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Blue States Snub Biden, FINALLY Begin Lifting Mask Mandates

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Truth Network Radio
February 8, 2022 12:17 pm

Blue States Snub Biden, FINALLY Begin Lifting Mask Mandates

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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February 8, 2022 12:17 pm

[00:18:33] Allen West

[00:36:41] Gen. Jack Keane

[01:18:39] Pastor Corey Brooks

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Fox news euros euros New York City function for America's receptive kill me hello everybody, Mary mother sitting in for a detention client kill me pressure Brent going to be back lot to get to today coming up later this hour. Lieut. Col. Allen West will be joining us for the last talk to him about her and talk to him about a whole bunch of stuff going on politically. I had the border so a lot to cover with him. I want to start out though covering with a covering was happening north of the border, as opposed to all of order list.

This freedom convoy.

Shall we. If you would like to join in. Feel free 86640876698664087669 so. In Canada you know they have related to Connie lockdowns with with COBIT and everything and the, the mayor of Ottawa declared a state of emergency on Sunday because they have about 500 trucks and vehicles are part of that freedom convoy. We all saw we all know about that hanging out in the streets of Ottawa right and its Canadian capital and for those of who knew right like how many of us just learned that that Ottawa was the capital of Canada.

Anyway, I am protesting these vaccine mandates and other coronavirus related restrictions and truckers this holiday with truckers being mandated to get this vaccine because it cracks me up because they sit in the truck by themselves maybe a dog is with them right. They may have a dogmatic hat or their husband or wife is with them.

They have like a traveling buddy there there enclosed in a box. How much more socially distant.

Do you want someone to be then a trucker but yet they have to get this exit and then there's also issues with crossing from Canada into the US. The US into the cut into Canada and so it's disrupting the supply chain where as if you've tried to get in oak and some electronics and food, even crossing the border building supplies with with timber and things like that go back we do at time a business across the border into Canada. If you ever ride on Amtrak in the northeastern part of United States I sometimes would take back in the day I took Amtrak from New York City up to Ticonderoga on the Montr�al or goes all the way to Montr�al and an editor you would see in the northern half actually controls the traffic on Amtrak in the in the in northern New York State and we had a pullover at one point I forgot. We pulled over. We have pull over and we had to Sydney was like Albany.

We had to sit on the side because trains taking lumber and goods to Canada freight trains had right away over passenger trains because of the Tribune of the trade going back and forth so there's a lot of trucks that go back and forth as well.

But all that's been disrupted over these vaccine mandates so they the trucker said well let us do our job were initiated what it's like if we can do our job and they just blocked everything up and there be any, are seen as happen all over the world know your scene copycat of protests all over the world to their Australia in in the Netherlands. It's happening so your scene and you there is talk of one in America coming up. I can imagine how Washington DC's can respond if they try to head to Washington and and and you know sit in the streets there and I would assume that there will be shenanigans from the left. If that should happen.

So I'm kind of hoping it doesn't.

So, the police announced yesterday that they have arrested seven people and more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to quote demonstration related enforcement in Ottawa now, so is what they're doing is is that there there prosecuting anyone found bringing fuel to the trucks in the red zone said the arresting and charging those people because they need fuel in order to stay warm at night.

They were in their trucks because it's called in Canada in January and February. It's called so to run their trucks in order to keep warm. They need the feels of people they bring in fuel and supplies and and food and everything else.

But if you bring the fuel you are now subject to arrest and charges multiple vehicles and fuel have been seized five of the seven arrests were for unspecified mischief.

A six person was charged for driving while prohibited 1/7 for mischief relating to property damage of a downtown business. It's so Canadian to call it mischief is in it like you think Vince immediacy like the most proper people and others is really niacin, and so for them to call it mischief to damage a business. I just think that's just so Canadian to me more than 100 Highway traffic act and other provincial offense notices were issued for offenses including excessive honking so Canadian driving the wrong way. A defective muffler new seatbelt alcohol readily available and having the improper class of driving license. So far, crit 60 criminal investigations related to the demonstration have been opened primarily for mischief. That's hate crimes and property damage, and the pot. There was a park Confederation Park where people were hanging out and set up stud tables and things like that help truckers that has all been cleared and now fenced off the police chief declared it ACH on Saturday. We do not have sufficient resources to adequately and effectively address the situation now, here's the dichotomy to me if this were in the United States and it was likewise matter laying siege to either no part of Seattle part of Portland part of Washington DC when they were camped out in Lafayette Park all over the country. You had NT file black lives matter, they often wind up the often travel together on laying occupying various parts of cities we recall that a siege by the way, I would think that if you take over a part of the city and you don't allow the cops and member in Seattle. The chop zone people raped and shot and they would let the ambulances and they would let law enforcement that not an insurrection.

I keep hearing insurrection all the time.

It is a January 6 insurrection yet we called Seattle part of the summer of love and I want to say we economy like the mainstream media not we dance at the Royal we as III just find the the dichotomy so interesting. Let's go to Tucker's show last night. This is cut five Eric this is Ezra LaBonte was on with Tucker and they were talking about why I Trudeau is targeting the trucker protests in particular.

I think Justin Trudeau was more scared than he lets on. Because these are supposed to be his people younger, ethnically diverse, the working class people are not following the script that they normally do for him. There hasn't been a significant court ruling against the lockdowns and Trudeau's are hoping the Weibel starve or freeze the instructors out to work, so it's not just in Ottawa.

There are trucker convoys in many other parts of the country, including hundreds of blocked the Montana Alberta border for over a week now it's in the middle of the Prairie hundreds of huge trucks and agricultural equipment that can't be towed away. The Mounties tried to move the blockade the burly truckers stood them down so Isaac's problems bigger than Trudeau knows how to solve electrical full casserole very interesting. I did not know about the blockade and the Montana Alberta border I getting any play in the media. I heard nothing about that.

Now let's go back about a week because Justin Trudeau has not been heard from, have you noticed, oh, I had a covert exposure so I have to drive to quarantine and I'm to leave Ottawa and go quarantine somewhere were no windows ran. Now if you had a covert exposure but you test negative. That is five days is is is the isolation. I think that's it.

It's been far longer than that. This is lit, let's go to cut 23 her. This is a little flashback for you before he talked about wellies right because what I just say when he came to likewise matter and it came to NT 5 occupying all over this country.

They apparently were doing the same thing in Munich and he was Justin Trudeau talking about. I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agreed with the goals when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues black lives matter is an excellent example of the Bible is a he agrees with them and supports their issues. That's why that's allowed to happen. The same thing happened in this country in Nice in these cities were Democrats run the show right they had they allowed the taking over of parks and streets that people lived on and and trashing of and burning of businesses you have the deed, the Justice Department and all of these cities now dropping the charges against all these people you know if if you were I at the Capitol on January 6.

Even if you walked in through an open door where we are arresting grandmas and reading their homes and making them plead guilty to things and indeed of renounce their support of Trump in front of a judge and were ruining their lives because they entered into the capital through an open door, and they wind up leading to a misdemeanor. But Portland you shine a laser into Cobb's eyes and you walk that's what's happening in Canada, 866-408-7669 if you want to join is coming up. Let's talk about what's happening with the funding of this were people are donating to this Elon musk donated to this as well, but he caved to go fund me, which we now know and agree with this, either. So they're knocking to do business with that and Nessa Republicans are speaking out will have that coming up on the brain can be Joe driving deep into today's job story Brian Gilman's first is Americas with all of your thoughts with you throughout your busy day subscribe and listen our talk just go wherever you did your project, Fox news broadcast network under Domino's Fox News contributor newsletter inviting you to join the conversation every week, depend on its podcast smell by doing a Fox News dog talkshow that's real. This is Brian kill me show Weibel given to those who fly racist flags. We will cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans Justin Trudeau, the last time we heard from him which was over a week ago and he is nothing more to say, since on this freedom, avoiding that is this happening all over Canada and Alaska. There was a freedom convoy held in support of the Canadian truckers the freedom convoy happened on Sunday. It was organized by an assembly member in Canada no more than 100 drivers in trucks and personal vehicles traveled from apart sporting goods store in Anchorage to the Eagle River, Alaska, Lions club and there was a second convoy that also has some events scheduled and there was another rally that happened in Juneau on January 29. So this is starting to spy, but you're seeing it more as a set in Alaska I would be surprised how it would be surprised if they started here in the lower 48. But as as you start to see mass mandates drop especially for kids in school you starting to see that happen in New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware. Recently, those were just announced and is is is funny in New Jersey.

