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WED HR 2 070523

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
July 5, 2023 11:59 pm

WED HR 2 070523

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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July 5, 2023 11:59 pm

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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
Union Grove Baptist Church
Pastor Josh Evans

Donate and listen to the podcast at of the show. See COVID Tested Positive for COVID, listed it as a COVID death. And then the CDC took other things and made it a COVID death when it was a poison poke death.

So they had it, where they were cheating on both ends of the stick. Yep, absolutely. But listen to this.

Yeah. Unvaxed Amish death rate is 90 times lower than the rest of the whole United States of America. A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities found this out to these people 90 times lower, their death rate. And they did not get vax. They didn't wear masks. They didn't do lockdowns. They didn't do social distance. In other words, they didn't do anything the CDC said.

And they had the fewest, lowest death rate of probably the world. And what's interesting is they found out several other things. The government's been studying the Amish for years, but they haven't published any results. Well, why? Well, the person who ran the studies named Kurt Kirsch said researchers were unable to find an autistic child who was vaccinated, who was unvaccinated.

I'm sorry. There were no autistic children in the Amish communities that were unvaccinated. And also added, they didn't find diseases like ADD, auto-immune disease, panda pans, or epilepsy. There were quite a few things that did not exist among Amish children.

And why? Well, they don't get vaccinated, folks. Well, let me tell you some of what happened. You're right.

They don't get vaccinated. But when it came to the wearing the masks, there are many of them, the stores, they try to, they put the pressure and they really went out out of their way to go to Middlefield, Ohio, where you have a large Amish community. And they went in there. Now, I went into a store owned by some people that I knew. And the lady Marge said to me, pastor, you have to wear, we can't sell anything.

I can't sell you anything unless you wear a mask. And I said, well, then I'll just go someplace else. And she started crying. She started crying. She said, what am I to do? She said, they just closed down.

They came in and closed down a store, I guess, two bays down in the shopping center for doing that for refusing. Now, I said, what am I doing here? Okay. I'm telling you, what do I do on the radio? You got to stand your ground. You got to say no at times.

Okay. And so what happens is this is when they first really started pushing this mask thing. Well, when I said that there were some Amish standing behind me and the one lady, she had a mask on, she pulled the mask off because they had told her, you know, big sign, you can't buy yourself.

And she threw it down. And she said, would you come and speak to the Amish community? We need to get together.

We, we, we got to fight this. Well, we had a bit, in fact, a number of them did ask for us to team party. So we went out and joined a large group of Amish out there and we protested to the stores that were demanding that you wear a mask. We, we held a big protest and shortly after the protest, they, they looked the other way. When you came in without a mask, they still had their signs up out front, but they weren't forcing it.

Then there weren't forcing. Yeah. What they did is they looked at especially Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the world's largest single Amish community with nearly 50,000 people. And then they looked at several other communities like here in Missouri, the Amish didn't put on, you couldn't find an Amish person with a mask.

And I know quite a few communities out here. They just totally, you know, no, we don't do that. And that was it. End of the story. And they walked into stores close to the rest of us didn't either.

So kind of helped them. Yeah. Well, you know, you wonder when people will, will understand.

And, you know, it just like, and I was watching what's happening. You know, you had talked earlier about, uh, we won't even know America if this happens. Well, America right now is not the America we knew growing up in, uh, when it comes to patriotism and the dumbing down of our young people have been so dumbed down that, you know, most of them, most of them, you ask them, what does the fourth July stand for? They're clueless. They think it's about having picnics.

They got no idea. And they're, they're right. And it's, it's, you know, we always talk about where does judgment begin in the house of the Lord, right?

Yes. And that's where it starts. And there is where America is in big trouble.

