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Evil Invades Israel

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
October 12, 2023 12:23 pm

Evil Invades Israel

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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October 12, 2023 12:23 pm

Evil Invades Israel.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
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Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

This is Jay Sekulow, Israel under attack and update. Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you. Share and post your comments.

Or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Jay Sekulow. All right, everybody.

Welcome to the broadcast. What a week it's been. Israel under attack, multiple fronts. You had that situation with Hamas, which was the worst attack in Israel, really, I think, since the founding. It was an intelligence breach that will take months to figure out what happened. But the devastation from that and the Americans that have been killed, there's reports that it's 22. They say it could be up to 30. There may be 10 American hostages, maybe more.

There may be hostages from 30 countries. I thought what we do on today's program is kind of, this is the end of the week, kind of regroup on where we've come from and where we've gone. We've had a lot of experts on this broadcast. And I'm going to take you back to, for instance, when the news was first breaking with Hezbollah. And we were live on the air with Chris Mitchell from the CBN office in Jerusalem to get you that update and to get you that understanding.

And then we heard from Mike Pompeo. So let's get all of this information put together because I think the reality of what we're dealing with now is a multi-front war. My biggest concern is the regional players, that is the other countries, including countries that signed the Abraham Accords. What are they going to do if Hezbollah continues this campaign that they're engaged in from the north? Remember Hamas is the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah is in the north. And on the West Bank, which is Jerusalem in that area, towards Jordan, you have the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. What they are notorious for is sending in suicide bombers.

These are individuals that go in and then blow up a restaurant with civilians in it or go into a bus station or train station to do the same thing. We haven't seen that yet, but that is what I'm concerned about coming out of the West Bank. Out of Hamas, we've already seen their brutality. That war is ongoing now. And Israel is preparing for a ground invasion. That takes time to get prepped.

We're going to talk about that. And then you had on Wednesday, the beginning of the incursion from the north. It started a little bit on Tuesday, but on Wednesday we started to see unmanned drones that were going in in huge numbers that had weapons on them. Then we had those paragliders come in and we had reports of infiltration by terrorists into the area where people were told to go to lockdown. There was conflicting reports on the embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.

First the reports were that it was closed, then it was open. The status of that obviously is changing hour by hour because of the nature of the scope of this. But what you have to understand, from a geopolitical perspective, the United States has a carrier group, the Gerald Ford, in the region right now. I hope it's not necessary. I hope we don't have to fire rockets into Syria. I hope that the United States doesn't have to fire rockets into Lebanon. I hope the United States doesn't have to fire rockets into Gaza. But I will tell you this, it's our biggest ally, and they are under attack in a way they've never been under attack before. If you look at this historically, there has never been in modern Israel history an attack like what is going on right now. But to understand the future, you got to understand the past. And the past I'm talking about is just this last week.

You got to understand how all this developed over the last five days. And we're going to take you back through this because I think for everybody's purposes, you have to understand how this has escalated in a matter of a weekend last weekend when it started, on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, to outlying kibbutz in the Gaza region. And then it's gone now to the Galilee region.

Read your Bible. You know what we're talking about, including Nazareth. But Hezbollah can reach Jerusalem, folks. Hamas can't. They can get to Tel Aviv.

They cannot get to Jerusalem. But then on the West Bank, folks, we haven't seen that escalation yet, but that could be coming too. Pray for Israel and stand with Israel. And we're asking you to do that to stand with the ACLJ as well.

We're looking for ACLJ champions. These are people that are supporting us each and every month. You're a champion for Israel, a champion for life, liberty, and freedom.

That's under attack right now in Israel. We're standing with them. forward slash champions. We've added about 800. I'd love to be through this weekend to say we're close to 1,000 new ACLJ champions. Again, forward slash champions. That means you support the ACLJ every month.

Back with more in just a moment. Welcome to the broadcast, everyone. We are fortunate to have a good friend of ours, Senator Ted Cruz. And Senator, thank you for being with us on this tragic weekend and now ongoing conflict. You have been a champion for Israel on so many issues that we've had the pleasure of working with you on. You know, I did that case at the International Criminal Court involving Israel all those years ago, and then we've been, you know, having these other issues that have developed. Now we're in a conflict the likes of which, Senator, we have never seen. Well, Jay, that's exactly right.

It is good to be with you today, but these are our somber times. Israel is facing the greatest attack it has faced in over 50 years. On Saturday, the world witnessed the largest mass murder of Jews on any day since the Holocaust. What is happening in Israel is horrific.

We have over 900 Israelis murdered. These Hamas terrorists, they're murdering women, they're murdering children, they're murdering infants. They are raping women and young girls indiscriminately. They are murdering the elderly. They are taking children, women and men hostage. It is not only a grotesque act of war, they are committing war crimes and atrocities.