They're not dropping it to the beginning of March because apparently covert still hangs needs time to pack up its bags so the month of February. You still have to remain massed in school just in case covert is hanging around there's any laggards you know we can get rid of them set by March covert is God the distance so dumb when it does make it now, why are we waiting to March understand that. So as I said go fund me and we all know, I removed the Canadian trucker fundraiser and initially they were going up. It is said well he worked request your money back and you have to jump through these hoops and you have to do by February 15 in which you don't get were donating to charity and there was such an out cry about that. That day they decided that there just can automatically refund the money. So now you can give through gives send go, which is more than happy to host the fundraiser for the truckers said there's also been some blowback about all of this because they allowed fundraising for likewise matter. They allowed fundraising for some of the occupied zones.

That was okay because like Trudeau, they agreed with the goals in support of the issues so that's okay them. Sen. Marsha Blackburn was on Fox report on Sunday and she talked about the hypocrisy and what's going on with Gove fund me, it's so interesting to me that they have done this and you know John if he is there in their actions and say that is their logic and that they are saying, well, you can have this on our side but because it causes a disruption will then you would think they would be pulling down every BLM organization or affiliated organization. But that is not what is happening and we know that go fund me corporately gave to BLM when those protesters were taking place in the violence was carried out in cities that caused the deaths it because I think about 1/2 billion dollars worth of destruction and a cities so they are very subjective, and I will say this is why we need some nondiscrimination language that will be in the government's and the legislation we're going to pass dealing with these big tech companies mixed emotions about that because I believe if your baker and you don't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding or whatever it happens to be forced to do it because really it's not a hardship, you can walk down the street and go get a cake made from another baker.

It's simple.

I don't know of any towns in which you can travel to another bakery and get the cake made that you want but you can't go there were very few options to go with social media because these giants, their huge behemoths. There aren't a lot of other options when other options come up like parlor date get together to take that one down so they don't.

And there there's no competition there monopolies sounds familiar, and it's the governments job to break up monopolies, but it so I think there's a difference between a bakery in a small town and go fund me, which is this huge giant and I never like a funny anyway because they take a portion of the money that is 5% of the money it depends on what it's for. And sometimes they don't take any. But I just know if it's a friend or something like I'll write you a check.

Dude, I rather you get the whole thing and give us part of it to them is she'll should little bit more. Marsha Blackburn talking on Sunday on Fox report about go fund me. They are very subjective, and what they monitor what they censor, how they carry this out and the actions they've taken against the freedom convoy are very discriminatory they disagree with them. So therefore they were going to cut them off, which they had and then they were going to take all that $9 million and use it for charities or groups or something a people that were on their go fund me side now. Fortunately, they're giving that money back and the money is going to the freedom convoy through other avenues. This is why he we have to go in and we have to deal with these big tech companies say social media platforms and the way they are conducting themselves in the virtual space along those lines for Republican attorneys generals have pledged to investigate the go fund me decision to take down the fundraiser for the truckers you have Florida Atty. Gen. Ashley Moody, the Louisiana AG to Jeff Landy Landry Texas AG Ken Paxton and the West Virginia AG Patrick Morrissey now this started.

Marcy Morrissey was the first want to kick this off and it started before they announced that they were going to come up with a way. Originally the announcement, take the money and let the truckers decide the charity to which they were in a donated and then there was a blowback about that and then you know eventually got to the point where there's going to automatically refund it. So he started that but I think there does need to be in investigation into this I coming up.

Lieut. Col. Allen West will be joining us and void.

We have a lot to talk to him about. You don't want to miss it on Fox news radio on just work these ever-changing times you can rely on Fox news for only a place for the very latest news and information on your listening download knowing Fox news Bob just don't jump or wherever you did your favorite will gain close to Fox and friends, we can enjoy and share my thoughts in a wide range of topics from sports and pop culture, politics and business subscriber Fox news but just radio show like no other. Mary Walters sitting in trying to kill me day coming up will be speaking with Lieut. Col. Allen West I want to start off talking with Udo about immigration and representative, Lauren Buber, Congressman Lauren Probert. She's from Colorado. She is introduced a bill called the no taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens act and there are other house conservatives and some other immigration organizations were immigration reduction organizations that are supporting this. She said no organization or say that receives federal funds to be spending it on legal aid for people who cross the southern border illegally, and I can tell you there are some states that do this by lovely state of New Jersey, we pay for through tech because we have such low taxes in New Jersey. It's no big deal. We pay for legal counsel free legal counsel for people who have entered into the country illegally and are living in New Jersey now. If your New Jersey citizen and Ute representation. Of course you have to put your own bill that roles they said she says the principles really simple. No more American tax dollars to help illegal aliens cut the line and skirt. Our lozenge told us to Fox news digital in an interview she said Democrats want to treat the border detention facilities like an Oprah Winfrey show. You get free education unit a free plane ticket you get free medical care. You get free free free really has to stop. My bill is the first step in this process, let's delve into this a little bit more. Lieut. Col. Allen West Texas gubernatorial candidate, senior fellow at the media research Center, former Congressman and Florida's in Florida and he ought is the author of the books hold Texas hold the nation victory or death and we can overcome an American black conservative manifesto and follow him on Twitter at Allen West sir, thank you for joining me. I love I get to speak with you to be with you saw a little laid out the breakfast. Val why hope it was good a good breakfast. Did you get good food on normal law hammered through the spiritual awkward. We talked about the board would talk about was going on about an order.

I was really affected not to place American film and work it it it is so what is happening down there is just crazy and that's exactly what were talking about now. By the way, congratulations on getting a good meal at one of those fundraisers or any of those donated those like those meals because it usually get a horrible. It's horrible food pattern, a Zito or rubber chicken. So congratulations on that you have but don't buy a lottery ticket you want to ready on Lauren bulbar Congressman bulbar and it is it has introduced this no taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens act and what it would do is, it would prevent an organization or a city that receives federal funds from spending it on legal aid for people who cross the border illegally. I would have thought that this is illegal already because are you not aiding and abetting a crime with that money writer and abetting the extra but it's not the legal athletic overlord. But we also look at the 501(c)(3) not for profit organizations here affect the Catholic Church is ministry with a couple others that the boundary of the traveler for legal and border patrol about the process and I not reported these individuals from being turned over to the 501(c)(3), who are getting federal taxpayer grant money based upon how many illegal profit interviewed out of space America, this verse but what we should revoke the life of the awkwardness by the cookies as they are 501(c)(3) not all court so I would hope that so many people will rise up were not donated by the Catholic Church is ministry because what they're doing down here in federal grant money to really a bit of sex trafficking especially disruptive,� All across America and I think that that is an important thing right there because Catholic charities is always done so well with a charity navigator.

It's always been one of the top ones because they have low overhead. Most of the people who work for Catholic charities or deal with them are volunteers or there that the religious part of the Catholic Church. That said, there is there getting payer ready to not taking money for doing it.

So a lot of the money actually goes for whatever it is you're donated whenever their mission happens to be sleep always got a very good rating from Charity Navigator. I I will not give them my money anymore.

I'm done I I will give my money to individual groups. Maybe on a smaller scale to directly where I know the monies directly going to into the charity and not to people who are running it so I think Republicans need to get these groups names out there and pounded over and over and over again that people know because I know people who donate to Catholic charities when I tell them they're shocked they have no idea that will become a charity not out or gives them such a good rating. Unlike yes look what they're using it for it out so that is now done right, but you know taxpayer-funded money grant to Paul Halbert illegal burial profit you know you do. It's all about the single military burial Bill Ballou to the Fox news Toyota critical job down here in the show in Brownsville, Texas going to a close office location.

Guess what, that's one of those Catholic Church 501(c)(3) not-for-profit different build taxpayer money $1300 $1004 per illegal immigrant refill fall and then they get the opportunity to get all the required merit.

How critical flap to America that people are actually using their arrest more as a means of a vilification of the good old airplane travel in the I don't understand how any of this is legal.

I listen to this and like I I don't understand how this is legal work toddler toddlers off planes because it will put a mask on because their toddlers but yet we allow these people to get on with their kids and everything else we have no idea what diseases they're carrying on to these planes because there's there's no covert shack.

There is nothing in any like you said an arrest warrant which arrest warrant mean that there is a warrant out for your arrest and and you should be allowed to travel, your you're a wanted person is a means to put made to America. But obviously we created. You'll the player were but if you're illegal you get more right of the American because America is on call would be unfolded. Both good a job in all our look at what you believe up in Boston about man will buy you a heart surgery operation.

