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SoCal Fires UPDATE: What You Can Do to Help Rebuild

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Truth Network Radio
January 11, 2025 1:00 pm

SoCal Fires UPDATE: What You Can Do to Help Rebuild

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 11, 2025 1:00 pm

Support the Harvest Relief Fund for the SoCal Fires at

Powerful and raging fires in the Pacific Palisades area and others have devastated vast areas here in Southern California, displacing tens of thousands of people—in our own backyard. We’re praying for the safety, strength, and endurance of the firefighters as they work to contain the flames. We also lift up the residents who have been displaced, asking for God’s protection and provision during this incredibly difficult time.

But there’s also a tangible way you can show the love of Christ to many in these dark times. Through the Harvest Relief Fund, you help us minister to people in this critical time of need as we partner with organizations, bring medical care, distribute biblical resources, and provide spiritual support to those affected by these fires. Give today and help share God’s hope with Southern California.

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Hey, Greg Laurie here. As you probably know, we are being devastated in this state by a series of fires that are causing incredible damage. Power is out for thousands and thousands of people. People have lost their home. Thousands have been evacuated.

Firefighters are overwhelmed by the power of these fires. But I want you to know, well this is happening right in our backyard. Many of our people come from LA. We have churches we've helped to plant up in Los Angeles as well.

So let's just say we have a lot of skin in this game. I'm reminded of that horrible fire that basically burned down the old town of Lahaina in 2023. And we have a church campus on Maui as well. We were there wanting to help people in the name of Jesus Christ, bringing help and hope. By help I mean we're there to help in practical ways for people with clothing, with food, with water, other areas. But we're also there with hope. And that's the thing that I believe we can do the best job of is pointing people to God.

The Bible tells us that God can bring beauty out of ashes. And we've seen this happen. We've seen people turn to Christ as a result of experiencing the devastation of losing their home. We see that people are looking for help and hope, especially at a time like this. So we've established something called the Harvest Relief Fund.

And it's set up for moments like this. If you would like to support our outreach efforts in our backyard here in California for those that have been affected by these fires just go to slash relief. I'm reminded of the story of Nehemiah where the walls of Jerusalem were lying in charred rubble. Nehemiah came up with a plan and they started to build. And that's what's going to happen. Homes are going to be rebuilt. But most importantly we want to see lives rebuilt pointing them to Christ. Thank you for anything you can do. We appreciate it. God bless you.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-11 15:11:43 / 2025-01-11 15:12:54 / 1

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