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MON HR 1 091922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 20, 2022 12:29 am

MON HR 1 091922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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See for details. The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on this 19th day of September 2022.

And tonight our producer is none other than Courageous Craig. Good evening everybody. Now also we have with her Vow of Silence she has taken a vow of silence not to break it. And right next to her is Pastor Hal Larson to see that she don't break her Vow of Silence. And that's Lock and Load Lisa. Good evening everyone.

She broke it there. Take a run out now. Okay already. Way out yonder we have Pastor Joe Larson. Now whenever you have two Larson's together you have larceny, right? Is that right? No. You have brothers in the Lord. Hey Joe somebody want to know if I was your son.

And don't say who. I'm probably old enough to be your father but no I don't think so. No, no you guys are old on old believe me. I know all right. All righty but now we have a very very special guest tonight and known this one for a very very long time.

We're going to find out about mechanisms of injury. We have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. Say hello. Oh hello.

I thought I didn't know if there was another sentence coming after that. Well it's good to have you here. Sherry what we're going to do we're going to do with a little bit of scripture that really applies to our society today and and then we're going to carry you all the way to 11.

And we know that you have to get up at three in the morning so we're going to let you get out of here at 11 and get some shut eye. So let's start out here I'm going to start in the book of Ecclesiastes because this really has to do with with what we're talking about in chapter 10 of Ecclesiastes chapter 10. And we're going to read verses one through five. Dead flies cause the ointment of an apothecary to send forth a stinking savior. So does a little folly with him that is in reputation of wisdom and honor. Now we know the apothecary or the perfumer we know that that's where natural medicines come from real natural medicines that heal they cure the disease. And we know that the pharmacia literally is wizardry or witchcraft and we know that that word often means poison.

And this is one of the things that you have been so very good at exposing what has taken place in the pharmacia. But here's where we're coming to. A wise man's heart is at his right hand but a fool's heart is at his left. Yes also when he that is a fool walketh by the way his wisdom faileth him and he saith to everyone that he is a fool. Now with that when God calls you a whore when God calls you a whore well guess what you're a whore. Okay now we're not talking tonight about sexual whoredom or as normally that's referring to a female tonight we're talking about political whoring political whoring and we see that all through scripture on Jose he speaks to an Isaiah and Jeremiah and where he's speaking to the men about have gone a whoring with with other gods or other systems today they are they've got a whoring after well you hear the pro-choice movement the pro-choice the they've got a whoring after the gods of sacrifice of children you hear the LGBTQ well God calls it abomination but they've made a god out of sodomy they they have not only made an extremely perverse and sinful lifestyle not only have they legitimized it or tried to but they make it perfect preferable over what is what is normal what is natural what is healthy same thing with this whole transgender the drag queen the MSM that's the mainstream media the human trafficking satanism pornography lying stealing deep state the entire democratic party the entire democratic party and some of the rhinos and the republican party but here now this is why he says here that when the fool walketh by the way his wisdom faileth him and he says to everyone that he is a fool now listen let's see what was happening today now we believe that lying is a sin they don't we believe in the sanctity of marriage one man one woman one lifetime they believe marriage is whatever they want to be they want it to be they believe marriage is whatever they want it to be with whatever not just to whoever but with whatever uh animals they can marry animals and so uh we believe that there are only two genders male and female they believe that you don't really know what a man or a woman is the has said that uh they're not going to no longer put male or female on birth certificates because they're not really sure if there are genders okay now does that does that definitely qualify as being a fool you know yes definitely we believe that uh well again they they believe that you don't really know you don't really know what a man or woman is we believe that killing babies is murder they believe it's a constitutional right we believe that only women can have babies and if you're pregnant you're uh you're a woman believe me believe me on this one if you're pregnant you're a woman you're not a man okay now they don't know that they don't know that they're not sure of that okay they believe that anyone can conceive and deliver a baby we believe that only females can have menstrual periods they believe that anyone who wants to can have one i don't know any why anybody would want to have one but okay now listen to this we believe that people need to work and and provide for their own way and support their own way they believe like aoc says that the government should support people and that uh if you don't want to work you shouldn't have to you should be supported by people that do work and so i'm going to stop right there and that is our little bible study because we're living in