Our daughter Jessie loves playing detective.
A clue. But since we discovered she has sensitive skin, we've been playing detective too. We thought the problem was our puppy. But it was actually our old detergent.
Aha. So we switched to Tide Free and Gentle. Tide Clean is better than the leading competitive free detergent and it doesn't leave behind irritating residues. Plus, Tide Free and Gentle has no dyes or perfumes, so it's gentle on her skin. Case closed.
If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide Free and Gentle. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.
Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We've changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up. This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every Monday through Friday.
We'll be right back. Every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.
Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this third day of November.
Well, already third day of November 2024. Indeed, this is the voice of the Christian Resistance. And tonight joining me in the resistance is none other than, well, the legendary Kenny.
Viva la resistance. Okay, very good. Are you ready for tonight, man?
Yes, sir. Okay, this is the second part of last week's message, the election and the elected part two. And tonight we're going to start, Ken, over there in Ecclesiastes chapter three. And here, you know, what you have here, you have a listing, verses one through nine, you have a listing of 28 times 14 pairs of opposites. Now, everyone timed, every timed event here has a purpose. And so that's what we're going to be looking at the purposes here tonight. And so if we go to when we start off with verse one to everything, there is a season and a time and a purpose under the heaven, a time to be born.
When do you? Well, the Bible tells us it's a time to be born. God gave everyone a right to be born nine months after conception. Now, the ultimate hypocrisy out there is for those that have enjoyed that right to life, the liberty and a pursuit of happiness, to turn around and to denied that very same right to the most innocent and the most helpless of our society. That is the ultimate and hypocrisy. It is despicable.
And that is the number one issue in the Democratic Communist baby killing party. That is evil. I mean, you talk about evil. It is, like I said, the ultimate hypocrisy. And it's just the stench of evil.
What do you think? I just can't believe how they've married themselves to abortion. Like there's nothing more important to them than killing babies. It's it's sickening. Well, you know, if one comes to our church and should say, well, I'm pro choice, I would give them the opportunity to come up and repent of that in front of the church if they refused. Right. They would immediately be disfellowshipped with.
And I would reprimand them, tell them to stay especially away from the children, but do not come close to any decent people. Because according to God's word, the Bible, those folks have gone a whoring and they're unclean. See, we actually really hold to what the word of God says.
We don't mock God. We believe what he says. God's immutable. Right. He doesn't change.
And so, you know, we have very high, high standards there. We know light cannot fellowship with darkness. Christ has nothing to do with Belial.
Okay. And so we will not be unequally yoked with the heathen, with the ungodly. A time to die. Well, you know, the Bible gives you several instances in there where it's time to die, but one specifically is ignored today by the pulpit.
And it shouldn't be. Let's go to Leviticus chapter 20, verses 1 through 5. Leviticus 21 through 5. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Again, thou shall say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers, their sojourn in Israel, they giveth any of his seed unto Malek. Today, the same thing applies when they give their seed to Kamalek, Kamalek, whose thirst for the blood of innocent children is unquenchable. There's not enough blood left in the veins of the innocent to quench the thirst of this wicked, unclean woman. He goes on and says, He shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Now, this is a statute. People that are pro-death, people that are pro-death, people that perform or have anything to do with child sacrifice. And number one, that's, you know, the federal government.
The federal government is the number one under, it started with Barack Hussein Obama, a man of sin, an anti-Christ. And I will set my face against that man, and I will cut him off from among his people. Do you know what it means to be cut off? To be kind of like exiled? No, it means to be killed.
It means to be killed because he had given of his seed to Malek to defile my sanctuary and to perform my holy name. Now, the pastors need to preach this. They need to find the courage to preach this.
They need to say, you know what? I am much more concerned about offending God than I am about offending the offering plate. And if the people of the land do in any way hide their eyes from the man when he giveth them his seed unto Malek and kill him not. How many times have you heard people say, well, I'm against abortion. Personally, I would never do that, but I'm not going to judge those to do. Well, you're not a Christian. You can't be saved because the Bible says we're to judge everything, and if that's your attitude, you're not saved. You're going to die and burn in hell, okay? And so here, unless you repent of that, unless you get saved, right? Say, well, Lord, you know, my pastor, he's saying that with such authority.
Where does he get this authority? I'm holding it in my hand right now. Right here, okay? Then I will set my face against that man and against his family and will cut him off and all that go ahoring before him to commit horridom with Malek from among the people.
