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What's Right What's Left Pastor Ernie Sanders Logo

FRI HR 2 100623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
October 7, 2023 9:04 am

FRI HR 2 100623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Visit slash home dash trial. Terms apply. Donate and listen to the podcast at food labels. I mean, man, I mean, I can't believe people look at that and say, oh, okay, and throw it in the cart. Wow. I wouldn't do it. Well, that's why we have you here. And I'm very careful on all of that stuff. Maybe not nearly as careful as I should be, though.

But I'm going to be start being actually more careful. All right, we're going to go to Big John McTernan. Stay with us, Wendy, because you're going to find out all about Colony Ridge in Texas, John.

Ah, okay. Yes, Pastor Ernie. Tell us what's happening. You were at quite a meeting tonight, too, but tell us what's happening over there at Colony Ridge. Well, Pastor Ernie, in the last couple of weeks, this has exploded public, into the public. But about six months ago, there's a pastor that I know that lives in that area.

Now, it's in about 20, maybe 30 miles northeast of Houston. And he was telling me about the police. He was talking to the sheriff's and they're afraid to go into this area.

It's really like a no-go zone. There's all sorts of drug dealings they know going on. And there's murders.

That county, it's a rural county, and they used to have one murder a year. And it's up to 12 now, which mightn't sound like much, but they were all coming from that area there. So, it hit the media, like within the last week, about what's going on now. The reports are that two drug cartels are operating in it. They're taking illegal aliens and bringing them into this area.

And it's huge, Pastor Ernie. It's, I don't know how many square miles it is, but it's the biggest, so they're actually making a city. They're making a city. That's what I heard. They're actually building a great big city there.

Well, not a great big. They're talking about 75,000, which isn't small, but yeah, and it's all drug cartels, illegal aliens coming in. So, they're actually building to take over part of a county and they're making it for the drug, for the illegal aliens with the drug cartels in it. So, in effect, they're making a colony.

It's ironic. It's colony-rich, but the illegal aliens and the drug cartels are setting up a colony right in America. So, Austin is the state capital of Texas. It's inundated, Pastor Ernie. I called Senator Cruz yesterday and his aide was telling me that they're absolutely inundated with calls and the state capital, Austin, was inundated with calls. So, now they have an emergency meeting.

I think three weeks they have it scheduled for. The governor has called the representatives and all to have an emergency meeting and they're talking about the state taking over this area and bringing in the state police to bring it under control. And this is right at Texas, Pastor Ernie, and it's not too far from me.

Not at all. It's not too far from me. In fact, it's very close to where I live. All right. You thinking of strapping on your iron and heading down there and getting back into the police business?

I tell you what. When you go to Mexico and Central and South America, the population isn't armed. The drug cartels are, but the population, generally speaking, is not, but it's not like that around here. And it would get ugly real quick if we have to defend ourselves. Well, you know, those drug cartels are heavily armed. I mean, very heavily armed. And so it would take the state police and maybe even some backup. Now, I got a feeling that if that was to really break out, you would have patriots from all over this country heading toward Texas because people are getting to the point where their patience has run out. It's really running out very quickly all across the country. And so, well, Pastor Ernie, this is a lesson for all of us.

I'll keep you posted on this. But you mean to tell me that the attorney general and the governor and other high officials in Texas didn't know of this? Now, apparently, it's been about three years.

It's been three years in the making that this is happening. But that they didn't know about this and all the crime and reports of two. They named the cartels.

One was the Gulf Cartel and the other one I don't remember. Well, Dan Crenshaw should know about it. He lives pretty close to there, don't he?

Oh, yeah. I would say he's no more than he's less than 15 miles from it and it is in his district. It's in this whole thing that's building is in his district. But here's what happened. It was such an uproar by the people that the government was Texas was forced now to get out in the open and deal with this with a calling a special session of the Texas Congress to deal with this. Well, Wendy, are you aware what happened here earlier this this week in Ohio about the big sting operation? No. Yeah. In Ohio, they had a major sting operation where they found 100 children where they rescued 100 children from these Democrats and they arrested 160 Democrats that had taken the children. They had a major child.

So right here in Ohio and from what I understand, there was similar operations around the rest of the country, too. So that's some good news, right? Praise the good Lord for that. But here, meanwhile, you know, Biden keeps bringing them in by the thousands there on the border.

