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WED HR 1 061924

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
June 20, 2024 12:02 am

WED HR 1 061924

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio, where we change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian Resistance on this 19th day of June 2024. And this is pledge week.

That's right. It's pledge week. And already we have Keith here in Ohio pledges fifty dollars and Charles pledges sixty dollars. So already.

Well, these are all these pledges already came in. Very good. Now, folks, the numbers are eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero or none. That's the credit card line or eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. That's eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, six, eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. Yep. So now tonight we have back. In the phone tank is Eric, Randy and Frank.

And in the glass cage we have there the up and rising star in the media. It's got his own radio station and he's looking, looking to get a jet plane. A couple, couple, couple, two or three.

I've been doing this 50 years. I don't even have a Piper Cub. I'm waiting for my first. Right. Well, then you heard the cackle. She's always there and she twitters and flitters around and she's got a cackle.

And there's no one else than Lisa. Good evening, everyone. Already. There you go.

She's waited all day to say that. All right. Get back there. Now we have to our special guest tonight. Are well, we have one was Maggie Curly Malone. Hey, Maggie. Hi, everyone. Thanks for having me back on this journey.

All right. We're going to talk more a little bit about your book, The Inconvenient Heartbeat. And we have a long tome time favorite with us here.

None other than Miss All Natural Apothecary Herbs herself. Miss Wendy Wilson. Oh, good evening, Pastor. Great to be with you.

Good to have you guys with us tonight. So, ladies, we're going to get right into a Bible study if you're ready. And the title of this message was The Duties of a Father Toward Their Families, Duties of Fathers Toward Their Families.

And we started off. We were talking about first the definition of a father. Now, do you ladies know what the definition of a father is?

Because, you know, this is like really deep for Democrats. It's it's right up there with knowing what a woman is. And and so we did a lot of research in this. And we found out. Listen to this.

A father is a male parent. Wow. Deep. Wow. There you go. That's deep. You won't ever hear this and wretched mad cow show or you won't hear that on the view.

They're a long way from knowing that. Now, you know, the very first mention of a father was in Genesis to 21 through 25. And then we took a look at an Ephesians five about the family, the father, the mother and the family. The father was to love his wife.

The wife was to be obedient to her husband and the children were to obey their parents. And then we picked it up and Genesis 50 that a father was to command his children. And then in Proverbs one, he was to instruct his children. And then we're going to pick it up tonight in First Thessalonians two, 11 through 16.

And we're going to see what the father is is to do to his children. Well, let's start out with verse 11. As you know, how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children. In other words, he's talking to the Thessalonian church there and he's making a point that a father is to exhort, to comfort his children.

He's also to warn his children. And so here he goes on to say that you would walk worthy of God who has called you into his kingdom and glory. For this cause, we thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, which you heard of us. So he's making a very clear point there and he does this all through the scriptures. Paul is that they are preaching the word of God.

They are preaching the word of God. John in Ohio pledges twenty five. Thank you, John. All right.

Eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero, eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. Now here he goes on. But as it is in truth, the word of God, which eventually.

OK, let me go back, he says. For this cause, also thank we God for without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, which you heard of us, received it not as the word of men, but as it is the truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. For you, brethren, became followers of the churches of God, which is that Judea. Are in Christ Jesus, for you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus and their prophets and have persecuted us. And they believe not God.

And are contrary to all men. Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that he might be saved to fill up their sins. Always for the wrath is to come upon them to the uttermost.

Well, here's a point that he makes there. The Lord Jesus had warned also the Judaizers and the lawyers. In fact, if we go over to and here's what he's talking about when he says, who both killed the Lord Jesus and and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they pleased not God and are contrary to all men. Well, he was talking to the lawyers. And if you go over there in Luke Chapter 11 and you read verse 51, he says.

From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple. Fairly I say to you, it should be required of this generation. Woe unto you, lawyers, for you have taken away the key of knowledge you entered not in yourselves and then them and then that were entering you hindered. And he said these things and to them describes in the Pharisees begin to urge him vehemently and to provoke him to speak many things, lay in wait for him and speaking to catch something out of his mouth that they might accuse him. And so we kind of have a lot of problem with some of the lawyers of today, like Jack Smith, don't we?

