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Charges Brought by New York States Against Trump; Can Electric Cars Get You Where You Need to Go?

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Truth Network Radio
September 22, 2022 3:18 pm

Charges Brought by New York States Against Trump; Can Electric Cars Get You Where You Need to Go?

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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September 22, 2022 3:18 pm

[00:00:00] Andy McCarthy


[00:18:23] Carley Shimkus


[00:36:45] Admiral James Stavridis


[00:55:07] Senator Marsha Blackburn


[01:13:29] Marc Thiessen


[01:31:53] Mike Colias

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Hi Fox news orders New York is always seeking solutions never selling its Brian kill me I would want to avoid his mom to Brian kill me.

Shall we have so many choices about what to lead with what to have in the show will try to cover it all, and McCarthy standing by foot is on the on the Trump attack. This is another this one I you could get on Donald Trump and you could say he would say what what you chose Georgia state election could save Mr. Pres., why we think integral those documents even with you to be the biggest from supporting caskets of white great trouble but this last one to be soon smells like pure politics. Republican president who made his name in New York and has an Atty. Gen. wants to make her name.

That's what this is about will discuss all that and of course take your calls. Call Shimkus of the body hour. She actually asked me out as I led Fox and friends. She's a bright REMIC suggestion will going to talk about. So being a nice person I am. I said okay. Would you think would you like to talk about and she told me she wants to talk about what's going on a rush and I said okay but it's not part of the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three. How long from here. Should Americans be prepared for that economic how long immunity to it really depends on how long it takes for wages and more than that. Prices to come down for it for inflation to come down.

There is the prediction from Mr. T in Rocky three pain that's who Jerome Powell was saying with less flamboyance economy. The fed banking the circus on Capitol Hill and what it all means to you and your family finances for learning those activists during the Florida governor Rhonda Santos for dropping 50 migrants on Martha's Vineyard are heavily funded by George Soros receiving nearly $1.4 million from his open Society foundation that his grip Jenkins bring it on. That's the message from Gov. DeSantis is the illegal immigrants who landed after signing permission slip on this beautiful viral aisle of Martha's Vineyard. They are now suing. No joke. A massive seizure of fennel in Florida enough to kill 4 million people should be the lead story but everyone's playing politics under investigation revealed that Donald Trump engaged in years of illegal conduct to inflate his net worth to achieve to deceive banks and the people are great stating yeah Leticia James the Atty. Gen. in a tougher fight to keep her job and she thought the Trump attack reaches new lows as an Atty. Gen. makes it clear it's personal and political what the civil lawsuit says why the truck needs to win for all of us to win meeting supporters and detractors with the right now is discussed to break it down and McCarthy foxes contribute or alter a ball of collusion, so any I read you calm. I know you're going with this first offer people at home wondering what lawsuit is this.

It's a civil lawsuit against his company includes his kids they want about over $200 million back in restitution for the people that you be complaining all the banks and the banks got their money back and more right now to the Bernie made off. Brian, you don't. There's no victims. Which is why you don't roll up a result of what is the first just that I every prosecutor and prosecutor called troop trumps financial records for three years, federal prosecutors, this case started I would buy had a laugh at the end of the wood during a press conference when she talked about how she referring the case referring her complaint to the justice department, the Justice Department had this case in the first place and they look at it very hard they decided that Michael Pollan was not a promising foundation to build a fraud case on and then the Manhattan Dist. Atty. Cyrus Vance fit inside of Capt. Ahab's quest for trumps financial records when after the Supreme Court twice finally get them and when they got them they realized there was a case there so I may have a minor case brought against the wife of Brown Cooley trumps the top financial guide the organization and they kept running around saying we got them complete the 15 count what they don't tell you is the thing to do all of the hundred days in jail.

It's penny-ante stuff and it's the same stuff that they're using next month to have a trial against the Trump organization on the same minor tax stuff but again they will really try to make a case on Trump and his children, and they called the Fed gave up on this a couple years ago.

They didn't think there was anything there.

I think that's important Brian because I can tell you I was a prosecutor in that office the 20 years they don't give away an attractive case to the state not the Southern District of New York think there's a case there. They take the case to career right for every elected that's what those terrible ambitious prosecutor phone. I would want to know so I know what they don't they don't give away. Okay, especially you don't look for a lot of the people of the lawyers met office care about is no more attractive target on the planet Donald Trump.

Though they could have made a big old fraud case against something of the delighted at the evidence.

So why is it I mean I cannot believe this Atty. Gen. is on the record saying things like this about Donald Trump. Prior to yesterday cut 700 so having great fun posting and social media goes ahead and does it now if I saw the founders would said the first thing we do with our with a firm's attorneys try to dismiss his case on things like that. Will that work, try to dismiss it on on first blush yeah well I think down the right. I just wish that I got to New York. We do that you Brian that you have to realize, especially with New York, but with a lot of state that unlike the federal government where law enforcement positions all appointed position select example. Don't borrow Merrick Garland was Atty. Gen. They get nominated by the president. They have to get vetted by the Senate of the Senate broke them hard to make sure that I could use the law as a political weapon that the big issue in every confirmation that the way that system work in New York is totally different.

We don't insulate law enforcement from politics. These are elected position politics infects the legal system and unfortunately the political force in New York that really punches above its way is hard-core progressives there.

They are the truth of the Democratic party day trying me and I say look, she hates me. This is personal look at the tape does not help your case. It depends on who your jury is right by me. Thought you were the jury in New York and you get a bunch of anti-Trump zealots on the jury that might be appealing on the label to unanimous have to be unanimous in its okay look Brian, I don't think this case is going to try the year, but in some cases you're entitled to a jury. In some cases the jury have to be unanimous, but not usually in civil cases. But if this case ever gets to trawl all my hat is not happen. Leticia James does this all the time she did the same thing with almost no she does this long investigation.

She figures out a way to dump the investigation into the public record pushes got arrived on his job. She dumps a bunch of stuff that she was never able to prove I'm not that I don't on the current report, all Walmart the bad guys, but you know she never even tried to sue him and even though she put out a book length investigation findings is not a single prosecutor in the state of New York was able to make her try even to make it so I'm really confused because with her trying to do is stop him from doing business for five years.

So try to get financing anywhere in the meantime, of his investigations going. How does he conduct his business as he affected this.

He just say hey I'm me that's my team of attorneys you deal with New York but is he going to be entered from doing anything with banks you Brian you happy.

You have to think about it from the perspective of what would you do if your financial and maintenance work. Our right so I don't want to pretend that because I think this case is nonsense that needs no consequences.

The truck I think will be severe consequences, the trunk, I would just add that it's not just Trump euro if you're of some business institution and you're thinking about whether New York is the place where you want to set up shop in business.

I think he wanted think twice about that because if you have a legal environment like this one that self thoroughgoing leave politicize and where the prosecutor. The power that they get from the from the public in order to go after their political enemies and they think that political enemies are like the 1% in the red shed load, a profitable company. If I were me I opened the business in Florida know or someplace else you're right it's like Florida bank has their headquarters in New York. Obviously that's problematic and you don't get the biggest institutions outside of New York City. But that's the some of them work out and people say aren't you being sued. I don't know if I should lend to you know in this loss and the 200+ pages they say things like, well, you said in order to get financing that you are the 30,000 foot apartment.

It's 10,000 foot you said that more loggers. Third 300 million. It's actually worth 74 million so as things like that. Does that matter, because I always thought institutions like Deutsche Bank who took most of his money from there the one to call the Atty. Gen. go listen I'm being screwed by X, Y, and Z real estate mogul. Instead they got payback.

They have no problem in Atty. Gen. hunts and examines and sees and then files but the but the point there is no third-party here and I say that as a pedestrian, not is obviously a illegal great legal mind. It doesn't seem like anybody skirt. You're right, someone asked me yesterday. Did you think she could say that the taxpayers with the victim and I'm like happy to say the trunk at the longer from my network is $1 billion and it turns out his net worth is actually $50 million but on the basis of him saying it was a billion mallets were not in the real world. Now right in the real world. The bank has its own appraiser benefit relied on, think the right thing to do their own due diligence.

Let's say just for arguments sake, I give Trump alone is the bank on the basis of his misrepresentation that he worked 20 times more than the work. If he pays the loan back.

Nobody you know I you can say that yes he got more favorable terms than the average person would get the average person worth $50 million. The whole theory of if I have a town farm in Ohio and I know it be great to have a downtown hotel in Ohio. I'm getting keys in the 2% loan. Perhaps I can work out because my theory is if I can get that beautiful Trump a hotel date and I'll get more people get more tropical get more torso.

