The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Gospel of John


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Gospel of John
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 26, 2024
You've probably heard people say that they are a follower of Jesus Well what does that really mean How do you know if you are truly following Jesus Chip explains that genuinely following Jesus is the most important decision you'll ever make because it will literally set the course for your entire life Main PointsHearing God rsquo s voice from John Chapter hellip The Context When where and why ndash does this intensified conflict occur The Content Jesus challenges the status quo Jesus rsquo declaration and promise - John Pharisees challenge Jesus rsquo credibility - John - Jesus warns of [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 25, 2024
Chip talks about how to be set free from the bondage of sexual sin Whether it's something that is in your past or the central part of your life right now there is hope for you - to find forgiveness freedom and chart a new path for your future Main PointsA story to ponder - John - A truth to remember - John - God will always greet you with grace and truth Moving from forgiveness to restoration and freedom David experienced the burden of sin - Psalm David experienced the grace of God - Psalm Sexual sin is an [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 24, 2024
We can all look back over our lives and see some things we regret doing or saying We've all made mistakes - some big some not so big And for many of us those mistakes are shaping our life right now and are threatening to shape our future Would you like to know how to break free of your past Join Chip as he shares very specifically how you can be free of shame Main PointsA story to ponder - John - A truth to remember - John - God will always greet you with grace and truth Moving from [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 23, 2024
What if someone could tell you how to be completely satisfied and fulfilled in your life - no matter how much money you make where you live who you're married to or how you look - satisfaction regardless of circumstances Think it can't be done Find out in this message from Chip Ingram Main PointsJesus rsquo promise of satisfaction - John - Solomon rsquo s counsel for satisfaction - Proverbs - How to unearth spiritual wisdom from God rsquo s Word - John Important Tools Context - What informs this passage Content - What is the basic flow outline Climax [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 22, 2024
Wouldn't it be great if somehow you could just flip a switch and be instantly and completely satisfied Satisfied with your life your relationships your job your living circumstances - just completely forever satisfied So what keeps us from achieving that In this message Chip explores what Jesus had to say about finding fulfillment Main PointsJesus rsquo promise of satisfaction - John - Solomon rsquo s counsel for satisfaction - Proverbs - How to unearth spiritual wisdom from God rsquo s Word - John Important Tools Context - What informs this passage Content - What is the basic flow outline [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 19, 2024
If you could call a do-over in your life what would it be A business decision that went sideways A poor choice during a time in college Maybe an addiction that you just can't kick If you long for a do-over join Chip as he shares that there's hope no matter what you're going through Main PointsMiracle Jesus feeds the - John - Miracle Jesus walks on water - John - Jesus exposes the error of quot Spiritual Consumerism quot - John - The People ask for quot proof quot of Jesus claims - John - The people reject Jesus [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
July 18, 2024
If God could do a grade-A supernatural miracle in your life right now the kind that can't be explained away by skeptics or scientific reasoning if God could do that for you - what would it be A relationship A health issue Finances Have you got it Chip begins this first message by exploring what the Bible has to say about Jesus miracles and you Main PointsMiracle Jesus feeds the - John - Miracle Jesus walks on water - John - Jesus exposes the error of quot Spiritual Consumerism quot - John - The People ask for quot proof quot [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
July 06, 2024
In this classic crusade message Pastor Greg Laurie offers hope from the Gospel of John How can we have hope when we're faced with disappointment and tragedy We only find hope in a relationship with Jesus In John Jesus said to His disciples Let not your heart be troubled Pastor Greg reminds us that these words remain true for us today In Christ we have the comfort and assurance that we will spend eternity in Heaven He says Only the person who has put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord has the assurance they will go to Heaven [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 02, 2024
I greeted our youth group as my husband and I handed out Bibles ldquo God will use these priceless gifts to change your life rdquo I said That night a few students committed to reading the gospel of John together We continued inviting the group to read Scripture at home while we taught them during our weekly meetings More than a decade later I saw one of our students ldquo I still use the Bible you gave me rdquo she said I saw the evidence in her faith-filled life God empowers His people to go beyond reading reciting and remembering [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 11, 2024