a time with the bible calls the evil day it also calls it the time of sorrows and this is the time we need some sanity and with that this is why we've got sherry here with us tonight she's going to tell us about the mechanisms of injury you're up sherry well i just wanted to make a couple of comments about what you were just saying there about the craziness and where and where we are and where we're where why this is just such an abomination to god you know i write i write two sub stacks a week one sub stack is called eye on the evidence if you go to dr 10 penny dr 10 penny dot com i'm sorry dr 10 penny dot sub stacks dot com dr 10 penny dot sub stack dot com and you search for eye on the evidence like i e y e i on the evidence every saturday i post a an article from the main that i take a um a peer-reviewed study for the mainstream medical journal where i take a topic and i do research on it and i post it the last two weeks it was a two-part series on covid and the loss of loss of smell so it's part one and part two and the previous ones i've done are about like myocarditis and and rubbery sick clots and so there's a lot of things there it's it's eye on the evidence it's dr 10 penny dot sub stack dot com and then i on sunday i write a more inspirational sub stack it's called 10 penny on walking with god it's called on walking with god and it's just 10 penny walking with god dot sub stack dot com and two weeks ago i um i did a i um and i were and i post one of those every sunday morning more is kind of a an inspiration and you know we do it's like a bible study and honestly pastor ernie i mean i think that i spend more time um i do it more for me than i do for anybody else because i like i love to write and and it's a good time for me to do my own personal bible study and spend time reading and digging through things in the word and putting things in in terms of um current events and last week the um the sub stack that i did on last sunday morning um two weeks ago this last this last sunday morning like yesterday the one that i did was on courage and last sunday the previous sunday the the one that i did was called what was it like as in the days of noah and i used the bible verse where jesus said no one knows the time and the hour but just as in the days of oas noah it will be as the son of man comes in those days people were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage right up until the day when noah went into the ark they were unaware of what was happening until the flood came and swept them all away that's how it will be when the son of man comes and so i go through and we talk about that a little bit and then i go backwards in time back to leviticus chapter 18 where all these laws are laid out you won't do this you won't have sexual intercourse with your mother your sister your brother's wife and all this other stuff and i'm like why in the world did they have to go through all of that you know would be just sort of like what we would consider to be normal um manners and appropriate living well it was because in those days like before the flood and you know when most when all these things were happening and when the nephilim came back after the flood they were living in the lands of the Canaanites they were living in the lands of of child sacrificing people and people that just had sex with i think anybody who laid still long enough they were having they were having sex with people and everywhere so they lay out this big long thing including you shall not sleep with a man as a woman it is detestable and that you will not sleep with animals and what actually inspired me to write that whole sub stack was that i had seen an article posted in news punch that was talking about german zophiles who had taken to the streets to protest against laws that forbade sex with animals according to the protesters german cinema german citizens should have the right to engage in sexual relationships with animals including pet dogs called zophiles these perverted humans both men and women believe it's acceptable to be sexually intimate with an animal and they want the lgbtq plus rainbow movement to add the z to the name now what's interesting and what part of the article that i wrote about was the fact that in almost every state in the country there are laws that that prohibit engaging with sex with animals but the way that the laws are written interesting is that they are written to protect the animals the animal the all the and i got all of this information off of a website called animal law dot info that says that there's 48 states that criminalize engaging in sex with animals and it's written that way so that they are not it's not animal abuse they are not abusing these animals i mean think about the craziness of what that is and um how bad that how bad we are at this point in time and where this is leading us as a culture and what does that look like before god well you know it's an interesting thing because the um one of the best known professors and i'm having one of my senior moments right now uh but uh he was the ethics professor joe maybe you can help me out um if you know i'm talking about at the one that you could kill children a couple months after birth up until two but uh but he came out and he made the statements oh we mentioned his name so many times but he's as far as i know he's still there okay and the ethics professor at one of the major universities i i think it was i think it was stanford i'm not sure but um anyhow he he came out and he made the statements that not only could you kill children till two years after but that um now listen to this it was moral to have sex with animals as long as it was consensual sex right in other words if if you know that you and the goat had a conversation and you know you came to an agreement you know or