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Chase Daniel: I'm A Big Fan Of Justin Fields

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
July 16, 2024 2:49 pm

Chase Daniel: I'm A Big Fan Of Justin Fields

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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July 16, 2024 2:49 pm

7/16/24 - Hour 1

Guest host Tom Pelissero and the guys react to Ingrid Andress’ version of the National Anthem at the MLB Home Run Derby that will be memorable for all-time for all the wrong reasons.

NFL Network analyst Chase Daniel and Tom discuss how the Steelers’ Russell Wilson/Justin Fields QB situation plays out, what Lamar Jackson must do to win a Super Bowl ring with the Baltimore Ravens, the rising stock of Green Bay Packers QB Jordan Love, if Dak Prescott deserves $60M per year from the Dallas Cowboys, Tua Tagovailoa’s next contract from the Dolphins, and how Jim Harbaugh’s arrival will impact Justin Herbert and the Chargers offense.

Tom previews the AFC East and dives into the top storylines for the Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, Buffalo Bills, and New England Patriots for the 2024 season.

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This radio commercial was made to convince you to stop speeding.

We can't use siren sound effects on the radio, so we'll use other equally jarring sound effects to get your attention. Like telling you that whether you drive a little over the speed limit or a lot, you can crash just the same. You could hurt yourself or worse others. I'm at the scene of the collision.

And the damage you cause will be beyond repair. See, we didn't have to use crash or siren sounds after all. Speeding catches up with you. Brought to you by NHTSA. This radio commercial was made to convince you to stop speeding.

We can't use siren sound effects on the radio, so we'll use other equally jarring sound effects to get your attention. Like telling you that whether you drive a little over the speed limit or a lot, you can crash just the same. You could hurt yourself or worse others. I'm at the scene of the collision. And the damage you cause will be beyond repair. See, we didn't have to use crash or siren sounds after all. Speeding catches up with you.

Brought to you by NHTSA. And now, sitting in for Rich, it's Tom Pelissero. Welcome to the Rich Eisenlitz Show. I am Tom Pelissero in for the rest of the week in place of Rich. I got one question.

Brockman, Del Tufo, TJ Jefferson, great being back with my boys here in studio. Has the national anthem ended yet? Oh gosh. I'm not familiar with the works of Ingrid Andress.

I don't think anyone's ever heard of her. So, I've got a lot of questions on this. Among them, why are we playing the national anthem before the home run derby?

No idea. I know that this has just become part of any athletic competition. We've got to have a national anthem. But this is like playing it before batting practice, right? Did we need to integrate the Star Spangled Banner into everything? The second one would be...

Careful Tom, you're gonna trigger something. We don't. What type of a process, a selection process do you go through to figure out whether someone can do the national anthem? Now, I would think this, right?

Okay. Just as somebody who has like some level of self-respect, decency, self-awareness, I would not volunteer myself to do the national anthem. They'd come to me. I was in concert choir growing up. He was in a band. I was in a band.

I was a singer in the band. That is totally different than seeing you in front of 40,000 people in a national TV audience. They'd come to me and they go, Tom, we don't know how, but we landed on you. You're the one who's going to do the national anthem before the home run derby. And I say, why are you playing national anthem before the home run derby? They're like, don't worry about it. We're doing it.

We want you to do it. I'd go, no, no, I can't. I don't want to put myself on that stage. Like when you're hearing, when we're rolling the open of the Rich Eisen show and you're hearing Carl Lewis. Oh, that's not good. Not good.

Unless it's about racing, you know, running fast. My daughter asked me recently, Tegan, who's, you know, singer in her rock band, she's 10 years old. And for some reason we got on the topic of the national anthem and I was like, oh man, there's been some really bad ones. She's like, like who?

First one I play, Carl Lewis. As soon as I get home, I'm going to go, did you see Monday night? Because we might've topped it. Roseanne. Roseanne's another one. It's an all star game. NBA.

Roseanne. That's one where it's, you knew it was going to be a bit, even before the spitting. Yeah. Yeah. She was going to do it. You knew it was going to be, right. But this is ostensibly, you're trying to be good. A singer songwriter is trying to launch your career.

And maybe in the current environment, maybe in the Tik TOK world, like this accomplished exactly what you wanted. She's got to be one of the most Googled people had to have been trending on X last night, Twitter, Ingrid Andress. What I do appreciate, I'll give her credit on something. Okay.

Okay. What I appreciate is that after the first voice crack on, not, not the high notes, just kind of the, the initial escalation, you can already hear it's getting away from her. She still goes for the high notes.

You know, you're not getting up there. And that, that puts it on the level with Carl Lewis, where if you remember, it's, you know, it's not just the rockets. It's the fact that through the whole Anthem, he's overdoing it.

He's doing runs that don't exist for no reason. It keeps doing them, including at the end of the song. That's that to me, you, you cross that line. It's like watching a bad movie and you just want it to be so bad if it's the room, right? If you go so far beyond the level where this movie is so bad, it becomes good.

We're close on that. I think time will tell. I figured Andress can, if this can become, it's like a big art piece, right?

How's it going to age? It's like a massive Andy Kaufman style gag that this is what she was going to do now in no way, of course, by saying you should disparage the national Anthem. And I don't think that she was actually trying to, but perhaps over time, she'll come out with a bunch of songs and we'll learn. This is actually, this is now her form. Maybe she discovered a new art form last night. Mike, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt.

You see four time Grammy nominee. You're like, all right, she's got some talent. I want to think that maybe something technical went wrong.

