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Ryan Hartwig Social Media collusion with the Government and Bias Analisa Pesek COVID evidence and CCP Guilt

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
January 2, 2023 4:18 pm

Ryan Hartwig Social Media collusion with the Government and Bias Analisa Pesek COVID evidence and CCP Guilt

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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January 2, 2023 4:18 pm

Ryan Hartwig discusses the Social Media bias and the alignment with Govfernment which violates the Section 230 protection. Also discussed the influence of the social media giants and the Twitter revelations.

Analisa Pesek previews a case of mask mandates and the CCP Covid Bio Weapon used against us. Evidence by Naomi Wolfe and Dr Peter McCullough. A discussion about the irregularities in the AZ MidTerm Elections and the continued case of Keri Lake. Many witnesses came forward to testify at the Maricopa County Election Boad meeting.

Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey

Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young.

No topic is off limits, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day. And we are live, brand new program, January 2nd, 2023. Man, I can't even hardly believe it's already 2023. It's like I blinked and I missed 2022.

I'm not even sure what happened. But 1.6 million of you were watching us here on Chosen Generation Radio, so we greatly appreciate that. Appreciate all of you that are tuned in today. Share the website,, You can sign up for our emails as well, and you can watch us right here. And we are also on TECN TV, and we welcome you.

And the player that's playing here at is the TECN TV player, so we'll appreciate that. 6.3 million, I believe, is the number. Let me just double check here. Where are we at? There we go.

One more click. Yep, 6.3 million viewers on TECN TV this last year, so we thank all of you for tuning in and watching the program. Well, I'm very excited to welcome my next guest here in hour number three.

He is the author of Behind the Mask of Facebook, and he's been with us a number of times before, and I thought it would be very appropriate to bring him on, especially in light of all that's happening with Elon Musk and Twitter and social media and the questions that are being asked of Mr. Zuckerberg and the manipulations that are taking place and so on. I welcome Ryan Hartwig to the program. Ryan, welcome. Good to have you, sir. Yeah, thanks for having me on, Pastor Greg. And it's great. We didn't start off the new year yet, but January 2nd now, it definitely went by very, very quickly. But yeah, happy to be here.

Well, I appreciate you being here with me. So let me begin by asking you that, the Twitter revelations and the things that happened, the FBI being exposed. The FBI is now claiming, oh, I mean, it's out there and they're still trying to say we didn't do anything.

It's mind blowing. But you were behind the scenes at Facebook. How much government manipulation did you witness and do these revelations at Twitter surprise you at all? So yeah, as far as going beyond the scenes, working with the government, I was there at Facebook from 2018 to 2020 as a content moderator.

And so I definitely saw, there was definitely a lot going on there with, yeah, there were indications of government involvement. So for example, after 2017, like Facebook, all of a sudden they spend millions of dollars and they move content moderation to the US where it had been overseas before that. And so in 2017, they invest in bringing jobs to the US for content moderation. And the reason they explained to us was because there was Russian involvement in the 2016 election. So that was kind of their reason for spending billions in the US for moderation. And then the other thing what we saw is we saw that there was a major reengineering of our moderation queue for the 2020 election.

And as far as, yeah, so there are indications. And we also had changes to our vaccine policy prior to COVID where they didn't allow misinformation about vaccines. And so yeah, with my book, Behind the Mask on Facebook, I talk about that. I talk about how governments are used in South America to control elections and there was meddling.

And we definitely censored election content. And so I don't have that smoking a bun, but I have these clear indications that there was something behind the scenes happening, where, you know, everything that Facebook's doing is in line with what we're seeing with what we're seeing with what we're seeing from Twitter. They've rolled out this whole metaverse I you know, these kinds of rollouts don't happen overnight.