boundaries what you could could do or maybe a cow or a horse okay but he went on to say that with the exception of chickens because having sex with chickens could be lethal for the chickens and my question is how does he know okay because you have i mean these people this is the insanity that you have out there and this guy's the ethics he is the ethics professor uh i cannot think of his name we talked about him so many times yeah yeah we want to black him out i think but anyhow that's this is the times that we're in today and the bible uh has has a name for that and and he was given over to what kind of a mind reprobate reprobate he was given over to a reprobate mind which is basically a form of criminal insanity and that's what these people are i mean think about this when when the ama and they have lost tremendous amount of credibility i mean and you know what sherry people do not trust their medical doctors anymore they don't they just don't they've lost so much credibility and so but for the ama to come out and make a statement that they really don't know what a woman is uh you know where it's it's an unbelievable statement okay and so anyhow that's where we're at today in this society but but it's exactly where god's word the bible said we would be in second timothy chapter three we're exactly and precisely right there okay so we have a timeline we know where we're at and so we know that and that passage if you look at it remember in other places he tells you in later times or end times but he gets very specific he says in the last days so he's talking about the very end of the sixth dispensation period that means means we are coming very close to it we are coming very close to it i couldn't i yeah peter singer that's right somebody just called him peter singer oh thank you i was going nuts i i know that name and i was just driving myself nuts yeah thank you yeah there was a yeah that was who it was peter singer the ethics professor and he makes these statements and and you know we'll look at uh jacques stowe i mean jacques stowe was lauded as one of the great minds and what did he say he said the answer to world hunger is very simple nature shows you that the strong eat the weak people are a great source of protein and that that the strong should be eating the weak that's called cannibalism yes but anti-christ notice all these things are anti-christ or against everything our lord and savior uh said so you can tell right away it doesn't take long to figure out their evil you're telling me all righty with that sherry tell us about mechanisms of injury well what we did is is um you know just as a backtrack a little bit pastor is that um we had a um i saw this all coming and i've been on your show a couple times talking about it since march of 2020 and all of 2020 we talked about the myth of the mass the nonsense of the social distancing the exposure of the fraud of all this pcr testing and all they were really doing and it's proven out to be true is it's data collecting and dna harvesting of all the people that they stuck q-tips up their nose and sent it off to labs that were either owned by probably by google like um you know 23andme is the founder of 23andme is the wife of one of the google founders and they and so they collect all this data of us by our dna and then in 20 because then the shots were released in december of 2020 uh which was um mederna and pfizer shots were released then and then in february of 22 the j and j shot and the um after zenica shot were released um i spent all of 21 talking about the whole problems with the shot so we and i had uncovered and we did two different webinars on the 20 mechanisms and then the second one was on the 20 more mechanisms of injury about how the covid shots can make you sick and kill you and so um we'd had a lot of requests for people saying you know i'm kind of new to this i'm just kind of getting my head around the fact that that these shots can be harmful and there's things that i should know about um could you do another one of those webinars and so as i was going through and i was just going to do kind of a review and an update it was going to be like a year in review but i found there was so much more information that had happened since july of last year so in the in the in this last year that this is a whole new webinar it's all brand new information you know it's sort of a a review of some of the things we talked about before but there's so much so much new information in it actually i had my staff going through the the powerpoint today to just look for you know misspelled words and things like that and they're like this is amazing and i've even heard you talk about it almost every day for the last two years and this is just amazing what you put together so we're going to be doing a bit of a year in review we're going to be talking about the new shots that are coming up um what to look out for why going just because it's new and it's not messenger RNA based it doesn't mean it's any more safe we're going to talk about the difference between spike induced spike protein induced disease antibody induced disease and if you've had the shots things that you need to look for that you need to go get early treatment and if you haven't had the shots things to watch for in your friends and family to know that this is truly a vaccine side effect and they need to try to get oxygenated and they need to get good vitamins they need to get hydrated they need to get anti-coagulated early on and we're going to talk about those things on the on the webinar i'm going to do a big comparison between last year and this year and the destruction of the immune system we're going to talk about the fact that Pfizer knew there were almost more than 1100 almost 1200 diseases that they knew these shots were going to cause before they even