The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : God made


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: God made
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
November 25, 2024
You ve probably heard that God created you as a one-of-a-kind treasure and He s got a great plan for you life But you may not know how to tap into it In fact you may not understand how important you really are Chip explains how you can begin to experience God when you feel like a nobody going nowhere Main Points Five things to remember When you feel like a nobody going nowhere Psalm God knows you vs - You are understood by God God is pursuing you vs - You are chosen wanted by God God made you [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
November 22, 2024
Do you feel lonely depressed or maybe just numb Kinda bland like you re a nobody going nowhere And down deep you don t think anyone cares about you If so join Chip as he shares how you can experience God when you feel like a nobody going nowhere Main Points Five things to remember When you feel like a nobody going nowhere Psalm God knows you vs - You are understood by God God is pursuing you vs - You are chosen wanted by God God made you vs - a You are awesome precious in God's sight God [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
October 22, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Passage Psalm - The wisest thing we could do in the eyes of God is to remain faithful in evangelism Psalm - reveals the soul winner s promise Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy He who continually goes forth weeping bearing seed for sowing shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him The soul is of great worth Jesus died upon the cross paying the price with His blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls Our souls are also valuable because of their durability When God made [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
October 13, 2024
Bible prophecy expert Joel Rosenberg joins Pastor Greg Laurie As they discuss the Israel-Iran conflict discover why Bible prophecy matters and learn about Israel s significance Plus see why it should matter to you in the first place Notes Focus verse Romans The Bible talks about the return of Jesus Understanding Bible prophecy brings hope in a hopeless world Titus Understanding Bible prophecy unravels the mystery of history The Bible tells us Satan will be judged Studying Bible prophecy brings sense to our suffering He will wipe every tear from their eyes and there will be no more deathor sorrow [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
October 01, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Reference Mark Our souls are of infinite worth When God made the human soul He made it in His own image therefore our souls are endless timeless dateless and measureless The soul is the most valuable part of each of us and so often the first thing we sacrifice for the things of this world Mark - says For whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel s will save it For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
September 30, 2024
Have you ever worried that the promises of God won t come true Today R C Sproul introduces us to a man named Abraham and to the covenant God made with him showing that the Lord always keeps His promises and is never late in fulfilling them This week we re celebrating years of Renewing Your Mind With your donation of any amount you can receive R C Sproul s book Everyone s a Theologian plus lifetime digital access to complete teaching series and digital study guides from Dr Sproul Chosen by God Dust to Glory The Holiness of God [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
September 23, 2024
God made man and woman to have dominion victory and mastery it is the very reason we were created In this message Adrian Rogers shares how Christ has given us kingdom authority on Earth so we may come together as a conquering church [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
September 16, 2024
During a visit with my father to his beloved Ecuador a few years ago we visited the family farm where he grew up I noticed a group of strange trees My dad explained that when he was feeling mischievous as a boy he would take a discarded branch from one fruit tree make slits in a different kind of fruit tree and tie the loose branch to the trunk like he saw the grownups do His pranks went unnoticed until those trees started bearing different fruit than expected As my dad described the process of engrafting I got a picture [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
September 16, 2024
There are natural differences which complement each other in a marriage relationship God made Adam from inorganic dust while Eve was fashioned from the organic material of Adam s rib In this message Pastor Lutzer celebrates the whole purpose of marriage as God designed it What if the differences built into us are intended for good This month s special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at https rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
The Masculine Journey
Sam Main
September 07, 2024
Welcome fellow adventurers This week the guys share stories and experiences of when God made an impact in their lives The clips are from Rescue You by Lauren Daigle Who I Am by Jason Gray and The World's Fastest Indian Be sure to check out our other podcasts Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content [... more]
The Masculine Journey
Sam Main
September 05, 2024
Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast On this podcast you can expect to laugh and smile with Godly men who love the Lord and want nothing more than to honor and glorify God So sit back relax and enjoy the Joy Ride This week the guys share stories and experiences of when God made an impact in their lives Be sure to check out our other podcasts Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours for more great content [... more]
Alex McFarland Show
Alex McFarland
August 27, 2024
Why does the Bible refer to God in masculine terms Why is transgenderism so prominent in the world today On this week s episode Alex unpacks the definition of masculinity and the role of men and women as set forth in the Bible God made male and female and God s word is very specific about gender roles As Christians we need to be well-versed in what the Bible says on this topic so we can speak with informed intelligence Scriptures Corinthians Genesis - Corinthians Phillippians John Isaiah amp - Peter - Alex McFarland WebsiteAsk Alex OnlineVoting with a Biblical [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 06, 2024
I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Wonderful are your works my soul knows it very well - Psalm God made each of us in His image yet unique in our own way We have different abilities to serve the Kingdom and different needs For example our healthcare needs differ We ll talk with Lauren Gajdek today about a great way to help you pay your individual healthcare costs Lauren Gajdek is the Vice President of Communications and Media at Christian Healthcare Ministries an underwriter of Faith Finance Christian Healthcare Ministries for Every ChristianChristian Health Care Ministries [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
July 08, 2024
Join us as we journey back to Acts where the Apostle Paul stands amidst the centuries-old idolatry of Athens In this episode we draw a fascinating parallel between the discovery of the Rosetta Stone which unlocked the secrets of ancient Egypt and Paul's bold declaration of Jesus Christ as the key to understanding the mysteries of the universe Just as the Rosetta Stone enabled us to read and comprehend the forgotten language of the Egyptians Paul reveals Jesus as the Rosetta Stone for the Athenians and for us today translating the ultimate truths of creation existence and the divine Explore [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 26, 2024
When the Church is the Church She is beautiful What glory God receives when a messy group of people from different backgrounds come together under the cross in love and unity In Corinthians - Paul joyfully commends the church of Corinth for being what God made it to be [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 25, 2024
When the Church is the Church She is beautiful What glory God receives when a messy group of people from different backgrounds come together under the cross in love and unity In Corinthians - Paul joyfully commends the church of Corinth for being what God made it to be [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
June 24, 2024
When the Church is the Church She is beautiful What glory God receives when a messy group of people from different backgrounds come together under the cross in love and unity In Corinthians - Paul joyfully commends the church of Corinth for being what God made it to be [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
June 21, 2024
Nothing has caused more animosity between the Church and the culture than issues surrounding sexual freedom gay rights and transgenderism In this program our guest teacher Aaron Pierce winds down his series Not Beyond Reach Learn how we can engage people on these sensitive subjects with unconditional love without compromising the truth Main PointsPoliticsFear and the political savior Followers of Jesus should be hope-driven not fear-driven - Peter Philippians Don rsquo t make secondary things primary We live in an activist culture SexualityRecognize that beneath the mask of intense moral conviction there rsquo s deep confusion and brokenness We need [... more]
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
June 20, 2024
Is it possible to discuss hot-button issues like politics social justice or Black Lives Matter with those we love without starting an argument In this program our guest teacher Aaron Pierce says Absolutely As he picks up in his series Not Beyond Reach Aaron describes how to get past divisive topics and clear the way for the Gospel to pierce people s hearts Main PointsPoliticsFear and the political savior Followers of Jesus should be hope-driven not fear-driven - Peter Philippians Don rsquo t make secondary things primary We live in an activist culture SexualityRecognize that beneath the mask of intense [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
May 30, 2024
What's the best parenting approach How do parents find the right balance between too much discipline or none at all Learn how to lovingly discipline children without breaking their spirits That's the focus on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'Parental Priorities' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount If you listened to Truth For Life on Google Podcast you can now listen to the daily program on YouTube [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 27, 2024
Do you think of yourself as a generous person Most of us would like to think we are but do we know why we re generous Jesus told us that it s better to give than to receive and Christians are very generous people Today we ll hear from Chris Gabriel about why this is the case and how we can be even more generous Chris Gabriel is the author of WISEgenerosity A Guide To Purposeful and Productive Living and Giving Chris recently spoke to financial professionals at the Kingdom Advisors Redeeming Money Conference in Orlando However his keen insights [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
