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David Shestokas Vaccine Mandates Unconstitutional Nurses and Doctors are Walking 091521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 8, 2021 5:48 pm

David Shestokas Vaccine Mandates Unconstitutional Nurses and Doctors are Walking 091521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning in to Chosen Generation. Chosen Generation. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event.

Again, that number is 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits.

Everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

Got a great hour of programming lined up for you. If you missed any part of the first hour, you can get it. It's going to be up in podcast at our website, Michael Morris joined us.

He took over for Dan Gaynor today. We talked about the FBI agent behind the Whitmer conspiracy arrests having been fired. Pelosi telling members of Congress that they can't be forced to vaccinate, but I guess the rest of us can.

The DOJ, the 1,500 civil rights activists, we talked about that with DeRoy Murdoch and Woke Corporatism where if you're white and you're holding an executive position for certain corporations, the only reason you have it is because of your white privilege and you need to resign, step down, and apologize for having taken the place of someone of color. So yes, that is really, really happening. It's amazing. We'll talk with my next guest, though, about this vaccine mandate. I'm really pleased, as always, to welcome him.

He is our constitutional attorney expert. I want to welcome David Chistokas to the program. David, welcome. Good to have you. Thank you so much, Greg. It's great to be with you and your audience today.

And yeah, there's a lot of things going on, you know, coming at it from every direction. Well, here's some headlines, folks. Just so you know, we're not, you know, I'm not just make, I don't make things up, but New York Hospital to pause baby deliveries after 30 staffers quit over vaccine mandates.

And New York Hospital will temporarily stop performing deliveries as 30 of its employees quit due to the deadline for vaccine mandates. Gerald Cayer, the CEO of Lewis County Health System, announced this in the news. Here's another article.

This one is from Bloomberg. Nurses who won't vax threaten staffing shortages, mandate, mandate the vaccine and some of your nurses will quit. Don't mandate the vaccine. Some of your nurses will get COVID.

Yeah, whatever. Bloomberg is leftist, but there are people walking out. Another article from Bloomberg says that nurses who won't vax threaten staffing, oh, same article.

I guess they're also leaving the country is the issue. There are nurses that are actually saying we're out of here or they're leaving the states in which these mandates are taking place or being enforced in hospitals. David, Jonathan Emore was on yesterday talking a bit about these vaccine mandates and where they violate the Constitution.

I'd love to get your thoughts with regards to this as well. Well, certainly, you know, from a personal experience, on Saturday I was on stage with a group called United We Stand Freedom Force and I gave a talk in front of about 500 people on the fact that there are no pandemic exceptions to the Constitution. Interesting thing was after I was done and after the event was over, I was approached by at least four or five medical professionals regarding their own personal circumstances and the mandates that were being issued at the hospitals that they work for were going to be in contact.

We actually have been in contact over this week. The interesting thing, what's crazy about this is that there's obviously huge numbers of folks that do not want to do this for any number of reasons, do not want to have a vaccine. And what I found interesting while I've now been talking also to school personnel and medical personnel is the fact that one of the first questions I asked them is, you know, you guys have a union. And what I found to be fascinating is that the union is certainly siding with management as opposed to representing their membership. The union people say, no, you're going to do this and we're not going to negotiate that. Despite the fact, obviously, it's a huge change in working conditions and conditions of employment that have not been part of the union contracts and the unions are not representing or even giving a listen to or putting a vote to their membership about these intrusive mandates.

The unions have ceded power and authority to both the government and the management. So folks are largely unrepresented and they're being left in the works like you're talking about regarding these mandates. And obviously it's fascinating that there's so many medical professionals that are succumbing to the pressure.

Let me play this for you and just get your thoughts on this. This is Nancy Pelosi, folks. Nancy Pelosi speaking here.

Listen to what she has to say. This is back in April. So here's the thing. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do.

It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't. Wait a minute. Nancy Pelosi is saying we can't make people get vaccinated. And you know what? Congress, ladies and gentlemen, the House, the Senate, all their staffers, the judiciary, all of them and their staffers, none of them have this mandate upon them. David, give me your thoughts on this. Are we under two different constitutions?

I don't understand. Yeah, we're clearly under two different constitutions, although it's interesting at first glance, of course, we do have separation of powers. And where Biden has issued things regarding federal employees, the folks who work for the Congress or the folks who work for the judicial branch do not work for Joe Biden. They're not part of the executive branch. And consequently, any order that he might issue regarding the members of Congress or people that work for the Congress or the judicial branch would have no effect because of the separation of powers and the limits of the presidential president's powers over the management of either Congress or the judiciary. So there's clearly a constitutional issue that Biden's edicts cannot affect those folks at all. The issue of whether or not he can affect the actual workers, otherwise the federal employees, is still obviously at large when it comes to these kinds of issues. And I would suggest that clearly he is out of bounds when it comes to saying that the companies that have over 100 employees have to have vaccine mandates for their personnel. He has no authority to do that to private companies. They have no authority to do that.

So this is more creation. Apparently, they have not been continually successful on dividing us in terms of race, despite the fact that they try and do so. And now they've created a new group of vaxxed and unvaxxed and masked and unmasked to put Americans at each other's throats. That's the Democrat playbook. That's the whole point. The reason of their existence is to create that tension between Americans, create a crisis, and then seize power to address the crisis that they created. And that's a Saul Alinsky rules for radical play that is continuing and they find a new subject when the old subject is losing steam. Well, I want to get a couple more pieces in here with you.

