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TUE HR 1 021324

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
February 14, 2024 12:14 am

TUE HR 1 021324

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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February 14, 2024 12:14 am

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Call or just stop by. Grainger. For the ones who get it done. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 13th day of February 2024.

And tonight we have as our producer none other than Stile Haystile. Hey, good evening, Pastor. And way out yonder we have the ancient one, Pastor Joe. There you go, the person Joe Larson. At least I'm not older than dirt.

Actually, actually you are. I made it the dust of the earth, which is pretty old. Well, if you go over to Ephesians chapter 1 it says, the Lord what? Before the foundations of the earth. And so he knew you then. You existed in the mind of God before he even created the earth. Is that why I feel so old?

Could be. You're kind of crusty. Kind of crusty, okay. Well, I'm still capable of doing a little work here, so we better get to it. With the time we have left, we better go, huh? Okay.

Yep. Let's see. Well, the title of the message was? I am not afraid of burning in hell, he said. And that he was Ronald Reagan Jr., who was promoting atheism, boasting that the fastest growing religion in the country is atheism, he was so proud. But he says, we're up against this Christian, you know, these powerful Christians, we've got to overcome them. And then he said, in a mocking way, and I am not afraid of burning in hell. Well, I'm going to tell you.

Because you and I are, would be the prime examples of an overcomer. Yeah. And so, there you go. And he used our word, right, to explain something wicked.

Exactly. And so he is, you know, God's not mocked. God is not mocked.

You don't get away with this thing. God's got a, he's got a perfect memory. And God is not one.

I remember watching this young guy on a college campus one day get up and he stood up, he found himself a little platform there, climbed up on it, and got everybody's attention and said, God, if you're up there, if you're up there right now, strike me down. And somehow, he was in the mindset that God can be tempted. Can God be tempted? No, God cannot be tempted.

It's impossible. He knew, well, he knew beforehand that this kid was going to get up and make an idiot out of himself. You know, I mean, so how can you put one over on somebody that knows it before it happens?

Well, there you go. And so, the Bible says vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, but will God pick the time and the place? Exactly. Yeah, he's going to pick the time and the place. And so, what is, do you know the difference between vengeance and revenge? There's a difference. Revenge is kind of a human thing where God doesn't get even, he just renders judgment and brings the judgment according to the crime. That's exactly right. And God has a righteous, righteous judgment, doesn't he?

Yes, well, he wrote the rules, so he wrote the rules he made them, so he has to be. Alrighty, let's start in Matthew 13, verse 36. Why don't you read all the way through verse 43. The good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one. The enemy that soweth them is the devil. The harvest is at the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire.

There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father, who hath ears to hear. Let him hear. Alright, very good. So here, when he's referring to this, the field is the good seed and the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the...

Stamped. Oh, okay, I see here. It looks like it was muted here. Okay, can you hear me now?

No, I can't, thank you. Alright, here now, when he says the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one. Now, let me ask you this. Who are the tares today? We have tares today, the children of the wicked one. Now the wicked one is Satan, is he not?

Amen to that. And his children are all that really follow and obey him, so they would be any member of the antichrist system. So any of those that would go against his church would be... Okay, so today...

Him or his church. Right. You have, being brought into this country by literally the millions, you have today MS-13, LGBTQ, pedophilia, MAMBLA, now they're all turning... There are three different gangs, other gangs, besides MS-13, there's about three other real bad gangs.

Right, right, right. But you have, these all have one thing in common, Joe, and they're all turning to Satanism as the religion. It's a growing, growing number of them who are Satanists now. They're literally, and this is becoming more and more of the religion of the Democratic Party, is Satanism. You've got that governor out in New Mexico, who has virtually adopted, brought Satanism into their government out there. Now, so these people today, they're being brought in, they're infiltrating, many of them are infiltrating. Would you say, we have out here United Church of the Antichrist, they call themselves United Church of Christ, but literally you have a guy who's supposed to be their pastor that calls himself Satan. Okay. I mean, they embrace... You think we're making this up, wouldn't you? It sounds like something you'd read on a late night movie or something, you know, but it's true.