May 21, 2024
Dr Justin and Lindsey Holcomb help you answer that question in a kid-friendly way While the world wants to teach your kids about sexuality God has shown us in nature and in His Word how to describe this to our curious kids in a way that honors and glorifies Him You'll be encouraged and empowered as a parent Get the book God Made Babies and an audio download of Where Do Babies Come From for your donation of any amount Get More Episode Resources We'd love to hear from you Visit our Homepage to leave us a voicemail [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
May 15, 2024
In the Lord's Prayer we read Lead us not into temptation Yeah we certainly don't want to go down that path But haven't you found that sometimes temptation comes up the path and finds us Temptation is pervasive It's ubiquitous Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us dissect temptation We'll trace its roots all the way back to the Garden of Eden And Pastor Greg offers some biblical insights on how to stop Satan's attacks right in their tracks Harvest Crusade --- Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
May 10, 2024
God's plan for creation and His plan for mankind included His plan for man's redemption Even before the heavens and the earth were created He knew man's freewill would lead him astray and He had a solution before we even tasted of the forbidden fruit Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie digs into God's plan as revealed in Genesis To understand something best we need to take it from the top chapter verse of book in God's Word Harvest Crusade --- Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest org A New [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
May 08, 2024
Many people these days tend to see religion as a personal choice It's not so much about truth as it is about finding a faith that works for you But in our brand new series called Something Better Pastor J D explains why that attitude doesn't really work [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
May 02, 2024
Genesis means the origin or the beginning And in the Bible's very first book the book of Genesis we find plenty of beginnings Dr Robert Jeffress shows us how the book of Genesis holds the origins of Bible prophecy Find out how it all began with God's promise for Abraham's family To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
April 26, 2024
The power of the gospel is evident in the transformed lives of those who surrender themselves to Jesus Ephesians says that even when we were dead in our trespasses God made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved That is a dramatic change In today's message Pastor Rich talks about the glory of God manifested through changed lives Our text comes from Corinthians - [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
April 25, 2024
In today's message Pastor Rich talks about the glory of God manifested through transformed lives [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 29, 2024
It's appropriate during this Easter season to reflect on the big picture of our Christian faith Sometimes we just have our noses to the grindstone so to speak and we can lose sight of why we're here and how much God has done for us You know whether you're in a season of prosperity or facing hardships you have to remember that God is still on the throne and that your circumstances haven't caught Him by surprise His plan for the redemption of humankind is still on track The Significance of Jesus' SacrificeOf course on Easter Sunday Christians everywhere will [... more]
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
March 17, 2024
See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
March 14, 2024
Dr Stanley discusses the source and nature of guilt how to handle it and what God's Word says about it [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 09, 2024
My three-year old son Xavier squeezed my hand as we entered the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California Pointing to a life-size sculpture of a humpback whale suspended from the ceiling he said ldquo Enormous rdquo His wide-eyed joy continued as we explored each exhibit We laughed as the otters splish-splashed during feeding time We stood in silence in front of a large glass aquarium window mesmerized by the golden-brown jellyfish dancing in the electric blue water ldquo God made every creature in the ocean rdquo I said ldquo just like He made you and me rdquo Xavier whispered ldquo Wow [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
February 27, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Passage Peter - Communication is the way to joy happiness and victory without it we are headed for ruin Communication in marriage is the highest level of intimacy If we cannot be completely honest with each other we will drift apart Adrian Rogers says Fire is a wonderful servant but a poor master words can warm a heart or burn down a home Peter - says He who would love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit Let him turn away from evil and do good [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
February 26, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Passage Peter - Communication is the way to joy happiness and victory without it we are headed for ruin Communication in marriage is the highest level of intimacy If we cannot be completely honest with each other we will drift apart Adrian Rogers says Fire is a wonderful servant but a poor master words can warm a heart or burn down a home Peter - says He who would love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit Let him turn away from evil and do good [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
