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Jesus and the Open Heart | Sunday Message

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
December 1, 2024 3:00 am

Jesus and the Open Heart | Sunday Message

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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December 1, 2024 3:00 am

Pastor Greg Laurie dives into how young people sought Jesus in biblical times as we reflect on the children Jesus warmly welcomed, and the story of the rich young ruler—a man searching for something he wasn’t ready to fully embrace.


Focus verse - Luke 18
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
Let all that you do be done in love.” –1 Corinthians 16:13–14
A man is to be watchful.
A man is to be a provider. He takes care of his wife and children.
1 Timothy 5:8
A man is to stand firm.
He is the spiritual leader in the home.
A man is to be strong.
Jesus was the strongest man to ever live and the ultimate definition of masculinity.
The man of God does all that he does in love.
He is faithful to his wife for a lifetime.
Read Luke 18:15–17
Jesus loves little children, and so should we.
We need to bring our children to Jesus.
It is the job of parents to teach their children, to lead them, and to guide them.
Proverbs 22:6
Parents, have a walk with God that is attractive.
Ephesians 6:4
Jesus took the little children into His arms and fervently blessed them.
"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them…”
Luke 18:16
Mark 10:16
We must become like a child.
Luke 18:17
To be childlike means to come with complete honesty to God.
Children come in complete helplessness.
We need to evangelize our children.
To evangelize children:
-Build a bridge
-Keep it simple and understandable
-Make the focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus
-Give them an opportunity to respond
The rich young ruler he was powerful and independent.
The rich young ruler saw something unique and special in Jesus that deeply touched him.
Read Luke 18:18–23
Jesus challenged the rich young ruler’s opening statement.
Luke 18:19
Read Luke 18:22–23
Jesus pointed out the primary sin in this man’s life, his love of earthly things.
The Ethiopian man went on his way rejoicing.
Acts 8:39
The rich young ruler went on his way full of sorrow.
Luke 18:23
Come to Jesus with an open heart.
He will receive and forgive you.


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Pastor Greg Laurie recommends a great film about the 40th President of the United States. We have a movie that's going to tell you the story of this man who changed the world. Ronald Reagan was a man who believed in Jesus Christ.

You're going to be inspired by it in this brand-new film starring Dennis Quaid. It's called Reagan, and it's our gift to you for your gift of any size. Available on DVD and digital download at Hey there, thanks for listening to the Greg Laurie Podcast, a ministry supported by Harvest Partners. I'm Greg Laurie encouraging you.

If you want to find out more about Harvest Ministries and learn more about how to become a Harvest Partner, just go to Yes, good afternoon everybody. Let's pray. Now Father, we come to worship You and to hear from You. And we pray that You will speak to every heart here, everyone watching, listening, wherever they may be.

Because we want to hear Your voice. So we commit this time of Bible study to You now. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Hey you can all be seated. Grab your Bibles and turn to Luke chapter 18. And the title of my message is Jesus and the Open Heart.

It's part of our Jesus and You series. Jesus and the Open Heart. So I became a Christian when I was 17 years old. And most people come to faith in the early years of their life. I read that 64 percent of Christians say they made a personal commitment to Christ before the age of 18.

43 percent came to faith between the ages of 4 and 14. So when did you guys come to the Lord? How many of you came to Christ before you were 18? Raise your hand. That's quite a few of you. Not all of you.

How many of you came to Christ after you were 18? Raise your hand. Okay. Well maybe more of you.

Will you just prove this stat wrong? I don't know. What is wrong with you people? Or what is right with you people?

I'm not sure. I'm glad you came to the Lord whenever it was. How about how many of you came to faith after you were 30? Raise your hand. Okay.

After you were 40? Okay. One, two people. Good.

How many of you have not come to the Lord yet? Raise your hand. Okay.

We're gonna we're gonna deal with that in the message here today. Well I read an interesting article from the New York Times. A former newspaper that said there is a return of young people to church right now.