You have got a shot yet who deny the truth is not a space America mostly called the board of your Texas for these illegals that don't have a shot. So for good. You and the American people have to start spending up with one of Barbara Gompers because folks are part of your text. They want to border security yeah absolutely right because I coming up and examine something or someone talked about so want to get to try to wrap up immigration during the segment by Lance Gooden at a Texas I yes, he is immediately just like the rest of Texas being overrun with illegals and he believes that impeachment of Biden over this border on what's been happening at the border should be on the table for Republicans in 2023. Without assuming that they take back control of the house and in the house and the Senate.

They have control over everything that they would be able to get that through what you think about the idea of impeachment based on what's happening at the border that will arise because article 4 section 4 called called your to call troopers of the program was closed. Number one, a Republican form of government number two protect every state in the union from invasion.

Joe Bob is unconstitutionally violated his oath of because the truth of the law is not owning up to it.

The people that talk around for if I continue to hear him say that no biblical because the absolute you don't believe the cost should not be in the office of the president, I'd I been saying this for a while now that I've because all of this to me appears to be illegal. I'm not a lawyer but if you're using money to aid and abet a crime that's in and of itself a crime and Joe Biden, and my work is and the rest of the crowd. They're all doing that, Harris. You know endorsing pain. You know the bail of people in Portland to do nothing, assuming that it's just lawlessness and and also using our taxpayer dollars allowing them to you brought up the warrant being able to travel with a warrant, are you not eating in the escape of criminal right. If an American.

It's on a plane and they're using a warrant to get on the plane and you allow that to happen. There being prosecution up fleeing from where they're supposed to be.

Is that not a crime.

That is a crime. Again you are aiding and abetting extra your aiding and abetting a terrorist organization about what cartwheels are goes back to the Constitution you have a duty to protect the dog. You know where conduct order hard, Mr. leader is probably true and sitting in the office of the president. Okay, so here's my last question on this was a Republican stick together. To do this. I don't see Mitch McConnell going for four impeachment of Joe Biden. I just don't see it happening.

He's a creature of the swamp and that will be their downfall. Got the going got the five heart rate get the majority people.look the most out of school.

The Republicans will thermocouple to the, or construct for miracle with America but recognizing article amen yes II would love to see this I been banging this drum for a while now saying this is illegal. This is a crime. Why are they not I would love to see the Republicans do it now, even though it's not to go anywhere. I know it's not to go anywhere because Democrats are in power, but they would do it if this was the other way around. If they were in power and this will prompt they would they would still go through the impeachment circus just to shine a light on it are much smarter than the Republicans. When it comes to things like that. Well that was delusional that where I gotta tell you, it works against their message out and there's a lot to be said for coming up I want to talk to you about Jamie Raskin's wife. I and being up for Sarah Bloom Raskin are supervisor the device chair of Federal Reserve and a what happened fastest growing talk show in America you're with Brian. He is nothing more to say, since on this freedom, avoiding that is this happening all over Canada and Alaska. There was a freedom convoy held in support of the Canadian truckers the freedom convoy happened on Sunday. It was organized by an assembly member in Canada no more than 100 drivers and trucks and personal vehicles traveled from apart sporting goods store in Anchorage to the Eagle River, Alaska, Lions club and there was a second convoy that also has some events scheduled and there was another rally that happened in Juneau on January 29. So this is starting to spy, but you're seeing it more as a set in Alaska I would be surprised how committed I would be surprised if they started here in the lower 48. But as as you start to see mass mandates drop especially for kids in school you starting to see that happen in New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware. Recently, those were just announced and is is isn't funny in New Jersey.

They're not dropping it to the beginning of March because apparently COBIT still hangs needs time to pack up its bags so the month of February. You still have to remain masked in school just in case. COBIT is hanging around there's any laggards you know we can get rid of them set by March COBIT is gone the distance so dumb when it does make it now, why are we waiting to March understand that.

So as I said go find me and we all know, I removed the Canadian trucker fundraiser and initially they were going up. It is said well he worked request your money back and you have to jump through these hoops and how to do by February 15 in which you don't get were donating to charity and there was such an out cry about that. That day they decides is interesting to me that they have done this and you know John if he is there in their actions and say that is their logic and they are saying. Well you have this on our side but because it causes a disruption will then you would think they would be pulling down every BLM organization or affiliated organization.

But that is not what is happening and we know that, go find me corporately gave to BLM when those protesters were taking place in the violence was carried out in cities that caused the deaths it because I think about 1/2 billion dollars worth of destruction in the cities so they are very subjective, and I will say that it is why we need some nondiscrimination language that will be in the government's and that legislation where going to pass dealing with these big tech companies mixed emotions about that because I believe if your baker and you don't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding or whatever it happens to be forced to do it because really it's not a hardship, you can walk down the street and go get a cake made from another baker.

It's simple.

II don't know of any towns in which you can travel to another bakery and get the cake made that you want but you can't go there were very few options to go with social media because these giants, their huge behemoths. There aren't a lot of other options when other options come up like parlor they get together to take that one down so they don't. And there there's no competition there monopolies sounds familiar, and it's the governments job to break up monopolies, but it so I think there's a difference between a bakery in a small town and go find me, which is this huge giant and I never like a funny anyway because they take a portion of the money that is 5% of the money it depends on what it's for. And sometimes they don't take any.

But I just know if it's a friend or something similar, it checked dude, I rather you get the whole thing and give us part of it to them is she'll should little bit more. Marsha Blackburn talking on Sunday on Fox report about go fund me are very subjective, and what they monitor what they censor, how they carry this out and the actions they've taken against the freedom convoy are very discriminatory they disagree with them.

So therefore they were going to cut them off which that dad and I were going to take all that $9 million and use it for charities or groups or something people that were on their go fund me side now.

Unfortunately, they're giving that money back and the money is going to the freedom convoy through other avenues. This is why he we have to go in and we have to deal with these big tech companies say social media platforms and the way they are conducting themselves in the virtual space along those lines for Republican attorneys generals have pledged to investigate the go fund me decision to take down the fundraiser for the truckers you have Florida Atty. Gen. Ashley Moody Louisiana AG Jeff Landy Landry Texas AG Ken Paxton and the West Virginia AG Patrick Morrissey now this started.

Marcy Morrissey was the first want to kick this off and it started before they announced that they were going to come up with a way. Originally the announcement, take the money and let the truckers decide to charity to which they were in a donated and then there was a blowback about that and then you know eventually got to the point where there's going to automatically refund it. So he started that but I think there does need to be an investigation into this I coming up.

Lieut. Col. Allen West will be joining us and void.

We have a lot to talk to him about. You don't want to miss it on Fox news radio Fox news radio studios New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive approach. Brian unable Brian kill me start off Shelley with Gen. Jack Keane, Chairman of the Institute for the study of war and Fox news Senior strategic analyst also one of my personal favorites Gen., thank you for joining me all great but it was you married your voice again, go also with thank you I look let's talk about what's happening with Russia and Ukraine. We keep hearing that. You know it's imminent, it's imminent, and now naval news is reporting that the first part of a Russian Navy amphibious landing ship worse which can carry troops, tanks, and supplies has entered the Dardanelles connecting the Mediterranean to the Black Sea and there's no return because this is so narrow that they ships cannot turn around and go back. So once they go through. They are there is this yet is is this just more of a show of force by Putin or does this mean that this is really going to happen. He's really going to invade Ukraine. I don't think we know for sure hundred dollars reduced rate proportional to do the other new heroes variable infantry II do couple things.

One, were still in a genuine diplomatic phase. Load monochrome as part of the enormity form which was established post-2014 deal with the conflict was taken place in eastern Ukraine between the Russian separatists from Ukrainian military about taking the biggest one agreement that the links to which was Beverly implementing I believe that that is what McCrone was trying to do with who stood to make some concessions. He's on his way to Sue's soul and screw the person of the Ukraine day and get some concessions of possibly we could come out with some links to agreement that would betray saving be able to yield the coiled victory of sorts, but some of the streusel number that's very optimistic, talking� Charlie is a possibility so weak.

We do hold out some hope for a Monaco solution.

Also, I think would favor a solution like because more Jews doing a separate of United States from Europe and effects of success is that you see would terminate what McCrone himself, who this year is the president of the EU register for your 21 he has for some time believe that Europe should look for its own security solutions, not unduly influenced by the United States.

