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TUE HR2 032922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
March 30, 2022 12:05 am

TUE HR2 032922

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 30, 2022 12:05 am

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The Christian Car Guy
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Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Daily Platform
Bob Jones University

Donate and listen to the podcast at Today's show is brought to you by the FDA. through the FDA's guidance documents for industry, which is, even though it sounds like a suggestion, there are actually expectations that are pretty solid, and this is the way we've always had to run clinical trials according to these parameters. Well, what they slipped in this month, and they've been actually creating guidance documents since 2015, is our documents that tell industry companies in the pharmaceutical industry how they want them to run studies to look at safety and efficacy in gene editing, human genome editing.

I mean, it's right there in your face. And you know, Stu, this is why I want to reiterate, it's so incredibly important to stop calling it a vaccine. You've heard Dr. David Martin say you're using the words of the criminals.

Well, let me take this, yeah, let me take this one step further. By continuing to call it a vaccine, you're really rooting it in that, and under the parameters for developing vaccines, you apparently, which I don't agree with anyway, but you apparently don't have to use as many safety type studies, you don't have to do as much follow-up, you're really off the hook. I'm not sure who created those particular laws and regulations, but for the purposes of our discussion, they are really, we know they're gene editing. We've seen them in the vials, we've had it analyzed.

The companies themselves, Moderna, hacking the software of life, talking, Pfizer talking with the EMA, the European Medicines Agency, which is the equivalent of the FDA, in their leaked documents that they didn't think anybody would see, you know, arguing sort of and asking the EMA to let them live with, you know, just 50% of those vials containing mRNA, and the rest of it is sort of a leeway that they can do anything they want with. This is the number one issue facing America right now, is these shots, and you're right, they can't be called vaccines because they don't protect you or provide immunity from anything. As a matter of fact, they have negative efficacy.

You're more likely to get sick after this injection. They are also not experimental shots. They're not experimenting with anything. They experimented with this stuff way back when, when they developed this stuff. These are not experimental. This is a planned bioweapon, and by the way, these are not adverse events or side effects. These are intended and planned consequences. This is exactly what they wanted to happen.

Here, here's the deal. If you let them keep calling it a vaccine, and you're not calling it gene editing, human genome editing, they're getting away with not looking at safety and efficacy, and, you know, use the words of the, of the criminals. The FDA itself has laid out on certain parameters, and just let me give people the titles. On the March 2022 drop of this new guidance document was called Human Gene Therapy Products Incorporating Human Genome Editing, Draft for Guidance, or Draft Guidance for Industry.

The other one from 2015 that is really telling Stu is called Considerations for the Design of Early Phase Clinical, that's human, Trials of Cellular and Gene Therapy Products. Now let me tell you what they say in this document. Two or three important points. They say that this is unique material.

It is known to have prolonged bioactivity in the body. There are huge unknown, that the level of unknown risks, they say, are not only extensive, but they're huge. They also talk about the uncertainty. They also talk about the persistence in the body, that there are evolving effects, severe immune reactions that will occur over time, and that there's no way to control it once it's inside. When you look at this CRISPR technology, which is really just an acronym for a long sentence that basically says, we're gonna go in, we can, we can chemically snip out a portion of your God-given genes in a line, in a double strand of DNA, and we're going to insert something else. Now you have to be very sure that there's a precision to that, but when you put it inside a dynamic human body, Stu, you have other, so many other hundreds, maybe thousands of processes going on.

You're a living, breathing, dynamic organism. You have no idea what's gonna happen to your body with this over the years. Somebody does. Somebody knows exactly what's gonna happen, just like we had no idea in March of 2020 what was really coming our way with this COVID-19, and this pandemic, and it was this outbreak, and it was in China, and a pangolin, or a bat, and some lab, and a leak, and all this other crap. Those people knew way back as early as 1990, and documents prove 2005, 2015, Dr. David Martin has done a great job of this, and now Dr. Brian Artis is coming out saying, hey, this is as early as 1990, and they know exactly what this stuff is gonna do to you, don't they? Yeah, absolutely. In fact, one of the comments in this guidance document said this is not for healthy volunteers, which is normally part of phase one in the beginning of the human trials.