And I have to say, it is infuriating because this entire assault was funded by money that was sent by the Biden administration, by the American government since Joe Biden became President. He has released to Iran roughly $50 billion and that money has gone directly to funding Hamas. Hamas is controlled by Iran. This act of war was directed by Iran. This act of war was planned by Iran. And this act of war was funded by the billions of dollars that Joe Biden and this administration flooded into Iran, just like I and many others in Congress told them it would happen, that if he sent this money, it would be used for terrorism.

We're seeing the horrific consequences of their actions. You know, I also, I want to say this, that the fact of the matter is we know this, Hamas is just like Hezbollah, they're just proxies for Iran. And Senator, I speculate that to get to the root of this, I mean, there'll be, you know, whether there's a ground incursion, which looks like it's likely, whether it is a ground takeover of Gaza, whatever it might be, ultimately, you've got to get to the head of the snake. And the head of the snake here is Iran.

Yes. Look, that's unquestionably the case. And, you know, Joe Biden inherited an Iran that was weakened, that was on its knees, its economy, its economy was in shambles. President Trump, in the most important foreign policy and national security decision of his presidency, had withdrawn from the disastrous Obama-Iran nuclear deal. Equally importantly, President Trump was vigorously enforcing the oil sanctions on Iran and the result had crippled the Ayatollah. And Joe Biden, when he came in, refused to enforce those oil sanctions. He allowed the Ayatollah to make tens of billions of dollars. Right now, today, the Ayatollah is selling two million barrels of oil a day because Joe Biden and this administration desperately want to sign another nuclear deal with these theocratic monsters. And that revenue is what is funding this attack. It is because of the ignorance and radical ideology of the Biden White House that we are seeing these grotesque acts of war.

You know, Senator Cruz, this is Jordan. We're getting reports now from the IDF this new level of brutality that Hamas has adopted, which is more similar to ISIS. You know, the rockets Israel working with the U.S. and the Iron Dome system were really able to limit the casualties inside Israel, the deaths inside Israel, and it was something they could almost live with. But with this invasion, we saw Hamas fighters not take on Israeli soldiers, but go into kibbutzes or farms. And they just found a new farm. They just went into a new kibbutz, I mean, they're finding them all over the countryside. 200 dead, including 30 babies killed by Hamas. 30 babies, entire families mowed down in their beds. This new Hamas, funded by Iran, is operating a lot more like ISIS than any kind of military resistance that these Palestinian supporters want to call it.

Well, that's exactly right. This is at its heart a battle between civilization and barbarism. And the horrific atrocities that are being carried out by Hamas demonstrate that there's no justification for this. What we've seen, some Democrat members of Congress trying to suggest that these attacks are justified, trying to suggest we've seen the radical anti-Semitic squad of Democrats in the House accuse Israel in the midst of these attacks of being an apartheid state, which is a vicious blood libel. And we're going to see in the coming days, Democrats and much of the corporate media turn their criticism to Israel, begin attacking Israel. You know, hours after this invasion began, the U.S. State Department put out a tweet calling upon Israel to engage in a ceasefire, to have no military response.

They put it out at three in the morning. Within minutes, I called them out on Twitter, said it was absolutely despicable and that everyone involved in drafting and approving the tweet should be fired. I'm glad to say the State Department within the hour deleted the tweet, but that is the view of the Biden administration. They want Israel simply to stand down and allow this invasion. And it's going to be critical for every one of us who love Israel, who defend Israel, to stand vigorously for Israel's right to self-defense, to go and destroy Hamas, to destroy the leadership of Hamas, to end this terrorist threat once and for all.

Now, I think this has got to be the time where you don't just neutralize, as they say, but you eliminate Hamas. I want to turn to the domestic aspect of this, too, Senator, because this is a big concern, especially on the Ivy League campuses. And that is the anti-Israel sentiment that's coming out from one of your alma maters and that is Harvard and other universities, too. This is despicable what is taking place. And, of course, you've got inside the House of Representatives, the Democratic Socialist group, and they are, of course, spewing this hateful stuff. But out of the academy, the boycott, divest, and sanction movement has matured, if you will.

And we had it under check, but now it's back out of control again. And the major universities, these student groups are making these statements. They've been brainwashed by these professors to create this impression that Israel is the Satan when it's Hamas lopping off babies' heads in bedrooms, other families' houses, and they're not calling them out. Well, sadly, many of our elite universities have become incubators and petri dishes for rabid anti-Semitism, for hatred of Israel. And more and more on the far left, anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel is normalized.

It is who they are. We see it in the U.S. House of Representatives with the Squad. We saw it a couple of years ago when Squad members made multiple anti-Semitic comments, and Nancy Pelosi, then the Speaker of the House, tried to condemn anti-Semitism, and she discovered the Democratic conference wouldn't vote in favor of a resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

The Democrats refused to sign on. You look at Harvard University this week. In the face of these war crimes, 31 student groups at Harvard University put out a statement blaming these attacks on Israel, saying it's Israel's fault.