Yeah. And so they embrace everything that is abominable, everything that God calls sin, they embrace. Now, so many of them too, they literally will send out their people. I know in the area, there's witch covenants, growing, growing in numbers of witch covenants, and many of them are trying to infiltrate the churches. They try to go into the churches and very subtly try to convince the people that they need to be less conservative, you know, less, you know, don't be a Bible thumper so much, you know. Remember what Rick Warren said, if you're going to get unsaved Harry into the church, you're not going to do it by beating him over the head with a Bible, you're going to have to conform the church to the world. Well, why would Harry want to come in then? First of all, the Bible says, be you not conformed, but Harry's already got that out there in the world. Why would that bring him into the church, right?

That's a pretty good question, I never figured that out because the unsaved usually don't want to be found anywhere near a church because they get offended. Yeah, well, here now, except for those ones that are infiltrating, we've had people over the years, I've caught several people bringing in heretical tracts into the church. I mean, they come in and they sit there and they hallelujah and amen, but they're bringing in false, you know, heresy and we catch them, sooner or later we catch them. And here now, but what other ways, Joe, today you've got not just the abominable parasites, but you've got also the FBI agents and IRS agents going inside churches, looking for pro-lifers, looking for home-schoolers, looking for parents who might object and go in at the school board meetings. So, this is all a part of the anti-crisis movement, isn't it?

Exactly. We've got these terrorist gangs coming, the FBI told the group of sheriffs, remember, head of that sheriff there in Ohio, that they're on their own, we don't have the manpower to help you because we're too busy going after the Christians, the real terrorists. Yeah, that's a lot of it there, yeah. They're so busy fighting the political fight in trying to support the Democrat party that they're not doing their job of protecting America from the real dangers. And so here now, you've got these terrors, again, this whole thing with the transgender, this whole transgender thing, it's a poisoning of the youth, isn't it? Oh, yeah, there's such a poisoning that everywhere you turn, they're trying to lead the children astray. There must be a half a dozen different ways they're trying to, you know, they're trying to get them into race-baiting, hating their parents, you know, thinking they know more than they do at their age, they're going after them sexually, they're going after them politically, I mean, the assaults on every front.

You've got the ACLU, now their number one, their number one mission out there is to legalize pedophilia, to make it where their pedophilia is no longer a crime. And so these are abominable, abominable things that are happening today. So now, he goes and he talks about, he says, when he's referring to, and therefore the terrors are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of this world, the Son of Man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of the kingdom all these things that offend and things which do iniquity. So, reality is, a reality is the vast majority of people that are walking this earth today are going to hell, and people don't want to hear that, you know, they do not want to hear that, but that's what the Lord Jesus preached, isn't it? And it is, he said, narrow was the way, he said that few, you know, few are going to enter the right way, the right path.

And he said we will be a remnant, so I mean, he said it in several different ways, there will be very few of us and many, many, many of them. Now, Joel Osteen, he said, I don't see me telling anyone that they could go to hell. He says, I just don't see that there would be any good in telling anyone that they could go to hell.

What's wrong with that statement? Well, then you have people thinking that everything is all right, the preacher doesn't warn you, and you think that you're going to be just fine, and you don't quit sinning, you don't see any consequence to your sin. But if you're able to communicate, say, hey, look, God, you know, made it real clear the wages of sin are death, and those that are not forgiven, those that are not, you know, become part of the kingdom are headed for the lake of fire and hell. And what does the Bible say?

Some you bring in gently, and others you, you know, by fear, by explaining to them the consequences of their behavior. Okay, so give me some examples of some people that preached, look, you either repent or you're going to burn in hell. Give me some examples of some that preached that. Oh, any of your good fundamental preachers, and all the way back, I see some of the early ones in the great movements in America, I'm thinking of Billy Sunday, and all of a sudden I'm having one of those senior moments, a couple of those, I got a whole list in my head and I can't come up with them.

Spurgeon, you're probably thinking it's Spurgeon. Let me think, someone much more authoritative than that would be John the Baptist, and someone much more authoritative than him would be Jesus himself. Jesus Christ himself, yeah. The first time he preached, what did he say? Repent.