And they certainly don't happen just in a vacuum. There had to have been some indications that this was being worked on even during the time that you were at Facebook. How much of an indication was there of that? And and what did you sense was the was the goal of of this of this metaverse, you know, roll out that they've that they've done? Yeah, so my my project was was specifically content moderation. So I didn't really have the opportunity to see other projects at the company, such as the metaverse. And so this was a huge undertaking, it was a very pivotal moment for for Facebook for meta for Zuckerberg, it was, you know, think of this guy with with $100 billion, if you have $100 billion, you take, I guess you take risks.

And so far, that risk hasn't played out very well with the metaverse and Facebook meta shares are down 70%. And so yeah, for for us, what what I did, what I did see on my end was we were using it, we were training the AI. So we were training AI to recognize certain images, certain parts of the body, body shapes.

And so I think that's very important. I think face, you mean, you mean body shapes relative to physical persons? So we were trained to wreck, we were training the AI to recognize, for example, nudity, cleavage, you know, people wearing swimsuits, that kind of thing, male bulge is so different. So ideally, I think this filter would be used like if you want, if you're on Facebook, you want to see, you know, nudity or or near nudity. That's what we were training the AI to recognize, you know, swimsuits, that kind of thing, lingerie. So that's one example of how AI can be used. Okay, I think this fits within that, you know, parameter of what what the metaverse can be used for, and how the AI can be used at Facebook is because they've invested heavily in AI. So that's another big thing that we should be concerned about is why is Facebook investing so much in the metaverse in there's a there's a movie called Ready Player One.

Okay, sure. I've heard. I've heard of it. Uh huh.

In the future race, we're all living in trailer parks, like little like shipping containers, you know, plugged in virtually kind of like the matrix, right. And so we should be concerned about that. Yeah. Well, it's interesting that you bring that up relative to body shapes and nudity and things of that nature, because there's been grave concern that's been raised with regards to the grooming of children, and sex trafficking and and quite frankly, you know, while Facebook takes down things that are, or even puts up, you know, this may be misinformation when somebody, for example, puts up a scripture quote, I just saw one of those, just yet to then know yesterday or the day before. And and yet there has been evidence that's been presented about some of the imaging that you're talking about being used to potentially groom or even traffic, children, and those kinds of groups or private groups or what have you, within the Facebook universe continue to thrive. Yeah, and it was tough to delete. So I deleted, you know, posts, comments, some direct messages, groups as well. And, you know, it was tough because there were groups that had kind of an innocent name, like, you know, like football gear, but then on the image of the group, it had something that was somewhat sexually suggestive of a minor, of a minor. And then in the group, you know, they had links and whatnot, but there really wasn't enough where Facebook didn't give us the latitude to delete those groups, even though they had indications that they were being used for sex trafficking or child pornography.

So I wish we had a little more latitude in that in that area. But yeah, and yeah, Facebook technically had a policy against sex trafficking or, you know, human smuggling. Right.

Well, I mean, it's great to have, yeah, you know, hey, we don't support this. And yet over here, you have an entire universe on your social media platform where people are engaged in those kinds of activities. And when you're talking about having the technology, you know, you know, on the one hand, right, I mean, let's face it, when you look at, for example, January 6, and the prosecutions of January 6, one of the main sources that the government has been using has been Facebook and its facial recognition programming in order to try to prosecute these individuals, many of whom are there praying together or just standing together with a picture of the Capitol in the background, not engaged in any kind of offensive activity. But now because they changed the boundaries, they're suddenly on the grounds that were public grounds. Anyway, I guess the point is, is that Facebook is being used by the government for these prosecutions, while at the same time, Facebook is doing nothing about things that are that are egregious and truly prosecutorial. Right.

And with January 6, and I was there at Trump's speech, and clearly didn't feel any, you know, sudden urge to go rush the Capitol, and it was very tightly packed anyways, it was hard to get out of there. But yeah, so that, yeah, with that, there is a there's a DHS whistleblower named Aaron Stevenson, who also went public with Veritas. And he was given a hard time with the DHS, because he's like, because he was releasing documents related to terrorists. And they were mentioning something about privacy. And but yeah, here we go. Here we are with the FBI, where they're releasing images of these January 6 people, hey, these are terrorists, basically. If you know this person, you know, let us know. Turn them in, right.