Apparently, Israel asked for its children to be raped and murdered. This is horrific. This is stupid. This is false.

This is a lie, and this is evil. And sadly, our universities encourage this kind of radicalism. And where the heck is the leadership of Harvard? Are there no professors there that believe anything?

You have Lawrence Tribe, who's out there at the beginning of this. As these war crimes are happening, Lawrence Tribe said this was Benjamin Netanyahu wagging the dog and wanting to go to war. What idiocy, and how do these professors spew such rabidly anti-Israel sentiments? Senator, a final question for you is this. The Biden administration, as you said, they've been all over the place. They've been deleting tweets back and forth.

It's not a clear message yet of where they are. What are you going to do with your fellow members of Senate? I mean, there's a pretty good bipartisan support. It does appear to support Israel. What can you all do together to get this administration to make sure that they do support Israel, or at least do everything it can hope that they will? Well, I'm going to be leading the fight in the Senate to have Republicans and Democrats stand together with Israel. I'll tell you, when Joe Biden sent $16 billion to Iran as ransom for hostages, the Democrats didn't stand up to Biden then. When the Biden administration sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza after they concluded, it was highly likely it would go to Hamas for terrorism. I led 17 senators opposing that.

Not a single Democrat stood against it. So we need to stand now, say enough is enough, stop funding terrorists that hate Israel and that hate America. Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, thank you so much for everything you're doing. We look forward to working with you on this and getting at least the right statements coming out of the White House and out of the United States Congress. Senator, thank you so much. Hey, folks, all of this is happening because of our ACLJ champions.

And this week, with all this going on in Israel, we want you to be a champion for Israel, and that is stand with Israel, be a champion for life, liberty, and freedom. You go to As I said yesterday, we were at the UN. Today, we're at the United States Congress.

Tomorrow, the European Council, the Council of Europe Intervention, and more legal matters coming on this, and we are prepared. Become an ACLJ champion. That means you donate each and every month to the ACLJ. Do it at forward slash champions.

That's ACLJ forward slash champions, to stand with the ACLJ and to stand with Israel. Welcome back to Sech Hill. Folks, in the second half hour, we'll get to take more of your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. But we've wanted to spend this first half hour getting you fully up to speed with the best folks we can. One of those, of course, is a senior advisor to the ACLJ, former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Secretary Pompeo, first question to you. There's been a lot of talk about the hostages, and we even saw ceasefire talk tweeted out by the current Secretary of State and then deleted by the current Secretary of State. I know it's a complicating issue for Israel, extremely complicated issue for Israel.

But at the same time, at what point, when you're dealing with a group this brutal, do you have to still go ahead with your military plan and not be held back by these ceasefires that the world may start pressuring Israel at any minute? Well, Jordan, a ceasefire is not going to solve the hostage problem. They're not connected in the direct way that some have suggested, like if the Israelis stood down, that the hostages would be returned. I'm sure there are conversations going on among lots of parties, Arab countries, the Israelis and the Hamas and the Iranians, their puppet masters, about how to get these hostages returned, what the price is that they're asking. But you know, this all happens against the backdrop of the United States paying a billion dollars to get five hostages home. The price to get these folks home, sadly, I think, is going to be great.

And I am praying for not only the families, those who lost loved ones and had loved ones injured on October 7th, but those who have people held there today. The Israelis have a task to do. They need to make sure that something like this never happens again. And to do that, they're going to have to go take Hamas down, root and branch, and make sure that the organizational structure that has governed Gaza as a terrorist enclave for, goodness, at least a decade, is dismantled in its entirety. You know, Mike, one of the things, you know, as you look at this, we know that Hamas is merely a proxy for Iran.

Hezbollah is a proxy for Iran. At the end of the day, if we don't deal with this at the highest level, and that may not be today for Israel to do, but dealing with Iran on this, which your administration had Iran on their knees, both economically, they were falling apart militarily, you eliminated a lot of their leadership. But if we don't deal with Iran now, and I say the United States has got to be part of this too, but also the greater Middle East, that's where this is originating out of.

Scott Keyes There's no doubt about that. When we talk about Hamas, you can dismantle Hamas. This problem doesn't go away if Hamas goes away tomorrow. This problem remains because this problem emanates from Tehran. This problem emanates from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the theocracy, a bunch of thugs, the world's largest state sponsor, terror by far, who's on the cusp of having a nuclear capable state.

This is going to require the whole world. And by the way, they threaten the whole world. They don't just threaten Israel. There's no doubt that's their priority to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth. But if they're the little Satan, we're the big Satan.

