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Search Results : 401


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: 401
Financial Symphony
John Stillman
July 25, 2024
When you have multiple IRAs managing them across different platforms and figuring out your RMDs for each account can be a little bit tricky So what's the best way to manage these accounts Should you consider consolidating your IRAs Today's featured question comes from a comment left on one of our previous videos so thank you for the contribution Here is the question John will answer We have multiple IRAs set up over the years as different approaches appealed each year Would you recommend consolidating all those IRAs to one account Would it matter if we were taking RMDs or [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 25, 2024
Margin is one of those important things in life that we often take for granted and that can lead to trouble Margin basically means something extra A little extra time or even distance from the car in front of you It's critical especially with your finances I'll talk about financial margin today Applying Margin to Personal FinancesWhen you think of margin you might associate it with the business term profit margin This concept is crucial in business as it determines a company's profit after all expenses Every step of bringing a product to market involves multiple entities manufacturers salespeople transporters [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 22, 2024
Stock markets have seen record highs in the past couple of months Is it a good time to take profits Well it certainly can be a good time to take profits if you've seen your investments go through the roof recently And today I want to tell you about a way to realize those gains for God's Kingdom Why Donate Appreciated Stocks With recent historic highs in the markets now is an excellent time to consider donating appreciated stocks to your church or other ministries Donating stock instead of cash can significantly benefit both the donor and recipient primarily due [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 19, 2024
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous - Proverbs That verse seems pretty straightforward but it leaves several questions unanswered What should we leave to our kids how much and when Ron Blue joins us today with the answers Ron Blue is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance including Splitting Heirs Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives When To Leave Money to Your Kids and When Not ToMany people wonder if Proverbs means [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 16, 2024
Everyone knows what inflation means right You'd be surprised by how fuzzy some people think about inflation Is inflation a rise in prices or simply high prices Or does it mean something else entirely The results of a recent poll may surprise you but we've got Mark Biller with us today to explain it Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance What is Inflation A Common MisunderstandingA recent survey revealed a significant misunderstanding among the general public about what inflation actually means While of respondents expressed concern about inflation [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
July 15, 2024
- https www thetruthpulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related Podcasts Fit for a King Through the Psalms Psalm The Bible and Catholic Mass AThe Bible and Catholic Tradition [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
July 13, 2024
Through the Psalms is a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit Over time we will study all psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati Ohio We're glad you're with us Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit https throughthepsalms com Click the icon below to listen Related PodcastsThe Bible and Catholic Mass AThe Bible and Catholic Tradition The Bible and Catholic Tradition [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 12, 2024
Paying off debt is always a good thing but paying it off before retirement is one of the best financial moves you'll ever make It's a disturbing trend more people than ever are retiring with debt That reduces their lifestyle choices and increases the likelihood they'll have to return to work at some point Today we'll talk about carrying debt into retirement and how you can avoid it Preparing for a Debt-Free Retirement A Practical GuideAccording to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances of people aged to are in debt up from years ago This rising debt can severely [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
July 12, 2024
- https www thetruthpulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related PodcastsThe Bible and Catholic Tradition The Bible and Catholic Tradition The Bible and the Pope [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 08, 2024
If you're tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck you can make a decision today that will change your life All you have to do is practice God's financial principles and then wait to see what happens You'll be amazed at the results Admitting the ProblemLike most things the first step in making financial changes is admitting that you have a problem and then identifying what you're doing wrong So what's not right with the way you're handling money Maybe you worry about bouncing a check or you fear the phone ringing because it might be a bill collector or you're dealing with [... more]
Financial Symphony
John Stillman
June 20, 2024
What should you do with an old k that you're still holding onto from an previous employer Does that answer change when the market is performing well and your account is generating strong returns Let's take a closer look at the rollover IRA and whether it's something that you should be doing with your old k accounts The primary reason someone uses a rollover is to gain more flexibility and control over that money so let's talk about how the current investing environment impacts that decision We'll share our approach with clients when we're helping them manage their portfolio and [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 20, 2024