The Danger Of CovetousnessCovetousness is what happens when you see someone else's possessions and want them for yourself It's part envy and part greed and completely sinful But what's so dangerous about that kind of desire Well like any sin its first effect is to draw you away from a right relationship with God Envy can also destroy your relationships with other people When you're zeroing in on getting and keeping what you want you're putting your fleshly desires in God's place Selfishness obliterates your ability to love God and other people One problem with a materialistic mindset is that [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 31, 2024
Mary Magdalene was devastated to discover Jesus' body was missing from the tomb But her grief vanished when the risen Lord called her name Preaching from the gospel of John R C Sproul calls us to share in the joy and proclamation of Christ's resurrection Get Two Books by R C Sproul for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org donate Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 29, 2024
For most people believing Jesus rose from the dead takes a little more convincing than just a simple 'Sunday school' answer So what can we do In the remainder of this Easter-themed program Chip will provide us with the undeniable proof we need as he wraps up his talk Why I Believe in the Resurrection Hear the compelling evidence that confirms Jesus is our Savior and God incarnate Main Points Points discussedDid Jesus really exist What was Jesus really like The works of Jesus went unchallenged Who did Jesus actually claim to be Did Jesus Really die His burial was [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 28, 2024
Do you really believe that Jesus died and then rose from the dead three days later If you do what proof do you have In this Easter-themed program Chip will direct us to solid evidence to support that claim in his talk Why I Believe in the Resurrection Don't miss seven foundational reasons that prove Jesus rose from the dead why it matters to us now and how we can use these facts to defend our faith Main Points Points discussedDid Jesus really exist What was Jesus really like The works of Jesus went unchallenged Who did Jesus actually claim [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 27, 2024
Why do Christians believe so strongly in Jesus' resurrection Isn't it enough to say He was a moral example or a good teacher In this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram will explain the significance of Jesus rising from the dead as he wraps up our series Jesus Is Discover the rock-solid evidence that points to the resurrection - not just as a historical event but also as the most incredible person to have ever lived Main PointsJohn - nbsp ldquo I am the resurrection and the life The one who believes in me will live even though they die and [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 26, 2024
Have you ever had quiet time with God in the morning but when your head hit the pillow that night you realized you hadn't stopped to think about Him since In this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram will unpack a vital principle for us to commit to so we can avoid that happening again Join us as we discover what it means to abide in Jesus The True Vine from John chapter Main PointsThree reminders from John Jesus is the true vine - John aGod is the Father Gardener - John bYour part is to abide - John aBroadcast ResourceDownload [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 25, 2024
We are living in a society where anxiety depression and suicide are on the rise dramatically The reason is that more and more people are hopelessly wandering through life looking for meaning purpose and belonging In this program Chip will give us a much-needed shot of encouragement as he continues our series Jesus Is Discover through John chapter why Jesus is our unshakeable source of hope Main PointsContext - When where and why did Jesus make the claim of quot I am the way quot When - The last supper - John - Where - The private upper room - [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 24, 2024
Not only did the burial of Jesus mark the end of His humiliation--it also represented the beginning of His exaltation Preaching from the gospel of John today R C Sproul explores the remarkable redemptive significance of the burial of Christ Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 22, 2024
It has been said that the wonderful thing about knowing God is that there's always more to know In this program Chip continues our series Jesus Is identifying another name Christ used to describe His character and authority Learn what Jesus meant when He called Himself the way and how this name impacts our faith journeys today Main PointsContext - When where and why did Jesus make the claim of quot I am the way quot When - The last supper - John - Where - The private upper room - John - Why - Because the disciples are distraught [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 21, 2024
We all know the verse The Lord is my shepherd from Psalm And those words probably conjure up an image of a mild-mannered Jesus gently holding a little lamb But is that it Are those ideas accurate to who Jesus really is In this program Chip will clarify this name for us as he picks up his study in the Gospel of John Discover the ways Jesus cares for protects and guides us as our Good Shepherd Main PointsEvery sheep needs a shepherdJesus is the good Shepherd - John - The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 20, 2024
