view of how to care for people.

We need to get back to that liberal, classical liberalism and classical republicanism. Yeah, it's it said you were talking about the. Issues with with DHS. And interestingly, I had a post that was up that's apparently been removed from my page, but it was something that Sergeant Gunderson, do you remember him?

He was the police officer that was fired because of his political views. Yes. Well, he he had a post up that was a screenshot of something that had been on on TV and and and it basically let me see if I've got it. I might have been taking a picture of it on my on my camera, but it was it was basically here we go. Yeah, I do.

I have it saved. They got rid of it, but they couldn't completely get rid of it. They tried. But anyway, NBC Nightly News, potential terror threats, opposition to covid measures, claims of election fraud, belief Trump can be reinstated. Nine eleven anniversary and religious holidays. Folks are talking about Christian religious holidays.

OK. And they're considering those to be now Department of Homeland Security considers you and I as Christians who follow the Bible as potential terror threats. Think about that and think about the things we've talked about this morning. And we'll be back to talk more about this.

Would come. You would think I'm making this up. It is. What do we read? This isn't.

It's got to be a novel, pastor. They don't. They're not really saying that. Yeah, they are.

Yeah, they are. But remember that 20 some odd years ago, Janet Reno said that if you believed in the Bible, if you went to church more than once a week, if you had, you know, midweek gatherings at your church and so on, you were a threat. And just during Trump, you're a threat.

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And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host Pastor Greg and my special guest is Judd Dunning. Judd, real quick, tell folks how they can listen to you because I know you're on KABC and that's at 8 o'clock on Monday evenings Pacific time.

But talk about that for just a minute if you would. Yeah, it's 7 p.m. and every Monday night all summer long on KABC Unapologetic, the Judd Dunning Hour and that is what we're doing. So you can, is nationwide. You can listen to it live there.

You can catch it on the podcast section there as well in repeat. And we're having a great time. And then over at Bullet Point Nation you can catch our video comedy show commentary. We call it 3 to 5 Minutes of Combustible News you can use to blow up and catch yourself on fire.

You don't want to repeat our jokes. See your liberal friends. And that's at Bullet Point Nation.

That's a lot of fun, man, because you do need to poke fun at the liberal thought balloon with comedy. I have a great writer that works with me. I have another writer that works with me in the show.

We're a little team and it's a real blessing. So at Bullet Point Nation. And our book is there as well, Good stuff. Good stuff, brother.

Good stuff. Well, you would ask me a little in the break about Afghanistan. In a nutshell, I think that, you know, once again, this reminds me a lot of the Vietnam situation. And what most people don't know about the history is that when Richard Nixon came in in 1968, one of the things that he had put in place and was negotiating with the Vietnamese as far as bringing that to closure was to do for South Vietnam what we had done for Japan at the end of World War II. Yes, we dropped the bombs on Hiroshima. And, you know, what was that about? Well, that was actually to save millions of lives.

And it did. Both Japanese lives and American troops trying to root out the Japanese that were deeply embedded, many of whom fought for a number of years, even after the surrender on islands that never got the word from Japan. But we rebuilt their infrastructure. We had a multi-billion dollar deal to do the same thing with Vietnam. And actually, Joe Biden torpedoed that in the Senate as the leader of the Democrats. They torpedoed that and they got John Kerry to come in and lie for them. And they left 600 of our boys there. And John McCain knew that they were there. The original deal was to bring all 1200 out.

They left 600. I give you that history to understand where we are today with Afghanistan, because once again, Joe Biden has led the charge in pulling us out and leaving the Afghanis that have been loyal to us and that were working with us to set up a democracy like they see across the border in India. They wanted that same democracy for their country.

And now we have absolutely abandoned them. And this is how, you know, bitterness towards America is fostered and is created. And this isn't our America, Judd. This isn't your and I, our America. This is that liberal, communist, progressive America that wants our nation destroyed. That's how I see it.

Yeah, 100 percent. And I'll tell you what Americans do. We don't rape, pillage or plunder. We put in democracy and infrastructure. We don't take resources on the way out. And that's that's what we do is reluctant intervention to the role that God put us in the world. And right now, people are suffering. So I say we go back in with infrastructure.

We act like human beings first. It's the same exact thing liberals did in Vietnam. They bailed on one gun for one gun, one tank for one tank. They bailed on the deal.

They broke the deal. We should go back in. And people say, oh, you're a neocon. No, I'm a human being. And these are human beings we need to care for.

And human beings, who, by the way, laid down their lives along with our troops to fight for freedom and liberty in their country, believing that we were. I'm hungry. Let's eat beans again. Did somebody say hungry? I made it myself. I'm hungry.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-02 16:02:33 / 2023-08-02 16:11:32 / 9

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