released the shots so when i get questions all the time people come up to me or they'll send me a text or primarily an email and say you know my my my fill in the blank my husband my neighbor my friend my colleague my cousin blah blah blah my person i know had two shots and a booster and now they have xyz condition do you think it was the shot and my answer is uniformly yes unless you can prove it wasn't on that list of 1200 diseases they knew these shots were going to cause then the answer is yes i mean one of my sub stacks is about um uh the covid shots and skin diseases the ones i'm going to do next week are the covid shots and blindness and eye diseases it's like the list is endless of what these what these shots can cause we're going to talk about the timelines of how they came to market we're going to talk about the the problems with children and what's happening with with giving these shots and that's another of sub stack that i wrote i wrote her sub stack on called when babies go missing and it talks about all the different things of why these infants should never get the shots like pregnant women should never ever ever get the shot you shouldn't get the you know you can't you should not deliver the baby and then get a shot and continue to nursing because the messenger rna and the polyethylene glycol and who knows what else is in those shots because we have it they haven't been fully tested all of those things could very well be going through your breast milk right directly into your newborn infant i'm going to talk about boosters and variants i'm going to talk a little bit about monkeypox polio and ebola because it's just another turn of the scare of the fear crank and throughout the entire webinar i'm going to be reminding people that in the bible there are more than 300 verses that say fear not and if god bothered to repeat himself that many times it's probably important and if you're fearing feeling fearful about anything whether it's about covid whether it's about polio or monkeypox or ebola or the economy or what's going to happen on september 24th that we don't know and probably nothing it's probably just another big fear factor going up let me uh let me jump in here for once wait wait wait wait let me go ahead yeah so every time you fear that go to the bible go to the lord in prayer ask him to remove the fear from you don't succumb don't get sucked in by it and don't bow your knee to the pharma you're absolutely right you don't want to that's 360 in fact it's 366 times in the bible and i was in the middle of sending you i think i sent you about 200 of those before i got sidetracked and and uh on those different verses but here uh i hope you found a really good and uh place you know a secure location to do your webinar from because believe me out there you're big pharma uh you're a you're a major threat to big pharma and so and we've seen what's happening we have a we are under a dictatorship right now that we are in a police state right now we are in a police state where they're arresting and we have political prisoners a lot of political prisoners just like in the old soviet gulag but we're going to go to a break surely now i'm going to play this this little clip because it has exactly what you're talking about to do with that uh instead of normally we have a song during a break but i'm going to play this little clip and then when we come back from this clip you can comment on it because i know that you have a lot to say about this so bring it up we'll be back i came before you guys a year ago i'm a nurse or at least i was at rady children's in the cardiovascular intensive care unit until nathan and his misinformation pandemic caused me to lose my job i took care of those children who came in with myocarditis after the vaccine and i talked to the doctors because i was a charge nurse saying why aren't we reporting these to bears who is going to report these to bears it was an unspoken thing that we were not allowed to talk about openly on the unit i've worked for 13 years in this community taking care of some of the sickest patients the day before i was taken away from my position i was actively giving compressions to a child pushing abby pushing calcium into his veins to keep him alive and we did and he went home and yet i was ridiculed by those who are supposed to be my colleagues and my friends i am the face of your misinformation campaign nathan i am the one who lost my career in pediatric cardiovascular icu care i took care of children who had covered i never got covered in the hospital i tested twice a week i wore my pbe because i've left my job and i love this community thank you there you go there was a nurse that we played several of these clips we played about a week or so ago two nurses that that were fired they were removed because they were purposely taking people in this hospital and i believe it was a new york hospital that they they gave we gave the name of the hospital out and they were giving them rendessa there they were i mean people that were coming in and these nurses were saying it doesn't matter what you can have you could have anything like cut finger come in for a you know gunshot and they'll mark you down as a covid patient and the first thing they're doing is they're giving you remdesivir and then putting you on one of those resuscitators or whatever and you're dead and these nurses were saying they're killing these patients and they were trying to tell people and they got fired and here like this nurse was saying what they're doing to these little children and they were what they're doing to these little children uh this cardiovascular go ahead do you want to comment on that dr penney um well two things first is um physicians are complicit in murder well you're telling me and there has and there has been a there was