Like we were here. I want to think that maybe her ears went out and she couldn't hear what her pitch was and all that. I want to give her some kind of like Ashley Simpson on Saturday night live where something went wrong and she actually had to say clearly she was not lip syncing last night. We know that for a fact, give her credit on that. Like something went wrong backstage, a plug in, it got disconnected and she couldn't hear herself.

And that's why she was off pitch. But I, it was one of the worst things. It was bad. That's all I can.

I mean, it was bad. And I think that's the difference right there. Right? Carl Lewis is on the Mount Rushmore of track and field athletes. That's his day job. Singing is not this person apparently is a Grammy nominee.

So there should be different standards that we hold Carl. We want you to sing the national Anthem. No, you want me to run for the meters I'm in. I'm not getting up there and I'm not singing it, but I think that that's in society. I don't think there's that many people who would turn it down unless you suffer from like a paralyzing stage fright. And again, I think I would do it. Honestly, if somebody asked me, I would do it. Dodger stadium.

I would do it Friday night. There's going to be a packed house. Red Sox in town, Red Sox Dodgers this week. This is your team.

This is sort of your hometown. Brockman. We want you.

I would do it. We, we just lost, you know, they named somebody named some obscure singer. We just lost.

We just couldn't make it who was supposed to play the super bowl. And then at the last second, he pulled out and there just wasn't, there was gonna be an in-game DJ. Oh no, they had him. Tiesto. No, he dropped out. Tiesto dropped out. He wasn't there.

I thought he was. He dropped out the last week and he called me. We lost Tiesto. They should have called me. I was in. We were reading promos for it. Nonstop. We lost Tiesto.

I would do it. Honestly. And I've never sung professionally.

Clearly. I was in a senior year of high school chorus because I needed an arts credit. All right. I've done karaoke at the gas light here in Los Angeles. That's a tough room. Okay. I've been in that room and done many, many times. I like to sing Madonna TJ. Don't judge me.

All right. I would do it. And the Anthem is really hard. It's really hard to sing.

Brockman might sound like Sinatra. So you're willing to trade. I would do it. Right. It is. It's a difficult song.

It's a hard song. You're willing for the rest of your life to be when somebody says Chris Brockman. I don't know. I don't know what you're known for right now. You're you're a great member of a sports Emmy award winning show.

Thank you. We have a little bit of a touchy subject every time you haven't won. No, I thought you won. Thank you for feigning disbelief.

But we have not. I can't. I can't believe it. All right.

So in the world where you win it this year, mainly because of the next four days when I'm hosting. And that every time your kid Googles your name, it's going to be in the top 20 hits are Chris Brockman National Anthem. Right.

You type it. Chris. C H. R. I. S. Space B. R. O. And it's like Chris Brockman National Anthem.

Chris Brockman. That's every Google auto for the rest of your life. Also be man. The same thing will come up. I see that.

I'm enjoying the new buttons over here. Be man, Hosk and in full Mike Del Tufa, which they got on a button in case you didn't know my name. How many do more people this morning know? Ingrid Andress or Teoscar Hernandez?

Oh, definitely. Unless you're a Dodger fan or you're playing fantasy baseball, you don't know Teoscar. 31 years old 178 career home runs. I don't know that anybody hits bombs.

Casual fans sitting there going, Oh, it's of course, Teoscar. It is great for Toronto. I had a cup of coffee in Seattle last year. I really wanted him in Boston this year because we needed some power.

But, uh, yeah, he's doing great for the Dodgers. When's the journey beats Bobby Whit and Bobby Whit comes up? What? A couple feet short. Oh, literally had a chance to tie it to force a swing off.

I don't know what they would have done. Can you explain? You watch the whole thing.

I watched the whole thing in 30 seconds or less. What the rules were of that Derby? Yes, you get 40 pitches in three minutes for the first round, top four home run, a total advances, and then you play head to head.

But then isn't it? If you hit one, then you get another one. If you hit a certain distance, you would get a bonus out.

See, way too complicated. Homer and Derby with your buddies at the park. It's we're going to throw you the ball and see who can hit the most over the fence, right? I understand you got to be, you can't have a four hour Derby.

Well, they used to, that was the problem. You had to, you had to speed it up, but I watched that ball. I didn't, I didn't watch a live like you did Brockman, but I went back and I watched the highlights and Bobby with junior, you know, hitting the fence. All I can think of was, can you imagine 20 years ago, a Homer and Derby ending with a guy coming up just short, it was everything was 60, 600 foot home runs.

You go back and you watch the one in Milwaukee, which I think was 2002. And it was Sosa. And it was like, could he hit it all the way over Bernie Brewer's slide in center field?

They had to go to the, they had to go to the home run off or whatever. And he said in the tunnel, grinding is bad, profusely sweaty. And at no time watching that I'm like 21 years old.

I think I've got a decent wear with all the world at no point am I like, Hey, maybe this isn't natural. Maybe you're not supposed to be able to hit the ball hopped up on 100 feet. What are you talking about? Anybody else? Like Sosa is somewhere sitting back, watching that last night going, get some ideas, Bobby. There are ways we can make this ball go a little further, you know, do a little bit better than cork in the bad, put a little something in the old butt there. So we've got, we got eight teams having in the NFL, having the rookies report to training camp today.

Every everything's ramping up, right? The Texans, we are back. We are, we are all the way back. We got real football.

We made it. We got real football tomorrow. The Texans report in full camp, the bears report in full on Friday.