And what is what is taking place out there? I mean, now there's there's some good lawyers out there, too. But boy, I'm going to tell you, not in Washington, D.C., it is in the courts with this is it has really gotten corrupted. But here is what he's telling them.

He says this forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved. What right now that the whole Biden regime is trying to keep, they're trying to shut down radio programs like this. They've been going after anyone and everyone who and we'll hear about some of that more tomorrow night. As we're going to take a look at just some of what they're doing, but also.

The corruption in the election, we're going to hear some of that here, the second part of the program tonight. Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins always. And so what is he referring to? He's talking about God gets to a point. There's a certain point where that's it.

He's long suffering, very long suffering, but he's not select requiring. And he's given him time to repent. And he did that in the days of Noah.

He gave him plenty of time to repent. And then, well, it was over. And that's what's coming to this world right now.

That's heading this way right now. And so, I mean, you're going to hear the point where. But the day of the Lord will come. Remember, Second Peter, three verses, nine and 10.

Peter made it very clear that day is coming. So you need to be prepared. Then I want to go over to Hosea in Hosea. Chapter 11. In Hosea, chapter 11, verses one through three, you read this.

Now, listen, ladies, listen really carefully to this and then tell me what you think he's talking about. Listen carefully. When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt. And they called them. So they went from them. They sacrificed and to bail them and burned incense to graven images. I taught Ephraim also to go taking them by the arms, but they knew not that I healed him. So.

Let me I'll give you some hints. OK. Israel. Was the is the national son of God, the nation, the national son of God, Israel. So it was the national son of the father. Israel also was the nation of also was referred to as the wife of God. OK.

But here now. When he says and I taught Ephraim also to go taking them by their arms, but they knew not that it was I that healed them. What do you think that means? Who in Isaiah 53 is says that we were healed by his stripes. And so you had Israel, the nation of Israel, was healed by whose stripes?

Right. That's exactly what he's referring to. But going back, he says when Israel was a child, then I loved him and I called my son out of Egypt.

This is a reference. To the future, he's he's referring to something that's going to happen in the future, and that future is when Herod was killing all of the male babies up to two years old. And so he called Joseph and Mary out of Egypt or he called them after he had finished killing the children. Then he called them. They had run to Egypt to escape Herod and then after Herod had died, then they came back.

And you know where they came back to? Jesus of. Nazareth, Nazareth returned to Nazareth. So Israel was the national son of God here in this is a type of Christ.

And it was Jesus by his stripes where they healed. Already now, I think I'm going to go over the first Samuel. One of the other jobs of a father was to teach, was to restrain his children, to restrain his children. And have you ladies ever had to restrain your children? Every day.

I have to restrain them back in the booth back there. So anyhow, we're over in First Samuel, Chapter three, if you have any questions, just jump right in. If you have a question or comment. First Samuel, Chapter three, starting verse 10. And the Lord came and stood and called us at another time. Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak for thy servant heareth. And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel at which both the ears of everyone that heareth shall tingle. In the day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house. When I begin, I will also make an end, for I've told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knoweth, because his sons made themselves vile and he restrained them not. And therefore I will I have sworn unto the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering forever. And Samuel lay until the morning and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel feared to show Eli the vision. Let's see, Samuel and Eli were very, very close and Samuel didn't want to have to break the bad news to him because, well, there's bad news coming here. And Eli was the priest and his sons. They used strange fire. They they went to the priesthood as drunk. They behaved in all kinds of vile ways. And Eli was supposed to have restrained them, or at least he was supposed to have thrown them out of the priesthood.

But he didn't. He, you know, it's like Joe Biden says how much he loves Hunter. And no matter what no matter what Hunter continues to do, how much evil is. And so here now God's judgment comes upon him. He goes on to say that Eli called Samuel and said, Samuel, my son.

And he answered, Here am I. And he said, What is the thing that the Lord has said unto thee? I pray thee, hide it not from me. God, do so to thee and more also if I hide anything from me of all the things that he said unto thee. In other words, Eli's telling, Look, I know I know I've got chastisement coming and I want you to tell me everything. Don't hold anything back. And if you do whatever the Lord's going to do to me, let him do to you.