Of course, I want to get this one in. Postal workers will have a choice between getting the vaccine and getting tested for COVID once a week. A Biden administration official clarified, subjecting those workers to the rules being imposed on businesses of 100 employees or more as opposed to the rules of federal employees. USPS is not included in the executive order requiring vaccination to federal employees. USPS has a separate statutory scheme and is traditionally independent of federal personnel actions like this.

Newsweek says USPS or New York Post exempt from Biden vax mandate. And then they clarify that and then they say this. So it's kind of a mixed bag of tricks. I want to move on to and get your thoughts on this in our time that we have in the minutes that we're going to have left between now and the next segment. And that is, is the new book that's coming out that indicates that General Milley was actually telling staff and and telling those under his command, don't listen to the commander in chief. You take your marching orders from me, not him. When President Trump was the president, that sounds like a coup and that sounds like an act of treason.

David. Yeah, I've seen seen the quotes from the from the upcoming book regarding the way and apparently there's indications that he went outside the China command and communicated with defense ministers and other higher ops in the Chinese Communist Party in China. And I don't think you get more more treasonous than that, indicating that don't worry, we won't attack and I'll see that see that you will not be attacked clearly. Clearly, no, he should be up for court martial, presuming that these matters should be proved to be true, should prove to be true. So with that, you know, Millie, certainly we've always been set up that we are run by that there's a civilian authority in charge of the military, and it's never been the military's job to decide the competency of the commander in chief. There are provisions for doing that and there are places to go with that within the actual within the structure of the government, within the civilian structure of the government, whether it would be the vice president, whether it would be the cabinet, whether it would be the Congress. There are certain aspects of the 26th Amendment. Certainly if Millie believed that to be true, there would be things that would be consistent with his duty. Contacting a foreign adversary, a foreign enemy, clearly is not among the options available to a military commander in the United States of America.

All right. I also want to jump back into the abortion issue because we apparently have both Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are both being targeted by the Democrats. And obviously it is in advance of them believing that one of these cases, particularly or possibly the case of Texas's heartbeat bill, is going to make its way through the courts and ultimately potentially end up in front of the Supreme Court. But Democrats are out in front of their homes and firing all kinds of assaults against two sitting Supreme Court justices. I know that there have been marches in the past in front of the chambers and in front of the Supreme Court, but wow, you know, it seems to me that this is an effort to try to intimidate two sitting Supreme Court justices with threats of violence against them.

Again, at what point are these Democratic Party members and organizations that are doing this going beyond the boundaries of just free speech? We'll talk about that coming up. We've got David Shostokis with us and we'll have more. If you want to get more, go to the website We send out articles that you need to follow and that we would like you to be aware of each and every day.

And there's information up right now with a lot of this mandate and vaccine mandate information. And we'll be talking with you more about that. Let's get to our break.

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And at what point does that cross the line, legally and constitutionally? Go ahead. Well, in the first issue, actually, my experience is both anecdotal and personal. I've talked to you, I've had occasion and people have reached out to me from hospitals all around the metro area in the Chicago area about the mandates and these are all medical personnel. And one of the first questions I always ask them is, do you have a union there? And the answer is yes. And they, have you talked to your union about this change in employment conditions? And they said yes. And I said, well, what response have you got from your union? They say that the union says we're going to go ahead and accept it and go forward with it. I said, do they have the authority? I said, you have to ask them, did they have the authority to have this kind of working condition that's clearly outside your general contract area to agree to that without putting it to the vote of the membership? And that is, that seems to be untrue. And so the general situation is that the unions are literally sitting on their hands in terms of defending or even responding to their membership on these changes in working conditions. And that's what they are. This is a, you know, whether it's a, whether it's a mass mandate or a vaccine mandate or discrimination, you know, a segregation of people that are vaccinated, those are all changes in working conditions in a typical world.

You would expect, you would expect the union to do one of two things, either take a position in support of workers, let's say workers' choice or a tell management, you cannot make these changes outside the contract, period, without renegotiating. That's not the position they're taking. They're taking a position of management and telling their members to have tough luck. And this is really troublesome in leaving people up in the air, literally without any kind of representation in these areas. And that is really, really dangerous.

And so we're going to see how all that shakes up, but that's both personal experience. And that has to do with teachers. I've been in contact with folks from various school districts. I'm actually representing a guy that got arrested for not wearing his mask at a school board meeting when they passed a mask mandate for the meetings at the meeting he was sitting in. And then they had him arrested, which is clearly outside the bounds of the Constitution.

There's crazy stuff going on, Greg. And as a transition to that, when you say, when we talked about the L.A. Times and the quote that Larry Elder was the black face of white supremacy. And while that was on the opinion pages, then you have to believe that that's going to color their coverage of the of the of the campaign and the race and elder generally. And so we're in danger.

Well, and I want to flash back real quick to just what you were saying in the first part of that question. There are one hundred and seventeen former employees of the hospital in the Houston Methodist Hospital that have filed a lawsuit regarding them being terminated because they were terminated for refusing to get the vaccine. And and they were and they were fired. And they are intending to take that all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Bridges, someone else was one of one hundred and fifty three workers who were fired or resigned from Houston Methodist last Monday after refusing to comply with the hospital's vaccine mandate, according to the Texas Tribune. Back with more Children's Generation. I'm hungry. Let's eat beans again. Did somebody say hungry? Pistol Pete's Jerky at Pistol Pete's Jerky dot com. A herd of delicious flavors.

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