Here's an article here. One of the largest Christian churches in the U S departs the Southern Baptist following vote to ban women from the pulpit. Southern Baptist lost one of their biggest congregations last week, amid tensions to the largest U S Protestant denomination over women at the pulpit, the Matthews North Carolina, uh, elevation church said letter to the Southern Baptist convention on June 26th, informing them that their intention was to disaffiliate effective immediately. The mega church's letter did not state a reason for the disqualification through elevation pastor, Steven Frutich's wife, Holly Frutich preaches and most and posts her sermons online.

Now, let me, first of all, folks, you folks out there listening to us, you have to understand there's a difference between perception and reality. There can be always, first of all, the Southern Baptist church is not Baptist. It's Protestant Protestant and Baptists are not the same. Baptist is a doctrine. It's a doctrine. It is not a denomination. The button I'm talking about real Baptist, probably, like I said, between reality and perception, there's a major, major difference between reality and perception out there today. And so what you have, and again, I would say probably 10% of all that have the name Baptist, our actual Baptist, the rest are Protestant. And that's another major, uh, that would be a major message that we would get into showing you the difference between a bad word have meanings, right?

Yeah, absolutely. And they've changed the meaning of words. They keep changing, shifting the meanings. In fact, that was created by the Fabian socialists back in the 1890s, that this was the new war, the new war of words.

So this is a battle that's been going on over a long, long time. Well, the Bible joke. The Bible will not tell you about it.

The Bible strictly forbids women pastors in the pulpit to be women pastors of the churches, but the vast majority of people are not biblically literate. They don't know it. They said, well, you know, maybe, uh, you know, if enough of us, God will understand and maybe, um, maybe God will change his view. If he sees, uh, the way the trend is going, maybe, maybe, well, the Bible says, God says he's immutable, immutable change. So he's not going to, he's not going to, so God's not into this trending, is he? No.

And so he makes it very clear. So this elevation church, this elevation church, Joe, it's not really a church. It's really a country club, isn't it? So yep.

Five Oh one C three corporate country club. It's, it's, it's, you know, it's an entertainment center, isn't it? It's a make you feel good. It's not going to warn you about sin and going to hell, but it's going to make you feel good.

Do you, I don't really know, I don't really know any mega, what they call mega churches that are fundamentalist Bible believing churches that are, and I mean, because they can't draw the crowds because if you go to a real fundamentalist church, they preach the gospel. And the whole idea is to convict you of your sinful nature, your sins, so you can repent and be saved. Okay. So then it's not about body count assembly. It's not about, no, it's about actually doing the Lord's work. Okay.

And saving souls. Right. Right.

Absolutely. No, I don't know of any of these mega corporations that are, that are really active as I can. I don't know of any that are active as churches at all. Not soul winning.

You don't say any soul winning those churches. What about perception? Uh, many of these now, Joe, how is it that we understood? And if you go to first Corinthians chapter two, it tells you how, why we understood why we understood that that so-called vaccine was not a vaccine at all. Okay. We, we had, we could see things.

We had an understanding of what was going on. And we told people, but now these so-called corporations, these mega corporations, not only did they not understand that many of them were in Confederacy with the state to actually set up and give people the poisonous poke right there on church property at the same time, getting money from the state to doing that. Yeah. So you wouldn't have a church, right? Right.

I mean, that's nowhere near what a church is supposed to be teaching and preaching the gospel. They were being accessories to a crime. Absolutely.

We used to call that criminal conspiracy in the law. I'll tell you what I'm going to open up the phone more story before you do that. Go ahead. Gordon Chang is a expert on China and following him for years. And you had kind of alluded to it. And you said, he's saying these, these, these, these, these, these, these, Chinese shock troops, trained troops are already inside the United States. And his concern is that the first day of war in Asia, they will take down our power lines, poison reservoirs, assassinate officials, start wildfires, spread pathogens, create terror by bobbing shopping malls, supermarkets.

And he is a Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow. He's a definite expert on China. And he said these Chinese migrants are gaining entry to the US through the border in unprecedented numbers. He believes that most of these are military fighters. They can link up with the agents that are already here, the Chinese agents. And he figures it could be up to 10,000 soldiers, not just Chinese young men, but trained soldiers coming in. Of course, absolutely. Plainclothes soldiers. Yeah.