The more conventions that's a risk you take as a public official and you get lower terms.

That's why Amazon in New York.

People try to lure Amazon in with better terms that something AOC never understood it doesn't mean you can helping the rich you helping the rich bring your enterprise to your city to bring in more revenue for every body will and in my right with this calculus is not only not only right that the calculus nobody make that argument more than Democratic politicians think the argument that Kathy focal the governor of New York made why the taxpayer should subsidize the two billionaires live in Florida to build a stadium for the Buffalo Bills right. She thinks the apartment that exactly the argument that you just made that if we don't we bring this week we built greatly stadium.

It's good to be a magnet for all kinds of business and commerce and in the long run the taxpayer to make out much better now. In point of fact, I think they often don't make out much better. And these things are right, that's a whole different argument yet but but you will be argument you made it exactly the same argument the Democratic politicians make when they think it's good for the rights so I wanted to get to the rate case.

The appeals court allows the DOJ to resume review of the classified records after was put on hold for the special master listen to both sides. The Trump team did not put up an argument. When asked did Donald Trump. How did Donald Trump declassify these records. They had no answer.

So now for the next day. Appeals court looked at this into of the two of the three judges are Trump appointees and said DOJ have attic could go back to looking to see if any laws were violated with these documents. My correct yeah, and they may have been the 11th circuit Court of Appeals in Florida may actually have done Trump a favor here because they look a little against them, and he deserved to be ruled against the legal position was meritless and not a very good very good legal reasoning by Judge Cannon the judge down in Florida. He started all this rolling but as you point out, Judge Deary, who is the special master up in Brooklyn. He was suggested by trumpet agreed to by the Justice Department is not buying this idea that they did but the Trump declassify the document he would make Trump lawyers put on evidence which they didn't want to do that Trump had declassified the document now that the 11th circuit has basically rejected that argument, that point is moot. The only thing that Judge Deary will now be dealing with is the nonclassified document which is the other 11,000 documents that we see from our logout the FBI in the justice department now based on what 11th circuit ruled will have access to the hundred classified documents which is what they say they need to proceed with their investigation. So the ruling left side affects the hundred classified documents but it probably gets Trump out above that of a problem in Brooklyn but I think judge. The classified documents were still in front of Judge. Make them put on declassification is present since yesterday Sean Hannity that he could declassify just by thinking about it is true now another presidential record that we talk a lot about you talk to that along one of the provisions he almost never mentioned like the second provision in the law which says that presidents have an obligation to document the activities of their presidency and its it's inconceivable that you would declassify very top-secret information and it wouldn't be a document that said that you did and he owes great columns. Always great to get serious analysis. I'm so glad you went to law school and get my bill yet you want to law school and so I get the bill is going your word that I have the right upright markup on so that I would get a special master name so they go to to arbitrate between us and McCarthy. Thanks so much, we come back I'll take your calls. 1-866-408-7669 then we open up the conversation calling Shimkus busy day so glad you're here giving you everything you need to know you're with Brian kill me is so busy he'll make dear Brian, kill me know, and McCarthy is so rich with information and sadly, the Trump family is so overwhelmed with loss and as I mentioned this thing in New York. You have to look at it yet is taking time and read it because they say that this is worth this much and this is where this much. This is an Atty. Gen. getting in between a bank transaction if it was Deutsche Bank complaining of was TD bank outrageous. It was people saying I'm now bankrupt and shareholders are left holding the bag. That's one thing no one got hurt. This is a targeting and that means big and small business people fear Trump found guilty, because that means no one say politicians doesn't like you, take you out information you on truth you demand. This is Brian kill me show will go back everyone as a I was talking about her earlier, the calling Shimkus did something very rare, but she always does. She made a request though usually you ask into what we are you talking about when you come on here that you made a request Carly and it wasn't a typical guy got not to categorize your gender, because I know were doing this gender blending 2020 town. Thank you. But you know it was you said I like to request something in it was anyway what you you would think. Okay, they have a request there's a story that one out to about Valentine's Day about compounds or reality show that you love to talk about or so I got booted from the bachelorette. But no, would you ask for what I wanted to talk about the presidency when speech yesterday that's going on in Russia and China right like that topic to this way.

That is one of the most if I was looking. If I we were dating dating profile. That's the most attractive thing that I would relate that the right of the. Also, it was great to be hot and I get traction down yes actually turning more into a bachelor conversation which would neither of us are available now.

We are not and you're having a baby fully in support of self everything is listening at that. I love to. I love to hone in on Brian softer side because it's not you see every day but Allison just told me that you Brian thrilled her to her two baby shower right for three kids with you think I should've got. I should've gotten like one he'd say this is for Patrick underperforming right is when you have to enjoy the one challenge my rules will outline Ainsley asked if I wanted I wanted her to exactly thank you for saying that for me really want to shower and he wants to marry. Be there.

You now I feel at showers.

Well, I mean I don't even O'Brien 31 which is honestly some nice surprises to assess house and he is I think people want to be there. I think people that don't have kids don't love going to baby showers.

My correct it's just in the middle of the day on the Saturday current crackling dealio. So here's what I was thinking for my baby shower because you do need staff because you need to gear to make it so self-serving I would I die love my friends and family. Of course I just feel bad for them like people are filing anyway. I was thinking about inviting the husband's tail is cheating is a good idea. Never heard of it, having it be like a big party like a female shower happens and the guys going drink it can be for sure, but here's the problem. If it if you made during the week. It should be just girls now during the week on a Saturday 21 or Saturday because I think that's when most people are available. Could you like 4 o'clock during the week. I don't know if that works for everybody.

Hello, I just think all your friends are to be friends so I know it unless you are working for Jesse. Jesse or talk. Either you could probably make friends.

I laid outside. I do not ideally I think I went to college many friends. What I know of yours. I was know none of you know my friend Lindsay through word of mouth because she lives close TL and I go to solitaire right which is a restaurant in your town. Would you beat me to salt I got there and they were describing you in a Carly came in and you is you ring one Tau Long Island and I am in moment Massapequa yeah so that's two steps away.

The river is trying to get me to move out to Eric you have to make a decision right yeah I'm not moved to the suburbs yet. I want to stay in New York City.

However, when I went tail on the Brian County Tower which was 4 July I fireworks shall be in Nassau County and everybody came up to me I was like I thought they were to be like only watch Fox and friends first. I like all I know Brian because I coached us on soccer team I Brian can see with my rent RA in college major at the town. He's like we have a membership that you remember almost correctly but Blakeman is the Nessa County executive is a very nice man, Brad Blakeman's being here is a contributor forever. Bruce Blakeman was married to Paul McCartney's current wife write lately.

Think about that post currently yeah and they ended up on amicable terms think they shared the same length.

Know the divorce. Okay, that was very amicable and it turns out the Brad used to say to me I never put together his and I got to the Hamptons is unbelievable. Paul McCartney is a party. I get invited to sing and then I'm homogeneous and I go to sleep and Bradley when you swing by going second you still go out with your to your brothers ex-wife's new husband's house because I'm invited and I always got and it's just amazing.

Paul McCartney is amazing performers.

I heard John Bon Jovi's like this so never know personally but they performers like to perform all the time. As I listen Billy Joe I don't wondered evidently they always, I know you want to play all go play all you know like because you're always on you even when you're not working you have your writing a book you're doing is speaking your you just three hours achieving a drink there as a radio sell pot kettle, but in the best way possible right and I drive. I would appreciate the analogy, but I don't belong in that area, but you over and write a book. You are the Billy Joel Fox news, thank you very much little taller but I can't sell at the garden he can so that's where different villages I did I could legally do redundant people right. I think she's insulted me.

Can we like he was having such a blast. Yet he did a great job today. So let's talk about what's going on with Russia.

So right now I'm just reading a lot of analysis by him calling up to 300,000 troops.

They might not let me food. They might not exist. In his early riots were inside Russian housing people.

Yeah. So they have reserves a lot of you go NORAD here generally preventing people 18 to 34 from leaving the country.