And all of a sudden. Biden is going to build a wall now. What do you think of that, John? Well, first of all, I've been checking on this and he's not in any way, shape or form building a wall like Trump was.

This will be more maybe like Bob Weier strung up or something. It's supposed in fact, all of the wall that Trump had remaining that was going to be built into his second term. If he was reelected, that all was sold off yesterday. Biden sold it off for like the scrap iron. And Trump had like, I think it was some huge amount, like 300 million dollars in the wall ready to go. And Biden sold it off for like five million. Biden's trying to tell people that he still has that. And that's why he has to build the wall, because Congress allocated the money for the wall and they refused to pull it.

And so that's why he did it. He sold huge amounts of it have been sold off. Did he give it maybe kind of like an extra bonus when he sold off all our oil reserves?

Yeah. It's like, you know, the same thing he did with the Taliban, giving them over 60 billion dollars worth of our equipment. It was 85 billion. Well, he didn't exactly give it to him.

He had, he got his, they don't give anything away. You can bet that money come back, channeled back. Some of it. Not, you know, even if it was just a couple hundred million, you know, that's a good return on 85 billion. Right. Anyways, Pastor Ernie, the wall that he wants to put up is nowhere near the same as the one Trump was putting up.

So it's not going to help a little, but it's not going to really help that much. And on the news here in Texas. I don't know where it was in Texas on the border. And you may have seen this. There was a mob of like 10,000 that came across the river and into America.

And they over, they were like, oh, I don't like bugs crawling. It was like the ground just you could see them coming from a distance and they just overran that whole area and they came into the United States. Absolutely unstoppable amount of people all at once coming right across the border. So it got we got a big attention here.

I saw it in Texas where it literally was overwhelmed. It was like an army just surged right across from Mexico, right into Texas. But the image you heard, Mariacas said the border is secured. I heard him say it. He said, don't worry, it's the border is secure. Right. Well, let me ask you a question, Pastor Ernie, if the border is secured, why is Biden now talking about putting a fence up?

Well, because you want another reason. He's got all these Democratic governors from all of these blue states that are really getting teed off in these these mayors. And they're telling him now it wasn't supposed to work this way. He was supposed to keep all them people in Texas or California, and they weren't supposed to be sending them here. You had you had these people really in Illinois, Chicago, people were very, very angry because they were taking the children's baseball fields and that and putting the illegals on them in New York. They're putting them in schools and people are getting really fed up. And so that's why he's doing it, because Biden knows that the pressure is mounting to oust him.

It's mounting up there. He's he's losing support rapidly. Well, the major reason for this was Texas and Florida in particular were busing huge amounts. And I think it ended up to be forty thousand in New York City alone. And that's why they're crying in New York City, the mayor, because all these illegal aliens were bused from Texas and Florida. And I was watching it on the news where they were going to press criminal charges against the governor of Texas because he was they said he was kidnapped, kidnapping people and sending them to New York. But New York City was just saturated with illegal aliens and that that's what and then also Washington, D.C. and in Chicago and other cities.

Yeah, but they were saying they're sanctuary cities. They said they said, you know, bring them on. But so we brought them on, you know, right. And now they're crying the blues, aren't they? Right.

The governor of Texas took him at his word. And they're sending them they're still sending them. They're sending them big numbers out to Los Angeles. They're coming from Texas. They're sending them to Los Angeles.

And so, you know, they're turning these cities into like the countries that they were trying to get away from. Now, here the Democrats, their plan is, look, these people are going to vote and they're going to vote early and often all these illegals because they're giving them cell phones. And with the cell phones, when they do that, they get their signature and those signature goes on illegal ballots, voting ballots. OK. And so the idea is we're going to get these people are going to go out and they're going to vote the way we tell them for Democrats so that they get more free stuff. But then these people are going to think, you know what, if I do this, we're going to turn this country into what we ran away from. I mean, we try to get away from that. So a lot of these these illegals are going to say, you know what, I'll vote, but I'm not going to vote. I don't know what I came here and I don't want to live.

This is what I escaped from. Right. And so I think that's going to happen if they smarten up. What do you think?

Some will do that, Pastor Ernie. Yeah, some. But I think I mentally, though, they don't have the same maybe drive that we have here.

