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TUE HR 2 031924

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
March 20, 2024 12:14 am

TUE HR 2 031924

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 20, 2024 12:14 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

You know that big bargain detergent jug is 80% water, right? 80% water?

I thought I was getting a better deal because it's so big. If you want a better clean, Tide Pods are only 12% water. The rest is pure concentrated cleaning ingredients.

Ooh, pass me the intercom thingy. Attention shoppers, if you want a real deal, try Tide Pods. Don't pay for water, pay for clean. If it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be Tide Pods.

Water content based on the leaving bargain liquid detergent. Donate and listen to the podcast at Alrighty, we are back and Gary in Florida pledges 100. Thank you, Gary. Those numbers are 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673.

And again, 888-281-1110, 888-677-9673. You know, the Clintons, with the Clinton Foundation, Jeffrey Epstein was with Bill Clinton. He was part of starting the Clinton Foundation and some horrible things.

And we'll be talking more about that tomorrow. But go ahead, let's go to Haiti with the gold. In 2012, there was a discovery of gold in Haiti to the tune of $20 billion. That's worth about $30 billion of gold in today's terms. So, you know, whether this guy barbeque is a front man for destabilization because the Clintons want to stay involved.

Is it just, you know, the man behind the curtain? I don't know what the situation is there now, but all I can tell you is that as long as there is gold in the ground in Haiti, this is going to continue because whoever controls Haiti gets their fingers in the pie for the gold. And that's what it's all over. While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next. Visit forward slash show and share the link today. Let's hear from Rad. Rad, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.

G'day, guys. Thanks for having me on. I just wanted to touch on Haiti a little bit. A number of years ago, I was involved with an NGO based out of India that has a couple of campuses around the world, Kenya and Haiti. And so actually I was heavily involved with things happening in Haiti when the proverbial hit the fan there.

And I just want to give a little bit of the history because I think that a lot of people are missing what the key element is in Haiti. In 2012, there was a discovery of gold in Haiti to the tune of $20 billion. That's worth about $30 billion of gold in today's terms. So in December 2012, a company called VCS got one of the first gold mining permits.

There were two that were issued. Now the thing about VCS is that they had a very special advisor. What was the name of the advisor? Tony Rodham.

Let me say that again. Tony Rodham. Yes, it is the brother of Hillary Clinton. He is the advisor for the gold in Haiti. And that's when everything hit the fan. The Haitian Senate tried to block the gold mining permits because they saw it as an environmental disaster. Now Alex already alluded to this earlier in the program when he was describing the island and the difference between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Haiti has an environmental disaster. That's why we were there. We teach people permaculture, reefers. We're old school. We're not like Bill Gates cutting down trees and burying them.

We taught people how to plant trees, raise their water tables, get food, get off the grid, get away from the fear. And by the way, ma'am, just to interrupt you. Ma'am, just to interrupt you, I'm going to let you continue on. Everything you're saying we're pulling up.

Washington Times, New York Times, Washington Post. Everything you're saying, I remembered it, but you reminded me. Everything you're saying we're putting on screen. Roll of Hillary Clinton's brother in Haiti. Gold mine raises eyebrows.

The 20 million found. Please continue. Yes, absolutely. And so that's when everything started really hitting the fan and we've seen nothing but absolute chaos in regard to who's in charge in Haiti. And that's why you're seeing these overthrows of government. Now, I haven't been so involved since I moved back to the US.

I've been involved with other things. So I've kind of lost a little bit of the storyline. So, you know, whether this guy barbecued is a front man for destabilization because the Clintons want to stay involved.

Is it just, you know, the man behind the curtain? I don't know what the situation is there now, but all I can tell you is that as long as there is gold in the ground in Haiti, this is going to continue because whoever controls Haiti gets their fingers in the pie for the gold. And that's what it's all over. Absolutely. I'm glad you brought that up.

That's why this is so amazing. It's all our resources grab. The IMF World Bank gets control of the Clinton Foundation. They get all the aid money.

They cut off all the infrastructure, collapse it by design so that they can then come in and extract all the resources just like in the Congo with the rare earth minerals. Incredible point. Thank you. How do people find you on X? Rad underscore on X. I also do a weekly world news and I cover as many countries as I can. Forty five seconds a country for about half an hour.