When we do not like North Korea situation yet so very unpopular. Obviously in Russia. The present make this announcement, saying that Pres. who makes his announcement, saying or doing a draft to 300,000 people mistakes I have learned that a caller preserves 19 major drafts you imagine being a young man in Russia right now and thinking oh my gosh I don't even care about this war. I don't know what's going on. The strange thing about Russia now is obviously cannot trust these poll numbers by number in the beginning of the war help a lot a lot of people in Russia are really really supportive of Vladimir Putin in a way that isn't safe, which I am. I am stunned by in the big cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow. But if you get out to the smaller towns they are very anti-put in and that's part of the 300,000 tail so now you have all of these people that are immediately when he made that announcement buying plane tickets and trying to hightail it out and people are really putting their lives on the line with these antiwar demonstrations because you're not allowed to do that in Russia and I was reading some announcement said the scary thing would be for Ukraine and hearing that there is be a possible fresh batch of up to 300,000 troops could that turn the tide of the war and the person that I was listening to said now because what they need is our experience alters people are Joe Schmoe off the street to give Madonna there immediately going to die.

Unfortunately for these people. It's just their situation. 60,000 dead Russians already and that's return the war in Afghanistan at a draft they invaded. They thought they run right through the ended up getting their ass kicked again and end up resulting in what he said like 6000 died yeah just trail right and what happens is I think they are educated over there Afghanistan's uneducated population.

This one is Clint Watts, waited on MSNBC about about. Would Vladimir Putin would do and what is about to do in a week cut 35 is talking about building and essentially annexing parts of southern Ukraine is the justification that for using things like nuclear weapons are accelerating. Essentially the war. From his perspective because if he does, that would be seen as an attack on Russia. Now, no one really buys that and that's where the fighting is happening today in that southern front. There are some pretty intense fighting back and forth and for the Ukrainians. I think the point where done remarkably well, but it will be tougher and tougher for them to advance as well without getting in the winter and it's important to notice the landscape plan yesterday. Yesterday that could be a way to bring this conflict of some sort of well with their doing is so Hans can other areas have the boat but this so much fighting going on the remote joke. Just take these areas but I guess the weapons we get all the weapons again the tanks they should win because how Russians can fight as to as general as Gen. Kellogg said that the Russians are Belgian with nuclear weapons yeah I know, I know that there's a lot of people who come out and say that we're sending so much money in this in this war, but I also think it's really important to remember that you know it's not America first to have Russia and China sort of decide a global new world order and defending a democracy really does matter. So now Pres. Biden has given some daytime weapons to Ukraine.

The question is are is he really giving them enough to win. And some people say now you here given Ukraine enough to just sort of win the next battle, but not when the overall war you got some pressure hours to do with a pledge that was part of the speech and when Nikki Haley was saying yesterday that Pres. Biden's UN speech where it was. It was a well set speech when he calls out Russia. What about China India that are buying Russian oil propping up their economy, and he didn't really say much about those countries was to say to you I was thought out over the whole story meetings that Iran has to supply supply drones was a CD that was Crisco supply rockets. That means that China is not cannot make in their own will.

Let me put in and she's in pain recently. Face-to-face is the first time feeling pain left China since that is a place in the world exactly let's not forget that. And apparently the speech wise and she was like I don't really support this will back off right so now he's feeling squeezed from his allies and that maybe one of the reasons why he's doing this. I guess this draft because he doesn't know what to do. Now I knew what happened. Brian well what happened is they're hoping for winter antifreeze at Western Europe and they're hoping that Hunter provided good to try to destroy the obstruction Ukraine and they hoped that evens the playing phone so that it brings us to what Pres. Biden said yesterday during the speech about climate change right where obviously part of the UN speech wise promoting climate change because that's what these global organizations tail always promote these ideas and then look at what happened to Germany they went totally green.

They rely on for all of their oil and gas from Russia and 99 I was reading starting this month.

Germany has introduced a series of measures to cut energy use, businesses are no longer allowed to keep their doors open throughout the day to reduce the need for heating. You're not allowed to eliminate advertising signs that you have to switch them off on by 10 PM and halls and corridors of most public buildings will no longer be heated will be cold during the winter and offices can only be heated to a max of 19�C this is happening in Germany think one of the most advanced nations, if not the most of the nation on the planet energy independence lesson in there somewhere. Right there is that their pinewood and the biting cold fire fire plants and their deer with their shelving plans. Everything is talking about when he talks about Europe criticizing fossil fuels or criticizing on natural gas, which is cleaner and now it's more expensive and countries are switching to call because of is my problem in life that this is my small talk like if I like literally I would I get so bored if I go out on the weekends and I'm not talking like I decide this is so strange document calling us to grounds, newsmakers and news breakers. First, I show from his mouth for your years of recommendations. If the primary goal when dealing with a situation where the hospitals were being overrun in New York, intensive care units will being put in the hallways you have to do something that's rather draconian and sometimes when you do draconian things as collateral negative consequences just like when you shut things down even temporarily, it does have deleterious consequences on the economy on the schoolchildren you know that the conference yesterday. Dr. Ouchi was explaining himself, at which time he is trying to say what he said is correct.

The hospitals were being overrun and the dues need to be severe action in his chair cushion wrote his book. Carly Shimkus is rather do something as a house was being overrun, but how long you did in the reasons why will not admitting that you said it's not to be a problem here that you didn't have to keep get wear a mask if you saw false sense of security and that he never pointed out that school kids could suffer long-term on this. That's the maddening thing exactly and it's just so fascinating to hear the language that he's using now that he is retiring or doing whatever he can entail. And he's calling the measures that he propped up for two years calling them draconian for the first time snail he was saying that it it. He was criticized criticizing people for calling these measures that he was supporting draconian he's criticizing us folks.

Now he's admitting and it's it's it's it's very interesting. Also think about the fallout from that send the rules for the not for me but a lot of people calling the firings that are taking place still to this day. Even though the pandemic is over. According to the presidential Brian Morgenstern used to be behind the scenes of the White House spokesperson. He wrote the said this thing is podcast vignettes and Vino. He said he said this is guy Brian Morgenstern. He said factories an awful egomaniac use of the virus is nothing to worry about in the beginning for the American people, then the months and the months that followed, he said we should not wear mess. Then there were ineffective by June July here change his tune. Everyone should be very concerned.

They should wear multiple masks and goggles. He said I didn't recall boiling go boy my blood boiling during infuriating meeting at the Roosevelt room of the White House.

When Sachi left about his own goggles, and make you clear how cynical he was that he could get people to believe anything. Think about that. I now it's such relentless and I don't mind that I don't fault him for being wrong and some of these things in the beginning of the pandemic because we this is like a totally new virus but I do take issue with the moral high ground that he took when people were losing their jobs as well and you think that where we are right now, especially when the vaccine came out of course and people start getting vaccinated, and then we were told that that was an immediate care all and then it turns out that it does protect you but doesn't protect other people from getting it and then just this absolute unbridled pressure to get everybody vaccinated, and where therapeutics while taking down other doctors and disinformation to work with social media to take all this down and ridiculing people that might have a counter opinion is 80 years old, hasn't been in the lab coat forever. And then you call it that with what grandpa always talks about with that emails in the beginning about how he was told very early on.

This can come from the lab in Wuhan and then a day later. All of those people that were all the scientists that were saying you know, you may want to watch this evening when I look into the fact that this was probably produced in the lab and then when he found out that there was some funding that came from his company. All the scientists are saying something completely different from what is I, not financially. If Republicans usually making 500,000 300,000 billions and billions to hand out the grass they had to go Shimkus and Fox news.

This growing radio talk show and kill me hi buddy will delay this moment to the brain to me Joe's thanks much for being here we come to you from midtown Manhattan border on the country around the world soon to go to charge me to come to Midtown to believe that so this could be a congestion pricing thing so just in case you're not overtaxed already in New York New York City paints to be taxed a tax federal tax just in case in Europe at the turn came basically 6.5 for every dollar the ticket $0.65 from you now that you have congestion pricing should you will be one of those rich people delivering bread to delis or those independently wealthy ones who sharpen knives at restaurants, so you pull up in your truck and go around the place to place. A place you go to be playing congestion pricing. No wonder almost 6000 people left New York permanently to go to Florida and all-time record last month center of Marsha Blackburn will be here shortly about a half-hour and will James diabetes in a matter a moment. So let's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three. How long from here. Should Americans be prepared how long it really depends on how long it takes for wages and more than that. Prices to come down for and for inflation to come down okay. Take your time when I love the way you change your tone, Jerome Powell, chairman of the Fed economy. The Fed banking circus on Capitol Hill.

What it all means for you and your family finances will discuss learning those activists during the Florida governor Rhonda Santos for driving 50 migrants on Martha's Vineyard are heavily funded by George Soros receiving nearly $1.4 million from his open Society foundations you have one of the investigate him and that foundation, bring it on.

