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MON HR 1 012422

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2022 11:33 pm

MON HR 1 012422

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 24, 2022 11:33 pm

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We changed our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm radio pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on this 24th of January, Monday, 2022. And tonight there's only the mighty Andrew.

That's right, Pastor. I'm here. And that parson Joe Larson.

That highly unpaid professional assistant is back again. And just plain old me because we've run everybody else off, haven't we? Let's get going tonight. Let's get it again, huh? Yeah. Well, we got plenty of those.

Listen, we got a lot to cover tonight. So we really have to ask, you know, the scripture says that there in Daniel chapter 12 tells you that as we get closer to the Lord's return, everything's going to be speeded up. Everything's going to be moving faster. And boy, is that happening today.

Everything is moving much faster. And so the title of the message was for such a time as this. You're right. And we're going to start tonight in Esther chapter four and starting at the title of the message. Yep.

Okay. So here, uh, Joe, let's give a, just a little bit of insight here. Haman was a, well today, if we, if Haman was here today, we'd call him a death of crap. He was a very, very corrupt politician. Uh, he was one who wanted people to bow down to him. He, he could care less. I mean, he could care less about killing of all the Jews. But today, you know, today in America, everybody, men, women, and children, death, those that hate God love death. And whether it's by abortion, euthanasia, the shots, however, however they can, they can get the more death, the better for the death of grants.

The today here in America. And so here, Haman, he got appointed. He was number two guy. He was like, uh, well say the vice president to the king or Nancy Pelosi, kind of like that.

Yeah. And so here, uh, he was, was wanting to eliminate the Jews because Mordecai, see Mordecai said in the gate and in the King's gate, that meant Mordecai was in, he had some position in the government, some position. And as Haman would come through, the others would bow down to him. But uh, but Mordecai would not bow down to him. Do you know why Mordecai would not bow down to him?

Because you bow down to the Lord, your God, and no other. That's exactly right. And so here, uh, so he decided he wouldn't and, and you know, the King too, in those days, Mordecai convinced him the best thing to do would be to eliminate all the Jews from his kingdom.

So he, he gave him his stamp of approval to go ahead and do that. Well now what's happening is Mordecai has gone to Esther, the queen, and he was her uncle and he's asked Esther to go ahead and go in to the king, Ahasuerus, Ahasuerus, Ahasuerus. I've always had a hard time pronouncing that word the way it's spelled. It's spelled pretty bad, yes. It's A-H-A-S-U-E-R-U-S.

I know how to spell it, but it's harder to pronounce it. Ahasuerus. Anyhow, to go in to the king and convince him not to kill the Jews. Now Esther's got a problem.

Even though she's the queen, there's a law that states that anyone that goes before the king without being summoned, uh, if the king did not summon them, if he don't hold out his golden scepter, then that person gets executed, even if it's the queen. Wow. And so here... It would keep messengers with bad news away, wouldn't it?

Yeah. And so here now Mordecai goes and he tells her, look, you need to go in and talk to the king and tell him, by the way, that this Haman, this guy cannot be trusted. And so the king, Haman had built a gallows, and the king had ordered Haman, and this goes, as we go through there, we'll talk about this as we go through what happens, but go ahead and read, starting with verse 10, and read through 17. Again Esther spake unto Hotach, and gave him commandment unto Mordecai. All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces do know that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter that he may live. But I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days. And they told to Mordecai Esther's words. Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place. But thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed. And who knoweth whether thou art come into the kingdom for such a time as this?

I came going 17. Yeah, I just had to cough. Then Esther bade, then returned to Mordecai this answer, Go gather all of the Jews that are present under Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, day or night. I also and my maidens will fast likewise, and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law. And if I perish, I perish.

So Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther had commanded him. Okay, so here now, when we take a look at this, when he tells her, now look, if you don't do this, don't think that you're going to escape either, you or your father's house, because you're a Jew, and even though you're the queen, the law is the law if he goes through this. He's also saying, but we will be delivered from another in another way, okay? So he's telling them here from another place, that the deliverer is going to come from another place. Now, why do you think that God is not mentioned here, or is God mentioned here? Well, basically, who else would bring safety to the Jews? Who else would they fast and pray to? So I mean, it's pretty much understood that they are counting and trusting in God. God to send a deliverer. Okay, so what was the meaning of the word Jew there?