First word, yeah. Okay, or you too, okay, or you too, okay, will suffer such torment, so there, so here, these are the words of the Lord, what we just read here, and yet you have these prescient preachers, when you preach this, say that's a negative message, where's the love? Okay, so let me ask you this, is the love telling them the truth and saying, look, listen to what God's word says, repent, or you're going to perish, you need to repent, or is it loving them not to warn them, and just to let them continue? That's not love, warning somebody when they're in danger is love, putting yourself where you might be ridiculed, they might get angry at you, they might even hate you. You love the other person enough to warn them about what they're doing, I mean, if you see someone, a little child playing with a knife, you take the knife away, you warn them that that knife can cut, or that plant is poison ivy, poison oak, you really don't want to be playing with it. That snake can bite you and kill you, you warn people of things that are dangerous if you care about them, and their faithful behavior is a lifetime in hell, an eternity in hell. Well, if you take the knife away from the little child today, children's services will come after you.

Yeah, anyhow, let's go over to Mark chapter 9, let's start with verse 42. What is the gravity of that? How much does a millstone weigh? Hundreds of pounds, I can't remember the amount. Four thousand, it weighs four thousand. Two tons, yeah.

Yep, two tons, four thousand. Now, what's your odds of swimming with that on you? Most people couldn't swim with just a chain that would have to be chained to their neck. They couldn't swim with that, let alone the millstone.

There's no chance. Alright, so he's making an appointment there, earlier he's spoken about, let's suffer not the little children coming to me. In fact, he goes over and he says in verse 37, whosoever shall receive one such of the children in my name receiveth me, and who shall receive me receiveth not me but my father, but he that saith me. So, how would that apply to what has happened to the children in America, to 150 million babies that have been aborted? Yeah, those people that aborted or helped abort or took people there, they're all sinning greatly against God and have condemned themselves to hell. The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing Jesus said the little children belong to him, and until they're of the age where they can make up their own mind, they belong to me, which means when they're aborted they do go to be with Jesus.

If it wasn't for that, I think I would have gone crazy long ago. Alright, read verse 43. And if thy hand defend thee, cut it off. It is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched.

Okay, so who's he talking to here? He's talking, remember who was listening, you had the lawyers, he just previously had, he had warned the lawyers, okay, and here in the Pharisees, and now he's talking to the crowd here, and in this, of course, is going to be the future pastors of the church, many of the apostles, but now, so he's making a point there, if thy hand offend thee, cut it off, in other words, if, he's making the point that if, whatever it is that's causing you to sin, and keeping you from repentance, get rid of it, because, so that's the point that he's trying to make, huh? And the point he's making, if you're busy stealing, and your hands are shedding innocent blood or something, it'd be far better that you didn't have any, and were unable to do that sin, you know, that's what it takes, he's really making a huge point, how important it is to stop that sin, to stay out of, what, maternity in the lake of fire. Okay, where he says, where the fire should never be quenched, the fire should never, but then he says, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, so when he says, where the worm dieth not, okay, the undying worm indicates the never-ending disintegration of the body. Right, the worms eat up the dead body, the maggots and the worms eat up the flesh, it's a never-ending process, it does not stop. But you know, I had an experience when I was in the jungles, I got malaria, and I was in one of those little jungle hospitals out there, and there was a fella in there with me, another soldier, and he'd been there for a while, there was just two of us in the whole place, and he had set on like a log, and he had picked up a worm, and these worms, Joe, they would crawl just under the skin, they would eat him, they would eat him, and where they would crawl would be like a road map, you could see these red lines, and then when they would stop, yeah, when they would lay their eggs, you would see it would be like a little circle. They tried freezing them, they tried electrocuting them, they tried everything, but the only thing that worked was if he sweat, when he started to sweat, they would stop crawling, they would stop eating, they would just, you know, stay still in place. And the way they got him to sweat, of course it wasn't hard up there, that jungle compound, there was no air conditioning up there, it was hot, but they gave him warm beer, warm beer to drink, and when he would sweat, finally they sent him over to Walter Reed down there. But that was, that was an amazing thing, but you saw, I saw first hand what it's like to be eaten by worms, ok, remember when old Herod the Magnificent waxed eloquently in his birthday suit, the suit made of silver out there, and he spoke to those who were trying to garnish in his favor for their trades, and they said to him, you're not a man, you're a god, because as he stood out there in a sunshovel, reflected off his silver suit, he should have, right then and there, he should have rent his garment and said, no, I am not god, but he didn't. No he didn't, he took the acclaim, didn't he?