And we've seen this. Rockets fired from Yemen into the Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The Lebanese people succumb to had to succumb to the jackboot of the Iranian regime. Syria, same thing.

I know this. This is a equal opportunity terrorist organization led in Tehran, and it will take the United States and the whole world to look it in the eye, to look this evil and say that appeasement has failed. We've tried this since at least the beginning of the Obama administration. We tried appeasement, write a check to them, be nice to them, invite them into the community of nations. It has epically failed to slow them down as we can see from October 7th, and the world's going to have to confront this in a serious way.

You know, Secretary Pompeo, Secretary Blinken has suspended his plans to visit the Middle East to negotiate what was going to be a formalizing of the ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. I mean, that seems like a pretty big win right there for Iran. I mean, the fact that, again, it put the Saudis in a tough situation.

It put Israel in, of course, a very difficult situation. And it's exactly what Iran wanted, which is to make sure that there was not that alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, especially that public alliance. I'm very confident that it may be for the moment that Iran got what it wants, got what it wants for a week or two or six. But the direction of travel, the Gulf Arab states recognizing that simply making peace with Israel is in their own country's best interest for their own people, for their own security, for their own economies. I think that is not going to be changed by these events. Indeed, I think it will be empowered by these events. I think they'll see, nope, Iran is not to be trusted.

You can't play, you can't make nice with them. One of the reasons that these Arab states have had to go back and hedge their bets is because the Biden administration gave not $6 billion that seems to be everyone's focus, but the Iranians have about $60 billion of access to capital they didn't have just three years ago when we were in office. If you're a Gulf Arab state and the United States is going to permit that kind of money to flow to that kind of regime, you are immediately trying to take down risk. If the United States will show the resolve, begin to put sanctions back in place and actually enforce them. Don't pay the Palestinians to continue to murder people in Israel right now. Pay for Slay exists and the Biden administration gave them $230 million to do it with. When we get US policy right, we will get greater prosperity and peace in the Middle East, just the way we did during the Trump administration.

Let me ask you this. You've run the CIA, you've run the State Department. If you were in Benjamin Netanyahu's situation and looking at what he's dealing with, they're talking about, quote, an incursion into Gaza. I think it's going to be from people I'm talking to, much more than an incursion. There's talk of Gaza being, you know, Israel controlled Gaza for decades, handed it over, and this is what they got. The handover didn't work. Do you take Gaza back?

I mean, should that be something at least on the table that the Israeli military and their chiefs of staff are talking about? I don't want to give them advice. They're going to have to do that work. I pray that the Biden administration doesn't give them advice either. Tell them to stop.

That's what I'm really worried about it. Having said that, you cannot go back to where we were. Right. 2005, Israel, at the behest of the entire world, withdrew. They withdrew every settlement.

They pulled their own, they pulled the people from graves. They literally pulled entirely out of the Gaza Strip and you can see what it brought them. Now, probably more than a couple thousand dead, 100 plus taken hostage, babies killed in the street.

You can't go back to this. Anybody who thinks that a two-state solution is possible, in light of what we have just seen, that Israel can actually permit terrorist organizations to exist on their border, that's just not the case. If the Palestinians in those two places, Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip can't figure out how to overthrow those terror regimes, then there's a conversation to be had.

While terrorists are still in charge, not just in Gaza, but Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank as well, while terrorists are in charge, Israel's got to do its own work to protect its people. I think the idea of a two-state solution is just my personal opinion, is I think that ended October 7th. I mean, I'm just the practical reality of someone that's worked in the region a long time.

You know, no one expected anything like this to ever take place during our lifetime and it did. Mike, we appreciate it, as always. Thanks for your insight and thanks for your help. Thank you, Jordan. Thank you all.

All righty. Folks, let me just tell you this. Our office in Jerusalem is activated, obviously, but let me just tell you this also. We've hit the UN yesterday, the United States Congress, as we're on the air. We've been talking to our government affairs staff, James Rokas and his team are delivering documents today to members of Congress, Democratic members of Congress, that need to stand firm. And then tomorrow is a big day at the European Council, the Council of Europe. Our team in Strasbourg is handling that.

I suspect Thursday is going to be more of a domestic issue here and we're looking at the law fair issues at the same time. This is a real reason for you to become an ACLJ champion, which is a monthly donor of the ACLJ. It's a unique move because we have that ACLJ that we can work with the Council of Europe. The US has economic sanctions on Hamas and their designated terrorist organization, but the EU wasn't able to because of three states. So we're going to try to change that.

And then that would be about half the economy of the world stopped doing business with Hamas. That's because we have an office that's been dedicated to that work in Europe, support the work of the ACLJ, be an ACLJ champion with that recurring donation, champions. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now more than ever, this is Sekulow. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow.