That's released every Sunday. So I try to hit maybe 40 or 50 countries and I let people know. So you are a real aid worker. You are a real aid worker.

They're trying to teach them farming and to stop deforestation. And now you're sitting back watching the globalist rape Haiti. Yeah, pretty much.

I mean, I've been following Alex. I've been listening to you for 20 years and that's why I got into that stuff. Like I said, we're old school environmentalists. And part of that was about getting away from fear, getting off the grid, getting self sustainable. You know, I lived as a sovereign person for 10 years with no bank accounts or any.

I got completely off the system. And so we taught people how to do that. And like that's what people need to be doing again.

People need to be. Well, you're amazing. You're amazing.

I'm going to tell my producers, we should get you on as a guest. Already. We are back.

We're going to play another clip too. You know, uh, here, what has happened there in Atlanta with, uh, in Georgia, where the case against Trump, if you've listened to the fake news media, if you listen to, uh, Richard Metcalf and these others, Richard Metcalf. Oh, okay. What did I misspell?

Did you mispronounce her name on purpose? But anyhow, there you go. They're talking about how this really means nothing that they're going ahead. Uh, and, but take a listen to what Alex says about it because Alex, uh, has figured it out.

We'll be right back. Several counts in Trump election interference case, Fulton County, superior court judge Scott McAfee dismissed six charges out of the 40 court indictments in the election interference case against former president Donald Trump and his co-defendants, including three of the counts against Trump. But they're the main counts of conspiracy of racketeering and said, there is no proof. The judge went on to say that I was promised in the indictment that you had specific proof of conduct, of organized crime and that there is no evidence. They don't list witnesses.

They don't list what they got. It's a lie. It's a giant stinking fraud. While other networks lie to you about that show and share the link to fully steamrolled Trump, but not in Georgia. No, we've seen the New York cases and things where the Epstein coverup judge said, Trump didn't write the woman, no evidence, but he can't say he's innocent.

So he owes, you know, 80 something million dollars or whatever. We've got the real estate case where there is no jury. Trump asked for a jury. Doesn't get a jury. You've got Jack Smith, incredibly corrupt. But in Fannie Willis's case, her lying, her testifying, she didn't know her boyfriend for years after she did know him.

It's been devastating. But the judge came out this morning. I'm sure most of you already know about it and you should go read his, his ruling. He struck down the racketeering charges, some other charges saying, you said you have specific total evidence in your indictment, that you have proof and you have no proof. These are false charges. Now, we didn't need the judge to tell us that.

But the point is, is that this is an extreme excoriation, a massive repudiation, and is a big, big, big, big, big, big deal. Because it's just like the Supreme Court ruling a few weeks ago. You've never indicted him for insurrection. He's not been convicted. How the hell does a court, the Supreme Court of Colorado and the clerk in Maine, not even a judge or jury, how do you say he's off the ballot?

That is stealing an election up front by trying to not let you vote for a candidate. And now the Atlantic came out two weeks ago and said, when he wins, we're just going to decertify it. Well, Trump didn't try to decertify.

He got his decertification ready and wanted an investigation. And for that, he's indicted. So, Georgia judge dismisses several counts in Trump election interference case.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee dismissed six charges out of the 40 court indictments in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants, including three of the counts against Trump. But they're the main counts of conspiracy, of racketeering, and said there is no proof. The judge went on to say that I was promised in the indictment that you had specific proof of conduct of organized crime and that there is no evidence.

However, the lack of detail concerning an essential legal element is the under opinion fatal and the undersigned opinion fatal. There is no proof. They don't list witnesses. They don't list what they got. It's a lie. It's a giant stinking fraud. Breaking Georgia judge dismisses several charges against Trump in bogus election interference case.

No, he just cut the head off the case. That should be the headline. We'll talk more about this in the spaces. That is ultra, ultra, ultra massive information.

Absolutely insane. Now, we already knew that. I follow that case closely. Robert Barnes worked in Georgia for Trump on it. They took transcripts and edited out where Trump said, well, they say they found all these votes, so we know it was fraud, so just add the votes and I win. And say, so go investigate this.