Yeah he got the worst case of worms you ever want to get, he got eaten alive right there on the spot, we'll be right back. Who's white and straight and doesn't qualify for an A? Remember me, I helped you get elected, but you haven't done one thing you said you'd do, even though you'd rather not remember me. I'll remember you, I'll remember, I'll remember, in November, in November, as I step into the little booth, I'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. Remember me, I served my country proudly, remember me, I love the USA, remember me, or am I just some bumpkin who you didn't think would notice the bounce checks and midnight raise?

Remember me, I wrote you all those letters, thinking that you cared what I thought too, even though you often just forget to remember, I'll remember you. I'll remember, I'll remember, in November, in November, as I step into the little booth, I'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. We'll remember, we'll remember, in November, in November, as we step into the little booth, we'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. We'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. All right, I will remember come November, and Joe, we're gonna be right on top of them until then, aren't we?

Or do our best to be on top, yep. Okay, now you do know that Mary Orkus, tonight, he got impeached, right? Right, by one vote, that's the sad part, it was by only one vote, and I've got some bad news. Very shortly, that margin in the House is gonna be even shorter, there was an election there, a Democratic seat, remember George Santos?

Yeah. His New York seat, well, the Tom Susie, Susie. A communist. Yeah, well, he's a communist there in East Meadow, New York.

He won a very close range over Mazie Philip, and the interesting thing was, he was an ex-Congressman, and had been beaten by Santos, and all he had to do is he kept telling the people that she's just George Santos 2.0, and I quote, who knows what she stands for, it's the same non-transparent phony baloney, just trying to get your votes, and so he won. So this is kind of bellwether, it's one of those warnings, we don't have this election sewed up. Here you have a place where a Republican lie cheated, and they didn't look at another Republican replacement, they put in a Democrat.

So, things are far from certain in this world, aren't they? Well, let me ask you this, people that vote for Democrats, do they deserve anything better? No, they don't, but it's sure going to be hard to maintain the House if we keep losing seats like that, because we put some people in Congress that shouldn't have been there. Well, do you remember- The country's elected a lot of Senators and Congress critters that never should have been there. Do you remember, there used to be a time when we would pass legislation, and there would be Democrats that were actually Democrats, but in those days, they're not like they are today, the old Democrats, and there would be some that were actually pro-life.

There would be, there were some back in those days, some Democrats that had some morals, and they would vote, they're conscious, not like today. Today, the collective, the Communist Party, the Democratic Communist Party, they are in lockstep. No matter- They will not get out of line with the party. That's exactly right, they will be punished if they get out of line with the party. And so they're in lockstep, and in lockstep, there's nothing, nothing that they do is good.

Nothing, there's nothing they do that's good. The point people don't, the point people miss is if you become a Democrat, you are controlled by the party, or mostly by the party rules, or you get dumped, you get no, you don't get any campaign finance money, you don't get support. It's basically a closed system. There is no freedom, no freedom of expression, no freedom of vote. You are part of the Borg. The Democrat Party is like the Borg on Star Trek, and you can't get out of step. That's not free, that's not a democracy, that's not a constitutional republic, it is a communist system.

So the party shows its colors by the fact that it's a closed system, there's no freedom there. That's right, so what we need is a Captain Kirk and a Mr. Spock, huh? What we need is the good Lord to come down and help open some eyes of some of the people that cannot see.

Oh, he's going to do that for sure, okay. The change is coming, there is a change coming. Now, here, let's go and look at this one.