A good coach or mentor is someone who gives helpful advice good direction and sound correction when necessary Maybe you've had a person like that in your life In this program Chip Ingram explains that in the Bible that person would be called a shepherd So as we continue our series Jesus Is we'll learn how Christ is our Good Shepherd as Chip describes what that means from John chapter Main PointsEvery sheep needs a shepherdJesus is the good Shepherd - John - The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep - John - The good Shepherd reveals [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 19, 2024
What comes to your mind when you hear the word gate Maybe a door to a fenced-in yard Or perhaps it's grander like an entrance to a castle Well in this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram examines how Jesus used that word to describe Himself in John chapter Don't miss the way Christ acts as our protector and thee door to experiencing a deeper connection to God the Father Main PointsFour characters from John The Thief - doesn t come to bring freedom but destruction - John aThe Shepherd - purpose is for the flourishing of His flock - John [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 18, 2024
With all the hatred animosity and violence going on all around the world it's safe to say we live in a dark time But in this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram has a much-needed message of encouragement for us as he continues our series Jesus Is As he teaches from John chapter Ryan will reveal how Christ is a powerful light of hope love and peace to this lost world Main PointsThe lightJesus is not one among many lights of the world Jesus is thee light His way is exclusive and inclusive What does light do Light reveals - Illuminates [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 17, 2024
Having fulfilled His work of atonement the crucified Lord Jesus delivered His dying declaration It is finished Preaching from the gospel of John today R C Sproul turns our attention to the cross and to these words announcing the triumph of our salvation Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 15, 2024
Have you ever looked in your fridge or pantry and said I'm hungry but don't know what I want In this program guest teacher Ryan Ingram reveals how that feeling can be true for us spiritually too As he continues our series Jesus Is Ryan will talk about Jesus as 'The Bread of Life' and why He's the only fulfilling answer to the emptiness of our souls Main PointsSignificance of Jesus declaration of quot I AM quot Jesus is the explanation and revelation of God to the world The breadOnly Jesus can finally and fully satisfy the hunger of the [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
March 14, 2024
Two of the most important questions you may ever ask are Who is Jesus And why does He matter to me In this program Chip Ingram launches a series he's co-teaching with his son Ryan Jesus Is They'll walk through passages in the book of John where Jesus described Himself and explain what they reveal to us about Jesus' character deity and authority Main PointsSignificance of Jesus declaration of quot I AM quot Jesus is the explanation and revelation of God to the world The breadOnly Jesus can finally and fully satisfy the hunger of the heart You cannot solve [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 10, 2024
The King of glory was crowned with thorns The sinless Son of God was condemned to die while a murderer went free From his sermon series in the gospel of John today R C Sproul considers the irony and injustice of Jesus' trial before Pontius Pilate--all according to the plan of God Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
March 03, 2024
After interrogating Jesus for some time Pontius Pilate declared to Christ's accusers I find no fault in Him From his expositional series in the gospel of John today R C Sproul examines the truth of these words that Pilate unwittingly uttered about the spotless Lamb of God Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
February 25, 2024
Peter claimed to be Jesus' most devoted disciple How could he deny his Lord three times Preaching from the gospel of John today R C Sproul considers what this somber moment can teach us about our own hearts and the source of our hope when we fail Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
February 18, 2024
Jesus could have called on the angels to deliver Him from betrayal and arrest Instead He submitted Himself to suffering for our sake In today's sermon from the gospel of John R C Sproul teaches on the necessity of Christ's active and passive obedience for our salvation Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
November 26, 2023
Jesus surprised Nicodemus when He declared that no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they have been born again Many people today are just as surprised as Nicodemus What is this rebirth From his sermon series in the gospel of John today R C Sproul addresses the doctrine of regeneration Get R C Sproul's Commentary on the book of John for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org john-commentary Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts [... more]
Union Grove Baptist Church
Pastor Josh Evans
November 20, 2023
Pastor Josh kicks off a brand new series entitled Altered The word Altered means to change in composition or character When you encounter Jesus your life is altered In this series Pastor Josh looks at different encounters that people had with Jesus through the Gospel of John [... more]
