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Wayne Allyn Root New Book Civil Disobedience Patriot Handbook 101121

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 16, 2021 8:27 pm

Wayne Allyn Root New Book Civil Disobedience Patriot Handbook 101121

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning in to Chosen Generation. 830-446-3624, 830-446-3624. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event.

Again, that number is 830-446-3624, 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening, because you are God's chosen generation. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you so much for taking time to listen to the program here. Well, I'm very excited to welcome to the program Root for America is the website, and boy, I'll tell you, he has absolutely written an incredible book.

It's called The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book. President Trump says you're in the right place, opportunity is knocking, and Wayne Root will show you how to seize it. He knows how to be tenacious and relentless and how to win.

Donald J. Trump. I want to welcome Wayne Allyn Root to the program. Wayne, welcome. Good to have you back. Hey, Pastor Greg, how are you? I'm great. I'm doing great.

Of course, I'm doing great, but boy, America's not doing so great under this tyrannical authoritarian effort that's being put forth in Washington, D.C. It's absolutely crazy. Well, the good news is, the only good news is that liberals have shown themselves to be pure communists. They've shown themselves to be intolerant. They've shown themselves to be just violent. They've shown themselves, and I can say this, a lot of people can't because I'm Jewish.

They've shown themselves to be, I mean, they spent all their time, remember, Saul Linsky. Whoa, I lost Wayne. Hang on just a second, folks.

We're going to get Wayne right back. Okay, let's try that one again. There we go. Well, my phone is deciding to be ignorant. Hang on just a second. There we go. You were, Wayne, my apologies. That was on me.

I had a technical issue. Go ahead, please continue. So I was saying that, you know, I'm Jewish, and I just noticed when it's 1938, and it's 1938, it's happening. This is, you know, you can't compare anything today to the Holocaust. You know, I'm very careful about that because nothing is the Holocaust. Six million Jews were wiped off the face of the earth, and this is not that, at least not yet.

But I'll tell you what it is. It's 1938, which was the pre-Holocaust. 1938, there were no Jews being sent to concentration camps, and there were no Jews being murdered in large groups systematically. What there was was massive propaganda, massive propaganda, where the state and the media were in bed together, and they were lying about everything on behalf of Adolf Hitler. And they were trying to destroy the brand Jew.

They said they're unclean, they're dirty, they're diseased, they're corrupt, they're criminals, they shouldn't be allowed in society, they shouldn't be allowed to eat in your restaurant, they shouldn't be allowed in your retail store, they should be herded into one place and punished and not allowed to live a normal life. That's exactly what Joe Biden and the Democrat party are saying about unvaccinated people today. Exact same thing, and it's the same big lie, because the reality is I know all the facts all over the world. All over the world, this is a pandemic now of the vaccinated, not of the unvaccinated. Almost everybody in the hospital in Israel, in England, in Wales, in Scotland, in Singapore, everyone in the hospital is vaccinated. 80% are vaccinated. 80% of the deaths are vaccinated. So it's not like anyone is to blame vaccinated or unvaccinated. The reality is you have a choice in life, my body, my choice. Isn't that what liberals say?

That's what they say. And you can get vaccinated or not. I choose to be unvaccinated and so do many conservatives.

Unfortunately, unfortunately, Pastor, it's become about 50-50 among conservatives because they've been forced to choose between their entire income and paying their mortgage and living or becoming homeless. And so they're choosing to survive and they get the vaccine against their will. Lots of conservatives have gotten the vaccine. They don't want it, but I understand completely they've had no choice.

They work for a living and they've got a tyrannical boss. So it's not like all conservatives are anti this vaccine. By the way, I'm not anti vaccine at all. I'm only anti this experimental emergency use only jab.

It's not a vaccine. And, you know, a lot of conservatives are divided on this issue because they just had no choice. They took it.

So it's it's a very difficult situation that reminds me of 1938 and the propaganda in the media is overwhelming. So I wrote a book to counteract it. So hopefully we could talk about that. Absolutely.

Absolutely. And that is the great patriot protest and boycott book. And you write in your most recent blog about civil disobedience and and what that might look like. Talk to me about your thoughts on civil disobedience.

At what point do we engage in civil disobedience and what are some of the things we can do? Because I believe also that the left is trying to coax us into a civil war. They want that kind of action so that this administration can invoke something like an insurrection act because they've already targeted us. They've targeted those of us that supported President Trump, that continue to support conservatism and are fighting this good fight. But talk to me about civil disobedience and and your views on that. Yes, well, they're definitely coaxing us into a civil war.