We got the Ravens and the chiefs report Saturday. Cause they of course play in the season opener, which is 51 days away, 51 days to a regular season game, which also means I'm, I'm coming to the end of, you know, the annual summer of Tom, but I try to travel a little bit for fun, go see people breathe. I also, I also read, okay.

It's, it's the only time of year that I'll read like actual books. I might not finish it, but I'm going to like, try to read some books, like when I'm on planes and things, just so I'm not sitting there staring at spreadsheets about next year's free agents the whole time. So I was reading one top three agent of the 2025 class. Of the 2025 class?

Dak Prescott. If they don't get something done, we'll talk about that a little bit later. When I was here, I think a year or so ago, and I was doing, I just watched the Terminator on the plane out, right? Attaboy.

Which is, I try to balance that, right? Try to read a little bit, try to, try to watch a movie. And I was thinking about this recently. Cause one of the books I was reading this summer was like, basically it's called something along the lines of the history of the world. And it's exactly what you think, which it's just a list of things that happened in the, the four to 5 billion years that this planet has been here. And I was thinking you've got, you know, half that time there was no life on earth.

Okay. The first 2 billion years or so there's, there's nothing living on earth. Then eventually you get, you get some leafless plants, right? And you start to get insects and you get, you get fish. Those eventually become amphibians to reptiles and get the big reptiles. Something happens. Most of them disappear. You're an evolution.

Man doesn't come on the scene. I think that science would dictate regardless what your religious beliefs are, that there's some level of evolution and you can see that in a variety of different species, but man doesn't come on the scene like the walking ape man, right? The first like skeleton that they found like sort of resembled a human. It's only 200,000 years ago. Not that long ago. We're, you know, modern man.

It's a much shorter period of time. I was born in 1981. You think about that in the scope of four to 5 billion years of the world, 2 billion years of, of life on the planet.

Like this is just a sliver of a thumbnail on this planet. And yet in my short 43 years on this earth Terminator came out in 1984. We've gone from a world where you have a hit movie that's about a futuristic post-apocalyptic war with the machines to 2024 where our faith in AI is so advanced that I was walking around in Santa Monica one night and I saw a Waymo self-driving car double park in a guy who's trying to back out in his Subaru Outback in a parking lot, put on its hazards and then just stay there.

Now this is an older gentleman. He gets out of his car, like ready to go up to the driver and be like, Hey man, get out of the way. And watching this man's brain, try to process what to do now that there's no one in the car. I watched the entire thing unfold. And all I could think was this is now what major league baseball is going to be like. Once we get the robot amps, how do you argue with a robot?

Is it going to just be constrained fury? You can't, you can't go after anybody. You're losing something in that. It was a very Los Angeles moment of just sitting there and going, this is now the scene everywhere. By the way, Terminator was set not too far out from now.

We're fine now for the post-apocalyptic battle too. Let's just let the cars drive themselves. See what happens. Nothing bad could take place. Yeah, but could AI sing the national anthem? A hundred percent better than last night. It couldn't write the national anthem.

That would be some gibberish, but could it sing it better than Ingrid Andres? I like my odds on that. We're going to talk some football throughout the course of this show, chase Daniel, longtime NFL quarterback. Now a great analyst joined us on the other side of this break. We've got teams reporting to camp. How are things going to go for Caleb Williams and the bears? What does chase make of the deck Prescott contract situation?

We'll talk about that and a whole lot more when chase Daniel joins us right after this on the rich eyes and show. We all know about the speed of sound, but have you ever thought about the sounds of speeding? If you drive over the speed limit, there are lots of different sounds that you might hear drive too fast. And you could hear the sound of your vehicle crashing, the sound of ambulances and first responders desperately trying to free you from the wreckage. You could hear the beeps of a heart monitor. You could hear doctors and nurses in an emergency room as you're being treated for your injuries. You could hear the sound of worried family members in the hospital waiting room, hoping to hear that you're okay. You could even hear the sound of people crying at a funeral because if you drive over the speed limit, whether by a lot or by a little, you could do damage that's beyond repair.

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That's E-I-S-E-N O-O O'Reilly Auto Parts. Brock with Adele Tufo here. We're in Washington, DC for MLB All-Star Weekend. Mike, this is a huge one. Biggest week of the year for the MLB.

We figured, hey look, we're a couple of celebrities. Let's have ourselves a home run derby now with a little twist. I'm gonna pitch, you're gonna hit, you get five outs. Can you get one home run off of me, yes or no? I'm gonna go yard at least once.

At least once? Yeah. No chance Mikey. All right Mikey, here we go. We're gonna soft toss. Let's get you to practice, okay? Just level swing, level swing. Hey no, take a full swing Mike. Really hit the ball. Well you're supposed to hit it. All right Mikey, that was your warm-up.

Now the competition is for real. Anything that's not a home run is an out. You get five outs.

You got to get it in the air past me. That counts as a home run. Anything else, swing and a miss. Ground ball, foul ball, out. That's one. That's two outs. That's three outs Mike. Two left big boy.

Down to his final out. All right, I want you to get at least one. Let's try to get one here. We'll get one.

All right, let's go. Going yard. I think he just called a shot. He called a shot. Oh my god, I can't believe he did it. I guess he won this one.

So oporteo or whatever he says. Welcome back to the Rich Eisen Show Network. As we just got done watching Mike Del Tufo, one of his greatest athletic feats there Mike. That was impressive.