Yeah. He talks about what they do. They already know our people, they're flying into Ecuador, which allows the Chinese entry. And then they go through, make their way through Colombia and Panama up and come in that way. But these migrants are, many of them, certainly members of the PLA, that's the People's Liberation Army. And Mark Green, the Republican congressman from Tennessee, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has said this on a press conference, that border patrol section chiefs informed him that these guys have known ties, they know that they're PLA, People's Liberation Army.

That's the Chinese Communist Party Army. So he said China has already been probing our sensitive installations. They've gotten into bases like Fort Wainwright and Fairbanks.

They've done several other things. And he said, we have no idea who these people are. It's very likely, using the Russian template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing that to us. So we've been informed by congressmen, by some of the great experts on China, and our government is still ignoring. The press is not telling us, you have to find this story in places like WorldNetDaily, other places on the internet. It's not on the main media or Fox News. Anyway, here's where I heard the story.

Okay. I heard the story right here over two years ago, right here on this radio program, over two years ago, Joe. I heard this story. And the story was that we had listened to Chinese generals speaking to a large audience of people. And they were saying how, that they own, that they had their people in the highest places in America.

That we have our place. Now, they were also saying, Joe, that they would invade America. That they would invade America. And that they had long-range plans.

And now they also, there was also a guy that came out who was there in China, who was in the United States, and investigating a lot of this. And he noticed something about these huge barges that had these great big containers. And he noticed some activity with these containers, and he saw that these containers were being set up. And they looked like just regular being shipping containers on these ships, you know, they carry all kinds of goods. The cargo ships, yeah. But they were being set up to use as military, tactical military operations, to be dropped off here in our country, and then used to invade the homeland. Now, we also were talking about... Operation centers.

Yeah. We have, we have Millie, who, and, and, who, and Austin, Millie and Austin, remember, they'll be ready to stand against the Chinese. They'll send drag queens out.

They'll send their drag queens out, and to entertain these people, right? Millie and Austin will say, we're too weak, we don't have, that we cannot possibly win a war with China. The best thing we could do, because you see, they're not working for us. They are not working for us, Joe.

And they'll be telling you the best thing we can do is just abide by whatever decisions or whatever offer that they give us. We, we, we can't win. We have to surrender.

And this is what Joe Obama's doing in there. They've weakened our military. Right now, trying to, you know, they've destroyed our military.

People, the brightest and the best won't join. They've lowered the standards so bad, where they want to recruit. They, remember, you just had that woman from the Space Force come out, and she, she came right out and said, that so-called woman general said that their, their top priority is not defense of America. Their top priority is the promoting of LGBTQ and transgender. Social engineering, yep.

Yep. I've got an article right here about the all-volunteer force in crisis, and it is scary. We are too small to handle a major war or emergency. We had those two medium campaigns, Iraq and Afghanistan, and we were barely able to keep our soldiers fighting there because we had to have people take too many combat tours. It's like the Army has, you know, lost so many people.

Nobody wants to join. And the fact is, right now, only about 20 to 23% of the young Americans at 17 to 24 would qualify to be able to enlist without having a waiver. That means they're too fat, they have a medical issue, a mental issue, a severe history of drug or substance abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, and now they've got this new military health record system. It's making recruiting tough, because all these medical and mental and physical health of recruits is easy to find, and they can't find people qualified to come into the military. Think about that. We used to have a draft, and we were able to draft a huge number of people, but now only a small percentage could even be drafted, brought in, because nobody is in the shape mentally, physically, emotionally, emotionally, to be a soldier.

That's terrifying. Well, no, there's, it's not that nobody is, those that are don't want to be. Well, yeah, those that are don't want to come in.