So this initiative very, 104 and I think actually welcomes the because it diminishes the impact of the knowledge base about the deal that remains to be saying, but so is it possible possibility of. I also don't put Mary, it's likely that he would do all out of Beijing, where he would take over the country because it really is a pattern. So to start the power to be good going through Georgia in 2008 after Bush invited Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO. Also in Europe, but each troop stop short of the capital. He pulled by and held onto a piece of territory that quite removed from the capital but are much smaller because he believed he accomplish the mission not stricken ownership of the country is really seeking influence over me doesn't want to deal with all the problems that go on if you take over our country so 20 1440 Eric Corby and started his operation in the eastern Ukraine gobbled the Russian government was in power that they ran out to Stu Java code which you could not take the country down to court.

We wanted to learn very much the same reason he doesn't want to join NATO. He wants to look to the west, but look to be used towards Russia. You told me about doing a full out abrasion is not just because respondent pattern population increased casualties. She still told population to go conduct abrasion most likely stolen directional community, but he would do so in order to stabilize unstable situation goes with the forces that everybody's watching difficult the Belarus layer, a hodgepodge of a force which will be used in other parts of Russia by a bottle coherent invasion force the fee as a coherent invasion force found in the self-induced under the command of the combined arms, but that is not in the right position to take over the whole, the whole country. I'm not suggesting the forces Belarus would cross the border and conduct some limited operation recently could seize the capital.

What is most likely you please go to buck the military invasion is used in Ukraine, where it already use of take more territory. The use that brave Olympic tree to the coastline. As you mentioned in your introduction as well. Conduct probably a fairly comprehensive cyber on the government and its services, its electric grid is already reducing the energy flow into Ukraine probably cut it down just shut the lights off of you could financially seek some political accommodations from the Ukraine government.

He would love the go to go out Apollo but I will see how we could do that without physical control of the capital, so I have a lot of questions and we have flicked two minutes left. Let me it's just this all goes back best I can tell to back to the 90s when Bill Clinton expanded NATO and Putin did of what seasoning Russia did not want that expanded because they wanted some kind of buffer between men and Europe that by expanding NATO they were being encroached upon.

And it was too close for comfort for them. So this goes back to that and you can see this is I think push Putin pushing back against that expansion of NATO. So you mentioned that he was talking with McCrone McCrone to get some kind of a deal. What would he want in a deal that would make him feel comfortable. If it is about the encroachment of NATO over the territory and Ukraine. Would you wear a separate social party which is recognized by the government. Ukraine in the political process. Given that legitimacy. I think that's something that you would want. It certainly better something that Zelinski was part of socialism but denying them. I think the flexibilities will be accomplished open that he wanted to put me out. Even though there's no declaration by NATO members, but Ukraine will become a part of Ukraine it's well understood. Now the foreseeable future. Ukraine will not become a part so you Ukraine is not a party. NATO why are we involved in this hike I get the attack on one is an attack on all we hear that all the time, but they're not a part of NATO, so the US sending troops troops into Ukraine to fight troops to our NATO allies to reassure them because they are nervous going: the Baltic states which Belarus borders on factors 30,000 more troops to bear and some of them will write up against the forward for not looking in the direction the of Ukraine. So back that's about. We are shown on our life. It would not deter one iota from what is due and saw Ukraine. I do think Ukraine is in our national interest allotment is European country fledgling democracy.

It has relationships with the West there wants economic integration shortly with the West tried to improve its corruption of its government to mom what so I'll do what we do have relationships whether what we have said is what we want US troops to defend Ukraine will provide as much assistance as we care about that we could've provided about you more than what we are doing the help of the fund themselves letting Russia take over a fledgling democratic country that has relationships throughout Europe would be absolutely unacceptable in terms of our own national interests of Europeans, no soldiers, but not about the reason why I think we all out abrasion is also not on the table because it will become an international pariah. As a result of just right now been a strong bully take over a country much like took place prior to World War II, which was the World War II.

We haven't seen anything quite like that would would would really put rusher in a different category. They are no yeah.

Give me a couple more minutes on a couple more questions or if I get them in here.

I didn't stream to pipeline. We keep hearing about and this is why Germany Germany sent them light isn't Ukraine like 5000 used helmets. There really kind of I think writing the fence here. They're not really fully committing.

We saw that with the after the meeting with Pres. Biden and the Chancellor of Germany.

Scholz you peace offer foxes. You also our talked about this, that didn't stream to isn't a big deal in this whole crisis, at least not for Putin so it's a bigger deal for Germany and Putin knows that Wisener big deal for him will the long-term summary shortly. He wants to pipeline for many years to come, financially and economically means a lot to him what geopolitically gives of love Virgil was not just Germany but Europe as well and what is week three, but it just did it with this crisis reported blinders on North Street to yes or no would not deter one where the delicacy of any income from it now from all the other pipelines that we let leap into your something that would be out there in the future. I think I for Qu�bec to watch other than the United States wasn't certainly never should've removed the waivers of sanctions that were usually researchers that were on northward to the imposed documents for sure. I do believe that Germany feel like they want economic ties with rusher there willing to put their own security about your the wrist to achieve a car like what we don't which are economically we help perform it political will fold follow with the but I think I think behind closed doors.

The Chancellor told Biden that he would would not activate rusher in braids, you got you got sorry about directly to his old people rush the community is wrong declaration, but that's the weakness of where Germany is the right but I do click we do like to watch out of it because there is no cutting down any resources that he has right now so I don't muster any deterrence on the economically going after Russia's major central banks and going after the oligarchs that surround I'm shutting down all investment going into rusher or Newport export technology, not of the United States that varies significant impact on yeah well we know that Joe Biden doesn't have a stellar record as far as any kind of leadership on an international front, and they view him as we can. Putin's is like a shark. He sees chum in the water he sees a weak enemy and he's he's gonna go after that I after him, which is why think all of this is happening now. But I'm glad we had the chance to speak with you about this because you saying I don't think there's can be a full out invasion which is I think that's really important to take here because that's what the Ukrainians are saying like we're okay. You know, don't stop making such a big deal out of this. Were trying to liberalize as usual we live with this threat all the time.

We can handle it, and the US and Europe is is screaming about you know imminent invasion imminent invasion so it's good to know that so I'm really glad that we we got to speak with you today to hear that general checking thank you again. It's always a pleasure when I get to speak with you. You have a great week like something that they can handle a limited invasion. They seem to be feel that they can handle that. Which I guess we'll find out if they can. Great talking to you to thank you so much. If you want to join in 86640876698664087669 Mary Welter sitting in for Branko Mead your knowledge base Brian show the more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me Mary Welter in for Brian Kelly.

We were just going by Gen. Jack Keane and we were talking about Ukraine and Russia tapping their wants out of this and this whole North stream to pipeline gentlemen really the point when he said that you don't put any money for this right now and he's got enough money flowing in from oil deals with countries all over the world is really more of a deal, an issue for Germany and he seems to think that behind the scenes. German Chancellor is saying that said that to Joe Biden yesterday. We don't know because publicly he didn't say anything so there's a build up. We now know that there are ships that are capable of land land invasion node making landings on on shores and they're coming through on their way to through the Bosporus on their way to Ukraine and how big of a deal is that he's maybe there may be some incursion into Ukraine but it's up to be a full-blown hack where were you see them go to the capital in and take over Ukraine and the general made the point. He said he is one promise to come come with taking over the country. It is already taken over and Putin may not want to deal with that. I think those are all excellent points.

I know I hadn't thought of. 866-408-7669. Let's head to Los Angeles and talk to Barry.

You're on the Brian kill me. Ciao hi hello so you know this started last week when writing or when his they're announcing that you Nokia would crash in more than three days or whatever.

Yes, this is all this is all playing inviting Kelly thing because it only helps him.

It's a no lose situation for a screwed up Afghanistan so bad he needs something so if Russia doesn't date. He's like oh well, we told you will happen if Russia doesn't invade. He's like oh what we stopped.

Obviously, by doing.

I don't get me wrong I'm not saying that Rush is not going to invade, but it that you know by just using all this to his political advantage right now.

Okay I now had not thought of this. I'm glad you bring this up because I had not thought of this point so you're saying is to detract from Afghanistan would find a way to tell you I think most people forgot about because the media swept under the rug dutifully for Joe Biden that this gives them something else to talk about.

