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What's Right What's Left Pastor Ernie Sanders Logo

FRI HR 2 102023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
October 21, 2023 2:10 am

FRI HR 2 102023

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Grainger. For the ones who get it done. Donate and listen to the podcast at Alrighty, we are back. And we're going to do, because we're getting so much good feedback from FedUp. And from now on, FedUp is going to be a regular part of this program. We're going to, because that's just the way we all feel. And then we have a clip from the epic times that you'll want to, you want to, concerning the legitimate president of the United States of America showing you how we have two different tiers of so-called justice in this land.

So go ahead and take her away, Josh. We're fed up with the Green New Deal and the socialists who created it. We're fed up with the attacks on our fossil fuel and energy industries. We're fed up with an open border. We're fed up with human trafficking.

We're fed up with fentanyl flooding our country. And we're fed up with illegal immigration. We're fed up with critical race theory.

We're fed up with boys competing in girls' sports. We're fed up with the liberal media, Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube for blocking conservative speech. We're fed up with our government and universities censoring conservative thought, canceling debate and rewriting history. We're fed up with the corruption in the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA. We're fed up with mask mandates, vaccine mandates, the CDC, the NIH, the WHO, and the misinformation campaign surrounding COVID-19.

And we're fed up with Anthony Fauci. We're fed up with the politicians and the elitists in DC who are getting rich while the middle class falls further behind every year. We're fed up with Joe Biden, with Nancy Pelosi. We're fed up with the January 6th Commission and those people who think that they can gaslight us. And we're fed up with Liz Cheney. And we are putting everyone on notice.

As of November 8th, we're taking our country back. All right. Very good. And folks, Angel was in New Jersey, not New York. Thank you, Angel. And Jane in Georgia gives a pledge of 60.

Thank you, Jane in Georgia. John, we're going to play a clip here, but just before we do that, I wanted to, you know, Putin is preparing Russians for World War III. You know what's taken, what's been taking place in the past couple of weeks in Russia, don't you? Yes, Pastor Ernie.

They have cities, under cities for protection and for nuclear war, and they've activated all those civil defense sites now, and they've been having drills going into these sites for protection. Okay. Do you remember Stanislav Lunov? He was the highest ranking defector at that time from the Soviet Union. I spent a week with him, and he was telling me, he was the guy that spent two weeks in December of 1969 training Bill Clinton. And his job was to teach Bill Clinton how to look you in the eye and tell a lie and believe it.

He said it was the easiest job he ever had. He was, yeah, that's what he said. But anyhow, he was the highest ranking defector from the Soviet Union. And he told me that underneath Moscow, there's a city that's much larger than Moscow. Right. Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. Yeah. And he said that if you go down there, you'll see that all the top generals, all of the top generals in Russia, they all have a place there.

They all have an apartment, they have food stored up, they have water, they have air circulation units. And they actually, John, he told me that they would meet all the top generals and they would use Zachariah 14, 13, 14, and Ezekiel 36, 37, 38, and all the passages in scripture where it refers to, uh, we, God's people, the Lord Jesus army fighting against the armies of the world after the tribulation period. And he told me that these generals actually strategized, listen, John, they actually strategized and how to fight a war against God.

And that was the mindset that these people have that John is becoming the mindset. Remember what happened when you and I got into it with a war college in the Pentagon? Oh yeah, that was the war college out in Leavenworth, Pastor Ernie, the special war college. And they were writing papers about trying to say that Christians wanted to start Armageddon to get the American army to fight Armageddon.

And they said, and I caught them at it, and I remember I contacted you and you contacted them, uh, and verified everything that they were doing. And they were saying that because our allegiance was to the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord, the Lord and the armies of heaven, that our allegiance were not to, uh, to NATO or the armies of the world here. Therefore, there, what they wrote, the Christian should not serve in our military. Christians should not be, yes, yes, that we're dangerous. And they wanted the Pentagon to be made aware of this.

And what was their opinion? Because, you know, and this is what we've been preaching over the years. The pastors have not showed a lot of metal, have they?

They haven't really shown a lot of testicle fortitude, have they? Pastor Ernie, I called the heads of the, uh, Assemblies of God. I spoke to them, I explained this, what they were doing. They said that, they had a very good relationship with chaplains in the military, and they didn't want to rock the boat, so they weren't going to do anything. So I called the Southern Baptist, and I spoke to the, that time, I guess, I think it was the number two man in the Southern Baptist, and he said exactly in the Southern Baptist, and he said exactly what the Assemblies of God said.