That today includes the entire Democratic Communist Party. They've all gone ahoring. And then, going back to what it says, a time to kill and a time, well, you know, I just read a time to kill. Actually, I just read a time to kill. Well, a time today to die. Let's go over to Hebrews chapter 9, and this is verse 27 and 28 in Hebrews.
This is a time to die. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after that the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and to them that look for him he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation. So it's appointed to men once to die. People, all saved Christians, except for those that are taken in the Rapture, they're appointed one time to die. But now, what is the second death? The second death is for those that go to hell.
That's right. See, the definition of death itself is separation of God. And death and hell will find itself in the burden lake of fire, huh? And so, here for those, you know, the Bible says, blessed are those, okay, who died just the one time and don't have the second death. And here, so now, Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and to them that look for him shall he appear.
Now, I've had pastor friends that I've known for years and years, and I mean I've had some that for forty years or more, you know, believed that on the pre-Trib, pre-Rapture, on the Church, and pre-Millennium. But something happened back when, do you remember when ISIS first came on the scene? And ISIS was capturing Christians and beheading them. When they were seeing this, somehow along the line they got the notion that that was a fulfillment of the Scripture, of the days of the persecution, you know, whether it be the days just prior to the start of the Tribulation or even during the Tribulation. Some of them thought, well, we were in the Tribulation now. No, that wasn't.
It was a type, see the Bible is filled with types and shadows, filled with types and shadows. They give you events that take place, and then here there'll be a much stronger application. It'll be on a small scale and then on a larger scale.
Some good examples of that. If you go to Daniel chapter 8, in Daniel chapter 8 it talks about a he-goat and a ram that comes against the king of Babylon and destroys. Now this he-goat, very strong, comes from the west, it comes from out of the west, and here it goes, it runs into the ram and kills the ram, and everything that was in that happened once with Alexander the Great. But then a second time it happened, the very same thing happened, when Desert Storm, when the United States military came, it says it came from the west and its feet never touched the ground.
In other words, it came across the ocean without ever touching the ground. And so I figured it was probably airplanes. It sounds like an aerial attack.
Yeah, well that's exactly what happened. They brought the troops over here. The troops didn't hitchhike.
They flew over there in planes. And then it talked about how he ran into the ram and brought it down the king of Babylon, which we saw exactly that happened just so clearly on a larger scale than what had taken place with Alexander the Great. Because the population was greater, the area was greater, and the weaponry used was much greater, and the forces that came against Saddam Hussein were much stronger. And believe me, our military could have taken on Alexander the Great's army and given up.
So we have much better equipment, right? And so here now, when we see these things happen, they're called types and shadows. Another great example of that, something happening on a smaller scale than the larger scale, is you know, out of Revelation 17 and Revelation 18, where it talks about Babylon the Great, the Great Whore, what you saw on 9-11, if you read that, if you saw 9-11, it's absolutely, positively, exactly the same thing which happened in Babylon, which is New York City, where you have the three types of Babylon. You have the world trade, the economic, the political, you have the UN building there, and also the religious.
You have the World National Council of Churches. So all three of those was right there in New York City, and then it told you how the merchants at C-7 said that the Great Whore is burning, she's burning the Great City, she's burning. Well, remember what happened when the first planes hit the towers?
The Coast Guard made all the ships drop anchor out there, I mean there was a bunch of them, until they were all inspected, and that took a long time. And here in Revelation, it talks about the merchandise being spoiled, the merchandise, exactly what happened, exactly what happened in 9-11. And then, here, I want to go, see God has appointed each of us a time to die. It's His call, not ours. You know, a lot of people think that when they commit suicide that, you know, well, God's going to find out, listen, God knew way ahead of time what you were going to do.
He could have stopped you, but God sometimes allows us to make our bed and sleep in it, huh? Yeah, but then it begs the question of why is abortion being allowed? Well, God, just like He did with Moloch and these people, He's got patience, He's leaving it up to us to stop this horrible thing. You see, that's what we're supposed to be doing, and the majority of the responsibility falls upon the pastors.
We're the ones looking. Just think if the pastors had the courage boldly to stand up and preach heaven sweet and hell hot. Just think about this, if they actually felt and were more concerned about offending God than the offering plate. Look, for years, years I was out on those streets and there were maybe two churches out there all that time. Our church was out there for all those years. For 45 years we were out there and most of it was the doers of the word church and some from Cleveland Baptist and that. Every real church in the area should have had people out.