Right, okay, the best... The other thing is, there's that many people that are on drugs, alcohol, mentally ill, are not qualified, couldn't even pass the qualification of a basic soldier, and then the rest of them, they're, especially parents that are in the military, or former veterans are telling their children and grandchildren, don't go in. They don't want them going in anymore in this new woke military, so the decent, strong people are not going in. That's right, but let me, so you have to understand something too, Joe.

Let's just say that you go into, to the Navy, and you go in and, and you, as you, you enlist as a male, but then when you get in there, you find out maybe you're a female, okay, and then they, you, you have to be placed in the female barracks in there, and, but, but you see, Joe, maybe physically you're a male, but in your mind you're a female. You see, this is, this is what our military is all about. This is what Joe Biden has done to our military. This is, and you know what, let me ask you this, these people that have voted for Biden, would they, do they really deserve to be put under Chinese communism, living under Chinese communism? Don't, don't they really deserve that? Well, stupidity has consequences. It always has, has.

Somebody said the burned hands, the burned hand is supposed to teach the best. The trouble is the punishment for being stupid in the case of electing people like Biden could be the destruction of the nation. But see, if things are normal and things are logical, okay, if things are logical, things that, that work, okay, things that are decent, like men being men, women being women, things that, like women having babies where, and not men, is this, if something is normal, if it's logical, if it's decent, is this normal logical indecency, is that repression, is that a form of repression to those on the left? If it's, if it works.

Yeah, it is. No man will see his repression. It's horrible that if you can't just go out and commit any sin you want, that's, oh, that's terrible. I mean, to, to punish the innocent and to let the guilty go free, isn't that justice for a liberal? I mean, if you, if you're looking at these people like Bragg in New York and that, these people that punish the victim and not the, not the perpetrator, not the criminal, isn't that justice in their, in their eyes?

Because it's in opposition to what God's word the Bible teaches, so it's, it's got to be, whatever the Bible teaches, whatever is good, whatever is decent, whatever is honorable, whatever is clean, to them that's repressive, so you have to be in opposition to everything that's good, everything that's honorable, everything that's honest, everything that's decent, right? Right. Unfortunately you are right, and hopefully people will wake up and start realizing the truth, that that is the truth. All right, let's find out if any of those people are awake or if they're woke. There's two differences between being awake and woke, right? So we're going to open the phone lines at 888- That is a huge gulf, Pastor.

That's not just a difference, it's a gulf. All righty, 888-677-9673, 888-677-9673. The phone lines are open. We're going to take you. Okay, let's go to Coach Dwayne.

Coach, you're in the air. God bless you, Pastor Sanders. God bless you, Joe. Same to you, Joe.

Coach. Hey, it's good to hear you guys. You guys' shows are outstanding. What I want to talk about after listening to you guys for a couple of months, I've been doing my thing here on the fire and the fire report, and on my work van every day I have on the back that Jesus is God, fools mock sin, are you saved on the side Trump 1 2020, Trump 24, and I've got if you die tonight, would you be in heaven or would you be in hell? And in my front window, I got a picture of Trump, and it says gun owners for Trump.

Now, to show you how America has fallen, I get people here state of Ohio and Brunswick. God is my witness. I have men and women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s that will drive by my vehicle and then roll the window down and go, F you, give me the finger. I've had people go by blow the horn, give me the thumbs up.

I've had people say, yes, I am, which means they're saved. I have never seen such hatred, such middle fingers and cussing just for what's on my van. We can thank Obama.

We can thank Joe Biden for rebuilding Sodom and Gomorrah and bringing in curse and division to America. Well, I know exactly what you mean. I wear a cap. You know, in fact, I've got four of them, two white ones and two black. And the white ones are white with a red letter said that America needs Jesus. And the others are black with red and blue letter. America needs Jesus. And I've got to tell you, when I wear that hat, especially I wore Donna halls of Congress when I was in DC.