actually a case that was settled i believe it was in alabama i may not be right about the state that were settled that nurses can no longer uh just say oh i was just following orders because if the patient died and they knew better they are now going to be held accountable and so it's an incumbent on the nurses it's always been the nursing profession for as long as there has been a nursing profession to stand in the gap and protect the patients from unwielding doctors and particularly ignorant doctors now who refuse to to look at any of the information i mean two and a half years of this stuff and they are still pushing these shots they should all be charged with murder absolutely absolutely and and every single one of them and if i have anything to do with it somewhere in my lifetime if the lord leads me into it i'll lead the charge to make that happen because they are standing behind the prep act and various laws that they can't be sued for malpractice if the patient was was given a diagnosis of covid whether they had covid or not if it was on their medical records that they had covid they the doctors are are protected by law from being able to be sue them for giving them the wrong medicine and the wrong dose at the wrong length of time and patients died because of medical malpractice and it's going to take an uprising of the people who lost their loved ones in hospitals to these doctors who refuse to give them ivermectin who laugh the patients out of the hospital who rolled their eyes at them and disparage them when they wouldn't give life-saving medications at the appropriate dose at the right length of time and the patient died there needs to be an uproar all across america and around the world against the doctors and quit treating the doctors like they're sacrosanct they're human beings just like anybody else that happen to wear a white coat and they're complicit for refusing to look at what the american frontline doctors said about hydroxychloroquine for refusing to look at what pierre corry's group said about about of ivermectin about what the flcc people talked about the hospital protocols that save lives for refusing to do the xylophone protocol for refusing to write the right medications for their patients for ruthesimide and i could go on and on and on they are all complicit in murder and i hope there's a bunch of your doctors who did that listening to this and and are going to look themselves in the mirror tomorrow morning when they're brushing their teeth and say oh my god it's time for me to get educated it's time for me to go to the lord and confess and repent of my sin of being stubborn and ignorant and oh lord forgive me for doing what i did make me cease and desist and no more go forth and sin no more go and learn these things stop what you're doing confess and repent and the lord will forgive you and you then need to forgive yourself and you need to go forth and do something different we used to hear a physician heal yourself but now it's physician repent for not healing others and you know that that advice which you you just said too it's time for let me tell you these pastors that have these churches that actually allow use them to to give out the shot okay i don't want to call it a vax it's a it's a bio weapon the kill shot if you will those pastors should know better they really should know better than to do that and i think they do know better i think they're they're giving them because what i understand is when i understand that that there's government money funds come from these churches that allow their facilities to be used to put out that poisonous poke but it's an amazing thing so so they just so i'm telling you pastor you know i have been so strong in this and i'm just it's just i have to get stronger i mean the you know like i said the lord told me at the beginning of 2020 when i said okay i'm tired of talking about covid lord what do you want me to talk about this year and it was so clear to me in such a loud voice repent you have to get people to understand they have violated the temple of the holy spirit they've done it by volunteer they volunteered to do it whether they want to or not the first step of repentance is accepting responsibility for what you did irrespective of the why you know put you have to accept that i sat in the chair i said yes i signed the informed consent i rolled up my sleeve i allowed them to do this either out of fear which i should have taken to the lord in prayer out of convenience and about your ego or because you were coerced by your husband your spouse your boss your neighbor your adult children whoever it was stop blaming them you did it and take it to the lord in prayer and say i am so sorry i have sinned because jesus because the bible says in first john chapter one verse nine if you confess your sins he will in his righteousness forgive you and cleanse you from all righteousness so he may even in his mercy cleanse you from what these shots are doing not may do are doing to your body but it all comes down to repent and it all means you have to accept responsibility that's the first step and that doesn't mean crawling around on the floor on shards of glass and fogging yourself it means getting looking yourself in the mirror and getting really real real with the choices you made as a doctor as a nurse as a physical therapist as a pastor as all of these people you actually have to accept responsibility for what is happening to people out there right now well you're absolutely right listen when you start that charge uh you know look next to you because i'll be right there i mean uh and i've got two other pastors here with me tonight that will gladly run that yeah amen we're it's not over with until we win and so uh you know count me in and on that but here here's the thing we know why these doctors are