There's no question about that. And what they want is a bad incident perpetrated by somebody who is, you know, either very stupid or maybe playing for the other side and killed a lot of people. And it turned into a mass murder situation. And they use it as a pretext to take all of our guns away to go door to door and confiscate every gun in America at gunpoint. Ironically, that's what they're looking to do. That's what happened about twenty five years ago in Australia.

And that's, you know, what people ask me, what's the difference between the United States and Australia? They're going through such a tyrannical, horrible situation. The entire nation has been locked down. Australia, Sydney just came out of it. I think this weekend for the first time in three months, Melbourne's been locked down for six months.

This is insanity over just a few deaths from covid. They they use that as a you know, as as the reason to lock down the country and leave everybody literally locked in their homes. If you come out, you have to have a mask on, even outdoors, where the police like club you and drag you off bleeding to prison helicopters and military in the street. You're allowed to go to a store once a week and only one member of your family can go.

This is the most incredible, tyrannical, dictatorial, authoritarian situation that anyone has seen since, you know, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. And the only difference in American Australia is everyone here has guns and the citizens there don't. They took them away.

So they learned a very, very valuable lesson. Don't ever give up your guns. Amen.

Well, and just Gwen, can I can I just interject just very quickly? Just say, I mean, what you just said, the narrative that you just gave, I'm sure a lot of my listeners are going, oh, come on, Wayne, where where's this? That can't be that can't be true. But this is this is a reality in Australia.

This is reality. This is what they're doing over there, because what you just described sounds like something out of some kind of a of a novel rather than than than real life in our world today. Well, I never imagined in the United States that a president like Biden would give a speech that I never imagined we'd have open borders. You could talk about open borders as a thing, right? That, you know, hey, the border is kind of porous. People are coming over here or there and they shouldn't be. That's kind of what's been going on for the last 50 years.

The border is porous. Never have we just said open the border and we're never going to stop anyone from coming in again. And we're never going to send anybody back again. Whoever imagined that could be a reality.

While they're in denial and they act like everything's fine. Two million illegals will come in minimum this year. Two million. We're already at like a million five, a million six. It'll be well over two million.

It's insanity. We're changing the entire demographics of America. Two million in a year.

What makes anyone think next year wouldn't be four million and the year after six million. And pretty soon, 20 million new people will be in America in less than a decade. This is insanity to change the demographics of America so that no Democrat needs to steal or rig an election ever again. They'll just automatically win because every person coming in is a lifelong Democrat because they want welfare checks from cradle to grave. And Democrats will be the party that promises it and will be the bad guys who say, oh, no, you know, bankrupt America. And you're you're raising taxes to levels that will destroy the average citizen.

So we're the bad guys. Every illegal that comes in will vote Democrat forever more and no Republican will ever win another election. Who imagine that? Who imagined anyone would say Wayne Root, who has not had the flu in 35 years, who has not had a cold in 15 years, who takes a mega dose of vitamins, works out 90 minutes a day and eat a completely organic and healthy diet and a keto diet, pure protein. So I'm never, ever sick. Who would imagine I would be told that in some cities I can't enter a restaurant or retail store because I might make them sick.

That could be the single stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. So, I mean, all of it is happening here, too. It's not just Australia. Yes, Australia's worse. It's a level far worse.

But America's headed for that level very clearly. And don't forget, free speech is now in effect, you know, under attack when a lieutenant colonel in the Marines could be sent to the brig. Yes.

Because he says what happened to Lieutenant Colonel Shell. Absolutely. When an attorney general says the FBI should arrest all the parents who don't like critical race theory that teaches you that America is evil and white people are evil. You know, when these kind of things are happening, you know that we are becoming a communist takeover of the United States. We're becoming a nation where free speech will be will be illegal.

Let me add this to it as well. I don't know if you caught this, but last night I was just flipping through kind of seeing what was on television. 60 Minutes was doing a piece on separation, parents being separated from their children blaming the Trump administration. Now, we're in October of 2021, OK?

Their guy Biden has been in office, right, since January, sworn in in January. And here they are still doing a piece on separation. It's the propaganda you were talking about, Wayne. It's the propaganda you were talking about and attempting to make all of us.

And they are pushing racism and they are they are pushing this idea that America is bad. By the way, today's Columbus Day and I've got a I've got a piece up that Bill Federer wrote at my site talking about why Columbus made that voyage. And guess who it was that was attacking Europe that caused Columbus and many others to try to find a sea route. It was Islam. But oh, no, wait, we can't talk about that, Wayne. We can't talk about Islam. We can't say anything bad about, you know, about Islam. We can't say anything about the fact that they're going door to door in Afghanistan, killing people today right now as we speak. We can't talk about, I don't know, Lagos, Nigeria and and and Boko Haram and how they are going into villages and and taking young women out of villages and turning them into prostitutes, essentially, because they marry them off. And every 24 hours, they're married to a different jihadi until until they're basically die of being raped to death. But, you know, we can't talk about that, Wayne, because we can't say anything about Islam.

