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Tony Romo, NFL on CBS Broadcaster

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2023 7:33 pm

Tony Romo, NFL on CBS Broadcaster

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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February 1, 2023 7:33 pm

Tony Romo joined Zach to discuss if Sean Payton can fix Russell Wilson and if the Cowboys made the right call in retaining Mike McCarthy as head coach. 


The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey. Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. The biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl, is on Odyssey.

And Westwood One brings it to you, streaming live for free, Sunday, February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown, Travis Kelce! It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs.

The Kansas City Chiefs, the Philadelphia Eagles, are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood One. Your Super Bowl, your Odyssey.

Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. It is the Zach Gelb Show Coast to Coast on CBS Sports Radio. Now joining us from CBS Sports is the former quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. You can catch him in football season, calling games with Jim Nantz fresh off the AFC title game.

That is Tony Romo on behalf of Michelob Ultra. Tony, how you been? I've been good, Zach. How you been?

Well, I've been fantastic and I appreciate you coming on. So, very busy day in the football world. We find out Sean Payton is going to be the next head football coach of the Broncos. Your first reaction, Tony? I wouldn't say I was shocked, but it was definitely not what I expected to hear today.

But I think that's a home run higher for Denver. I really feel like he was the top candidate out there. I mean, just through all the years of, you know, his success, basically, that's number one.

But I also was with him. He coached me when I first got in the NFL with the Dallas Cowboys. He was on the offensive staff there with Bill Parcells, and he's going to be demanding.

He's gonna have accountability. He's gonna do great with scheme, and I just feel like they're really gonna make this conference, but really this division a monster. We all talked about it going into this year, but you saw when you have to go against the Chiefs and you have to go. I mean, this is probably as well coached and as well from a skilled position, talented division I've seen in a while, and it just improved. And everyone expected Denver to be good this year, and that didn't play out. But you're also going against the Chiefs, who are in the AFC Champs game every year.

Basically seems like the last five. And then you have, you know, another generational quarterback, I believe, in Herbert. And then the Raiders went and hired what I thought was one of the best coaches. I've been around in any of the meetings, Josh McDaniel's, and now you're throwing Sean Payton in here, you know, with a great defense last year. It's like, Oh, my goodness, this is gonna be a battle. You're gonna have a great team in that division.

Go eight and nine. With all that being said, you just wonder, even with Sean's brilliant coaching career, how fixable is Russ? How confident are you that Russell has some good football left in him?

I'm very confident. I mean, the biggest thing is this. You know, Sean's gifts, one of them and all great coaches.

I feel like do this. It's your ability to adapt and to understand the player and put him in the best position possible. I think Sean's done that well for a long time. You gotta remember New Orleans wasn't New Orleans, and we've got to give breeze a ton of credit, right? Well, somebody evaluated your breeze and brought him in. I think Sean Payton was right at the top of that list because they came in, I believe, in 06 together.

First year they go to the NFC Championship. If memory serves me correct. Yeah. And you sit there and you look at it, and nobody would have predicted that. I mean, that's not with the safe.

They were a nice, solid team a little bit here and there. But he's gonna come in and make the game simple. He's gonna make it easier for us in the way he thinks. He's also gonna come in and fit this offense to him. And so now Russ is gonna have to, you know, do things correctly and blah, blah, blah, because Sean's gonna hold everyone accountable. He's gonna walk in there day one. He's like, everyone's starting over from scratch. We're evaluating everyone from coaches, you know, to players, everybody from trainers, equipment room guys, and he's gonna go in there and find out who's willing to put the time in, who's willing to commit and who's gonna actually run this stuff. But he's not gonna try his offense from New Orleans and go bring that there. He's gonna take parts of it. He's gonna see what rust does well, and then that he's gonna go ahead and more for some other things from Seattle.

Plus what he did last year and look at the trends in the league this year, and I think you'll find that he'll turn that around pretty quickly. Tony Romo here with us. You also had D'Amico Ryan's landing in Houston with the Texans, the former Texans linebacker. This is the first time in three years, Tony, you look at the higher the Texans make and you go, Okay, I could see the coach lasting more than a year or a few years in Houston. Yeah, you're a little harsher than I am.

I feel like, uh, some like love. Smith was a great coach. Okay, he was there last year.

Correct? And so love is there in Houston. That doesn't mean you can't cover. It's just certain guys have certain abilities, and we're always looking at. I mean, everyone wants the young scheme.

Sean McVeigh. That's the number one thing. But, uh, there's also guys who have an encyclopedia of a long time, like a Sean Payton. And then you're like, Well, what do we want? We want.

These are two very different ones. First year guy and then the history of Sean. You go get D'Amico. You're taking what he did on tape from San Francisco, and you're saying we're gonna get that now we'll see what talent level. But I believe certain systems and certain guys have a system that can carry regardless of personnel. You may not be quite as down it, but I think what I saw with D'Amico Ryan's was a system that is, uh, very hard to deal with.

They're gonna get in a wide nine, and they're gonna box everything in, and they're gonna let these guys tee off on their front four, and they're gonna have vision on the quarterback. And then he also changes it up more than other guys I've seen in the past with the system. And I think that's his secret. And, you know, being a head coach is more to it than just that. But I always feel like that the number one thing is I'm getting a guy who's giving us an advantage before he shows up.

Then from there, it's culture. You know, how do you get these guys to play hard every week? How do you get these guys to commit? How do you get him to practice every? How do you get him to be tough?

How do you get him to, you know, believe in themselves and million other things get stronger? What's the technique you have for, you know, many things? Then how do you have synergy with the front office to draft guys for my system?