You have to very, very ginger five or six people. You test a little bit of it to get some pharmacokinetic parameters. They say it's not for healthy volunteers, and yet Moderna and Pfizer are actively seeking the approval or emergency use authorization for six-month-old babies now up through the lifespan. This is incredibly dangerous. It's never been used in humans. It has never been properly studied.

It's not ready for any kind of prime time, and we're just about to find out, you know, what's happening here. So they know because they've created guidance documents for the pharmaceutical companies. Look, this is mass.

This is a combination of programs. It's mass genocide. It's disarming immune systems. That's why they want you to keep taking it.

It's a priming mission. The more graphene you get into your body, the more you are filled with what is going to potentially be self-assembling circuitry for the ability to control functions in your body externally from an external source, and I'm not getting conspiracy theories now. I'm actually basing this on a whole host of evidence, documents.

It's more than just patents, which is possibilities. This is known information, and if you watch the Dr. Jane Ruby Show all this week, you're gonna see it all laid out, especially the show today, Stu, which is immediately following this program. Don't miss that.

You can find it on Rummel over at, the Roar Nation Network. The Dr. Jane Ruby Show is exploding, and it's because you educate us about things like this, and you know the sad thing is we have talked about how this is the number one issue pressing America, but now of course we're supposed to think that it's Ukraine and food shortages and all these other things, which are imminent. These things are coming, but this is the number one issue. They are changing your God-given DNA, and meanwhile Congress, this is publicly discoverable.

All of this stuff, you found it. These are, this is our United States government talking about this stuff in these memos, in these releases, in this guidance that they're actually publishing and hoping that just nobody will discover because they're not going to do a press conference on it. When's the last time you saw Pfizer or Moderna doing a press conference, or the FDA for that matter? They're not doing them. They don't care. They don't care because Congress is so compromised that they just give this to you, which brings me to my point. Still yet, even though our government is acknowledging all of this stuff by their own writings, by their own publications, the HHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA are putting this stuff in writing.

Not one single elected representative has called any attention to it at all. Absolutely, and the scary thing is to have talked to some experts lately, and I've said, because I can't seem to get an answer from Dr. Robert Malone, how do you reverse this thing you created? What these other, you know, he's not the only expert on the planet. What some of these other experts have said to me is it's likely going to take another injection, and the scary part of that is to, again, you can't control this stuff when it gets into the dynamic nature of the human body, and so you're gonna have to send something in to try to correct it, but that itself can go haywire and create all kinds of problems. And I just want to emphasize, please don't bring babies and children in for this until you know much more about this, whoever you are out there that's thinking, oh yay, you know, my six-month-old is eligible now. Dr. Jane Ruby, thank you so much. The Dr. Jane Ruby show coming up immediately following this.

We'll see you. All right, Brian and Joe knows for years, going all the way back to the late 1980s, I would go into the meetings. They would have these meetings, and they would be the World Health Organization, you would be Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, the ACLU, all these far-left groups, and the topic of the purpose would be talking about depopulating the planet. Going all the way back then, their goal was to reduce the Earth's population down to 500 million people.

Now, it's an interesting thing because they didn't know who I was, so I sit in there, they spoke openly, and they talked about the different ways of doing it. Of course, abortion and euthanasia, and they talked to wars, you know, to start wars that they can control, and famine, starvation, and but one of the main things they talked about was vaccines, vaccines. Now, a little later on when Bill Gates came in on the scene, and he was with his vaccines, so on and so forth, they referred to at one point where in Africa, the, what is it, the human papillonis, what is that they call the papillonis virus, I remember, yeah, HPV, and yeah, I think it's the human papillona virus, but anyhow, they were talking about how actually eight times as many girls in Africa that got the vaccine died from the vaccine than died from the HPV, and when that happened, they stood and applauded. These are people that are talking about depopulating from the planet. Now, who's involved in all of this, folks? Let me tell you that the mainstream, what they call mainstream media, is up to their eyeballs in there. There is no, no antichrist lie that these people, what they call it, the narrative. They don't, they actually, they're contracted, they're actually contracted to lie. Of course, they don't use the word lie, they use the word narrative.