No, I couldn't even swing the bat. I am sitting at the Rich Eisen Show desk furnished by Grainger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Grainger has the right product for you. Call or just stop by. Tom Pellicero in for Rich Eisen today. Joined right now by a longtime NFL quarterback, now a colleague of mine at NFL Network. He has a new podcast. It is the Scoop City podcast hosted by Chase Daniel and Diana Rossini. Drop a new episode every Tuesday and Friday starting today. What do you know? Chase Daniel with us right now on the show. Chase, I'm only mildly offended that not only are you doing a podcast, you're doing a podcast called Scoop City and it's not with me.

If you want to just defend yourself on that note. I know, I know. It's like I'm starting to get into this insider game of stuff that you guys do so well.

So I'm trying to just broaden my horizon a little bit. Now look, Diana Rossini from the athletic reached out a long time ago. We've she's covered me forever and we decided to launch a podcast with the athletic.

It's twice a week. Like you said, super excited about it because she has been covering the league for 15 years. I played for 14 years and everything that she knows is quite a bit. We can't report all of it, as you know, being one of the best insiders in the game, but it's cool because I sort of bring the football side of it like, hey, she's saying this is what I'm hearing. And I'm saying, well, that doesn't really relate to this. And so it's just a fun podcast. We talk about parenting.

We dropped our first episode a day. We talked about what she was hearing in the Pittsburgh Steelers room, how she believes it's Russell Wilson's job to lose from the start. We talked about, of course, the New York Jets. That's where she is from.

She's from Jersey area. And it's just, it's a fun podcast. We had an exclusive interview with Andy Reid on today talking, of course, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes, and can they go for a three-peat? So this is really fun. I'm really excited about it. It's going to be a good one for sure.

Well, let's start out in Pittsburgh here, Chase, because I'll be rolling through La Trobe sometime early next month. So as I get those flights booked and know where I'm headed for Inside Training Camp Live on NFL Network. You know, Russell Wilson, certainly it's, Mike Tomlin said it repeatedly, he's in the pole position. They made clear to him when they traded for Justin Fields, this is still your job. I also know this, Justin Fields has never shown consistently that he can play winning football at quarterback, but he is somebody who you put him in a preseason game.

You put him in a package. He does dynamic stuff that nobody else can do. So how does this play out, not just in training camp leading up to week one, but over the course of the season for the Steelers? Yeah, look, I do think that Russell Wilson is definitely in the pole position right now.

And I think I agree with it. I'm not, I'm not sure because I'm a big fan of Justin Fields. Everyone knows if they've been followed by social media for the past six, seven, eight months that I'm a big fan of his look, Russell, I think is coming off of a really disastrous sort of two, three year tenure in Denver.

And he's trying to search for a new home. If he can play under offensive coordinator, Arthur Smith, like he played in Seattle, then he's got a shot. I just think those days are a little bit behind them. I do think that the offense that Arthur Smith brings is you're pounding the football. It's heavy play action under center shots down the field.

And I do like that. But my thing about Justin Fields is I think he's a more dynamic player right now in his career than Russell Wilson. I think the run game QB run game packages that Arthur Smith will have built in because he will have packages in the regular season.

I just think that it's so much more of a dynamic style offense that to me screams Pittsburgh, you play defense, you win with your run game. And if you can have a quarterback do what can Justin Fields can do in the run game, I just think it's a recipe for success for them. I think that eventually, probably sooner rather than later, I think Justin Fields is going to see the field a lot more than a whole lot of people probably think. When you're talking about a guy, Chase, who was dealt away for practically nothing, for a day three pick, he started a ton of games. He was a first round pick. It was a prior regime, but they traded up to get Fields in the draft.

You're a big fan of him. What do you see on tape that maybe he hasn't been asked to do enough? And how do you get him to be a closer to a finished picture, a finished player playing the quarterback position? Well, I think he had to have a really good quarterback room, a really good quarterback coach. And with Justin Fields specifically, you look at the first really 10 games of the first year he was a starter. They were running an offense that just didn't fit him at all. And you look back to two years ago in the New England Patriots game, something clicked. When they're that offense, they unleashed him as a runner. He finished the season off.

Well, you go back to this past year in twenty twenty three, he started off really, really well. And look, that offense just wasn't fit for him. Kansas City Chiefs game, they're running under center play action style throws that don't fit his style. The next week they go out there. He has his two best games back to back, ends up hurting his thumb or it gets hurt.

I think the Minnesota game. And then he ends up sitting out six or seven games and then plays really well down the stretch and quite honestly has them a half a game out of a playoff game, a playoff spot, a wildcard spot. And so I just look at him from what I think his ceiling can be. If you get him in a right offense, if you get him in a say Lamar Jackson style offense or a Patrick Mahomes style offense where there's a lot of RPOs, there's a lot of, hey, pure progression reads, sweep the field.

Here's one. If he's not open, go to two. If he's not open, just go run. And I do think he needs to continue to improve. I think honestly, Mike Tomlin's the best head coach for him, for him to do that. There's going to be a lot to prove for him. I see these videos, Tom, of him working out in the office.

This dude looks absolutely jacked and absolutely focused. I'm excited to see what kind of stories come out of training camp with them. You spent a good chunk of your career as a backup quarterback, and they never asked you to return a kick to do some special package down by the goal line. In your mind, just philosophically, if you wanted to find a way for Justin Fields to get on the field, would you put him out there in any non-quarterback roles, even if it's just a spot gadget thing that you do once or twice? I definitely think so.