doing this we know why they're doing it first of all it's it's job security they don't want to lose their job okay or and it's money they make big money by giving that rendez-vivre there's there's large amounts of money now the lord jesus didn't stutter not a bit when he said you cannot serve god and mammon uh and that's exactly what they're what they're doing they're serving mammon and not god and they need to realize that and they need to repent of that okay and you know here you know a lot of them try to say well you know this is you know i'm just a doctor and this is what the the big boys in washington are telling me i have to do and you know peter said what we will obey god rather than men and that's the message we have to get out and since when doctor did you suddenly declare that you are illiterate and that you cannot read for yourself and that you follow blindly the cdc guidelines which they have changed over and over and over again and now even upfront and admitted that they were wrong oh we just follow the cdc guidelines it's a cop-out it's an excuse for not looking at the medical literature and standing strong in your conviction to first do no harm you know it's an interesting thing because like when we start out talking about the insanity what is wrong with these people are they crazy but there's actually uh they're they're they have a strategy with what they're doing with this lunacy you know carl marks came up with a strategy he said that you've got to keep the opposition off balance you've got to keep them afraid and uncertain and when you if you can do that they're much easier to control and that's exactly what they're doing in other words cdc comes out and tells you yeah we made a mistake like what's your name the the head of that cdc that woman well we made a mistake yeah we we messed up big time but now we know what we're doing okay uh but that that'll change in another week and it's like say one thing mark said say one thing say another go this way go that way okay that's exactly what they're doing that's the strategy they're using it's like people think what in the world they they're so confused about this is total insanity but that that insanity literally is their strategy yeah and i think it is and you know ignorance of the law is no defense in the court in a court you know ignorance of the law and saying i just didn't know when you're standing in front of the lord and having your life review and he said i'm really sorry i just didn't know i was killing people i you know what do you think jesus would say about that well i think these nurses that are whistleblowers praise god thank the good lord for him bless him for doing that because i hope that window we just listened to come out and i hope she calls him out by name oh that was the other thing i was going to say was that all you nurses out there that are listening to this you know i've been trying we're hiring we're hiring nurses we're looking for rms nurse practitioner and a front desk manager for our new clinics that we're opening up across northeast ohio and we're hiring and it's been and i thought that we would get a lot of people who didn't want to take the shot and would be responding we placed ads a lot of different places so if anybody's out there listening and wants to be in a in a shot free mass free place that praises the lord and and does his work all day long um you know get in touch with us we're hiring all right sherry can you give them a website or can you give them a phone number or both because there's a lot of people listening to this and they they're looking for work these nurses that have that have been fired or lost their jobs because of they refuse to take the poisonous poke yeah if you go to ten penny my last name p-e-n-p-e-n-n-y ten penny then e as in edward c is in charlie p is in peter and at the top of the page i think it actually even says um you know applying for a job or something like that but look at that website that's what we're doing and there's uh and there's uh email addresses on there where you can contact us and um um get in contact that we we've been trying for the last couple months to try to get hold of people that we're hiring we're looking particularly looking for a nurse practitioner rn possibly an lpn and for sure one or two front desk people there they're like medical assistants that also are willing to do scheduling and work at the front desk very good and and i hope that all the rest of you guys will come into our webinar on saturday and you can while you're at if you go to and i think there's links to our website at the top of too and if you go to and just scroll down to the middle of the page you can see about our webinar this coming saturday where we're going to talk about the covid shots that are coming down the pike we're going to talk about the diseases that are coming and yes a little bit about things you can do you can't completely detox but we can compare we can know what diseases are coming and what to watch for and you need to get hold of a holistic practitioner that can do the best they can to restore your health that you know you know that's you're breaking this right at the right time because i think we're kind of seeing a little bit of the quiet before the storm this is going to be a dark cold winter in this country and not only that but the the democrats the the deep state the death crafts they cannot afford to have an honest and fair election they cannot afford that if they have that and this stuff too about them holding on to the senate there is no way in the world that they're going to hold on to that senate if we have a legitimate election it won't happen and the house will go down so because of that you know they are to election fraud the democratic party they are to election fraud when elvis was to rock and roll mohammed