You know what I mean? Well, they've never known the freedoms that we've had. They've never been.

They've never had that. So right. So they're not you know, you know, we're willing to we're willing to lay our life down for freedom. Right.

They're not. And so and there's probably estimated now closer to 20 million people in this country that are willing to fight and defend themselves. The 20 million is quite a quite a good sized army, isn't it? I would say so. And, you know, civilians heavily armed as civilians.

Did you see Pastor Ernie? In fact, let me see if I can get this article where there's a special unit or maybe you spoke about it already. There's a special unit in the FBI to look at MAGA MAGA supporters. Oh, yeah.

You're talking about the FBI that that that stands for the Fascist Bureau of Insurrection. Right. Have you discussed that on previous shows?

Well, not really into depth. Yeah. What they're doing is there was a big article in Newsweek magazine about that. And all of us Trump supporters, they are they're going to investigate as terrorists.

Do you hear that, Wendy? They're going to investigate him as terrorist. That's right. All the Trump supporters. I'm not kidding you. This is they're going to put us on a terrorist watch list. Well, how are they going to know you're a Trump supporter? Well, if you're public, you know, if you've seen at meetings, what they'll what they're doing is they're surveilling all the Trump the Trump meetings. So they'll take license plate numbers of cars. They'll take they're taking video of the people so they can identify them. The profile, you know, their face is the technology out there now is to be identified by your face face. So there's a lot of ways that they'll do it.

Yeah. Not only that, but if if you, for example, know what your gender is, if you're a man and you know that, if you're a woman and you know that, then you've got to be a Trump supporter. Here's the headline in the article. FBI quietly created new category of extremism ahead of the 2024 election to include Trump MAGA supporters.

And then this is a quote. The FBI is beyond repair. As in 2024, as the 2024 election season heats up, the FBI has created a new terrorism category to include Trump supporters. This is taking place at the same time the Biden regime is targeting President Trump with over 91 indictments on bogus criminal acts in several states.

So we got a couple of things going on this early. We have the FBI because he is the Biden has declared us terrorists when we hear him ranting on a speech and he talks about right wing terrorists. The FBI is reacting to that. He's ahead of the FBI, the Justice Department, the FBI, and the president is declaring a group of Americans terrorists. And a large group and a very large group. You know, you don't suppose Chris Wray and Mary Garland are really trying to start a civil war in this country? Yeah, they are past their knee. There's no doubt about it. You know, the way that they just, they've turned totalitarian, and they seem to be pushing us to the point where we have to defend ourselves.

We have to. Well, you add to that the CDC now has come out and they're monitoring people that have not been vexed or have only taken one of the shots and not the others. And so they're making a list of the unvaxxed because the unvaxxed are now put on the enemy's list too.

So that's happening. Well, the unvaxxed mean that they can't control them, Pester. Right. That's why the unvaxxed are dangerous because they're free thinkers and they're against the system and they can see through the propaganda and they're operating without fear. So in that sense, the unvaxxed are real dangerous to the junta that's in power now. Now, look at the junta that's in power here. Speaking of that, if there's ever been a junta, that would be Hillary Clinton. Hillary's been out. Oh, yeah. She's been, she's everywhere now. She's making all the talk shows, all of the left wing. And she wants to fight, she wants to build camps to house and take care of us, huh?

Yeah. Didn't Adolf Hitler say things like that? And didn't Joseph Stalin say things like that?

And what about Mao Tse Tung? They're called re-education centers. Unfortunately, we did that in this country too with our Japanese. But they're called re-education centers. So Hillary wants to re-educate all of us. Now, do you don't suppose, we'll ask Wendy because she's pretty smart.

Hey, Wendy. Yeah. Do you suppose that Hillary's got maybe some other intentions, you know, because there's nothing these people ever do that's out front and honest.

They're always, you know, always crooked, totally corrupt. Do you think that maybe Hillary's got some last minute, by the way, if she could bring down Joe Biden within the collective, within the Communist Party, if she could betray Joe Biden, take him down and somehow, you know, use some corrupt, corrupt means, and boy, they have that with the Democrats in the Senate and the Congress, and get herself, you know, into the White House. Do you think that that's possibly on her mind? Well, I don't know what's on her mind, but I hope that's not on her mind. That would be interesting.