Especially men. Did you hear about this article? This article says and I quote. The article says and I quote. For the first time in modern American history young men are now more religious than their female peers. That's fascinating.

And good. It's a good thing. Because that has not been the case in the past. The article goes on to say at church young men are encountering calls to responsibility, sacrifice, and leadership. This is in contrast to the messaging of self-indulgence and avoidance of commitment. End quote.

So that's good. So they're not finding what they want and certainly not what they need from the culture. This to me is not all that surprising because for a long time it seems as though the progressive left has waged an all-out war on men. Men are getting tired of caring about so-called toxic masculinity and patriarchy and gender norms are just a social construct and on it goes.

Young men want to be men and they want to be masculine and the best sense of that term. And I think we need to look to the Bible for how we should define it. So here's the question. Did Barney the dinosaur have anything to do with any of this? How many of you watched Barney growing up?

That says a lot about you. I never really liked Barney. I didn't let my boys watch him. He just bothered me. And but now I know why he bothered me because there was an article out about him and the people that created Barney saw him as a new definition of masculinity. I didn't even know he was a dude. Oh he was male.

I wasn't really quite sure. One article said, excuse me, Barney was created as a reaction to perceive hyper masculinity. One expert said Barney could be understood as resisting and pushing back against that offering a different model of sexuality and gender and size all coming together end quote. Now I know why I didn't like Barney. Whatever happened to cartoons like Tom and Jerry where they just chased each other with meat cleavers right?

I mean what is that? Cartoons are supposed to be fun and entertaining not gender bending and such and that's exactly what Barney was doing. And I think that people are tired of this nonsense. And so where do we look? We look to the time tested God-honored inspired words from Scripture to find out what a real man should be. And the Bible is very clear on this subject. Over in 1 Corinthians 16, 13, to 14 Paul writes these words, be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, and let all of that be done in love.

There you have everything together in one package. A man, a masculine man is to be watchful. He's to stand firm. He's to act like a man. He's to be strong.

And yet he is to do all of it in love. So first of all a man should be watchful. A man is a protector in his home. He's usually the last to bed, make sure all the doors are locked, keeps an open ear to anything happening throughout the night. That's his role. But it's not just physical protection.

It's spiritual protection as well. He guards his family against harmful influences on television, social media. He talks to his kids about what's happening at their school, what they're being taught in the classroom. He snoops around in their bedrooms. Oh no that's the private space of the child.

Nonsense. The kids they live under my roof. I'm going to snoop all that I want. Right?

So sorry. It's called parenting. And I'm doing it for their own good.

Because if I find something that's harmful to them I want to warn them about that and help them through it. But a man is not only watchful. He's to be a provider. If you're a husband, if you're a father, you're to take care of your wife and children.

First Timothy 5 8 says, for those who won't provide for their family they've denied the true faith and they're worse than non-believers. Thirdly a man should stand firm. The man, the masculine person, should be the spiritual leader in the home.

That's true masculinity. The spiritual leader. But sadly in many Christian homes a man is passive at best and sometimes detrimental to the spiritual relationship of the wife and children. He's the last one that wants to read the Bible. He's the last one that wants to pray. When in reality he should be the initiator. He should be the leader. He should be the one that takes point on this and says everyone get in the car.

We're going to church. That's what a man does. Also he is to be strong.

Not just physically but spiritually. We've had enough feminized men and beta males and soy boys. It's got to change.

It's got to change. And the words of the great theologian Vito Corleone, be a man. That's a scene from The Godfather. Maybe you've not all seen that film. I probably shouldn't admit I have seen it. But I have.

And I like it. And there is a scene when Vito Corleone at his daughter's wedding says to the singer who is troubled about something and starts to cry. He slaps him and says, be a man. And I think a lot of guys need to hear that message right now. But don't just be a man. Be a godly man. That's what we really need today.

Right? So who is the strongest man who ever lived? It's not a superhero.