Union Grove Baptist Church
Pastor Josh Evans
November 20, 2023
Pastor Josh kicks off a brand new series entitled Altered The word Altered means to change in composition or character When you encounter Jesus your life is altered In this series Pastor Josh looks at different encounters that people had with Jesus through the Gospel of John [... more]
Union Grove Baptist Church
Pastor Josh Evans
November 20, 2023
Pastor Josh kicks off a brand new series entitled Altered The word Altered means to change in composition or character When you encounter Jesus your life is altered In this series Pastor Josh looks at different encounters that people had with Jesus through the Gospel of John [... more]
Union Grove Baptist Church
Pastor Josh Evans
November 20, 2023
Pastor Josh kicks off a brand new series entitled Altered The word Altered means to change in composition or character When you encounter Jesus your life is altered In this series Pastor Josh looks at different encounters that people had with Jesus through the Gospel of John [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
July 19, 2023
It frankly would be hard to list all the things Jesus has done for us The top of the list would be that He loved us enough to die for us So here's the question If we love Jesus what are we willing to do for Him If He died for us are we willing to live for Him Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the Gospel of John for an important look at a well-known miracle As we examine this account we learn a lot about how Jesus wants us to live for Him [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 09, 2023
Nothing could pull Aakash out of his dark depression Severely injured in a truck accident he was taken to a missionary hospital in Southwest Asia Eight operations repaired his broken bones but he couldn rsquo t eat Depression set in His family depended on him to provide which he couldn t do so his world grew darker One day a visitor read to Aakash from the gospel of John in his language and prayed for him Touched by the hope of God rsquo s free gift of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus he placed his faith in Him His depression [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
May 19, 2023
Because Jesus is the Good Shepherd not one of the sheep will perish for whom He died Today Steven Lawson shows how the love of God is displayed in Christ's atoning work Receive Steven Lawson's DVD Series 'Foundations of Grace New Testament' along with the Digital Study Guide for Your Donation of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations-of-grace-new-testament Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
March 12, 2023
In this Sunday message from Pastor Greg Laurie's son Pastor Jonathan Laurie explores the Gospel of John Notes All miracles were designed by God to point to the greatest miracle Rise take up your bed and walk John Take your place at once among healthy men recognize the responsibilities of life Find an outlet for the new strength in you Be no longer a burden a charge to others but begin yourself to bear the burdens of others and be a source of strength to others Marcus Dods Scripture Referenced John NKJV Corinthians NKJV Philippians NKJV John NLT --- JESUS [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
November 09, 2022
In the Etch a Sketch was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame With it you can draw picture after picture as complicated as you want If you mess up turn it upside down give it a shake and start over Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie says no matter how your life is messed up God offers you the chance to turn your life right side up and start over Shaking is optional A case in point today from the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Luke Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and [... more]
So What?
Lon Solomon
October 25, 2022
Support the show [... more]
Kerwin Baptist
Kerwin Baptist Church
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
October 24, 2022
Pastor Mike Karns continues his expositional series in the book of Revelation [... more]
Growing in Grace
Doug Agnew
October 23, 2022
Join us as we worship our Triune God- For more information about Grace Church please visit www graceharrisburg org [... more]
Connect with Skip Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
October 23, 2022
You know the feeling of swallowing ice-cold water on a hot day or after a savory meal it's refreshing That cool invigorating sip revitalizes you from the inside out and makes you say Ahh Well that experience is not limited to the physical realm but is even more satisfying in the spiritual realm when dealing with Living Water Jesus came to give thirst-quenching spiritual life to every parched soul on the planet When was the last time you drank deeply [... more]
Breaking Barriers
Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church
October 22, 2022
Is God your deepest desire On the surface it seems like an easy answer for a Christian but does our life actually reflect that reality [... more]
Cross Reference Radio
Pastor Rick Gaston
October 20, 2022
Pastor Rick has a topical message [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
October 20, 2022