They impeached Mariachis. You had three rhinos. Do you remember the days when rhinos were rare? And now more and more, those three rhinos they had, and I'm looking, I had written the names of the three of them down, and now I don't see it.

Where did I write them? Anyhow, but here. There was a giveaway he was going to get a job with NBC, one of those networks, right after he got out of office. So that was kind of a giveaway, what he really was.

I can't remember his name. And people are getting, are you not getting very tired of being betrayed? I started feeling that way quite a long back. We had a lot of people betrayed. They were going to be this and that, and they were going to hold the line on spending. They were going to follow the Constitution.

I'm a long time tired of people that will not do what they say. Now the reason that these rhinos gave Joe for voting no was that constitutionally it's got to be either a high crime or misdemeanor. Like a high crime like treason. Mary Ochas stood there and lied, he said, and I heard him over and over and over, I heard him say the border is secure. Mary Ochas did everything he could to keep as many illegal aliens to come into this country. He did everything he could to bring in as many terrorists, many drug dealers, pedophiles, murderers, and Chinese nationalists.

He did everything he could to destroy the security of this country. Is that not treason? Yes, I'd say that's what I call high crimes treason. He allowed all these millions, he was complicit in letting an invasion into this country. It's almost to me on the same level as an attack on war, letting in that many people.

They're bringing in drugs, crime, they're bringing in disease, illness, they're breaking down our society, our cities, our hospitals. I would call that an attack on America. Now, this will never pass the Senate, it will never be convicted in the Senate because, you know, because you have the enemy. I mean, so many, the Democrats, you know, have control, and again, they're committing treason. It's high crimes and high treason against the United States. Let me ask you this, like this bill that they're trying to push through, it's got, they want to protect money in it for every border, they want to protect every border but ours.

Every border but our own border. And, you know, if people are stupid enough, if they're stupid enough to keep electing Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and these people, do they deserve any better? No, they really don't. The trouble is the nation suffers as a whole. That's why we have to fight them and why we do imprecatory prayers against them because we're fighting for the nation, the survival of this nation. And so, I think we're on a collision course between the American people, those that are the American patriots, and the Communist Party. We're on a collision course. Well, to me, Mitch McConnell is as much the enemy as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and all the extreme, the squat, the squad that they're called, and, you know, he's an enemy of America, plain and simple.

Absolutely. And we try to warn people over and over and over. Here today, in fact, the big news out there is how Tony Babalinsky said that he knew absolutely for sure that Joe Biden had dealings with the Chinese Communist Party, financial gain, because he said he was right there when they had meetings. Yeah, he was there in several meetings.

He has notes, he has names and dates and places and can verify, and they can check Joe's schedule. So, I mean, they've tried to cover up. Remember, way back when, this was years ago, I can't remember, three, four, too many stories ago, we talked about Tony Babalinsky, his testimony, how damning it was.

Wow. But they just kept him from, you know, the press didn't put it out there. Nobody really wanted to cover it. They've kept it. Finally, now, the House committees heard his testimony in private, but they came out today and James Comer said there'll be a couple more private hearings, and then they'll bring Babalinsky back for a public hearing for the world to hear every word of it. And they're doing this step by step, carefully, so they make no mistakes, so they can't be accused of rushing to judgment and improper.

They're building the strongest possible case, so there could be no problems. But this is an old story, but to most people, this is going to be a big surprise. He said it was, Joe was the, what they were selling, you know. He was their brand. He was the brand, they call him. He was their brand.

That's the word I was looking for. He was what they were selling. Absolutely. And, again. It was all the way through this investigation. What was Hunter Biden selling? We were looking for a product.

We were looking for a service. We could not find anything that was of value to, you know, be given in exchange for all this money, all these millions of dollars, but it was, you know, influenced with the Vice President of the United States. He was selling America.

Yep, selling America. And so, but then now you have also this January 6th Select Committee Chair, Benny Thompson. I watched those hearings, and Benny Thompson got no conscience at all. He, these people up there, just unbelievable how, you know, the Bible says that all liars will have their place in Lake of Fire. And these people just, unbelievable the way they lied. And then he got put on the hot seat, because he was asked, okay, when they took, all of a sudden, remember the Secret Services had all of their messages and their conversations with President Trump and what they said to Trump and what Trump said to them. And so, so what happened is these, the Secret Service testimony was deleted. Was deleted.