Welcome back to Sekulow. I hope that first half hour really got you up to speed with the experts that we've got here at the ACLJ, team members of the ACLJ centers. We have relationships with literally getting cell phone calls from them right before the air. They want to come on.

They want to talk to you. They want to explain the situation as they know it and what the United States role should be in supporting Israel. And again, you've heard from US Senator Ted Cruz. You heard from Mike Pompeo as a member of the ACLJ team.

Coming up in the next segment of the broadcast, Bill Hagerty, US Senator from Tennessee is going to be joining us. We are going to be taking your phone calls as well. And so we want to get to you start calling it now 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. We have not seen yet a ground incursion from Israel into the Gaza Strip, at least not on a massive scale. Whether or not there are special forces there or not, we don't know. But there was not an announcement yesterday by Israel, which some people expected to happen, by Prime Minister Netanyahu that a ground invasion has begun.

As of now, that has not started. Because the word siege for warfare actually does not mean necessarily a ground incursion. That's the cutoff of food, water, electricity, and fuel that is happening. So that is the siege. Now, if there is a ground incursion and the expectations are there will be, that is in common parlance, that would be an invasion. But it's an invasion that was brought upon by their own actions of Hamas. That would take hundreds of thousands of troops. Gaza is not a large area, 25 miles, but a population of 2 million.

It's very dense. We've done cases at the International Criminal Court about warfare inside of Gaza. I was at the ICC in those years. I think it was 2010 and 2012 with the office of the prosecutor dealing with the incursion issue. They called it an NGO round table. We represented Israel's interests in that. And we had a private meeting with them afterwards. And so the warfare is very different there, but that is going to take probably another 24 to 48, I would say more like 48 to 72 hours to activate.

Remember, Israel had to activate its reserves. That's how they do this. So that's in place. And again, we're taking legal action every day. We're taking phone calls also at 1-800-684-3110. If you want to give us a call, 800-684-3110.

Yeah, we take Kate's call out of Colorado online too. And join us, folks, 1-800-684-3110. Any questions you have about what is happening in Israel with Iran's support, what happens next, we want to take those calls.

So give us a call, 1-800-684-3110. And there's a lot to ask about. So don't feel bad with any questions you might have. It's a very complicated situation. Kate, welcome to Secular.

You're on the air. Hi, thank you for taking my call. And I just want to point out that if we dare think that we're not going to be hit by any of this, we must remember that we have no border. And all of these millions of people that have crossed over, this thing in Israel is so serious, we should be ready for it to happen here.

And maybe even on a bigger scale, we see all the uprisings with Palestinian, quote unquote, folks, the demonstrations and everything. It is just really, really scary for some people. I understand.

And you know what, Kate? We know that at least 160 individuals on the terror watch lists crossed the southern border in fiscal year 2023. That's the last numbers we have. 160 individuals on the terror watch list are inside the United States right now. They're not apprehended. They're inside the United States.

Let me repeat that again. 160 on the terror watch list. And then the FBI put out a report yesterday, which we were talking about later in the broadcast, we don't think there's any threats to the US. We're the great Satan. I mean, Iran is clear about that. Israel, the little Satan, the US, the great Satan, it's easier for them to hit Israel. But remember, they've tried to kill Secretary Pompeo. They put a fatwa out on him. They've tried to infiltrate his motorcades before.

I mean, so again, this is very real, Kate. It's right. We don't want to be back in that situation like we were with ISIS and terror attacks in the US, but we need a government that is least prepared for it so it doesn't happen with intelligence that stops it. We'll be right back. We'll be joined by Congressman Jared Moskowitz in a moment.

We don't have him now because we should have him any minute now. There is breaking news developing in the Middle East in a way that makes the tragedy and the horrible situation with Gaza is one front of this war. There now appears to be a second front. Chris Mitchell is the CBN News Bureau Chief in Jerusalem and has been following this for many decades. Chris, in the Hamas situation, we've never seen anything like this in our lifetime.

The intelligence failure here was dramatic. We'll get into that in days ahead. You can't deal with that right now. There's talk of a ground incursion being planned for the Gaza, which is in the border towards the water, and now the ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, you now have the situation in north.

And this is not unexpected. Israel has brigades that are dedicated to these areas, but those brigades are having a call in reserves from all over the country. Explain to our audience what that looks like. Well, right now, Israel probably has a standing army of about 120 to 125,000 men and women in the armed forces. Now they're calling up an additional 360,000, like three times their normal level of the army.

So you have about a half a million men and women. They're going to be called up right as we speak, preparing for a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, as well as protecting the northern border. So they're anticipating a two, and as we said, maybe three front war from Lebanon and Syria coming into the fray after this thing with Hamas. I would add this, Jay and Jordan, the home front command officials notes, those in northern Israel being told to shelter, they don't need to sit in their bomb shelters, but really simply lock themselves in their home, recommending they also dim the lights. And that would speak to the possible infiltration of terrorists who would come in and in these communities like they did in those southern communities right there on the Gaza border.