So both of them, you know, didn't care about the element within the U.S. military trying to make us out as saboteurs and trying to start World War III, use the military, and that was coming from their war college, Pastor Ernie. I know, it's amazing. John, if you were the only one, if you come down, I remember what Elijah thought, he thought he was the only one, if you come down, if you thought you were the only one to stand with the Lord, would you still stand with the Lord? Where else would I go, Pastor Ernie? Yeah, of course. All right, that's the way it's got to be, isn't it? That's the way it's got to be, and it's an amazing thing, but it looks like for at least for now, the pastors in Ohio are starting to awaken, and I've gone by a number of churches, and I've seen the vote no signs out in front of the churches, and we're doing the best we can to get the people in Ohio to understand just how degenerate, and just, just, and if they understood the people that were behind this vote yes thing on the amendment, any decent person, no decent person would vote for that, no decent person would vote for that.

All right, Deacon Mark in Ohio pledges 100, thank you, Deacon March, Deacon Mark, okay, uh, 888-281-1110, that's 888-281-1110, or, um, 888-677-9673, that's 888-677-9673, phone lines are open, we really need to hear from you, we really do, uh, we only have right now approximately 50 minutes left, we'll be here till midnight, and, uh, we'll be right here till midnight, we could take your calls right up to, to midnight, and then, uh, Lord's willing, Lord's willing, we'll have enough, enough to make our goal tonight so we can stay on, that come Monday, we'll still be on that same station you're listening to us on right tonight. Okay, so now, we're going to be playing a clip here, uh, so this has got to do with, this is from the Epic Times and Roman, uh, and I never could pronounce his last name, Baltimore, or whatever, but go ahead, Josh. Now, diving into the main topic, the federal judge who is overseeing President Trump's classified documents case, she has just issued a major rejection to Mr. Jack Smith, the prospect of Jack Smith, the prosecutor who is pushing the case forward, because, you see, Mr. Jack Smith and his team, they were making the attempt to set up a separate private facility over in Washington, DC, such that President Trump and his legal team would have to go all the way to Washington in order to review the classified documents in the case, and also, somehow, despite the Department of Justice trying to push this case through before the election, while the number of documents for Trump's legal team to actually review has ballooned to well over a million. Although, to make sense of what's happening here and what this rejection of Jack Smith actually means, I need to back up for a quick moment and set the stage for you properly regarding how we got to this point, and as always, I'll quickly mention that if you appreciate content like this, take a super quick moment to smash those like and subscribe buttons so this video can reach ever more people via the YouTube algorithm. Now, to start with, this man right here is Mr. Jack Smith, the Justice Department Special Counsel who is leading the charge in several of the cases against President Trump at the federal level. And while most of the country's attention has been focused on Jack Smith's case related to January 6, well, it's actually the classified documents case that's playing itself out over in Miami, that's been seeing the most amount of action. You see, right now, the classified documents case, it's in the discovery phase. This is where you have both sides, the prosecution as well as the defense share their documents with one another, so that both sides can get their cases all aligned and ready before they actually go to trial. However, unlike a typical normal discovery process, where the prosecution would just photocopy the evidence and mail it over to the defense, well, that's not exactly what's happening here. That's because the prosecution, meaning Jack Smith and his team, they made the argument that since this case involves classified documents, they need to set up a private facility for viewing them. The judge in this case, she agreed. And so a private facility was set up over in Florida, so that Trump's legal defense team can go to this facility, look at the documents and prepare their legal defense.

That sounds simple enough. Except it's not. That's because for one, the total number of documents in this case, for some odd reason that we'll get to in a moment, well, it has just ballooned to well over a million. And second of all, despite the prosecution's insistence on having this trial start before the election, they have yet to turn over many important documents that Trump's legal team says they need. You heard that right, despite the fact that this case has been ongoing for well over half a year now. And despite the fact that the prosecution is pushing for a trial date of around May of next year, they have yet to hand over many crucial documents that Trump's legal team says they need to have. In fact, here is what Trump's legal team recently wrote in a filing that they sent to the judge accusing the special counsel's office of not turning over the relevant evidence.

Quote, the special counsel's office has not provided some of the most basic discovery in the case. Given the current schedule, we cannot understate the prejudice to President Trump arising from this lack of access to these critical materials months after they should have been produced. Furthermore, besides not having access to all the relevant documents, Trump's legal team, they also cited quote, being only able to access the classified documents in the small temporary Florida location as a barrier for the busy candidate who is splitting his time between campaigning and attending a civil trial in New York, where he stands to lose Trump organization. And just for your reference, as it was alluded to in the statement of theirs, the facility that's been set up over in Florida is indeed a temporary one, the Department of Justice claims that the actual secure facility will not be ready for another three months.

