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What happened last night for the Carolina Hurricanes against the Florida Panthers?

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
November 10, 2022 5:20 pm

What happened last night for the Carolina Hurricanes against the Florida Panthers?

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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We have a hockey game at PNC Arena tonight. The Flying Connor Mcdavids are in town.

Yes, hey, if you want to see somebody who does wild things on a hockey rink, Connor Mcdavid is your guy, but that is not what the head coach of the Hurricanes needs to worry about. He needs to worry about getting his own team in order, but we did see something good last night and we're going to start with Rod Brindamore with that. All right, let's start with what we, I think the best that we saw last night. Aunty Ronta, I think played his best game of the year. I mean, I don't know what the score could have been, but I thought Ronta was great.

Yeah, he was really good. Kept us in there, down one nothing, you know, going into the third. Gave us a chance for sure. We had, you know, we're not playing our best and, you know, we had some power play in the third.

You score there, it's a different game. So he definitely gave us an opportunity last night for sure. Was he going to be your guy until, you know, even though Freddie got hurt in practice on Tuesday? Yeah, let me think about that, how we were doing. We know with the back-to-back, it really didn't matter.

Right. The one was going to play, one wasn't, and I'm not sure we even made that decision or nothing in practice. You know, Freddie came up and obviously got hurt.

So it's made it pretty, pretty easy. Well, look, Aunty played great yesterday. Will you go Piotr Kaczet golf or is it going to, you're going to run out?

You are? Well, I don't, I don't think we want to, and I was a pretty heavy workload last night for Rance. Probably, I would say most of the year. And so we don't want to be probably rushing him right back out there, even though, you know, he is playing well. We want to, you know, we'd like to keep that going, but I don't think it's, we have a lot of hockey coming up here.

So we're going to need to keep him as fresh as possible. Yeah, tonight, Saturday, Monday, it's coming rapid fire. You said you didn't play well last night. What did you like the least other than the scoreboard?

What did you, what bothered you about last night? We gave up too many odd man rush chances. Like it's first game all year where we were out chance, first of all. So that's disturbing enough, especially when they were missing two of their best players.

Yeah. You know, we should have had more. I mean, we're missing, you know, right now the challenge is putting the puck in the net. So whenever I find that we don't, we're having trouble that way or the game suffers a little, cause we tried to do a little too much instead of just, you know, playing our game. And that's natural. That happens everywhere. You gotta fight, fight that urge to try to, you know, cheat for something else.

Cause it just ends up costing you more the other way. So we're, we're, we're in one a little bit on that kind of, to be expected, to be quite honest with you, you know, get no patch ready and no cautious. Those are guys that we were counting on to score goals for. So it's, we got to do it a little differently. And that is, you really can't, you know, lose that mindset of, okay, look, maybe we have to win this game one nothing.

We're going to try to win 10 nothing, but, you know, we don't want to be giving up chances cause it's just too hard to score. Yeah. Was, was that what happened on the power play goal? It almost seemed like that there was maybe an effort to make a shorthanded play and it ended up giving a two on one transition goal.

Yeah, probably. I mean, it was actually, you know, actually I liked that try because I'll push it by him and almost, you know, get the chance to go. And then we're trying to get up the ice and kind of get tangled up at the line. And then that's what happens, right?

It happens that quickly. And when their best players made a play and that's really what happened on that. So you don't really fall back cause that was the chance to go for sure. It just, you know, didn't work. You and I talked about it yesterday about mixing up lines and you've been very steady and constant pretty much all season long, but in the middle of the second period, you started throwing all sorts of different combinations out there.

Will you do something like that tonight, or are you going to go back to what has worked already this year? Well, we're, listen, that's probably what keeps me up in the night the most, but at the end of the day, it really shouldn't matter. You know, we have a job to do.

So, but, but you know, you can see that things aren't kind of clicking on all soon. Is that like last night was an easy one because everybody could see that we were, we were going through enough. We had actually, you know, I thought Jack came up and that line was our best line by my own. They were creating chance.

He had an empty net. He missed like, we've had a few of these where, you know, I don't know if we're, you know, squeezing the stick a little too tight around in head at times, but, um, no, that line was good. Um, uh, what else the rest wasn't really still good. So that's why we kind of, we're, we're trying to find something and tonight it's a little different animal because of what we're opponent is. So, um, we, we know they got two of the best players in the game and they're on right now, different lines. So we're, we're, we're probably, we'll probably shake the lines up a little bit here. I'm going to sit down here this morning with their coaches and figure all that out, but we're, we're, there's a good chance we'll have a little bit of a change.

Is it going to be Jordan taking on, uh, McDavid or do you like the matchup with Jordan on dry sidles line better? Well, the interesting part with, with playing these guys is they play those guys so much. Um, like it's, it's kinda, I'd be happy to get them out there against either one, to be honest with you. So, um, you know, but I think, you know, we'll, we'll have a plan coming in and try to get them out of games, probably one or the other. And then, you know, same thing with probably sea bass and get him out there and go best on best maybe and see how that works out. But, um, you know, it's tougher with this team because those top guys just, they just, he just keeps rolling them out there, uh, shift after shift.

So, uh, it's a bit, it's a good challenge for sure. Uh, final thing, and this is about, uh, Sebastian, now he played a bunch of minutes last night. Usually I could tell by ice time, whether or not a guy played well, uh, obviously nobody scored.

So it was hard to, uh, to look at that. Uh, well, how do you critique what sea bass did last night? Peloton. Let's go this holiday with the right music and the right motivation from world class instructors. We're going to pick it up a notch.

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See additional terms at one Peloton dot com slash home dash trial Peloton motivation that moves you. Well, I think that line didn't do much, you know, I don't think they were bad though. I mean, it wasn't like they were, you know, turnstile and all our lines were okay. It's just okay.

It's not going to cut it. You know what I mean? Um, I mean, our top guys, we gotta make sure they gotta be the more impactful night is not a nightly basis. And I think honestly, you know, you get a power play goal here and there, and we, and our power plays been good the last couple of games, like actually to the point where I'm like, how do we not put that in the meds?

And we've had a couple, um, and that, that, that could change everything. Get those guys kind of feeling good about their game. So you don't gotta be careful getting too old, you know, excited about not scoring and, and we got to make sure we're not giving up a chance.

That to me is the big issue. You know, we was odd man rushes. They're going to kill you. And, uh, we, they didn't kill us last night because the ranch made the stage, but you know, that's how you score in this league is on the power play, which is means you got to get the stress game going and put it on them, you know, draw penalties. And then obviously, you know, try to score on the rush.

So we got to eliminate that. Good luck against the Oilers tonight. We'll see you later. You got it. Rob, Brenda Moore, the head coach of the hurricanes. We will talk with him again next week on the program.

Uh, Cain's in the Oilers tonight. Peloton. Let's go this holiday with the right music and the right motivation from world-class instructors. We're going to pick it up a notch.

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