And boy, I tell you what, especially from AOC and her crew, they didn't, they didn't care much for that hat. Okay. Hey, you guys always talk, you guys talk about being bold as lions and be down the front line. I don't have the opportunity that you have. I told you guys before I've lost my editorial rights.

They refuse to print any of my stuff. And if anybody ever contacts the newspapers, they just simply say, we never received it because they hit the delete button, but on my van and when I'm walking and I'm talking to people, if I'm in a grocery store and people are defending abortion, I turn right around and join the conversation. I'll go, excuse me. God says that I know you when I formed you in the womb, that's murder. When somebody turns around and talks about homosexuality, it's not wrong. And if two people love each other, I says, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding city, which fire open the ground, took them straight to hell. They're in hell right now, burning until they got to be there during the seven year tribulation period, a thousand milliliter reign.

And then from there, folks, they come out to the great white throne judgment and then to the lake of fire. So you guys talk about, we should all do our part. Hey, I'm one guy and I stumble and I fail God, but I tell you what, I try to do what I can. I make sure when I get in heaven, I got a few rewards coming. Not as much as a lot of them, but I'm at least doing something.

Oh, you're doing a great deal out here. Several members of my family have a science LGBT on their pickups, but it's a little different. It's Liberty guns, Bible and Trump. There you go. We get cheered around here where I live. It's like thumbs up, baby. And most people are afraid to say much because there's too many that kind of signs on pickup trucks with guns. And people usually kind of let us go. Well, it's not that we don't speak in public.

It's just that we don't have many people who want to stand up and say something negative. I'll make one more comment and get off here so other people can, cause I sit and listen to you guys and I support you. What's white, what's left and folks.

I recommend every one of you. You better make sure you keep this radio broadcast on the air because when it's gone, you're not going to get nothing. You got CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS.

You got the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, the plane, your academic or wherever you live. It's censorship everywhere. You've got communists in the damn white house. You got the borders wide open. They're letting everybody in and we're embracing homosexuality. This white house administration is honoring men that have anal sex and oral sex and women that do the same thing. They honor this. They cheer them.

They roll out the red carpet. You'll want to know why your places are on fire. Why the world's burning. You want to know why there's homeless people all up and down the major cities.

You want to know why it's rat infested sickness. It's because we've embraced homosexuality. We've kicked God out of your schools. We removed prayers.

We got rid of the crosses, rid of the 10 commandments, and we've got hirelings in the pulpit that have no boulders that don't belong there. Pastor Sanders, pastor Joe, I love you. Keep fighting the fight. Hey man. Thanks coach. Cause we love you. If there were more people like you out there, the battle would be over coach. Hey man, 888-677-9673.

That's 888-677-9673. We'll be right back. Now you've heard the story about the King of Kings who was born of a Virgin and above all things. Yes he was and he wasn't and he is and he's yet to come. And how he went to the desert and was tempted thrice by the serpent who was Satan and the father of lies. How he did all the things that he did cause he was Yahweh's own son.

He said I am the way and the truth and the life. So they hung him from a tree till he was crucified. Then they carried him and buried him in a tomb three days and three nights long. And with a bang and a clang and a great big boom, the angel removed the stone from the tomb and when they all went looking inside, well Jesus he was gone. And now you know there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. The father caused it for the son to be redeemed.

When you're resurrected from the grave you leave no deposit. Yes there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. Now as the spirit moved and the church caught fire and the gospel spread through the Roman empire that old devil's old world order was turned upside down. It seemed the more that he martyred and he crucified the more the holy ghost of Jesus Christ was multiplied until the gospel of the saving grace of Christ was finally spread the world around. All because there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet.

The father caused it for the son to be redeemed. When you're resurrected from the grave you leave no deposit. Yes there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. Now the Muslims say it's down to all you bow. The Hindus pray they'll come back as a cow.

The oriental say only Buddha's the way. But what are they gonna say on resurrection day? Now the world's got leaders that are trying to lead but the truth of the matter is they're all deceived because they've all got secrets in their past they're trying to hide. So when Satan steps up to make his deals he threatens to tell all the other big wheels so they all conspire together to save their own hides. But you know there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet.