Now, from time to time, pastors from other churches did come out to help me, but not nearly enough. They just didn't have the courage. They just didn't have the courage to do it. I remember one pathetic preacher telling me, you'll never see me in front of an abortion mill as long as it's legal. I'll obey the government. In other words, he's saying, look, no matter how wicked and corrupt that government is, I'll obey that. That was his way of trying to justify not having the courage to stand up and do what he knows to be right. Yeah, he'll never stand up to do anything. No, that's what I told him. I said, I'll never find you doing anything that takes any courage. What a coward.
I thought that guy got every shot and booster he was told to take, too. Let me ask you this question here. Have you ever heard of something called the prison epistles? He said, of course I have. I said, why do you think they were called prison epistles? He said, because they were written from prison. I said, that is correct. Now, was Paul and Peter and Barnabas and all of them, did they go to prison for obeying God or for obeying the government because they were in complete conflict? And he thought, he says, you know, you make a really good point there. I mean, I maybe have to rethink my position. Unbelievable.
Unbelievable. So going back to where we left off over in Ecclesiastes, and I believe it was verse three, chapter three. A time to kill, well, we did that, and a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up.
That simply means it's like when you get buildings, houses, barns, it's time to raise them, and then it's time to build them up. And the same thing when it comes to the gathering of the stones. A time to weep, oh, that's a good one. The good Lord gives you some time to weep. If you turn over to James chapter five, verses one through six, James five, verses one through six, and here's what we read.
Ready? Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered, and the rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh, as it were.
Fine, you have heaped up treasures for the last days. Now, did you know that the Democratic Communist Party raised a lot more money than the Republicans because of their antichrist billionaires? Yep. Because of their antichrist billionaires. They depended on people like George Soros, and those people think that somehow, when they die, they want to be quick-frozen. Some want to be quick-frozen, others just have their heads removed from their bodies.
Yeah, so they can, quote-unquote, be brought back somehow. Right. Well, Disney was one, and oh, the one baseball player, too. Was it Lou Gehrig? No.
No, which one was it? Yeah, think of it. Anyhow, they, too, wanted to be quick-frozen, to be brought back through A.I.
But here, now think about this. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth. And the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of the Sabbath. Look, today, you have almost 500,000 children missing. They expect 200,000 of them are dead already. You have many, many of the young girls are being sold into prostitution.
Many of the young boys are made to work in factories, okay, sometimes for 16 hours a day. Big business, big corporation out there, and of course, every now and then, the C.I.A. lets the F.B.I. roll over on a handful of human traffickers just to show, pretend like they're doing something out there, actually interested in trying to stop it. The federal government, the federal government of the United States is the biggest purveyor of human trafficking in the world, under Joe-Bama Biden.
You know, when he's not trying to bite the feet of babies. I mean, this is something. So there's a message here, as go now, go to now, you rich men weep and howl. And that's a good message for George Soros. That's a good message, excuse me, for Klaus Schwab, for Bill Gates, for Mark Cuban, for Barack Obama, for Bill Clinton, for Jeff Bezos.
That's a good message for all of them and many more that are involved. And Mr. Epstein got what was coming to him, didn't he? Allegedly. And he says here, yeah, we really don't know the truth of that, do we? No, we don't and we never will. I mean, there's a lot of shady business going on with that.
Well, one thing that we can be absolutely certain about when it comes to the federal government is we can't trust a thing they say, huh? Nope. You have lived in pleasure on the earth and you have been wanton. You have nourished your hearts, as in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and killed the just.
And he does not resist you, especially the unborn babies, especially the little ones, the children, especially those that are being used in human sex trafficking. And so here he goes on to say, a time to cast away stones, that's the same thing as a time to build. You know, most of those days, in those days, the buildings and that were built by many by stones, blocks of stone, and a time to gather stones. So there's a time to tear down the old and a time to build up the new.
And they also used those in the vineyards along the walls for planting in the coming time when, you know, you can only use the same soil to plant the same plants over and over, then you got to move it. He goes on to say, a time to embrace. We do that at the church. You know, the Bible says to greet one another for the holy kiss and a hug, and we do that at the church. And, you know, there's a time to embrace, especially all of us old folks that have been together for so long. And then there's a time to refrain from embracing. When somebody comes in there and tells you they have the flu or they have COVID, that's a good time to refrain.