Look at how great Joe Biden is handling this is being forceful. He's sending troops dinner to Poland and just in case you showing Putin a big show of force here to make him look good, which is something Barry, thank you for that thought of that, I but I also like most people forgot about Afghanistan. Sadly, they're not blaring it from the rafters. So I think that's part of what's going on there and more because coming up on the right.

If you're interested in Brian's talking about it with Brian kill me Mary Welter sitting for Brian kill me one call here on Ukraine and moving on to the economy so Doug listening to Kale INN link Nebraska you're on the Brian kill me.

Ciao hi. What to alter the gray I wish I had more time with Gen. Jack Keane because I wanted to ask him about that because you think the same way I do is been hearing this, like, oh, come on Joe Biden's ties through Hunter to the Ukraine. We also when he challenged no challenge into into fire the investigator that was an investigating hit the company that his son was sitting on the board of a breeze from a in and and said were going to get basically blackmail them if you don't do this where withholding your money a quid pro quo quid pro quo hours. Sean Hannity calls a quid pro quo I you know why is no one asking that question probably work for a lot of this is about you as sly I agree and I'm so glad you brought that up to. Thank you, thank you so much that something to think about when you hear all of this and I don't know if liver finance. I don't know if Republicans are gutsy enough, or will ever investigate any of this stuff Hunter's laptop all that you see the New York Times going after them and looking doing a discovery on Hunter's laptop but I don't know if that goes anywhere. I just don't and I have my doubts let's let's talk about the economy and end.

I went out to dinner on Saturday night with my brother and his girlfriend and has his cousin and his wife and they both know each each one of those other couples know someone who recently bought a car and paid above the sticker price dealerships are asking above sticker like he had a sticker says this but were charging for getting five grand of the sticker price like horrible time to buy car shop to meet a paid above the sticker price above the sticker price will apparently if you need or want a new car right now you are going to be paying above the sticker price because cars out there to be had you.

You may not get the color you want, he may not get all the options you want. You may not be able to get the actual car that you want the model that you want and in line with that you got gas prices raising its incredible my husband and I were out running errands on Friday we drove past is one gas station at my cousins. I swear the Shane every time I go by this gas station.prices higher and higher and higher short if you go past and that was three dollars and 30, $0.35. Whatever. And we came home. Hours later it was 345. It just keeps going up and now there is a survey of over 2000 adults and it was done by was conducted November 20, 21, but then they take they quench this information.

I compared it to other information that was done by other surveys and they find that it's getting harder and harder for people to save money. Shocking is that weird seven in 10 Americans say they are now living paycheck to paycheck, seven, 1070% of Americans say that they are living paycheck to paycheck. 63% say that they see themselves reaching a level of financial security that will allow them to live the lifestyle they want, and I heard that know Mike well welcome to the swimming pool kids will when you're young you like my life could be best to be doing and then reality sets in.

Somewhere along the line in your mid-40s and you start to realize while so this is as good as it's going to get like at the peak of my career. Maybe one or two more promotions tops.

It's all downhill to retirement. While it's an eye-opening experience. So I'm curious to hear from you. 866-408-7669 how inflation is acting you when you see it at the pump when my husband if he does have to take a guess he's filling the car up because he knows if he waits till it's lower, it's good to be more expensive and a couple of days so he he will kill Philip right away. Friends of ours just bought an electric vehicle now to tell you it is electric bagels got a plug-in now because you're paying for the electricity like my state New Jersey because Murphy is in charge. Lord help us.

Yet he wants to get rid of natural gas in New Jersey, you know, no more houses new houses being built will be able to have gas heating they will be able to handle a natural gas used for cooking. Everything's gotta be electric in the state of New Jersey. Something like 80 to 90% of electricity is generated through nuclear power and they don't like that either. So it's excuse me know not the nuclear accident through natural gas. That's it. I knew that was wrong through natural gas so you still using natural gas so it's ridiculous so I want to talk to about being able to save money. Let's hear it. Are you able to save money on the I think a lot of people are in this predicament now because I like while we have to raise wages okay you raise wages to $15 minimum or never.

Your state raised it to because that's can help people make ends because a family of four can't live a minimum wage. There's a whole lot wrong without thinking. But then the price of everything goes up.

And guess what, even though you're making $15 an hour. Now, compared to whatever you were making before you still can afford anything because things are more expensive to care about how inflation is affecting your family where you sing and how much is it hurting you and what you're doing. I need you take another job.

Apparently the jobs out there that nobody wants, because we have an entire generation.

It just doesn't work. Now I don't how they are making ends meet.

I don't how that's happening for them now considering getting another job full time job or part-time job.

Whatever to make to make a little a little extra cash, 86640876698664087669 now is said that we went out to dinner on Saturday and that's another thing that got super expensive. Have you knows.

I bought pizza pizza last Wednesday and this is this special pizza.

We only get in a couple of times a year. It's made by this pizzeria the tear from Brooklyn and it's a spinach artichoke cream pie and it's to die for the first time we had our friends brought it over and it was one piety only make large for four people's houses in a work weighed like 5 pounds. If it has a really high crust on the side and on the bottom because it's it's it's like Alfred to cheese, cream and spinach and artichoke so good and it was $23 so I got like a couple times a year when I go past the pizzeria order had not get to treat. I bought it this time it was $28. It went up five dollars and it was that little thing you've ever seen.

So they cut back on what they put in it and they raise the price by five dollars. So my houses.

I will give it one more shot if it's this way were never getting this again so a $20 pizza that's insane. 866408766.

Now you have for cutting down production at eight factories started.

They started doing this yesterday because of a shortage of computer chips so there isn't as big of a demand for the product because there's no computer chips of people who may have just got a new card because they needed it because they wanted it there.

They're not going to buy a new car now right masses. Again, I would like to replace this car was when Carly's. We bought it in 2013 on 10 years old still chugging along. My replacement not doing it now. Nothing above list. Let's head to Virginia Ashby you are on the Brian Kelly Joe hi I'm doing good. So how is affecting you will work for a contractor overbooked.

Looking forward to look at numbers from last year were literally paying 3 to 4, four basic materials Robert Ehrlich pipe fittings nature so everybody which seems to be sustainable for bank so I wasn't so much money and select your talk about people paying about doing now for all yes JR you're right, and 53,000 hundred thousand dollars payment well above market value or its where we draft not having to offer above market value of the slippery slope.

I don't think it sustainable for the long run. I may be wrong. I just don't see that sustainable in the long run that can only go on for so long before it all comes crashing down at least.that's what I think I and I could be wrong, but you can only have inflation in house prices before people just tap out and then you're gonna start to see homes not being sold and that that's when it all starts to email even out again Ashby or you're so right, and by the way Ashby thank you for joining me, but do you know that plumbers at least in my area make more per hour than doctors had gotten depends on what kind of doctrine I can be more than a surgeon, but like your average run-of-the-mill specialists type Dr. you know like an ear doctor and I Dr. you know lung Dr. Tepper think more per hour than they do that then those doctors do. It's really easy it's really crazy, let's quickly go to Jerry in Florida. Listening NWS K-1 hi Jerry, good morning ma'am I do what you know. I don't think our bread delivery route north central Florida and the considerable increase in gas prices, it's cost me about a thousand more dollars per week to fill six trucks will impact the vehicle that was over four dollars, which may not be a lot of other areas of West Coast, but it's up over dollar 25 trucks but have 30 to 40 gallon gas. Thank you, thank God I'm working a part-time job, to keep up on the treadmill of life you will. I personally believe that this is done intentionally because they see large behavior goals contribute to climate change and they really want to control you to control consumers buying try to strip to support either mass transit to get you to best present or electric vehicles. Yeah, that's a great point. But again, the irony and hypocrisy of all of that is is that in many places electricity is, is made generated through gas, natural gas and and so you're your kind of pattern I just seems to be hypocritical when you say "but electricity is clean energy. Well, it's no cleaner than natural gas. In some places it's generated with call, which by the way, has become very clear in this country, Jerry. Good luck with that. I don't know how long you can keep that up and maybe he's right. Maybe this is being done purposely to try to change American habits, but we were through this in the 70s right wasn't the 70s with Jimmy Carter in the gas lines of people lining up to my gas and it didn't change anything, then either so I don't I don't think it changes it that much in this country.

