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TUE HR1 030122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
March 1, 2022 11:24 pm

TUE HR1 030122

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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March 1, 2022 11:24 pm

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Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Verdict
John Munro

The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.

Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. That's right, the voice of the Christian Resistance on this March 1st, Tuesday, 2022.

And I'm back, folks. Not all the way yet, but I'm fighting against the Fauci bio-weapon killer flu. And we're going to continue to fight against the entire deep state globalist anti-Christ world system until the Lord takes us home.

Because we're going to be fighting every day until that time. And so, with that, if you were watching Joe-Bama tonight, I've got to tell you, I've never seen so many lies told. And people standing and applauding lies that shows you the condition our country is in, in my life, as I did.

And it's the amount of time that I was listening, watching Joe-Bama, giving his fake of the nation, what... Oh, well, we'll get into that. But I'm going to go to the Word of God because that's where there's truth. That's where you can find the truth in the Word of God.

And let's go there. We're going to be in Matthew 24 tonight, starting with verse 1. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and his disciples came for him to show him the buildings of the temple. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives... Well, first of all, that happened, so that prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD. And then here, as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came into him privately, saying, Tell us when all of these things shall be, and what shall be the sign of thy coming to the end of the world. Well, you know, here, it's ironic that he is standing on the Mount of Olives, and this is where Zechariah had prophesied many years earlier that he would return to the earth, the conquering King of Kings and Lord of Lords, set up his kingdoms, the earthly kingdom, at that very same place where he was going to tell the disciples. The disciples asked him, When would that be?

When would he be coming back? And so he goes on to say, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and many shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Well, we, folks, we've been seeing this for decades now, and remember, these are what the Bible calls the Lord Jesus, this period that we've been watching, and we are in right now, it's called the time of sorrows, or the beginning of sorrows. Other places it's referred to as the birth pains, but he goes, See that you be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nations shall rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes and diverse places. All of these are the beginnings of the sorrows.

People keep asking me, How much longer? Is this the tribulation? There are those out there, many out there right now, that teach that we're in the tribulation period.

No, this is not the tribulation period. This is the time, the beginning of sorrows. And he says, again, For nations shall rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes and diverse places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you. Well, there are many people saying, Well, you know, Christians are being killed all over the world right now, so why wouldn't this be? Well, Christians have always been killed all over the world. No, this is going to be a global, a world move against Christianity, which we're coming at.

We're heading in that direction right now. Those people that you saw tonight, when they were panning those cameras there, when Joe Obama was giving his speech, and I looked out there, and I saw people like Merrick Garland and Austin and General Miley, or Millie, or whatever. And these are people that are anti-Christ. These are people that would not just want to take away your freedoms.

I know, without a doubt in my mind, if they could, they would take away much more than just my freedoms. And I looked there, and I looked, and I watched, sitting behind Joe Obama was Nancy Pelosi. I remember when a real president, a real president, President Donald Trump, that actually did things, that did what he promised, that delivered on his promise, when he was there giving his speech, how she sat behind him and tore the speech up.

That tore the speech up right behind him, showed absolute complete disrespect and dishonor for not just Donald Trump, but for everyone that supported and voted for Donald Trump. A very wicked and a very, very corrupt, very corrupt woman there. And so, as we look at this, we see this one here, it says, All these are the beginnings of sorrows, then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. Now, we're heading to that area where Christians, it's going to be us against the world, folks.

It's going to be us against the world. And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved. And the gospel of this kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. And then shall the end come. So here, that's what he's talking about then is the tribulation period will start then.

Okay, now, I've seen where it talks about how and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. This whole thing that the division caused very, very purposely and strategically caused between those that were unvaxxed, the ones that did not want to take the poisonous poke, and those that took it. And we've seen families, total, completely families split because, and I've talked to so many people. I had a fellow that, he wrote me a letter and he said, you saved my life.

I want to thank you because had I not listened to what you were saying on the radio program and the people you had on there, I would have, like the rest of my family, taken the vax. And I would imagine these were not kids. These were older people. But all of the family took the poisonous poke with him and they all died shortly after. And I just had another member, a relative, a relative of a member of our church just told me yesterday that his stepfather had taken the poisonous poke, didn't listen, and he died.