And so this was the general situation. Trump's legal team, they were arguing that for one, the Department of Justice has been withholding evidence from them, even though there is a super tight deadline in terms of the trial date. And secondly, the small facility that they set up over in Florida, where the classified files can be viewed is prohibitive for a man who is currently running for president, while also in the midst of several other lawsuits. And as such, Trump's legal team, they asked the judge to push the trial date back.

However, the Department of Justice, they push back on that. That's because for one, Jack Smith responded to Trump's team with his own filing, writing that quote, there was no credible reason to postpone the case, and that they already had access to considerable amounts of the material. And then regarding the second point about how generally inconvenient it is to have to go to a small room somewhere in Florida to view these classified documents. Well, Jack Smith, he submitted a request to the judge in order to, quote, set up a private facility in Washington, DC to hold the classified documents he is required to turn over to the defendants in discovery, meaning that there will be two separate facilities holding these documents. Now, it's not exactly clear why setting up a facility all the way in Washington, DC would be any more convenient to Trump and his legal team, given the fact that they're not actually based out of DC. And secondly, Trump's lawyers, they argued against this plan by saying that, well, among other reasons that quote, the Washington location is also unworkable, because documents that need to be reviewed together would then be stored in separate locations, meaning that by having two separate locations, the documents would be split up, which would make it even harder to review them and prepare one single case.

And so then, an obvious question out of all this arises, if this was such an illogical idea, given the circumstances, why did Jack Smith and his team suggested? Why did they want to move the facility to Washington, DC? Well, one reason might have to do with this woman right here, Judge Eileen Cannon, she is the Florida district judge overseeing the classified documents case. And for your reference, she was appointed to the bench by President Trump three years ago.

And unlike the judges over in Washington, DC, New York and Georgia, she appears to be more sympathetic to Trump's case, or at the very least, she doesn't appear to openly be hostile to President Trump. And while there's no way to actually get inside Jack Smith's head and know what he's actually thinking, it is really worth mentioning that both Jack Smith and his team have been attempting to drag the jurisdiction in this case back to Washington, DC for the last several months. For instance, despite this case being tried in the southern district of Florida, it was recently revealed that quote, the grand jury convened by Jack Smith and a special counsel team was still meeting in Washington, DC, even after the case was assigned to Judge Eileen Cannon's court. It is for your reference illegal to use a grand jury to produce additional information after a defendant has already been indicted.

And so again, it's anyone's guess as to why he's doing it. But there appears to be somewhat of a pattern of Jack Smith and his team attempting to bring the case out of Florida and into Washington, DC. However, the judge in the case is not having she has been rather strict about jurisdiction in this case. And just three days ago, Judge Eileen Cannon, she formally rejected Jack Smith's attempt to set up a private facility over in Washington, DC. In her rather brief order, here was what the judge wrote, quote, the parties are advised that production of classified discovery to the defense counsel is deemed timely upon placement in an accredited facility in the southern district of Florida, not in another federal district. It is the responsibility of the Office of the Special Counsel to make and carry out arrangements to deposit such discovery to the defense counsel in this district. And so the attempt to set up an office over in DC has officially been thwarted. If you'd like to read this full order from the judge for yourself, I'll throw a link to it.

It'll be down in the description box below. Regardless, though, there is one other reason that Trump's legal team wants an extension on this trial date, which we'll get into after a quick word from today's sponsor. Did you know that 91 percent of all cyber attacks begin with the victim receiving a simple email? And also, did you know that these big tech companies, as well as the governments of many different nations, are spying on your online activity?

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Use promo code ROMAN20 to save some money. Let's head on back to the studio. Now, there is one other reason that Trump's legal team wants an extension on the trial date. That's because besides the inconvenience of the one facility in Florida that all the classified materials in question have to be viewed and besides the fact that the Department of Justice has yet to actually produce all the relevant documents. Well, there's actually a third point, which has to do with the sheer number of documents that have been handed over by the Department of Justice. That's because while the actual number of alleged classified documents that were in Trump's possession numbered in the dozens, somehow the number of documents that the DOJ sent to Trump's legal team has ballooned to well over a million. Quote, the case involves a great number of documents beyond the ones President Trump is accused of unlawfully retaining in his Mar-a-Lago residence. President Trump's legal team had previously noted that they already received 1.28 million pages and did not have sufficient time to properly examine them requesting an extended timeline.