Now, let me ask you about this. Now, Trump says, you saw what happened when MacArthur got, he got taken down, removed. Now, you've got Ron Scalise and Jim Jordan.

They're both good, but Jim Jordan, I would say here from Ohio, he would be my choice on that because this guy has been 100%. Now, here, Trump is going to be there Wednesday. Trump says he's coming into Wednesday to Congress over on the Hill. And he said he would be willing to be the Speaker of the House for a month if that has to, if they really needed him to do that, if they needed more time to sort things out. What do you think he would do, both of you guys, if he was their Speaker of the House for a month? What do you think he would do?

Oh, it's hard to imagine, Pastor Ernie. I guess he could start, what do you want to call it, he could start committees to do real type investigations of the abuse of power that's directed against him. Well, as the Congress, right, as the Speaker of the House, do you think he would maybe introduce legislation to take down George Soros, bought and paid for political whores? Well, yeah, you'd have to look at that as like treason. That's exactly what it is.

It is treason. That's what he's doing. Yeah. So I think that's one of the things he would do. But could you picture this?

This would be, what a wonderful thing. Do you remember how nasty Pelosi sat behind President Trump and tore up his speech in the State of the Union? Yeah, I remember that.

I remember that. Couldn't you picture President Trump sitting behind Joe, Obama, Biden, tearing up his speech? Couldn't you see the look on Trump's face as he did this and see that bug-eyed wonder sitting next to him? With Kamala Harris. What do you think?

Would that be a dream come true? Well, I think, well, first of all, Pesterne, that Congresswoman Green. Yeah, Marjorie Taylor Green. She threw his name into the hat there to become the Speaker of the House. Four of them have. Gates did, too.

And two others. So it would be wonderful to see them having to vote on him for him. Who would vote and who wouldn't vote? Yeah, that would tell it. That would really tell it, wouldn't it? We would know. Sure would. That would really bring the spotlight on the rhinos, huh? Oh, yeah. It would smoke them out.

Well, anyhow. So now, again, with with Hillary on this thing, she's really pushing on this on the these camps. She's she's going around everyone saying we need to get these people. Do you think Hillary's losing it? No, I think that that's all planned, Pesterne.

I really do. And there's a huge number of people that listen to her that think like her. I don't call that thinking, but. Well, that well, whatever word you want to put on it.

But that's resonating what she said. I guarantee you that that resonated through Garland and Schumer and what's his name? The pencil neck guy. What's his name? Chris Ray.

No, no, no, no. The congressman. Oh, who shift?

Oh, you pencil, pencil neck. Yeah. Adam Schiff and their supporters. It's by far not the majority, but I'm sure there are millions of the hard core and the wolf that at all costs, they want us out. And if if we won't go along with that, they will say I have no doubt in my mind that they would move to try to terminate them. OK, so where all those pirates, all those pirates in history, when they all came to power, what did they do? They exterminated their opposition. All of them did that.

Yeah, but none of them were in a country where the opposition is armed like we are in America. Exactly. No, exactly.

Exactly. Pastor Ernie, do you remember that? What was this? William Ayers, the oh, yeah, former back in the early 70s. And the FBI had infiltrated I guess it was I guess it was the weatherman and Ayers said when they took over.

Now, this was 19, I guess around 1970, we'll say that they would have to kill about 20 million of the hardcore. I remember that. I remember hearing him say that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is not just her saying I'm sure because it's all coordinated. What they're doing, Pastor Ernie, is coordinated. Have you heard from her really in a long time? Not really.

And I haven't heard anything from Bill and I couldn't tell you how long. So all of a sudden she's coming out and she's on some talk show and she's following Biden, who a couple of days before said that we were all terrorists. Right. We were all dangerous terrorists.

And he said that before. And then a week later or less than a week later, she comes out and says that we we are a danger to America and that we should all be arrested and reprogrammed and put in camps and reprogrammed. That's all coordinated, Pastor Ernie. That's just not her going out there shooting her mouth off.

All right. What side do you think the right now is the most motivated? Who's got the momentum, John?

I would say that we are side are really starting to get energized. And what really was the catalyst for this is they went after the kids when they went after the kids in school and they were introducing him to all that pornography and little kids. And then they were telling a kindergarten boy, maybe he was a girl.

