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The Wonder of Habakkuk 1:16 - Phenomoinal Cosmic Powers; Itty Bitty Living Space

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2023 9:39 am

The Wonder of Habakkuk 1:16 - Phenomoinal Cosmic Powers; Itty Bitty Living Space

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 1, 2023 9:39 am

Hab 1:16 Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous.

A lesson in what happens when we consume others.

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This is the Truth Network. Bible Wonders of Habakkuk. Oh, the iron verse of the first chapter of Habakkuk.

And the iron, the letter itself, you know, it looks like sort of an optic nerve because it has to do with vision, but it also very much has to do with a yoke. And this idea of being yoked to something, that's the very reason that Jesus' name ends in that I in Yeshua, and that I in is, you know, we want to be yoked to Jesus. Well, unfortunately, in the case of the iron verse of Habakkuk chapter one, you can see where the poor Chaldeans, the Babylonians here, end up being yoked to their nets and to their drags, which happens so often, you know, for people that are extremely successful, they end up worshipping. And I like the way, you know, if you think about the Psalmic being this phenomenal cosmic power that leads to this itty bitty living space, like you heard in Atlanta, excuse me, in the movie Aladdin, that you get yoked.

Oh, it's so horrible what happens here. And unfortunately, this even has, when you think about it, ramifications to the Holocaust, if you think about what's actually being said here, it's horrifying in so many different ways, but I'll go ahead and read it in English. It's a 16th verse, it says, therefore, they, meaning the Babylonians, they sacrifice unto their net, and they burn incense unto their drag, because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. And again, that idea of, you know, essentially, they're saying that they're worshipping in two different ways, they're both worshipping by the idea of sacrifice, and that particular sacrifice is a kind of sacrifice that you actually eat. And so they're devouring, you know, as Habakkuk had talked about, that these wicked people are devouring the righteous, and there's no doubt that that's being, you know, shown here, which I don't even, you know, think I want to know about all that, but then there's the, and they burn incense unto their drag, and there the idea of the Holocaust comes in, like, oh my goodness, and when you think about that, the Babylonians, like the Romans, set fire to Jerusalem, set fire to these people, and, you know, it's this horrible idea of this smoke, you know, going up, and these people actually worshipping, you know, through their identity, what they can perceive themselves to be, and they have yoked themselves to murder. I mean, that's the horrible thing about it, and as you know, unfortunately, when somebody begins to murder, they get fed by that, and that's part of the sacrifice idea of, like, oh my goodness, and as they get more fed by that, then they murder again and again, and what a horrible yoke, so talk about an itty bitty living space, I mean, oh my goodness, what a horrible, horrible thing that is, and the other couple interesting, or I find very fascinating things to consider, is when they say their portion is fat, that word is shemen, and is very much connected to your name, in other words, the fatness has to do with their identity, and, you know, they're literally becoming murderers in their own mind, and again, the idea of them being yoked, and which, by the way, the verse starts with an ion, and therefore, as a result of these phenomenal cosmic powers that we talked about in the Psalmic verse, you know, that they think that they did, like, oh my goodness, it's, as they had said in previous chapters, in previous verses, it's extremely offensive, and this horrible thing to consider, and then, my extension, you know, where my mind went with this, it's like, oh goodness, where do I do this, right, because what Jesus said in Matthew chapter five, right, was that if you even say rakah to your brother, then, you know, it's, you're being, like, you murdered them, right, and that idea of rakah is saying that somebody's worthless, and so, whether you say it, or you think it, or you speak it, however it works in your own life, unfortunately, you begin to feed on that concept that people are worthless, oh, that person's worthless, that group of people is worthless, as you say those things, or you think those things, you're creating for yourself the same little bitty, itty bitty living space, and actually, it becomes, you know, part of your identity, it's really a horrible thing, as I was considering this, I was, like, oh my goodness, you know, I really need to get a grip on thoughts like that, or anything that I may say about somebody, in fact, I kind of did an inventory of people that I didn't particularly care for, and I went, oh my goodness, Lord, help me, you know, help me not to get to this place where I consume, you know, or this place of sacrifice, or burning incense onto this idea of making people worthless, oh my goodness, so, you know, like I said, the really, I think, important thing is, okay, what do I do with this verse, you know, where does this actually fit into my life, and honestly, I'm not gonna go into any names, although, like, you know, maybe, no, it wouldn't be helpful, that, you know, people that have offended me, and then you get to this feeling, like, man, this person is just, this is a parasite, this person is worthless, and oh my goodness, is that dangerous, because again, you're judging people, and so you're going to be judged, and this is a really, really difficult thing, and so, you know, maybe, or not maybe, I will, let's pray for us all, Lord, Lord, help us to see the value in human beings, help us to see their glory, help us to see how they were made in your image, and how they reflect you, Lord, help us to see that there's great value in people, and the last thing we need to do is, anyway, diminish what you're doing in them, Lord, we know that you are in, you know, that you're there about bringing all people unto yourself, and whether those are Babylonians, or Jewish people, or whatever it is you may consider, Lord, they have great value, because they're made in your image, help us to see that, and to work towards that end, rather than, in any way, offending, and beginning to think that we've got something going on, Lord, I pray that you would help us all to do that, in Jesus' name. Again, this is the whole idea of, to me, the previous Psalmic versus phenomenal cosmic powers, if we give ourselves credit for that, then we end up yoking ourselves, like the genie in Aladdin, right? That, you know, itty bitty living space, which, because you lose your freedom, as you become yoked to that idea of, you know, that you're more powerful than anybody else. Well, thank you for listening!
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-02-01 10:38:23 / 2023-02-01 10:41:44 / 3

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