Okay. And so and he's speaking, said, What is the thing that the Lord has said unto thee? Well, Samuel told him every every wit and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the Lord.

Let him do what seemeth to him. Good. OK. And so here's what he did. He killed Eli. Hophnick. Phineas, all three of his sons on the same day.

God removed all all four of them. And I'm going to stop right there. And we have Randy and Karen pledged in Illinois and placed twenty five.

All right. The phone lines are open at eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero or eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. Folks, we really got to hear from you tonight.

We've only got tonight and two other nights to raise enough money to try to keep all of our stations on here. Boy, that's not easy. Nowadays, believe me.

And then a pastor. Yes, ma'am. I am. I don't know if you got it yet, but I did recently mail you out a check for 270.

Maybe someone out there could match that. Well, you had a pledge in for we we pledged you a Monday for a thousand dollars. You had sent in. Oh, well, there's another one coming. Another one for 270.

All right. Who can match? You know, every time you do that, somebody does match your pledge. Praise the Lord. So who can match to Wendy for 270?

Who can match it? That's two thousand seven hundred. No, I love your pecan with you. Yeah. We like Pastor Joe. I give him a heart attack, though. And then when I do that.

All right. We need a pledge to match Wendy's 270. Eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero is the call in line. The credit card.

The other is eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three. Guess what, folks? Wendy, you get a copy of Inconvenient Heartbeat. Anyone who calls in thirty dollars or more with a pledge of thirty dollars or more tonight, we will get you Inconvenient Heartbeat by Maggie Curly Malone. The Maggie's not a bad woman. Once she got fired from that barkeeping job, things started working better for it. Tell us about it, Maggie. Yeah, well, I had started just speaking the Lord after I had had a couple of abortions. I already had a child. Now, my third pregnancy, I had my son and I was at the bar and I just was I had a cigarette in one hand, a beer in the other. And I'm just telling everybody about Jesus. And, yeah, it didn't go over too good. And I came home and I said, God, you know, I just feel like a hypocrite. What am I doing there?

But I need the money. I've got a child. And the next day, the owner of the bar called and let me go. It was like it was my first answer to prayer. And that was that just was amazing because I knew that God would take care of me. Wasn't that the woman who let you go, a friend of your mother's?

Yes. Yeah, she was a friend of my mother. She had hired me and my mom was all upset and and I was ecstatic. And she just didn't understand why I was, you know, I said, no, this is an answer to prayer.

So it was a testimony to her as well. You know, it's an amazing thing because you hear people talking about especially these guys, these men talk about going out to bars to meet a woman. I tell you what, that's not where I would go to meet a woman to date, you know, I would would not go to a bar. You don't meet the best kind of women today in the bars, do you?

I wouldn't think so. I mean, you know, not everybody's bad that goes in a bar, but I mean, I would rather have at least some sort of a foundation that somebody is, you know, in a good spot when, you know, even when the Lord says he wants us to be found faithful when he returns. So where are we going to be when that happens? Well, absolutely, because I know when I was a young fellow, especially in the military, I was very rowdy. And I know what I found in the bars was a lot of women. But when they kind of wanted to bring home to meet mom, for the most part today, they have they have a lot of what they call clubbing. I don't know how long that's been going on.

Wendy, you're not as old as I am. You could probably tell me more about clubbing. Well, it's usually people go out and dance and drink.

That's what it is. And usually when you have a lot of alcohol, I've done a lot of marriage counseling over the years, a lot. And no good has ever come out of going out to the bars. And you know what they call that in the in the prison system, they call it ignorant oil, getting filled with ignorant oil. But hang tight. We'll be right back and we won't be ignorant.

Be right back with more. I feel so certain about this faith of mine. I'm hanging in there doing fine. King Jesus is a friend of mine. I'm blessed by you. Saving babies, teaching sinners, hell's for losers, heaven's for winners.

This word is not where it begins. I am blessed by you. I'm coming home someday. Heaven's my wife. I'm blessed by you. Where the saints all stay and little children play. I'm blessed by you.