Ali was to boxing uh when it comes to election fraud you can't beat the democrats and so we have to get prepared now i hope you have a good secure safe place to do your webinar because you are a threat to big pharma and i'm with you a hundred percent we need these people need to be brought to justice sherry um and and we do have some some of these congressman out there with us like ran paul ran paul is one of those that that agrees they they need to be brought to justice matt gates uh jim jordan there's a number that are with us on that but but we need to bring them to justice for doing what they've done and uh well when you when when you start your charge give me a call i'll be there with you i will and we'll and we'll take all of your your dedicated uh prayer warrior listeners along with us all righty very good dr tenpenny i found something i've been i've got to ask you about i think with all the other things going on they're hiding something i found uh an article live action news where biotech company created mouse embryos from stem cells kept them alive and they now want to make human embryos creating clones to be harvested for body parts and the idea that uh there were even the idea they could make a lot of money they could clone themselves people could clone themselves as embryos from their own stem cells and they could grow their own hearts own you know kidneys to replace etc but the interesting thing this company this biotech firm uh says that these are well they're not real they are synthetic they're not real embryos uh and they're only able to 95 similar to the well like in the case of mice the embryos were 95 similar to a real matter to the mouse they were cloned from uh sounds like to me they're trying to play god create life they're trying to go where i don't think god ever intended man to go but i think it's that love of money that lure of power fame money wealth creating the fountain of youth and i just want your commentary on it because to me i don't see this as synthetic anything that's 95 exact copy of the real thing is not exactly what i would call synthetic would you no and they've already cloned humans they've already done it it's and and they're now they're being able to clone and create a human literal human being without sperm or eggs and this is all part of what's going on in the backdrop of you know of the transhumanism movement uh the satanic cult that this entire organization of the world health organization is and they're the person who has their ear and is leading the way as you know haral noah harari who said that humans are now hackable organisms and we are we are gods we can create gods we don't have to believe in this pie in the sky thing you know anymore it's real thing it's a real thing that we can be god and we can create humans and we can create anything that we want this is the guy who's got the ear of all the billionaires moving this movement forward and so it should be of no surprise that it becomes more dark and more sinister and this isn't something that they just contrived on the back of a napkin after dinner one night a couple of years ago it's been going on since the 20s probably before that actually i honestly believe it's been going on since the since the garden of eden you know when when god said you know i will strike your seed will be at will be at enmity to her to her seed and when you look up the word enmity what does it really mean deep hatred deep profound hatred is what that word means this has been going on you know the the good versus evil forever and satan's last hurrah is coming and it's going to get really bad and you know jesus himself said you know less the days shortened there no humans would be left so how bad does it have to get before that happens pretty bad well satan said he wanted to be what as the most high well here if you can a create life you become god and if you can create a 95 life that you can use just for spare parts to try and keep you from aging growing old one according to the renewal bio website that this new thing that they're working on quote wants to make humanity younger and healthier by leveraging the power of the new stem cell technology they want to fight aging disease blah blah blah but i notice fighting aging came before disease infertility all kinds of all kinds of other things but we're going to fight aging so we can live longer forever you know god said what the age of man will be 120 years and i have a feeling here we'll end things before science ever comes up with a way to extend that for sure i hope so well don't forget remember what it was that brought the flood on to begin with remember you had these fallen angels and they what were they doing they were changing the dna in humans by taking women and um cohabitating with the women and that's exactly what they're doing now now here are six thousand years later and and here's the other thing too uh mostly theologians and historians will tell you that the population of the of of the earth at the time of the flood was just about exactly what it is now just right around eight billion people and so remember god is immutable he does things the same way over because he gets them right all the time so we're we're seeing a whole lot of signs and a lot of reasons for us to think well you know what as they're doing it again god is about ready to move so there you go now normally we don't take calls uh sharing i don't know but we have a guy out there clifford and you're his hero and and and and so he thinks that the sun rises and sets on you and so we're going to let clifford ask you a question it'll make his day now he might even might even propose but go ahead cliff you're in yeah sherry hello hello yeah yeah i'm a big fan of yours i i do recommend the book the psychology of totalitarianism uh very interesting to get the