I could be wrong. 866-408-7669 will get more vehicles coming up in the Brian Kelly Joe and there's no warning gaze on the great joys of my life course at 866-408-7669 Brian Kilby show radio that makes you think this is the Brian Kilby show very well to sitting for Brian Kilby were talking about how inflation is affecting you and this shortage is to afford curbing vehicle production because of chip shortages you go to the grocery store and outdoor empty shell like I tried to get good cops or play out hop drink cups, you know, like the cardboard unit hard drink cups and that they were out they were gonna do this shelf is empty. There was a run on drink drinking cups for coffee disposable ones really, 866-408-7669 listen to Florida. Emily, you're in the Brian Kilby Joe hi how are you I'm doing good. So how are you how's it affecting you.

I do not know how I and I fill out. Three times a week and there I job off though the kind of you know cover other, but there been weeks where I have enough money to put gas in my car to get to work to do my job my company that I work for has given us a little bit more money per mile east to get $0.44.

We now get 50 but with gas steadily going up right now it doesn't help and I drive a tiny Kia you know two years ago $25 to fill up. I'm looking at $48. Now, three times a week. Yes it out and I also make a little tiny more then maybe you know whoever is making 15 bucks an hour in outlining 1590 an hour so it makes it there. Some days where you wonder if it's worth what you're doing in my seat death sentence right there makes you wonder whether it's worth it. I almost think as if that's part of it because of the more people that said home on unemployment or on you know with rent, forgiveness, and the government helping you with all your problems in meeting all of your needs for you people don't want to work, but then you're also dependent on the government into me.

Ultimately that's the point. That's the ultimate in control is 1/3 of it. If you're dependent on them and I think that that's part of Emily, thank you for sharing your story because II think that there are quite a few people who are in the same boat, but to the previous callers comment about this PO trying to change our habits trying to force us into buying electric vehicles and all that. When I was commuting to Washington DC every week. I did.

I drove eight hours one, four hours down on fry on Sunday four hours back on Friday. I bought a hybrid. So it's gas antigenic generate such as how to plug it in and I will safer driving around town. It's great if you drive the car properly you can get over 50 miles to a gallon when I fill the car up. I might know my tank will take me over 600 miles, but it's not a plug-in hybrid I and I would buy another one of those in a heartbeat. I was thinking of Emily. Like wow that's perfect for her. She's the perfect situation for that type of car you can't buy one now because there's a shortage of vehicles because there's a shortage of chips. So now you can pay for your pay above the sticker price for listening to New York and talk to Rafe Alan WABC Rafael, you're the Brian Kilby Joe hi. How you doing I'm doing good how is it in New York. There's a battle every single day of the battle, you know, I want to comment on the outcome of the talk about how their portion of the trade. Our habits because I talk to people, almost small business contractor. We do interior construction and commercial spaces to talk to everybody every day. Unlike wildly stretching out boosting for so long exactly what you said about changing our habits. I'm I'm thinking that the government got longer keep us in one position little people conform but I tell people time not not because that's what they want.

They want us to go from being util productive in manufacturing and commercial to hold your green util deal that the green jobs and him thank you, Michael. What could happen between now and the green jobs in between is a transition what what could happen and I tell people time, we gotta keep fighting. I know it's three more years of idiotic back in place right now. But we gotta keep writing about. You don't gotta do what you know that were here and I agree with you, and I don't mean to cut you off at work against the clock here FS to keep fighting. But here's the thing people need to stop doing what you been doing all along. Maybe think about a candidate it's not a member of your party with her ex-Democrat or Republican or whatever it happens to be maybe open your mind a little bit to voting for someone who is outside of your party. If you're unhappy with the direction in which the countries going on your state or city is going to marry Walter listening to the right why Fox News radio's New York City pressure on set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice yes to marry Walter sitting in for Brian kill me. Let's talk about your personal finances. Inflation the economy and how all of that is stacking up against you or are you make it work.

Have you taken a second job by a car lately. I had a revelation on Saturday night out with friends who know two people. One of them was her mom and her mom insisted on buying a new car just about to find the time to buy new car dealers are asking about sticker price and her mom Linda paying over $5000 sticker land or it's like buying buying house you pay above II going to low in redfin on these different sites just to look in different areas just to see what's happening and I'll see something that didn't sell and it still in the market, but they've increased the price I think so. It didn't sell at a lower price, but you've just increase the price like $25,000 and now you think it's gonna sell like well I got see no good for you people getting breezy amounts of money. There's a house across the street from us diagonally across the street. This house sold for 3 million us excusing the household for 43 $3 million and was $3 million and they're tearing it down in their building another house on the properties is to be like another 2 million.

With this money and if you do going back to the cars run my car for just announce it. There they started curbing vehicle production yesterday and eight factories Chicago Michigan Mexico Kentucky Illinois Dearborn Kansas because they can't get enough chips to make enough cars to drive and trucks that is going to drive the demand up even further. 866-408-7669 let's go to WABC out a long island you're the Brian kill me. Ciao hi Bob, going once the bugs out there. Okay Bob Seeley that you miss a shot at fame and fortune on a missing kid in Traverse City out here on the Brian Kilby Joe hello I look all around the world and back into the 16.28 inch pizza. While this was a little personal pizza 25 bucks for a big Mac were still going up and this is in Venezuela so your result of the social policies which is exactly what they had done their unbelievable socialist talk about paying too much for a overpaying of the sticker price for in Venezuela. All of the lots were empty. No curtain sure you can expect to pay three times the spirit sticker price for a car, you will want to pay upfront.

Wait six months and you get whatever shows up mistral in the car. The conditions that are out there and learned so if the conspiracy part of me was working this morning and I just happened to get my tinfoil hat out of the closet and I polish it up and I put in I say well, so they're telling us that you know try to guess what is my tongue as inflation is good because it means that people are outspending and people want products and so this is good because it's opportunity and demanded an end and telling us not being able to find things on the grocery store shelves are good could this just be trying to slow walk us are trying to slowly raise the gas up on the pot of water that were sitting in right now to get us to accept these types of policies to get us to accept shortages and things we've never seen before in this country. What taxation policies are tools of social engineering. Inflation is simply the result of your previous goals of their increasing inflation to try to change your behavior know their increasing taxes and their changing policy to change her behavior result of that is everything cost more, so it is simply reasonably simply the result of inflation before and we didn't know why but I guess was a step closer to socialism that the inflation young turned during Jimmy Carter brought us to a step closer to socialism to meet and thinking, thank you so much for sharing that. I really appreciate that out on because again it might conspiracy house on I would think that, but it so interesting because the people who who voted for Joe Biden are so quiet about all of this because they didn't like Trump.

I know a lot of people who are just never trumpeted like him so they either didn't vote or voted for Joe Biden and their very quiet about what's going on right now and I find that very interesting part of what is happening right now is increased in crime unit is credit our cities are not safe. You take your life in your hands people.

A guy in Philadelphia just went to take care of his mom drops of food offers mom gets in his car and shot dead in the street and they take his car take the car shooting Kellan and and off they got it's happening everywhere and you get to the unit we talk about the route causes, Harris going to the border that was comes to mind for me, but I think for a lot of the shaft look at the root cause and someone who is doing that is pastor Cory Brooks is a CEO with project hood and is a senior pastor at new beginnings church in Chicago pastor.

Thank you for taking the time to join us. Thank you Robert.

Now this is your 80th day of 100 on the roof is today 80 or 81 and 180 I got 24 days ago.

Now of course people are familiar with what you're doing because you have garnered a lot of publicity, which is fantastic, and was the point of all this you can also if you don't know. You can follow him on under his rooftop revelations and so many of those revelations are just I think such great reading, especially for young people and parents really print them out or send their kids to that to the webpage to read it, but you're trying to draw attention to to the crime in Chicago and by doing that you're looking at the kids because these are the ones who wind up committing the crimes. A lot of them start out very young, committing some of these crimes we see key teenagers and young teens 13, 14 years old. I'm getting pop for committing some very, very heinous crimes.

So I guess the overall my first question is what type of reception are you getting from the neighborhood by drawing attention to this are no problem.

The problem of all priority crime and getting rid of it. However, you know on what day drinking problems with understanding trying to redirect their lively boat is about creating alternative almost things that the federal government and state and local government is working against everything you're trying to do because I look at the number of gangs and criminals are allowed to come across the border.

We didn't know MS 13 in this country before Barack Obama opened up the borders you've got, you got kids being trafficked across borders you got as sex predators being trafficked across the borders and they settle into the cities in the poor neighborhoods and victimize those people. You've got Joe Biden now allocating money to it to legalize drug use on by the federal government condoning this by giving his money to these nonprofits who then are now allowing crack pipe clean crack pipes and needles in a safe place to do it and giving them food and evidence were normalizing crime. Those centers are located in Nancy Pelosi's neighborhoods are not located in Lori life it's neighborhood there located in your neighborhood so are our people making a connection to how they are being I think they're being used as pawns to further this crime agenda disorder in the streets in order to take control.