It's said that we learn from mistakes not success but do you want to experience that with your retirement savings No question saving and investing for retirement is something you want to get right the first time Mark Biller joins us today to help you avoid some of the most common retirement planning mistakes Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance Underestimating the Impact of InflationOne of the most common retirement-planning mistakes is underestimating the impact of inflation Many fail to grasp the destructive power of inflation's compounding effect [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 18, 2024
By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches - Proverbs - Faithful stewardship requires us to make wise financial decisions manage and grow assets and protect our families from hardship Are you ready if you're suddenly disabled or incapacitated Valerie Hogan joins us with a checklist to prepare you for it Valerie Hogan is an attorney a Certified Financial Planner CFP a member of Kingdom Advisors as well as the co-author of Wise Women Managing Money Expert Advice on Debt Wealth Budgeting and More [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 17, 2024
You've been a careful steward working hard saving your money and spending wisely Now what Being able to live comfortably and afford the things you need seems like a worthy goal Today we'll look at having a surplus from a biblical perspective Celebrating Financial FaithfulnessMaybe we don't do this enough speak directly to the faithful listeners who already follow God's principles in their finances You've been living with integrity and making wise choices with your money for years Well we're talking to you today First of all well done Financial faithfulness is a big deal It takes sacrifice commitment and [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 14, 2024
Dr Richard Swenson author of The Overload Syndrome and Margin writes that We must have some room to breathe We need freedom to think and permission to heal Our relationships are being starved to death by velocity Too many people are physically emotionally mentally and financially overloaded these days So we'll look at rest from a biblical perspective today The Concept of MarginIn his writings Dr Richard Swenson introduces the concept of margin essentially it's the space to take a break before you break down Many of us feel there's just not enough time money or energy left at the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 07, 2024
The Qualified Charitable Distribution is one of the most underutilized tax benefits yet almost million Americans can take it There are many requirements for taking a Qualified Charitable Distribution QCD or QCD You must be and have an IRA If more folks understood QCDs better they might take them David Hogan joins us today with the ABCs of QCDs David Hogan is the Principal of Clifton Larson Allen CPA's in Atlanta GA What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution QCD Simply put a QCD directly transfers funds from your Individual Retirement Account IRA to a qualified charity This move doesn't offer [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 04, 2024
Homeowners now have an average of nearly in home equity and the nationwide total is staggering at trillion Home equity is undoubtedly one of our largest assets So how do the biblical principles of stewardship apply to it Harlan Accola joins us today to discuss this Harlan Accola is the National Reverse Mortgage Director at Movement Mortgage an underwriter of Faith and Finance He is also the author of Home Equity and Reverse Mortgages The Cinderella of the Baby Boomer Retirement Understanding Reverse MortgagesToday's reverse mortgages are not the same product that gave the name such a negative reputation in [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
May 28, 2024
It's never easy to confront a Christian who's sinned Yet Jesus taught us how to bring a believer back to repentance and fellowship In this message Pastor Erwin Lutzer looks at the end game of reconciliation As Pastor Lutzer says Where there is forgiveness cleansing and acceptance the presence of God is there This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 24, 2024
Are you storing up treasures on earth or in heaven Are you focused on the temporal or the eternal In Matthew Jesus clarifies that our hearts will always follow after what we treasure Was he talking about money Chad Clark shares his insights with us today Chad Clark is the Executive Director of FaithFi Faith Finance What does Jesus mean when he says For where your treasure is your heart will be also It challenges us to evaluate what we treasure most It's common for us to say that where our money is there our hearts will be and we [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 16, 2024
Do you use a credit union Or have you never considered using one Credit union members know their advantages and million nationwide can't be wrong Aaron Caid joins us today to discuss the pros and cons of credit unions and spoiler alert there aren't many cons Aaron Caid is the Chief Marketing Officer at Christian Community Credit Union an underwriter of Faith Finance What are the pros of joining a typical credit union Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives Members are customers and stakeholders governed by a volunteer board selected from the member base They also have voting rights on credit [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 14, 2024
We tend to think that wealthy individuals always make the right financial decisions but is that always the case The truth is that people with a high net worth can sometimes make financial mistakes just as easily as the rest of us and perhaps with even worse consequences Cole Pearson shares five of them today Cole Pearson is the President of Investment Solutions at OneAscent a family of companies seeking to help people align their investments with their Christian values OneAscent is also an underwriter of Faith Finance Five Mistakes That The Wealthy Make With Their InvestmentsEven wealthy or high-net-worth [... more]