And so there you go. And that's two in a family because the first husband was a doctor. He was a physician. And he was retired. He was an older man, retired.

And he took it and then shortly after that he died. And see, this happening all over, but you're not going to hear that in the news. And I'm going to talk about what Joe Obama had to say about that. He goes on to say, And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. And then shall the end come, when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place, who so readeth, let him understand. Now, here, the abomination of desolation mentioned by Daniel and Jesus, here, there are those that have different opinions of what it is, but most of the people believe that you're going to see a statue is going to be brought to life. It will be placed in the temple. And the false prophet will bring that statue to life.

And so that's what they believe. Now, here, there are those that go back to 168 B.C. when the Antichist epiphanies sacrificed a pig to Zeus in the sacred temple altar. Here, then, these words of the Lord Jesus here were also remembered. And, of course, like I just said in 70 A.D., when Titus placed an idol on the site of the burned temple after destroying Jerusalem at the end times, the Antichrist will set up a statue to himself in order for everyone to worship it. So what's going to happen is, again, most theologians believe that you're going to see the false prophet bring that statue to life. So here, now, then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, wait a minute, let me go back to where I left off, I'm sorry, then let him which be in Judea flee into the mountains, let him which is on the housetop not come down to take away anything out of his house, neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes, and won't to them that are nigh with child, and to them that give suck in those days. But pray that you, that be your flight, be not on the winter, neither in the Sabbath day, for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of this world to this time, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake those days should be shortened. So here, he goes on, Jesus was talking about the end times, he, what he was doing, he telescoped near future and far future events, as you see we were just talking, you know, about Antikius Epiphanes and then Titus, so, and then here, this is exactly what many of the old prophets, the old testament prophets did, many of these persecutions have already occurred, more are yet to come, the ones that Jesus prophesied, but God is, well he's in control, even the length of the persecution, so he will not forget his people. If you look through this, because again, I know that a lot of people will read this, and they look around, they see things happening, and I know there was quite a, when Isis was cutting the heads off of people everywhere, automatically people started saying, there, there, that's it, we're in, this is the tribulation, just like the Bible says, we'll be beheaded for our faith and this and that. Well, that we weren't in it, there are types and there are shadows, there are preludes, things that are a type of what's to come, and all through the Bible, we see God gives us examples of things on a small scale, sometimes a little larger scale, and then sometimes a globally large scale, and what we're seeing right now, is exactly what is described exactly as the times of sorrows, the beginnings of sorrows, you're seeing a world that is totally out of control, a world just like in the days of Noah before the flood, they're in total rebellion against a holy God, and folks, I truly believe that God is really angry in America today, very angry in America today, so little you can trust anymore.

Let me go on here. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, Christ is here or there, believe it not, for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and show great signs and wonders, insomuch as if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Every time one of these false Christs come along, they immediately pick up a lot of followers. Any time one of these, well, like we mentioned a few years ago, he was a flash in the pan, but for a while he was making the circuits, you had this guy called himself Messiah, he actually had 666 tattooed on his forehead, and he was going from apostate church to apostate church, where he was welcome in the apostate church, and he was accompanied by two whores, two women that were very scantily clad, and he would actually go in there, and he would preach a message that many years ago he suffered and died, 2,000 years ago, he suffered and died because that's what was required, what his father required him to do, and he did that just so that all the rest of us could live any way we wanted, that we could live any way we want, and not worry about sinning, worried about anybody's judgment. That's what this guy was doing.

Now all of a sudden he disappeared, and I got a pretty good feeling with where he's probably at today, and it's not in a good place. Anyhow, but today we see there's many different types, those that show up teaching and preaching a false doctrine. Joel Osteen reminds me of one in the sense that he boasts about the fact he hasn't preached against sin now in 20 years, and then how he doesn't find it that it's a positive message to preach against sin, and then they also preach that repentance is not necessary, repentance is not necessary for salvation. And here we're seeing them become kind of like rock stars where they draw thousands of people because they're tickling the ears of biblically illiterate people.