The word Jew had a meaning, a connotation, and that was what? You know, it was the children of Yahweh, the children of Yahweh. Okay, yeah. So when here, who is going to deliver his children but Yahweh, right?

Yahweh, yeah. Okay, so here, we take a look at this. Now, how is like, he wanted to depopulate the kingdom of the Jews. How does that apply today in America? They're really trying to get rid of the Christians in one way. They're trying to just, you know, get rid of God.

They're trying to chase God out of things and have a totally secular world, and they are trying to ban God from government and everything else they can. Okay, so who was in charge here this whole time? In charge of, you're talking the government or the whole situation?

The entire situation. Yahweh. Yahweh was in complete control. So is he in complete control today?

He certainly is, and that's what upsets a lot of people. They can't see what he's doing, but then people don't have patience. God does things in his time, his way, and that's why it's called faith. We have to wait in faith for God to do what he will. We can pray and ask and go out and do what we're told. We're told to run to the battle and fight the fight, but the victory belongs to him. So how many people do you think today, I mean, they call themselves Christians, they call themselves Christians, would have been put in Esther's place, would have done what Esther did that would have had the courage. I mean, today you have a whole lot of people that call themselves Christians, so in word, but not indeed, they're very few, but we have people who do, we've seen it, we have even some politicians that will run to the battle, like Jim Jordans and things, you know, a few. Josh Hawley. Not very many. Yah, Josh Hawley, a very small percentage, so has God always kept a remnant?

Always had a remnant, yes. Okay, so here he goes on to say, then Esther bade them to return to Mordecai, go together, all the Jews that are present, she had fasted you for me, neither eat nor drink three days or nights, and I also am a maiden, so you can tell that Esther was, that she was a believer, wasn't she? No, it's interesting, it didn't say fast and pray for me, it said do not, you know, fast for me, neither eat nor drink, but I think it's implied, because that's what scripture elsewhere talks about, when you do fasting, you are to be in prayer, I mean, this is one of the few times in scripture, prayer and fasting are not combined, so I think it's implied. All right, very good, so now here, when we take a look at this, Esther worshiped God, she became a queen, okay, so here now, did Haman know that Esther was a Jew, yeah, I think he did, I think he knew that she was Mordecai's niece, now what happened here, so we go through the book, we see that the queen goes and she talks to the king, and so the king, as he's, he's going over all of this in his mind, meanwhile, what happens is Haman finds out that Esther, well he knows now that she's a Jew, has spoken to the king, so Haman comes in, but before when they were passing this law that the Jews would be killed, I wonder if the king realized his wife's a Jew, the queen is a Jew, probably, he probably didn't know, that's what I'm thinking, just because otherwise why would he have allowed that law to, he would have agreed to pass that law, but here now, you got to remember too, in those days, sometimes the queens were expendable, yeah, I guess, yeah, okay, so now here, especially if you had more than one, yeah, and often they would, and so now here, he had gone, and he was going to have a celebration, the king had, one day the king couldn't sleep, so what did he do, he decided to read a history book, but it was their history, things that had happened, and he'd come across the fact that Mordecai had warned the king that there were two that had come, two of his men that sat in the gates, and they had decided that they wanted to get rid of the king, and so here the king reads that, and he decides, well, that Mordecai, well, you know, he saved my life, so I owe it to him, so he goes and he tells Haman, he says, get ready, we're going to have a parade, and we're going to honor somebody, so of course, who did Haman think he was going to honor? Himself.

Yeah. He was going to be the one honored, yes. Yeah, he was pretty sure that that was going to happen, so he goes and he gets all ready, and in fact he had had these gallows built as soon as he got his position to hang Mordecai on, he was going to hang Haman and his family right there in front of everybody, right? And so what happened was when he finds out, he finds out that he's got to lead this parade to honor his worst enemy, Mordecai, so what does he do?