That's a pretty good time, Gus. Yeah. And not just that, but sometimes when they come in and you can tell they've been eating garlic for breakfast, that's a good sign to refrain. Yes, trust your senses. Yeah, absolutely. God gave you up for a reason.
Yeah. A time to get and a time to lose. You know, people my age, often we've acquired a lot. I've acquired over the years many things. And I have quite a book collection, some that were handed down to me from pastors, and I mean some very, very nice, expensive books that were handed down from one pastor to the other. And then finally, a huge amount to me. And as I'm looking at these and saying, as I move on, who should I leave these books to? Very important. But of course I know that a lot of other things that I have, it's time that I start, and I'm thinking about that, about who I'm going to leave a lot of my property to. Because, you know, I'm not going to be here forever, are we?
No, not at all. And so he goes on to say, a time to rend and a time to sow. That has a couple applications, but in other words, it goes back at the same time. There's some things where you discard other things you repair, and you make anew. He talks about a time to keep silence. Boy, I can tell you, there's some people out there that wish they'd kept silence, right?
Yeah. For example, here at Kamala, she's having what she thought was going, everything going well for her. She's finally got a large crowd of people to listen to her. And what's happening, well, she invited, what is it, Beyonce or whatever? She was supposed to come out and everybody thought that she was going to perform. Yeah, everyone thought they were getting a free concert, which is why they were there. But she kept silent.
She didn't sing. And people didn't like that. But see, here it says, a time to keep silence. Now, if you go over here to Ecclesiastes 10, and we read here in verse 1, dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savior. So doeth a little folly with him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor. Do you know what that means, Ken?
No, no. It means you can live your whole life as an honorable man, and with honor and integrity, and all it takes is one mistake. You can say the wrong thing at the right time, and out of anger, or do the wrong thing. And I mentioned a couple of pastors, I'm not going to mention their name, and some just recently, cause they were naturally known pastors, that made one mistake. They were honorable men, good men, and they made that mistake, okay? They said the wrong things at the right time, and it brought them down. And it was to who? Now, other things they did, one of the pastors had a relationship with a minor girl, which really brought him down. Well, T.D. Jakes, he's one of those prosperity, so I'll just mention him, he had a number of situations in his family that cost him a lot.
But some others that everybody would know, I don't want to bring any more harm on them. But here, this is where we get into Timmy Walls. You know, Timmy said, now and then he said he's a knucklehead.
That's where you have knucklehead and chucklehead. A wise man's heart is at his right, but a fool's heart is at his left. Now, here, you know, today, if you take a look at those that are conservatives, they're what we call, we're called the right, those on the right. The Democrats, the fools are those on the left.
Makes perfect sense. Now listen to this, here comes Timmy Walls, here comes Joe Obama, Biden, and I'm just kind of wondering if this wasn't set up and staged, you know, to happen by Biden's wife, you know, who has no love loss for Camelock. But, you know, when he was, which he was in the midst of her big rally and Biden comes out and he calls Trump supporters garbage. Even the left wing, many of those switched their stories. You know, what went from her thing, Fox News and all, right to that, they broke that. And talking about that, the timing was impeccable.
Trying to do damage control on it, but it really didn't, but it stole all the thunder away from her, from supposed to be her, her last big push and completely stole all the attention away. You know, if he'd, see it wasn't doing him any good either. I mean, like when he was biting the babies on the feet or trying to eat the baby's feet, you know, I mean, he wasn't talking, but you know, his actions were saying a lot, weren't they? Yes, they are. Okay.
And then you, you had, I can't say the word. I wouldn't, I wouldn't believe, I wouldn't, I wouldn't doubt if he, if he actually voted for Trump in this election, I wouldn't doubt it. You know, I mean, everything that this guy says or has done in the last couple, couple months has just been a wrench thrown into the Harris campaign. Yeah. And I'm thinking Trump is thinking the same thing, I wonder if he voted for you.
He also, when he that is a fool walketh, by the way, his wisdom faileth him, and he saith to everyone that he is a fool. That's exactly, exactly what they're doing. That's exactly what they've been doing. And so, I mean, Trump has been having just a ball, working at McDonald's.
