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After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Truth Network Radio
September 15, 2022 7:39 pm

After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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September 15, 2022 7:39 pm

NBA players react to Robert Sarver fines & suspension | Brett Favre is facing legal trouble | Your phone calls.


How's your mental health?

I'm listening with Michael Phelps. You know, I think for me in 2014, when I found myself in that dark, dark place where I didn't want to be alive in those four days when I was in my room by myself, I wanted to find a different way. I wanted to find a different answer. I was sick and tired of feeling how I felt. And that's why I started to seek help. And that's when I checked myself into a treatment center. Join us for Odyssey's I'm Listening to our National Mental Health Conversation, Wednesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. Talk saves lives. How's your mental health?

I'm listening with Michael Phelps. You know, I think for me in 2014, when I found myself in that dark, dark place where I didn't want to be alive in those four days when I was in my room by myself, I wanted to find a different way. I wanted to find a different answer. I was sick and tired of feeling how I felt. And that's why I started to seek help.

And that's when I checked myself into a treatment center. Join us for Odyssey's I'm Listening to our National Mental Health Conversation, Wednesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. Talk saves lives. An hour from now, Leroy Butler. First conversation with the iconic Packers since his Hall of Fame induction.

How about that? We love to talk to Hall of Famers here on the show. We get a chance to do it through my partnership with Southern Recipe Pork Rinds and Gridiron Greets. In fact, we should have a Hall of Famer coming up later this month, courtesy of that partnership with the Pork Rinds people as a kind of early season NFL celebration because football is back. But in addition, we've established a friendship with Leroy.

And since I will be in Wisconsin starting Saturday and then on through Sunday and the early stages of next week, I actually will be hosting a pair of shows from our Green Bay affiliate. And so for that reason, we thought it'd be a great idea to get Leroy back on the show. And it just so happens we haven't spoken to him since he was inducted into Canton. And remember, he had to wait a long time for that phone call. The stories that he tells, they always blow me away. The man has experienced so much and has risen above so much in his life. It's awesome to talk to him because he never stopped smiling or laughing. And the joy is palpable.

It's also contagious. And so I'm looking forward to seeing him in Wisconsin this weekend. But it was imperative that we get him on the show before then. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. We're live from the Rocket Mortgage studios. Whether you're looking to purchase a new home or refinance yours, Rocket Mortgage can help you get there.

For home loan solutions that fit your life, Rocket can. You can find me on Twitter, A Law Radio, and also on our Facebook page After Hours with Amy Lawrence. We're going to get to QB news. I haven't decided if we're going to do it all in one fell swoop or if we're going to break it up into AFC and NFC but the AFC is up first on Thursday Night Football. This will be the inaugural Thursday Night Football game on Amazon Prime. So we've had games that have streamed exclusively. I feel like Yahoo was the outlet that had games first that were streaming from the NFL. But now Amazon has paid millions and millions and millions and millions and so much money. In fact you add the whole package. The production, the announcers, everything else and you're talking about billions of dollars on the NFL for this Thursday Night package.

And I think it'll be interesting to hear the reaction. I mean I have Amazon Prime. I have a couple of other streaming services like Paramount Plus which is CBS too.

And then I also have what else do I have? No I do not have Disney Plus. You don't? No Jay I don't have Disney Plus. You know that I do not. I think you have it.

Shut up. I do not have Disney Plus but I have Paramount Plus. I have Amazon Prime and then there's one other one.

Why do I not remember? Anyway it doesn't matter. I've got a couple of them but the reason I got a smart TV is to be able to watch Thursday Night Football without having to use my laptop.

And so it actually kind of forced me to upgrade the piece of equipment that I had too. I wonder if I can use that as a tax write-off. Anyway so I'm interested in it. It's not the first. It won't be the last but this is a big deal for the NFL to have a particular game week in and week out on a streaming service because they will lose a lot in ratings. There is no chance that the Amazon Prime game gets say 12 million people watching it.

That's not going to happen which is what you might get for a Thursday Night or Sunday Night or Monday Night Football game. But I will say this about Amazon Prime and I know it's individual production companies but I've been really impressed with the quality of the productions that come through Amazon Prime. So for those of you who have Prime there's a Jack Ryan series.