That's the message from Gov. DeSantis is the illegal immigrants who went on Martha's Vineyard to sue him this clown show overwhelms the bigger news, a massive seizure fit known Florida enough to kill 4 million people, which crossed the southern border.

We will have the latest investigation revealed that Donald Trump engaged in years of illegal conduct with late network to achieve to deceive banks and the people of the great state if he acted differently in Georgia there would be no lawsuit. You could say regardless of the outcome you blame himself if he had if he didn't take documents tomorrow Lago you have no problems with the FBI.

You could say at the very least, you could blame Trump if you read this and I read most of it. This is a pure political attack by the Atty. Gen. with tissue James it's a civil lawsuit meant to gum up the work to maybe take him out. I don't think it'll do either. I will talk about that the other big story remains with tapping over the Ukraine. Nobody better to talk about that and I will James diabetes, the 16th supreme Allied Cmdr. of NATO.

His recent books, the sellers bookshelf 50 books to know the sea in 2034 novel of the next world war, which might be with China and welcome back Brian Adm. of first off, don't you think the person could use yesterday to pressure our European allies to start fulfilling their obligation to Ukraine, we're doing it I'm hearing these reports they are not. I don't agree with that. I have seen quite a bit of weapon systems flowing notably from Poland and the countries in the Baltics, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, I think that you're correct we could do more from the western part of Europe, France, Italy, some of the other nations there have a lot of capacity, but the bottom line here is the alliances standing together in providing not only the equipment but a lot of the intelligence training all that support. I think the alliance overall is doing pretty good job right now I think that the Ukraine is doing a great job of making Jesus a 3000 mi.� roughly the moving on to your son but they say that is going to be very hard going. From here on in.

Vladimir Putin comes out and and he says what he said no give you a give you his comments through the translator here at Fox and says what he says, a leading up knowing the whole world is coming together our moments. Here's what he said to his people cut 32 but I think it is very to support the proposal of the Ministry of Defense in the general staff to conduct a partial mobilization in Russia. A repeat we are only talking about a partial mobilization partial mobilization the sale to 300,000 reserves was the reality there.

Reality is the Internet be thou I doubt they'll be able to scare out hundreds of thousands. Look what does not have the kind of highly orchestrated, very detail oriented grid serve military system that the United States as, for example, or that Estonia has worked for in one Finland has a population of 5 million Brian they could put 500,000 troops in combat in three weeks because they keep them 20 almost like Israel running them on it. Israel, Finland and Switzerland are the three top reserve systems at the bottom end of how to run a reserve military would be Russia. These are going to be stumbled bomb assistant bartenders who were conscripted 12 years ago maybe went to Syria, maybe not have forgotten anything they ever knew about combat, don't get corny uniforms, bad rifles and they'll be cannon fodder so I wouldn't over scratch on mobilization. So right now we understand the annexation is to be done through proxy because a lot of it's in war zones again and excite for areas of the Dunbar's region and the brushless is looking we got how I played a few Ukraine well for starters be like a burglar breaks into your house and then pulled out a gun pointed at your head and says sign the deed to your home to me that that's how legitimate this is a referendum conducted under combat conditions with military enforcement. It'll be badly managed, and frankly it's just a sham. So what the Ukrainians are to do is highlight all that they are to do what they've done brilliantly, which is not shine a clean glide up big shining spotlight on this correction behavior and that's with videos with testimony, with all manner of outgoing strategic communications in you shine a light on this and show the world how illegitimate princes.

So having said that the fighting goes on to get tougher and the stinko Winters about to happen. Russia thinks it's going to be to their advantage. We know that they're basically shutting off the gas and Nordstrom one another, despite France's urging not to maybe permanently losing that customer base which is just devastating. I think long-term to Russia. But how do you get through this winter will put this in perspective, Brian of all the energy energy stack if you will, that Europe is using so nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, renewables like solar and wind, etc. all the energy Europe uses only 20% is natural gas and all of that 20% only controlled about half of that.

So he's really got control of about 10% of the total energy stack so the bottom line is we can turn those Europeans are going to have to take their thermostats from 72 to maybe 65 have to wear a sweater around indoors. Give me some industrial slowdowns were natural gas is used in process, but they been preparing for this for months and I would put it this way to my European friends you can have one hard winter but really make the effort to get through it and cut off Russia or you can thanks this year after year after year and remain beholden and that he don't do it. Take the pain this year. I think that's with Oco. I hope this would go go when you look at these protests in Russia do have a sense of what's happening there happening yesterday 18 to 34-year-olds are no longer allowed to buy one ticket air by plaintiff and want to get anywhere so that I like to go there. They did not want to get tickets at all. So they're afraid of the young people leaving there some protests yesterday you have any sense of how the government set up that there might be an anti-poo movement among them. I think there is very much an anti-poo movement among the intelligentsia. Notably around the you who have means you are connected to the Internet to understand what's really happening here. Unfortunately, as you get into rural Russia and you get away from populations that are connected, you start to find more and more support for prudent so Brian looked in the cities you see these kind of protests. I think Putin is going to be able to handle the bottom line.

The big danger here from Russia is not being overthrown. I wish it were, but that's not the danger. The real danger from Russia to words bringing rain. These are the best and brightest. They are buying these tickets go on the Internet and Google outpouring of people from Russia and you'll see story after story video after video of people clamoring to buy tickets one way ticket to get out of Moscow and I'll close with this. Nobody's Brian the return legs of those flights known trying to get into Russia these days. Right we have that problem. Let's talk about China. Here's here's the president on 60 minutes cut 37. So unlike Ukraine.

To be clear sir. US forces US men and women would defend Taiwan. In the event of a Chinese and yes is not the answer you would give no answer. I would get is our policy toward Taiwan is unchanged, which is that we don't want to telegraph to China exactly what were they to do one way or the other. We would look at an armed attack on China is a grave threat, and we would reserve the right to respond militarily and economically in the technological realm and cyber I will have said a more nuanced response to the question would be where US policy currently is. So in other words, on the on the Taiwanese to defend themselves or why is it so Adm. you seen this with the president and his staff present, Trump would say things like, well, that's not really where were going to do it or matters would end up resigning and people go that's present. Acting on instinct.

When I used to four times now this administration as walk the president back on this issue alone. I'm not comparing president since really don't know how much better on this policy. Like the obvious question you give your reaction. I think all of us ought to stop thinking about sending Taiwan as though it were an on and off switch on the wall and think about it as a rheostat and what we ought to be doing is dialing that rheostat up here like the dimmer on the wall of light in your dining room where the clanking that rheostat up what that means is selling not giving.

Taiwan is a very rich place selling them high-end military equipment they need. And guess what we have scenario unfolding in Ukraine that gives us a pretty good idea of the kind of weapon systems. We are to be selling to our Taiwanese friend. That's where we are putting our emphasis right and most of these would learn from this invasion, and maybe think twice is China going to school on this invasion and thinking about and see who would let me. Putin promised and what we was able to do, I think so. Brian put yourself in GE's president. She shares think three things right now number one.

I wonder if my generals are as bad as those Russian generals appear to be one of my equipment is as corny as their equipment appears to be because it's all pretty intertwined.

That's question one question two is he's wondering will those Taiwanese fight like hell. The way that Ukrainians have been fighting. I think the answer is yes, I've been there I visited with Pres. Mme. Siders, not much quit those Taiwanese and the number three zap himself sanctions there pretty big, big economy here in China.

Maybe Dick can't sanctioning fully target me with very strategic sanctions that could cripple my economy. Maybe they could.

So I think present she is pumping the brakes on the idea of attacking Taiwan right now because of what's going on in Ukraine so this is theory that you ever try to get the header on the fact that for the first time, every branch of the military cannot recruit effectively to recruit so many people so out of shape. They can perform even though you guys have loosened up a lot of the criteria the policies there's also theory out there is a lot of the wool policies and politics have hurt the military would do when you guys sit around and have some beers, other military officers like you would do you think it is think they're a little bit of everything but number one is hey it's hard to hire a lifeguard right now it's hard to higher servers. It's hard to hire IT workers.

Newsflash. It's just hard to hire right now because of the demand signal from the economy as it comes back from COBIT so were competing with the military with an awful lot of pretty good jobs out there available I think number two. The fact this may sound strange, but the fact that were not engaged in active combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan that was a draw for many people to come into the military to go forward. To be in combat to defend forward are some of the social policies you mention part of this. Perhaps, I think you got a look at it in the totality Brian but it's just a hard environment out there and I'll close with this, which may surprise most American if you look at all of the high school seniors graduating in a given year, only 25% of them are eligible to come into the United States military because of their obesity because of their previous drug use because of their mental health.