That's totally normal. As Trump said, perfectly done. He doesn't do anything perfectly. But that was perfectly done.

That phone call was perfect with the governor and others. So we are in a very, very serious point right now because this, again, the Supreme Court ruling, the public opinion turning against it, this ruling, the judge in Florida saying where's the evidence in the documents case and by the way, a vice president can't have secret documents. The president can.

So they don't charge Biden because they say he's senile, but then Trump has legal documents and they say he's guilty. So the wheels are coming off this thing and look, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I am a political scientist, lay trained in the school of hard knocks and I tell you, we're entering the area of false flags and power outages and war because the globalists aren't going to give up. So make no mistake, they are dangerous, they are cornered and everything they do, Midas in the old Greek parable, legend, everything he touched turned to gold. Now, he couldn't touch his wife, couldn't touch his kids, couldn't touch food. It was horrible. It's a parable of don't just worship money.

Don't make it number one in your life. In this case, the Democrats in the deep state have the crap touch, the S H dash T touch. Everything they do turns into a giant steaming bowl of BS. And they should think, wow, everything we do doesn't work. Everyone's turning against us. All the most popular talk show hosts hate the new world order now. Maybe we should quit, but they all get up in their lawyer offices and their beer crack things and they all sit there and feel invincible in their little suits and everything and that's why they're not going to stop. The German general staff told Hitler, you're not before you're going to lose.

You wouldn't listen. Alrighty, we're back and the numbers are eight. We have 45 minutes left tonight for you to call in. We need, we need your help.

888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Constitutional expert rips feds for the stench of selective prosecution. This is out of World News Daily by Bob Andrew. There ain't nothing more powerful than the odor of mendacity. Long have there been charges that there are two tiers of justice in America, one for the leftists and one for, and liberals and one for those conservatives. For example, the government's failure to charge Hillary Clinton after she posted national secrets on unsecured web server in her home. Others have gone to jail for far, far, far less.

Jonathan Turley, the J.B. and Marie C. Shapiro professor of public interest law in George Washington University, historically has discounted the idea that the identity of the suspect would determine the attacks by the feds. But in an outline column explained, it has become harder to deny the existence of a two-track system of justice in the country. As commentators and even a few courts raise concerns over the role of politics in persecution and prosecutions. For many years, conservatives have objected that there is a two-tier system of justice in this country.

I have long resisted such claims, but it has become increasingly difficult to deny anymore. The obvious selective prosecution is a variety of recent cases and opinions. For example, he noted that there's a recent scandal in Georgia where Democrat Fulton County DA Fannie Willis was accused of financially benefiting from the fact that she hired at a cost to taxpayers of $700,000 her paramour to create an organized crime case against President Trump and others, then took exotic vacations with him as a part of their relationship. The paramour Nathan Wade now has been removed from the case, but Willis remains, citing the order of mendacity referenced by play author Tennessee Williams in Canada Hot Ten Roof, truly said the order was particularly strong after the hearings indicated that Wade may have committed perjury in his earlier divorce case and that both Willis and Wade were credibly accused of lying on the stand about when their relationship began. They are prosecuting defendants in Trump's case, accused of the same underlying conduct, including 19 individual cases of false statements and false filings or perjury.

But there's more, he said. The order is coming from multiple courtrooms around the country and is now becoming intolerable for many Americans as selective prosecution is being raised in a wide array of cases. He cited the strong evidence against President Trump having government documents at Mar-a-Lago. However, the recent decision of Special Counsel Robert Herr not to bring criminal charges against President Joe Biden has undermined even that case. Herr described four decades of Biden serially violating laws governing classified documents. The evidence included Biden telling the third party that he had classified material in his house and actually reading from a classified document to his non-cleared ghost writer.