Now, in Proverbs 1 it refers to these folks as simple-minded, as simple-minded people. And it's an interesting thing, too. When you pan the audience, there were Joel Osteen, and that is about 80% of the people you'll see in there are women. And you'll talk to most of the men, and I know I've talked to some of them that have gone to this, and they told me that's where you'll find the women.

You go there, and they go there to find women. And so here these are false teachers, and there's many, many of them today. And he says here that, For Christ will be false Christs and false prophets and will show great signs and oneness and so much if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. Now, the very elect are those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, those that are mature in the faith.

And they understand those that are biblically elect, okay, and biblically literate. Behold, I have told you before, wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert, go not forth. Behold, he is in the secret chambers, believe it not. For as lightning come out of the east and shineth even into the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will be the eagles gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall the appearing of the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a sound, with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the heaven to the other. Now learn the parable of the fig tree.

When his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, you know the summer is nigh. So likewise, when you shall see these things, know that it is near even at the door. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Now, folks, that's God's word. You've got God's word on that.

Listen, let me tell you, we're seeing these things, okay, and I believe we're getting very close with what they're doing. They've transgressed God. Remember, when God gave man dominion over the environment, he kept dominion of man for himself.

He's kept dominion of man for himself. What Fauci and Gates and these ghoulish mad scientists out there today have done, they have transgressed God's dominion. Somehow they think that by having enough money and power, they can challenge God. Well, you know, I can tell you, God is in control, and all the money and all the power that they can ever put together doesn't even begin to concern God.

Now, God is angry with America because America has been following these false prophets and away from him, and because America has left his word if they would stay biblically literate. If people were biblically literate, they would not be getting the poisonous poke. There would not be people dying all over the place out there if people were biblically literate and if people were saved. Even if a majority of the pastors in the pulpits out there today were saved, we wouldn't have 100 million dead babies from abortion.

We wouldn't have our young people in the schools committing suicide because they're confused on what gender they are. You wouldn't have all of that confusion if they were biblically literate, if they were saved. But anyhow, now, we talked here about what Joe Bama said that he was going to set up a special unit to prosecute pandemic fraud. How could he possibly do that?

He's up over his eyeballs in pandemic fraud, and he's still pushing that poisonous poke right now. And so we're going to go to a... Listen carefully to this. And folks, please don't text me and ask me where I got this. By the way, on the piece we played last night, a fellow was hiding. This was a guy that was sending this out. He did not want anyone to know who he was or where he was, but he was in the Ukraine hiding and trying to stay alive. And he was telling you what he was seeing from his vantage points, and he was in communications with some other businessmen. These were American businessmen, okay? And so, anyhow, he did not want anyone to know who he was, where he was, or where he was coming from. Now, we're going to play a clip now here in a minute, and it's the title of this clip, so you don't have to call me or text me or e-mail me to say where's the source.

This is on Bichut. It's Top Secret Pfizer Document Exposed. Top Secret Pfizer Document Exposed.

And you'll have to listen to it. I mean, he is very thorough, very thorough, because people were listening to Joe Bama tonight, to his propaganda. I mean, absolute, total lies, what he was telling you about how, if you got the shot, how much safer you were. That's not. That is a depopulation program. It's the globalist depopulation program, and they continue with this, and people continue to die, and because all of the fake news media, NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News, they are in cahoots with the Antichrist, with the big pharma on this. And anyhow, so they would be co-conspirators on this, and this is why they're not going to tell you the truth about what is taking place. But first of all, we're going to play a quick song, and then we're going to go into, well, let's just go right into, Andy, let's just go right into the top-secret Pfizer document.

Sounds good. Breaking news. A top-secret Pfizer document is now circulating online. It's unclear if this is part of the FDA release, or if this was acquired by hackers. I'll leave a link in the description, but now we know why they were censoring everyone, and why they were killing doctors.