Yeah, and they wouldn't delete it if it was harmful to Trump. Yeah, and so, oh, Benny Thompson, Benny Thompson was stumbling all over his place. You know, when he was questioned, why? The same thing, she watched, they were yelling and screaming at Bob Olinsky. I mean, they were pointing their fingers, and she just can't believe, how could people sit there and lie like that?

How could they do it? How can they live with themselves? And just trying to explain, when you're that overcome with evil, you live by your lies. That's your code, and you live by that code. The truth cannot come out, because you've got to follow the narrative, you've got to be part of the board, part of the collective, and you must do your part. The end justifies the means. It doesn't matter what you do, the only thing that matters is that they win. Yeah, that's true. People have to remember that. They have no rules, it's the end product justifies the means.

How they get there is of no consequence as long as they achieve their victory. Alright, we mentioned some of this yesterday. Now, all of a sudden, it seems like Merrick Garland, by the way, Merrick Garland's kind of been, he's kind of been absent here.

Now, I understand that he may have prostate cancer, I'm not sure, but I think I heard that report. But, here now, why would all of a sudden there actually appear to be doing an investigation into some of this? Are they ready, do you think, to throw old Joe under the bus? If it looks like it's coming down, all of this information's coming down, do you think they're, because here, like I said, I had heard that Garland had been meeting with some of Trump's people. And, we wondered why, and I came to, and I assumed it's possible, and like I said, this is just my opinion, what I think may be happening, I don't have any proof to this, sir. But, that he's saying that it's coming down, Trump's going to get back in the White House, and when he does, that heads are going to roll, and there's going to be a lot of people charged with treason, and I think they're lining up maybe to roll over, to cut a deal. Look, I walk, I'll give you, and I'll testify against so-and-so, and so-and-so.

What do you think? To people who have no honor, no integrity, I wouldn't put anything past them, but I do think there's people in the Democratic Party that realize they have to get rid of Biden. The trouble is, if they do, if they can get rid of him for incompetence, they've got Kamala to take his place, and they are terrified of that, because they don't really control her. She's kind of a wild card, and they're kind of stuck. You see, they made a bargain with the devil a while back, and they put all their cards on Joe Biden, and I don't think they really thought it through that he might get his dementia as quickly as he has, and they thought they could keep up the pretense, and now it's falling apart. I think there's a lot of warning going on inside the Democratic Party about what to do and how to do it, and it's going to be interesting to see what happens, because I can see several possibilities, but it's kind of hard to figure out how these evil people are going to react, because we don't think that way. Well, there's been a battle going on because of Israel and Hamas over there, and Biden's staff, those interns, they're all for Hamas. They're all anti-Israel, and so they're kind of rebelling on him. And so, now, I think what's happening, I'm not sure, when is their convention, the Communist Party convention, I think, what is it, July?

July or August, I believe, in the summer. All right, so that's when supposedly they dump Kamala, they dump Joe, sometime between now, whenever that is, that they're supposed to dump him then, and you have, now there's a number of what is going on. Obama has actually been out going to do some fundraising with Michael or Michelle, you know, whatever, and so you got that there.

Of course, you don't know what's real and you don't know what's out there. Well, she's been asked, and I read several interviews online, and she said she does not like politics, even her husband. She doesn't like politics, doesn't like that, getting out there.

She really says she's not interested, does not want it, and wants to get away from it, not into it. So I really don't think it's her. I think the Hillary Clintons and California governors are the ones waiting in the wings. Yeah, well, Hillary's been making her rounds, too, and she's been... Yeah, she's going around and doing all the things, getting attention, getting on everything. She's been heckled. She's being heckled and heckled more. More and more, yeah.

That's beautiful to see, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, they're calling her. It's coming back on her.

Remember Ambassador Stevens? They're calling her a murderer. They're calling her a warmonger. They're telling Hillary, we don't want any more of your wars, Hillary.