Where the saints all walk on streets of gold. I know that I will see that heavenly prize. It's no surprise how happy I'll be. I'm gonna see my family again.

Gonna be with one lost friend. Maybe soon I don't know if I'm blessed by you. Saving treasures, preaching sinners, hell's for losers, heaven's for winners.

This word is not where it begins. I am blessed by you. I'm coming home someday. Heaven's my wife. I'm blessed by you. Where the saints all stay and little children play.

I'm blessed by you. Where the saints all walk on streets of gold. I know that I will see my mansion on high through glorified eyes how happy I'll be. Where his glory shines, there I'll apply. On those golden shoulders I'll be satisfied. Oh, some bright day gonna fly away. It's there I'll stay. I'll be there with you cause your words are true.

I'm blessed by you. Alrighty, we're back and you ladies are you looking forward to what I'm looking forward to one fine day? We're flying away, right?

Yeah. I might not have that jet plane, but I'll be flying. I'll be doing much better than these prissy preachers.

These so-called name it, claim it, grab it and stab it prosperity preachers. Guess what? They're jet planes will be left behind and I won't even need a plane. I'll fly faster than a jet, right? You ladies, are you ready to go? Yeah, let's do it.

Absolutely. Alrighty, curled up in a fetal position on the floor of the car, I pleaded with God to take my life. Maggie? Yeah, I had an abortion at 17, my first encounter with a young man and then at 19, I got pregnant again. And I went to, it was illegal still in Illinois and somehow I found out about a doctor that worked out of a hotel and went there with my mom. My mom drove us there and she waited in the restaurant.

I go into this hotel and it's just crazy. They laid a big sheet of plastic on the bed. She patted my hand. She said, oh, you know, you're going to be fine.

It's going to be fast. And, you know, you'll have your life back. And and I knew I knew at that time that this was a life, but it didn't stop me.

I figured, you know what? I came this far. And when that was over, I walked out of there. I was just completely destroyed. I got in the backseat of the car and I laid on the floor and I was just I was crying, just weeping because I just it was so devastating and deeply, profoundly painful. And I just regretted it so much.

And from that moment on, my poor mom was just didn't know what to do with me. But I just turned to all kinds of drugs and alcohol and just shut myself down from any kind of emotions and just got into almost like a robotic state. And I just cast my fate to the wind and I wasn't going to let anybody hurt me.

And I just went crazy and just lived in the world for so long. And it was just I was angry and resentful and bitter. And it wasn't like I blamed men for everything because, you know, I'm a participant in this, too. And I just I just knew that I was the one who made these decisions. And sure, they they had their part in it. But I was I was changed.

I was changed after that, that I just thought I would never get back to to any kind of normalcy. All right. Very good. B and B pledges four hundred dollars. T pledges twenty seven and L pledges twenty.

What's where T and L come from? All right. All right.

Very good. We're going to switch over to Miss Wendy right now at this point. And Maggie, we may be talking more about you in this inconvenient heartbeat on the second hour.

But right now, Wendy's got to get a beauty sleep because she's got to get up early in the morning. Right. Terrible, isn't it? Yeah.

But I look forward to Miss Malone's book, though. I really do. Already. We've got to make sure that we send it to you. Yeah. Yeah. I'll look for that in the mail.

Already? I just wanted to mention drug companies, pastor, are resourcing more herbs because a lot of people may recall a lot of media reports. And we were hearing over the years how risky and unhealthy medicinal herbs and supplements might be. But medical physicians, for the most part, you know, they really don't get a whole lot of instruction in medical school about medicinal herbs. They sure don't.

Yes. And according to the Office of the National Drug Control Policy, the U.S. drug sales in 2013 were one hundred billion dollars. And the U.S. Pharmacological Market report said that in 2023, the U.S. sales were point fifty two billion. So that was a pretty significant drop in drug sales.

What do you suppose caused that, pastor? The kill shot, the COVID shot. OK. And, you know, the global drug sales for 2023 were one point six trillion dollars. So here's some of the things that have contributed to the prescription medication drop.