So, whatever that so-called narrative is, that's when the echo chamber kicks in, and you'll hear repeating the same thing, and they'll look you right in the eye, and they will lie to you, knowing, full well knowing that they're doing that to you. And so, anyhow, that was very gravitas, Pastor Ernie. Yeah, I remember that. Because nobody knew what that word meant. People were scrambling, but it was on every liberal newscast, that word. I remember everybody was, what does that mean?

People were grabbing dictionaries, and every time they knew it, learned a new word, you would hear it repeated over and over and over. And so, but anyhow, so there you go. So, what we're talking about, this is the days that the Lord Jesus referred to as the time of sorrows, or this is the evil day that we're living in today. Now, the good news is, there's never been a time in history that we could shine, that we could place up more crowns in heaven right now. This is our time to run to the battle. It's our time to fight, and this is no time to be afraid. Because, you know, it's an amazing thing when you hear people say, I'm so afraid of dying. You're gonna die, right? And if you're going to die, you might as well die fighting on the Lord's side, am I right? That's right.

And so, that's what we've got, we've got to get that message out to the people out there that they've got to do that. Now, you're making a point there, too, Brian. Here, you know, we talked about Daniel being a sheriff, and we need to go back, we need to take it back to our local government, but something I think has happened, too, yeah. Can I throw in also in chapter 6, said that, and over these three presidents of whom Daniel was the first that the princes, there were 120 princes under, so he was also a president. Yeah, they referred to him as president and sheriffs, and so, yeah, you'll see he's referred to there, too, as a sheriff.

So, but anyhow, here, let me, let me take that back to what we were talking about. If we turn John, turn to Hebrews chapter 13, Joe, and read verse 7 and 17. It's Hebrews 13. 7 and 17.

7 and 17. Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God, whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation. Verse 17. Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves, for they watch for your souls, as they that might must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.

Okay, so let me ask you this. If you're a governor and you're a professing Christian, are you to go to the pastor, the man of God, and say, What saith the Lord God, like King David did, and like the kings of old? Is he telling you, does that apply to kings and governors and senators and congressmen?

Sure does. Them that have the rule over you. Okay, so should pastors understand that and should pastors get up and make sure that they preach that gospel, thus saith the Lord God, and boldly do it and lead the people and not be afraid of losing their 501c3.

So should they? We may boldly say, you know. Yeah, and that's been part of my heart recently, is to see the pastors and the churches that take that rightful place in society at the helm, you know, because we're the ones that steer this thing. And for our elected officials, I mean there used to be back in the day when someone would be elected and before they got sent to Washington, before they met with a publicist or anybody, they met with a minister from their region and the minister said, This is what the Lord wants you to do in Washington. You know, that's what we're fighting to get back to, to church ministers to be at their rightful place. Well, we had what was called the Black Royal Regiment.

We still actually have it today. I'm a member of the Black Royal Regiment, and that's pastors who hold to the word of God, and they understand that, just like the founding fathers. Most of those that led into the battle were pastors, and many of those that were assigned the constitution of Bill of Rights were pastors. And so this nation was nation as one nation was founded, one nation under God.

And that's why she was good because she was great because she was good, but America has lost us. And the Bible says that all nations that forget their God are turned into where? All nations that forget their God are turned into hell. Okay, and so this is, we have to stand and fight back. But it's not just the pastors. The Christians are supposed to support those pastors, aren't they? All believers, yes sir. But our job is to lead, and so that's what we're here for tonight.

And I get warned a lot by people all the time, Pastor, please be careful. You know, you're saying things that's making the FBI and these other people nervous, because we've exposed, Brian, I mean we have really exposed a lot of corruption over the years, a lot of it. And so, but again, you know, here's the other thing too. You hear these people saying, how can we win?

There's too many of them. We're surrounded. You've got, they're all against us, okay. Now did the Lord Jesus, did he command us to go out and fight the fight? And what did he say about the victory? That victory, he said he'll bring, okay, he'll bring the victory with him. So we don't have to worry about that victory part, right? We just got to follow orders, right? Victory's been won. We have to handle the line, follow, yeah.

Okay. Look at Gideon, he kept whittling the troops down. I think that's what he's doing today. He's whittling it down to the faithful who will obey him, who will go out fight the fight, the good fight of faith. Amen. All right, Brian, Brian, tell the folks again about the fifth.

