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FRI HR 1 022423

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
February 25, 2023 12:10 am

FRI HR 1 022423

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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See additional terms at slash home dash trial. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. Changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left, with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 24th day of February, 2023. What are you doing?

Okay, did you hear that? We got Ron Ritz is playing with the machines in here. Now producer tonight on the board, courageous Craig. Good evening everybody. And right here in the studio, Ron Ritz was playing with the machine again. Good evening everyone.

No more playtime. All right, and then way out there in Texas. None other than the, the big John McTernan. Hello Pastor Ernie, and as always God bless you and all our listeners. And may the Lord greatly bless this show tonight.

Well thank you very much for those kind words. We could use some blessings. Okay, now we have a lot to, we have a lot to do.

We have a lot to get to. And well, you know, the title of the message was Pride, Anxiety, and Worldly Care. Pride, Anxiety, and now we went through the Pride and the Worldly Care part, but now we're going to be talking about the anxiety. A lot of, a lot of people have anxiety. If you notice that, Ron, how people seem to be worried? Yeah, more and more every day, yeah. More and more every day. And just, you know, they're worried. What are we going to do? I mean, I have people coming to me. Pastor, do you know what they're doing now?

Do you know what they're doing now? Okay, I have, I have one lady that complains so much. It's almost like she expects me to fix, fix whatever it is on the spot. Okay, and folks, listen, I'm not on the throne. It's God that's on the throne, right? Yes.

Okay, so that's where you got to take it to. What did Paul always say? What? Worry none, worry not at all, and pray all the time. So worry none of the time and pray all of the time, right? Yeah, the Lord said that you cannot extend one day of your life by worrying, so it does no good. Right, and does worrying ever done anybody any good? No. No, okay. Now, there's a difference between worrying and concern, isn't there?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, we need to be concerned. One of the fellows from church, John, he seemed to get the two a little bit confused, and he thinks that worry makes you act. Well, it's being concerned, and there's kind of a difference. Maybe it's just definition, but we are not to worry. In fact, the Bible actually says it's a sin to worry, huh? Yeah, usually when you worry, you actually act irrationally. You hear that, John? I do, Pastor Ernie, and I'm waiting to share a voice, a verse on this.

Oh, go for it, my friend, go for it. All right, well, worry is fear. Yeah. That's what worry, the root of worrying is fearing, and 2 Timothy 1 says God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. So worry drains God's power out of us, hinders his love, and doesn't give us a sound mind. It gives us an irrational mind. Well, it does, and again, like I said, it can never do any good, and often it can do a lot of harm where people, you've heard the expression, they worry themselves sick. That actually happens.

That actually happens. Okay, we're going to start tonight. We're going to talk about why we shouldn't have any anxiety, and so, John, would you go to 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and read verses 51 all the way through 58 verses?

Yeah, that's the rapture of the church. Yeah, go ahead and let's read it. I'm not there yet. I am there right now.

Okay. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is thy sting?

Oh grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. Well you know, if there's any passage the scripture should give you, that feeling of peace, boy that's one, right?

The peace that passes all understanding. Oh yeah, because this is the Lord's coming for us, and we are going to have this mortal body changed to be immortal, and then we're going to have complete victory over death. All right, going back to verse 51, he said, Behold, I show you a mystery, we shall all not sleep, but we shall all be changed in a... Well that word there, atomos, atomos in the Greek isn't it?

Moment, in a moment, that means in a very, very small amount of time, twinkling of an eye. Now here's what a lot of people get confused, okay? And this is what you have to try to tell, because there are those that do not believe in the rapture of the church, and they confuse this. And here, they confuse with Revelation 8 verse 2, and Revelation 11 verse 13, or verse 15 I think it is, maybe it's 13, where they talk about the Trump judgments, okay?

Well here, this is not that at all. Now this is not the last Trump, it's the last Trump. And see, they confuse this, okay? It's the last Trump of the first trumpet. This is the trumpet that sounds first when the church is taken up, okay?

Now this is not the Trump judgments, this is different, okay? In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump, a Trump is the sound that a trumpet makes. And people get that confused all the time, John.

I guess you should know that. Oh yeah, yeah. A lot of them are like what we would call mid-trib, mid-tribulation, and they believe that this trumpet they're talking about is the one that's blown like for the mid-tribulation, and then that's when the rapture shall occur.