The father had caused it for the son to be redeemed. When you're resurrected from the grave you leave no deposit. Yes there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. Yes there ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. And you can take that to the bank folks. There ain't no skeleton in Jesus closet. And I can tell you everything he said he'd do he is gonna do.

And boy I'm gonna tell you you Democrats out there you better repent while you can. And so the number is 888-677-9673. 888-677-9673 let's go. Well who would have thought it's Cliff. Yeah hi. Hey Cliff. One just bringing up hell as a coach brought that up Tony Evans the alternative podcast has a multi-part series on hell that is pretty I would say interesting very descriptive. Maybe some people from the CDC should listen to it.

Also Jamie Foxx who's a you know mega movie star there was an article by a former reporter from the New York Daily News who had worked for the Daily News I don't think he works for the Daily News now that said he was coerced on a movie set in April into taking the shots or shot and he did not want to do that and now he's reportedly blind and partially paralyzed at the age of 55 at the height of a movie career and another person that may have involvement with the shot that's very ill is Madonna. So these are two very big name celebrities that may be victims as well but I also want to ask you about in relation to the study Psalm 27 may have some similarities to 94 but verse 2 is talking about the wicked falling as they're going after David and and and then it sounds like he's just surrounded by these people but then he's talking in verse 10 and 11 about this still being a plain path that the Lord has available. What's your take on that? As for when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take me verse 10 11 and verse you're talking about Psalm 27? Right, right. Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in the plain path because of mine enemies. Well yeah he's talking about the you know he's referring to the same thing to help us against his enemies. Yeah, yeah it would be the same. Right so there's like that there's like that concept but but also that the enemies will stumble and fall uh how do you see that like it seems like the enemies aren't stumbling and falling. Yeah they are too look look a lot of what's happening go woke go broke have you seen what's been happening with a lot of your uh your woke corporations Anheuser-Busch uh what happened they had to lay off i don't know how many people they they laid off now uh target these stores going woke you know pushing sodomy okay and so what's happening well they're they're they're starting to feel it but not just that a lot of the younger people in the high schools now are rebelling against it's starting to happen even in the public schools they're rebelling against communism they've they've had it there it's being pushed upon them and they're rebelling against it the rebelling against the uh you know the the queers being put upon them the transgender so that's starting to happen okay uh but and again uh you know you're gonna see look let me ask you let me ask you something if you didn't know the difference if you didn't know what a woman was if you if you really didn't know if that there were only two genders if you if you were given over to such a mind that you think that there's over a hundred something different genders you don't know what a woman is you don't know what a man is uh do you think that is normal or do you think something has really happened to you that that god has given you over to a reprobate mind well it's if anybody's ever studied in physiology even the skeleton has different for example like the knee is inserted into the tibial plateau and the formation of that is different in women and that's why they're more subject to getting these knee tears or ACL tear tears in sports they have a different set they it's in a different angle so so basic anatomy and physiology right there even for the knee you know no matter what you do you you can't change the formation of your knee here you go listen st phillips college in st antonio texas has fired biology professor for teaching students listen to this where did he ever get this right okay that chromosomes determine your sex oh my gosh oh my gosh in november four students walked out of dr johnson varki's lecture over the standard teaching about x and y chromosomes according to a first liberty institute a law firm uh representing the professor the law firm has now sent a letter to st phillips college asking them to immediately reinstate dr varki to his position and clear his record for any wrongdoing in his role as an accident professor dr varki taught a human anatomy and psychology to more than 1 500 students since 2003 first liberty wrote in press release during dr varki's 20-year employment as a biology professor in st phillips college he consistently received exemplary performance reviews and there was never subject to discipline throughout that time he never discussed any students with verse now now think about this these students that walked out are do they have a mental problem do they have mental issues do they have mental issues uh certainly definitely okay so then that's the answer to your question god is dealing with these people okay they've been given over look you know why in the world in in the liberal's mind now why in the world should we have seven days in a week why can't we have 25 days in a week i mean i mean who give us