Tell them where and all the information. Absolutely. Patriot pastors unite. We're calling for pastors and ministry leaders to come and have a time of worship, prayer, and praying for our nation and our state of Ohio and the local government officials. And it's going to be at the House of Restoration in Milford, Ohio. It is at 1487 State Route 131 in Milford, and our website is Church phone number is 513-575-2011, and I was just informed by text that we will be having food afterwards. We are partnering with the resistance check. There are two young ladies that are in this, they're from Milford, and they do a lot of stuff for, you know, for in this area, and they're going to be bringing in some some pizza, so we will have some food afterwards for you, Pastor, so no worries. All right.

Okay, very good. Now we're going to kind of shift things up a little bit and go over here to some fast-paced articles, some very, very fast-paced articles. One we want to do, I want to start out with, folks, you're all familiar with World News Daily, and here Joseph Farrow was a good friend of mine way back when when he first got started, but now today David Kapelian is heading things up over there, and here they're going after, they're trying to shut them down, you know, fake book and Google, they're trying to, they tried, well they have demonetized World News Daily, and so anyhow World News Daily is, needs some help right now, and we're going, this ministry is going to send them some help. World News Daily has been on the cutting edge, they have not compromised, they've been right there, and boy, they have not stood down, and so I just want to tell you here that they could use some help.

If you want to send a donation to World News Daily, their address is WND 580 East Street PO Box 100, that's 580 East Street PO Box 100 Hawthorne, that's Hawthorne, Nevada, and the zip is eight nine four one five eight nine four one five, and so I would, I would do that, we're definitely going to do it here, because I can tell you they, they're, they're a fighter, they will stand and they will fight, and so we've got to stand and fight with them, so I praise the good Lord for that, for those folks there. Now a couple, couple fast articles I wanted to say here, this is something that you haven't heard folks, but we've got it on pretty good information that they tried to poison Justice Clarence Thomas, that's right, stories that the Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thompson was admitted to Sibley Hospital in Washington DC after physicians diagnosed him with a viral infection are false, and said high-ranking white hat military sources who claimed our nation's tenured conservative justice ingested a near lethal dose of thallium. Tasteless colorless orderless thallium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 81. It is a gray post transition metal that is not found free in nature. When isolated, thallium resembles tin, but discolors when exposed to air. Soluble thallium salts, many of which are nearly tasteless, are highly toxic, and they were historically used as rat poison and insecticides. The use of these compounds have been restricted or banned in many countries because of their non-selective toxicity.

Because of its historic popularity as a murder weapon, thallium has gained notoriety as the poisoner's poison and the inheritance powder. Ahead of falling ill, Justice Thomas and his wife, Virginia, dined at Mazzie in an upscale eatery in downtown DC. Several hours later, he experienced systems such as difficulty concentrating, gastric, the astronomical distress, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea. He initially attributed the symptoms to a nasty case of heartburn and a gastrointestinal reflux because of disease, and taking Tums in Montana to ease the discomfort. But as symptoms worsened, and his complexion grew pallid, his wife insisted he visit the hospital. As assembly hospital physicians tested him for COVID-19-negative, he administered a battery of tests that included a comprehensive blood panel. Either by her ten or sheer incompetence, physicians diagnosed him with a non-specific upper respiratory viral infection. An ordinary person would have been sent home with antibiotics, but Justice Thomas, owing to his position on the bench, was admitted to for observation. When we learned the next day that Thomas got sick and was admitted to assembly well, it aroused suspicion for two very important reasons. First, we heard that reports the Deep State might try to take out conservative justices in retaliation for Sotomayor's arrest and impending it. Second, for the people saying judicial prominence as customer. Well right now, this is a long article so I'm not going to go the whole way, but right now they're going after, they're trying to impeach him. Joe, you want to take that one?

I sure do. Jonathan Turley, who is a liberal, he is a constitutional attorney, but he has been on the liberal side, says there are absolutely no grounds for impeaching Clarence Thomas. And the whole thing is started by that, Ohan Omar, they're the Democrat Congress critter from Minnesota, and because some things that his wife, as is a conservative activist, and so they don't like that.