February 26, 2024
Moral collapse and the prevalence of sexual sin may seem like signs of the times but the apostle Paul actually addressed these same concerns with the early church Listen to Truth For Life as Alistair Begg walks us through Paul's teaching on immorality ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'God's Power for Salvation' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read our most recent articles - [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
February 07, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Passage Genesis - Adrian Rogers says The real test of your faith is not how you act at church but how you behave at home God gave us marriage and the home to meet the deepest emotional physical psychological and spiritual needs of mankind Marriage is the first institution that God created and it was established in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve In order for us to put meaning into marriage we must understand its purpose partnership and permanence Marriage is the closest bond to exist between two human beings In the Garden Adam [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
January 31, 2024
Is it wrong to complain about trials How can we honor God while being honest about hardship Listen to Truth For Life as Alistair Begg explores one woman's response to overwhelming tragedy and considers God's providential provision through suffering ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'Dangers Toils and Snares' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read our most recent articles - Subscribe to our daily [... more]
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
January 30, 2024
Isn't it an amazing thought that God can't lose you No matter where you are in the world -- whether lost in a crowd of tourists or alone on some secluded mountain -- God is already there Stephen takes us further in his study of Psalm to show us why that is cause for rejoicing Access all of the resources and lessons in this series https www wisdomonline org the-song-volume- [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
January 27, 2024
Some people profess to be too smart to believe in God Perhaps that describes someone you know Well the Bible has a clear warning and a message of hope just for atheists and agnostics Join Alistair Begg as he examines that message on Truth For Life ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'Why Bother with the Bible ' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
January 25, 2024
Many of us pray without taking much risk In the middle of a waning battle Joshua asked in faith for God to make the sun stand still In this message from Joshua Pastor Lutzer paints the context of Joshua's prayer relating it to our daily lives Is it possible for a Christian to live without fear and by God's promises This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
January 23, 2024
Back in October the nation of Israel was egregiously attacked Since then tensions and violence have only increased and Christians around the world are anxiously pondering the implications of this volatile situation Dr Robert Jeffress considers the connection between what's happening in Israel and the end times To support Pathway to Victory go to ptv org donate [... more]
The Daily Platform
Bob Jones University
January 22, 2024
Dr Alan Benson begins a series about the doctrine of man called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made The scripture passage is from Psalm The post How Majestic Is Your Name appeared first on THE DAILY PLATFORM [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
January 21, 2024
In Genesis we get a close look at the events that occurred in the Garden of Eden We get to focus on the relationship between God and man Pastor Greg Laurie shares valuable points from this book today Notes Genesis Genesis Elohim is the appropriate word to portray God as the Majestic Creator Yahweh is the personal name God uses when dealing with humanity Read Genesis God created man and breathed life into him The word breathed is warmly personal Genesis Eden means delight God placed man in a real place called Eden Eden was hand-made by God Himself untouched [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
January 14, 2024
Pastor Greg Laurie introduces a fresh series It All Starts Here where we explore the Book of Genesis In this first message he focuses on God's purpose for us while helping us understand other topics such as the creation of the world Notes Genesis We are created on purpose and for a purpose God has a plan and purpose for you Acts We need to know and fulfill our purpose Romans Genesis means beginning The book of Genesis begins with God Genesis Since God created the heavens and the Earth He is more than adequate to meet your needs Genesis [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 31, 2023
ldquo I rsquo m not who I once was I rsquo m a new person rdquo Those simple words from my son spoken to students at a school assembly describe the change God made in his life Once addicted to heroin Geoffrey previously saw himself through his sins and mistakes But now he sees himself as a child of God The Bible encourages us with this promise ldquo If anyone is in Christ the new creation has come The old has gone the new is here rdquo Corinthians No matter who we rsquo ve been or what we rsquo ve [... more]
So What?