Where does your electricity come from in your home The electric company right You're connected directly Your neighbor is connected directly You're not running an extension cord over to the neighbor's to power up your lights at least I hope not Well we each need a direct spiritual connection to our Heavenly Father And today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that sheds light on Paul's injunction to work out our own salvation Glad you're along today for Pastor Greg's Worldview Series Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest [... more]
Cross Reference Radio
Pastor Rick Gaston
October 19, 2022
Pastor Rick has a topical message [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
October 17, 2022
Grace seems too good to be true doesn't it It's free it's eternal it's divinely given Yet these qualities which make it so desirable to some also make it so contemptible to others That's because man by nature doesn't like being told he is powerless to save himself When he arrives at the pearly gates he would rather pat himself on the back and say Look at what I have done than fall humbly to his knees before God and say Look what You have done [... more]
Connect with Skip Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
October 16, 2022
You know the feeling of swallowing ice-cold water on a hot day or after a savory meal it's refreshing That cool invigorating sip revitalizes you from the inside out and makes you say Ahh Well that experience is not limited to the physical realm but is even more satisfying in the spiritual realm when dealing with Living Water Jesus came to give thirst-quenching spiritual life to every parched soul on the planet When was the last time you drank deeply [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 15, 2022
English preacher F B Meyer ndash used the example of an egg to illustrate what he called ldquo the deep philosophy of the indwelling Christ rdquo He noted how the fertilized yolk is a little ldquo life germ rdquo that grows more and more each day until the chick is formed in the shell So too will Jesus come to live with us through His Holy Spirit changing us ldquo from now on Christ is going to grow and increase and absorb into Himself everything else and be formed in you rdquo Meyer apologized for stating the truths of Jesus [... more]
Matt Slick's Top 6
Matt Slick
October 13, 2022
Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology Matt has answers on Biblical Theology The sound bites are from Super Simple Songs The Muppets Take Manhattan Boyz Men's End Of The Road and The Beverly Hillbillies The questions come from people all over the world We've compiled the six most memorable of the week Number to [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
October 13, 2022
Click the icon below to listen [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
October 12, 2022
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode Does Jesus Contradict Himself in Luke - and Matthew How Can I Have Fellowship When Autism Makes it Difficult to Socialize Does God Prevent Unbelievers From Understanding the Truth of the Gospel If a Christian Commits Suicide Are They Still Saved How Do We Receive the Holy Spirit Today's Offer Indispensable by David Cassidy Request our latest special offers here or call - -THE-CORE - - to request them by phone Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
October 12, 2022
Song of Songs Thou art beautiful O my love as Tirzah comely as Jerusalem terrible as an army with banners Yes we are to shepherd those we Love as Tirzah Jerusalem and as an Army - listen to find out how [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
October 12, 2022
TheTruthPulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related StoriesContrasting Doubt and Faith Parable of the SowerContrasting Doubt and Faith [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
October 11, 2022
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Topics include--- - Can you explain the Greek word in Romans - meaning in English -things to come---- - Matt reads hate mail -- - What does it mean to strive to enter through the narrow gate--- - Matt reads more hate mail -- - How do I know if my salvation is secure- How do I know that I'm one of the elect--- - Is there a rapture before the tribulation [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
October 11, 2022
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Topics include--- - What does it mean to have the mind of Christ--- - To whom should I pray--- - Is Jesus God in flesh or just anointed by God--- - A caller wanted help understanding some basic biblical Greek in regards to Corinthians - -- - How do I reconcile election with Jesus dying for all--- - If Jesus is God how does John - fit that claim--- - How do I deal with Jehovah's Witness claims about the [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
October 11, 2022
Before God fully captured his heart Joe Dallas identified as a homosexual and tried to integrate his sexuality with his Christian beliefs actively promoting a pro-gay theology In this broadcast Dallas addresses major controversies in today's increasingly hostile cancel culture helping believers to cultivate respectful discussions and share Christ's love and truth with others who don't share our faith Part of Receive the book Christians in a Cancel Culture and the audio download of the broadcast Sharing Christ in a Cancel Culture for your donation of any amount Plus receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today Your [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 10, 2022
God calls us to dwell in Christ to abide in Him because that is the place in which we will prosper and grow In Christ we are redeemed beloved and free [... more]
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