The 1.28 million pages are unclassified documents and would not need to be reviewed in a special location. However, they argue that though the special counsel had said that all discovery documents would be available on day one, they have not turned over all the classified documents and witness statements as of yet. Even documents that President Trump was indicted for having were not completely supplied. And so it appears that while on the one hand, the Department of Justice has withheld a portion of the actual classified documents in question, they have, on the other hand, completely buried Trump's legal team in well over a million pages of other documents. And all the while, they're pushing the case to start ASAP. Meaning in just practical terms, that Trump's legal team, they don't have the documents they actually need. They're buried under an avalanche of other documents that were sent over to them by the Justice Department. And all the while they have to prepare for a trial that will start in just several months, while at the same time, dealing with several other lawsuits and a major federal election campaign.

That's the situation as it currently stands. If you'd like to go deeper into anything that we discussed in today's episode, I'll throw all of my research notes, they'll be down in the description box below this video for you to peruse at your own leisure. Otherwise, lastly, as I mentioned at the top of the episode as well, if you are indeed sick and tired already, we are back in Joanna and New Jersey pledges 100 Pastor Hal Larson pledges 100 Joanne, Joanne and New York pledges 300 and Bruce pledges 50. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, well, lines are open at 888-677-9673.

That's 888-677-9673 or 888-281-1110 or 888-281-1110. John, Jack Smith, what is he known for? How many cases has he had dismissed for bringing?

Oh, Pastor Ernie, he's rogue. I mean, he's been rebuked by judges. His cases have been overturned on appeal, not just once, but continually. He is the worst of the worst prosecutor.

Okay, now let me ask you this. If you and I were given a task and we had to go find, we had to go to the prisons and we had to find some inmates that committed crimes that were more corrupt than Mary Garland that were even, no, even as corrupt as Mary Garland and as corrupt as Jack Smith, would we have a pretty hard time finding inmates that would fill that? The only one that's not in jail that's on their level, I think, is Hillary. Well, that's true, but I mean, yeah. Well, yeah, but she's not in jail, but I mean, Hillary. Right, but she fits that. Well, she owns them. Hillary owns them.

They're scared to death of Hillary. Wow, Jane in New Jersey pledges 1,500. Thank you, Jane.

She masked me. God bless you. Thank you, all of you folks tonight that have been blessing us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. We were looking for that.

So we would have, that would be a really hard time. So this is where we're at today in America. And now, what do you have to say to these Rhino Republicans that say, we got to move on, forget Trump. We got to move on.

What do you have to say to them? This is, I don't know, Pastor Ernie, I have so many words to say. I mean, how can we move on from a president, a Republican presidential election that was stolen?

How do you move on from that, Pastor Ernie? Well, now, we don't acknowledge. At our church, in fact, at a pavilion on my property, I have two great big signs. And the fact is that we're not going to be able to acknowledge them.

I have two great big signs. And the fact is that we acknowledge that President Trump is still the legitimate president of the United States. Joe Biden is not, he's a usurper, not the legitimate president, because we're standing on principle and on the truth. We know that. If, in fact, Trump, you know, Trump was the one that they did this to. And that's the reason you've got these people say, we got to move on.

And you've got to look at like Nikki Haley and all these are saying Trump's got too much baggage. No, Trump is the one that we voted for. I voted for him. You voted for him, right?

Yes. And so because of that, they had stolen our votes. There will be no justice, one, until we get Trump back in, two, every single patriot that was arrested and jailed on January 6th, for the January 6th, is released from prison. And those people that put them there, that corrupt, what they call the, what was it called, the panel, those people on that panel, until they have, they take the place of the Christian patriots in that prison. There will be no justice. Now, just a couple weeks ago, Christopher Wray from the FBI was talking about how we, Christians, Trump supporters, and this, of course, came from Obama Biden, who is a banana republic president, because he's the only one who wanted to go after his competition, tried to, and he outright said he would put his competition in jail.

This is what this happens. Hey, Joe, Obama Biden taking orders directly from Obama has reduced America. Look at our military. We don't, we, we have no emergency oil supply left. He's used it all up.

He sold it. And so here, it would be an absolute sin to recognize, uh, Obama or Joe or Joe Obama as legitimate because you know, he's not okay. And these people, so, uh, to recognize this corrupt government, would, would, would that be an offense against almighty God? Oh, yeah. It's an offense in so many ways, Pastor Wray.