They're saying that because he's on the bench, his wife, you know, can't go out and be an activist, can't participate, say anything Virginia, you know, Thomas, and that this creates a conflict of interest. But she, one of the things that they claim is she does, she believes that the election was stolen by Biden, and they're using that as grounds that they want to impeach Clarence Thomas, because his wife made these statements that she didn't think the election was free and fair. So Turley says, well, millions of people believe that the election was rigged, and many millions still do, and it's still, there's no evidence that she encouraged violence or, you know, was in the Capitol building or did anything impeachable, and she is, like all the rest of you out there, entitled to her opinion.

So that should, you know, pretty much settle things. One of the best constitutional voices out there, and I'm sure we'd hear the same thing from others, but you know our press, they don't want to put anything much out that goes against the narrative. That's not my press, believe me, I've got nothing to do with it. Let me just tell you this, even, even 38% of the Democrats have said they believe that there was election fraud, that the election was stolen. Now we, we told you, remember, going all the way back, what happened, and on November 3rd of 2016, the day, the night that Trump won the election, we made a statement right here live on the radio, that the election in 2020 was going to be the most corrupt, and we said it right like that, that night, you would have voter fraud, unprecedented voter fraud, far beyond, see what they failed to do in 2016, they said we were not going to fail again.

Remember, Mark Zuckerberg says, we'll not fail again, and he spent three hundred and seventy million dollars, three hundred and seventy million, he came right out and said that he can influence, and he could turn over 15 million votes, and so there you go. Oh, you can see how this goes, Barbara Box, Senator Barbara Boxer is calling Jenny Thomas a colluder, and one of the reasons that we have to impeach her husband, but remember it was Boxer, back in January of 2005, led a challenge to George Bush's victory over John Kerry there in Ohio, charging Republicans stole the election, so she received praise for that, challenging that, that the Republicans stole the election in Ohio, and so all her colleagues praised her, but now I guess Jenny Thomas, Virginia Thomas can't have an opinion. Now do you remember something very special about that time over that election, remember John Kerry went on C-SPAN, and they asked him if you could attribute your loss to one particular thing, what would it be, do you remember what his answer was? I sure do, it was Christian talk radio in Ohio. Well, he said a.m. talk radio in Cleveland, in Cleveland, Ohio, and that was Jerome Corsi and me, we broke the story all about Mr. Kerry, how he had changed his name from Cohen, how his initials were to be JFK, we told the whole story about the Swift boat, how he he threw a grenade into a sandpan, got hit in the backside with some rice, tried to get a Purple Heart, we told the whole story about what the men, his men thought about him, and so we exposed all of that, and Kerry said, Christian talk radio because you and Jerome Corsi were very Christian. Yeah, well he actually said a.m.

I remember listening to him, and when he, what happened was the RNC called me and said, we've got your back, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, what do you think, Brian? Yeah, it could go either way on that one. Yeah, yeah, that made me a little nervous. Alrighty.

Well, depends on the day. Yeah, you're right. We'll hit some fast things, and you just jump in here and give your commentary, report, Disney will take action against Texas for order calling sex-chain procedures for children child abuse, and Disney has become a hotbed of pedophilia. They have been for years, we've talked about this for years, that whole Disney group down there are very, very prone.

In fact, recently they had a raid and arrested a number of Disney employees, but there's been a real, and I believe that a lot of these missing children have gone through Disney with the human trafficking down there. But here, the Human Rights Campaign LGBTQ activist organization purchased an ad in the Dallas Morning News earlier this month announcing that more than 60 major companies have signed on its open letter opposing hateful attacks. In other words, that means if you've got any kind, first of all, LGBT, that's lewd, gross, belligerent, transgressing, queers. Actually, they added a queer part on themselves.

I didn't even have to put that on. But folks, listen to this. God has said that that's an abomination in this site, so their argument is with God, and nobody's ever won an argument with God, okay?

Well, it's even worse than that. Christopher Rufo posted, put up a video of a virtual meeting there. Disney executives were responding to Florida's parental rights bill, and the executive producer for Disney disclosed that her team had already implemented her quote, not at all secret gay agenda, that she and her colleagues are adding queerness to the children's programming. And another one, corporate president Kathy Burke said, quote, listen, as the mother of one transgender child and one pansexual child, she supports having many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories. She wants a minimum of 50% of the characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities, so here it is. They came out.