He runs up to the queen's room and he starts begging her, begging her to talk to the king, and so the king comes in and there's the queen on her bed, and he's down laying on the bed trying to beg with her, and the king says, I come in here and you're with my wife in my own bed, and so who got hung on that gallows? Somebody named Haman. All right, there you go. So here, is it ever good to touch God's anointed?

No. All through scripture it was not a good thing. Touch not my anointed. Do you ever get by on God? Just when... When nothing gets put over on God, sometimes he allows things to happen for a reason we may not understand, but nothing gets over on him. In fact, I have just the perfect explanation for that.

Here it is. In Isaiah 46, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done. So he's saying he knows the former, I'm your God, he said there's none else, but declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, he declares all things, he knows all things because he also exists at the end of all things. He knows everything that's going to happen before it happens, so therefore nothing is pulled over on him and everything is done because he has allowed it, or promoted it, whichever way you want to look at it. Okay, throughout history, I mean if we go back in the biblical days, there were those that thought they would get away, starting with Lucifer himself, he thought he was powerful enough that he could rebel against God and get away with it, but he was wrong, wasn't he? Well look at that pride thing, we see that in these politicians or these government bureaucrats, they get in, or even the liberal millionaires, some of these people got just very rich and it totally changed them, they became corrupt, they had to have more power, they have all this money, billions that they can't figure out how to spend, and they become corrupted by the money, by the power, and they want more, what?

It's more power, usually, and they spend, like Soros spends billions of his own dollars to get more power, so we see that, I don't think mankind was ever made to have a lot of power, it's not good for us, it's beyond us, it was beyond Satan, and too much power, too much authority corrupts you, it ruins you. Okay so, a good example would be people that, right now in our time, that think they got away with something, but they're not going to get away with it, I mean right now they're ... Joe Biden's won all his corruption. Yeah we're going to be talking about that because some of the things that Biden's doing, I mean, lying Joe Biden, but we're going to be talking about that, especially when it comes to this election thing, what, you know, again, it's unbelievable what he's trying to pull. But now, let me give you an example, the former governor of New York, do you know what I'm talking about?

Mm-hmm, yes. Cuomo, okay, now Mr. Cuomo, he thought he was, he's gotten away, he thought he got away with killing off all of those elderly people in the nursing homes, now because they're not bringing the charges against him for that because there's too many others involved, we know. And some people that corrupt VA's and stuff are not going to allow it to be brought. Okay but, but in the end, it's important to all men who wants to die and then what? Then the judgment. So will Cuomo know absolutely for sure that he didn't get away with it once he's dead? Yes, I'm sure the Lord will bring it up, there's a little thing called a book of remembrances, right?

What about Governor Wolf out of PA and the governor of Houston out of California, and you go on and on. New Jersey and Michigan, Whitmore, all of the, the elderly, what does the Bible talk about with the elderly, does it say to honor those or does it say to kill them? I don't think it says kill them, destroy them, let them die, you know, nursing homes, no, I think it's honor them. Okay, so these people have not got away with it, now let me go back to those on that court that called itself Supreme in 1973, that they took money, they took the money, they took what they had to take, they were put there for that purpose and they declared, well they declared God dead and themselves to be God and they said that we will take and make what God has made unlawful, we will make it legal if you'll purchase a license from the state and you can destroy the image of God, you can transgress God's dominion, these are wicked people.

Well. There's an entire court that's going to have to answer to the Creator on that one, right? Well seven out of the nine, and now, do you have any doubts that they're in torment today? None, no doubts, God cannot lie and all through scripture he hated, he basically, it screams thou shalt not, must not, cannot, will not shed innocent blood, that's pretty clear. So how authoritative is God's Word, the Bible, how much power and authority does it carry?