Alex McFarland Show
Alex McFarland
May 14, 2024
On this week apos s episode of the Alex McFarland Show Alex delves into five essential actions for every believer These practices are rooted in scripture and guide us on our walk with Him If ever there was a time for believers to band together and evangelize to the world it is now Things Every Christian is to Do Tithe - Honor God with our tithes and offerings Witness - Be an evangelist for Christ Have daily quiet time in prayer and the Bible Serve the body of Christ with the gifts God has given each of us Be in [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 09, 2024
What would you say is the most generous act of all time If you said The Cross you'd be correct Jesus gave His life so we may spend eternity with Him We must only have faith in Him as our Lord and Savior to receive this gift Art Rainer joins us today with thoughts on what the Cross reveals about generosity Art Rainer is the founder of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and Christian Money Solutions He is a regular contributor here at Faith Finance and the author of Money in the Light of Eternity What the Bible Says [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 08, 2024
In Matthew Jesus called us to be wise as snakes and gentle as doves But can we be gentle and wise when standing up for biblical principles and our voting rights as investors It's the annual shareholder meeting season for public corporations meaning companies will hear about their policies from investors Jerry Bowyer joins us today with a biblical perspective on corporate engagement Jerry Bowyer is the President of Bowyer Research and our Resident Economist here at Faith Finance He is the author of The Maker Versus the Takers What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics You can [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
May 03, 2024
God called us to become part of a church But many have differing perceptions of what the church should be In this message from Peter Pastor Lutzer clarifies two identifying marks of God's people A church body isn't connected because of a common interest but rather a common life a life in Christ This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at rtwoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 29, 2024
God Owns EverythingNow to be sure the message that God owns everything and we don't is something we need to hear repeatedly That's probably why the Bible repeats this teaching several times Job needed reminding Job - reads Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said 'Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge Dress for action like a man I will question you and you make it known to me Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth Tell me if you have understanding Who determined its measurements surely you know [... more]
Moody Church Hour
Pastor Phillip Miller
April 28, 2024
Our new family in Christ doesn't live like other families do Living in God's house as part of His family means the house rules have changed In this message Pastor Philip Miller contrasts our old self with how we are called to walk in our new life in Christ Let's consider five examples of what a Spirit-led life in God's family looks like This month's special offer is available for a donation of any amount Get yours at moodyoffer com or call us at - - - [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
April 26, 2024
Jerry Jenkins shares about his creative writing career and the impact of his books for the Kingdom of God He talks about the power of The Chosen television show written by his son Dallas and their collaboration on a series of novels he is writing based on the show Jesus used stories to communicate the truth and Jerry is seeing stories transform hearts and lives today Receive The Chosen Novels - plus an audio download of the broadcast Sharing God's Love Through Storytelling for your donation of any amount Get More Episode Resources We'd love to hear from you Visit [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 26, 2024
At the most recent Kingdom Advisors Conference John shared an incredible story about some friends of his and an inheritance decision they made I've got some friends who are a super sharp young couple in their s His Father shared that he was about to give them a vast multi-million-dollar inheritance Amazing But they had been reflecting carefully on money and faith for months They said 'We are so grateful for this but we're already OK And if we got this money we'd start to rely on the shifting sands of this money for our security instead of the firm [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 18, 2024
Must-Have Financial SkillsThe first skill is an attitude The Bible says God owns everything as in Psalm The earth is the Lord's and everything in it the world and all who live in it Understand that nothing belongs to you even you You are a manager of God's resources which should change your perspective on money and material things The number two financial skill you'll need is planning A dream without a plan is just a wish they say And wishes won't buy you a house The fundamental planning tool we recommend is a budget otherwise known as a spending [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 11, 2024
The Danger Of CovetousnessCovetousness is what happens when you see someone else's possessions and want them for yourself It's part envy and part greed and completely sinful But what's so dangerous about that kind of desire Well like any sin its first effect is to draw you away from a right relationship with God Envy can also destroy your relationships with other people When you're zeroing in on getting and keeping what you want you're putting your fleshly desires in God's place Selfishness obliterates your ability to love God and other people One problem with a materialistic mindset is that [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 10, 2024