But now I am a good word about a Republican all but start we been having issues with government for long long time. There all that they like weeds growing from Ronald Reagan that was welded. So now here we are years removed and now we have little quality thing thing that you lock all the policies that failed educational and a lot of other thing about it but I want everybody to bear the government have not been clear, got your talk to a lot of people in government at all and I agree with you. I think that some of the policies that are being put in place at my right now she's now it's it's the left it's doing are just downright racist saying that African-Americans are smart enough to be able to get an ID to vote, so therefore we have more than I like really that's pretty racist are greater follow all you right now are very right that people believe that we don't have the wherewithal for somehow give up helping more the standard expectation that is the one that put on so now let's talk about your program so as to what is it that you are trying to get across like you raising funds for this you're up on the roof for 100 days in order to bring attention to this to this problem which I think is great are you are you looking for cultural change in the African-American community in the inner cities, all without a doubt is all about about Gregory J. We cannot allow the educational will really help you is really up with you last have a household (household without father. There are a lot of issues that we need to address the cartographic community and we need to address that we need to start a project hood, we could break with about the transformation of lively cognitive the cultural trades the cultural shift that the paradigm shift happened. Not Chicago. All but worsening. These issues arrive all across America think that people are doing that is America. All were ill call about got the better. One of the better you better in the how do you plan on doing that.

What is your goal. When she went down with this you brought attention to his raised funds. What's the next step will request you all what we can continue our program will begin construction trades will have to locality a culinary art will be providing trauma counseling for those will be victims of violent technology. What we're offering classically coding a lot of different things. The transformer committed, but we believe that once we got yelled our program and take it that you are having the same issues and begin to work on when you talk about Philadelphia St. Louis having problems. We believe that we can help train your first we got to talk with King Randall in Georgia who is 27 years old started this program much like what you're talking about for young boys to to learn that they have a sense of purpose that there something that they can do and I think that that's very important but I guess my question is that we've seen these centers crop up throughout. You know, generation after generation in neighborhoods. Why is the time now. What is different now. Now because people are becoming more aware of all how they're not working how you where we are now in. People are realizing that people working up the back about it though. We believe that we provide. Really, really want to talk about it like talk matter crack when it comes to using the praying of writing to you about what we believe we believe in going to clear very quickly. Just just like a 10 second response politicians been to visit you weave at all for the Republic come to visit and invite everyone to talk on so very pleased to find out more about will be doing project work is just to get that out HOD for all one word. And also you can use rooftop Pastor Cory Bretz got a run. Thank you so much. Have a great week God bless your cause, 866-408-7669 coming up on the Brian Kelly Joe giving you you need to know your Brian kill me. Breaking loose unique opinions. All Brian kill me show Mary Walter sitting in for Brian kill me.

664087669 wrapping up some policy about the economy and talking about how inflation is affecting you for everything. If you want to rent an apartment rents are gone skyhigh prop homes selling above asking price cars selling above list price you can't get certain things in stores. I have never seen in my lifetime seen empty shelves the way you're seeing empty shelves and you know I remember people saying Biden is in Amicus Venezuela binds to make as Venezuela and all people in the left all the never tremors like being a get crazy and they pooh-poohed everything you go to the stores now. In some places, and depending on what the product is the shelves are empty, it's gone. I summing friend of mine posted a picture of where the poultry was supposed to be his grocer. There was nothing there and I might Biden supporting friends are anti-from friends or been very quiet lately. So how is it affecting you. 866-408-7669 of Ray in Daytona Florida. Listening at WDB hi Ray Gary great show today.

I look forward to your board, my wife moved out your newborn Florida long time but I want to talk to you today little bit about inflation and also about cars so we don't have a lot of time to make it quick because as we literally a minute okay you think will make it all Medicare everything. One 6058 of the credit manager of a department store and I went to New Jersey Belleville and I can earn $25 a week and we my wife and I we got married 53 years ago we could afford to have a phone and a call was two years old today. You can't do it at attachment four years old to get it replaced the battery and Dolch elation in the battery just gotten so then I watched the PBS show the other night with a couple one of the band and went from Munich Germany down and back and because of electric station that could hook up and the charges and wonder what in the mountains 203 multiple mild somebody, you should check all the stuff out trying to warn you why I appreciated it. Don't mean to be rude but we got a run and run to the reasons we money doesn't go as far as tax a greater portion of your income goes to taxes now coming out masking to mask or not to mask enters your life. Getting back to normal. As part of the scope of restrictions that's coming up on the Frank fastest three hours in radio until made our advice to every school district is to abide by public health continues to be at this point that the CDC is advising that math can delay reduce transmission there also a number of other mitigation measures that we that continues to be guided is always been to school districts. That's always been our point of view and always been our policy from here and our policy from the federal government is to continue to advise everybody to abide by public health guidelines is Jen Saki yesterday at the White House still is� It still binds recognition for students to wear masks we have to follow the science yet I continually hear what the sciences changed the sciences, changed the scientist pretty sure that this hasn't changed the bad way to say it following the science all along. When they really clearly haven't been following the science all along the we still give no credence whatsoever to acquired immunity to people who had COBIT I think it was Johns Hopkins just came out with a study. Second, it's the second wife Cindy was one that was done overseas with even tracking people who had coven pending with even tracking them to see the anybody's in the blood system. 20 months later, these people still have more anybody's in their blood than you do from getting the vaccine they Fanta you do you care if you believe in the vaccine for fine with me.

You want to get booster booster if it makes you feel better if that's what you believe.

I believe that we should get the information without a political spin from either side, and we get to make that decision with our doctors.

Imagine that shock and horror. I'm such a radical. But we should be. We should be seeing me sing so some hints changes I just think that some of the science was ignored for political reasons. That's just me. My cynicism so we we are now seeing know that this is all slowly being rolled back the big one came yesterday. Actually, yet yesterday with the governor of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, the man who campaigned on making the New Jersey the California of the East End's was somehow reelected. This is cut to this is Phil Murphy with big announcement because of the dramatic decline in our covert numbers effective Monday, March 7 the statewide school mass mandate will be lifted. Additionally, we will lift the statewide mandate and all childcare settings later this week, we will extend the public health emergency by 30 days to allow for this mass mandate to continue until then and then be responsibly lifted snugly sure why you need another 30 days of an emergency mandate because he wants the power does want to give it up. I don't know maybe because at the end of February on. He has given every healthcare worker in the state only until the end of February to get yet to get a booster coven. He still wants him to get booster even though they work through the pandemic with no coven seasoning with with no vaccine in the beginning when it was really bad and you didn't see like them being felled and in large numbers but is highly commendable disease. Either you didn't see that happening, but he is forcing them to get a booster by the end of the month so maybe that's why this doesn't start until Monday, March 7 and he keeps his emergency powers through that in order to force healthcare workers to get a booster that a lot of them don't want and a lot of them don't need because they had COBIT but were following the science and therefore were totally ignoring natural immunity by having had COBIT 866-408-7669 asking if your life is back to normal. Are you back to normal. You know, because since the all the COBIT restrictions and all that kind of stuff. I'd like to know I don't like to go to cut 25 for this is Gov. Murphy on CNN and this is a big deal because New Jersey is basically a socialist state. So for him to announce that he was lifting the mask mandates was a big deal, Connecticut, Delaware, also lifted their mask mandates. I don't know if COBIT hangs in their states until the beginning of March like it doesn't New Jersey. Not sure and March 7. Specifically, because March 1 COBIT still in New Jersey but March 7 is it's not on here is Phil Murphy talking about mass mandates worked. There's no question that basking in our school since the beginning of the school with your husband a very smart public health stuff like that without just over 2600 cases of students with coven positive since the beginning of the school year. That's out of 1.4 million kids. So it's a pretty stark piece of evidence. I think this is absolutely worked. Yeah but yet we find out that even people who are amassed for. However, reasons are still getting coven and you see, study after study after study coming out right now.

Now we know clock masks. Those didn't work.