And are you sure you're a boy? I think that's what really sort of got ignited us, Pastor Ernie, in a broad sense. Well, and even even the FBI, Biden and the FBI, they were targeting parents that were going like leaders going to the schools, challenging the books in the libraries and all that we were so dangerous to them that the FBI was trying to. And they were lying.

Then they kept lying about it. We'll be back right after this. Well. Miracles start here. You'll take away your sin.

Here's behind. You'll be living there. Not his door will open. See, you will find. You'll be given. He'll be waiting there.

His arms open wide, waiting there for you. It was for you and I that he was crucified. And that pretty voice was Estee Crispin, and the other one was me. Anyhow, it's that that's a good song, isn't it, Wendy?

That's a pretty song. You hear that, John? I agree. OK, anyhow, you know, during the break, we got a couple of calls, one called Miriam. Miriam is in Parma Hospital.

She called in and saying that she refuses to take the poisonous poke, so they put her in isolation. And that what do you think about that? Boy.

All right. Now, another guy called. He wants to know if Trump was to become Speaker of the House, and I don't think any of us can answer this. Would that put a hold on all of his charges that they're charging him? I don't think it would. What do you think, John?

No, no, Pastor Ernie, I don't think it would. Because they're obsessed with him. And by the way, it's not out of the law or the Constitution for him to become the Speaker of the House, because anyone, you don't have to be from the House of Representatives. Yeah, I know that.

So, yeah, they could get him and vote him in. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, I got to go to this real quick. Here, Wendy, here in Ohio, I don't know if you know what's going on. You're probably aware. We have something called Issue 1, and it's they want to amend our Constitution. It is right from the pit of hell. It's just like they knocked on hell's doors. And they said, send us out some Democrats. We want some really evil, wicked legislation here to amend the Constitution. And so, here, they have worded this. The ACLU, with their wicked, evil deception, I mean complete deception, worded these things where people, if they're not thinking and listening carefully, will be easily deceived like they were on August 8th.

But let me give you an example. Article 1, Section 22. Here's what it says, Wendy. And then you think about it and tell me what is wrong with this. The right to reproductive freedom with protection for health and safety.

All right? That's a part of the amendment. So, what's wrong with that? Well, I mean, their ideas of what reproductive health is and what our ideas are are two different things. Okay, but now here, first of all, let me just go, it says this. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one's reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on. Okay, so now, again, think about this very clearly. Every individual has a right.

What's missing from this statement there? Well, the child, they're not including the unborn babies right. Unborn babies are individuals, right?

Yeah. Well, you know, if they had a choice, do you think they'd rather live or be ripped apart in the womb? Well, yeah, right. Yeah, they're going to want to live. You know, and everybody on this planet, you know, that's walking, it's because somebody decided not to do that, not to have an abortion, right? Right. Now, Wendy, let me ask you about this.

See if you hear the word woman in any of this. Again, every individual has a right to make and carry out one's own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on. Now, in the state of Ohio right now, every woman, see, I did some research and I found out that just about 100% of the abortions are done on women. Did you know that?

Yeah, I kind of knew that. Democrats don't know that. Now here, first of all, any age. So if you're a 10-year-old girl or 11-year-old girl, and by the way, how many do you think that these girls, these young girls go in there that aren't not even pregnant? They're not even pregnant and they abort them because they think they're pregnant, okay? Maybe they missed their periods. Can you do that? Can you miss a period without being pregnant?

Yes, you can miss a period without being pregnant. You can. Yeah, well, McTernan didn't know that. Anyhow, so how many of the, I mean, these people, they kill little babies. What is it they wouldn't do? Yeah, right.

Now, here he goes. Listen to this one. It's, but not limited to decisions on contraceptive fertility treatment, continuing one's own pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion.

Okay, no place, and that means during all nine months. All right, without limits on gender selection, abortions, harvesting body parts, chemical castrations, transgender on minors and clothing, that all can be in there because it's worded so loosely that that can include all of that. Now, not only that, but listen to this one. An individual's voluntary exercise on this right or a person or entity that assists an individual exercising the right. So what is he saying? He's telling you, you don't have to be a licensed abortionist.