Relational Effects Of Lending MoneyProverbs reads The borrower becomes slave to the lender Lending money can hurt a relationship And that can happen whether you lend the money or not You're between a rock and a hard place and it seems like either way someone may end up resentful There are really only three things that can happen and only one of them is good If you decide not to lend the money the other person could be upset If you do lend the money and the other person doesn't repay it you'll probably be upset It's only the third [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 09, 2024
What is the main problem with any investment that guarantees returns such as annuities They're always a tradeoff Guarantees come with a cost Typically the lower the risk the lower the return What does the Bible say about this You won't find the word annuities'' in the Bible but there is a biblical principle to guide us on this topic The Parable of the Talents found in Matthew reveals that one of the servants buried his talent in the ground The master asked why he did that and the servant said he was afraid and the master was displeased All [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 08, 2024
Why do reverse mortgages still have a bit of a PR problem Many people are not aware that federal regulations were put in place in to address issues with the product and protect consumers However some bad players still gave the product a bad reputation by taking advantage of vulnerable seniors in the past Now there are new laws and safeguards by the FHA for widows to be protected and financial assessments to assure someone can afford taxes and maintenance which are recent within the last years or so to eliminate problems in the program How is a HECM Home [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 04, 2024
It All Starts With CommunicationCommunication is crucial for estate planning in blended families highlighting the importance of being open transparent and truthful While this may be difficult at times it's essential for bringing issues to the forefront suggesting that effective communication is the foundation for addressing the unique challenges blended families face in estate planning How do blended families with different goals work it out When spouses in blended families have different goals they should prioritize seeking understanding and compromise Seek first to understand and then to be understood emphasizing the value of asking questions like tell me more about [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 02, 2024
The Financial Impact of College EducationGoing to college is a financial decision second only to buying a house More specifically it's an investment decision Will it pay off Perhaps the most important factor determining that is whether you graduate with a degree Fail to do that and any money you spend or borrow for college will likely be money down the drain in terms of future earnings The good news is that data just released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that earning a college degree is still financially worthwhile generally speaking The data shows that recent [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
March 30, 2024
Hans and Robby are back again this week with a brand new episode This week's discussion is about how to either turn your k or IRA into a pension check Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com Find us on YouTube Cardinal Advisors [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 28, 2024
What should folks consider when making this decision People should consider the following when deciding when to take Social Security benefits Understanding that if they take benefits before full retirement age they will be subject to a reductionDelaying past full retirement age means receiving an annual increase of called a delayed retirement creditCash flow needs if retiring and replacing incomePaying down debtIncreasing charitable givingHealth and longevity in the family impacting how long benefits may need to last Legacy goals and inheritance as Social Security benefits can't typically be passed on while portfolio assets can beIncome taxes as Social Security could [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 25, 2024
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths - Proverbs - Why are people so worried about the economy these days Part of the issue is concern about a number of factors including the upcoming US election high inflation high interest rates and various geopolitical issues like what's happening with China Taiwan Ukraine and the Middle East How are people dealing with this uncertainty Uncertainty for many people leads to fear especially for those on a fixed budget or [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
March 22, 2024
On this lighthearted broadcast Pastor Ted Cunningham shares humorous stories from life with his spouse to illustrate how laughter is a key component for a thriving and lasting marriage He explores the emotional physical and spiritual benefits of laughter and encourages listeners to discover their humor muscle and flex it on a daily basis Receive Ted Cunningham's book A Love That Laughs and the audio download of the broadcast Bringing Laughter to Your Marriage for your donation of any amount Plus receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today Your monthly support helps families thrive Get More Episode [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 22, 2024
CONSIDERING THE FUTURE POST-HIGH SCHOOLRob discusses the pressure high school seniors and their parents face concerning post-secondary education and emphasizes the importance of aligning educational choices with financial realities He stresses the goal of avoiding college debt through early savings exploring scholarships and considering alternatives to a four-year college such as technical schools online courses and military service Financial planning for education should begin early incorporating discussions about affordability and scholarships Exploring educational alternatives can provide viable paths that align with career goals and financial constraints Completing the FAFSA is essential for all college-bound students to assess eligibility for financial [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