They didn't want people to know what this vaccine actually does. We're going to be covering what we can in this broadcast, but when we go to page 30 of the adverse events, we have a list that spans about 10 pages. We're going to go through as much of this as we can, but the very first listing here is 1P36 deletion syndrome.

What is that exactly? It means it's actually deleting part of people's chromosomes, and causes intellectual disabilities, seizures, heart attacks, and the like. This is like Down syndrome, but essentially it tells us that this vaccine is causing part of the DNA to implode. Next on the list is hydroxyglutaric aciduria, and that is essentially linked to a condition that causes progressive damage to the brain.

As we can see here, this list is quite disturbing to say the least. We see a lot of neurodegenerative diseases, infections and inflammation of neurons. We have neuritis, acoustic neuritis, encephalomyelitis. Undoubtedly, this is going to be linked to all sorts of MS, Parkinson's, you name it. Leukoencephalitis, kidney injuries, acute motor axonal neuropathy, acute respiratory failure, Addison's disease, thrombosis, strokes, vasculitis, adrenal thrombosis, and it just goes on and on.

This is just unbelievable. Antimyelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies, all sorts of autoimmune diseases. It's crazy to see this list of adverse effects. Look at all of this autoimmune disease. Autoimmune aplastic anemia, autoimmune arthritis, autoimmune blistering disease, autoimmune colitis, autoimmune demyelination. The myelin sheet around the neurons is like the insulation that allows traffic to go from one place to another.

It's like the insulation on wiring. When that goes, you get MS. Autoimmune disorders, autoimmune encephalopathy. It's like brain disease, endocrine disorders, the hormones, autoimmune eye disorders, autoimmune... Look at all of that.

Again, we'll leave a link to this document in the description, but this is going viral everywhere. Now people are starting to realize what they've been injected with and to think that governments are mandating this. They gave Pfizer protection, even though all of this was listed flat out from the clinical trials. In fact, of the 45,000 people that enrolled in phase three, 42,000 of them reported adverse effects. Brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, edemas, bronchitis.

I mean, it just doesn't end choking sensations. No kidding. There was another real interesting reference to toxic oil disease. We'll get to that, but essentially all of these nanolipids that they use to carry the mRNA is toxic, causes another type of disease.

Of course, they're not even really referencing the worst of it here. But when you look at all of this, it's just mind blowing hemorrhagic fever, essentially hemorrhagic pneumonia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, thrombosis, embolisms, destruction of the liver, hepatitis. And of course, we've got herpes, all sorts of herpes associated with this. They haven't listed the AIDS, but that's implied in the autoimmune disorders. Herpes sepsis, herpes simplex, herpes cerviticus. Poor women out there that got this vaccine. And the list just goes on and on.

What else we got? Herpes zoster, herpes infections, neurological, meningitis, herpes meningitis, immune mediated endocrine neopathy, immune mediated enterocolitis, immune mediated gastritis. All sorts of problems with the immune system. Not only does it give people AIDS, it causes the immune system to attack the body.

It causes a myriad of diseases that wouldn't immediately be associated or linked to the vaccine. But essentially, this is a suicide drug that they force injected on everyone. And when you think about how the governments forced everyone to get this vaccine, no vax, no job, no vax, no freedom. You think about Bill Gates funding all of this, you think about the World Economic Forum, you think about the police beating people up.

No wonder they're now trying to destroy the world with World War Three. They don't want people to know what they've been injected with. But all of these billions of people are being slow killed by this vaccine, if you even want to call it a vaccine.

And we now know that this mRNA gets turned into DNA in the liver and essentially gets incorporated into the genome of the people that are vaccinated. And so they'll be making this stuff for life. They'll be making this spike protein with HIV for life.

Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. They've been jacking up the price of insulin, now we know why. But we definitely knew that there was something wrong when they were censoring everyone, killing doctors, and even going after reporters and activists, ourselves included with electromagnetic weapons to suppress dissemination of this information. The extent at which government was trying to cover up this genocide is enormous.