And the garbage truck and does the rally and the vest and everything, it was awesome. Yeah, and Kamalik, here when she had those transvestites that dressed up like nuns and blasphemed God, that didn't help her. Then they run the commercials where she has Julia Roberts telling women they should lie to their husbands. They should lie to their husbands, okay? And, boy, I'm going to tell you, that didn't help her. I mean, a lot of these, these men that are married to these Democratic women, you know, cuckolds or whatever.
But some of them would possibly be pretty upset, okay? I know how I would deal with my wife ever voted for Kamalik. Well, I would show her the road, okay? My wife's a lady. She's a lady. She knows, she would never do that. No, my wife is pretty smart. She would never vote Democrat. That's why I was so upset. And I know why Trump's wife, why she did what she did, because that was, that was just what has happened.
Everyone is to get more of the women vote. I could not be married to a woman who was pro-death, pro-abortion. I could not, no, not for a minute. So, listen to this one where he talks about when he says, a time to speak and then a time to keep silent. Now, here, this is Solomon the king, right? And here's what he says in verse 20. Curse not the king, no, not in thy thought, and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber. Now, here's where you got the, have you ever heard that saying a little bird told me?
Here's where it came from. For a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Well, Solomon was the king, but he's not talking about himself. He's talking about the king of kings, his king. He's talking about his king here, because only, remember what it says? Curse not the king, no, not in thy thought. In other words, there's only one king that can read your mind, huh?
Yeah. And knows what you're going to do. And so, he's telling you there's no place you can go to get away from God. The Bible says wherever you go, God's there.
He said he fills the entire universe, huh? And so, here, this is where you be very careful about what you say. Now, there's a time for you to speak up, though, if you go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12. And he says this, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shall say, I have no pleasure in them.
So, what do you think that means? Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth? It's probably referring to the innocence of being young and naive, in a way. Well, here, he's telling you, I don't know how old you were when you got saved, but I had gone to church my whole life. You know, I've been there, you know, and I mean, I went to strict Baptist church. But I wasn't saved, I mean, for real, until I became an adult, okay, when I really got saved. And so, here, he's telling you that remember them while you're young. He tells us in Romans chapter 12, and it's interesting because here we're in chapter 12 here, in that first verse there, he tells you that your body, okay, to be used for the Lord's sake, okay. And what he's telling you is that, well, I'll just read it to you here.
Now, listen to this. Now, is it of interest, we're both in chapter 12 and both of them are verses 1. And it says this, I beseech you, brother, and therefore by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service, your reasonable service. So now, when is your body most able to be used in obedience for God when it's young and strong and energetic or when it gets old and weaker?
Yeah, definitely young and strong. Yeah, so that's what he's telling them here. And he says, now the Creator, remember now that you're Creator in the days of thy youth, okay. And then he says, while the evil days come not, in other words, do it now. Start placing up those crowns in heaven.
Use your body, which is your reasonable sacrifice, for the Lord's work now. And then he says, nor the years, God and I, when thou shall say, I have no pleasure in them. If the pleasure means I'm old, I got arthritis or this and that in these days, and getting old isn't all that it's cut up to be, huh? No, no, it's not. And so sometimes getting old, people will tell you, well, it kind of beats the alternative. Well, I guess, yeah. I mean, it depends on how you look at it.
Yeah. And so, then he goes on to say, a time to love and a time to hate. A good time to love. We are to love our Lord, to love God, to love our family, to love our church family.
We are to love our country, to love freedom. And so, that's the time, you know, that time is every day, huh? Yeah. But then it says, a time to hate.
Yeah. When would be the time to hate? Well, the Bible says that we are to love what God loves and hate the things God hates. In fact, if you go over to Proverbs chapter 6, these six things does the Lord hate?
Even, yes, seven are an abomination unto Him. The Lord hates a proud look. The Lord hates a lying tongue. The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood.
The abortionists. The Lord hates a heart that devises wicked imaginations and feet that be swift running to mischief. The Lord hates a false witness that speaketh lies and that soweth discord among the brother. So, we are to hate everything that God hates.
We are to love. You know, often you'll hear people say, well, what is sin? And they'll say, well, it's missing the mark.
Well, you know, there is a reference description. Paul talks about missing the mark. But no, sin is the transgression of God's law. Sin is the transgression of God's laws. That's what the Bible teaches. And again, it teaches where, you know, you hear people say, well, now, the Bible says where to hate the sin but love the sinner. The Bible doesn't say that at all. Again, the Bible says where to love what God loves and hate what God hates.