Sorry. And I see people wearing these mass and it's below there knows it's got a big gap. Those little surgical mask these big gaps on the sides and on the top really doesn't stop some transmission sure it does, it works it to the degree that they are claiming look into more this little bit more but I get to you, and keep this office for Nick in Jacksonville. Listening on WO KV Nikki on the Brian Kelly Chow hi Mary how are you doing good. So are you back to normal almost to God all we all love 45 years ago but overcame a part of my life and I look to the children to follow laws not going to get involved around by the stove.

All she told me about the service "all laws are how she paid our structure.

1/4-year-old vehicle of the vehicle very well. Can you take care of our house will build what we have, you electrical all about what life was like a shot.

Years ago the world philosophy will that's good and also need be.

And thank you very much for joining us and kicking off. I think if you retired it either will totally change your life COBIT or it didn't change it all and he was one or another you know for my house and myself. I would lose my job. I I laughed because I was commuting to Washington DC I was living in Washington DC Monday through Friday and commuting back and forth and then we work from home for 14 kn. It was great. We did fantastically. Everything was fine.

We had no problems, and then they decided nope were calling everybody back, you have to be back in have to be in 20th, five days a week. The whole bit. And so I had a choice between going back to a miserable lifestyle was constantly tired and and commuting. It will aid you for hours down four hours back it and not seeing my husband not living at home when I could do the job remotely and some I'm not doing that is kind of ridiculous. You know, so I had a choice to make and I made my choice I made my decision so it has altered our lives a lot in that respect. My husband being physician and running I see you, I mean he he he was in the thick of it in the beginning of COBIT, so it is change and some we feel so much freer now because he is gets more than one day a month off now like it one day off and March 2028.

You know like one or two in April 2020 suppressant change that we do feel like things are back to normal. Being in New Jersey you don't you can eat restaurant without a vaccine passport.

You don't have to wear masks because we acknowledge that killed Kobe can get you when you're standing up not just went in and as well as sitting down you know any cousin you can you take amassed opposite. As you sit down, but if you stand up to go to the bathroom yet put a mask on down so some of those dumb who said they were making us jump through have been rescinded, and I think that that's a big deal and to I think we go even further and say look at all of these in view. We talked about Stacy Abrams wet year showing up mask list and we now know that that visited at school was Stacy Abrams was contingent upon everyone around her being Nast.

She was an enormous everyone around her, wore a mask and if you have if even if you're mildly aware is a picture Barack Obama in the daily mail with the workers at his home building his home in Hawaii there amassed. He's not ECI AOC getting ready for whatever that awards banquet was where she wore the dress tax the rich is getting ready and all the people around her.

All the minions, the little people. The servants are all amassed.

She's not how many pictures have we seen of elitists out to dinner or at gatherings or parties.

What was Barack Obama's birthday party were all the servers are all masked all the elites are unmasked. You see, Stacy Abrams unmasked, but the children and the teachers are all amassed it like that. Now when I see that unlike this is a dangerous. This is BS. At least that's what I think.

Let's quickly go to cut three here want you to hear this. This is the media going after Stacy Abrams for that mask was photo if you're running this campaign in your any staff member for Stacy Abrams as well know when you're getting ready to do this you know that this can be something revocable sees on a Stacy Amos to me is one of the most intelligent people in politics, brilliant, and she kind of slipped up and they took a picture of her with his kids without a mask giving and a comfort to the other side. That's what she did, and I'm surprised it hard to tell you what was in the early do that. Yeah I give the right more ammunition. I mean, they always go after anyway and I think was really hypocritical actually Brian Kempton or David perdue Trump endorsed primary challenger. They both tweeted essentially say what you think about my paraphrasing of their tweets, but the other the to your right.

It was a gift to the two Republican with the election coming up. This has to end and they know it, 866-408-7669 is your life getting back to normal. Are you coming out of all the COBIT craziness and starting to go back to life pre-pandemic. Your calls coming up on the Brian Kelly Chow fastest growing talk show America you're with Brian talk show that's getting you your with Brian kill me. This is about something much bigger than than the mask. This is really emblematic of this perverse relationship between the power elites and everyday Americans and you see it right there you got Stacy Abrams sitting there in the front, representing the power elite. They make the rules, but they don't follow them or feel like they have to and then he got these kids sitting behind her, who represent us everyday Americans who have to follow those rules or else face the consequences are. Got one set of rules for the power elite a different set of rules for the rest of us. One set of rules for the people like Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams and Gavin Newsom and those like them in a different set of rules for the rest of us that was told to Gabbard on with Sean Hannity talking that your life has changed now that were kind of coming out of COBIT and things are being freed up 866-408-7669.

Let's head to Tony listening a WABC in my state of New Jersey hi Tony, will I marry, I love your show. I can't wait. I'm sorry but you know what Ryan's nice guy, but I can't wait for you to fill in form.

Everything that you talk about is great. II got so much I would love to talk you about them to pick the most important thing.

My wife and I live up in Bergen County and really change the shelves a really empty appear when you go shopping. It is kind of disappointing. And it's scary to the fact that you can't buy what you want to buy all all along. I believe that government ever since this whole thing came out ever since Bob became president really that they been trying to take away choice no choice is a very important thing to me is the most important word in the dictionary because when you get up in the morning you make a choice which I do I open first wide open both my foot on the ground which what do I put on the ground fault. What take a shower before I have my coffee choice is so important in there trying to take Joyce away from us a little bit at a time.

Just wanted to get your view on that. I think he I think you're absolutely right before I let you go to very quickly. You are your Bergen County which had gone bread for Chiarelli and then went blue eye that is very true blue New York ex-pats who universally to the high taxes to New Jersey and invoke for high taxes, what they saying about the Murphy and Biden in this whole handling of the pandemic today say anything or are they all super scared masked up everybody you know what people are driving down my street. One person in the car would amassed on, you know, these are: five nights.

I prefer that word bite nights because it seemed like they would follow him. If it Biden home a jumble of the George Washington bridge that would do it.

You know what to say things like they're still wearing masks appear, but I guess the role free, but you know I haven't worn them out since this whole thing started and knock on wood, I've been okay good for you are. I was am glad to hear you're okay Tony, thank you for that. I'm just curious know you can look in certain areas and go to the grocery store and I sometimes see you know like the older people wearing masks out with you.

Do you that's fine. I'm going to do me and will will both be happy. You know what Liz and I I've had COBIT so I am not worried. I have anybody's. I am not worried. And if I do get it again. It's good to be much less severe the case so I'm good at not wearing a mask.

I'm not can infect you to get it from you. So for me, life has changed greatly. I check in Ohio in Dayton on W HIO checker in the Brian Kelly Chow hi hello Mary how you doing I'm doing good so is your life getting better now that rat coming out of COBIT yes ma'am I am an over the Road commercial truck driver, and there's always a silver lining in any type of infant life with all the people mandated to stay home. My fellow truckers and I had a wonderful no shower.

We are critical to maintain its speed, and we were covering a vast amount of miles because less traffic on the road.

That's money that we had to wear a mask to go in and all the businesses in an original learn what the policies are to get your business done at all. My wife being changed. You know, I may live in Ohio is been very difficult to go family in the state of Maine. I believe you want you to quarantine for 14 days of school working field can take 14 days off and then go on their vacation to util people. We take a seven day vacation all deftly been interfered with that and all interest. I didn't realize that that meme was doing that because you're right, it makes no sense whatsoever to have to quarantine if you're if you're coming back from somewhere for X number of days and it's like an Chuck thank you so much and thank you for doing what you do. Being a trucker love to hear it. Thank you. I it's it's like when you leave. Anyway, went to Hawaii.

Did you see that if you want if you want to go to Hawaii you had to quarantine for two weeks when he went to Hawaii so you would have to fly to Hawaii, stay in your hotel room for two weeks and they would not let you any room so two weeks in your hotel room they needed to go on your vacation. And then you get back to the states.

It's it's crazy it's absolutely insane very quickly done in Florida is going to end it for us here Doug you're the Brian Kelly Chow, about 30 seconds. Here Doug hi. No, everything the government can tell you crap.

The average cyber conspiracy here is become truth about two weeks now nothing worth going on a small town never worried about the big stores all stores had to deal with mass mandated all her stuff and grab it again I am sorry but in Florida I think Florida is it's it's kind of not fair because Florida was an outline or outlier.

I pretty early on in the game, which is why semi people are moving to Florida right you see some love. I love when Democrats pick up Florida makes me laugh, but it's like if you kind of been a little bit freer than everybody else from that get go. Stay safe choose not to marry Walter Brian Kelly Chow resources a fox's personal powerful subscriber listen just start

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