Thank you for tuning in to Chosen Generation. Chosen Generation. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event.
Again, that number is 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. And welcome to the program.
Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for tuning in. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here. Big shout out to our audience watching on TECN-TV. TECN-TV. You can watch us live and actually watch like television on TECN-TV.
Be sure and check it out. Welcome to all those listening across our terrestrial radio signal and good to have all of you with us as well. And we've got a great program lined up for you today. Bottom of hour number two, Matt Bellis is with us. We'll talk about new ways that you can have healthcare freedom, new ways that medical healthcare is being delivered and how healthcare sharing can make the difference for you. Liberty HealthShare 855-585-4237 is the number to reach him.
855-585-4237. Let's see, bottom of the hour or top of the next hour I should say, Judd Dunning is with us. Judd's got a brand new show on KABC out in Los Angeles called Unapologetic. We'll talk to him about that program, about what he's up to and about California. Lots to talk about in California and we'll talk about it with Judd coming up top of the next hour. Bottom of this hour, the Matt Long Show joins us and Matt and I are going to talk about why you need to get involved. Grassroots is the only way we're going to save our country and we've got to do it in the primaries, folks. We've got to pick God-fearing people. We've got to pick people that we can trust, people that have our ideals. That's how our founding fathers envisioned this and we'll go through that process and talk to you about that coming up with Matt Long. But right now, because I don't want to take away any of our time, so important, we're going to pray for you folks and we've got two very powerful prayers that the Lord gave to my good friends Ken and Sylvia Thornburg of freedom encounters.
The first one is to pray against COVID and the second one is to pray for those that have taken the injection, whichever one you might have taken and maybe you're not feeling well or you just have come to a place of understanding some of the dangers or perhaps you already knew. But it was the job or it was travel, it was business, it was things that you had to make that tough decision and we understand that, but you know what? God has restoration and we have a powerful prayer to pray over you. So welcome, Ken Thornburg, to the program. Thanks for being here. Hey, thank you, Greg. I always love being with you, always. And this is a really important one.
This is an important couple prayers. Absolutely. I've lost you. I lost you. Oh, there you are. Oh, no. Okay. I'm not moving. All right.
Maybe your phone decided to make the connection after all. But at any rate, it doesn't matter. Keep talking because you sound good now. Okay, great. Well, we have two prayers that to be effective to our listeners, they have to have the faith to receive what we're going to be praying. We need to get right to the prayers and we'll talk about the faith afterwards. We got to get right to the prayers or we won't get through them. Go ahead and hit that first prayer, please, brother. Okay. This prayer is to destroy the COVID-19 virus.
Here we go. Everyone, I pray that you will join me in faith. Heavenly Father, I worship you, knowing that you care about the circumstances surrounding the deadly COVID-19 virus that's attacking the people of the earth. I believe that you've given people authority in Christ Jesus to stop this plague, according to your word. Jesus said in Matthew 16, 19, I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
In Luke 10, 19, one of my favorites. I give to you authority to tread on surface the scorpions and over all the authority of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. So Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
I believe and receive them by faith and declare that though I live in the world, I don't wage war as the world does. My weapons are mighty through the power of God for the pulling down of the strongholds of the COVID-19 virus. Holy Spirit, we know that you were present at the conception, development, and engineering of the COVID-19 virus. I believe that you established counter-engineering within the virus framework to activate immediate destruction whenever born-again believers in Jesus agree to release faith-filled words by your anointing. I thank you that your power is present to infuse, execute, and establish everything fully and completely by the following words that I pray in the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. Let any programmed alterations, obstructions, hindrances, and blocking mechanisms that have been released to obstruct the language and effectiveness of this prayer concerning the COVID-19 virus be permanently destroyed by the fire of God right now. Now, Holy Spirit, please soon the frequency of my faith-filled words to resonate with the frequency of the faith of heaven. Let the faith of heaven activate your counter-engineering and be applied to resonate with the virus frequency of each COVID-19 virus strand that is functioning and multiplying anywhere in the universe. Let the powerful frequency of faith be fully amplified now to arrest and stop the COVID-19 virus wherever it is functioning.