They're not real. It's not even a character like Samson though he had incredible superhuman strength. The strongest man who ever lived was Jesus. He was a very definition of masculinity presented to us in the Bible.

Even Pontius Pilate said of Christ after he had been scourged 39 times by the Roman cat of nine tails no doubt, tearing into his flesh, his skeletal tissue, exposing vital organs, Pilate said publicly behold the man. Jesus really was the man. But he was a humble man and he was a meek man. In his only autobiographical statement Jesus said I am meek and lowly of heart.

What does that mean? To be meek means to have power under constraint. There is a difference between being weak and meek. A weak man can't do anything about something. A meek man can. But chooses to restrain himself in certain situations. Jesus could have gotten out of the dilemma he was in as he was headed to the cross with just a word to heaven. But in meekness he laid his life down for each of us.

And then finally we read that the man of God should do everything in love. He should be a loving man. You know you can be a strong man. You can be masculine. You can be firm. You can be a provider.

You can be a protector. But be a man who loves his family. A one woman man. A man who is faithful to his wife for a lifetime.

That is true masculinity right there. The Bible says love your wife as Christ loves the church. And that was a sacrificial love that he laid down for all of us. So I applaud the fact that young men are coming back to church. Now before us here in the Gospel of Luke chapter 18 we have the story of young people coming to Jesus.

There are two movements in this story. The first movement is of young children coming to Christ. And we read the famous statement of Christ when he says let the little children come unto me and don't forbid them for such as the kingdom of heaven. The second movement in our text is of a wealthy young man coming to Jesus one day.

We often call him the rich young ruler. And Jesus looked at him. We read and loved him. But yet this man walked away sad. He is the only person who ever encountered Jesus and walked away sad. Everybody else that came face to face with our Lord and were touched by Him in some way shape or form went away glad, went away happy, went away forgiven, went away healed.

And this guy walks away sad or sorrowful or a better translation deeply distressed. And it is because Jesus said something to him he did not like. And he asked him to do something he did not want to do. He did not have an open heart. The children they had an open heart. This man did not. So let's read about the children here in Luke chapter 18 starting in verse 15.

Read with me if you would. One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so He could touch and bless them. And when the disciples saw this they scolded the parents for bothering Him. Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, let the little children come to Me and don't stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these little children. I tell you the truth anyone who doesn't receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. We will stop there.

Ok so here is point number one if you are taking notes. Jesus loves the little children and so should we. Jesus loves the little children as the song says and so should we.

He always made time for the kids. Last time we looked at the story of Jairus and his 12-year-old daughter who was very sick. In fact she was at death's door. Jairus found the Lord was taking him home to touch his little daughter. But by the time they arrived the daughter had tragically died. And Jesus went over to her and knelt down by the bed and whispered into her ear, little lamb arise.

And life returned to this little girl. And then there is the story of the so-called nobleman whose son was very sick. And Jesus touched him as well.

And there is many other stories of Jesus touching children. He always took time for kids. And it is always important to take time for children. Because they don't stay children very long. They grow so quickly don't they.

Did you know that from birth to age five a child's brain reaches up to 90 percent of its adult size. All of these experiences are happening to them that shape them in their cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual development. So take time with your children. Take time to speak to them.

Take time to listen to them. To pray with them. I read that there are 940 Saturdays between a child's birth and them leaving for college. 940 Saturdays.

Number two. We need to bring our children to Jesus. We need to bring our children to Jesus. Our job as parents is to point our kids to Christ. Listen to this parent. If you don't take a proactive interest in your child's spiritual welfare somebody else will.

Most likely it won't be good. Don't leave it to the public school system to teach your children values. Don't leave it to the media to teach your child what is right and wrong. That is your job as the mother or the father. And specifically you are told in Proverbs 22 6 train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Very important. What does that mean to train up a child in the way that they should go. One way to translate it is create a thirst in them in the way that they should go. So our objective as parents is to create a thirst in our child for God. Hopefully they will see something in us that they will want to emulate.