And talking with my co-host of Scoop City, we just released it. He will have packages on the field at quarterback. Now, I don't know if he's going to be at running back or if you see that two quarterback package with Russell and Justin where he split out, he is a dynamic playmaker. And if you can get the ball in a dynamic playmaker's hands in that style of offense that Arthur Smith runs with that defense, quite honestly, if the Pittsburgh Steelers scored 20, 21 points a game, they're going to win 10 plus games this year.

So you got to go in saying, hey, we got to score three touchdowns. If Justin Fields is part of that package in the red zone, you go three straight quarterback runs up the gut, and he's just dynamic enough to make somebody miss or to make something out of nothing, I think you got to go with it. That whole division is just going to be fascinating.

Of course, it's going to be chronicled on hard knocks too later on in the year. I look at Lamar Jackson, he's coming off his second NFL MVP, even though there's people who are going to say the numbers weren't there compared to past MVPs. But we all know just using the eye test, the difference maker that Lamar is, yet gets into the playoffs and once again runs into a Chiefs defense that had the perfect plan and completely shut them down. For Lamar and that Ravens team, I know sometimes it's unfair and it's cliche to say how do they take the next step, but how do they get over that hurdle when it comes to those games in January and they hope February to be able to actually finish this off and win a championship with Lamar?

That is the question everyone is wondering about because I have no idea. He's playing really well in the regular season and then somehow, some way it gets to the postseason and it's just something about Lamar. He's won two MVPs.

He can't quite get over that hump. He can't get that first Super Bowl champion trophy and that is going to quite honestly be the story about Lamar. I think Lamar Jackson's a top 10 quarterback in this National Football League.

However, as you know, when you go down in history, you got to win a Super Bowl championship. He has yet to do that. That's the big story I'm focusing on this offseason is how does Lamar up his game?

What does he do? I think that he really took a step forward last year as a thrower. If you look at the first four or five games last year with Lamar and that receiving core, they were not helping him at all. I do think it's a more put together, well-rounded offense the more they play together down the road. They ran into a brick wall with the Chiefs.

I thought it was going to happen. You're at home against the defending champions and somehow Patrick Mahone's Travis Kelce pull it out. Obviously, everyone knows about that fumble near the goal line.

There's so many small things. It doesn't fit all in Lamar, but it will be talked about going to the season. How does Lamar get to that next level?

I just think he's got to keep pushing forward. Another division I find totally fascinating is the NFC North. Just because you have the Packers or as hot as any team in the league the second half of the season into the playoffs. Obviously, there's a ton of excitement right now surrounding another one of your old teams. The Bears with Caleb Williams coming in there. You got Jared Goff just got a big deal in Detroit and the Vikings just drafted JJ McCarthy to go along with Sam Darnold and they hope they got their quarterback of the future. If you're a fan of one of these teams and you're analyzing this, what quarterback situation do you feel the best about or the worst about in that division not just for this year but over the next five years? I mean without a doubt Tom it's got to be Jordan Love and the Green Bay Packers.

I mean you look at him really the last 10 games of the year. 70 percent completion. 2100 passing yards. 18 touchdowns. The biggest thing only one interception. He took care of the football. They started out three and three.

They started it a little slow and they got to a hump and quite honestly if he doesn't rush that last throw against San Francisco there's a chance they go further into the playoffs. So I think his stock is up without a doubt and look I actually got a chance to work out with Jordan Love this offseason. No I'm not coming back Tom. You can't report that. It was just a workout because he worked out with my trainer.

Something like that. He worked out with my trainer in San Diego. Long term, long time fitness guru Todd Durkin who trained myself, Drew Brees and Darren Sproles. Anyways Jordan's fiance is a volleyball player.

Professional volleyball player here in San Diego. So I got a chance to spend some time with them this offseason and I can just tell you obviously you know they gotta they gotta pay him a lot of money. He probably seems to me more focused than anyone I've ever seen including Drew Brees going into a season with the unfinished look in his eye. You can see it sort of sparkle every single exercise he does.

It's with passion. It's with purpose and it's just really cool to get to spend some time around them and we did play a couple basketball pickup games very low. Don't worry Packers fans but I just want you to know my highlight. I'm not a very good basketball player. My highlight I posted on my Instagram a while ago. I did a turnaround fade away jumper to win a two on two pickup game over Jordan Love who's like 6'4.

I'm barely six foot. Was one of my favorite things of all time. I let Jordan know about it. He started laughing about it.

Pretty funny. I played during when I was going to Boston College at one time played pickup basketball against Doug Flutie right after he had signed a new contract with the Chargers. All I could think was my idiot buddy's guarding Flutie and if he steps on him he's going to break his ankle and it's going to be a disaster. Are you thinking that? Any part of your head just going just like take it a little bit five percent easy on Jordan Love? We were playing like 60% speed and that definitely definitely came into my mind but so that's why I had to hit him with a turnaround jumper in his face for the game so it was cool. Another quarterback that you've done a lot of work on.

I watched your tape right now. You do some of the best I've ever seen on YouTube was Dak Prescott and it was really fascinating how you kind of peel back the layers of Dak's game throughout the course of the 2023 season. The Cowboys are now in a spot where they're making decisions for years to come. Dak can't be franchised next year so if they don't get a deal done before the start of training camp maybe even the start of the regular season I think there's a good chance Dak Prescott ends up hitting the free agent market as opposed to taking a deal from Dallas next March here. If you're looking at this version of Dak Prescott I think he's 31 years old right now. You've obviously won a lot of games with him.