the seventh day week god did therefore if god gives us a seven days week then we must not want it it's a reform of repression upon us right and it's the same thing as having a 24-hour day why you know it's a form of repression if we use logic if we use logic and uh actual reality then logic and reality is repressive and it's it's a form of of uh repression and punishment to a democrat so therefore we can't have a 24-hour day therefore we can't have a seven day week okay therefore up can't be up and down can't be down because that's logical and we can't do anything because god is a logical god he's given us these things that is the now it's two equals five right well let me it's called common core something yes yes uh if you look at statistics liberals liberals are not as happy as christians uh they have fewer children they abort more of their children they don't live as long they're just they're basically uh more the ones who have more trouble with addiction to drugs alcohol sexual things uh liberals are just not as happy at people not as long lived well joe joe joe joe joe don't you look at just facts joe that's god's fault ask a liberal i gotta move on who do we have next god's fault let's go to larry larry you're in the air hello larry how are you tonight we're okay how are you i'm doing great hey i i don't have a whole lot to say about a lot of much of anything i'm on page with you and and your ministry i know scott patterson was out at evelyn lewis's funeral today and what patriots they were um unbelievable they introduced me to you when you were out at the camp cheerful facility out of their uh strongsville and unfortunately scott patterson and i went out there to uh meet with kenneth copeland ministries that they had out there in baria and well i've learned a lot of stuff about the prosperity gospel with i i don't know what to say but you know what i've listened to you ernie for the last couple of years and i've learned a lot over the years since trump has been in office and uh what can we say this country is on a one road to hell and if the church does not repent there's no hope for this country well you're right about that there's no hope for this country you know i i support trump i i was not a trump supporter back when he was running because i just didn't know what to do and i guess i wasn't educated enough and i didn't know ernie that you had this worldwide ministry literally speaking um on the internet um i met you many many many years ago i was not a regular tender of your church but it's um and and i love these politicians okay i love what these guys say they all have a lot of good things to say unfortunately too many of them aren't really talking about the constitution but if we don't see the church it's it's sickening you're right i have to move on larry because the whole lines but it's king james bible and the king james version um and i'm not ashamed and if somebody doesn't agree with me with these modern the bible says that judgment begins in the house of lord i have to move on all the lines are filled but thanks for calling let's go to new york and we have sharon hey sharon you're in the air hi um i just called to say this is the first time i've time i've heard your broadcast i'm so glad i had the radio on and i just wanted to say i agree with what you're saying and i love what you're doing you're educating america and maybe the world as far as i know who oh you say you're on the internet i'm not computer literate which is a shame to stay in this day and age but anyway i'm glad uh that you're on the air and i will be listening to you from now on well i thank you very much for that share share and god bless you and thanks for god bless you too all righty thanks for calling that's let's go out to california with ron ron you're in the air hey ron hello hello you're in the air go ahead hey nice to meet you uh i just got some things on my mind i want to get off my chest um i grew up in california you know been born born and raised here and just watching it fall apart these last few years with woke and uh liberal ideals you know it's been tough it's been hard to stomach and uh i'm just wondering uh i'm just wondering if you got any words of words of advice for me living in california as somebody who you know thinks for themselves and prefers free weeks free thinking you know i can tell you a whole lot of the folks from california have moved up here they're they're leaving that state and groves because of what they've done that's intentional and what happens is you know it's it's not by accident you have the very very very very very very corrupt governor that you have there and you know when people sell their property moving out his buddies you have these people that are picking that property up at for you know for dimes and a dollar and so it's not nothing is ever the way it seems the he's purposely destroying that state for personal gain and that's that's the way they work it's hard not to let it get to you you know um i've been born and raised like a right-wing red-blooded man you know and living in california these past years it's just been hard not to let the evil get to you know the devil's the devil's work all righty let's go to cleveland jeff jeff you're in the air hey guys i don't know what happened with that but uh it wasn't good that's why it's gone okay that's what i thought but uh look guys i know i don't got a lot of time let me just say a couple weeks ago i wanted to call you guys last two mondays ago i because i just had a revelation i felt like