That they will want to copy. And I will tell you here is one way that you can keep your children from coming to Christ. Be a hypocrite. Be a hypocrite.

Now look we all have moments of hypocrisy. And we all do and say things as parents we wish we had not said or done. And by the way there is nothing wrong with apologizing to your child every now and then. Say you know mom shouldn't have done that. Dad shouldn't have said that.

I am sorry. But having said that you are going to have moments of inconsistency but there is a difference between that and outright hypocrisy. The word hypocrite literally translated means to be an actor. And it is when your child starts seeing that you are putting on a performance. You are two people. You are the person that greets people at church and you are the person that is tyrannical in the home. They see how you talk to total strangers. You show more consideration to a stranger who knocks at your door than to your spouse or to your children. Or they see you screaming, losing your temper, getting drunk, using profanity.

Little eyes are watching and little ears are listening. And they are now deciding if they too want a relationship with God like you have. So don't be that person. The Bible says bring them up in the way of the Lord.

Don't knock them down. Creating them a thirst to know God like you know God. One of the best ways to get somebody hungry or thirsty is eat a meal in front of them.

Well I don't know if that is completely true. Watching some people eat makes me not want to eat ever again. But let's just say you are enjoying a nice meal. Maybe after church you say we are going to go get a bite of lunch.

You want to join us. They say well I already ate but I will come along and just drink a glass of water. So you go to the restaurant and everybody orders their lunch and they are drinking their glass of water. And then the burgers arrive. And then the fries arrive glistening in the sun. And so the person drinking the water says, can I have one fry?

Oh sure. Have as many as you want. And why is it then when you eat somebody else's food it tastes better than when you order it?

Have you noticed that? That one fry, that one bite, which is so good, is so wonderful. And then you want your own.

Right? So that is the idea. Live in such a way that they will look at you and say, I want a relationship with God like they have. That is what it means to train up your children in the way of the Lord. So the parents are bringing their kids to Christ here in verse 15. They brought their little children to Jesus so He would touch and bless them. The Jewish culture at the time was for the father to lay his hand on a child and pronounce a blessing over them.

So that is what they are asking for. They want Jesus to put His hand on their children and bless them. In Mark's gospel talking about the same story it says, Jesus took them into His arms and fervently blessed them. So He was passionate about this. He wanted to do it.

And I think Jesus enjoyed being with kids. Because all of the time He was having these debates with the religious leaders. They are always confronting Him. Trying to trap Him.

Trying to pin Him into a corner. And here come the kids. And they want to just play. And they want to laugh.

And they want and they want to listen. And Jesus is enjoying Himself immensely. So when the disciples start pushing the kids away He says, what are you doing? Let these little children come on to Me. In fact even more you can learn from these little children. And I think the fact that the kids were drawn to Him says a lot about Jesus.

I think kids are a pretty good judge of character. You know we will take our kids down to the mall. It is Christmas time. Get a picture with Santa. And how many pictures are there of kids on the lap of Santa crying. He is scary to them.

You know they don't want to go meet Santa or really the guy in the fake beard and red suit and all that. And so when a child is attracted and is drawn to you that says something. You know where you stand with a child, especially a really small one.

I read a little point. It said that studies have shown that babies as young as one day are drawn to a more attractive face. So if you want to know if you are attractive or not look at a baby. Get close to them. Let them see your face. If they smile you are pretty good looking.

If they turn away, they just turn away you are an unattractive person. You have been judged by a baby. But kids are drawn to someone.

They see something in equality and they are obviously drawn to Jesus. And then Jesus takes the child and uses them as an example. He says, you guys don't stop the children from coming to Me.

In fact learn from the children. Look at verse 17. The kingdom of God belonged to those who are like these little children.