Only 25%. So we're competing for a very select group of Americans coming out of college, and I hope that patriotism and service will win out and will be able to reverse some of these declines we seen in recruiting left Afghanistan with me this really is not did not help did not help. And let's face it, that's the last image and a lot of people's minds about the military is undeserving to see you guys for brilliantly. This is one of the finest generations of military operatives we've ever seen at every level, and we get we made mistakes, but the way you've grown and I think the rest will last to know that. I guess the helpless feeling is when leaders let you down. Adm. thanks so much, always, always enjoy talking to you Jane airline. We covered with chain the Navy we covered a lot of what I think. I think we help the country. Thank you. Back in a moment with you cause 1-866-408-7669 your knowledge base Brian show talk show that's real. This is Brian kill me show you all now transition emissions from lending to line 20 option starting today I will call if you go down the list again agreed to doing this. Please answer the policy against finding new oil and gas products. Mr. Nyman capturing the road to hell for long account with your bank as they don't care about working people and communities are facing huge amounts of trade issues and so much more cancer rates are so I'm on my community that they want iPads today what iPhones they want to have heated homes they would have air conditioning in the summer that Telco clueless Congresswoman squad member. She did believe is going talking to the CEO Jamie diamond J.P. Morgan Chase wanting to give up all investor think this little refueling our country and fueling our enemies nation are you thoughts these people are what use your hair dry tomorrow radio show like no other personal clandestine killer Texans are victimized by Mexican cartels that produce an important cartels or terrorists is time that we started treating them that way and that is Gov. Evan of course in Texas same. Can we stop pretending things of the border are not terrorists, especially when you have 74 who cross last month and we used to have. Maybe zero in all of an entire year that we know a lot of terrorist grades are not getting caught. These are the ones we got the turn the turn up in a terrorist watchlist center Marsha Blackburn joined just now center will finally talk about who's going to the border we use have different takes on the magnitude of the problem, you think about Gov. Abbott's idea. I think you look at what governor do you see that and this sentence have done and to the illegal immigrants across the country to communities that have said where a sanctuary city. We have the infrastructure we welcome the emigrant the right thing to do because you got all these camps along the border that are Johnson being override their social services are override their morgues are override their hospitals are over run and every counter border town every state to border state until the border is secure, but you do have the cities like Chicago and New York and Detroit and in communities like Martha's Vineyard who said they were a sanctuary and supposedly they were going to be welcoming. These individuals yeah this is how about the audacity that the governor being sued. Government says is being sued by George Soros's open silences funded opens open society network to fund this law firm lawyers for civil rights against Gov. DeSantis on behalf of these 60 illegal immigrants take a bus into Martha's Vineyard got flown and supported the open border day cartels are the ones who are making money going after the cartels for abusing physically and sexually abusing these individuals. They are not going after cartels for the drugs that they are getting people to pay in order to keep him up to make this wall across the border. I ate they're not doing any of that and they're going after the administration had over a year ago about a year and 1/2 ago is when plaintiff started blaming in Tennessee with the individuals that were being put on the plane flown to community.

Nobody said anything about that, except to say well it is hardhearted and it is not compassionate to complain about the planes landing in your state, but they did not go after DHS or Pres. Biden, and you never got a heads up, and he never even told the governor not just in the till the Republican Senate tried to tell the government correct that chart that is correct. I didn't tell the governor that may your share of the school system anybody they just arrived series with Ned Price said to Martha McCallum yesterday about the problem at the border cut 17.

What I can tell you is what we're doing with countries throughout the region with our partners here in US government to try to address the root causes of migration. The roof factors that are pulling people away from their homes and places in Central America and South America and the broader region that are in some cases, bringing them to our border, the state department. We are working very hard every day to try to address those factors. Those dues are any indication there addressing that every day, and the pull factors is while not going to the border, go here.

The pull factors.

I think they're addressing it every day. I cannot respond why talking to the American people and disrespectful of the taxpayer that pays his salary not addressing this need to do to address it is.

Look in the mirror and say what it is that they are saying look, your foreign policy and your domestic policy meet at that border. There are people from 180 different countries coming across that bordered that we know they are 70) that we know that have come across that border. There are hundreds of thousands of people that we now have, but they didn't get to call the got away.

The thing the pull factor is the Biden policy that basically has rolled out the red carpet yell, where ready for you and the cartels are the ones making the money every body that comes to that border has paid the cartel. A lot of those people are going to be sent to gangs to work out their fee. It is modern day slavery and this administration by allowing that border to be open by not getting the border patrol.

The three things I Consistently ask for a physical barrier, better technology play they cannot have a barrier and more officers and agents to handle securing that border until they do that you pull factor so the pull factor is them and their policy so the economy and talk about your own pounds.

This is his prediction after raising rates for the third straight month cut 24.

We have always understood that restoring price stability while achieving a relatively modest decline to rather increase in unemployment and a soft landing would be would be very challenging and we don't know. No one knows whether this process will lead to recession, or if so, how significant that recession would be. That's great okay if he doesn't know. I just want to know in the known what could he be possibly the cause of it in an effort to get reelected.

He did not stand in the way and speak out about that rescue package that we didn't need in the crazy spending. We just got correct now. I think that what he was trying to do is find a very elegant way to say I screwed up and this is his explanation.

He knows that this is inflicting harm on the American people. When I talk to tenants against mom Scott summed it up for me a couple of weeks ago Brian she said you know I cannot fill up the gas tank in the grocery cart in the same way. That is how people are being hurt.

They are working two jobs and they're trying to get grandparents or neighbors to help with children to get them to and from activities. Sometimes they are saying to kids we can't do the travel soccer team this year. We can afford it. I this is real life and real America, and they know what they have done, but you know what they really don't care, and become shabbily apparent because the underbelly is this green energy transitions at two heating bills 3 to 10 year high. If you want to get windmilling in the solar panel in somebody's house to limit oil and gas is too high so brings me to this ridiculous exchange that refused to leave. Should be embarrassed by but sadly not does. She has no self-awareness in the her supporters probably love it.

Listen to her question to Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan cut 20 but you all now transition emissions from lending and align with ways to zero 2050. No real production starting today I will call if you go down the last agreed to doing this. Please answer the simple yes or no policy against finding new oil and gas products. Mr. Nyman capturing the road to hell for long account with your bank as they don't care about working people and communities are facing huge amounts of trade issues and so much more cancer rates are so high among my communities right so it's Jamie Dimon's problem that your kids and your committee of asthma would like to blame everything on the environment. Right now we have cleaner and cleaner water were all for clean air and clean water. We are not for its tradition and teaching the United States of America so that people don't have jobs and we are and you know just what you want to hear them at some point take the United States of America is the greatest country on the face of the yard.

How could she possibly have it out of her mouth. He has to stop investing in fossil fuels and using gas is high now as we empty or strategic oil reserve. Does she understand were not in a battle with Israel will even though she prefer that were in a battle with China and the rest of the world who is not shut down anything to the to the sword. I think part of the problem and you had some of the company into this ESG early on they thought they could mollify people on the left said I think I can kinda ease into it. Do a little bit out of it and mail what they've done is to embolden all of these leftists who have this leftist socialist agenda and looking at the Harvard Harris poll that came out this week so interesting people don't fear Republicans.

What they figure is the socialist left and what they're doing to this country and the pace at which they're trying to track change in this country. That's what people fear and that's what's keeping them up there looking at what is happening how China is embolden the leftists and bells sinners like you blame them because simply placated and voted for Democrats and now they got to deal with it because Democrats don't have this capitalist gene in them and don't understand that that fuels our economy so you have very little sympathy for the hell that they are going to be in his out is out of my reading that right.