Now let the COVID-19 virus be decimated by the fire and brimstone of Almighty God and the ashes blown to the abyss in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. Let the breath of God cleanse and breathe newness of life in the air on surfaces and within the human body to heal and establish strength, wholeness, and fullness of health. And Lord, thank you that as I focus my mind on you, then you will keep me in perfect peace. And as I live this life of faith and dwell in the secret place under the shadow of God Most High, I'll always be shielded from harm, and therefore evil cannot prevail against us, nor disease come near my dwelling.
No weapon formed against me can prosper. This is my inheritance as the servant of the Lord, and my righteousness is from Him. Amen. Amen.
All right. And I just say now that I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh.
I live by the faith of the Son of God, and I activate that faith in every single follower of Christ that is listening and hearing these prayers right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Right on. Amen.
I agree. Holy Spirit, I thank you that your power is present to infuse, execute, and establish everything fully and completely that is prayed for, every person under the sound of our voices right now that is hearing this live or that will hear this program. And may all of them be included in this prayer individually and collectively. As I speak the words of this prayer, I do so by faith in the authority of the name and power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh. Let any program changes, hindrances, and blocking mechanisms that have been established to obstruct the language and effectiveness of this prayer be permanently destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, may you be glorified as your miraculous healing and powerful transformations are performed. Let the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God cleanse, sever, remove, and destroy all the following elements, including all backups, replacements, double portions, and original designs. All defects of genes by correcting any mutations, retrieving any deletions, and removing any additions. All abnormal epigenetic tags that promote disease and destruction so that the DNA is reestablished in perfect balance to the golden mean.
All imprinting on all genes established by the iniquity and idolatry of generational bloodlines and every abusive word, action, and or person. Let the declared nano healing prayers be enforced by your life giving spirit and protected by your heavenly hosts. Let the DNA and RNA proofreading and repair processes that God created be made concise and accurate to maintain the purity of the DNA and RNA that has been cleansed and healed.
Retune the resonance and frequency of the DNA and RNA to its original heavenly resonance and frequency until it is restored in perfect harmony with God's plan and ordained destiny. Let the frequencies of the faith-filled words of this prayer be aligned with the frequencies of the faith of heaven to destroy the ability of each pathogen and spike protein causing infirmity, disease, and death. Father, in your loving kindness, let all the following elements that were used in the development, manufacturing, and or preservation of all pathogens and vaccinations received be encapsulated in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in Nazareth that came in the flesh and destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Plant, fungi, mammal, fish, reptile, bird, insect, microorganism and human components, synthetic and natural mRNA, RNA, and DNA, as well as all nanotechnology, heavy metals, stabilizers, gelatin, antibiotics, adjuvants, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, salts, acids, bases, culture media, and other toxins and chemicals. Let changes to any part of the body that were caused by any infection or vaccination be corrected and restored to your original design and function. Let all pathogenic priming and programming of inflammation, autoimmune disease, antibody-dependent enhancement, and cognitive behavioral changes be cleansed from the immune system, mind, and body.
Let the neuroplasticity of the nervous system engage in synaptic pruning to remove the neural connections that were damaged. Let the neural nets of all conditioned fear responses to disease and death be disengaged and destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Let new neural pathways of love, power, and soundness be created in their place until the love of the Prince of Peace rules and reigns once again. Let the layers and additive adverse effects impacting heart, soul, mind, strength, and body as a result of each vaccination received be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. I command the power of all viruses, virus particles, and spike proteins being transmitted from vaccinated people to cease immediately in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Nazareth that came in the flesh. Let all adverse effects of transmitted pathogens and spike proteins, especially to the nervous, cardiovascular, hematologic, respiratory, and reproductive system, be arrested. Let the redemptive power of the Holy Spirit be applied until health and wholeness are restored. Let each spike protein be returned to the enemy's counterfeit corona and all of it delivered to the abyss on a crown of thorns.