In fact, some places in Scripture, it tells you, well, I just read it there to you. There are some people that God hates, right? In fact, it says He hates all of them that commit iniquity. And so, in a way, there are a lot of them, too, out there.
That's the entire Democratic Communist Party, huh? And so, in fact, if you go over in the book of Romans to chapter 9, in verse 13, As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid, for He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but the God that showeth mercy. And so, here, and of course he gives a good example with Pharaoh. God is a just God and God is a holy God. God will never punish you more than you deserve to be punished.
If anything, He is merciful. But then we go back here and He says there's a time of war and a time of peace. We're at war right now with this. We're at war right now with this world.
We're at war with this world. Mike Huckabee. I like Mike Huckabee, Governor Huckabee. But he said something I totally disagree with. He said that everyone should vote. Christians and Democrats should vote. I don't want Democrats to vote.
That's how we got in the shape we're in now. I don't want those people voting. I tell a lot of friends, you got to get out there and vote.
You got to make sure you vote, but there are some where I don't say a word to. Yeah, absolutely. And now they're running that commercial again.
Like I said, Kamala is running that commercial telling women that they should lie to their husbands. It shows you how wicked they are. Yeah, it's unreal. Ephesians 6, verse 13 says, Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, having done all to stand. This is the day we're living in now. We're living in the evil day. This is the evil day.
And so all means doing everything that means doing everything, not just what we can do in a comfort zone. But everything we are to do to further the cause of Christ. By not voting for those that stand for good, you are giving those that stand for evil a guilty of the sins of omission.
Complicit evil help is what you're doing. And so do you know, Ken, only 51% of recent polls, a recent poll showed the 51% of recent polled professing Christians said that they were likely to vote in this election. That is, you know, 51%.
You know what that is? That is a true, true form of apathy and ignorance. Apathy and ignorance.
Yeah, that's almost unforgivable, I mean, at this point. For everything that we see out there and the good that we can do if we all got together and actually voted, we'd be living in a completely different world. Well, you're absolutely right because of people like those who don't vote for the good. Good Christians, like the pro-lifers that are spending years in prison for saving babies because of a completely, totally wicked and corrupt Merrick Garland. And the January Sixers for being patriots and homeschoolers, okay, many of them are rotting in stinking jail cells because you people out there didn't go and vote for those that are good.
Yep. And the wicked, the ungodly got elected. So, now 32 million, 32 million professing Christians, Ken, who regularly attend church are not likely to vote. Now think about that, Kenny. That's insane. Now just think of that, if even half of those did vote for good people, if only half of those did, okay, that would have been too big to rig even for the left.
Yeah. And if just half of those, just half of those, we would not have so much corruption, so many evil anti-Christ communists in government. Our border would be secure, we wouldn't have all of these criminals across, the murderers, the rapists, we wouldn't have all of that we have now. Our inflation would be under control, gas prices would be under control, grocery prices would be under control. And we wouldn't be legislating sin, pain and death, would we?
No, not at all. So, all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men. To do nothing. Well, for good men not to vote for good men. Yeah.
That's it, yep. And then if you go over, actually to Proverbs chapter 29, in Proverbs chapter 29, in verse 2 we read this, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked bear through, the people mourn. Boy, I'm going to tell you, over and over you see how many people, why are everybody abandoning those folks who are the economy? The economy, people have lost their homes, they can't afford to pay the rent, they're on from hand to mouth, they were expecting to get 113,000 new jobs is what they estimated they would get, they got 12,000. Now even by common core math, 12,000 is not even half of 113,000 is it?
No, I don't care what kind of new math you use, it's not a good number. This describes the Democrats here, the bloodthirsty hate the upright, but the just seek the soul. And then, when the wicked are multiplied, verse 16, transgression increases. Boy, they tried to lie, they got the FBI and others to put out false reports on crime and finally they had to admit they lied, they got caught. And when they kept saying crime was done, especially murder, when just the opposite, it's way up.
But when the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases, but the righteous shall see their fall. Hopefully that will happen Tuesday, huh? Yeah, I hope so. Although I feel like we're not going to find out for a while. Well, see, that's what, when they tell you they're in Pennsylvania, when the Secretary of State says, don't expect us to be able to pick a winner for at least two weeks, with the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania saying, listen, we need some time to find some phony ballots.