These are definite war crimes, manufacturing production issues, Marburg's variant, multiple sclerosis. This vaccine is a catastrophe. And it's why they're trying to move away from it, move away from the pandemic, move away from any association. You had some government officials saying, you know, people took the vaccines on their own free will, it's their fault. You have some courts calling the deaths associated with vaccines as suicides, quite literally. Certain countries are listing vaccine deaths as suicides, ruling them as suicides now.

And of course, it just keeps going. All of these listings here are a big deal. If any one of these things were to happen to someone, it's like the end of their world. And essentially the vast majority of people that were vaccinated in the clinical trials came down with one of these syndromes. And so take your pick, which is the worst, really, but the fact that this is actually deleting chromosomes and causing neurological disorders, including looks like psychosis, schizophrenia and many other things. This vaccine is just unreal.

Of course, the tachycardia, the heart attacks, thrombosis, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, vades. And on the back end, of course, they're making tons of money testing people, giving people medication for all of these different diseases and disorders that are going to develop over time. They're just going to make a killing quite literally off of this vaccine, making tons of money, killing people and then trying to cover up the crimes and make it seem like it's an emergency. But we now know that this plandemic comes from Bill Gates and company. The virus, if you want to call it that, was patented by Moderna three years before the plandemic, the same year that Bill Gates gave Moderna $20 million in funding. This all happened in 2016. And so Guillain-Barre syndrome, we're familiar with that one.

Just unreal. But this document is now widely circulating on the Internet. It's FDA approved. Of course, that doesn't mean it's safe. It means that it's been approved by the drug industry to make money.

And so this is essentially where we're at. We can come back to this report prepared by Pfizer. The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. Confidential right there. They didn't want people to see this. This is why they wanted people to wait like 75 years to see what's in it. And it's quite revolting to think that the inserts for these vaccines were blank when it should have contained all of these diseases and adverse events. You'll have to go through this for yourselves. But this is really the bombshell news of the day.

Of the week of the year. It's not what's happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is a big distraction.

It's all bread and circus theater, even though there's probably a lot of people that are being killed there. But that's really small potatoes compared to the people that they murdered with this vaccine and this plandemic and the 5G. At first came the 5G, then everybody got sick. And while a lot of people don't think, you know, viruses exist, there's a high probability that herpes and STDs exist and that they released a bioweapon. To make people sick is much worse than the flu.

It's hard to say. But essentially this virus that was released on purpose from a lab, Wuhan or otherwise, was patented by Moderna. And it seems like Pfizer won the marketing strategy when it comes to market share. But there's a graph here that's rather telling as well if we can get to it. But the vast majority of people that received this vaccine experience adverse effects. It's why the booster rates are so low. People didn't want to come back for the third shot.

But in this graph, we essentially see that. The vast majority of serious adverse reactions were nervous system related or muscular skeletal. And even if, you know, here are some of the numbers, the breakdown of the numbers of the 42,000 adverse effects of the 45,000 people that were enrolled, 5% essentially had blood disorders. Think of the hundreds of millions of people, 150 million people in America that were vaccinated.

You know, what's 5% of 100 million? Talking 5 million people that are going to have blood disorders. Another 3% are going to have cardiovascular disorders. 12% are going to have gastrointestinal disorders.

But it doesn't stop there because a lot of what happens is progressive. This is some type of gene therapy that alters the DNA, messes with the entire inner workings of people's biology. Slowly but surely causing neurological disorders and autoimmune disorders, wiping out people's immune systems for the most part while causing the immune system that remains to attack the body.

And of course we know that this mRNA goes from the injection site to all the different organs and various tissues where they begin to mass produce spike protein. The spike protein attaches to the surface of those cells and the immune system attacks those cells in a never-ending war against this virus and these people that have been vaccinated should be upset. All of these woke demoncrats that were supporting the system should be upset. But as conservatives we should be upset at all of these Republicans and the like that were selling us this vaccine, that are still selling us this vaccine so that their stock portfolio could go up in value. I don't think anybody should forget the names of the conservatives that were pushing this vaccine at warp speed. We don't want to name names because that tends to be counterproductive. But essentially the same people that rolled out the vaccine, rolled out the 5G have made this country and this world a terrible place, an unlivable place.