It's in public, the not at all secret gay agenda by Disney's top executives, and we have it on camera. All right, very good. They added some letters there.

What does the IA stand for? That's new to me. You know, I don't really know. I did know that they added those letters. Do you know, Joe?

No, I can't remember anymore. That is lewd, gross, belligerent, transgressing, queers, and I know what the IA stands for now. Intersex probably or something. How about idiot? That'd be work.

That'd probably work. Idiot or something. Anyhow, Hunter Biden's laptop, now a national security threat. Okay. I thought they said that wasn't real. Now they say it is, right? Yeah. Oh, it's real.

Oh, it's real. And we did it a long time ago. But they will do anything and everything to try to keep the focus. The fake news media, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PMS, NBC, they're all, their idea is to keep our attention off of this, you know, and that's what they try to do.

They got to protect the collective. But here, we, I saw some of the photographs that come off that, some of the pictures, and well, there's some that we, you know, really can't talk about on the air because they're not, I mean, it's pornography, but, but the one that really got me was here you've got Joe Biden, Joe-bama, as he's called. You want to see this. There's this little boy and he's, the boy is about, I would say, four or five years old. And, and Joe has got his hands, he's got his hands on this little boy's face, you know, and he's, his lips are about a half inch away from this little boy.

He wants, he's trying to kiss this little boy on the lips. And, well, I'm going to tell you just something so evil about that and the look on the little kid's face. That, that whole, the whole entire deathocratic Communist Party is just so filled with pedophilia. I mean, it's, it is filled with pedophilia nowadays. And a lot of this stuff's coming back. Now, this is why, well, you know, you know, Brian, a lot of this, what's happening, and why the FBI and others are trying to hide this, there's a lot of them involved. Not only were they involved in the cover-up and that, but there's a lot of them involved in the pedophilia.

And so, all of the, a lot of the higher-ups, there's this, this mindset out there today that if you, if you're powerful enough, you can do whatever you want. And, and so here, another, there, you know, Trump has got that lawsuit against Hillary. The problem we have, that Trump has, is we don't have a Justice Department.

It is no longer a separate branch of government. It's literally a part of the Democratic Party. And Eric Merrick Garland, he's just a dirty cop. He's as crooked as crooked gets.

He really is. Well, he wasn't really even a cop. He's just a Democrat activist put in the role of a cop. Well, when they call attorney generals, they call them cops.

They call them tough. He has no background for it. You're telling me. Anyhow, just a collection of plastic case parts and electronic circuits. Hunter Biden's laptop computer abandoned a repair shop, has been in the headlines for months already. It's revealed his trafficking with prostitutes, his influence on bio labs in Ukraine, his business deals involving overseas power players and influencers, it goes on, it was revealed by the New York Post just before 2020 election, but a collection of legacy of social media companies conspired to suppress the reporting, a move that a poll later suggests allowed Joe Biden to win an election, otherwise he would have lost. Now, the laptops are being described as a national security threat.

It is Margaret, Margot Cleveland, a senior contributor to the Federalist who clerked for federal appellate judges for years, who wrote about her concerns. She cited a recent Daily Mail report that linked Hunter Biden's financing a US military bioweapons research program in Ukraine. The Daily Mail, with access to the copy of the hard drive, said Russian governments claim that Hunter Biden helped finance US military bioweapons research program in Ukraine may well be true, that the reports that is according to emails and correspondence obtained by Daily Mail from Hunter's abandoned laptop. The report explained that the emails show Hunter helped secure millions and millions and millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic causing diseases, and he also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a science project involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine. Well, one of the things, Joe, I'm not going to go on because it goes on, this is a very long article and gets deep in the weeds.

Yeah, well then this is part one, I got part two and part three. Yeah. But anyhow, you have, what they found was they have come up with a COVID, like COVID-19, but one specifically geared to affect people of the Russian nationality, people of the Russian nationality with their specific genes, and they were, that was done right there in that, that Ukrainian, and the Russians knew about that, and they went and they busted up that lab, but that's what they're doing now, it's all biological warfare. We got to stop this, this insanity.