I think that it is unfortunate that Monday's individuals have opened the door and now this is why they are facing this kind of victory all from people and you know what they need to do is just take know we are a company we are supposed to make a profit for our investors. We supply jobs for people. We deliver a good product and we are confident and how we serve the public, not only here in the country, but around the globe switch it before you go to David Sobel most successful business people with especially spend a couple decades and energy. He was with Teton capital used to work for Warren Buffett as a CEO when net jets cut 27 as they follow these ESG initiatives if you will. They've underperformed all of the other major pension funds in the country. They don't they didn't tell their pensioners with their investing their money this way and and that perhaps it would be a bad idea. This whole thing. Laura's is is part of the breakdown of the institutions that make this country great. Know this woke is a virtue, signaling ESG trying and trying to put first people on the Board of Directors just for diversity purposes rather than for qualification purposes. You and he says he sees his guys love you make this commitment and now you know you gotta deal with it and I investing you have a 401(k) you think the person who's shepherding your 401(k) is not going to worry about what policies should allow your to invest in things are to go to maximize your profits in your retirement and he says it's nonstop that they are doing this, try to be politically correct to the highest levels. It's crazy. Well, there embolden the left is emboldened in the best way we can kinda put a check on that. To be sure that Republicans take the House and the Senate in November so we can put a check on some of this exabyte in the White House is doing. Joe Biden is supporting, like Harrison doesn't know what's going on at the border, but she is our effeminate policies that Pelosi and Schumer have been pushing this bad legislation we need to write it and we need to check it in the best way to do that is to win in November. I will see what happens so disrespectfully assume house for another Senate.

So, Marsha Blackburn, thanks so much, we come back the phone to finish of this our strong have a lot to discuss. Because with the events of the UN.

We had these Fed chair will take a look at the economy as well as what's coming up this weekend so move entertaining like you're with Brian kill me. The more you listen more, you'll know Brian kill me.

I want my teammates told me to tell me were elevated like to me when I told him I was elevated. I'm a player they said were sorry man, I totally get where they're coming so this is understandable.

I mean, I haven't. I got to prove myself with the grinder that I have my way with tailgaters and I thought it was a blast on few people know where to go, inspiring what and see how much you will hear many determine you know I want to be a great player here. That is to build a people's punter Colby who is forced to park a half-hour with the players entrance and he was security did not believe he was an actual play. A lot of times kickers are smaller kids of gotten gradually bigger than it was faulty so that it will either go in there. The practice squad. I left Kobe one solution at the park with the general public and walk to the players entrance to the stadium through the tailgaters. So when I was just good attitude about it.

So I think they told the quarterback Joe you know Jaelyn hurts. I hit the road. I agree and also write my feelings talk about him and his name more now than had he not had to park half mile away. Makes me wonder if there's more to know not hold a candle to Princess Diana's when it comes to TV ratings of the US and UK. But the reality is it's kinda hard to compare the events.

The Nielsen numbers are striking an average of 11.4 million viewers watched the Queen states the next to the 33.2 million people watch Diana's funeral more than two decades ago, the United States was little closer among the British among 27 million people watched the monarchs final sendoff 32 million Diana Diana's much more dramatic, much more so like soap opera like she was much more of a real person are technically the Rowe family had the break up with a princely affairs. The box young kid and was the holy by the Queen's controversy not a lot happened. She lived a long time in a very ceremonial position. Also, there's a lot more people I can watch by screaming out next board member Mayweather wants to fight, McGregor in the 22 2023. In a real fight.

They say the MCS was very box about the interest in rematch for medically or that he is and is already been conversations about money and location they fall in 2017. It was a big snoozer. They were the one easily with the TKO could not about sooner, in my view for its rumored to have made 300 million, 100 million want to do it again.

It is not the money is not a box is not a fight. UFC mixed martial arts should ever happen. I'm telling you it's done. It was a one-time thing I would put the money so maybe just get 25 million. I will, McGregor should give it another shot though and go back to the UFC. Mayweather retired Rich still not have right always seeking solutions first sewing is Brian kill thanks much for being here about you throwing to me Joe. I will finish up this our coming to you from 46 Midtown Manhattan around the country heard around the world this out to be joined by Mark Eason and more my call. Yes, a reporter based in the Wall Street Journal Detroit bureau recovers the automotive industry and talks about the folly and how we are not ready for the electric car we don't have the infrastructure we don't have the chips we don't have the cobalt we don't have the rare earth we don't have the batteries, rather way to throw things out yet we have this administration clueless on the free market jamming this down all the big firms throats saying you gotta make the transition making them build the plants, but they don't have the material they don't have the infrastructure and it was pointed out yesterday by David so cold they don't even have a universal plug for the cars solicited to the big three stories you need to know Brian is three, sponsored by crunch fitness interested in owning your own business in a growing $30 billion industry checkout crunch fitness number three.

How long from here. Should Americans be prepared for how long. It really depends on how long it takes for wages and prices to come down for inflation to come down yet what I thought you so your thought you were handling that Mr. Chet's fair fair German economy. The Fed, the banking service on Capitol Hill and what it all means for you and your family finances. Learning those activists during the Florida governor Rhonda Santos for dropping 50 migrants on Martha's Vineyard are heavily funded by George Soros receiving nearly $1.4 million from his open Society foundations.

Bring it on. That's message from Gov. DeSantis is the illegal immigrants who landed in Martha's Vineyard now lawyer up to Sue DeSantis that clown show overwhelms the bigger news that there was a massive seizure in Florida of fentanyl that if we put on the market could have killed 4 million people. Investigation revealed that Donald Trump engaged in years of illegal conduct to inflate his network to achieve to deceive banks and the people of the great state great state of New York. Leticia James Atty. Gen. What an embarrassment Trump attack reaches new lows as Nagy makes it clear this is personal and political for the civil lawsuit says why Trump needs to win for all of us and his supporters and detractors. What I mean by that because if you could just be targeted because he Atty. Gen. dislike you or your party or your family. Then we have no hope because he can lawyer up and fight back.

You and I can't Mark Eason, former chief speechwriter for Bush. Fox News contributor question post columnist Mark welcome back, put your take on the what your take of the Atty. Gen. lawsuit number one, and she's alleging fraud at banks well fronted banks among the banks but wanted wonder what I know so so it's obviously political part of the political strategy on the part of the Democrats to get us to talk about Trump instead of talking about but they wanted to focus on Trump and all the chaos and everything like that going after him. But the purpose is to get us to stop talking about buying surreal disaster buttons inflation by order crisis of the worst crime with the 1990, 1979 housing committee for all of these things it's it's it's part of the campaign and so we on the right of gotta stop taking the bait. I truly don't care a flying patootie about Donald Trump for the next three months. It should not be what were talking about.

We should be talking nonstop about Biden and the disaster is all this is a look over here look at this effort and we and we on the right. All for it. We can do it well, but in a way is couple things I mean is a big story when a former president has entire company sued for $225 million to deny coverage. We have to lead with it ignored and all the rest of it, but we gotta be conscious of what they are trying to do. They're trying to get us to talk about this. They're trying to get us to stop talk about that and and so yeah, I forgot to cover. Gotta mention it to report on it news, but don't we. We gotta like our ecosystem should be focused on Biden at least until November talk about what we want this to say the Democrats to Donald Trump monologue arrayed this in the number two is the Dobbs decision, but right now with the economy getting this tenuous, at the very least, everybody knows the Fed chairman said it all.

The CEOs of these major banks revealed the economies teetering not on the macro level in the micro level, the one that everybody's talking about because is nowhere to escape.

It is no safe haven in this, you're right. I don't think that because if the in the midst of the worst inflation and forget the worst collapse of real wages and for decades the work order crisis in American history. Worst crime wave 1990s and all will be surreal to the highest gas prices on the record, even though the fallen a little bit there still were 20 bucks. Our Biden took office amidst all of that the Dobbs decision can affect them to the election. It was a good job with a lot of other stuff in Republican ticket very hard look in the mirror if we don't have a red wave Democrats out about how it'll be because it will be because we picked the wrong candidate. It'll be because we've talked about the wrong thing and it will be because voters didn't look at Joe Biden doing pretty good job. After all, they look like the alternative.

I don't think it's going to happen early. I think were going to despite ourselves. Republicans are going to go ahead and win, but if it might've been better if we win narrowly or if we don't don't take both houses. It's not on Dobbs not on anything else. It's it's on the Republicans not offering a palatable alternative to Democrats and to swing voters who are hurting under Biden, but still decided that they would vote for the Democrats since he was a major story about trade, manufacturing, or will award you could say whether some people aren't affected with the economy.

Everybody's affected your investor review. If you are about fixed income and if you have been pure hanging out a retirement doing all my goodness is getting serious. If you think about retiring.

Well I gotta put that on hold to think about buying a car buying a house selling a house selling a car, it affects you. So the banking CEOs were brought up to Capitol Hill is what they said about the economy cut 26 is a chance naughty pictures a small chance of soft landing that inflation is impacting those who can afford it the least I would suggest I think inflation is a little bit stickier than we would like.