Yeah, yeah. So with Facebook, I mean, they were giving in one example, my book behind the mask of Facebook, about how they gave an exception for child pornography, for child nudity in Brazil. And I'll just quote from it real quick. It says there's a trending image of an album cover like a music band for the Brazilian band Negra 2, Jr. The album cover does not violate our child nudity policy. However, I'm sorry, the album cover does violate the album cover does violate our child nudity policy, however, given the article artistic value of this album cover, as well as the public interest, Facebook has decided to make a newsworthy exception. So here we are like, they're deprioritizing or not prioritizing enough, you know, these the sex trafficking, and they're giving newsworthy exceptions for child nudity, because it has artistic value.

So shows you where the priorities are. We've talked a little bit before, and Zach Voorhees, and you and I have been on together to, you know, talk about the cultures within these entities. Can you talk and we got about a minute before we go into break, and then we'll come back and we'll talk more in depth about this. But can you talk about the kind of culture that you saw at Facebook and how that influenced what kind of content was allowable? Yeah, so the culture there, and we were subcontracted. So we were, I was working for Cognizant, but we had, you know, we had a wide variety of types of individuals, I was working at Phoenix and Phoenix.

So I didn't experience the direct, you know, culture of San Francisco. But I did see they promoted superiors who tended to be like supervisors who tend to be left leaning or, you know, kind of toed the line there. So yeah, we followed the policy.

But you know, the upper management obviously influences the culture. So we had to make our client happy and go along with what they told us to do. Gotcha. All right, we're gonna take a quick break. Ryan Hartwig is with us behind the mask of Facebook coming up more right after this on Show Generation Radio.

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So please call right now. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Welcome back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg, and my very special guest, Ryan Hartwig. He is the author of Behind the Mask of Facebook. And Ryan, I'd like to get your thoughts with regards to social media influence and what you observed having been, again, you know, right in the middle of it as a content manager at Facebook. Let's look back at 2022 and some of the things that you observed that, you know, that caused you to come out and write the book and expose what you were seeing. And then looking at 2023, what are some of the major issues that you see or potentially significant issues that you see for us going forward? Yeah, so for 2022, so once again, I went public in 2020.

I've been there for two years as a content moderator. And my big thing was, hey, there's a private company censoring Americans' speech when they're talking about politics. So you know, we should be able to talk freely about politics and not be censored.

There's no violation of the law happening. And so the big story of 2022 is we saw, you know, with the big article from The Intercept, and we've learned from Dr. Shiva as well, and now with the Twitter files that there was a huge amount of government collusion between these private companies. And we saw Mark Zuckerberg go on Joe Rogan and say, kind of, hey, the FBI pressured us to suppress the Hunter Biden story. So was it suppression or was it just hand-in-hand lockstep where they're both willing parties in this censorship?

And I think that's more accurate. So now we're seeing this, that's the big story of 2022. And we have basically Facebook acting as a government agency. So Congress made this law, Section 230, and Facebook is, you know, being a government agency and enacting these laws and making up their own rules. So for 2023, I think we have a lot of different things going on.

We have these huge bombshell shells from Elon Musk, what do we do with them? This will obviously help with lawsuits against Twitter. I know, you know, there's multiple people who have lawsuits going on. There's also a big constitutional challenge that I'm involved with, with Jason Fick and the Social Media Freedom Foundation. That is so amazing. I'm so glad you brought that up because literally, as you said that, because I had, I just had Jason on, he was on with me twice, but he was on back for an hour on Tuesday, the 6th of December.

One of the last programs that I did last year was with Jason. And as you were saying that, I was literally, folks, I kid you not, I was just pulling up Jason Fick, Section 230, and social media responsibilities. And I was going to ask your opinion about what's going on with regards to that.