We have spy novel kind of stuff you know Tom Clancy. But that stars John Krasinski and a couple of other really impressive actors and two seasons in you wouldn't even know that it wasn't built for the small screen or even made for the big screen. And there are all kinds of other series that you could easily throw them on TV.

That's how good the quality is. And it's not going to be the only sport to take advantage of the dollars that are available there on Amazon or on Yahoo or on Apple. We know there are select baseball games that have hit Apple TV as well. There's a ton of money in streaming and Amazon can throw money at any problem and exorbitant amounts of money which is why the NFL just could not turn this down. So it'll be interesting to see the reaction but they've you know they they've thrown their hat in the ring for some of the best announcers. They lured Al Michaels away.

I think he was leaving NBC anyway but they lured Al Michaels away, Kirk Herbstreet and some other very big names to work with them. They're doing a whole pregame show and I mean they're really dressing this up so it's going to be interesting to see how it compares to what we might get on broadcast TV. So that comes up on Thursday night and it is the AFC as I was saying. It's Chargers and it's Chiefs and while both of those teams won on week one, I guess it would have been Sunday, they did not have the same path to get to 1-0. The Chiefs bludgeoned the Cardinals whereas the Chargers had a challenge from the Raiders and they were able to hold it off but if not for the three takeaways plus the think about the sacks that Khalil Mack had initially on his debut, well I shouldn't say his debut in the AFC West but his return to the AFC West.

The fact that they were able to use that kind of one-two punch and the moves that the Chargers have made, a lot of people are holding them up as the top competition for the Chiefs so this will be a really intriguing battle early on. So that will kick off week number two. So we're going to do some QB news. In addition, we've got a little bit of Serena Williams which is neat and as I say, Leroy Butler an hour from now here on CBS Sports Radio. You can find me on Twitter, A-LOL Radio and also on our Facebook page. Our social media always open for business.

We're a full service operation. Just before we move on to I would say the second punch. It's a one-two punch on this edition of the show and really this week. Two stories in sports that transcend sports and they're not on the field, on the court. Instead, and we often see this, you know there are headlines that will draw people away for all the wrong reasons.

Then the games start again and it's like oh that kind of fades into the background. I mentioned Daniel Snyder last hour in the Washington commander situation, the ownership and man that was all the rage when not only Snyder but Commissioner Goodell and others were called to testify in front of Congress and there was this like loud uproar. People, a groundswell really for people wanting to take away the franchise from Daniel Snyder but once games start, that all seems to fade into the background. Now the NBA has a bit of a ways to go before the season tips off and right now because of the findings against Robert Sarver, there certainly is a push and I would say a outcry and a demand for him to be removed as the owner of the Suns and also the Phoenix Mercury as a matter of fact. This is an investigation that lasted most of the last year that he used a racial slur at least five times and that the workplace standards, the workplace culture, the workplace atmosphere, all of those were left wanting and it starts with him, starts at the top.

It's same old song and dance right when people come forward. It's about harassment, it's sometimes about sexual discrimination, it's about really just vitriol and the sad thing is and I hope it's not the case moving forward but I'm not that naive, of course this stuff happens in the workplace because people are people and humans are imperfect and in some cases humans are are jerks to use a word that I can say on the radio. You wonder why employers and in this case the owner of a franchise don't recognize that creating a workplace culture, a workplace atmosphere where people feel degraded or demeaned or where they almost dread going into work. I mean I've been in situations like that before where walking in the building instantly puts you on eggshells or puts you on guard. That does not bring out the best in your employees.

It actually undermines the ability for your employees to do their work and to be productive. And I remember feeling that way myself as I said going back to days of my previous network. I don't think it's any surprise what kind of culture there was at ESPN over the time that I worked there. And the stories that you hear from other people who go public are not so dissimilar from mine.

I'll never go back and tell those publicly other than kind of, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know those publicly other than kind of what I've shared with you on the air here because I don't want to be the center of attention. I don't want to be in that situation. I lived it.