All right. Joining us now on the phone is Congressman Jared Moskowitz. Jordan, I'm going to let you start with the introduction since you all are friends. And then we've got a lot of breaking information we'll get the congressman's impression on.

Long-term friends attended GW University together, fraternity brothers there. We're on different sides of the aisle politically, but we've always kept an open line of communication. And even when he served in the DeSantis administration and did a great job coming on our broadcast about what they were doing when he was the emergency management director for the entire state of Florida. He is a strong supporter of Israel. And when I saw his messages on Twitter and the way he was being almost attacked on Twitter, I went right to Jared.

I wanted to have him on. So Congressman Moskowitz, I'll call you that on the broadcast. Thanks for being with us. Thanks, guys, for having me.

Really appreciate it. You know, Congressman, this is a moment that we're starting to see. I thought the speech from President Biden was very strong. I thought the statement from Karine Jean-Pierre about the squad was really important and strong. I think this is a moment and you tell me that Republicans and Democrats can really work together in support of Israel, that there is still a widespread bipartisan unity when it comes to having Israel's back.

That's 100 percent correct. In fact, the resolution that will be coming forward, potentially on unanimous consent or shortly thereafter we get a speaker, we'll see, has 400 co-sponsors on the resolution. I think it's the most co-sponsors any resolution has gotten in Congress or at least in recent memory. And so there is dramatic bipartisan support for Israel's right to defend itself, a dramatic bipartisan support for the United States to stand with Israel in their 9-11 moment, which is what the world did for us when New York was attacked.

And so, yeah, listen, while Washington is broken, while there are many things we disagree on, there are still bright moments, especially during tragedy, when we can put that stuff aside and come together. Let me ask you this question, Congressman, because this is breaking news, obviously. Hezbollah entering this fray, which has got a direct tie to Iran, and that is no secret, also makes this a multidimensional front war for Israel. And I've been to that region many, many times, and I've worked with Israeli leadership from Prime Minister Ehud Barak all the way to Benjamin Netanyahu. And I've done cases at the International Criminal Court involving Israel under various prime ministers.

Here's the question. Hezbollah entering this fray, and it looks like they're using a tremendous amount with the reports we're getting of unmanned drones, but weaponized, and they're using those paragliders like the Hamas did, going into areas in Nazareth, the Galilee region, and up into the Golan Heights. That engagement by Hezbollah, who's a much more sophisticated adversary than Hamas, does change the dynamic of what Israel is now facing on the ground.

Yeah. So, I mean, listen, everyone is really deeply concerned about the potential for Hezbollah out of Lebanon from the north to get involved in this war. There's been some fire going back and forth, obviously. Some Israelis have died, some Hezbollah fighters, Hezbollah terrorists have died as a result of that. But so far, we're not seeing a significant escalation. Obviously, I've heard about the paragliders landing, so that is not going... Well, let me give you some information. They're closing the embassies up in Beirut. There are reportedly been 100 incursions in the last hour, and rockets have not been pouring in.

It's these paragliders which do so much harm to the individuals. I'm concerned that the escalation here is... Well, I'm sure Israel anticipated it, but I'm just trying to get to the point it's multidimensional. Jordan, you want to ask a question?

Yeah. Congressman, there's also this personal side to it. I saw your wife's post. I mean, I think when we all saw the images, and we have to share those images and continue to share those images across party lines of the children that were taken hostage or killed. And it makes me almost... I was in tears the first time talking about this on our show this week, because they look exactly like my kids.

They probably look like your kids too. And you can kind of see, again, that fear in their eyes, that emotional component, that we can't let the world ignore what Hamas has decided to become, which is a terrorist group more like ISIS and not some kind of political resistance army. Yeah. So let me answer both of you guys. So Jay, there's conflicting reports right now. The US embassy in Beirut has just put out a statement that they're not evacuating the embassy. So what stage of escalation? Clearly, what Hezbollah is doing is an escalation, but what stage of escalation we're at is unclear.

But if Hezbollah in a significant way opens up a second front war, where we're worried about invasion from the north, at that point in time, I think it's obviously up to the President, but my vote would be for the United States to enter militarily on behalf of Israel. Jordan brings up a really good point, because we know how the media likes to change the subject as soon as they can to move away. We have not seen in this region, although we have seen it with ISIS, we have not seen in this region, the barbarism that took place on the 7th of October. And Jews have not seen this barbarism since the Holocaust. People burned alive in their cars, 40 babies, and I had been to that book in August, okay, of this year, 40 babies murdered in their cribs, some decapitated, women raped next to their dead friend or spouse. And as a Jew who never thought we would see these things again, anyplace else, that bring back memories of the Holocaust, because make no mistake, what Hamas is dedicated to and what they were doing, that was genocide. That was an annihilation of the Jewish people, what they tried to commit on the 7th. And that's what they're dedicated to, and that's why they need to be removed from Gaza and removed as an organization and eliminated. And let me tell you that they took a Holocaust survivor hostage, okay? That poor woman never thought she would ever have to deal with that again in her life.