that god just spoke to me that that tell me that he's coming soon and it was just so strong and i know that it's crazy and all that but i just felt like i needed to just say that where some people could hear this that how close we are to his coming and all the signs are there aren't they everything that when you think of think about when judgment came and the circumstances i mean we're right we're right there let's think about this okay remember that thing called the flood about six thousand years ago there genesis six and what what was the purpose well the fallen angels had taken women as wives and they were changing the dna right does that sound familiar and when you take a look at the population of the the planet at that time it was about eight billion right about where we're at today and so we have an immutable god that does things the same way over and over but this time it won't be by water but thanks for calling we're out of time joe you got about four minutes you got four minutes can you give an invitation i'll do real quick yeah i was looking through a hymnal and one of the hymns was fight the good fight we end the program with keep fighting the fight fight the good fight with all thy might christ is thy strength in christ thy right lay hold on life and it shall be the joy and crown eternally run though the race through god's good grace lift up thine eyes and seek his face life with its way before us lies christ is the path christ is the prize and it goes on there's several more verses but everything is about jesus the the bible it's really the story you know it's his story we talk about history it's his story and god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life well jesus came and he taught us that he was the way the truth the life and that nobody goes to god the father except they go through the son and one of the things that jesus made very clear when nicodemus came to him old nicodemus the pharisee he told nicodemus ye must be born again if you want to enter the kingdom you have to be born again and i know we keep talking about that but jesus made it clear there was one way to the father to become born again and to become born again it's a simple process you must understand and have that sadness that your sins helped put jesus christ on that cross in fact if you were the only one in the world your sins alone would have sent him to the cross he would have come and died just for one person but he came to die for those of us who would accept his offer his sacrifice so we are to call upon the father and confess that we're a sinner we're sorry that our sins placed his son on that cross we need a savior because we are so sinful and we will be forgiven by the father and when we do this then we can ask jesus christ to come into our heart come into our life to be lord of our life and he will and he will give us that indwelling of the holy spirit of god remember jesus said i'm in the father the father and me and i am in you what by the power of the holy spirit he's now dwelling in us and we become a true child of the kingdom a son a daughter of the living god and we then have our down payment on eternal life and we can be changed from within and we become that joint heir with jesus in everlasting life and it's it's something that nobody you have to the holy spirit directs you we can tell you how to be born again we can tell you to call upon god but you have to be convicted one minute joe one one minute you're convicted by hearing the word of god and if you read the gospels but you go like to the gospel of john and you let the spirit convict you and when you're convicted then you can go through that process of being born again and being that new creation that new creature and you will find a peace that you've never had you will find strength through adversity you will find comfort you know no matter what your situation in life you will find hope and god will refresh you will replenish you and you will find that joy and it's something that the sooner you do it the better because none of us know that we'll be here tomorrow we don't know when god's going to call us home and there's no time like the present to get on the right side of god and make that great life-changing decision that's right decision we're out of time so there's folks again what we're talking about here is reality god is reality his word and then all the rest is perception and believe me well it's at that time again when we say good night say good night god bless and always always keep keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor ernie sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left when i grow up i want to work for a woke company like super woke when i grow up when i grow up i want to be hired based on what i look like rather than my skills i want to be judged by my political beliefs i want to get promoted based on my chromosomes when i grow up i want to be offended by my co-workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words policed by hr words like grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when i grow up i want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long when i grow up i want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd i want to be a conformist i want to weaponize my pronouns what are pronouns it's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in america red balloon dot work
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-06 02:50:09 / 2023-07-06 03:08:19 / 18

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