To me, it's like cowardness. It is. And we're not gonna, we're not gonna accept it, are we? No, we're not. We're not gonna accept it. No. All righty.

Those phone numbers are 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. Folks, uh, one of the things, John, that they're talking about today is the ERA, the era of unquestioned and unchallenged climate change. Claim is over now. Just a few weeks ago, just three, the climate change was, uh, you know, forget nuclear war with Russia, forget nuclear war. The, the biggest threat to the planet was absolutely climate change, right?

But then that changed, uh, and it became us. Anybody, all of, uh, what they call, all of the Trump supporters or the white populist people, white males, we became the biggest threat to the, to the planet now. But here, the era of unquestioned, unchallenged climate change claim is over. Uh, the scientists over a thousand on nationally known, and we're talking about meteorologists, we're talking about people that are actually involved with the weather, have come out and said this whole climate change hoax is a hoax.

Leading voices in the climate community are an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by scientific papers. The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that the activist scientists threatened by the new findings are aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign. So what is, um, what is the mainstream media? What do they call disinformation campaigns?

Um, I don't know. They call it the narrative, the narrative. That's their narrative. To discredit the papers and scientific reputation of the real actual authors. Indeed, that the top rated authors of scientists in this country, where it comes to the climate have all come out. They're all saying, Hey, you know, this is a hoax that this, this whole thing is made up. It's about making money off of solar panels. It's about making money off of electric cars and all of this indeed from insults on social media and furious blog posts to freedom of information act requests, demanding emails from a journal editor and federal scientists. The controversy is getting pretty heated. Of course, the climate court will be dismissive of any information, no matter how scientifically correct that is, if it's politically incorrect.

Well, that's where we're at today. The truth doesn't mean anything. These people can't tell the truth to them, to them. It's wrong to tell the truth. It's wrong to tell the truth. All right, Carolyn in Ohio pledges 50.

Thank you, Carolyn, Ohio. I wonder if we can, the narrative is a lie test, Ernie. So they've got to defend lies, the lie with lies, right? So, I mean, that's what they're, that's what they're told when they they're told to go tell a lie. We never referred to the lie as a lie.

We referred to it as a narrative. But remember, remember Newsweek Magazine when they had on the front page and they had Bill Clinton and they had the Democrats saying, Bill Clinton is not only a good liar, Bill Clinton is a great liar, and Bill Clinton is our liar. They were bragging about how Bill Clinton was what was one of the best liars there were, but he belonged to the Democratic Party. And today, there are those that are trying to take, you know, take that from Clinton, like Adam Schiff, pencil neck. He's trying to get the reputation as being the best liar in the Democratic Party today. Unreal. I mean, to actually want that position to say, yes, I am the best liar in the Democratic Party.

It's amazing, isn't it? Well, Bill Clinton, he gave this aura of being likable. You know, and they call it, he was called Bubba.

He wasn't a stuffed suit sitting behind the White House. He was kind of a, I'm not saying I like them, but to the general masses, he was a likable guy. So his lies were likable because he was a likable guy. His, the people, his bodyguards that worked around him, that were with him, you know, for years, Larry Patterson, and people that worked with him, like Larry Nichols, and that all of those that were, you know, around him continuously used to tell me, because when they got saved, they left. But that's exactly what they would say is that Clinton, I mean, he could look at you, and he could tell the biggest lie.

He would compliment you. And they used to tell me, Roger Perry and Larry Patterson, how they would be someplace, and Clinton would be speaking, and some woman would come up to him and tell her her story, saying this is what happened to her. And she was not treated very well when he was the governor. And he would say, take care of that. And he would, and with her listing, and then when she's gone, Patterson would say, do you really want us to do so?

No, of course not. You know, that's just the way it was. And Slick used to always say, who are you going to believe me or your lion eyes? That was one of his favorite statements. And all of the people around him referred to him as Slick, not, not the governor, but Slick. Right. Now compare him to Hillary.

They were the complete opposite. Wow, we got another match. Jane in New Jersey. This is not Jane in New Jersey. Jane matched me for 1500.

But now Jane in New Jersey matches me for 1500. Thank you, Jane. God bless all the folks tonight. They've been so good to us tonight. We've really, we really needed it. I mean, we really needed it, because, you know, we were in danger of having to make some changes, John.