And this is where you have to have patience, when you have to explain the same thing over and over and over again. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. Could that at all identify anything else but the rapture of the church? Oh absolutely, that's what it is, the rapture of the church, and that ties in my understanding of the rapture of the church, the two major doctrinal scriptures is this one right here, and then 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 16 through 18. Absolutely. Pastor Ernie, also I've come up with a new term in verse 52 where it says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, and I know this is hard for you because it's computer, it's a computer technology here, but in a nanosecond.

No, okay. The nanosecond would be the modern equivalent to the twinkling of an eye there. Wow, yeah well you know that's interesting again, because that word is actually Adamos in the Greek. Yeah, Adam, yeah right, yeah.

It means the smallest particle of matter or smallest particle of time, in fact it's what it means. So when this corruptible, verse 54, shall have put on incorruption, and the mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. And so here it's an interesting thing. Incorruption. Right now, what do we find in the world? Because people are talking about evolution, things keep evolving and evolving.

None of that is happening. There is no longer any, there's nothing being created today. Nothing has been created for a long time. God did the process of creation and it stopped. There is, evolution is a figment of somebody's imagination out there, okay. But what is actually happening, and we see that over in Romans 8, the earth is going in the other direction.

Yes, it can. Right. And so, so when corruptible shall have put on incorruption, now corruptible, does that speak about our bodies, that the sin and the death that's actually in our bodies, our bodies are, they're wearing out, they're not getting better, are they? Well, Pastor Ernie, I look at it as something called the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and it means everything's going from like order to disorder. So our body is created, and it never gets any better than that, but it goes the other way, you know.

That's where sickness, disease, illness, and you could have accidents and all. My body's been going the other way for a long time. But see, the good news is that's going to change. It's going to change. But somehow, Pastor Ernie, through everything decaying, it goes the other way with the evolutionists. Now these new bodies we're going to get, they're going to be like the old bodies, except for they're going to be glorified, and it'll be a perfect example of what the old bodies were. And they never decay. Yep, it will be forever. That's the way it was to be originally, had Adam and Eve not sinned, and if they had eaten from the Tree of Life instead of the Tree of Knowledge, then here it would have been that way.

They never would have died, would they have? Right, Pastor Ernie. So when we get to heaven, we're going to have, there's still going to be, that tree, right? Still going to be what? Well, the Tree of Life is still going to be in heaven, right? When we get to heaven, if you read over Revelation 22, and it's going to provide 12 different types of food, isn't it?

That's what it says. So when we get to heaven, we're going to have bodies, much better bodies than we've got now, okay? And there are people out there listening who probably say, you know, boy, I can't believe that they're buying into that. Why should we believe that without any doubt at all? Well, the basis for Pastor Ernie is the Bible, and Jesus Christ coming, and him dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could go to heaven. We can't go to heaven with the penalty of sin on us. And then he was bodily raised from the dead, and he is bodily returning. With his eternal body, he is returning. And when we are, the dead is raised, according to the scriptures, according to the scriptures, and then we which are alive at his coming will be transformed, like immediately transformed. That's what the scripture says, so that's why we believe it. So he goes on to say, brought to pass, the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. Where's that written?

I'll bet I know. Isaiah 25, verse 8, and Hosea 13, verse 14, and right here in First Corinthians 15, 55, huh? Yep. Yeah, Isaiah 25, 8 is correct. And so, now, in that word, it's the sting of death. Now, that's an interesting thing there in verse 56, because that word in the Greek, thanatus, is the very same word for death is grave. Now, they're interchangeable in some places, aren't they?

Yes. So the sting of the grave is sin. The sting of death is a sin. But in some of the perversions, the New Age perversions of the Bible, where it, where there is no dual meaning, they have, they've done that. They've used that, they've switched the word death to grave, when they should not have done that, huh?

I don't, I don't read them, Pastor Ernie, but what is the significance by them doing that? Well, well, the grave, I mean, you end up in the grave once you're dead, but you have to die first, don't you? Death, well, let me ask you this. What is cast into the lake of fire? Is it the grave in hell, or is it death in hell? Death in hell.

Okay. Now, is death, is that something that's permanent? Um, not for us, but for the unbelievers it is.