I survived it. I'm never going back to it. But it's not as though it's rare and it's just crazy to me that bosses and employers and in this case owners don't understand how putting your employees in a situation where they feel that way actually takes away from the productivity of your company and the ability to beat the competition or to move forward and to make more money. I mean if what owners care about is bottom line, if what businesses and corporations and companies care about is bottom line then you want employees that feel empowered and are happy to go to work and are thrilled to kind of put their best foot forward not hoping they don't get noticed or hoping they don't get embarrassed or humiliated today. I mean it's, I just never understand why if what you care about is money then you should recognize your bottom line and your ability to make money and to increase your revenue source is increased and is sustained when your employees feel like they're treated well, when they're happy, when they love going to work. That's not rocket science.

It's after hours here on CBS Sports Radio. But I will say again in the United States of America we don't have the ability to in most cases, and I don't think we should have the ability to in most cases force people to give up their property. That's not what we are in the United States of America. That's communist countries.

That's socialist countries. You can't only allow people who do the right thing all the time to own a sports franchise if we're just specifically talking about sports. And as I say I'm in no way excusing what Robert Sarver did.

It's, it makes me cringe. It's disgusting and I'm embarrassed for him and for the NBA. But because he's a bad dude doesn't mean you can take his business away from him, right? And that's kind of what Robert, I'm sorry, what Adam Silver was saying. And then he underscores the point that there wasn't malice here. Now they believed in the case of Donald Sterling, plus there were recordings, that Sterling was malicious and that Sterling was a racist. And that this was a pattern. It happened to be caught in a, what was it, a phone recording, if I remember correctly, or a voicemail. Because it was caught and people could hear it. It became more damning and more damaging. And the other owners were so outraged and the NBA was so embarrassed that there was a greater sense of urgency.

With Robert Sarver, according to this committee, there wasn't ill intent. They don't believe that he was a racist. He was repeating words that he'd heard.

I mean, isn't that exactly what Kale Gundy just resigned from OU for, University of Oklahoma? He was reading off of an iPad. I guess he grabbed the iPad in a video session, a film session, and he was reading off the iPad. And this is what he said, that he read the N word and read, well, I guess we don't know specifically that that's the word that it was, but I've heard reports of that. He read inappropriate and offensive language and said he didn't even realize what he was reading.

But because players complained, not only did Oklahoma feel like they should make a change, Brent Venables, but Kale Gundy resigned. According to the investigation and Sarver, that's what he was doing. He was repeating words that he had heard from someone else. I don't know how that makes it any better. How does that excuse you? Are you still not responsible for the words that come out of your mouth? It's your mouth. You're an intelligent human being with a brain. You're not a robot or a minor bird who repeats what he hears from somebody else. I mean, you're still responsible for what comes out of your mouth. So I hate that excuse. But again, according to the committee that investigated him, his intent was not hostile.

His intent didn't come from a place of inherent racism. However, there are players around the league, very prominent players who have recognized voices that are really upset that the NBA did not take his punishment further. Yes, I've talked to some players, you know, and those have been private conversations. I think I'll leave it for the players to speak directly how they feel. I would only say, you know, I think disheartening, same reaction I've had in many cases. You know, I think these are, you know, I think sad, saddened, you know, as I was, I think, for those players to see that we continue to deal with these issues. I think it's, look, it's no secret. We, you know, this is a league where, you know, roughly 80 percent of our players are black, you know, more than half our coaches are black.

It's, I will say that none of them maybe are as shocked as I am living their lives, that I don't think they're reading this saying, oh my god, I can't believe this happens. But at the same time, you know, I think they look to the league, look to the partnership that the league has with the Players Association to see how can we do better, how can we improve things. I am always impressed with Adam Silver's ability to communicate and speak. Whether or not you agree with his position or, now remember, he's a commissioner, he's not an owner. He is essentially the CEO of the NBA ownership, right? He represents them, same as Roger Goodell represents NFL ownership. Roger Goodell and Adam Silver don't have the autonomy. They have the autonomy in some cases, but when it comes to removing one of them, I mean Sarver is essentially Adam Silver's boss, or one of them. I mean, he reports to the owners, so he can't by himself just force a man to sell his property, his team. But I do always appreciate the calming influence that Adam Silver has. He speaks well, he's intelligent, he's relatively calm, which I guess if you remember his Donald Sterling press conference and how shaken he had just taken over from David Stern right before that whole mess with Donald Sterling, and he was so angry that he was shaking, his voice was shaking. But generally, Silver provides this calming influence, and that's why he gets paid as much money as he does, because he deflects, same as Roger Goodell. He takes the heat that is intended for owners, he absorbs it, he deflects, he takes the vitriol, and he's expected to smooth things over, calm things down, be the voice of the owners in a way that diffuses situations.