How do you communicate with them? So I think D'Amico handles all that stuff. I think it's a great hire, like you said. Two more with Tony Romo is here with us on behalf of Michelob Ultra. I gotta ask you about the Cowboys. They made seven changes in the coaching staff. Previous coaches not coming back. One being Kellen Moore has already landed with the Chargers. When you make seven staff changes, some people wonder, Well, should the head coach have been changed? What are your thoughts on that with McCarthy? No, you're not changing head coach.

I mean, look what he did the last two years. I know everyone always feels like, you know, NFC championship or bust, right? And I mean, the fact their staff changes means there's a part of that there in the fact that you're changing after I thought Dallas was the only other team when we had championship weekend in the final four. I thought Dallas, you know, and Buffalo. So there's six teams I thought could win a championship this year.

And uh, it was Buffalo and Dallas were the two that weren't playing. And that's a testament to the coaching staff. When you lose a big game, you know, that is huge. And it just everyone's feelings and emotions are there, especially when it happens multiple years in a row.

Because then you gotta question everything and then you gotta look at it closely. However, let's not forget. I mean, the cow has been very successful the last two years of the regular season under McCarthy. And on top of it, their offense has been very good. So, you know, I know Mike's background is in, you know, offensive football, and he's always called place for the most part of his career, except for a little spot in Green Bay and then Dallas. But I do believe it's almost like to only evaluate them on that game always seems silly to me. You just have to keep getting there over and over. And it's just been so long for Dallas that it doesn't feel that way. She can't fire a guy who's had the success he's had. The biggest thing is, you gotta figure out how to win those games.

And the problem is they're hard when you have to go into Samsung. I don't think anybody goes into San Francisco and wins. I think you needed to play San Francisco on the road and Brock Purdy went down.

So things like that happened, and that makes things easier as well. But, um, I thought all four teams could win a championship this year. San Francisco wasn't losing at home. Philly's probably the favorite has been for about 10 weeks for me because their scheme is brand new.

They're ahead of it. Dallas needed to get San Francisco at home playing there, and they still had a chance. Do you trust know that Dak, even with that being said, if they were home because two years ago you were calling the game, they lost at home to San Francisco, that he is the quarterback that could get the job done.

Well, he's shown that he could play at a high level consistently over and over again. I mean, but we're all evaluated on how the season that there's only one winner. Like everyone feels great right now.

Philadelphia and Kansas City. But next week and a half from now, someone's not gonna feel like they had the most successful season. It's like if Kansas City loses in the Super Bowl, it's gonna feel like they didn't quite get the job done.

We're Philly. They might be like I was a great year, but they feel like they should want it. Like everyone's gonna be Cincinnati feels like they didn't finish their season. They expected to be. So there's only one winner. Everyone's gonna feel like that from the organization.

Just with the cow was just like steps, right? Just they haven't got to the championship game. Like if they got to the championship game, it almost be like they got to the Super Bowl or they almost wanted because everyone from a fan base, you know, wants to see that next step. And you know that there's nothing wrong with that.

That's why we evaluate coaches and players and go from there. But yeah. All right.

Tell me what you're doing with Michael of Ultra. Mhm. Oh, that's right.

That's why we're here today. Yeah. No, uh, Michael vulture can a couple months ago and we're talking about doing a spot, a couple commercials and, you know, I was like, well, and then I read it. I was like, yes, I like nickel vulture in general.

So I'm like, like, make a voucher. They got like, yeah, exactly. It's like, you know, it's always like joyful. It's like everything's fun. They're always having some perfect time and you're like, I like that.

You know, I can, I can actually have that much fun too if I just be with them. But now I think the biggest thing was the commercials about catty shack. It's awesome. They got these commercials with, I get to play the bill Murray role and uh, I just thought it was gonna be really fun.

It was almost like I was an actor that was a role I've always wanted, which I'd never think about. But you know, they are a company that you really more, I get to know them and everything you want to be around. I mean, they center this, these spots on golf and I got to act silly like bill Murray and catty shack was the movie I loved and uh, I just feel, you know, fortunate because they turned out really good.

They did such a good job. I mean, they're silly, but they're awesome and I think you'll see it kind of play out. It's almost like a story in some ways, but you also got to look at them and you, you know, when I dug deeper, it was like, you know, these people have uh, spent a lot of money and resources on female athletes and trying to, you know, push, you know, the visibility of that and you'll see that in these spots. I mean, they've got the same number of, you know, female athletes as male and I just thought it was great because they've spent a lot of money on trying to do this and help, you know, push that along. So I just think these are great people and you want to be a part of it with them. Well, it's awesome stuff and we're looking forward to seeing it. I feel like you're going Philadelphia in the Super Bowl.

I don't just have a hunch. Well, I told you it's gonna be really hard to win because their scheme is rare and it's gonna take an off season to study him for everyone in the league. However, I'm not necessarily going Philadelphia. There's a guy number 15 who has a way of showing up and when he walks out in that field, it's different.

He's gonna be there and when he's there, if he's healthy, he is a way to overcome odds in my opinion that are just different. The biggest game of the year. The Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown Travis Kelsey. It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs of Kansas City.

Chiefs of Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood one. Your Super Bowl. Your Odyssey.

Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. The biggest game of the year. The Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown Travis Kelsey. It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs of Kansas City.

Chiefs of Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl again. Catch all the action from Westwood one. Your Super Bowl. Your Odyssey.

Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today. The biggest game of the year. The Super Bowl is on Odyssey and Westwood one brings it to you streaming live for free sunday February 12th on the Odyssey app. The Eagles have been the NFC's best team. Touchdown Travis Kelsey. It's the Eagles versus the Chiefs of Kansas City. Chiefs of Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl. Catch all the action from Westwood one. Your Super Bowl. Your Odyssey. Get in the game and download the free Odyssey app today.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-02-01 20:42:04 / 2023-02-01 20:48:48 / 7

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