For the unbelievers it is, you're absolutely right. So now, so there is a difference there between death and hell. Now for us, okay, again, because we're, we're going to taste death, it's a point in all man wants to die, okay, but we don't remain dead, and do we? Uh, no, no, Pastor Ernie, there's a resurrection for us.

Okay. Then it goes on to say, the state of death is sin, and the strength of sin is in the wall, but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. And so, here now, uh, I mean, are those words really encouraging? Well, yeah, because it's talking about the, the, the resurrection, that there will be a resurrection.

Absolutely. Okay, let's go over here to verse 58. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be you steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. So how would, uh, steadfast and unmovable, how would that apply to worrying or anxiety? Uh, well, steadfast means you're not, like, blown in the wind, you're not double-minded, you're, uh, anchored, you're anchored in and unmovable. Steadfast and unmovable kind of go together there. Steadfast means there's no quit here, right? There's no quit, right?

Yeah. So how, how would that, how would that apply, uh, to anxiety? Well, anxiety would be, uh, irrational, and it would be, uh, sort of when people are full of anxiety, they can do things that are rational past earning and maybe want to give up, maybe hide, run, uh, with steadfast is, you know, I look at steadfast bump and unmovable kind of both the same. I don't know what the Greek difference is, but steadfast is you ever see those, uh, newspaper reporter, uh, media people that are in a hurricane and they're, they're facing the hurricane, uh, given the news and they'd lean into it. Well, yeah, and stand straight up that that's why I asked that way. I look at first Corinthians 15, 58, they're, uh, being steadfast, not blown back by the hurricane, but you're, you're, you're leaning into it, not moving. All right.

Very good. That's exactly right. Bounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. So we've got God's word on that. So our labor in, in the Lord, will we receive crowns for our labor in the, in the Lord? Yeah, there's, um, four crowns listed in, in scriptures, pastor Ernie, uh, but one of them, which all our listeners should be, um, really a part of. And it's that those that are looking through his coming, it's called a crown of righteousness. And Paul says, it's not only for me, but for all that love is appearing. So when we live with the blessed hope, um, and we're, we're, we love his appearing, you know, he's the, he's the groom, we're the bride, and we're going to go take us to heaven. We're going to beat the marriage supper of the land for those that, uh, love is appearing. There's a special crown in heaven. So did scriptures say that the Lord's returning for those that are looking for his return?

Absolutely. That's, uh, Hebrews 9 28. He's coming for them that are looking for him. What about, how does that apply to the people that, that are saved, but they, but they don't believe in the rapture of the church, even though they're saved. So if they're not looking for his return, are they going to have to stay here and go through the tribulation period because they're not looking for his return? And now that's, uh, uh, pastor Ernie, if you're, if you're really saved, I, he's coming, I, he's coming for you.

I, I don't know how to parse that. I mean, if you really, if Jesus Christ is really your Lord and savior at some point, I think that you, you have to mature and you're really looking for his coming. So shouldn't that really be a point of concern for those folks out there, those post-trib or mid-trib people?

Yes, it should be. And, uh, in my experience as a, an apologist, I've run into the preterists and they're not looking for his appearing at all. And I use those, what you're just saying, I use those in scriptures to say, you know, you're not giving any evidence by, by your own confession.

You're not looking for Christ coming and therefore he's not coming for you. Yeah. Now they profess to be saved.

So they believe that the tribulation period already took place, huh? Yeah. Some of them. Yeah. Yeah.

Took place in 70 AD. I don't think so. No, I don't think so either.

So the tribulation, the book of revelations all fulfilled. Okay. I, I don't remember. Of course I wasn't around. I'm not quite that old, but, uh, I don't remember all those trumpet judgments.

And I don't remember the pit being opened and those things with a hair like a woman face, like a lion and a tail, like a scorpion coming out and, uh, staying men, making men wish that they were dead. I, as far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. Right.

You're absolutely right. Pastor Ernie, the church is still here. We haven't gone to be with the Lord. And I like 1 Thessalonians 1, 10, where, uh, Paul's advice to the new believers there in Thessalonica was to wait for his son from heaven. When we raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath of the come.

Okay. We're going to end this with some really good news. So, all right, uh, Ron, would you go ahead and read, um, Romans chapter 8, verses 31 through 39. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his son, but delivered him up for us.