We're tired of your wars. And so, but Hillary's, all of a sudden, she's out and about, and remember, she really believes she deserves to be president. I heard her say she deserves to be president. Yes, she did. She deserved it. She had earned it. It was her right, and they took it away from her. Alrighty, now here's something else. That's kind of an abbreviation, but that's pretty much what she said.

Yeah, all of it. Hey, one thing we've got to get in real quick, you know, they were talking about Biden's got an upcoming physical exam, and of course, they came out and said that the White House physician said he will not include a cognitive test. The White House physician, Kevin O'Connor, said Biden proves his ability every day.

We've watched him prove his ability. He's got dementia, and he's losing it, and Kevin O'Connor is now one of the biggest liars in the White House. Well, even those in the fake news media, they're realizing, look, you know what, people, people are, we're losing credibility, we can't keep up the lies, we can't keep up what they call a narrative. Everybody can see with their own eyes that, you know.

The jig is up. Yeah, and so they're turning on him little by little. Even these late night comedians, you know, that have always been, you know, right in the Communist Party pocket, they're starting to turn on him. And so within his own party, when you have, what was it, 88% of the people polled, and this is across party lines, said that he's not competent, that he should step down. 88, 88%.

And that's a higher percentage than his age. That means, like you said, the media, especially the comedians and stuff, they have to keep some, what is it, honor, or some integrity, something, so they're going to start turning first, and then they'll kind of give them street cred when they get done. In general, when we saw it, we told you, we started making the jokes. I think they're just doing a good old-fashioned CYI for CYA, you know what I mean? Yeah, well, they're going by what they're told to do, and the sorrows, and all of the so-called liberal elites. They call the shots, and the fake news media, they go right along with what they call the narrative, which is another word for a lie when you're in that medium. So, alrighty, well, we're coming up to a break here in a minute.

We have a whole lot more stuff to discuss out there today. Again, you know, John Brennan, and he committed a CIA coup, a CIA coup, Joe. He had 26 of the legitimate associates of, or 26 associates of the legitimate president of the United States, President Trump. He had them spied upon, and here, this was treason. This whole thing with the Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia scam, Joe, and then they went and they got, remember the corrupt, they paid 51 dirty intelligence agents. They paid them off to come out, flat out lie, and they got caught lying, but to say again, it doesn't matter, like if you and I were to lie to Congress, we'd go, we'd go to jail, but see, we don't have a Justice Department out there. This is why we got this two-tier of justice. You can see the way that they're treating President Trump, the legitimate president of the United States, compared to the Biden crime cartel. Just unbelievable, and these corrupt, these corrupt courts. This is why, this is why tactical civics is moving as fast as it is and why it's growing. People are getting so fed up.

They're absolutely just so fed up with the corruption. And so, there you go. And again, they had the Trump, they found the Trump binder, and that Trump binder, that notebook.

Guess what, Joe? All of this was documented in there, what they did, and then all of a sudden, it's missing. The Trump binder's missing. And a whole thick, 10-inch, thick binder, it's a big, thick binder, and the intelligence related to the alleged surveillance of Trump, the effort, and his people was all in that one binder, which was ordered to be, that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his presidency, and would contain this evidence that all these different intelligence officials broke the laws and spy did election interference, and of course, it is whereabouts unknown.

I bet it's been destroyed. Totally. And you wondered why JFK wanted to do away with the CIA, why Ronald Reagan wanted to eliminate, defund the CIA, and now President Trump wants to, too.

I can sure see why. It's powerful, and they had money they didn't have to account for, they set up all kinds of things that the rest of the people in Congress didn't know about, and it became a very powerful little entity within the government, and they started exerting control over all kinds of things that was never in their purview to do, but power is corruptible, right? And you get that kind of power, you get corrupted.

Absolutely. So they were given power and privilege, you know, supposedly to be used for the security of the nation, but again, they've gone rogue, they've gone rogue. They started playing God. They started having a power trip, using it and playing control.

They started pulling the strings of the power. What's Left? The voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Speary Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next. Find truth. Watch 24 seven on SNC TV and on local now channel 525.
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