Otherwise, we're an Islamophobe. Wayne Allyn Root is my guest. We're going to get more details from him on how to fight back and and the brand new book that he has written coming up right after this brief break. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so than by joining the Association of Mature American Citizens, AMAC. AMAC is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America. Well over 2 million people have joined and now carry the AMAC membership card. AMAC was built by regular folks who feel the same way you do.

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For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit Now back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg. My special guest is Wayne Allen Root. And you can find him at Root for America. Root for America, that's the place.

Get signed up over there and you'll get his blogs that will come directly into your mailbox. But there's something else you can pick up there as well. The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book. And I have to say, Wayne, I have said this more often in this show, in this segment, than you have. Just saying. Yeah, I've not brought up the book because you and I have such an enjoyable conversation. We have, we have.

And I have so much in common that I just kept talking to you. But it is time at this point to let people know there is, I think, a solution. Yes. And at least one answer. There's many answers, but my book is one of the answers. The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book. And by the way, people are now realizing it's an answer because it's been number one in about 20 categories at Amazon for about three weeks since it's been out. It's on every best-seller list you can name at Amazon. Well, congratulations on that. Congratulations.

Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book. That's why my voice sounds so worse. I've been doing like eight interviews a day. Plus your own show. Plus my own three-hour show. And my own podcast.

Wait a minute. My own podcast. Plus three sports podcasts every Friday morning because I'm also in the sports business, in the football business, basically. So three of those every Friday morning. So my voice is getting quite a workout.

But The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book. So here's the deal in a nutshell. I grew up, there's very, I don't think there's another conservative personality or host in America who has my background. Very unique. I grew up a Jewish kid in a majority black town, went to an all-black middle school, went to an all-black high school. That's my upbringing. And played on an all-black football team, played on an all-black track team. And all I could tell you is because of that upbringing, I had a front-seat view of Dr. Martin Luther King, who I really respected and liked and appreciated what he did, which is, you know, gain civil rights and stop the persecution of black people in America. And so to me is one of my heroes.

And not too many conservatives can give you that kind of a background. Well, what was Martin Luther King known for? Civil disobedience.

He knew that the only way to ever get civil rights and stop the persecution of black Americans was civil disobedience. When they tell you to sit in the back of the bus, you sit in the front of the bus till they arrest you and then someone else takes your seat. And until they arrest them, another one takes their seat.

And pretty soon you've achieved attention from the media and you've achieved, you brought a spotlight to the problems your race is enduring. Same thing with, you know, sitting in a lunch counter. You're not allowed to sit in a lunch counter because you're black. Let's all go sit at the lunch counter and sit there till we're arrested.

That's civil disobedience, never violence. That's what I'm preaching in my new book, The Great Patriot Protest, a boycott book, because I believe now the persecuted people in this country are conservatives and the unvaccinated, by the way, which a large portion of happen to be black and Hispanic. But in any case, it's the conservatives who are now in the closet.

Gays are out of the closet. Conservatives are hiding and in fear of losing our jobs and our lives and our free speech and our civil rights. And so this is kind of the conservative version of rules for radicals. You know, it's Saul Alinsky for conservatives.

It's Dr. Martin Luther King. It teaches conservatives how to use protests and boycotts and strikes and intimidation and civil disobedience, just like liberals have done to us for decades. They're the minority. We're the silent majority.

We have to change that and become the loudmouth majority. Two could play at that game and it teaches conservatives how to fight and win. And that's what The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book is about.

But it's much more than that, Greg, because here's what else it does. I went out and I got the phone numbers, the email, the physical mailing address and the social media address of all the top executives in America that are CEOs of the top and board of directors, members of the top companies that treat conservatives like garbage while we buy most of their products. And we could boycott them and bankrupt them and bring them to their knees. The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book.

It's all inside that book. Outstanding. Wayne Allen Root for America. And Wayne, where can people listen to you?

And what time are you on? Yeah, is the website. They can listen to me on USA Radio Network, 6 to 9 p.m. Eastern, 3 to 6 Pacific, Wayne Allen Root Show and most importantly, the book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation and the list goes on? There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe.

We need to stick together now more than ever. And there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012. Patriot Mobile. Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers. Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts.

They are 100 percent U.S. based, providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans. Use the code CHOSEN for free activation. Call 972-PATRIOT. 972-PATRIOT. Call today. Use the code CHOSEN. PATRIOTMOBILE.COM forward slash chosen.
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