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Our Future Is in God's Hands | Trusting His Plan

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
December 12, 2024 3:00 am

Our Future Is in God's Hands | Trusting His Plan

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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December 12, 2024 3:00 am

Do you know someone who always runs late? They’re on their own timetable. One thing is certain. One day they’ll meet God exactly on time. God never taps his watch and says, “What took you so long?” Nor does He say, “You’re here already?” God has definitively numbered our days. And coming up today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how reassuring it can be to know our life is in the Lord’s hands. He’s in control, and we trust His plan.

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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Pastor Greg Laurie recommends a great film about the 40th President of the United States. We have a movie that's going to tell you the story of this man who changed the world. Ronald Reagan was a man who believed in Jesus Christ. You're going to be inspired by it in this brand-new film starring Dennis Quaid. It's called Reagan, and it's our gift to you for your gift of any size.

Available on DVD and digital download at God has a future planned for you. Jesus said this, which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. Worry can't add to our lives, but it can surely subtract from them. Pastor Greg Laurie says, trust God's plan. Stop worrying about how long you're going to live. You know what? All of your tofu and all of your kale is not going to extend your life.

So have a few pieces of bacon and enjoy yourself. Do you know someone who always runs late? They're on their own timetable. One thing is certain, one day they'll meet God exactly on time. God never taps His watch and says, what took you so long?

Nor does He say, you're here already? God has definitively numbered our days. And coming up today on A New Beginning, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how reassuring it can be to know our life is in the Lord's hands.

He's in control and we can trust His plan. Okay, why don't you grab your Bibles and turn to Psalm 31. Psalm 31.

This is our new series that we're doing called the Psalms of David. And the title of my message is Our Future is in God's Hands. Here in Psalm 31 verse 14, David writes, I am trusting you, O Lord, saying you are my God and my times are in Your hands. My times are in Your hands. Or as another translation puts it, my future is in Your hands. And by the way, David did not write these words laying on the beach somewhere or having a nice little glass of iced tea.

No. He wrote this when he was on the run. He was being hunted down by King Saul. Because after David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel and Saul realized who his successor was, he made it his mission in life to destroy this young man. I mean David was going from shepherd boy to the king of Israel. And it was not going to be an easy road. In fact I think David might have thought more than once, you know what, it actually was a lot better when I was just tending the sheep. Back then I knew who my real enemies were.

Lions, bears, ultimately Goliath. But now he is dealing with a different kind of enemy. He is entering into the world of politics and intrigue. He is dealing with this man, King Saul, that wants to destroy him. And this is where he is writing these words. At one point he said of his life, there is but a step between me and death. In other words because of the fact that he was a fugitive and running for his life meant that he did not know if he would make it another day.

But then he says, but my times are in Your hands. Here is a little backdrop to the story now. We see that the Philistines are up to their old tricks. They attacked a little border town of Kelia. And the farmers had just harvested their crops and the Philistines stole their crops. And so these farmers of Kelia went to David. Even though Saul was king they knew Saul would do nothing about it.

He was sort of a lame duck king at this point. But they knew David was a mighty warrior who was fearless. And they said, David would you help us? And David prayed about it. And the Lord said to him, go take these Philistines on. And he went and conquered them in battle. And then writing of that in Psalm 31 21 David said, praise to the Lord.

He has shown me the wonders of his love while I was in a city under siege. But now this attack comes not from the Philistines but from Saul. Now Saul and David were both believers in one sense. Saul seemed to be lapsed in his faith. But Saul at a good beginning when God appointed him to be the first king over Israel we read he was a humble man. We read that the Spirit of God came upon him.

He had tremendous potential but he messed up. And in his own words and in an autobiographical statement he said, I have played the fool and I have erred exceedingly. So because of his pride and his disobedience God rejected him from being the king. You know in life it comes as a surprise sometimes to us as Christians to find that we are opposed not only by the world but sometimes by fellow believers. And it doesn't always make sense. You know some Christian that you know or someone you had a friendship with may turn on you. They may criticize you. And that is what is happening to David.

Because consider this. Not only was David going to ascend to the throne but he married Saul's daughter Michael. So Saul is his father-in-law who is trying to kill him. So he writes down these words in what I have described as David's diary the book of Psalms. Again Psalm 31 look at verse 7. I'll be glad and rejoice in your mercy for you have considered my trouble. You've known my soul in adversity.