Well he's called the supreme judge of the universe, there is no appeal after him, that's it, he's the final authority over everything in heaven and earth, so if he judges you guilty I would tremble. So now, here, remember when Cain killed Abel, and the Lord said Abel's blood is crying out from the grave, what do you think the sound of over a hundred million babies, the sounds of their cries, the blood, up to God, from the sewers from coast to coast in America, to condemn blackness, and here they've made, they've named cities and streets and whatever after those tyrants, those black road whores, they call themselves judges. The blood of the children has got to be deafening, huh? Yes, it would have to because even the blood of one is scripture that the blood cried out from the ground when Cain killed Abel, that was just the blood of one, not the blood of millions. And so this is continuing here in America today, the killing of the children, and I talked about this the other night, how the report just came out and I heard it, and they were talking about how the good news is that the vast majority of people that die, most deaths in the world today are not by COVID, but by abortion, in other words, it's not so bad if it's by abortion because that's legal, we've accepted it, has God accepted it? No, it's legal by what you would call the supreme fools declared it legal, but God has never changed his mind. He's immutable, isn't he?

Right, cannot change. Okay, we're going to go to a break and then we come back. Folks, pay close attention when we come back from this quick break because I'm going to play a short clip by Dr. Sherry Maday, and we get so many calls, so many calls, so many calls from people wanting to know how they can detox, and over and over and over again we tell you to call Wendy, and by the way, I'll give you Wendy's phone number, 866-229-3663, Wendy's phone number is 866-229-3663. See that's what they do, that's not what I do, I don't tell people how to detox because I can barely, barely keep up with all of the stuff we're doing today, and I wanted to make another announcement very quickly, we really appreciate all of your donations, but at this time right now we would appreciate it more if you donate, if you could do it by check or money order instead of PayPal because with the passing of Pastor Bruce, which came so fast, we did not have time, he became a little too fast to transfer the needed paperwork, he handled that, he was handling that and he did a tremendous job over the years, but in fact we were actually going to do that, and when all of this happened so quickly before we could get it done, so what's happening is right now because of that, we cannot get our money out of PayPal, and it's set in there, but I gotta just, I gotta tell you this, this is a true story, but I'll do it after the break, be right back. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Yeah, I will, you know, first it's God first, then family, then country, God first, then family, then country, then yeah, that's what our message is about for such a time as this, because God has raised us up right now for the things that are happening today to be in service for him to stand against the evil and to promote righteousness, to support the good causes, the godly causes, and to stand against the wicked causes. Now, again, God's got a tremendous memory when that judgment day comes and that bemacy day comes and you guys that are supposed to be Christians that are not doers of the word or just hearers, you know, your armchair quarterback Christians, you'll wish you had really run to the battle, you'll wish you had stood when you were supposed to stand, but anyhow. Well, you said that memory, pastor, what is it, Malachi 4.16, and it said, the Lord hearkened heard the people and took, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name, and it gives us, again, one of those metaphors, he can't forget, he has a perfect memory, but he's letting us know things are written down in his book. He knows.

Absolutely. He also goes, you know, he speaks at one point about there are those that think that I'm not watching, did I not invent the eye? Did I not invent the ear?

Do you think that I can't see and can't hear? Okay. And so anyhow, with that, Joe, a couple things first. One is we got a prayer request right now.

Here's what I did today. I was on the phone over and over, and there's a man named Eric there, Eric there. Now Eric may be even older than you, Joe, he's one of us old vets, Vietnam vet, and he's in the hospital, and here he has no family. The only family he has is our church family, that's it, our church family.

He has no kin. Now he called from the hospital and said, I need some help. He said, I told him when I came in here not to give me remdesivir.

I told him absolutely I did not want that. Now, you know that Mike and Carl Evans had same thing. They did not want any remdesivir, both of them took remit, got it, they didn't accept it. They took them without their knowledge, even after they said no, and we talked about that on the air. We told them where that happened. And now here I made it very, very clear to them that I called over there, because what happened, he asked to see a list of the medications that they had given him, because he was drowsy a lot of times, and on there was remdesivir, and he called, he told me, I called over and I talked to the people in the hospital, and I let them know very clearly that if there's anything happens with him, there will be lawsuits, there's going to be major lawsuits, and maybe even criminal charges.