You've not won in the playoffs. How are you analyzing this situation? What would be your comfort level if you're a Dallas Cowboys, you're Jerry Jones, about giving him what's probably going to be 60 million a year? Exactly what I was going to think is it's got to be a 60 million dollar a year deal and quite honestly it's really hard to find really good quarterback play in this league. I would argue that there's 15 to 17 guys in this league maybe less that teams are actually really excited about.

Probably 10 that they're really excited about. I would put Dak Prescott in that really excited about category because he's entering year nine. He quite honestly had his best season of his career stat wise. 4,500 passing yards, 36 touchdowns, 36 touchdowns, only nine picks, 106 quarterback rating. You can't play any better than Dak did this season.

His defense down the stretch let him down a little bit. I just think that it makes all the sense in the world for the Cowboys to redo his deal. However, he's got all the leverage in the world and it's crickets out there.

You probably know more about it than I do and that's what I thought exactly what you said when you introduced the segment. I got to imagine that the regular season when it starts that's got to be Dak's timeline. He doesn't want to think. No franchise quarterback wants to think about contracts when they're trying to go and win a Super Bowl. So if Dak goes out and balls out again and they don't re-sign them it's going to be a free agent frenzy for Dak Prescott come 2025. So let's count some of these guys.

You said maybe it's 15, 17. There might only be 10 quarterbacks that people are really fired up about right now. So those names would be Yama Holmes on that list. You got Josh Allen on that list.

Jordan Love is probably there. Caleb Williams even though he hasn't played a game I would certainly think belongs on that list. Aaron Rodgers probably still safely in that category. Who are some of the guys that fall below the line in your mind whether they're young players who haven't fully shown what you hope yet or they're guys who maybe are getting toward the end of their career? Well that's a tough question because all these quarterback lists that people like to have it's all what you think and what you see on film. For me you said most of the guys I see in the top 10 but a guy like Baker Mayfield who just got a really good deal I think he's an excellent quarterback. Do I think guys are really excited about him?

Probably not. This is just one person by name and you just go by divisions like you know the New England Patriots staff. I think they're excited about Drake May, Jacoby Percette. They sort of settled there in my opinion so you can go on and on and I don't want to call it too many quarterbacks by name but it's just an interesting list that I think when you look and my whole reason behind that comment was that you actually go into the front office and talk with executives and they'll say we have our franchise quarterback. We are set for years to come.

I think there's probably 10. I think that's fair too and and that's the the danger in all this is you see some of the quarterbacks even who have gotten extensions in this off season. Obviously the Jaguars are big believers in Trevor Lawrence but has Trevor Lawrence shown that he can consistently play at a championship level?

I don't know that you know they're obviously betting on the upside right? You're betting this guy's still a young player. He's going to get better and better here but you've seen some some up and down in his play. Another one that I think you have to look at here just because of his career trajectory has been very unique on a lot of levels is Tua and we talk about you got to pay Dak.

You got to pay Jordan Love. With Tua Tonga-Valoa I thought that deal was going to get done back in the spring but obviously Trevor Lawrence now suddenly matches Joe Burrow at 55 a year. There's a very fair argument from his agent from Tua's agent that this thing's now got to be upwards of 55 here. If you're the Dolphins you've seen him play at a really high level since Mike McDaniel got there. You have Tyreek Hill coming out and saying hey he should be paid as one of the highest paid guys. If you're sitting there in Chris Greer's seat and Mike McDaniel are you paying Tua Tonga-Valoa let's call it 57 million dollars a year on a long-term contract to be your franchise guy?

And that's probably, Tom, why he hasn't signed yet because I know that that number for Tua and his camp they want to be in the mid-50s and quite honestly I don't know if the Dolphins have even offered them above mid to high 40s per year and it's just an interesting situation specifically because Tua is an absolute perfect fit for Mike McDaniel and Frank Smith down here the offensive coordinator of Miami for that offense. Now you look at the trajectory he definitely had his best year but look at the weapons around him. I'm not saying he's not a great quarterback. Do I think he's a top 10 quarterback right now? No. Do I think the system really helps him?

Yes but do I think he makes the system as well? Yes that's the dynamic that Chris Greer down there in Miami and Mike McDaniel they have to work through that. Are they better off keeping Tua on a three to four year deal than going out and having to start over?

Probably. Are they having sticker shock at 55 to 57 million dollars a year? Yeah I would rather play Jordan Love that. Quite honestly I think Jordan Love deserves 55, 56, 57 million dollars. Would I rather pay Jordan Love than Tua right now personally?