These people from from Pfizer and Moderna, Fauci and the whole group, these are like mad scientists. These people need to be bought. Now, they know this, that if we should possibly have such and call it fair and honest election, if we had a fair and honest election, the Democrats, okay, after that election would be, well there'd be very few of them left.

Yeah, they would be now. Right, but they know that they've got to do something, because if that happens, then you know what will happen. We will end up with, at some point, with an actual Attorney General, an honest one, and we get Trump back in office. There's a lot of scenarios, because they know that if in fact they win, they can appoint Trump Speaker of the House.

We talked about that last night. Right, they sure could, and he could be, because it's unknown to most people, it's not a requirement in the Constitution for the Speaker of the House to be an elected official. And he would, what would he do? He would impeach Joe Obama. He would impeach Joe Obama.

And what would happen there? Okay, so, and people say, well what happens if if he impeaches Joe Obama? He'd have to impeach Kamala Harris too, wouldn't he? I think he'd have to go after a bunch of people. Yeah, well, and there'd be investigations, and like you have a whole Rand Paul, Jim Jordan, you've got Ted Cruz, a whole lot of them are just itching to be able to go after after these deathocrats, okay?

And so they realize that, so they've got to come up with everything they can to keep people's attention of what's really happening. Well, today, one of the big things today is, US Congressman Matt Gates was questioning a FBI cybersecurity official about the Hunter Biden laptop that the Bureau took custody of way back in late 2019, and he asked the cyber division director, Brian Vordren, if he knew the whereabouts of the laptop that's at the center of this Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden's business. I don't know the answer, the FBI official said, and that's astonishing, said Gates. Has the FBI cyber assessed whether or not Hunter Biden's laptop would be a point of vulnerability, allowing America's enemies to hurt our country, and he gave some long statement about Title 18 section code, which blah blah, and then he said, well, the Hunter Biden laptop is not within the purview of my investigative responsibilities.

Wait a minute, this guy is, hmm, what? Cyber division assistant director looking at cyber attacks, dangers, and things that are on the internet, well we know that we think the Russians have gotten hold of some of the access to the, or have a copy of this hard drive, and so here's this guy, he's, wouldn't you want to know whether there are international business deals, kickbacks, shakedowns that are on this laptop that would make the first family subject to some sort of compromise, Gates asked, and this guy repeated that the FBI, we don't know anything about it, so have you lost it, you know, doesn't this create some vulnerability, Gates asked, and he said, sir, we have multiple lines of investigative responsibilities at the FBI, they're all available in public source right, uh-huh, so we don't have an FBI anymore, it's gone, it's totally corrupt, they can't, don't even know where the Hunter Biden laptop is, they confiscated, give me a break. Well this is what we, again, do you remember when Chuck Schumer said to, about Donald Trump, you go ahead, if you go up against the intelligence community, they've got a ways of getting news from Sunday to get you, right, and because they were working directly with the Democrats, and, and, and dark money, and in all kinds of corruption, I mean, again, the Democratic Communist Party is up to its eyeballs, and everything that God's where the Bible calls us in, everything, I've often said that if you could invent a new sin tonight, by tomorrow, they'd have it in their platform.

It might take another day, there are sometimes a little slow getting things posted, but you've got a point. It is, so, anyhow, but here now, you know, it's like, but Donald Trump, next, you know, go right along with it, I put him up there right with Ronald Reagan as the best president in my lifetime, and I go back with Harry Truman, and so Donald Trump was, was one of the best presidents he did exactly, he did what he said he would do, he, he did what a president is supposed to do, he was a leader, okay, kept his promises, yeah, yeah, and oh, that's a no-no, and you know, you actually had two senators got, got overheard saying, you know, if he keeps doing that, they'll, they'll expect all of us to do it, meaning keep their promises, keep their promises, what? Yeah, anyhow, another little humorous bit, Matt Gaetz also wanted to put the contents of Hunter Biden's computer into the Congressional Record, and Democrat Chairman Jerry Nadler, New York, was kind of a loss of words, stuttering, mumbling, and objected to the unanimous, unanimous consent request after consultation, and he finally insisted that, well, further investigation is needed, but apparently he sat there with his mouth open for quite a while, and then had to go confab with his partners in crime, we can't put that in the Congressional Record, I thought that was great. I've got a message for Jerry Nadler from God's Word the Bible, Jerry Nadler, God's Word the Bible says, sodomy is an abominable sin.