Most of those, at least they've got some medical training. You don't have to be. All you have, you can be anyone. If a 14-year-old boy decides he's going to help his 15-year-old girlfriend abort their baby, kill their baby, they can do it. And if you try to interfere with that, if the parents try to interfere under this, well, they can be charged with interfering with the right. This is this is slimy, wicked, evil. And you know what? They're running very, very deceptive ads here in Ohio and they're spending about 60 million dollars. Not only that, they're stealing. The Democrats are stealing signs.

We have we put out here in Ohio, we put out thousands of signs and the Democrats are going around in the darkness at night stealing them. And then here. Let me go on here. He goes on to say an individual voluntary exercise of this right or a person or entity. Well, let me go on.

Unless the state demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual's health in accordance with a widely accepted and evidence based standards of care. OK, you know, here the problem of it is they don't define the word evidence. And guess what? Guess what else? An individual's health. The word health is undefined. So does that include mental health? They don't tell you anything. That's their fail safe mental health.

Yeah. And so here he goes on to say, however, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited in the professional judgment of the pregnant patients.

Remember, it doesn't use the word woman. The pregnant patients. OK. I mean, listen, I am not kidding you. With these people out there and these Democrats, they could convince a number of these boys that they're pregnant. They can't. They're we've crossed that line and to complete and total lunacy here. OK. And people said, I don't think that would happen.

Yeah, it could. Then it goes on and it says, now, by the way, they leave it up to the bloody abortionist to decide. Now, what do you think the abortionist is going to decide for or or against his money? The root of all evil is what?

Well, the love of money is the love of all evil. So then it goes on to say the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the universe and a reasonable measure. This is determined by case by case basis. First of all, they referred to the unborn child. Are there are there no human rights for an unborn child?

You know, that is the child as much of a child in the womb as it is outside the womb. Yeah, of course. Yes. OK, so. The abortionist is now protected by the Constitution of Ohio, regardless of the outcome of killing a fully viable human child.

They don't tell you see that now here. This is one. This section is self executing.

Final thought. The Ohio legislation. Will have no power.

The higher legislators will have no power to mitigate against the abuse of this language, because this would be a constitutional right to this. The people of Ohio must be silenced on this subject. So we're into a real fight. And when I tell you we're in a fight, we're in a fight with demonic forces from hell. When I go buy a house, a yard out there and I see one of their vote yes signs on there to me, that tells me that those people there are demonically possessed of the these people there hate God. They hate life. The Bible says all of those that hate God love death. And that's what tells me when I see those yard signs. Well, yes, that tells me those people hate death.

And if I have an opportunity to run into them, I let them know very clearly what God's word the Bible says. And I can tell you here in Ohio, the pro life side is very, very angry with what happened on August 8th. And I can see the momentum here. And even a lot of the former prissy preachers that didn't have the courage to speak out against this horrible sin. Their people have gotten after them so hot and heavy that they are now they're they're actually coming out and speaking right from the pulpit like they should have done a long time ago. So that is some good news. So, folks, what I'm telling you.

Is every one of you. And by the way, we have a few signs left left to doers of the word Baptist Church. We have maybe about 15 signs left. So for folks out there now, some of you called in and asked if they could you could pick up a yard sign and we put your name on it. We put it out front and it's been sitting there and you haven't come and gotten your sign. But we have about 15 signs. But put them in your yard where you can keep an eye out. Now, I'm asking to for the folks out there to if you see somebody stealing the signs, if you see the Democrats doing a sign, please get their license number if you can get a picture of them because we're going to prosecute them. This is this is stuff we're going to go after them.

So please do that. OK, we're only going to take one fast call tonight because it's Clifford and Clifford. He depends this where his lifeline. Yeah. Hi, Wendy. Yeah. Oh, good. Good album is of dirt and grace by Hillsong, actually.

Not a great title, but a very good album for Christian music. The ginger, you know, reading some good things about ginger. Good for the gums.

Good for the normal transmitters of the brain. And it's been some recently came out that it was good for COVID or whatever. What's your take on ginger, Wendy? Yeah.

Yeah. Ginger is an excellent herb. You know, people are using it usually. You know, they think of it for nausea, for digestion.

And that's good. But there was some recent research out of the National Library of Medicine Biotechnology Center and also the Journal of JCI Insight. They found that ginger helps with autoimmune disease.