There is evidence in an effort to destroy evidence and later an effort of the White House to change the report. Herr recommended against charging Biden because of his diminished capacities, but Special Counsel Jack Smith running virtually the same charges against President Trump, a legitimate President of the United States, now is absurdly in conflict with the treatment Biden is receiving. And then in New York, lawmakers changed their own law to let Trump, they changed their own law to let Trump be sued over financial dealings in which no one lost any money at all, he said. The AG there, Letate to James, essentially campaigned on a pledge of selectively prosecuting Trump. Not to be left behind, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has also come up with an unprecedented way of using a state law to effectively prosecute Trump for a federal offense that the Justice Department has already rejected. Now, Turley noted on the other side, the DOJ proposed a ridiculous plea bargain for Hunter Biden that would have allowed for no jail time and a sweeping immunity agreement. And Turley wrote in his, It's not just Trump. In California, U.S. District Court Judge Cormac J. Carney issued an opinion that found such evidence of selective prosecution against conservative groups in considering a far-right group. Carney noted that Justice Department has been sharply different approaches based on the political views of the defendants.

Carney ruled such selective prosecution leaves the troubling impression that the government believes speech on the left more deserving of protection than speech on the right, something the Constitutional forbids. Alrighty. The number is, we're under, this is pledge week and we have approximately 40 minutes left. The number is 888-281-1110.

Boy, it's been a while since we got a pledge, folks. We got to hear from you. Come on, help us. 216-901-0933. No, that's the wrong number. I gave you the wrong number.

You see now, I got depressed or something. No, it's 888-677-9673. 888-677-9673. Alright, the phone lines are open. Boy, are they open. We got to hear from you. 888-281-1110.

Hear up, Joe. I want to just read a little scripture. You were talking about the Bible answer for every need. It has a section on giving, and right there it has 2 Corinthians 9, 6-7. But this I say, he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully, every man according as he purposed in his heart. So let him give, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loveth the cheerful giver. And one more, Luke 6-38. Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom.

For with the same measure that ye meet withal, it shall be measured to you again. God's kind of saying here that when you give, he will make sure that you can keep giving if you give with a cheerful heart for a good reason. And I just want to remind that he has said in scripture, in Matthew chapter 10, that if you give to a ministry that's doing his work, doing things that bless him, praise him, you get to share in those blessings. So prayerfully consider being a partner with us, donating, and help keep us on the air. We're doing the work, we don't take an income, and we're strictly working in obedience to him. Your donations all go to pay the bills.

No one profits at all, except you, the listeners, by having the voice of Christian resistance out there. And Pastor, going along with what you were just talking about, we know Donald Trump is in big trouble. He cannot get a bond. And people, well, especially like this, Ted Lieu, a Democrat congressman in California, criticizing him, you know, oh, he's lying because, you know, he's rich. How can he not pay the $464 million judgment? That means he's lying.

How do I know the math? Well, one of the people came to Trump's defense, Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban is a multimillionaire, billionaire, I don't know. Yeah, but he has not been a friend of Trump. He is not a Trump fan, let's put it this way. He dislikes Trump.

And he tells the congressman, you know, you're wrong about his not being able to pay. Mark Cuban comes out and said, hey, right now in this, you know, the real estate market, nobody is going to be able to get that kind of money on their property, on commercial real estate. It isn't going to happen. There are only so many big bond companies, and they all said, no, they won't. They want cash. They don't want a loan against properties. There's only certain properties that are making money.

And right now there's a lot of commercial, I've been telling you on the radio, there's going to be a commercial real estate crash this year, which is going to harm the economy big time. And Cuban come out and said, remember, we were in a zero interest, you know, situation. Nobody had money in the bank.

People were putting their money in their businesses and property and other investments. And he said, you know, nobody has that kind of cash. None of the rich people have that kind of cash.

And these bond companies are not going to lend on real estate. So Trump is in a bind, but, you know, he does have one big thing in his favor. There's this little thing, the Eighth Amendment out there, and he's trying to get them to reduce this bond to 100 million. He's got the cash to be able to do that.

But when you look at this Eighth Amendment, it says, Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Now, Letitia James is chomping at the bit. She wants to take Trump's, you know, five big real estate holdings in New York City, sell them at pennies on the dollar. He gets her money. Trump gets destroyed.

The left is gleeful. Trump, you know, loses a fortune. He loses a lot of his jobs, everything he built in his life. That falls under cruel and unusual punishment is excessive bail.

Why? Trump's not going anywhere. He's running for president. He can't grab his cash and run overseas and hide.