Several factors. One of what you just said could have been the pandemic and the reaction to the treatments, but also increased cost in prescriptions as well as increased cost in your health insurance, the economic inflation. Drug availability has been kind of sketchy.

I don't know if you've been following that. And also the public's increased interest in natural medicines has all contributed to that drop. So the applications for natural products and drug research had skyrocketed, pastor. So based on research, the global population is preferring natural medicine for its effectiveness, low toxicity and affordability. So what medical science may not understand is that people use herbal supplements to stay healthy and not just when they're ill.

So people take vitamins and supplements on a regular basis. And drug opportunities for using herbs have become pretty serious. So more frequently I'm seeing a lot of scientific journal articles looking into using herbs to cultivate a new line of prescribed medications.

So this was January 2021. There was a report in the Nature Review's Drug Discovery Journal. It mentioned how important medicinal herbs have been in history as a vital opportunity now for modern medicine today. They are aware that herbs have been great health. They have great health benefits, especially, they say, in more difficult areas of medicine, such as oncology or cancer. So you really haven't heard much of that. Most of the time you hear that there aren't any herbs for cancer.

Yeah, I hear that all the time. Mary in Ohio pledges $400. Yay!

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Thank you, Mary. Go ahead. I'm sorry, Wendy.

That's okay. And Nature Review's Drug Discovery Journal said this January 2021. They said natural products and their structural analogs have historically made a major contribution to pharmo therapies, especially for cancer and infectious disease.

I was like, wow. And then they said in the National Library of Medicine Center for Biotechnology last year, they said the concept of a one disease, one target drug is becoming less popular and the use of plant extracts and fractionals and molecules is the new paradigm for it holds promising scope to formulating appropriate drugs, which that was a mouthful. And they went on to say natural products have always attracted the pharmaceutical industry with interest in plant derived drugs and alternative therapies for a lot of reasons, they said.

Although synthetic medications provide a quick release but have many adverse effects accompanying them, synthetic medicine is costly due to the manufacturing process and may be inaccessible to a large section of the world's population due to cost, end of quote. So what they're trying to do is tap into your natural therapy medicinal products to try to make new lines of drug therapies, but there's been some glitches. Technical barriers, having trouble screening what they should research, isolating plant compounds in order for them to patent the thing so they can make money on it, trying to optimize the medication so they can sell the drug for more than one medical condition. And also they have some red tape that's kind of a new monkey wrench in the situation.

In 92 the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity added a new protocol so that these are more regulations that they have to follow and it all started in 2014 and went into effect. So there's a lot of research, a lot of development, a lot of money that's being spent to make the next best-selling drug therapy. So get this, Pastor, they estimate it's between $113 million to $6 billion is the average cost, and the average cost is $2.3 billion to make a new drug. That's a lot of money going into drug development. And some recent advances, as you know, with gene editing and things like this, and they kind of have brought some of the costs down because it's a faster process.

They don't have to incubate things. And the medicinal plants are very attractive at this point because technology seems to make it more accessible. And the most popular area is finding an antibacterial medication that won't offer drug resistance because they're running out of options with a lot of the bacterial drugs not working. So if you see in research they're promoting this idea, this product line that they're trying to develop, they call it natural product-based drugs.

So you know what, if they were marketing that, Pastor, as a natural product-based drug, wouldn't you have to wonder, well, why do I need a prescription and why is it so expensive if it's natural? Yeah, you do, and I know this, that a lot of the medical doctors have taken real hard hits because they trusted in Big Pharma. They just believed what Big Pharma told them and they pushed those drugs on their patients, and you know, especially Rendezavir, and it didn't go so well.

A lot of people died. In fact, worldwide over 17 million people died from the so-called shots, from the bioweapon shots. And so here, and a lot of these doctors that try to encourage their patients to get these shots, they lost credibility.

They lost the trust. I can tell you, I've had several people tell me, I remember one woman, and I had warned her about getting the kill shot. Wendy, you were right here on this program three weeks before the very first person took the very first shot. We warned them, you warned them that, and I had told them that this was a bioweapon, a bioweapon, and every one, you told them, every one of the lab animals that they used died, okay?