I think with fortunate to have had the consumer in good health entering into this that we do expect like I'm in for tougher times ahead.

So I mean that's most of these people preside over banks that supported Democratic candidates and this is exactly what they're getting, so I hardly don't think I think they're culpable now that being pressured to divest from all fossil fuel companies that hurts our country and hurts investors great article in the Journal weeks ago about a writer, a reporter tried to drive from New Orleans to Chicago and back in electric car and be in the travails for which she went through trying to charge her car and get one place. Elder and when she came back and she got back in her gas collar, car went to go pick one effective sweet smell of gasoline.

We are we are not ready for this week. I think we should ever be ready for this one we were working we get all the all the ingredients for her for for the battery from China we just we just achieved under Trump. We just achieve energy independence for the first time from the Middle East. We were dependent on the Middle East for decades for our oil and also the metal security implications. All the rest of it and so we finally achieve energy and the Democrats want to become dependent on China, what, why would we do that from a national security standpoint, why in God's greater we just went through the pandemic to try to unleashed audits and found that we were dependent on them for the biotics and for all the supplies that we now make them dependent on them for transportation. So listen to the present.

Yes, I listen. Try to pretend as if I don't believe every word you said to make the show better but the president brought that up.

How dare I cut 38. That's why the United States together with fellow G-7 partners launched a partnership for global infrastructure and investment we intend to collectively mobilize $600 billion investment.

Through this partnership by 2027. Dozens of projects already underway goes on cut 39 these are investments that are little returns, not just those countries were everyone. United States work with every nation, including our competitors solve global problems like climate change, climate diplomacy is not a favor to the United States or any other nation and walking away hurts the entire world. Really, I think we heard a lot less.

We walked away like right during the cold war. What the left wanted the first nuclear weapon and we were in an arms race and we finally achieve nuclear superiority, which is work help us win the Cold War for nuclear disarmament. As soon as we got the capability to defend herself and deter the Soviets they wanted to get rid of it unilaterally give up unilaterally disarm. Now we have energy independence and national security weapon in our hands. It is completely dependent on on the West oil to grow their economy if they tried to invade Taiwan.

The play is to shut off the street from Alaka and cut off their supplies of oil which would grind their economy to all.

So what do you want to do they want energy. It's the same players in the Cold War.

Whenever America achieve strategic superiority over any area of national security. There was a natural reaction is to unilaterally replicating here. We should not be getting rid of it.

Fossil fuel because we are also fuel and other people dependent on fossil fuels. Why would we want to give up that strategic and manage to save the world to stop having heavy rains and hurricanes hundred years ago. There are no more of the highest temperature and heat waves are no more were bigger than they were 100 years ago global global climate change is happening, but we can't stop it.

What we can do is mitigate what we should be investing it is not destroying our economy so that we can to stop something that cannot be stopped. Global see of the rise of the next hundred years.

What Lippmann believed that living under its undersea level for first century million people live below sea level. It's very cheap to build dikes. It's not very cheap to turn your entire economy by central planners injured from from fossil fuels into into electric car. I want to do these. The battle adds more depth to this fight squad member receipt to leave and Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase cut 25 you all now in the emissions from lending to line with 20 no real production starting today I will call if you go down the last you all agree to doing this.

Please answer the policy against finding new oil and gas products. Mr. Nyman capturing the road to hell for my account with your bank as they don't care about working people and communities facing huge amounts of trade issues and so much more cancer. It's unbelievable. You don't care about kids with cancer among the working class right blackout that you have in California in one because the city policy people notice they have an official policy that there will be no coal plants in America in eight years.

By 2030. So if you run a coal plant are you going into improving your coal plant make it function or even shut it down or shutting down coal and and and and or sentimentally fossil fuels before they have an alternative to sustainable people know that there are no batteries in commercially available that can store wind and solar energy it doesn't exist. So if you turn to wind and solar and there's no wind or sun you got no electricity right so we have to have to fail we have to fail and have everybody just thrown out of office like word the great work that are never succeeded in putting into a presidential speech called soccer which is a government of the worst and stupidest people we are being run by Dr. Weir being run by people who are who are who are intellectually incapable of understanding basic facts about how the economy works and they want to essentially plan it for people like Jamie Dimon who worked into investing in the stuff they want instead of the stop that they knew that that the country and it's just insanity right and Leslie on this against it, but in many cases the seals On these Democratic candidates and this is this a deal like this dear now reaping those rewards look switched the end of the irony of going after Jamie Dimon is one of the side they leave the party to which the Democrats used to be the party of the working class. The Republicans were the party of big business and today the Republican Party is the party of the working class and small government, small the fence and swelled small businesses in the Democrats of the party of the elite.

That's why they are taking money away from working-class American graduate degree. The people who work Jamie Dimon's him and telling him he shouldn't have older money out of banqueting 20 something from them. And when the government took over the stake. All that money from those banks a long time ago on the Barack Obama Marti's and was great.

Thank you Brian. I am fired up for the rest of the day we come back your calls, 1-866-408-7669 something new every day, Brian kill me if you're interested in Ryan's talking about it until made.

They will go back everybody, let's go to the phones. Alice's NW ABC Alex morning, Brian. Finally you got all the way to Florida to make them a break right next to God. I would like the one that will actually answer the phone if we knocked on their 76 yeah yes I would love to early like I want to come to the wrong sued by NASA's Vineyard and get out but they're suing on behalf of the illegal immigrant.

The Center for misleading illegal immigrants living what he should do if you should go and sue the people. The illegal immigrants out of Martha's Vineyard on behalf of the illegal immigrant because Martha's Vineyard is itself a sanctuary city that welcomes everybody illegal immigrants because the welcome with open arms by Martha's Vineyard as we can hop on a ferry stop radio makes you say this is Brian Kill Me Show You Dr., New Orleans, Chicago and back in electric car. In the end he travailed what she went through trying to charge her car and get one place to another and what she came back and she got back in her gas collar, car went to some of the defective sweet smell of gasoline. We are we are not ready for this right know this explains my Colliers's report of the Wall Street Journal, not the one my Marti's was referring to, but a similar story with the Detroit bureau, where he covers automobile automotive industry and we really need to know what's going on with the present was just there and what's everyone driving electric car Mike, thanks so much for joining us read your calm. I learned so much. First off as willing as the CEOs were to bring on the electric car and mass manufacturing.

What have they discovered about the current situation today when it comes to consumer demand and how the infrastructure is yeah I mean I think they laid out a bunch of big plans right at me and you know GM was first on record saying about 2030 5B all all electric, you know, for most the others by now made similar pronouncements think the issue is they want to make this move, but there are two things. Number one all the prophets today come from internal combustion and so there's a little trepidation even even with the company saying they want to make this move you.

I think they've done so little bit at the tightly made it hard for them to get out of the gate. There is some early demand. Early adopters are looking at some of these do you know for lightning Chevy Silverado some sort of flood review annually like people early on. People want the stuff for the car companies are kind of stumbling out of the gate producing them material charging stations with the infrastructure. It's been a year. We haven't really done anything with that and I found out yesterday. We have even agreed on the type of plug from GM to 42 T they will plug-in differently. What if you get to a station in my plug doesn't work, there's no doubt that infrastructure is a big hurdle to a lot of your point. A lot of the things don't work on the same target. A couple different than a lot of the others.

You might get the charging station and you know the thing doesn't take your credit card broken know the girl taken out there. There are several big hurdles to some of the big target and put out there. I think you know the White House is that half by half of total car sales and BEV's by 2030. A lot of companies accountable out similar goals infrastructure. The big one, the other one at the merging of the big one is batteries to really do this you all the cost. What with him and Nicole have skyrocketed in the last year and 1/2 when we get lithium can come from all over but Nicole, you know, Ukraine.

The problem early on the computer trying to get this you a lot of stuff processed in China and you know you are a bunch of incentives to bring a lot of stuff to the US.

Years and years and people worry that there can be a battery shortage before that even happens to go with the battery room until zip shot up the CEO of Ford, Jim Farley, who I wanted to the future with on the for lightning in July. He wanted only half the battery mature raw materials the auto industry needs to achieve his long-range EV sales targets are available today only half.

That's why speed assistance in securing supplies so critical. Which is true. I did a lot of it's in China and we got to agree to do some stripping here a lot of people don't want to do that.