They usually put up a bail to keep somebody from fleeing the country. They want to have him give up cash, and they, well, look at all the real estate Trump has. He's not going to leave America and leave billions and billions, hundreds of billions in real estate.

So he does have this Eighth Amendment appeal, and hopefully they can get it to the Supreme Court. What they're trying to do is hurry up and get Trump and force him to sell these businesses at bargain-basement prices, break him and demoralize him. And if that happens, they figure they win.

Trump loses. So this is how evil and wicked the left is. And, folks, I want to remind you, if they can do this to Donald Trump, they can do it to you. If they do it to Trump, they're going to come after the other conservatives, because these people want to remain in power. They want one-party rule. They do not like freedom, independence. They do not like you mega people out there, you independent Christian conservatives. They would like to get rid of you, just like Hamas wants to get rid of Israel. If Trump loses, there is going to be a bloodbath, but it's going to be Christian conservatives against the liberal legal system. I'm warning you now. All right.

Well, first of all, there's a couple of things. One of the things that God's word in the Bible is very clear, touched not by anointed, touched not by anointed. And obviously Donald Trump's got the Lord's anointed on him. Anymore he's starting, and sometimes he sounds like a preacher. He's giving God the glory of praising the Lord more and more. And you have a tendency to do that when you need to call upon him.

He feels that because he's being attacked from all sides by the enemy, by the dark state. Now, this here, Letitia James, she was booed, booed, but she came out to speak by all the firemen. New York City firefighters.

People are leaving New York City at the rate of 200 a day. Now, in a week's time that's 1,400, and in a month's time that's over 5,000 people are leaving the city of D.C. And so, here, and it's because in that courtroom there were two real crooks, I mean these are corrupt people, Engron and Letitia James. Those are the two real crooks, real corrupt crooks in that courtroom. Exactly. And so, anyhow.

Well, they betrayed their offices, they betrayed the people that voted to put them there or, you know, appointed them to their positions, they betrayed the Constitution, they betrayed the oath of office that they all took, and so, liars, deceivers, and criminals. Alrighty, 888, folks, I gotta give this out. 888-677-9673 or 888-281-1110. It looks like Lisa in Ohio pledges 100. Thank you, Lisa. We've got to keep hearing from you folks. We've only got 30 minutes left in tonight's program.

We really need to hear you. Can we find anybody that would match my thousand? Will anybody out there match my thousand? Will anybody out there match Chaz? Chaz pledged 366. Folks, what about Lisa's 100?

Can you match these? We definitely need to hear from you tonight. We only have 30. We have some states we haven't heard from, some of the stations. There's a few stations. I don't think I've heard anything being pledged in those stations. We've heard from Texas, Florida, Arizona, pardon Massachusetts, and New York.

Mostly, actually, from New York and Ohio, here. Yeah. Guess what? The day of action, alright?

There's a, what has happened, what is called the created equal. Mark Harrington, who's a good friend of mine. They're asking for folks to come out March 28th and March 29th. That's the 28th and 29th. To Columbus, Ohio, the day of action is one of only programs in the country where you can get top-tier pro-life training reinforcement hands by activism.

All ages welcome to attend and participate. Mark is the guy you know, Joe, that has that big Arbutron, that great big screen. And they take it all around, and they show what abortion really is. They make these people on these college campuses, they make these young girls look at their sin. Take a look. This is what we're talking about. And boy, I'm going to tell you, and they have all these young people that go with them, and good, clean young women. They have, Mark has a bunch of them, real young ladies. And they go, and they witness to these girls on these college campuses.

And folks, they've got to figure out that God's word in the Bible says abortion is murder. We'll be right back. I'll remember you. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November to vote for anyone but anyone but you. Remember me, I served my country proudly.

Remember me, I love the USA. Remember me, or am I just some bumpkin who you didn't think would notice the bounce checks and midnight breaks? Remember me, I wrote you all those letters, thinking that you cared what I thought, too. Even though you often just forget to remember, I'll remember you. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November to vote for anyone but anyone but you. We'll remember in November as we step into the little booth.

We'll remember in November to vote for anyone but anyone but you. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth. I'll remember in November as I step into the little booth.

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