She thought the world had moved away from that. And we have to remember and make people remember a week from now, two weeks from now, three weeks from now, a month from now, that everything that's going on is all Hamas' fault. Yeah, you know, the human tragedy is unspeakable. Congressman, we appreciate you being with us.

Thanks for your insight on this. And folks, we're monitoring this situation. I'm going to go to Chris Mitchell in Jerusalem before we take a break. Chris, what's the latest that you're hearing there in Israel? Well, it's about the latest that we've heard is that these infiltrations have come in.

Residents in the north of Israel are being told to stay inside, not their bomb shelters yet, but dim the lights. As we said earlier, it speaks to the possibility of infiltration, just like happened on the southern border. You know, whether or not this, what we have so far is a prelude to what might be a major attack by Hezbollah, we don't know.

But that's certainly what the IDF is preparing for on the northern border, and a second and third front open after the southern border. We've got a lot of calls coming, and I'm gonna take them in the last segment here, and a lot of very good calls, so we'll get to as many as we can. Folks, we're taking a break. When we come back, we're gonna take your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110.

We've got a special report coming up in the break. Stand with the American Center for Law and Justice and stand with Israel. We are in our campaign for ACLJ Champions. Those are people that stand with us each and every month, and I encourage you to do that as well. Stand with Israel, be a champion for life, liberty, and freedom at forward slash champions. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And I'm saying that because Hezbollah from the north can reach Jerusalem much easier than Hamas can. So this escalation, and we, again, we know there's a lot of these, a lot of drones in the area, and these paragliders are what they're doing, which get under the radar, is causing a lot of problems. We'll be back in a moment. Welcome back to Secchial. We are taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110. That's 1-800-684-3110, getting you up to speed on everything that's happened in Israel. Since the attack began on 635 a.m., the first sirens started going off in Israel on Saturday morning.

So you may have gotten alerts even on Friday evening, depending on where you live in the United States. And then, of course, a ground invasion by Hamas, something we had not seen before in history. So it was not just rocket fire, then the killing of civilians, children being taken hostage, women being taken hostage, dragged through the streets. Much more ISIS-style looking video than even Hamas had ever put out before.

So really disturbing imagery. We've showed some that we can show on the air. And what we have to realize now is that Israel is preparing its full-on response. And what we know is that when Israel responds, quickly people will forget about those images, and they will start saying, oh, Israel is overly responding here, and there needs to be a ceasefire, which our secretary of state put out, and then deleted a tweet.

You don't see that very often. I mean, so there is a lot going on behind the scenes here, and some even publicly... You don't usually see public diplomacy with tweets being deleted by secretaries of state on issues this important. No, but then you also had, you know, it's interesting, the prime minister of Great Britain initially issued a statement of support on 10 Downing Street. They had the Israeli flag thing, but he said this, we support Israel's right to respond, quote, proportionally.

Okay, that's legal speak. Okay, you know what proportionality is? That's a concept that we deal with at the International Criminal Court is how does a government respond to an attack proportionally?

Well, proportionally here, you know what that would mean, Mr. Prime Minister of England? Going into Gaza and going into civilian houses and killing their families. Okay, so Israel's not doing that, but that's going to be the world reaction to this.

So our world leaders need to watch their language, because language and speech has consequences. Folks, I'm going to show you right now on the screen, we'll get Jeff Balaban here in a moment too. These cufflinks that we had done are a reminder to us, and Jordan and I are both wearing them today, of Operation Cast Lead. We were there when the rockets were falling on Sderot and Ashkelon. We were in with the Prime Minister when that was happening in a command center.

And you see those little flecks of silver in those cufflinks? You know what that is? Mortar that literally landed a rocket, landed what, about 40 yards from you, Jordan? Not even? Yeah. I mean, so we've been there.

We know what this is like, but folks, this is at a scale we have never seen. Jeff Balaban, who runs our office in Jerusalem, is in the United States for the Jewish High Holidays. Of course, Hamas attacks on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. They attack on a holiday, because they do these as significance, points of significance. Nothing they do is by accident, Jeff.

Nothing they do is by accident. They attacked on the day that is considered the happiest day of the Jewish calendar. After Yom Kippur, after judgment and repentance, we just go out and rejoice. And we have tabernacles where we actually pray for the well-being of every nation in the world with total disregard to how they treat us.