How shall he not with him also freely give us all these things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifies who is he that condemn it. It is Christ that died.

Yay. Rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also make it intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution. Or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written, for they say, we are killed all the day long. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Now that is good news. Yeah, that opening verse is really one of my favorites, no matter what you are facing, it just asks, that question is just so simple and the answer is right there. I think that tells us we are not to worry. Yes, quite simply.

All right, there you go, he goes to the entire realm of life, the entire realm of death, the entire universe, the realm of past, the present and the future, angels, there is nothing in all of that that can take away our salvation, huh? Yes, look at all the articles that we go through every day, it seems overwhelming, but if God be for us, who could be against us? Amen, he is on the throne, he is in complete control, huh? Yes. And boy is Joe Biden in big trouble with God, huh?

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away.

You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this, don't go away. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. You are not kidding, all of those, okay, we will be back right after this. it they're controlling it uh it's it's fraud electronic fraud fraud whoever is controlling the computers like this you can't beat them no matter what you do the only way you could possibly beat them is perhaps an overwhelming victory like 15 20 points and then they they have to you move so many huge votes um that it becomes like impossible for them to do it have to be a huge huge huge overwhelming landslide i think it was in 2020 i think it was i think trump had i think he had probably 20 million votes more than biden yeah biden this latest um election we had the 2022 yeah what do you think you remember the republicans they didn't gain control of the senate and they gained control of the house by what four seats i think yeah four seats yeah do you know how many votes the more republican the more republican votes than votes than democrat were no yeah no it was five million five to six million more uh republican votes than the democrat and they they uh they still were not able to win in like republican states to win the senate well i don't know i know one thing i i did know this that if we were to go back to paper ballots and do it like it used to be and vote on voting day and get rid of the computers get rid of all of that it would work much better and then the vote was tallied at the end of the night it wasn't two weeks later right and uh already what do you have there uh this is on uh mike dewine and uh north north folks southern so he he actually just received a large donation from north folk southern a couple weeks ago uh which totaled ten thousand dollars which is the maximum allowable amount by law and in total he's received twenty nine thousand from north folks southern since he first ran for governor in 2018 and then well how much the democrats received some too i don't think they they give it to you because republicans are in charge of the house and the senate but it looks like i know if i remember they were given to oh yeah it was back in uh in 2018 they cut a check for three thousand dollars yeah they were spreading it around but you know they do it's amazing cordre it was cordray yeah richard cordray yeah yeah they always play both sides of the arm what's what do you got for us john well um i want to about about what this bernie about ohio or about the elections you can tell us what you're growing in your garden if you want just tell us something you mean about all the marijuana i'm growing faster yeah yeah uh no what i wanted to share with you is i before the show i had talked with you about um about california and coming up with fraud oh yeah yeah and i think i i can go by my memory about what happened uh there was a council councilman arrested in uh in california for voter fraud for the 2020 election and the sheriff oh this must be it here hang on no that's not it and the sheriff uh is a result of it did some investigating oh here it is and this is like this is february 20th and in the voter rolls they found 93 people registered with a birth date of 1850 232 registered at local prisons 4144 voters registered over the age of 90 125 registered from a non-profit uh business 300 voters uh with no first name 110 double voters same name date of birth address the different voter id numbers people registered at various homeless shelters and one person registered name jesus christ um so they've uncovered all of this here uh in one county and that's not even getting deeper into it you know but that's just on the surface and that's a result of the councilman being arrested for um fraud in the 2020 election well they're already talking about right now they're already talking about and the democrats are gearing up for the 2024 election yeah zuckerberg yeah zuckerberg's saying that he's getting ready he's gearing up uh for that again even after and by the way i think facebook is falling apart isn't it it's dropping but i don't think it's ever going to fall apart i hope it does i thought that they took big big hits all right anyhow let me tell you what's happening north i'm glad i don't live in canada i don't you know know some very good people up there some good friends but a report by the special joint committee on medical assistance in dying euthanasia it's called amed was tabled in the house of commons on february 15 calling for a drastic expansion of euthanasia in canada among other recommendations the report recommends that euthanasia is expanded to include children mature minors recommendation 19 in the report says the government of canada establishes a requirement that where appropriate the parents or