audiobook but my question is with all this hard stuff uh you know you hear about the swelling of the muscle with the myocarditis pericarditis but my question is the cardiac nerves that weave through the heart uh how does that relate to myocarditis or the shots themselves because i think that's uh like for example you look at the uh the nerve damage to the face that that singer has justin beaver for example now suppose that happens to the cardiac nerves for example you know so that would be my question the cardiac nerve well you know the heart is you know we there's a lot of things in cardiology that we've been taught incorrectly i mean for one thing the heart doesn't doesn't pump like a box it more pumps like you're taking a wet rag and ringing it and so that's it's that's that's really what happens and it's really has it has four doors it has some plumbing and it has some electrical wiring and that's about as complex as simple as you can make heart you know you can make it a whole lot more complicated than that just for the sake of cardiology but really it's pretty it's actually a pretty simple organ compared to other organs in the body in terms of anatomy and physiology but what the covid shots actually do it's actually the spike protein that can actually get into the heart muscle itself through the h2 receptors and go in and cause inflammation of the cardiomyocytes and the cardiomyocytes are the muscles are the the the the cells that beat they are the ones that give you a heartbeat and what the spike protein does is it goes in and causes inflammation and swelling of those cells and so it causes them to not beat correctly which is what can cause arrhythmias and hypertension the swelling of the heart that doesn't go away and in the long-term complication of myocarditis is really a bad thing i mean the five-year the five-year part five-year survival rate after myocarditis is less than 50 even under the best of conditions so when they say that these all these kids that are getting myocarditis and even dr robert malone himself said if you've had one shot one you have some level of myocarditis even if it is asymptomatic so it's the swelling and the inflammation of the muscle that the nerve runs through that causes you to get atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardia and and and we've had we had a 19 year old in our clinic that after his second shot which he was required to get to go to his college of choice he went into complete av node arrest which means his heart didn't connect at the top and the bottom of his heart didn't connect and they wanted to put in an implant a permanent implantable pacemaker into this 19 year old well he came to our ecp clinic which is that's the the address that i gave out we started this business about two months ago we've had people already come in from all over the country and get external cardiac external cardiac pulsation external counter pulsation i'm sorry it's getting late and i'm kind of tired and the external counter pulsation which um this machine is hooked up to your heart like with the ekg lead and when your heart beats and then the pumps beat and then your heart and then the pumps and the pumps are blood pressure cuffs around each calf each thigh and around the lower part of your waist and it gets 10 10 times six times more oxygen into your heart muscle than if you were running on a treadmill uphill for an hour it increases nitric oxide it increases the vascular endothelial growth factor which is a fancy way of saying it causes your body to to grow new blood vessels and to grow collateral circulation we've treated stroke patients cardiac patients depression patients we're treating an alzheimer's patient right now we've got a gentleman that had a stroke probably eight years ago and we're doing some ecp on his arm he's starting to get some tingling back in a dead arm that he hasn't had in eight years and this is how i got involved with this technology it's an fda approved technology that's been around since 1995 and all the cardiologists threw it underneath the bus including the cleveland clinic because well we make much more money doing stints and bypass grafts and um but this is a technology of the future is that's coming from the past it's sort of like the the cars that we knew for many many many years that could run 55 miles a gallon on one gallon of gas but they threw that underneath the bus and they threw laetrile underneath the bus and you know they they criminalized marijuana because the the cbd was curing people and the th small amounts of thc was curing people so they made it a class four felony if you had um if you had marijuana and so all of the things that are curable and curing things they've all been taken away well ecp i got introduced to this in february of this year and i said i'm moving this into a business realm and we're going to take care of people we can't cure everybody we can't take care of everybody we're going to take care as many as we can and our clinic is open um we're seeing pieces already that have driven from arizona and pennessee and virginia and um michigan and illinois and colorado so yes you too you people who live on the east side of cleveland you too can drive across town to get the treatment in middleburg heights and i always laugh about that pastor if i had if i had a dollar for every time somebody who said to me living in the last 20 years living in cleveland would you please open a clinic on the east side of cleveland i hear you sherry hold it right there we're up against the heartbreak stay right there and we're going to bring you back for just a minute or two and it'll let you get that beauty sleep thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to that's mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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