It's such a good word, diffuses situations. One more from Adam Silver, he agrees that even though Robert Sarver is going to be suspended for a year and is paying the maximum fine of 10 million dollars, the details that are coming out really exposes the league and is terrible for the NBA as a whole. Think about how much this league means, has meant in the African-American community, how much progress we've made in terms of women's sports, the WNBA, and you know I was up at the Hall of Fame on Saturday night listening like to Swin Cash and some of those great, you know, speeches that the inductees were given about the meaning of this game and these leagues and how we've transformed people's lives and the impact we've had on society and then something like this happens and you're disgusted by it.

So I'm glad that we were able to be transparent about this, certainly we're not hiding from this, we recognize it happened, it happened in our league. I accept and understand that some people disagree with what the ultimate consequences were for Mr. Sarver and I'm also hopeful that Mr. Sarver uses this time to not just express his remorse but demonstrate it. Adam Silver really underscoring, yes it's disgusting, yes it's embarrassing for our league and Sarver needs to do his own introspection and understand why this is such a big deal and how it reflects on his business. Sarver is an owner, right, so he makes money when the NBA makes money and his team the Phoenix Suns is in a stretch where it's successful, you know, they haven't yet won that title but where it's successful and he's got one of his own players with the most recognizable names and faces in the NBA who is, you know, embarrassed and coming out and speaking against his own actions.

So I hope that he's sufficiently embarrassed and also ready to, as much as he can, make amends if there is no malicious intent, if he's not truly racist, when you're still responsible for your words and your actions and he's ready to correct those workplace situations, those workplace conditions that have led to people speaking out against him as a boss, well he's got a year to figure it out. So that's one major headline coming out of the world of sports that is negative and casts a major shadow but there is another and another and as much as I loved watching Brett Favre play football, he cannot hide behind that anymore. This has gotten so bad to the point where he, I would think, is facing jail time.

It's gotten that bad. How's your mental health? I'm listening with Michael Phelps. You know, I think for me in 2014 when I found myself in that dark, dark place where I didn't want to live in those four days when I was in my room by myself, I wanted to find a different way.

I wanted to find a different answer. I was sick and tired of feeling how I felt and that's why I started to seek help and that's when I checked myself into a treatment center. Join us for Odyssey's I'm Listening 2-Hour National Mental Health Conversation. Wednesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. Talk saves lives. Odyssey knows that football fans can't get enough football. That's why we've got nonstop football coverage on the free Odyssey app. Podcasts and live shows dedicated to every pro team. NFL play-by-play and enough game talk for the most diehard fans. Local radio stations talking football. Interviews with star players and coaches and football fans being fans. What kind of play calling was that? Listen to everything you love about football live and on demand with the free Odyssey app.

Get in the game and download today. Odyssey knows that football fans can't get enough football. That's why we've got nonstop football coverage on the free Odyssey app. Podcasts and live shows dedicated to every pro team. NFL play-by-play and enough game talk for the most diehard fans. Local radio stations talking football. Interviews with star players and coaches and football fans being fans. What kind of play calling was that? Listen to everything you love about football live and on demand with the free Odyssey app.

Get in the game and download today. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio. You are listening to the After Hours Podcast.