They don't think it's environmentally conscious and something that we should be doing. So you can have it both ways, but the demand was there no one can do it and what he told me to is like we got our early dude we got all our people send their hundred dollar deposits. We don't have the cars now people pulling their money back saying I would go somewhere else because there's no hope of getting more cars we don't have chips for the combustion engine right now in the lightning is a really good example like a lot of buzz truck got endured so there's there on of your handwritten slapping people put up with their hundred bucks down going on in your halftime initialed it in May 2021 is when the sheet came off.

The thing right and there's talk to many people who were still not signed up that day and are still on the waiting list because I think number one Ford wasn't sure that the demand so they set their production targets probably will ultimately know they wish that you're scrambling to get the batteries need to ramp up beyond what they expected, but those batteries are hard to come by, like the traditional automaker is in pretty good shape really was making it all right now the traditional car companies are struggling to get out of the gate. Even though there is time. Maybe there is more demand people plot right but so we can answer the call.

Also, this is 7500 tax credit so we'll see how long that stays in place to make a cost affordable and huge as you writing your story. I do not know this need a lot more chips for electric car and you do a standard car and does it dealership the other day and they say we are delivering cars without heated seats without a lot of luxury items and we told him get back to city year and now I've people call me. It's been a year and were still not getting them. And that's not the electric car is a normal course. So these politicians get up and say we need to make this transition and it's not there yet. I think it's up to the auto industry you know the business better Mike to stand up for itself and say guys back off. We don't have the battery material we don't have the manufacturing capability yet that correct no M in a couple things done appointment number one you right across the board. You know anyone is going to a new car knows the market the mouse.

You can even get on my test drive anything on the lock barely any cars backlog for think they have enough demand like you never going to recession, they think there's going to be selling cars big enough demand to fill for a year two. Inventory because of primarily chip situation. Other supply chain stuff, but in terms of the rare case of the regulators in the industry right now kind on the same side of things people want to push in the directions but I think they're sort of hesitant to admit that there are some big barriers. We talked about infrastructure the raw materials you need to talk about the grid and whether that's ready and that's a huge question around the 2030 target told the grid burns with coal and a lot of places the dog so your view might not be as clean know it all depends on where the source of electricity comes from.

So the industries it's getting a lot of focus is not ready infrastructure is not there, you need a private company did I know was financed of someone to federal government Tesla to take the entire process on so he didn't construct even make a car that he couldn't charge the building their own Tesla charging stations, so he looked at the complete picture is that different from the other automakers mean there is no question that what is years and years of the three try to catch up just about every phase of this supercharger network, you know, a lot of people thought was a dumb idea to begin with, turned out to be really smart people by couples don't have to worry, you know. Up until recently I received some instances were over seven frustrated because the house of the there's more demand on the charging station you thought of all these things that the industry is now just catching up to the chart you know the regulators are trying to help pour money into it, but I think it's sort of a bit of a drop in the bucket in terms of what you need know if you have a garage and you can afford $1000 charter in your home and you want to contribute in any of you that that's very doable today road trips get trickier for a big chunk of the population. EV's work really well before.

While I think you forget to serve the mass-market adoption of these things and then there could be barriers that keep us from getting there. We talked about Michael you suggest Mike will we talk about this. Currently, we want to we want to get these mass produce around the country around the world. So as we look at where China is right now are we when you look at the raw material is the most part we have to use China yeah so one of the requirements for that IRA to get 7500 block your consumer car can't have had anything processed by China, which right now nobody will qualify for and so they're hashing out those rules now do not affect your social media you qualify for the 500 try to figure out how to China for either their vehicles and it's really hard because most of the battery material to processed in China until they got a fix is not an overnight solution like Leslie, we will looking now at situation we want to be able to buy these cars that we understand it, we don't know the length of the battery. We don't know this can be like our iPhone. We first get it holds that charge. The longer we use it the less we hold the charge so if you trying to forecast how far you can go on a charge. It depends how old the car is. We also hear that it could be 20 or $30,000 for a new battery, so six years and you might be by making a $20,000 investment in you car your car guy at the Wall Street Journal. What is the reality there. I don't think there's a whole lot of concern around battery life for the DVDs. At this point I think hundred 50,000 miles 200,000 miles shouldn't be a problem with mostly coming out know a lot of you have probably bigger warranties than under it with a normal death in the car because they realize that some people might be hesitant likely everything use market that's all stuff that needs to get sorted out, but right now I think you I would personally I would look at you be purchased with any more trepidation in terms of reliability of the powertrain. I would adjust the dose of my read on it.

I know when it comes to rapid charging how long it would take takes what ministers love you. Car 10 minutes hello will take to charge this FI the lightning F1 50 with an easy substantial course connected back to the shorter problem right like Sgt. are all different so if you get a fast charter and you're in a vehicle that can can take a fast start. Not all of them take it at the same speed lightning you could probably top off 100 miles and maybe you know 20 minutes or so and you could be good to go.

Other cards might not be that easy to get your charter your level II charter like to take a lot longer.

You have to weigh your world trip you go do some planning before get behind the wheel people ready for that and the other thing would be using the BU charge a car and see how long it takes to charge it. That's one thing and then number two. How much does it cost many times a guess as to what you plug in your car for free is good to be like, to charging us for so how much of these charge when it's all said that my losing money. I know I could go more than 6500 miles on a tank of gas. So now I can only go 100 miles on a charge and then I'm going to charge for the charge right you know anyone look at serve their own electric rates and what they're paying utility for Charlie home charging home the public charter to depend on the speed like the higher-speed ones are going to charge more by large putting left than you what I'm gas but can get up get up there if you're on a fast charger on the highway charging a premium to be different for every different use case in different chargers, different locations, so thought you got to do your homework. If you're going to get into one of these is the headline reads electric cars took off.

Carmakers were ready.

He details it is, the Wall Street Journal, my coleus, thanks so much.

Right 1-866-408-7669 ICU calls up there will get to them.

We come back to us of the brain kill me, Joe this weekend. Check out Brian's new show on Fox news channel because apparently he's cheaper than infomercials for nonstick pans. That is not true though that really hurts one nation with Brian kill me Saturdays at 8 PM Eastern on Fox news channel Laura Brian coming out breaking news unique opinions. All Brian kill me show back everybody just want to remind you I got a couple events coming up that I hope I can see you in person, especially for the Oklahoma area, Tulsa, Oklahoma November 13 Carolyn do listeners hope you can join me and then Brandon, Mississippi up let's go to Brandon, Mississippi, November 12. So some tickets left is believed give me an opportunity to talk to you guys meet you in person and that of course be able to talk about my books and put history perspective. The latest one coming out in paperback is the present freedom fighter, a Bramley can Frederick Douglass in the battle to save America so we talk about race you needed perspective. Even Bill Moore was talking about presentism.

Everybody wants to look at today's news, and say why weren't John Adams exactly like JFK why wasn't why weren't why was slavery existed.

You know why was segregation happening. We got put people in their time understand what's going around the world and that's what I try to do through these books into these conversations is been really dynamic and have enjoyed it. We just came off a show in Albany New York.

I cannot wait to do it again expanded on November 12 and 13th. Brian kill and of course we got one nation Saturday night, covered all the breaking news like this show Brian.

Brian, you are in Illinois.

He Brian EB six month and 1/2 or so, with my phone charger charges about $0.12 a kilowatt hour so I used 395 kWh which is about $45 for one month in the closet. I never heard of it will see a small car. No, like a crossover four-door okay do you like like yeah child, would you go if you're traveling and you don't know where you are. You just look at the GPS and traveling someplace out how to read. They have a thing on the screen. You can buy charging stations and there's like charge Americans like that but they charge like $0.43 a kilowatt hour goes okay how much it cost you well one when we bought the car. They gave us about kilowatt hours free with charge America so I'm still using the free hours on that so nothing sounds good. Go get a kid is not a hybrid fuel electric right yes got interesting.

John W NIS in Virginia Beach. A done took one of the electric 240 million vehicles in this country left the town percent are hybrid or electric so that's a little bit of a girdle disqualified at times to see no friends and people are buying them now, so go ahead, I agree less than 5% of all vehicle sales to electric okay so you want to say: this is more important thing I retired with about a 10% inflation rate, which is where I think will be by the end of the year you got the 20% that my retirement plan money has decreased stocks and bonds so far this year the pocketbook by 30% that affect how you both so much and so are you experiencing that so that's the reality check to copies like asked a guy like Don Fox news time just subscribe and listen to the Tri-County federal prosecutor and four term US Congressman from South Carolina brings you a one-of-a-kind punch list

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