guardians of a mature minor be consulted in the course of the assessment process but that he will but that the will of the minor who is found to have the requisite decision making capacity ultimately takes priority in other words they can they can kill the kids without the parents permission that means the parents yes that's exactly what the nazis did exactly they would take children away from handicapped children away physically handicapped mentally handicapped from the parents they would tell them they were taking them for special treatment and education then about two months later the parents would get a letter that they're very sorry but their child became sick at the institution and developed pneumonia and died that's exactly what the nazis did yeah exactly and that's exactly what they're doing here he goes on to say to understand recommendation 19 better we go back to the policy developed by the hospital for sick children in toronto and euthanasia for mature minors that was published in a report in the journal of medical ethics in september 2018 the article says sick kids in hospital in toronto will be euthanized uh with or without their parents consent there you go you know it's it's ironic we were talking today at work there's an older movie in the 1970s called soylent green oh yeah charlton charlton has yeah and it was basically i think it was 2019 is when they were in the future but if you look at that movie now and see all the things that are going on the food supply remember at the beginning they were so thankful they had a piece of meat to eat but the cities were falling apart and ultimately they're euthanizing anybody that was older and to uh make society right uh we're closer to that than we think there was a fella named jock histo do you remember yeah under under and jack justo said right about the time that that film was made he said that the answer to world hunger is simple human beings are a great source of protein in the wild they understand that the strong eat the weak and that's the answer another word to world hunger to eat people wow and that's what he said right about that time and he was considered to be a great line he was the greatest uh explorer on the planet to the to those out there that was uh not a very smart statement do you think i would disagree with that just a little bit yeah and you know what that's hey john that's what i'm preaching on this week guess what uh the title of the message because i'm taking it from you have there and at the church of england john you had three bishops there uh uh sarah mihaly stephen contril and justin wellby that says god got things wrong uh when um when he was talking about when it came to sex god got it all wrong this is what these three are saying okay and so we're going to take a look at there's a number of things that the liberals think that god got wrong okay uh one of the things that they think that god got wrong where it comes to witchcraft where it comes to sorcery and witchcraft they say that no god got it wrong because there are good witches they're good witches john do you know any good witches i don't know any witches let me ask you this do you think do you think hillary knows any good witches yeah there's one which i uh i don't know personally but uh you know i know of her no there are no good witches what about warlocks or sorcerers no all of that is condemned by the lord and it's an abomination to him so the bible says pharma kia pharma kia is witchcraft and sorcery and so what uh but today we have big pharma big pharma kia so they say that the god got that wrong too huh it's a good thing they're always looking out for with the lord pastor and he's either just by the nature of being reprobates or will or knowing exactly what they're doing do you remember the um he's often titled the most evil man in the world alex de crowley oh yeah i remember yeah everything he did was on purpose to be against god you know he wasn't like just going along with the crowd and and a fad or whatever he purposely set out to start movements and make and do things that were directly against the word of god that that was his whole life directly against the word of god now he was famous for a deathbed confession too do you remember what it was no no he said now he said i have to i have to be dealt with by god before he died he said now i have to go to in other words he was admitting now at the end of his life at death that that now he had to god was going to get him yeah that was the same thing that uh something similar boltaire on his death that said he was screaming the nazarene one the nazarene war and uh nietzsche remember what nietzsche said nietzsche said that god had made man in his image and now through technology man was going to return the favor god will be what man says he is yeah and uh then he went on to say he died insane even when it's saying that you know yeah but his sister charged people to watch him in in the what they call the snake pit and she charged people the mission that what john was saying about crawley he basically shaped like and not even one generation but several generations and if you look at the influence he had with music the old adage of does art imitate life or life imitate art life imitates art and they they transformed this country we're going to be going to a break when we come back i'm going to introduce a clip we're going to be playing well let's just go ahead into that clip when we come back because it's got to do with know what no i'll introduce it never mind just break it back and i'll introduce it so we're coming to a break anytime within the next 20 seconds are you ready for that oh you were i i could fill in you were talking about is there any good witches colinda from wizard of oz she was a pretty good witch huh i i guess i forgot about her already we'll be back after this don't go away more to come thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-02-25 02:32:58 / 2023-02-25 02:50:49 / 18

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