And where do you see that case going? Are we moving forward? Are we going to bring some accountability to these social media companies? Because they are colluding, they're acting as government agents. Come on, let's face it, they're doing it. So what, you know, we're defenseless unless the court system here in America steps in and does something. Right, exactly.

So the government right now is laundering their censorship through these private companies. And so yeah, so right now, in mid-February, we'll know a little bit more. There's a similar case to ours. So ours is basically suing the government under saying, hey, Section 230 has not been interpreted correctly. And so there's a very similar case or similar argument that's going to go to the Supreme Court probably last week of February. And so our appeal should go to the Supreme Court in late February, March possibly. So we'll know a lot more then if they chose to hear it. So if that happens, the floodgate's going to be wide open, and we're going to see a lot of changes happen.

So hopefully that happens. Jason Fink's been fighting this for the last four years. He sued Facebook.

He didn't get his day in court, so now he's suing the government. But you can go to and learn more about it. But yeah, so for 2023, that would be a big, huge, monumental shift in how we interpret the case law. The biggest takeaway for 2023 is, hey, we're in the digital age. We've got these huge companies, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Google more than anybody, and they are controlling the narrative. They're controlling the story. I just watched a Netflix show, they were talking about going to war, okay, you can go to war and that's how you win wars. But they're like, no, actually, the way you win a war is you control the narrative. So we're in a, basically World War II. And let's be clear, we're going to run out of time here, but let's be clear too, folks.

This is not anything new, okay? When you look at what happened in the battle that took place in Vietnam, Vietnam was not lost in Vietnam. Vietnam was lost in the media. Vietnam was lost by Walter Conkrite and CBS News and so forth and how they presented it and that was intentional, ladies and gentlemen, it was intentional.

They re-scripted what was going on. Vietnam was about stopping communism. And as a former Cold War vet, I can tell you, communism today is still the threat and it's what's taking over our country. And if we don't stop it, we will all lose and many of us will die.

That's just a fact. Ryan, thanks for being with me today, I greatly appreciate it. Pick up the book, folks, Behind the Mask of Facebook, I'll be back with more.

Annalisa Pesic comes up with us right after this brief break. Are you or someone you love struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and want to be set free from the chains of addiction? Then call Addiction Helpline America right now to get the help you need. From drug and alcohol addiction to dual diagnosis treatment, we provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. With one call, you can be on the phone with addiction specialists across the country who will guide you on the next steps to find the freedom and healing you desperately need. Call Addiction Helpline America at the number below. We provide a confidential helpline to help people like you get sober and live happy, substance-free lives. One phone call today can change your life forever.

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To support Chozen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chozen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chozen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chozen Generation Radio. Well, I'm very excited to have my next guest with me. She is back to join us, and I want to welcome.

She is a writer, and an author, and a political commentator, and a variety of gifts and talents. And I'm very excited to welcome Annalisa Pesek back to us. Annalisa, welcome. Good to have you with us.

Good morning, Pastor Greg, and that was quite an intro. I haven't authored a book yet, but I aspire to it. 2023, this is your year. This is your year. I'm going to write mine. You're going to write yours.

This is going to be a big year. All right, well, let's go for it. There we go.

There we go. Well, there's a lot. You've been talking a lot about the COVID situation. I got into a lot of that in my first segment with Rick Manning, and I think it's a very good conversation to have. There's a lot coming.

I think China right now has honed. I believe it's a bioweapon, and I think that they've honed some of that. We can talk a little bit about that. And then also, I know that you've been talking a bit about the Arizona election and Kerry Lake and what's going on with regards to that.

Why don't we start with Kerry Lake in Arizona, and where do you see that going next? It's not really a surprise to me that we have a judge that suggests, oh, well, nothing to see here. Move along. I've had Michelle Swinik on my program quite extensively the last, well, since the election for about four weeks. We had her on regularly, and she witnessed box number three.