March 20, 2024
Click the icon below to listen [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 20, 2024
WHAT DOES BIBLICAL HOSPITALITY LOOK LIKE IN TODAY'S CULTURE Sharon reflects on the biblical instruction to show hospitality emphasizing its relevance beyond traditional notions of entertaining Hospitality is an act of generosity and kindness extending warmth and generosity to both guests and strangers alike This understanding encourages us to reconsider hospitality as acting as God's ambassadors Hospitality transcends formal dining and embraces the simple generous reception of others It's an expression of generosity serving as a means to fulfill our role as ambassadors for Christ Personal experiences underscore the profound impact hospitality can have during challenging times illustrating its power [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
March 20, 2024
- https www thetruthpulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related PodcastsSola Scriptura Sola Scriptura Slandered Yet Singing Through the Psalms [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 12, 2024
SPIRITUAL BOTTOM LINE OVER FINANCIAL CONCERNS The true bottom line for believers in Jesus is our identity in Christ providing us peace and assurance that our sins are paid for as highlighted in the hymn Jesus paid it all This foundational truth encourages believers to rest in God's role as protector and provider alleviating worries about financial matters SCRIPTURAL ENCOURAGEMENTS AGAINST WORRY Matthew Jesus teaches not to worry about material needs emphasizing God's provision for all creation thus underscoring our value and God's care for us over our material concerns Numbers Highlights God's unchangeable and trustworthy nature contrasting human unreliability [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 11, 2024
WILL BASICS A will is a simpler document that names an executor and beneficiaries It must go through probate court and becomes public record potentially delaying heirs' access to assets Drafting a will through an estate attorney is recommended to minimize probate delays typically costing around TRUST BASICS Trusts manage assets both before and after death bypassing probate and keeping transactions private Types include revocable living and irrevocable trusts with the former being alterable during the grantor's lifetime Trusts can designate a successor trustee to manage assets if the grantor becomes incapacitated ensuring continuity and privacy KEY REASONS FOR A [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 06, 2024
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE A CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE WITH REGARDS TO MONEY Living a Christian lifestyle with money involves having the right attitude towards it regardless of the amount one possesses This perspective transcends the amount of wealth and focuses on the heart and obedience to God's principles on financial management It's about the attitude and obedience rather than the amount of wealth Lifestyle controversies often stem from misunderstandings of biblical teachings on wealth True obedience involves aligning one's financial decisions and lifestyle with biblical convictions HOW CAN WE INTERPRET THE BIBLICAL RANGE OF WEALTH AND POVERTY The Bible [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 05, 2024
Matt Syverson is a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Kingdom Advisor in Overland Park Kansas He's also a specialist in helping families understand and set up ABLE accounts WHAT ARE ABLE ACCOUNTS AND HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ABLE accounts akin to education savings accounts in terms of contributions and tax treatments are designed to assist individuals with disabilities by allowing for the accumulation of resources without affecting their eligibility for government assistance ABLE accounts initially referred to as A plans are intended for individuals with disabilities allowing them to save beyond the typical asset limits set [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 01, 2024
FINDING PEACE IN UNCERTAIN TIMESNavigating Financial Uncertainty In today's world uncertainty abounds especially in financial matters like home-buying career changes and retirement This uncertainty often leads to worry and sleepless nights Guidance from Scripture Drawing from Psalm we find reassurance that God's Word illuminates our path preventing us from stumbling in the darkness of uncertainty Casting Anxiety on God First Peter - reminds us that God cares for us deeply encouraging us to cast all our anxieties on Him through humble submission FOUR STEPS TO CONQUERING ANXIETYStep One Rejoice in the Lord Philippians instructs us to rejoice always recognizing that [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
February 23, 2024
Infidelity can rip a marriage apart and it's hard to imagine a betrayal more painful than finding out your spouse is involved with someone else Josh and Katie Walters share the story of Katie's affair with the husband of their good friend couple and how Katie vacillated for quite a while torn between doing the right thing ending the affair and still feeling love for the other man Meanwhile Josh was convinced by God that divorce was wrong and he needed to love Katie as Christ loves the Church which meant pushing through the pain and hoping against hope to [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
February 22, 2024