Now his army of 300 multiplies to 600 bringing me to my first point. Sometimes the ones you help the most hurt you the worst. Sometimes the ones you help the most hurt you the worst. And sometimes it happens among believers. But here in the process or in the midst of all this David has faced betrayal by his father-in-law and ultimately by his own son Absalom.

Look here's the bottom line. People are going to hurt you in life. And the reality is you are going to hurt people in life as well. Sometimes you'll be hurt by people that you tried to help. And the only way you can deal with this is keep short accounts and forgive them. Even if they don't deserve your forgiveness forgive them anyway.

It'll help you sleep better at night. But forgiveness doesn't mean condoning bad behavior or dismissing it. It doesn't even suggest necessarily reconciliation. It just means you forgive. You say well no shouldn't we be reconciled to people.

Yes if possible. But the Bible says as much as it's possible live at peace with all men. Some people you can't live at peace with them. But you can forgive them. And they don't deserve your forgiveness. But you should forgive them for your own peace of mind. Forgiving someone means you're surrendering the right to get even.

Not giving them what they deserve. And that's another reason that David was a man after God's own heart is he was a forgiver. He had multiple opportunities to kill King Saul. And he would not raise his hand against him even though Saul was attempting to kill him. And even more he extended grace to the grandson of Saul the son of Saul's son Jonathan.

And that boy's name was Mephibosheth. And Jonathan was a bright light in this dark place because Jonathan and David became close friends. And even though Jonathan was really the heir to the throne he understood that God had called David to that role not him. And so David forgave. And I think that's and I think that's so important.

Point number two. God is in control of our lives and he determines how long we'll live. I raised this earlier. Let me elaborate a few more moments.

He is in control of this. Again in Psalm 31 David writes I'm trusting you oh Lord saying my times are in your hands or my future is in your hands. So stop worrying about how long you're going to live.

And some people are doing this today. Oh how long am I going to live. And so you know what all of your tofu and all of your kale is not going to extend your life.

So have a few pieces of bacon and enjoy yourself. Jesus said this. Which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. God has a future planned for you. Of course we all know Jeremiah 29 11. I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord. Thoughts of peace not of evil. To give you a future and a hope.

So never be afraid to commit an unknown future to a known God. Pastor Greg Laurie will have the second half of his message in just a moment. We love to hear from listeners who've been impacted by Harvest Ministries. Pastor Greg thank you for providing support to Harvest Maui.

My husband and I met there and while we no longer live in Maui we still consider it home. After the horrible fires in Maui I appreciate how you set up a donation page for those of us who wish to help. I knew I could trust Harvest to make sure the money got to where it was needed most. Thank you. We appreciate hearing how Harvest Ministries has touched so many lives. And if you have a story to tell contact us and share it. Just call 1-866-871-1144 that's 866-871-1144. Well we're learning lessons from the life of David today as Pastor Greg is basing his message in Psalm 31. Let's continue.

Point number three. Get your eyes off of your problems and put them on God. Get your eyes off of your problems and put them on God.

Look at Psalm 31 verse 23. Oh love the Lord all you his saints for the Lord preserves the faithful and fully repays the proud person be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart all you who hope in the Lord. What is your hope in right now? Is your hope in money? Is your hope in your career? Is your hope even in your family as good as a family can be? Is your hope in a politician?

All of these will fail you in some way shape or form. Put your hope in God. He will never fail you.

Right? Psalm 119 verse 114 says you are my refuge and my shield. Your word is my only source of hope.

His word. And then we read over in Romans 15 4. Such things are written in the scriptures long ago to give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently on the promise of God. We need hope in this life.

And I think that's so very important. I love this statement of Corrie Ten Boom. She said and I quote if you look at the world you'll be distressed.

If you look within you'll be depressed. But if you look at God you'll be at rest. So let's wrap this up the story of David. During this time he wrote in Psalm 27 as well as Psalm 31. Wait on the Lord be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart.

Wait I say on the Lord. See David didn't know the rest of his story. And you don't know the rest of your story either do you? So don't worry about it. Because someone is writing your story and it's not you.

It's God. And you know what? It's a good story. It's a good story. And when you get to the end of it you're going to look back and say Lord thank you that you were in control of my life. Let me close with this. What or who is your hope in today? And my question is will that hope sustain you in your last hour? Only God can do that for you.

Here's the good news. As a Christian I am indestructible until God is done with me. But when God is done with me that's it. I don't decide the length of my life through all of my little health regimens and vitamins supplements and all that.