She signed off on box number three and then watched those bags disappear and reappear a week later. That's not regular. Yeah, nothing about the election was regular, and that was admitted by the board of supervisors, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. They said it in, it's hiding in plain sight, basically, in their report about how the election was run. They said that more ballots were impacted because of these printer issues than ever before, and yet this was a safe, secure, and free and fair election. It wasn't.

There's no way it could be. So these whistleblowers, I think, were extremely important to the trial that took place, that two-day trial. You mentioned the judge, I think the judge had a fair and open mind going in, and who knows what happened after that two-day, very fast-paced trial. He did rule, kind of expected, we did expect it, right? It wasn't a surprise.

I think my headline for that article was, surprise, the judge finds no clear and convincing evidence. So- Right, right. A bit sarcastic, slightly. Slightly. Sarcasm.

Yeah. A little subtle, but there's, you know, there is the appeal, Carrie Lake has a chance to appeal. She says she's going to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court if she, you know, that seems to be where she's going.

I think that's a good idea. I think we can't just, we can't back down. She is not backing down, and God bless her for not giving up. I mean, she's not a coward. This judge was a coward, he was a coward, and had he just taken it another step further and said, okay, well, we're going to examine more ballots, we're going to stretch this thing out, but he didn't.

So you have to wonder why, where was the pressure coming from, did someone buy a mop? I had a friend tell me the other day, you know, a good lawyer knows the law, a great lawyer knows the judge. And I had to laugh, like, who knows what was going on here with this Mark Elias firm, right, that was the defense team was working with. Right.

Right. Well, and we know, I mean, we know that there's, you know, there's certainly a smoke where Elias is concerned, so much so that he, you know, that he had to jump ship right from from Perkins-Coy, because they were concerned about the amount of smoke that that he was dragging with him. So you know, there's, there's certainly there, there's something to look at with regards to that, but the evidence about these bags and about the numbers of ballots that were unable to be read, and when during the day they were unable to be read, and then I watched the Maricopa County hearing, and most of the people that came up were not just your, you know, your average voter, which not to take anything away from them. But most of the people that came up and testified were actual poll workers who worked the locations around Maricopa County, and came up and testified about their experiences. And for any election board to listen to the people that worked the polls, and hear the evidence that was presented, and then still certify that election, mind blown. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, like Kerry Lake's attorney, you know, kept reiterating in his closing argument that so much of this doesn't make sense. Even the judge admitted that hundreds of affidavits were submitted, and he believed that these affidavits needed to be heard.

In his words, it was a case for the court. These are sworn affidavits, these people are election workers, some of them were voters, but you're right, a lot of them are entrenched in the operations. So given that, and he also said he understood the frustration of voters who weren't able to vote that day, because as you just said, the long lines that were caused by the printer issues and people coming back two, three times, even the Maricopa County Board of Elections department received over, I think 50,000 calls by voters on election day, trying to navigate what to do, like with this third drawer, what does that mean? And then some people going back to find out, did my vote count? How did my vote, how do I know my vote counted?

I was in Georgia for the runoff between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock, and I was on the ground there talking to voters about their experience in that race. And you know, the Secretary of State website in Georgia allows you to check if your vote has been counted. And some voters went to that website and found that their vote had not been recorded. And so they went back and they were able to rectify it. I don't know really how that worked exactly. They, right, there's so much we don't know, but did that happen in Arizona?

I don't know. Well, I have a story about that, actually, Michelle's roommate attempted to run his ballot through and I believe it was either 12 or 14 times, and it didn't work. So they said, put it in that box number three, okay, and we'll run it. And normally, according to the procedures and according to the training that Michelle received, there might be 50 all day long of those kinds of ballots. Well, there were three bags full. They actually had to breach the security in order to dump that because there were so many.