Yeah but is Tua probably going to get in the mid to lower 50s? Yeah and it's going to be looked at in a couple years as a deal which is just crazy and how the game is growing and how the cap's rising. These teams have all sorts of money to pay these quarterbacks and when you can get a really good quarterback and a serviceable guy that's not going to make mistakes and can also win games you got to pay them. It's also I think the just a function of the unique nature of the quarterback position where there's plenty of other positions where you go you know what you don't take our best offer right now we'll tag you and then we can tag you again. You have the right to do that with quarterbacks we've seen it play out for guys like Kirk Cousins and Dak Prescott but if you're not a special type of guy like Dak who's willing to bet on himself and a former fourth round pick and all that it can create an awkward dynamic. You already have Tua not doing 11 on 11 through the course of the spring if you let him play it out and then you tag him next year you're probably not seeing him around a lot of times I've talked with teams about this before you can make the intellectual argument hey this is a guy that we don't know you know especially if it's a mobile quarterback we don't know how long his career is going to be let's just let him play it out then tag him twice but then the other side it's yeah but then that's sitting in the back of his head and it creates this distraction teams generally decide to pay that position early and this is one of the decisions going to have to be made. Last thing for you Chase before I let you go really appreciate you being here you obviously played with Justin Herbert with the Chargers you've seen his career he has had a lot of different coaches coordinators quarterback coaches actually reunited now with Shane Day who's back there I don't know if you've talked to Justin but thinking about him in this style of offense what they're going to be asking to do now with Jim Harbaugh and Greg Roman there what do you think? Well look we had him on another one of my podcasts earlier this season with the 33rd team and Trey Wingo and he doesn't talk a lot but I guess he likes me because he decided to come on we had about a 30-45 minute conversation and he just seems a lot more relaxed a lot more comfortable just maybe it's that 250 million dollar deal that he got where he's like I am the franchise he feels good about it but I do think it's a welcome change to have coach Harbaugh in his room and he was really excited about the opportunity to work with Greg Roman specifically everyone knows Greg Roman from those running days with Colin Kaepernick Lamar Jackson I do think that they are going to pound the football on the ground now I do think that Ladd McConkie is going to end up being the number one receiver you lose Keenan Allen you lose Mike Williams Josh Palmer's area he's great I think there's a world where Ladd McConkie has over a hundred catches as a rookie in the slot I really think so and Justin really likes Ladd from that perspective I do think you're gonna see him opening up the playbook you're gonna see him launching balls down the field using that arm strength heavy play action and I do think that eventually he's gonna have to win a game with his arm and just talking to him specifically about that he's excited about the opportunity because Jim Harbaugh has won everywhere he's been and Justin's ready for this season a lot of people counting them out I think he's got something to prove I think he's got that mentality one of the nicest human beings ever met but when he gets focused on something you better watch out as soon as you said over 100 catches for Ladd McConkie I glanced at Chris Brockman and of course he was making this face and now I think he's actually on FanDuel uh seeing what kind of odds he can get I would do it that particular prop he never know he is the host of many podcasts now including the scoop city podcast with Diana Rossini new episodes every Tuesday and Friday starting today each show will be packed it says right here chase with information about the NFL delivered by a fun freewheeling conversation you can listen to scoop city for free on apple podcast spotify or wherever you get your podcast chase you're the best man thanks a lot for being here thanks for having me on man all right let's chase Daniel uh we'll keep talking NFL how about that on the other side of the spray we got the Amador Lenore cornerback for the 49ers coming up at the top of the next hour we'll be going division by division throughout the course the next four days I'm Tom Pilasero in for rich we're going to be breaking it all down talk about the AFC East the biggest questions maybe some of the non-negotiables even for all those teams in the AFC East that and a lot more coming up right after this on the Rich Eisen show Rich Eisen here for sleep number they say opposites attract and that's why the sleep number smart bed is the best bed for couples I can confirm 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yourself or worse others I'm at the scene of the collision and the damage you cause will be beyond repair see we didn't have to use crash or siren sounds after all speeding catches up with you brought to you by NHTSA he is here dressed head to toe full on with the beard and and the robe and everything and the sandals uh will ferrell dressed as go ahead tell the radio audience who you're dressed as today jesus courtesy of spirit costumes made in china and it's adult and if you if you can focus in on the bottom here yes one size fits most one size fits most so they're not really committing are they no they're not really committing one size fits most how does it fit you it looks like it fits pretty good yeah pretty good yeah pretty good but uh yeah I um and you've got a dodger cap on as well so I want to support my Dodgers I looked at the calendar it didn't dawn on me that until yesterday yeah but today is the 30th it is that I thought uh god the beard a beard really puts me out of breath I don't know why you've got an intake because it is up against the nose yeah yeah there's only this much yeah I just see the eyes right um but boy jesus does love his omega-3s look how shiny the beard anyway my point is my kids we have a rule in the ferrell household the boys get to pick out my halloween costume every year and have to wear it no matter what okay so they had picked out jesus I thought day before halloween I gotta wear it for rich on his show thank you yeah well well thank your children thank you children for me courtesy of axel magnus and matias okay they thought it'd be fun why did they I don't know there's no last year I was a poop emoji so you were on the gamut one year I was just a heavyset guy okay I think I was where's waldo another year yeah there's no rhyme or reason okay tom pelissero in for rich on the rich eisen show phone lines open 844-204 rich you want to talk win loss go through your team's nfl schedule eight more teams with their rookies reporting today every team eight days from now will be full squad in training camp that's how close we are 51 days until the opener let's go to the phone lines right now about connor in norway uh connor before we get to your bears let me ask you this is this is this like norway california or is this norway norway this is norway norway no well that's what's about what 7 p.m there you just finished up for with dinner and decided to call in and talk chicago one loss that's it that's exactly right yeah i've uh i've also been wondering like everyone else uh how all the other callers have been saying teams are going to do so uh track that tracked all that information down it turns out uh everybody thinks that uh new england is going to be the worst team in the nfl next year followed by tennessee just like you guys have been saying and uh yeah no no changes on uh the bear schedule