So, but I praise the good Lord. John, no refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt. King Abdullah pushes back on Jordan, taking Palestinian refugees back, going all the way back to 1947.

Nobody won. When you had all of these wars, none of the Arab stations, nations wanted to take in the Palestinian refugees, did they? Well, after the war, no Pestani. What happened was leading up to the war when it broke out, King Abdullah, the original one from Jordan, he told the Palestinians to get out of Israel and that we're going to drive the Jews into the sea and then you'll have the land. So the ones that did follow him, they're refugees to this state. They're in Syria, they're in Jordan, they're in Lebanon. So what happened was, after the war, they're in 48, they would not take any of the Palestinians that remained on the land after the war. They wouldn't take them.

So that's how it came down, Pestani. But they told the Palestinians, get out of the war, told the Palestinians, get out of the way, we're coming in with our army, we're going to kill all the Jews, and then we'll give you your land back. Okay, so who was it that gave them a place to stay, a land, a place to live? Well, the Jews, the Palestinians that stayed there, Israel became their country. All right, so now here, we keep hearing that Israel, okay, invaded the land, the nation of Palestine. Has there ever been a nation of Palestine? Because I've been reading all through the Bible and I've seen... Never, never, Pastor Ernie. Neither was Jerusalem ever the capital of the Arab nation. Never. Isn't that strange? We never hear that out there today that, you know, it's just amazing the days we're living in, huh? Anyhow, do you know what?

Nikki Haley argues to bring 1 million Hamas supporters, Hamas-supporting Palestinians to the U.S. from Gaza, where 68% of the population supports Hamas. There you go. Handyman Dan in California pledges 60.

Thank you, Handyman Dan. And so, anyhow, we have, you know what happened last night? Pastor Hal was supposed to give the invitation last night, and I hate to say it, but he fell asleep. And so... Well, I'm not falling asleep, Pastor Ernie, but you're going to have to give the invitation tonight, okay? Well, no, we're going to give Hal a chance to redeem himself.

Oh, oh, oh, okay. Because right now, he's sitting in the pancake house there with a pile of pancakes. And so, we're going to give him a chance to redeem himself. He's going to be calling in here. I think it's the Waffle House is where he's at.

And in fact, he's got, I hate to say it, a nickname now called Waffle Hal. And so, anyhow, so Pastor Hal, if you have not fallen asleep again, it's time to call in and be on standby. So, anyhow, exclusive op-ed by the January 6th shaman, Jacob Chansley, was a deep state psyop.

And I can prove it. Remember the exclusive article pinned by the shaman himself. Well, it seems like the shaman was working.

Well, and let me just read this because a lot of people don't know what a psyop is. The Operation Mockingbird Media dubbed me the Conan Shaman, and I have unraveled the tangled web of the deceit. That is January 6th narrative. In short, January 6th was a deep state orchestrated event used to roll out psychological operation psyop designed to target Trump and label his supporters as domestic terrorists. That's exactly what they did, didn't they?

They labeled us as domestic terrorists. In this article, I will delineate in detail, and I will believe that this is true in how you can explain to it to others. To start, we must understand what a psyop is and how they are used to influence public opinion. A psyop is a governmental created propaganda campaign designed to influence the psyche of an individual and the masses to influence the collective mind of a group or a nation, and most easily done through using words and images which trigger instinctual responses in the subconscious mind. It creates an emotional response from the individual and the public that can be weaponized against the enemy of the government performing the psyop, or it can be used to rally people toward a specific government cause or goal. Psyops are centered around the weaponization of information and the strategic use of said weaponization and disinformation. Weaponization information done by combining information, combining the actual truth with disinformation lies to create a misinformation, and this is to create a misinformation narrative that is controlled by the government propaganda machine.

Moreover, Obama passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 that repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act. The Act of 2012 allowed the State Department to engage in propaganda campaigns on American soil to influence public opinion. In other words, this 2012 act enabled the U.S. government to legally perpetrate psyops on the American people to strategically influence public opinion. Good examples for how this was strategically used would be the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax during the 2016 election, the intentional suppression of Hunter Biden's laptop of 51 intelligence agencies during the 2020 election, and of course the J6 narrative as well.

Psyops are based on a strategy of infiltration, intelligence gathering, and the strategic use and suppression of said intelligence to craft a misinformation narrative that is controlled by the deep state to reach their goals. That's exactly 100% right, isn't it? Absolutely, Dr. Ernie. All right, folks. 888-281-1110. We have about 18 minutes left tonight. We'll be here till midnight. 888-677-9673.