Lon Solomon
Connect with Skip Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
November 23, 2023
Pastor Skip examines an important issue Why do people hate the Jews [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
November 17, 2023
He did many things well but there was a problem Everyone saw it But because he was so effective in accomplishing most of his role his anger issue wasn rsquo t adequately addressed He was never truly confronted Sadly this resulted in many people being hurt over the years And in the end it led to the premature close of a career that could have been something so much more for this brother in Christ If only I rsquo d chosen to confront him in love long ago In Genesis God provides the perfect picture of what it means to [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
November 06, 2023
Today's family unit is under attack at the foundation level Having a healthy marriage lies at the bedrock but this requires an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of husband and wife In this message Pastor Lutzer finds God's grace amid the conflict and strife of human relationships What does the Bible say about roles in marriage This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
October 30, 2023
Stuck in habits and vices you hate Speaker and bestselling author J P Pokluda knows there's a better more fulfilling way to live and it doesn't involve looking inside yourself for the answers--because that's not where you'll find them With his signature wit and wisdom he explains unpacks and expands on the age-old virtues Scripture tells us to pursue Far from being restrictive these God-given goals for living free you to love and live as you wish you would Show Notes and Resources Click here to sign up for the Art of Marriage live event and get notified of when [... more]
So What?
Lon Solomon
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 19, 2023
My dad loved being outdoors in God rsquo s creation camping fishing and rock-hunting He also enjoyed working in his yard and garden But it took lots of work He spent hours pruning hoeing planting seeds or flowers pulling weeds mowing the lawn and watering the yard and garden The results were worth it mdash a landscaped lawn tasty tomatoes and beautiful peace roses Every year he pruned the roses close to the ground and every year they grew back mdash filling the senses with their fragrance and beauty In Genesis we read of the garden of Eden where Adam [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 18, 2023
Hebrews speaks of the new covenant that has been forged through Christ's blood payment How is this covenant different from the first covenant that God made with His people Hebrews says this new covenant has better promises than the first Just what are those promises Today Pastor Rich unpacks the promise God gives in this new covenant promises that are guaranteed through our High Priest Jesus Let's Listen in [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 16, 2023
Hebrews speaks of the new covenant that has been forged through Christ's blood payment How is this covenant different from the first covenant that God made with His people [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
October 03, 2023
If God is not the answer to the basic questions of life the questions of origin meaning purpose and destiny then you've affirmed yourself as the greatest and most important reality with nothing to live for but yourself That disposition leaves you with one destination despair [... more]
Baptist Bible Hour
Lasserre Bradley, Jr.
September 26, 2023
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast and which entereth into that within the veil Hebrews [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
September 19, 2023
The paradise of Eden suggests the ideal place to live a carefree life But Adam and Eve had no excuse for following their sinful desires In this message Pastor Lutzer provides three hopeful principles embedded within God's judgment after the original sin Were it not for the grace of a redeeming God there would have been no hope This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
September 10, 2023
Pastor Greg Laurie wraps up our end times series with a look at a modern day miracle and fulfillment of Bible prophecy the nation Israel He also focuses on how we should be living as believers waiting for the Lord's return Notes Israel will be scattered Israel will be regathered Israel will regain Jerusalem Israel will be isolated Israel will be attacked Jerusalem will be the focal point of End Times events Jerusalem has been and always will be the Capital of Israel Israel will be an intoxicating drink a heavy stone and a burden for the world Zechariah Never [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
August 31, 2023
Click the icon below to listen [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
July 26, 2023
Before creation God planned everything He chose us adopted us and graced us for His glory according to the mystery of God's purposes in salvation In this message from Ephesians Pastor Lutzer explains three blessings God has poured out upon His children Does God predetermine the elect those who will be saved This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
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