What makes me most proud is how I played the game and being real authentic and spontaneous and loving the game to me is what it was all about. This is After Hours with Amy Lawrence. I can't hear his voice right now without cringing. It's not as though this is a new story or new controversy surrounding Brett Favre but it took a drastic turn over the last couple of days courtesy of a report from Mississippi Today that was published on Tuesday. Now again there had been these allegations against Brett Favre and some former Mississippi state officials including the governor but the text messages all of a sudden have exposed any denials that he could throw out there that he didn't know what was happening or that he was oblivious about the welfare money and where you know where it was coming from that kind of thing. If you don't know the story essentially he's been accused and it's not just him uh the governor former governor of Mississippi his name was Phil Bryant as well as other state officials have been accused of using money from the welfare system to fund projects or or amenities that had nothing to do with welfare. Use misappropriating those funds for other things under the guise of welfare and and it's criminal and it's disgusting and it's it's just gross on a number of fronts. One of course is that Brett Favre doesn't need money but I mean that in and of itself is just icky the fact that he would engage in fraud potentially and take money in a state that he says he loves for a volleyball stadium a state-of-the-art volleyball facility for his daughter is just gross because if he wanted to he could go out and raise the money based on his hall of fame status based on his career for heaven's sakes he's hawking jeans and all other kinds of things he's getting paid for those uh those endorsements and appearances he he has a bazillion ways that he can make money because he's hall of fame quarterback Brett Favre he does not need to be stealing it from people who need it so that's disgusting in and of itself but then the idea even if regardless of what you think of the welfare system and I'm not telling you it's perfect he's broken in many places around our nation but there are people who over especially over the course of the last couple years have to choose between paying their electric bill and buying groceries or putting gas in their car or paying for child care in the last couple of years have squeezed so drastically those people who already were struggling to make ends meet and more and more families are relying on assistance whether it's welfare or other programs from states around the country to feed their families and over the course of the last two years I've looked for ways to donate to different organizations that are helping to feed people because that was what was on my heart I can't imagine kiddos being hungry but that's happening and so in Mississippi which is a poor state there are so many people that need money and welfare or need assistance welfare is one way that states can help the the poorest just to get by and the fact that a governor of a state as well as other state officials would engage in this fraudulent activity to direct funds to a hall of fame quarterback to build a stupid volleyball stadium is just disgusting and so to to this point Brett has denied knowing where the money came from now you may remember there were accusations that he took a bunch of money for speaking engagements and then didn't do them so he had paid a bunch of money back to the state but his claim all along has been that he was oblivious that he didn't realize the money was coming from welfare and that it was funds that was supposed to be to you know to feed people to help them pay their bills and medical care and all that jazz but now there are explosive text messages that are part of text messages that are part of what's actually it's a civil lawsuit but I can't imagine there wouldn't be criminal charges filed if this kind of evidence is allowed over this welfare scandal that shows communication between the former governor and Brett that that Brett actually knew a where the money was coming from and b was engaged in hiding it so there's one particular message where Brett Favre asks whether or not the media could ever find out and to the end being like we can't do this if it's going to be exposed and the governor the then governor assured him that he would be protected and that they would be able to keep this information from getting out there was another woman who I believe is actually in jail now I think but she's been convicted if not in jail and there is so there's a text between her who was a non-profit you know big non-profit founder and the then governor that said just left Brett Favre can we help him with this project we should meet soon to see how I can make sure we keep your projects on course and then when Brett Favre asked the governor how you know these various various state agencies might affect their plans to fund the volleyball stadium the governor responds with I will handle that long story but had to make a change and you know promotes this woman who will go along with these schemes and so while Brett and and the governor former governor for years have you know denied any knowledge of it or also denied being hands-on how's your mental health I'm listening with Michael Phelps you know I think for me in in 2014 when I found myself in that dark dark place where I didn't want to be alive in those four days when I was in my room by myself I wanted to find a different way I wanted to find a different answer I was sick and tired of feeling how I felt and that that's why I started to seek help and and that's when I checked myself into a treatment center join us for odyssey's I'm listening to our national mental health conversation wednesday september 21st at 6 p.m talk saves lives odyssey knows that football fans can't get enough football that's why we've got non-stop football coverage on the free odyssey app podcasts and live shows dedicated to every pro team nfl play-by-play and enough game talk for the most