Father, please observe and collapse all quantum superposition entanglements between all of these people and the various purposes, components, and adverse effects of all pathogens and vaccines. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so than by joining the Association of Mature American Citizens, AMAC. AMAC is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America. Well over 2 million people have joined and now carry the AMAC membership card. AMAC was built by regular folks to feel the same way you do.
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800-662-9236. For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit Now back to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at Hallelujah. Welcome back, folks. All right. I'm going to continue and close this out and then Ken and I are going to talk to you for a minute. We're praying the prayer to remove all effects of the injection, any one of them that anyone might have received. Father, I ask right now that this just be a continuation and that everyone listening right now will receive the full benefits of this, whether they're listening now live or whether they listen sometime in the future.
In the name of Jesus Christ and Nazareth who came in the flesh, I pray. Father, please observe and collapse all quantum superposition entanglements between all those that I have declared and the various purposes, components and adverse effects of all pathogens and vaccinations. Let these entanglements and associated memories be cleansed from their entire being to the quantum level with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and Nazareth who came in the flesh and sent to the lake of fire.
Let these entanglements be replaced with an unbreakable quantum superposition entanglement with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let the declared dark energy prayer procedures be enforced and executed now. Lord Jesus, your word states the last enemy to be destroyed is death. You have the keys of the unseen world and of death. Therefore, let the power of your death, burial and resurrection be applied to all pathogens and vaccinations that have accumulated in the body.
Let their evil power to cause disease and death be totally removed and destroyed. Thank you for delivering us from the perilous pestilence and the promise that no plague may come near our dwelling. You became a curse for us and by your stripes we were healed. Lord Jesus, we give you all the thanks and praise for you are Yahweh, Rapha, the one who heals. Amen.
Amen. Faith. It's really about faith. And folks, when I prayed at the very beginning and Ken was starting to share with you, you know, Galatians 2.20 says, I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith. And it's so important to understand that translation is critical here.
King James says, by the faith of the Son of God. And I can show you in Ephesians, I can show you in Philippians, I can show you many other references to of instead of in. And of is so important because of means that it is the gift of God to you. And part of it is the glory of God that Jesus prayed that we would all have. And that word is called dacha, dacha. And that is a powerful word, Ken, to understand that the glory of God, Jesus said the glory that was on me, that you, Father, gave to me, I give to them.
And we're not talking about vanity here, folks. We're talking about power and authority that Christ has given to us. And it's so incredibly powerful to understand.
Yes, it is. And Greg, I should also mention to people that if, well, number one, they can obtain the reading of these prayers, the praying of them by you and me by going to your site. They can also read those prayers on the front page of our website at If they want to know precisely what those words say and to pray it over someone else, and they don't have access to your site for some reason, they can they can copy that and print it and read all about it.
Both of these prayers are on the front page of our website. And if you have trouble, you are right. Amen. And just know this, that word DACA means the unspoken manifestation of God. That's what that glory is, DACA.
It's the Greek word for it. And and Jesus prayed that that we would have that in us so that we can overcome. We're not living a life of defeat, but a life of victory in the name of Jesus Christ and to his glory. Amen. Amen. And this prayer has worked.
Oh, absolutely. All right. We're out of time. I'll be back. This is Adam Mundall with State Air, and we are sponsors of Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business, and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 8 3 0 4 4 6 3 6 2 4. Once again, that's 8 3 0 4 4 6 3 6 2 4. I know your business will be blessed as ours is, and I challenge you to this blessing.
Thank you. Ask yourself, what do you pay for health care? Are you single? Do you pay more than one hundred and ninety nine dollars a month? Are you a couple? Do you pay more than two hundred and ninety nine dollars a month? Do you have a family? Do you pay more than three hundred ninety nine dollars a month?
Yes. You can serve the entire family with health care for only three hundred and ninety nine dollars a month. Sign up at any time of the year. Pick your own doctor and hospital. For more information, go to Liberty Health Share dot org. That's Liberty Health Share dot org.
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