Maybe I will live a healthier life but ultimately that is in the hands of God you see. So but until the Lord is done I don't have to worry about any threat against my life. Jesus said you will drink of any deadly poison and will not harm you. Venomous snakes will bite you and you will not die.

There are Mark 16. Now some people have misinterpreted this and they think it's a good idea to hand rattlesnakes around in a church service. Clearly this is not what Jesus was advocating. That's not trusting the Lord. That's testing the Lord. And that's playing loco.

Okay. But what he is saying is that if you were bitten by a venomous snake and it wasn't your time to go you would survive it. And in fact this did happen to Paul the Apostle when he was shipwrecked on an island and he was warming himself by the fire and a venomous snake bit him and he just shook it off into the fire. Because it wasn't his time. But yes his time did come and Paul was martyred for the faith ultimately. But God had a plan until that time for his life and then we go into his presence in heaven. So stop worrying about these things and focus on living your life to the fullest for the glory of God. See every day for what it is it's a gift. It's a treasure. Don't waste it. I love what Moses wrote. Lord help me to number my days that I may apply my heart to wisdom.

Here's the thing we should be more focused on. Not how long will I live in this life but rather where will I spend the afterlife. See we talk a lot about this life.

We could call it the before life. It's not really all that long compared to eternity. But eternity has no end whatsoever. And I ask you where will you spend the afterlife. Listen you decide in this life where you will spend the afterlife. And if you put your faith in Jesus Christ you have nothing to be afraid of.

But I ask you in closing have you done that yet. Maybe God brought you here to church today for a reason. Let me restate that. God brought you here to church for a reason.

No maybe. Right. But here's the bottom line. We're sinners. We've broken God's commandments. God sent His Son Jesus to die on that cross. Rise again from the dead. And now He stands at the door of our life and He knocks and He says if we'll hear His voice and open the door He will come in. Christ can come into your heart right now and give you hope in this hopeless world. He can give you the purpose and meaning you've been searching for. And you don't have to sit around and worry about the length of your life because you will know as a Christian that your times are in His hands. Your future is in His hands and God is in control. If you've not asked Christ to come into your life you can do it right now as we close in prayer.

Let's pray. Father thank you for your love for us. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross for us and to rise again from the dead. And now I pray for anyone here if they don't have a relationship with you yet let it begin today.

Now while our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we're praying together. If you want Jesus Christ to come into your life. If you want to know that you will go to heaven when you die. If you want Him to forgive you of your sin and remove your guilt. Or maybe you've fallen away from the Lord and you want to come back to Him again. I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me. Again pray this prayer out loud after me right now. Just pray these words.

Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner but I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. I turn from my sin now and I choose to follow you follow you from this moment forward. In Jesus name I pray.

Amen. Pastor Greg Laurie praying with those who are making a change in their relationship with the Lord today. And if you're coming to the Lord for the first time and asking Him to forgive your sins. If you've meant those words today as you prayed with Pastor Greg we want you to know that your sins have been forgiven and you're now a new child of God.

And we want to help you get started off right. Let us send you Pastor Greg's New Believers Bible. It's a special edition of God's Word that's perfect for those who are new to the faith.

It'll answer many of the questions you may have and help you begin to build a strong foundation for your faith. So ask for the New Believers Bible when you call 1-800-821-3300. That's a 24-7 phone number.

Again 1-800-821-3300. Or write A New Beginning, Box 4000, Riverside, California 92514. Or just go online to and click Know God. You know Pastor Greg we hear from people all the time who tell us how these daily studies have impacted their lives. So many have found the Lord and been encouraged through this teaching. That's right. And we hope our listeners might pray about making an investment so these studies can continue.

Yeah it's really true Dave. You know and even a little bit helps. You know people need to hear the Gospel so badly. They need to hear the teaching of the Word of God. It changes everything because it changes us. And I'm so passionate about it and I'm called to do it and I'm thankful for it.

But I can't do it alone. So I'm going to ask folks that are listening if you think more people need to hear the Gospel. If you believe more people need to hear the teaching of the Word of God then perfectly consider investing in Harvest Ministries and maybe even become a Harvest Partner. Which means you're someone who stands with us every month in your faithful giving and that opens up a lot of new opportunities for us. So thanks for that.

Yeah that's right and we really are thankful for your partnership. You can reach us anytime day or night at 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300. Or write A New Beginning, Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514.

Or just go online to Well next time we take a look at grace and mercy from the Psalms of David. We'll see David's heart toward a man named Mephibosheth. Join us here on A New Beginning with pastor and Bible teacher, Greg Laurie.
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