die-hard fans local radio stations talking football interviews with star players and coaches and football fans being fans what kind of play calling was that listen to everything you love about football live and on demand with the free odyssey app get in the game and download today on with these welfare funds going to a place where they shouldn't to build a volleyball stadium there were even text messages about how they were going to name the volleyball stadium after the governor and so this woman here I'm reading in this story now just I wanted to see if I could figure out um if she'd already been convicted she's pled guilty to 13 felony counts related to this welfare scheme and there are others who are facing trial not Brett Favre not the former governor but you can imagine with these types of text messages that that not only indicate that Favre knew where the money was coming from but that the governor was actually involved in helping cover it up and helping steer that money toward far for a volleyball stadium that those two men may now face charges moving forward and so yes there was money that was given to Brett Favre to kind of do ads do psas under the guise of speaking he didn't actually do any speaking but they were trying to cover it up with him doing some work and some kind of endorsements for the state for various projects but ultimately it was a cover and it was really a sham for what they were trying to do which was to build a state-of-the-art volleyball facility by using state funds that were supposed to be for welfare recipients I mean I don't know how you could I mean I just don't even know how you can look at yourself in the mirror knowing what people have gone through over the past couple of years and you're stealing money that's intended for families to build a damn volleyball stadium who cares you can play volleyball in the dirt for heaven's sakes like the oh my gosh and and just so you know the reason he wanted to build this volleyball stadium is because his daughter was attending the school which is just ah we know he's not a great dude I mean there's been other things about Brett Favre that have come out the man should never have a phone ever when it comes to text messages and photos he's been accused of a lot of things he's obviously a former addict and everything else great football player was a good ambassador for the NFL but I just don't know how the league wants anything to do with him now so it's alumni weekend coming up in uh Green Bay at Lambeau and I'm pretty confident saying there's no way he would be welcome back and just Marco Belletti I hope not I don't know that I really don't know that he has been able to he's been able to skate his whole slithery he is slithery his whole life for sure he's slippery and slithery and now all of a sudden people are finally I mean it took this it took to this and it's still not at the foreground of everyone's mind it's still not it still feels like it's going to slide he's not going to get brought up on charges prove me wrong I feel like he's still going to slide and what's the worst that's going to happen maybe his reputation takes a little bit of a hit oh I feel so so bad for him he made I know he didn't make what today's quarterbacks are making but he made 138 million dollars in his career and yet somehow he felt the need to take a seven figure payout from a welfare fund and that's just the money he made in his career triangular and all the other nonsense that had been paying him for 30 years for a volleyball stadium while his daughter played volleyball there you know what you wanted a state of the art you didn't have five million dollars I know it's just give me a break seriously give me a break again I don't feel the least bit sorry for him for any of this and I'm really I'm going to I'll be honest I'm going to be annoyed I'm going to be angry because he's going to skate everyone's going to skate on this whole yeah because they always it's always the same nonsense whatever it is the governor's going to skate Favre's going to skate and it's going to be whoever the you know the the underlings yeah the people have no idea who the hell their names are they're going to wind up in jail for 15 years they're going to look around and going all I did was do what they told me I don't know what was going on now you should have known better too because that was part of what was going on and everybody else that was at the forefront of this they all skied away and then 20 years from now we'll have something at Lambeau Field where Brett Favre is on the field waving to everybody because we're going to forget no way we're going to forget five years 10 years 15 years whatever it is we'll all forget and we'll hear the cheers for Brett Favre at Lambeau Field although it was really embarrassing when when the Reds brought back Pete Rose earlier and like just toned death let it go and then again all that stuff with few rows never mind just the gambling all the other stuff and that came out too because Pete can't keep his mouth shut either everybody they show you who they are believe them believe them and I mean again 96 that anniversary is coming up soon right for the Packers for the Super Bowl when Shockley fell on the field 2026 waving to the crowd if you were to pay me is there any way the media can find out where it came from and how much I mean that's a but he had no idea from Brett Favre but you didn't know oh liar again definitely no he's a liar you should be in jail well right now he's not facing charges but other people have so maybe these text messages will be enough for the state to move forward let's hope charge I highly doubt it gross I mean I'll never look at him the same I mean it happens with a lot of athletes I get it but man oh so that's the latest and we'll see what happens with him I'm gonna assume he's not gonna be it in Green Bay on Sunday though when I'm there for alumni weekend again this year maybe I can't I really I wish I could see here and go oh no of course I don't know I really I don't know I don't and I the only thing I will say