for those games all right so let me tell you this all right let's go through it right now all right let's start out week one so you got the titans what do you got we're adding another loss to the titans record that's a win for the bears week two at houston it's tough one uh unfortunately i think that's a lot all right week three at indy i i'm i'm nervous about that i think uh um ridgerton's actually gonna be a problem to deal with i'll call that another loss one and two start for your bears and caleb williams they're already chanting in the crowd want to see tyson beja week four home against the rams what do you got one more one more loss to start off rams are good i like i like this this is a realistic uh realistic run through the schedule here all right week five the panthers at home you gotta win this one oh yeah we're turning it around we we started owning them with that trade a couple years ago and uh yeah we own them now you're going to totnam stadium in london against the jaguars week six yeah we're actually going to that game uh super cool we're able to do that and that's going to be a win for the for the home folks over here makes sense all right now they get the buy how about week eight at commanders we're starting to rattle off some wins call that a win right there week nine at arizona at the win week 10 home against the patriots another loss for new england that's the winner for the bears home against the packers this is actually a pretty good schedule here coming out of the buy for the bears they got the packers at home in week 11 how about that one yeah first division game uh we take back ownership that's the one for the bears back loaded week 12 home against the vikings yeah wife is an actual viking but uh yeah that's their life story without making it through your wife's a viking well he's from norway she's norwegian oh yeah they're vikings okay yeah so how'd she win the tug of war on where you live uh it's it's uh it's pretty pretty easy it's good life over here she's a viking tom are you gonna tell her no so he loves the bears but he's married to a viking week 13 this thanksgiving at detroit yeah i think that's where we uh we cool off we uh we lose to detroit that's the end of the seven game win streak all right week 14 at san francisco bounce back game we win that one oh all right week 15 at minnesota monday night football yeah i i think i'd get in trouble if i didn't say we at least split with minnesota so that's that's a loss that's a loss week 16 home against the lions that's a win seahawks on thursday night football at home day after christmas yeah that's uh that's a loss unfortunately all right and then all right so right now going into week 18 you got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and six this could be make or break this could be your in or you're out of the playoffs you got to go into green bay it's one of those to be determined when that game is what time what day you're going into green bay to try to seal up the play at the playoffs night football week 18 that's a win for us win the division make it into the top 10 of the rich eisen show power rankings and uh and post a playoff game for the first time in too many years wow there you have it connor i love it norway i love it that is uh we appreciate your time great breakdown from you mike in illinois also had him at 11 and 6 zack and dallas had him at 12 and 5 so that's that's a fair amount of optimism now the amazing part here is connor had three straight losses early on a one in four start in september everybody's getting restless in chicago with that one in four start but how about that they turn that thing around that's a lot of optimism i i think nine and eight ten and seven is your ceiling here for the bears all right let's talk about the afcs to promise this all right let's break this down here uh if we're talking non-negotiables right we're all watching the bear with the non-negotiables for each team in the nfl as teams begin to report training camps here starting out with the jets my non-negotiable on the jets you got to run the football everyone's going to focus on aaron rogers hard lesson last year if he tries to extend plays make everything happen on his own opt out of the run plays it's not going to happen run the football with breeze hall and company uh for the bills non-negotiables somebody needs to step up a receiver it's a pretty easy one you got to do something to replace stefan digs it's not going to be one person it's going to have to be a collective we all love keon coleman we all love the sound bites it's going to take some time there though he's certainly got uh all the measurables the dolphins your non-negotiable is you got to stay healthy last year down the stretch i mean they were they were hot you remember through a good chunk of the season to have stayed healthy here but moester got banged up waddle got banged up tyrique was playing through a bunch of stuff here you simply have to be healthy down the stretch or else you end up looking like miami did going in limping in losing the division and going into kansas city uh and losing and then who am i missing go talk about new england your non-negotiables is just tations temper your expectations here you want to have time with drake may don't start odo and two and force them into the lineup talk radio in boston just take a deep breath everything's going to be okay just just take your time understand it's not going to be instantaneous gratification 2024 is setting the table for the years to come to totally agree totally i i please am preaching patience i was mainly looking at everyone with the drake may experience like we can't see him till november at the earliest i i wouldn't want to see drake may no i don't want to see him at all i don't want to see him at all right i don't want to see him at all but you just know how these things work he's going to play this year at some point but let's not like if we're one and seven which is a real possibility sure like let's not just throw the kid out there because so he can get murdered like jacoby's probably getting murdered jacoby's a big boy he could take all the lumps this year like thanksgiving that would be great let drake play out the final five six games that'd be awesome get his feet wet but i mean if it's october and it's already like should the patriots go to drake bay like the answer is no october under any circumstances when they lose we too ei will be firing everybody and benching everybody after the opening game who are the patriots open with bangles bangles we're gonna blast it i mean you would certainly think defense is gonna be good so it's not gonna be like 35 to 10 this is a team that's gonna have to win like they got veteran coaches alex vampelpe and macadu got away they got to win 17 13 every game it's gonna be super low scoring i bet the under on pats games all year i mean you you play to the team that you've got and and that's that's the team that they've got but again that won't be a reason in my mind to go to drake may sooner than you have to he's the classic needs a little bit of time although time in 10 seconds matthew judon holdout please say no we shall find out that'll be worth monitoring deomidor lanore joins us next rich eisen show this radio commercial was made to convince you to stop speeding we can't use siren sound effects on the radio so we'll use other equally jarring sound effects to get your attention like telling you that whether you drive a little over the speed limit or a lot you can crash just the same you could hurt yourself or worse others i'm at the scene of the collision and the damage you cause will be beyond repair see we didn't have to use crash or siren sounds after all speeding catches up with you brought to you by nitsa
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-07-16 16:37:05 / 2024-07-16 17:00:38 / 24

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