I tell you the truth. Anyone who doesn't receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. Now the conventional thinking is a child should become as an adult to know God. But in fact Jesus says the opposite. An adult should become as a child to know God.

Isn't that interesting? You should become like a child. What does that mean? Back to diapers.

Hopefully not. You should not be childish but you should be childlike. And not childish and immature but rather childlike. What does it mean to be childlike? It means you come in complete honesty to God. You are not putting on an act. You are not living behind a facade.

You are honest to God. I heard a story about a mother who had a big dinner party. She invited too many people over. And it was a lot of work and she finally got all the food on the table.

She was absolutely exhausted. So she said to her six-year-old daughter, honey why don't you offer the prayer to God giving thanks for the meal. Little girl said, mommy what do you want me to pray? The mom said, just pray what you always hear mommy pray. So the little girl prayed, dear God why did I invite all these people over here to dinner?

Maybe a little too honest but true. Children are very honest. You know how a child feels if they are happy they laugh.

If they are sad they cry. If they fall they come running for help usually to mom not dad. But children come with a complete helplessness. Especially when they are really little.

They are absolutely dependent on the parent for everything. And we in the same way come with complete helplessness to God. Totally in need of His forgiveness.

Another thing. We need to evangelize our children. Evangelize them. They are never too young to start reading the Bible to them. I remember when I was speaking with Pastor Chuck Smith once he told me that his mother would read the Bible to him when he was just a tiny little guy. She would be pushing him in the swing. He was around 21 at this time. No not really.

Very little. He said when I was just a little child, a little toddler even, my mother was reading the Scripture to me. My mother was getting me to memorize the Scripture. And he still remembered these Scriptures he had memorized as a child well into his later adult years. It is never too soon to start getting the Word of God into your kids. I remember talking with Dr. James Dobson. And I asked him, Dr. Dobson when did you become a Christian? He said when I was four years old. I said really? Four years old?

Yes. That was when he marked his conversion to when he was four years old. You never know when they will make that commitment. So you need to present the gospel to them and build a bridge to them. And keep it understandable.

When I talk to kids I get down on their level. I communicate with them in a way they will understand. I think this is one of the problems with devotions with our children. We should have a devotion in a Bible reading. Okay that is a good idea. Do that.

But they don't need you know a two-hour message from Leviticus. All right. Keep it short. Keep it simple. Don't be boring. Engage them. Ask them questions so they understand what it is you are saying to them. They are so open.

Especially in those earlier years. And you give them the same gospel that saved you. The story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And give them an opportunity to respond. What a joy it is to pray with your little children. To ask Jesus to come into their hearts.

And so let's shift gears now in our story. We have talked about Jesus and the little children. Now we come to the so-called rich young ruler. Like many young men of today that we talked about earlier he came to Jesus. He was a ruler which meant that you had to be at least 30 years old to be a religious ruler.

But he was young. So in his early 30s he has climbed his ladder. His corporate ladder if you will.

He has been very successful. The Bible says he was very rich. So he is a wealthy young man. He probably had a tricked out BMW chariot. And he came cruising up thinking that Jesus would want this guy and his team immediately. And he approaches the Lord because he knew there was something missing in his life. And I think the thing that probably got him really interested is watching Jesus with the children. He saw that vulnerability. He saw that love. He saw that compassion. And he liked what Jesus said about the children and becoming like a child. And this young man as we will see in a moment thought of himself as a very good person. And relatively speaking he was. He thinks he had kept the commandments since he was a little boy.

It is doubtful. No one really does. But he tried to be a good person. A religious person. And but yet he thought Jesus was even better than him. So he thinks if I can understand who Jesus is I can get to that next level of goodness.

So let's read this story. Luke chapter 18 verse 18. Once a religious leader asks Jesus this question.

Good teacher. What should I do to inherit eternal life? Why do you call me good?

Jesus asked him. Only God is truly good. But to answer your question you know the commandments. You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. Honor your father and mother. The man replied I have obeyed all of these commandments since I was young. When Jesus heard his answer he said there is still one thing you haven't done. Sell all of your possessions. Give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.