But here's the kicker. So she gets home at seven after seven o'clock, the polls close, she goes home. They say, hey, let's go online and see if your vote counted. Now remember that the black bags are not supposed to leave the polling location until after the polls have closed. Don't even go to the center to start being counted till after the polls have closed. Within an hour of coming home, they look online and guess what, his vote was counted.

And yet seven days later, according to picture evidence that we showed is when the bags actually showed up at the counting center. Seven days after the election, the bags show up, but somehow mysteriously, his vote was counted within an hour of the polls closing when he tried to run it through and it didn't take. Well, and something that came up during the hearing was when Maricopa County recorder Steven Richer took the stand or I think he was zoomed in and he talked about the chain of custody and his oversight of ballots or early voting. He didn't have a good answer for what happens on election day because that's not his department. That was the board of supervisors department. And then when the question was asked, well, who is in charge of these ballots after they leave the Maricopa center and they're sent to this Renbeck, this third party election services company that supposedly counts ballots for counties all over the country. Who's with the ballots during this transfer? And even Steven Richer struggled around that question. And he ultimately said, you know, the county is always with the county personnel is always with the ballots, but there was no clear cut. If you want to talk about evidence, I mean, he said there was a form, I mean, it was all very vague and it makes no sense.

Yeah, it made it really made no sense. All right. We got to take a quick break. Annalisa Pesik is with us. We'll be back with more.

We're going to talk a little bit about COVID on the other side of this break and some things maybe that we need to be thinking about as we head into 2023 back with more right after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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We always promise you a free consultation. And welcome back to 10 Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, my very special guest, Annalisa Pesek. And you know, just to kind of close that out, I think there's going to be a lot more discovered about Arizona and this election situation. And I really hope that Carrie Lake sticks to her guns and pushes this, and that we ultimately end up having an open kind of hearing.

I mean, for the board of directors in Maricopa County to have gone ahead and done what they did in light of all of the actual testimony that they heard about a problem is just stunning to me. And I really hope that they are brought to accountability, number one, and then hopefully that we see something happen with regards to this election. I do too.

I do too. And I know that tens of thousands of Arizonans are hoping for the same and the people are behind Carrie Lake, let's not forget that. She does have support with the people. She may not have support within her own party. And that is just devastating. But she is a fighter and I believe that she can, you know, persevere and she will.

And that we're going to see a lot more, many more lawsuits presented that will challenge not only the midterms, but going forward will set a precedent for what cannot be, you know, stood anymore. Amen. At some point, right?

Yes. No doubt. We pray. No doubt. Well, you know, we've presented the scriptures that talk about the Lord considers uneven scales to be an abomination.

That's specifically what Proverbs 11 one says that uneven scales are an abomination. So we should feel the same. All right, let's get into this conversation a little bit about COVID in the time that we've got left. There's a, you know, we did a lot of work on that early on, actually in February of 2020. We talked a lot about that here on our program, and about COVID being used as a as a bioweapon. What is your what is your investigation tell you, Annalisa? Well, I've been listening to a lot of what Naomi Wolf has been talking about when it comes to COVID. I think she has a lot of information and data, and along with Peter McCullough, Dr. Peter McCullough, and about where we are right now, in America, with COVID and the vaccines, and that's been, that's probably been, you know, the area I've been focused more strongly on than China's treatment of its citizens, not that I'm not paying attention to that, of course I am.

Sure. Um, but what is happening in China is, I think, a foreshadow of what will happen here, and what can happen here. And if it is not stopped in China, what is what, why would it be stopped here, a lot of what the Chinese is doing, are doing, we are doing at some level. You mentioned this crematorium or these ovens, I have not heard of anything like that being verified. But if that information is available somewhere, I would, you know, absolutely, why is Congress not, I mean, that seems like a stunning, a stunning piece of information that would put us on the brink of another world war, I mean, when Germany was killing millions of Jews, we didn't stand by for too long, I mean, we did for a long, too long, maybe we did, but ultimately, those that kind of disregard for human life doesn't go unchecked, although, you know, think, thinking of America versus China, we kill millions of lives a year, right? When we abort babies, and that law has, you know, remained in the books, people are steadfast in making sure abortion is something that can be in this country. And so how is that any better than killing people because they are sick with an infectious disease like COVID?