Jerry Nadler, God says, sodomy is an abominable sin, so you know what, God says, repent or perish, Jerry Nadler, repent, that's what it says. Now, Clinton appointed judge rules Trump more likely than not committed crimes when he attempted to obstruct Congress on January 6th, that's a lie told by a liar, that is a lie told by a liar. Trump told those people to be to be peaceful, to peacefully go up there, I hurt him myself, and everybody else hurt him himself, and so that is a lie told by a liar. And liars have their place in the lake of fire. And by the way that federal judge's name was David Carter, the US District Code, David Carter, a Clinton bought and paid for judge. In fact, Trump delayed his speech and he was late, so that put everybody, more people back where he was giving his speech, so less people would be at the Capitol when those proceedings started, so it seemed like Trump kind of heard the ground and knew what was going to happen, so he did what he could to keep everybody back, you know. All right.

Flag was coming. Very, you're absolutely right, and Pastor Brian Shuttlesworth, you get the honor, you've got four minutes, you get the honor, could you give an invitation telling people how they can get to heaven and avoid hell? I'd love to.

Well, it's, it's over, it's not over complicated. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave. We can believe it in our heart and confess it with our mouth, and the Bible says we shall be saved, and we get an opportunity to do that, and we can be forgiven of our sins and walk forward with him and walk into a newness of life, and that is the most important decision you can make, and that's to know him and to seek after him every day of your life, and you wake up, you crucify the flesh daily, and we walk in him and with him, and we surrender our lives to him, and he makes a way for us. And would you like me to pray with the people? Yeah, you've got about two minutes to do that. Go ahead. Okay, you could just repeat this prayer after me. Heavenly Father, I come to you today, and I need you, and I believe in my heart that you died on the cross for my sins, and I confess with my mouth that you died on the cross, and you rose from the grave, and I thank you. Forgive me of my sins.

Help me walk with you, and when I stumble, help me get back up and keep walking with you. Thank you for this new life. Thank you for helping me find a body of believers that will help me to believe on you every day, and we give you praise in Jesus' name, amen.

Amen. Thank you very much, and again out there, Brian, do you think anyone's ever regretted getting saved and going to heaven? I have never met one person that has regretted it. Okay, now you have... That has gotten saved. I haven't met anyone that's been to heaven yet, but I don't think anybody's regretted going to heaven.

No? Well, you know, do you think that both in heaven and hell, they're all believers now, aren't they? They sure are.

They sure are. No unbelievers in heaven or hell, and so the folks out there listening, I would say 100% of them are going to die, right? And the Bible says it's appointed to all men wants to die, and then the judgment, and so here now there's nothing more accurate than God's Word, the Bible. You've got 2,000 years of history here showing the accuracy of God's Word, the Bible, folks. There is no better explanation in existence of where everything came into existence, what we're doing here, why we're here, and where we're going, and it speaks with absolute total authority. It's the Word of God, and so if you're out there listening tonight, you know what? You don't want to run out of tomorrows tonight. All across this world, by this time tomorrow, many, many people that are here right now will not be here.

They will have died. It's not a sin to die, but boy, are ashamed to die, but to die in your sin, it don't get any worse, and you don't have to do that. Christ paid the price. He took your place upon that cross. He did it for you, okay? And, folks, all you got to do is recognize that, realize that.

He did the heavy lifting. He tells you, pray to the Father, ask for forgiveness, and once you've done that, you will become a new creature, a born-again believer, indwelt with the Holy Spirit. You've got God's Word on it, and there's nothing more sure than that. Brian, we're about to, the computer's gonna shut us off, so get back with me. You know, we need to get back together in the next couple of days, and, and so we get, and I thank you for being here tonight, and I look, I look forward to seeing you there on the fifth. So, until tomorrow, we want to say good night, God bless, and always, always, always, let's do it.

Ready? Keep fighting the fight! Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content.
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