Infidelity can rip a marriage apart and it's hard to imagine a betrayal more painful than finding out your spouse is involved with someone else Josh and Katie Walters share the story of Katie's affair with the husband of their good friend couple and how Katie vacillated for quite a while torn between doing the right thing ending the affair and still feeling love for the other man Meanwhile Josh was convinced by God that divorce was wrong and he needed to love Katie as Christ loves the Church which meant pushing through the pain and hoping against hope to [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 14, 2024
Gary Chapman is the best-selling author of The Five Love Languages HOW SHOULD THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES INFLUENCE GIFT-GIVING ON VALENTINE'S DAY Understanding and applying the Five Love Languages to gift-giving especially on Valentine's Day can really enhance the impact of the gesture If your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts then selecting a thoughtful gift becomes crucial However for those whose love language is not gifts recognizing Valentine's Day and making an effort to express love is still important Recognizing if gifts are your spouse's primary love language is key if so choose gifts with care and intention [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 13, 2024
LENDING MONEY TO CHILDREN FOR A HOUSE PURCHASE Rob discusses the reasons parents might consider lending money to their children for a house purchase such as reducing the interest the child must pay and helping if the child does not qualify for a mortgage due to debt-to-income ratio issues or insufficient credit history He emphasizes the importance of understanding the implications of lending versus gifting money the potential risks involved and ensuring any loan is legally documented Parents may lend to their children to save them from high interest rates or if they're unable to secure a loan due to [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 08, 2024
Art Rainer is author of the brand new book Money in the Light of Eternity What the Bible Says about Your Financial Purpose He's also a frequent contributor here at FaithFi EVERY SPENDING DECISION IS A SPIRITUAL DECISIONArt Rainer emphasizes Jesus' words that where one's treasure is their heart will also be The Bible with over verses on money shows its spiritual significance Managing money well reflects trust in God's promises and provision Trusting God with finances is as crucial as trusting Him with one's soul GOD'S PROMISES God promises to provide and bless those who give demonstrating His commitment [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 06, 2024
IMPACT OF COVID ON HOUSING MARKET AND RENT VS BUY DEBATEThere's no question that we're still feeling the impact of the COVID pandemic The COVID pandemic significantly disrupted the housing market increasing home prices and rental rates making it challenging for first-time home buyers Also during that time rental rates also skyrocketed In the age-old debate rent vs buy things have shifted CURRENT HOUSING MARKET CONDITIONS Skyhigh mortgage payments On average new mortgage payments are now higher than apartment rents the largest gap in years according to CBRE Low first-time home buyer activity Only of buyers were first-timers in the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 29, 2024
GOD'S CREATION AND EXPECTATIONS God created humanity in His image as reflected in Psalm and Ephesians These Scriptures emphasize His intention for His people to live justly and righteously THE REALITY OF FINANCIAL INJUSTICE The world marred by sins such as greed envy dishonesty and pride often leads to the unfair financial exploitation of others a stark reality that Christians must recognize BIBLICAL WARNINGS AGAINST FINANCIAL INJUSTICE The Scriptures provide clear warnings against various forms of financial injustice Proverbs and caution against oppressing the poor teaching that such actions lead to poverty and are an insult to God Proverbs denounces [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
January 27, 2024
Hans and Robby are back again this week with a brand new episode This week they discuss how you can purchase long term care life insurance with IRA k money Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com Find us on YouTube Cardinal Advisors [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 26, 2024
SCRIPTURES ON FEAR AND GOD'S PRESENCE Jesus asks a powerful question about worry in Matthew asking Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life Romans encourages reliance on God instead of falling back into fear For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry 'Abba Father ' Faith is the opposite of fear and fear is a tool used by Satan to distract from God's goodness COMMON WHAT-IF FEARS AND THEIR FUTILITY Rob lists common [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2024
WHY ARE BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS IMPORTANT Beneficiary designations are crucial because they're an easy quick and free way to transfer assets accounts and insurance benefits after passing away They take precedence over wills or trusts and are significant because they skip probate and remain private Beneficiary designations offer a straightforward method to transfer assets after death They are prioritized over estate planning documents and bypass the probate process Keeping them updated and accurate is crucial for ensuring assets are distributed as intended WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO REMEMBER ABOUT DESIGNATING BENEFICIARIES When designating beneficiaries it's important to consider various account types [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
January 12, 2024
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Why did people live so much longer before the flood Are Romans and James in conflict regarding righteousness How did English Bible translators end up with Jesus from the Hebrew What can we learn fro Jesus's first miracle of turning water into wine According to Romans how could God count Abram as righteous Today's Offer TOUGH QUESTIONS ANSWERED Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call - [... more]
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