though is I feel like within a couple of years unless he goes to jail this is all gonna slide away just like everything else that happens in his life it's fraud he should go to jail it's after hours with Amy Lawrence if it's true of course uh allegedly you are listening to the after hours podcast you're listening to after hours with Amy Lawrence we'll make the most of our time together aight pleasure to speak with you I always have a great time huge fan so glad to have a female voice on sports radio I love you I love this show girl makes the rules around here you are absolutely right Amy I listen to you every morning on my way to work and I appreciate as do millions of others that you report like you do love it when chicks call the show boom it's after hours with Amy Lawrence Amy's taking your calls at eight five five two one two four cbs okay those were heavy heavy topics and serious subject matter and I can tell that you all are really engaged and not spouting off because my social media has been really quiet so I know you have opinions just like I do and I don't mind you sharing them it's just those are those are two topics that I kind of wanted to do together and I was waiting for the Adam Silver reaction and the Adam Silver press conference before really addressing that one because once we get into week two of the football season people and that includes me start to focus more on you know what's happening on the field and these are two these are two headlines two topics two people that I think need to have their names and their actions allegedly exposed so I'm glad we had a couple of minutes to be able to do it on this edition of the show because don't I will be a lot more of football with week two kicking off it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS Sports Radio our phone number is eight five five two one two four two two seven that's eight five five two one two four cbs at the top of the hour we're talking about longtime Packers but at the top of the hour Leroy Butler recently inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton uh excited really excited to have him back on the show he's one of our favorites plus had to let him know that I'll be at Lambeau on Sunday night for Bears and Packers and I don't know if I'm confident enough in Green Bay to pick that game for Survivor Island I was playing with the Survivor Island matchups Jay and trying to figure out what it is that we're gonna do because we have a survivor pool that we're doing here at the office but also my own and so we're gonna have to talk about that but let's first welcome David from Dallas welcome to after hours CBS Sports Radio hey Amy as you guys were talking about Brett Farber and the welfare I was like man I had to google because I knew that he had done something else no the million dollars for the speeches that he never gave it's like it never happened yeah well I mean the the speeches didn't actually happen he took the money for appearances right that he right that he didn't actually make now he says he paid the money back but the the total money was somewhere around 77 million dollars I don't think he paid that back uh he he paid money that was specifically appropriated for him to speak because he didn't speak and he thought Favre said you know in paying that money back he thought that that would kind of be the end of it but clearly he's been lying this whole time about what he knew and and about where the money was coming from and what it was for you know and it's amazing because it's like saying if I go rob a bank and I get caught it's okay if I give the money back no it's not that's true good point it really isn't but I think that you know these allegations are I guess these these rumors have been out there since 2020 and he's made to kind of skate around to the side because he said I didn't know that the money was coming from the welfare fund I didn't know where the where the money was coming from and since I didn't do the speaking I gave it back I repaid the money once I realized but the text messages obviously indicate that he knew that he was in cahoots with the former governor and this other woman you know that's already been uh that's already pled guilty of 13 felony counts the text messages tie him the text messages tie him so that he's right in the middle of all of it and was very cognizant of where the money was coming from not to mention the fact that he was always planning to use it for a volleyball stadium not for speaking engagements exactly amy shifting gears for a quick second there's a book that's going to come out in 2023 and I I talked to the author do you have you ever spoken to Roland Lazenby I don't think so I know the name though I tried to connect you guys a while ago he's got a piece his Michael Jordan in life is still on the bestseller list but his next book that he's releasing is magic when when I talked to when we ate breakfast a couple of months ago and we sat there and talked for more than an hour there is so much stuff that's going to be in this book that people will learn about magic Johnson is unreal and I'll I'll get back with your producer and connect you guys again okay you'll probably want to interview him oh well that sounds really interesting you know I love it when we get good authors on the air okay so I'll put you on hold David and you can give your information to producer j producer j is like my secretary I'm just kidding he's no he's totally not I was just joking but thank you David I appreciate talking to you in Dallas so he's on hold I was joking in fact you can't even say secretary anymore I think that's offensive to is an executive assistant now you can't use the term secretary I can't keep up I try so hard to to keep up with the times but I'm I'm not I'll take it as endearing will you kind of okay I mean I called you a banana slug earlier so what would you prefer secretary or banana slug I think banana slug actually I know you like it you sent me emojis of plugs I know leroy butler next here on cbs sports radio
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