We will stop there. And then it says finally when he heard this he became very sad because he was very rich. So let's give credit where credit is due. Here is an important man.

A VIP for sure. And he comes to Jesus and bows before him. Another gospel says he kneeled before Jesus. You would have thought the first thing Christ would have done is said man we need you on the team. And by the way could you underwrite our mission because seriously you have some extra cash here.

We could really use you. I heard a story about a very wealthy man who called a church and the secretary answered yes can I help you. Yeah I want to talk to the head hog at the trough. She said what. I want to talk to the head hog at the trough. She said well sir we don't call our pastor the head hog at the trough. And he said okay fine I wanted to give him $200,000 for your ministry.

A few moments passed. All of a sudden a voice is heard on the other end and the pastor says head hog at the trough here. Yeah let's get this guy on the team.

He has potential. But what Jesus says to him is very surprising. This man says good teacher. Emphasis on the word good.

Good teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life. He thinks Christ is at the next level of goodness. And Jesus says no one is good but God.

Now what was that all about. Well really Jesus was saying I am God because only God is good. No one is good except God. Well who was better than Jesus.

He was the very definition of goodness. So effectively saying young man you are talking to God at this very moment. Oh you want eternal life. Okay well obey the commandments. Don't commit adultery. Don't murder. Don't steal.

Don't lie. Honor your father or mother. And this guy says all of these commandments I have kept from my youth. It would have made sense if the Bible then said and Jesus smacked them across the face.

What you talking about Willis. You have not kept all the commandments since you have been young. You have broken these commandments. No one keeps them because Jesus took them to the next level. He said you have heard that it has been said you shall not commit adultery but I say to you if you have looked on a woman with lust in your heart you have committed adultery.

You have heard that it has been said you shall not murder but I say if you have hatred in your heart toward your brother you have broken that commandment as well. So we have all broken these commandments in one way shape or form. And by the way the commandments were never given to make you righteous.

No one keeps them. The commandments are not given to make us righteous. They are given to show us we are not righteous. The commandments are like God's moral mirror. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't like what I see. Especially if it is a magnifying mirror. Those are frightening.

Right? And so we look at God's moral mirror. We look at those commandments and we realize I fall short. But I will tell you which commandment this rich young ruler was really breaking. It is the last one. You shall not covet.

Oh that was his problem. You shall not covet. Covet means a greedy desire to have more.

It means to pant after something. And so we have heard it said the Bible says money is the root of all evil. The Bible does not say that.

Did you know that? That is not a verse in the Bible. Money is the root of all evil. Here is what the Bible actually says.

Listen. There is a big difference. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil while some have coveted after they have veered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. So it is not just money. Money is neutral. Money isn't good. Money isn't bad. Money is what you make of it. You can use it for God's glory.

For the extension of the kingdom. To help other people. You can do a lot of good with money.

It can be bad as well depending on what you spend it on. It is the love of money while some have coveted after. So we think the person who is affluent loves money.

Maybe they do. But you can have little to no money and still love money. Because all you do is think about it. So it is the love of money while some have coveted after. That was this guy's problem. Money was his God. And Jesus put His finger on that and that is why He said to this man and this man alone, sell everything you have.

Give it away to the poor and follow Me. Why did He say that to him? Because He knew money was his God and He knew that His stuff was keeping him from a relationship with the Lord. Jesus never said this to any other person.

So it is not some proof text for what every person needs to do to become a Christian. It was to this guy alone because Jesus knew that was His issue. To another person He might say break off that relationship that is pulling you down spiritually and follow Me. To even another He might say break free from this lifestyle you are living in and follow Me. But here is the thing He said follow Me. Jesus was offering this guy a spot on the team. I want you on the team. I want you in the band. I want you to be one of My disciples.