And they should all face war crimes no matter how much you like them or how much you like their rhetoric or how much better they are than the current administration. These people are all guilty of genociding not only Americans but people worldwide with their scandemic. But to think that they were trying to suppress this information, that they were censoring people, killing people, torturing people in Western countries, in free countries so that the general public wouldn't know what they got injected with. To think that they made this mandatory.

To think that they did this on purpose. It's beyond criminal. It's worse than what Hitler did. Hitler just gassed people or shot people point blank and that statement is controversial. But they were definitely shooting people point blank. That was more merciful than what Dr. Mengele Fauci has done to all of the vaccinated. These people are never going to escape what they've been dosed with. These are all progressive degenerative disorders and we just kind of want to get back to this list starting on page 30.

But the very first thing listed here should shock everyone. 1P36 deletion syndrome. It's deleting genes and chromosomes from people's DNA. How does it do that?

How does it do that? What is in this vaccine that's causing people's DNA to implode? And then you've got this long list of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, attacks the kidneys, attacks the heart, attacks the liver, attacks the lungs. I mean this thing is like Ebola. That's what this vaccine is. But much worse because it's a genetic weapon that messes with people's DNA, causes progressive brain disorders, strokes, heart attacks. People have seen the blood clots. It's like jello. They're huge.

They're massive. It's not just a little bit. This vaccine is worse than the disease and they could have just opted for a regular type of vaccine, an attenuated virus, but instead everyone in the world rolled out this gene altering DNA, RNA vaccine with nanolipids that essentially carpet bombed the internal organs of all those that received this vaccine, including children. Isn't that the worst of it?

All the way down to five-year-olds and they really wanted to get the newborns. They wanted to kill everyone. And you think about everything else, the lockdowns, the masks. They want people to forget about this. They want people thinking about Ukraine.

They want people thinking about mushroom clouds and World War III, anything but the vaccines, anything but the plandemic. And so people really need to start thinking about Nuremberg trials, a quick and speedy trial for all of these war criminals. They should all hang for what they've done. And that's just going to be quite the world event, watching all of the world leaders hang for treason and war crimes, all of their cabinet members, all of their health officials. And perhaps all the way down to the Gestapo that was beating people over the head with sticks and batons and the like so that they would be forced to get this vaccine.

How many videos did we see of people getting beaten up and tortured because they didn't want to get this vaccine? Most people are no better than the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. They're all guilty.

They want to run around with their uniforms, holding their head up high like they're somebody. Well, they should be somebody. They should be somebody in history. Their pictures should be taken as they hang from the gallows. So we'll leave a link in the description. Be sure to like and share.

Get this information out there. Make as much content related to this as you can. But this is just the beginning of what is about to come out. And they did everything they could so that people wouldn't see it. They knew they were guilty. That's why they were censoring people. That's why they were killing people. That's why they were trying to hide this information.

They knew they were guilty. We'll leave it there for this broadcast. Appreciate everybody tuning in. All right.

We're back. For some of you that say, well, it sounded like he was reading that. Well, it was.

This was actually a video clip. And all of what he was reading, he was showing you, this was taking, this was a secret Pfizer document that a whistleblower had gotten ahold of and got it out. And now they made it public.

It's up. And so they're not even trying to hide it. It's like, well, we've already got, we've done the damage. It's done. We can't be stopped.

The people have gotten the poisonous poke now. So, folks, let me tell you, if you don't understand, we've told you and told you and told you what this is all about. This is about depopulating our planet. I know that a lot of people just can't wrap their brain around it.

How could people actually want to do that? Well, they are. This is what we talked about in the times of the sorrows. But anyhow, we're coming up to a break. When we come back from that break, we've got a lot to discuss. So don't go away. A whole lot more to come.

Be right back with more. WL dot org. That's w r w l dot org. Mail your donations to what's right. What's left ministries. Fourteen seven eighty one Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, four four zero six five. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at the word Cleveland dot com.

The word Cleveland dot com. Once again, thank you for listening and supporting what's right. What's left ministries. The voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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