And then the final day, it's just rejoicing. And on that day, they chose to do what I'm going to say is a Holocaust-level event. We've never seen anything like this. The images are being withheld, because Israel doesn't even want the images to get out there because of their own notions of what's appropriate for their own citizens to see. No, what we've seen has been horrific. You can imagine what we haven't seen.

That's right. The images are beyond horrific, and the worst things are being withheld. You know, my view is, and I know it's true that people who support ACLJ, so many pray for Israel, care for Israel, want to support Israel. My view is we're at the point now where if anyone in the world doesn't understand that this is pure evil versus good, then honestly, ignore them. Israel doesn't owe explanations to anybody.

The Jews owe explanations to nobody. I'm sorry, it's very hard for me not to get emotional. We found out about this during the holiday, but it was all rumors. And then we came online after the holiday last night to hear stories of people we know, friends, family members. And the thing is, as you know, Jay, the Jewish people, we're a family. We have a religion, but that's not what we are. We're a family, and our family is being slaughtered before our eyes. And the world is trying to make equivalences, and the world is trying to, as you've been saying, they're going to call for proportionality. There is no proportionality here. No, that's absurd.

It's impossible. These are genocidal animals. Yeah.

No, listen, Jeff, when... I mean, I appreciated Great Britain showing the flag of Israel on 10 Downing Street. I appreciated the imagery. But then when you... We read what they're saying though, folks. And when they start saying proportionality, believe me, there are a couple of lawyers that you're talking to right now, three, that know this very well because we know the ICC, because unlike any other lawyers in the United States, we've actually been there, okay? And when you start saying proportionality, it's... First of all, what an absurd statement.

Proportionality with this? Israel would never do that. Israel doesn't commit war crimes.

It's insanity, Jay. It's insanity, and they're already teeing up, well, let's count the number of dead here versus Gaza. Every drop of blood, Jew and Arab, belongs on the head of the Gazans. By the way, it's not just the Gazans. The Iranians. There are mosques throughout Israel, they're calling to kill the Jews.

Yeah, but it's the... Listen, let me tell you who's responsible for this, folks, okay? It is the unholy alliance we talked about a long time ago. It's Iran, it's Russia, and it's the jihadists. And unfortunately, I believe there's gonna be Russian involvement here. I hate to say it, but already reports we're getting is that there may be on the intelligence level side of this. We don't know that for a fact yet, but there are reports coming. So all of this is just...

Excuse me? There's an important role for America to play. America needs to reassert itself as a leader, both diplomatically, morally, but also in terms of strength, because every red line has been eradicated.

And we must stand with Israel and allow Israel to do anything and everything it needs without limitation. The United States Navy, per the President's order, has moved the Gerald Ford Strike Force Group, which is a very powerful naval flotilla. I mean, it's a huge power, and they are being moved to the border or to the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal region as we speak.

It'll take a day or two to get there, but they're on their way. But this thing could... This is Iran back, we know this. Yeah, it is Iran back. But you know, Jordan, the thing that we also know is this has a potential of being a geopolitical nightmare, it already is, because you've got it possible that 30 countries have hostages. So we're talking about hostages, we're talking about usually one or two. We're talking about possibly 200 or military, 200 from 30 countries. So the interplay pressure here is gonna be... And they're being held in Gaza, and they're probably gonna be used as human shields. By various terror groups who don't always communicate clearly, who have kind of this not clear structured leadership.

You've got other groups like Hamas and you have Palestinian Islamic Jihad. So when Israel goes in, I just want you to know, it's not gonna be pretty there either. I wanna take Julie's call, because she's been on hold for a long time. Julie go ahead.

Hi, Jay and Jordan. If I recall, in 2005, Israel forced all its settlers, they dragged them out of their homes in Gaza Strip. And the whole reason was land for peace. Since we have been given no peace, can we take that land back?

Can we allow... This is a decision the Israeli government and the Israeli military has to make. They've got to, number one, assess whether they have the capacity to do it. Can they actually do it? Do they have the military capacity to take back this landmass?

And number two, what is gonna be the international ramifications of all that? But yes, the pullout did not work, unfortunately. I didn't think it was gonna work when they did it. I don't see it. Now, Jeff, in 10 seconds, your assessment on that?

No, the pullout didn't work. And if anything, it tells you why Israel can never leave Judea and Samaria, why Israel needs to assert its authority throughout all the territories it controls. Because that would be a nightmare 100 times this nightmare.

Yep. Let me always remind people that when the Palestinians had an opportunity to vote in the Gaza Strip, they voted to put Hamas in power in an election that the UN said was free and fair. So they can't say, oh, it's just Hamas. They voted a terrorist group to be their leader. You have to pay the consequence for that if you vote for that. And that's what they should be paying the consequence for after this attack. Support the work of the ACLJ. Be an ACLJ champion with your recurring donation at slash champions. We'll have more tomorrow.
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