That's what they're telling you. We need the time to put together and operate some good election fraud. Either finding more ballots or throwing away good ones that you don't want to count. Right. Or doing both. Yeah. And so that's what they're actually telling you.
We need time to come up with more fraudulent ballots. Jesus said that he would rather you be all in for him or be against him. You know, he said that he'd rather you be hot or cold instead of lukewarm over in Revelation 3.15. And then, did you know this? That nearly two hundred, no, not two hundred, nearly two million, two million brave Americans have given their lives from the start of this country and all the wars that we've had, from the Revolutionary War all the way up to the Iraqi War, over two million brave Americans have given their lives in war to sustain the freedoms that we've enjoyed and to give us the right to elect our leaders. And what gives these thirty-two million professing Christians, what gives them the right to disrespect the sacrifices that were made by these good people, these good, the honorable and just people that went before us? It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense.
I don't think you can be truly a Christian and not vote. Right. I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you. And so, what does this say? James 4.17 says, But for those that know to do good and to do it not, to them it is sin. He tells you in James 1.22, Be you therefore a doer of the word, not a hearer only, deceiving, deceiving. He says, deceiving yourselves. That's exactly what these people are, aren't they? They're deceiving themselves.
And so, folks out there, don't deceive yourself this, okay? There's two kinds of people. God recognizes two kinds.
Those that have called upon His name and received the sacrifice that He made for them, and those that have rejected Him and failed to do that. And that's the bottom line. You see, you're either saved or lost.
There's no in-between there. You're not a little bit saved or a little bit lost. You're either saved or lost, right? And so, what happens, it's not a tragedy to die, because we just read that.
It's a time for everyone. God, that's God's call, you know. We think sometimes it's our call, but it's not. But folks, again, it's not a tragedy to die, but to die in your sin. To die in your sin, unsaved. Well, I'm going to tell you, it doesn't get any worse than that.
It doesn't get any worse. God has given you a way out. I mean, God's a merciful God and God's a just God. And God has given you what you don't deserve at all, okay? He's given you what you don't deserve.
But He's given you a way out of that lake of fire. He's demanded that you repent of your sins. You see, every sin is a sin against God.
Every sin is a sin against God. And what He's telling you, what you need to do is come to Him, ask for forgiveness of that sin, repent. And now He looks upon your heart.
He knows if you mean it. And then He tells you here to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. He's given you the Get Out of Hell card to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus who took your place, died a substitutionary death in your place, did for you what you could never do for yourself. Call upon His name and ask Him to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, completely and totally, number one, without any reservation.
And if you do that, and if you do that, God will always honor your commitment. You will become a new creature. You'll escape that burning lake of fire. You'll become an heir of the kingdom.
Join heir with the Lord Jesus and you'll be indwelt with the Holy Spirit. How do I know all that? I've got God's Word on it. I've got God who cannot lie. I've got His Word upon it.
Folks, now, if I died today, I'd have no doubts that when I opened my eyes, I'd be with the Lord. Can you say that? Can you say that? If you can't, you're in more trouble than you can imagine. And so, don't run out of tomorrows tonight. Don't do it.
Right? We know that that's going to happen, don't we Ken? All across this world, a whole lot of people are going to run out of tomorrows tonight, huh? Yeah, and they'll never see it coming.
They'll never see it? Does God, do every one of them, has God given every single one of them the chance to repent? Every single day.
Every second of your day you have a chance. And so, God is a just God, a merciful God. He's given everyone the opportunity, right? The old saying, you can lead a horse to water, you can't make them drink, right? God can actually make them drink, but He doesn't want to. Yes. Yeah, He wants them to choose Him. There's another old saying, you can make them awful thirsty though, right?
Yes. So, anyhow, that's where we're at today. It's been good being here with you tonight.
I want to thank all you folks for your support and for the folks I tried to call you. Today I went to open the door early this morning and a piece of paper fell out. It was stuck in the door and the wind was blowing and it almost blew it away, but I thought, well, better see what that is. Somebody left it in there and so I grabbed it and it was an envelope in it from a husband and wife out of New York.
They had a phone number and I called, but their mailbox was not together. But in that envelope, Ken, was a check for $1,000. Wow. And it could have blown right away, but the Lord says, go get it, old timer. He said, hurry up.
Yeah. And I want to thank those folks and all of you tonight until, God bless, always, always, always, keep fighting the fight, fight, fight, fight. Have a good night, Ken. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at www.wrwl.org. Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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