Come on follow Me. When Matthew heard those words, and Matthew was also affluent, he was a tax collector for Rome sitting at his tax table. And Jesus said two words to him. He said follow Me. Matthew bolted up from his tax table and never looked back.

He left everything like no problem. This is a privilege. The highest honor privilege to be called by Jesus. And this man couldn't do it.

Why? Because he was very rich and he went away sad. Another way to translate that is he went away in distress. Every other person that came to Christ went away glad, happy, forgiven, healed.

As I said earlier this guy goes away sad. Now contrast him with another wealthy important person who is seeking God. This guy is identified as the Ethiopian eunuch. And his story is found in Acts chapter 8. So he worked for Candace the queen of Ethiopia. He was a member of her cabinet.

He was a VIP. He came to Jerusalem visiting wanting to have a relationship with God. He heard about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Wanted to know more. Instead of finding a vibrant faith he found dead lifeless religion. But he did manage to obtain a scroll of Isaiah. Now back in those days needless to say they didn't print Bibles. So to have a scroll of Scripture was a precious object. Probably because of his status and importance they gave him this hand-lettered scroll written by the scribes from Isaiah. So it so happens he is in his chariot probably with an entourage around him traveling along reading aloud from Isaiah 53 that happens to speak of the suffering of the Savior written hundreds of years before it happened. He is reading out loud standing in his chariot and meanwhile the Lord had directed a guy named Philip one of the followers of Jesus to just go to the desert and wait for further information. When he sees this man from Ethiopia coming reading out loud from Isaiah 53 he knew what to do. He asked him, hey do you understand what you are reading? The guy says, no.

How can I unless someone shows me the way. Philip then explained that this was about Jesus. This Ethiopian man accepted Christ and he was baptized right there. And then we read that he went on his way rejoicing. Two powerful men. Two affluent men came to hear the gospel. One went away sad.

The other went away glad. It is really up to us. Here is the offer of forgiveness. Whatever it costs you it is worth it.

The apostle Paul said, I look at all my accomplishments and all the things I have done and these things are nothing compared to the excellency of knowing God. You ask Greg if I become a Christian will I have to give up anything? The answer to that question is yes you will. You have to give up emptiness for fulfillment. You will have to give up hopelessness for hope. You will have to give up hell for heaven.

It sounds like a pretty good trade-in deal to me. It is worth it. So I determine how this will play out in my life. So in closing let me ask you this. If this was your last opportunity to hear the gospel are you going to be like the rich young ruler and go away sad? Or are you going to be like this other man I mentioned, the Ethiopian and go away glad? It is your choice.

What is holding you back? You know sometimes people say well you know I can't become a Christian because this would happen. You know my boyfriend or girlfriend would not like it or break up with me. Well maybe that is a good thing.

I don't know. If I become a Christian my cat will leave me. That is good.

You know that is good. You want your cat to leave you. Well if I become a Christian it will create tension in my home. If I become a Christian this will happen.

Look maybe all those things will happen. But is it worth it? Whatever you trade in to follow Christ is more than worth it for what He gives you in the place of that thing that you gave up. But it is up to us to decide how we will leave church today.

Glad or sad it is your choice. If you have never asked Jesus to come into your life you can do it right here right now. Let's pray. Father I pray for every person here, every person watching, listening, wherever they may be. If they don't have a relationship with You let this be the moment they believe. Let this be the moment their sin is forgiven and they come into a relationship with You.

Well our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we are praying together. If you have never asked Jesus to come into your life, if you are not sure that you have eternal life that you will go to heaven when you die, if you want Christ to come into your life you could just pray this prayer with me right now wherever you are. Just pray, Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner but I know that You are the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. I turn from my sin now and I choose to follow You from this moment forward in Jesus name I pray. Amen. Amen. God bless you. Hey everybody thanks for listening to this podcast. To learn more about Harvest Ministries follow this show and consider supporting it just go to And to find out how to know God personally go to and click on know God.
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