888-677-9673. I want to thank all of you that have helped us, boy, because like I was trying to tell you, we really did need it. It's been tough and I want to thank all of you because here where you're sharing this, we don't take money for doing this. We work and we work very, very hard and the whole purpose is because the cause is a righteous cause. The cause is a righteous cause. We want to bring you what the enemy, and they are the enemy. What is called the mainstream media out there is the enemy of freedom, okay, and we want to bring you and then and we want to bring you and then run around them what they are supposed to keep from you. So help us by giving us and pledging with us and supporting us at 888-281-1110.

888-677-9673. In 50 years, John, we have never compromised. Not one time, have we?

Pastor Ernie, not not once since I've been with you, so I'm assuming all those years before is the same. From day one, that was our strategy, no compromise period. That's why we didn't have sponsors.

We could add sponsors, but we knew that they would go after our sponsors. In fact, they would actually call trying to find out if we had any sponsors, you know, under the scenes and under the scenes and that, but, you know how they tried so hard to get us off the air so many times, but by God's grace, we're still here. God kept us here, and so again, it's 888-677-9673. The phone lines are starting to light up.

That is good. 888-281-1110, and the fact that the pastors are starting to stand up and be counted. Oh, it's been so long. We've been waiting for this, for the pastors to stand up and get counted, to stand for righteous sake and lead their people, be bold, and I'm going to be preaching Lord's will this Sunday, John. Bring Pastor Hal up if you could. Bring Pastor Hal up too. Okay, Hal, are you there, Hal?

Right here. All right, I'm telling them I'm going to be preaching this coming Sunday on the unholy confederacy between the Communist Party here in America, and we've been telling people about the radical Islam, how they have joined and that unholy alliance they've made, and they have been working hand in hand and hand in hand, and we've been trying to expose that. We have been exposing it for many years, but that's what the message is, because I can tell you right now, the information that we have is they've got some very bad plans for Christians for the body of Jesus Christ in the near future. They could be, we might see things, churches burning by early spring, and I can tell you this, Christopher Wray and the FBI is not going to be on our side. Joe Obama, Biden, you know, hates Christians.

I mean, that's the reality of it. In fact, he's allowing everybody to come in the bar. The only people that he has said to hold up and not let in are known Christians. That's unbelievable, but that's what's happening today. Everybody can come in, but keep the Christians out. So that's what's happening out there, and as long as we have any breath, we're going to tell you about it. Meanwhile, Hal, do you want to give, how much time do I have, Josh?

Okay, Hal, you got six minutes to go. Forgive that, and tell folks how they can avoid hell and how they can make it to heaven. Sure, you know, Genesis 12 3, God said that Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation, he said, I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. That puts all Islam under a curse to God, because all they do is curse Israel, and Israel is still God's chosen people.

It was Israel that, through whom God brought the oracles to God, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. So God's still working with them. He's giving them every day what they need for their repentance to get them to see that Jesus Christ is their Messiah, and to turn to him, but he never gave anybody permission to whip Israel for not reject him, for not receiving him, and that's his job. Our job is to pray for him, try and get him saved, and so on and so forth. We're not supposed to be out there attacking them, and Thomas is in a bad way, and they don't even realize that all the people that attack Israel and everything, they're going to have to answer to God for it, and then they're also going to have to answer to God for what they do to Christians, and everything they do as far as rejecting Jesus Christ as their Savior. They're rejecting Jesus Christ themselves, the Arabs and the Muslims and everything, and they're going to have to, you know, end up going to hell, lost and everything else like that, because they do that. But the thing is, you could die tonight, and you don't want to go to hell, you don't want to have to suffer that, and Jesus said in John 14 6, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No man comes to the Father but by me. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, paying the payment on that cross for every sin that had to be paid. You see, God's a God of perfect righteousness. He cannot let sin go unpunished, even though he's a God of love. His righteous nature cannot let sin go unpunished. So what he did, he allowed the Lord Jesus Christ to pay the penalty, that righteous payment that had to be paid. He paid it in your place for every stink and lousy miserable sin or amount of sins you and I have ever done in our lives, but that payment don't become ours automatically. John 1 12 said, in whom we have redemption through his blood, and that blood is applied when you go to God in sincere repentance and admit to God without Jesus in our hearts, we're a bunch of dirty rotten lousy stinking sinners on our road to hell. God don't want you to go to hell, but he's offering you as a free gift that payment Jesus paid for you on the cross. And right before Jesus died, he said three words, it is finished, which means all the work necessary for your salvation has been done by him.