Yeah, that's usually, well, what it's supposed to indicate is, you know, put the brakes on. If your lab animals die, you cannot move on to clinical trials with humans. I warned this lady not to take the shot, don't do it. She was an old friend of mine, very close, and she said, honey, I trust my doctor.

I said, I wouldn't. If he's telling you to take that shot, don't trust him. Well, she took the shot, and you know what she told me? She said, I don't trust my doctor anymore. She said, I got so sick it almost killed me. And she said, I'm not taking, he wanted me to take what, four different shots.

She said, no, I know, she said, I'm hearing what you're saying. Now I believe you. No, you're right, I don't trust my doctor.

And that happened to a lot of people. Yeah, well, just your standard flu shot. I don't know if I shared this with your audience or not, or if it was just on my show, but I came across research where they were stating, when they process serums for antivirals, okay, like for flu, influenza, and stuff, the process that it goes through mutates the virus. So they're mutating the virus in the process of manufacturing the serums. So it's not evolution, they're doing it.

It's pollution. Well, they say, well, the bacteria or the virus is evolving and it's mutating. No, it's mutated in the process of making an influenza shot. And then you're injecting it with people.

And so this is one of the reasons why flu shots aren't effective with what's circulating around, is because they've mutated it. I got to jump in for one minute. Betty Ann Michigan pledges 100. Jane in Georgia pledges 100.

And James in Ohio pledges 50. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Great. Alrighty. Let me give the numbers quickly. 888-281-1110.

That's the credit card line, or 888-677-9673. Go ahead, Wendy. Okay, we're almost done. Basically, what science is telling us is that, you know, drug therapies are quite simple. They're not very complex, but herbs, they're saying, are very complex.

There's been over 100 studies on garlic trying to figure out the beautiful benefit God made in garlic, because it's so broad spectrum with viruses, bacterias, and fungi. And they're trying to make drugs from it, but they can't figure out what chemical compound is doing that. Because they can't patent what God made, what nature has, because you have to change something significantly from its original state in order to qualify for a patent. This is a quote from Nature Reviews Drug Discovery in 2021. They say, natural sources offer greater molecule rigidity compared to synthetic compounds. And the National Library of Medicine says in 2022, traditional medicines are by and large harmless, more effective, with minimum side effects, and easily metabolized and absorbed by the human body.

You don't hear that in mainstream medicine, and I'm sorry not enough doctors read it and believe it, but it's been, I mean, I'm just reporting what's been published by science. And also, Nature Reviews also adds, gaining intellectual property rights for unmodified natural products, exhibiting relevant bioactivity, can be a hurdle, since natural occurring compounds in their original form may not always qualify as a patent. End of quote. So, and this is true, I mean, you have to, you can't copy God's copyright and get a patent.

It's just not going to happen. But they're sending researchers to extremes to try to find some natural sources that they can work with with a compound. So they're going to extremes, and let me give you the example of extreme. They're sending researchers and scientists to underwater marine areas for collecting organisms, remote jungles, also caves either above or underwater. They're trying to find, you know, some sort of organic matter that they can make the next great drug from. There's also the possibility, science is going deeper into what is called coal culturing. Coal culturing is where microorganisms are pitted against each other to see what develops.

And this is done to try to discover a new form of a bacteria or fungi, as these do not culture well outside of their original environment. So the newest endeavor is to genetically modify plants to help manufacture new drugs called plant farming or molecule farming. So you've heard about that, where they're genetically engineering your plants to manufacture your drug therapies. I think you've heard about that.

Yes. So the struggle is on, really, and according to the National Library of Medicine, they say the natural products are the base of our novel therapeutic compounds and pose minimum adverse effects. And through the process of drug discovery, even though it's slow and time consuming, recent advances in plant-based biomanufacturing systems and production and commercialization of herbal drugs and plants made into biologics have gained impetus. So I'm really concerned about these reports because we run into the danger of what's going over in the European Union countries where they went ahead and have super-regulated your natural herb market. Over there, your herbs or drugs, you have to have prescription from a doctor. I hear from people in Europe and I hear from people in Australia that they don't have some of the herb formulas we have here in the United States.