Yeah. So would you recommend it almost for anybody and the mix? Well, I mean, I can't give medical advice and everybody has different metabolic needs and sensitivities. You know, you could be allergic to ginger just like you could to any other food. So basically, people are, if they're interested in ginger, you know, research it very carefully.

Maybe talk to their health provider or, you know, whoever they go to for health information and guidance and see if it's a good fit for them. But it's definitely used as a flavor enhancer. It's used in culinary dishes. It's also very much a medicinal that's been passed down through the century. So it does have a very good long track record of use.

Right. A lot of historical background for it. Yeah, it does. Didn't it help foot injuries, I think, in the water?

Something like that, topically? Well, I mean, they've used it for swelling and inflammation, you know, digestive issues, motion sickness. It's actually been tested by the Russian Navy that ginger worked better than the anti-nausea meds. So it's got a long track record of use. But recently, they found it works for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Autoimmune disease is just recently listed.

Fatty liver, endometriosis, diabetes type 1 and 2, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and obesity. So, I mean, it's got some, you know, it's got science's attention lately in a lot of this research. I've got to break in because we're running out of time. How much time do I have left there, Josh? Okay, I got it.

We've got to move on. Thanks, Cliff. Okay, thanks, Juan. Okay, John, you've got five minutes to lead us to the throne of glory. Okay, let me know when we have a minute, please.

Alrighty, I will. We thank you that we still are free to come before you and proclaim truth. And the ultimate truth isn't your word. Your word is all truth. And the reality of salvation and having eternal life with you is in your word.

You tell us in the word how we can do it. And you are a holy God and sin cannot be in your presence. But you also are a loving God and you love us.

We're created in your image and likeness. And even though we have rebelled and that rebellion that started in the garden is passed down into our nature, but you love us like a father loves his children and you provided the way to heaven with you. And that is done by acknowledging that we are a sinner.

We need a Savior. That you sent Jesus Christ, the only begotten, sinless Son of God to die on the cross, to pay that penalty for sin. The wages of sin is death. And the Lord took a death due to all of us on the cross. His blood was shed to pay the price for sin. And that when He hung on the cross and died, He took our sin, but also His righteousness is imparted to us who believe.

And that is why now can come before you, because we don't have the penalty for sin. And He puts a new nature in us, a new heart He puts in us, so that we can be free from the bondage of sin and we can live with your love, peace and joy in us. So the way we do this, it's by repentance. There must be repentance of turning from sin, life of sin and self, turning to Christ and His Word. And then the Bible says, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And we call upon you by confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and that in that confession that He died on the cross, shed His blood and paid the penalty for our sin, and then He rose again the third day, and He's coming bodily again.

He's coming for us. It's called a blessed hope. Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. So, Lord, I thank you for your love for us. I thank you that you've redeemed us through the blood of Jesus Christ. And the Bible says it's open for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So all the listeners out there, salvation is for you. And Pastor Ernie and myself and everyone else here on the team, we want every listener in heaven. Confessing their sin and confessing Christ and having eternal life, we'd love to have everybody do that.

And it can be done today. You don't have to wait. Right now, you can confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and have assurance of eternal life. Please, folks, don't turn from this. Turn to Christ.

One minute. Yeah, because hell is real, heaven is real, and reality, eternity is real. Here's what's real too, John. What's that, Pastor Ernie? No one has ever, ever regretted receiving Christ as their Savior and eternal life, have they? I don't see how you could, Pastor Ernie. You think there are a whole lot of people regretting that they made it to hell?

Absolutely. I mean, once you pass away from this world, it's sealed, folks. Right now, you have a chance for eternal life, but you're only assured today, not tomorrow. So thank you, Pastor Ernie, for the time to share the Gospel with the people. Well, thank you for sharing that. I want to thank you for being here and Wendy for being here tonight. You folks have been a real blessing to the program. And so, we're at that point that we get to, every night at this time, where we say, did somebody just hang up? We say, good night. And we mean to have a good night. We mean for you to go and do exactly like John said. And then we said, God bless. God bless.

And then we always say, ready? Always, always, always. Now we say, keep fighting the fight. Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. Like Hugh Hewitt, Mike Gallagher, Sebastian Gorka, and more. Find truth. Watch 24-7 on and on Local Now, Channel 525.
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