But John 1 12 says, but as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. You have to receive that payment, and Ephesians 2 8 and 9 says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and none of yourself is the gift of God. It's the greatest gift you could ever receive, but you've got to come to him with a repentant heart and admit your guilt, your sin, and everything else like that to God, and ask God to come into your heart.

And when I say God, I mean the Lord Jesus Christ. Come into your heart and receive him as your salvation payment. And listen, Revelation 3 20 said, behold I stand at the door and knock.

If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in. That means right now while I'm talking to you all out there, Jesus Christ is knocking at the door of your heart, and he's asking you if you will receive the payment he paid and you're placed on that cross. There's no other way to get to heaven, and if you'll do that, you can do it right now through a simple prayer of faith.

Romans 10 13 says, but whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means if you believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood to save your soul, and you call upon him, you ask him to come into your heart and give to you that payment, trusting him and him only for your salvation, and being sorry about the fact you're a sinner and your sins put him on that cross, then let's pray that prayer together right now. And even though we're praying together, it's directly between you and God, because only you can receive the payment Jesus paid for you on that cross. If you want to receive it, my job as a Christian is to take you to Jesus and introduce you to him and have him come into your heart.

So let's do that right now. Oh dear God, please forgive me a sinner. Lord Jesus, I believe you died on that cross and shed your blood for my salvation, and I hear right now, right here and now, Lord Jesus, ask you to come into my heart, give to me the payment you paid for me on that cross, give me eternal life, save my soul, and give me a home in heaven. In Jesus' name, I'm trusting you and you only for my salvation. In Jesus' name, amen. Now folks, if you pray that prayer in 1 John 5-13, he says, these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know you have eternal life. Not that you may think it, wish it, or hope for it, but that you may know. That means you received him as your Savior, which you just did in prayer. Know that you have, that's the present-sense verb, that means you have it right now. You don't have to wait till some day to get eternal life. God gave it to you the moment you sincerely opened up your heart to Jesus Christ, and that you may believe on his name.

Now how can you know? Because God says so, and God cannot lie. So praise God. Go ahead, Pastor.

All right, very, very good. Well, thank you for that. Again, can you ever do anything that will matter as much to you as, look, how many people do you know that's going to die? Everybody.

Everybody's going to die. I mean, that's a fact, right? What if, what if you have these people that think, well, they're going to trans live, they're going to trans over to becoming a robot. I mean, you've got, in this day and age, the absolute craziest mindset.

But God's Word, the Bible, has a 6,000 years of what percentage of accuracy? 100%. 100%. Okay. Everyone out there, folks, you're going to die. That's a fact. That'll happen whether you like it or not. And when that happens, people are eternal people. We don't go out of existence. We change shape.

We change real estate. And you are going to go, God said it. See, God said it. God cannot lie that you'll end up in heaven or hell. This is why it is so important that you listen to what the Lord Jesus said and make it very clear. He took your place.

He did the heavy lifting for you, but you got to claim it. And how do you do that? Well, you admit that you're a sinner and you pray to the Father, ask for forgiveness of those sins. And if you do that, if you mean it, then you ask the Lord Jesus to be Lord of your life, all of your life, then you will be a new creature, a born again believer.

You've got God's Word on it and you'll be on your way to eternal life and dwelt with the Holy Spirit. All right, Tom in Illinois has pledged 200. Marlene in Michigan, 50. Donna in New Jersey, 200. Anand in 250. Patricia in New Jersey, 100. Albert in Pennsylvania, 50.

And Dana in New York, 200. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All right.

Praise the good Lord. We're coming up to the end of it here. I lost track on how much time we have left. I know we're coming up.

Give me a sign. All righty. All right. I want to thank you. Hal, you know, it's been a tough week here, but I want to praise the good Lord.

I want to thank all of those folks out there that supported us all week long. We couldn't do it without you. And I can tell you this, we've got no intentions of giving you out there and especially the good Lord, anything less than our very best, as long as we're here until he takes us home, we're going to give the very best because that's what he made us for, right? God's got expectations of us. We've got obligations to him.

That's the way it works. And we want to hear those words. Well done, my good and faithful servant. So, okay, we are now where we come to every night at this time. We're we at 20 seconds after we say good night.

Okay. After we say good night, we always say God bless. Do we mean God bless? We do mean God bless you out there with salvation.

And then we say what? Always. Always.

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