Well, or, or, or youth or euthanasia, and the the crew, as I understand that the crematoriums are are for individuals that are already dead. In other words, what's happening over there is, is that they have, again, released this bio weapon amongst their own people. And and there are hundreds of 1000s, if not, if not millions that are that are again dying over there, and and then they are taking the evidence of those dead bodies, and and running their crematoriums in order to be able to remember when this first happened, we tried to send teams President Trump wanted to send teams over to assist and to gather information so we would know how to manage that, should it end up on our shores or even in other places around the world. And China said, No, we won't let anyone in, we won't allow anyone to investigate. And the who stood with China and said, Oh, look, there's really not anything to see here, not a problem. I mean, there, there's your, you know, kind of the answer as to why, why nothing was done and why we have ended up with the problem that we ended up with. And when you look at Italy's numbers, 25 million infected out of a population of 60 million.

That's huge. Well, China has us over a barrel. I think that there is something that China has on us now, whether you want to call it, you know, I'm not sure like all of the investments that China has all the stakes China has in American economy, and American politics, the average American, I don't think we'll ever understand truly what what we how deep we are in with China, but clearly the Biden administration is is deep.

We know that there are business, there have been business dealings with the family in China. We know that there are going to be some kind of negotiations with China when it comes to COVID because they've never been held accountable. And even now, even now, they, you know, we've we've suddenly put a stop to the Chinese coming into America without having to have a COVID test. Why are why are we doing that now? And how could we possibly manage that?

Right? I mean, how how do we know that people can't just slip in? And they have they have a diagnosis of COVID. Yeah, the COVID situation is, is something we've never seen before. And it's changed our world. And I think we have to acknowledge that our world is now very different than it was two years ago. And it happens. So suddenly, very good. It seems as though it was just an overnight thing. Even though there are there are indicators that you could look at and say, gee, we probably should have seen some of this kind of stuff coming, especially the lockdown kind of stuff, and people being kind of almost programmed to accept lockdowns.

It's really quite stunning. It is and there is a glimmer of hope. I just received yesterday, the oral arguments for a case that's coming regarding the mask mandates of I don't know how it is in Texas right now.

But even in Florida, where I am, you can see that masks are coming back, people are starting to wear them again. And it will be interesting to see what happens when the flu you know, spring come summer, and people start getting ill. Are these mandates coming back? Like you mentioned before, is there going to be another release of another kind of disease that is going to be much worse? And how are we going to respond to it? So right now, people are there is legal action being taken. And I'm anticipating that that could maybe put a stop or a hold or a halt to some of these processes. At least we would hope so, at least we would hope so. Right. Yeah. All right.

We're out of time. Annalisa Pesic. Thanks so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciate it.

Working folks follow you. I am writing for the New American magazine right now. And they can also follow me on Twitter at Annalisa Pesic. So thank you so much, Pastor, for having me on and I, I appreciate everything you do. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate what you do as well. And a Happy New Year to you and we're going to try to work real hard to make it a Happy New Year, folks.

But you know what? It happens by all of us working together, and by recognizing our God given rights. And that's what we're really fighting for at the end of the day. We're fighting for those God given rights and the responsibility to do that lies with us. I'm your host, Pastor Greg, you've been listening to Children Generation Radio.

Get more at the website, And remember, at the end of the day. At the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me, what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem? How did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check?

How did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness? Did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message? Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.

God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending on crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on? There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe. We need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012, Patriot Mobile. Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers. Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts. They are 100% U.S. based, providing exceptional customer service.

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