They just don't have access to them. Is there some restrictions against growing your own herbs and using your own herbs there in Europe? I don't know about that, but I know that the health authorities there are in the process of standardizing everything. They restrict or have eliminated a combination of herb formulas. In other words, you can pretty much get a single herb formula, but combination herb formulas are harder to get there, which is sad, really.

The problem I find is also the standardization thinking that I've seen in some of their papers. All right, I have to jump in real quick and give out the numbers 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. The phone lines are open.

We're waiting for your call. Go ahead, Wendy. If they want to standardize everything, think about this. If you grow a tomato plant in Ohio and I grow a tomato plant in North Carolina, are those tomatoes going to be exactly the same? I don't think so. No, because you've got soil and you've got weather.

You've got your zone as far as sunshine and water. All those pay a part in how the plant develops and how the fruit develops and how it tastes and everything. You can't really standardize that, but they want to standardize everything. It gets down to pharmacology then, and only pharmacies will be able to standardize and make available, and that's the problem. This is what the WHO global release was, and the National Library of Medicine concurred. They said the current pandemic, which occurred due to an outbreak of COVID-19, has affected the whole world, and there is an urgent need to develop a cure. At this stage, plant-based biologics hold great potential in providing an efficient system to develop antiviral vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, providing the detrimental effects caused by the pandemic.

We're running the risk of your supplement market being hijacked, pretty much is the word, and everything being standardized. You were talking about garlic here a little while ago. I've got one heck of a garden.

My garden has really taken off this year, and I've already been eating vegetables out of my garden already, and we're not even the first day of summer yet. But the garlic that I have, too, the cloves, they're big. I mean, they're really big. They come out, and you know what?

They're hot. The garlic's a little hotter than it normally is, but I know I could just taste it. It's just loaded and loaded with nutrients. And of course, garlic, again, has always been known as a good wood for... Yes, it was considered the poor man's antibiotic, basically, because it's so broad-spectrum. It's used in a lot of elixirs and stuff, and old-timey apothecary.

Plague formulas had it in there. And garlic and onion and horseradish and ginger, these are all roots that have what we call a wet and a dry cell. So if you picked up some horseradish or ginger root and you wanted to smell it, you really don't smell, even a bulb of garlic, you don't smell it until you cut into it. Except in an onion. You can pick up an onion and smell it, but once you start chopping it, you may be crying. You may be tearing up a little bit. So what happens is those two cells mix when you cut into them, and a chemical reaction occurs, and this is where the pungent aroma comes. And that's your power right there.

So a lot of people will get desulfured garlic because they don't want to smell like garlic, but there goes the power when you do that. Alrighty, we're coming up to a break here, but apothecary herbs, folks. Wendy's got a magazine, a catalog, and it is a great one. And if you go up on the internet to or you call, and that's what Maggie did, Maggie called 866-229-3663, and she was on the phone gabbing with Wendy for a long time. Yeah, thank you, Wendy. You gave me your time, I was just blown away, and I thank you for what you're doing out there. And I'm taking the macula protocol, and I cannot even begin to tell you how I just feel overall. I feel like I'm just a different person.

I'm not exaggerating. Oh, that's wonderful. You know, God's herbs are good, and he gets all the credit, and that macular formula was based on the research from Dr. Cooper back in the 30s.

He was curing those conditions with herbs in no time, so I was inspired. Hey, Wendy, you got a match. Virginia matches Wendy for 270 and anonymous 300. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All righty. We're coming up, how much time? I have about a minute left, I think.

After the break, we're going to give, Wendy, you might want to stick around for maybe 10 minutes if you can. We're going to talk a little bit about election fraud, and we always tell you, the opposition will always accuse you. I've been telling people this for 50 years. Going all the way back is right out of Karl Marx's playbook. Before you are about to commit one of your crimes, accuse your opposition of committing that crime first. And that's what they've done.

That's what the Democrats do, and that's exactly what they did in 2016 and 2020. All right, we're coming up to the break, and when we come back, we're going to take a little bit of a look at that. But the numbers are 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673.

During the break's the best time to call. Be back after this with more. Thank you for listening to What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at, Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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