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Rushing to The Side Of An Injured Soul

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
October 28, 2021 3:30 am

Rushing to The Side Of An Injured Soul

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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October 28, 2021 3:30 am

Famed anthropologist Margaret Mead shared that "…the first sign of civilization is compassion, seen in a healed femur." She backed her claim by explaining the amount of time and compassion from the tribe or community required to care for that individual – until able to resume normal activities.

"’ Survival of the fittest doesn’t include healed femurs.”

Caregivers live with significant injuries, as well. Injuries of the soul – that can cripple a person.  Anyone who’s cared for a chronically impaired loved one cannot recover from such an experience without compassionate help from others. Just as we would rush to someone with a broken leg and respect the time needed for convalescence, caregivers need others to run their side, as well.

For many caregivers, trauma can extend far beyond a funeral. While many people are nice to caregivers, being nice is a learned behavior – not a sign of character. During and in the aftermath of caregiving, family caregivers need (and deserve) more than “nice.”  They cry out for compassion and grace – and it may take a while.

Offering compassion and grace helps heal a caregiver – while simultaneously deepening the hearts of the ones extending those mercies.

“Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me.” – Alexander Pope

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Peter Rosenberger
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Stu Epperson
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Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson

This is Peter Rosenberger and this is your caregiver minute. Famed anthropologist Margaret Mead shared that the first sign of civilization is compassion, which is seen in a healed femur. She backed her claim by explaining the amount of time and compassion from the tribe or community required to care for that individual until able to resume normal activities.

She went on to say survival of the fittest doesn't include healed femurs. You know, caregivers live with significant injuries as well, injuries that can cripple a person, injuries of the soul. Anyone who's cared for a chronically impaired loved one cannot recover from such an experience without compassionate help from others. Just as we would rush to someone with a broken leg and respect the time needed for convalescence, caregivers need others to run to their side as well. For many caregivers, trauma can extend far beyond a funeral. While many people are nice to caregivers, being nice is a learned behavior.

It's not a sign of character. During and in the aftermath of caregiving, family caregivers need and deserve more than nice. They cry out for compassion and grace, and it may take a while. Offering compassion and grace helps heal a caregiver while simultaneously deepening the hearts of the ones extending those mercies. Alexander Pope once said, Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I show to others, that mercy show to me. This has been your caregiver minute with Peter Rosenberger brought to you by Standing with Hope, a ministry for the wounded and those who care for them.

There's more information at Say, what would you do if you were a new Christian and you didn't have a Bible? It's Michael Woolworth, by the way, from Bible League International, and you'd probably say, well, I'd hop in my car, I'd go to a Christian bookstore or have one shipped to me.

What if those weren't options? You'd say, well, I'm new to the faith. I mean, I need to know what it means to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.

You know, you would pray that someone, anyone would bring you a Bible. And that's exactly the way it is for literally millions of Christians around the world. They're part of our spiritual family. They're new to the faith.

They want to know what it means to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. But God has them planning where it's very difficult to access a Bible. And that's why the Truth Network and Bible League have teamed up to send God's word to thirty five hundred Bible believers around the globe.

Our campaign is called The World Needs the Word. Five dollar sends a Bible. One hundred dollar sends twenty. Every gift matched. Make your most generous gift by calling 800-YES-WORD. 800-YES-WORD. 800-YES-WORD or give at
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