And they assured me that that has been removed from his list of treatments, and he would not be getting anything else. And so if this happens, we're going to go out and we're going to report all those involved in this, because I think you're already seeing the lawyers lining up, you're seeing a big reversal. What we've been telling people now, even, listen to this, Joe, this is hard to believe, this is very hard to believe. Some of the liberals are deciding, hey, you know what?

This stuff is killing us, right? Right. And so even there, coming out and saying they're against it, no more COVID, no more paranoia, no more mask wearing, now the fact that Bill Maher, yeah, well, on his program he had some on there, talking about how up to now they've been afraid because they would be attacked by their own if they broke and didn't run with a hyenas, okay?

But anyhow... He came out and he blasted Fauci, and Maher was really critical about those pushing the jab as the be-all, end-all, and he went on, he said, people even don't want the shot. We should not treat people unfairly who want to allow their own immune system to take care of the situation, you know? And he was asked about, don't you think Fauci or the medical establishment know what they're doing, the interviewer? They don't know a lot about anything, Marcit.

We still don't understand too much about how the human body works. And he said, you know, so don't sit there in your white coat and tell me, just do what we say. When have we ever been wrong? And he goes, you've been wrong a lot.

He said back, they drilled mercury into my teeth when I was a child, and now we know that mercury is a deadly poison. So there you go. I mean, even some major people like Bill Maher are waking up and realizing that the government lies, the government is trying to control people, and, you know, it's a start. I think the worm is turning.

Absolutely. And, you know, what we've been talking about, you know, for the longest time about the COVID, about how they're out there, they're killing people, now this has come out. Even, you know, even on Fox News, Tucker Carlson even had Robert Hansen on, and again, he even had him on, and he was telling people, don't do that, you know. And so, now we did that months ago, months ago, right, and so trying to tell people about these things.

About a long time, so do you know if Eric has been treated or not? Well here, they had given him, they had given him a shot of that, and so, but when I talked to him, they said they're monitoring, they're giving us very small doses, and they're monitoring. If he dies with liver shut down, we're going to make it all, we're going to put that all over the country if our kidneys shut down. We're going to start doing that and getting more reports and letting people know, because see, again, this is, these people are licensed to kill, this is the death culture, the death culture. Now, that's what the entire, even the CDC now is backing off and telling you, don't get the, do not get the boosters, don't, if you've had the shot, don't get the boosters.

Even the CDC is telling you now. Well, I've got a big story on that, but let's do that after, you know, one thing when you said Eric doesn't have a family, in a way he does, doers of the word is a great family because these are the people he will be spending eternity with at some point, whether he dies from this or dies 10 years from now, that church family is the one he'll spend eternity with, so he's already, in a way, been blessed by a lot of the people there. I told him, Joe, we would be praying for him and having people all over the country and even in different countries listening to pray for him tonight, so let's go ahead and pray for, Heavenly Father, Lord God, I want to hold Eric up, Lord, he's got to feel awful only being there and now because of this whole COVID thing and everything, it's hard to even visit. You have to be the pastor or the next of kin even to get in and visit these people and so Lord, we just want to hold him up, just hold him up and ask Father, Lord God, that you would touch him and Lord, we know that it's not always thy will and we know your will is a perfect will and you're the one that calls whether it's time to take him home or not. So but Lord, we're going to do it like you've told us to do, to pray for those that are sick and so we're doing that, we're praying, we're asking, Lord, that you would hold him up, we're asking to the people out there listening to us all over the world to again agree and ask that you might touch him and heal him, Lord, and bring him back to his home church, these things we ask in Jesus' precious name, amen.

Amen, right now there are so many people all over the world that need prayer and people are always asking me what can I do and one of the first things I tell them is, you know, a lot of people don't have money or a lot of time but they can get together and form a prayer group and get the name of these people and do a daily prayer for all these people in need and it is something a lot of Christians just keep forgetting or don't get the message, there's great power in prayer and a really good prayer group of even five or ten people with daily prayer is a powerful, powerful thing. I'm going to play a clip here, Joe, and I want people to listen very clearly and this is Dr. Carrie Madej, it's going to be a short clip, only about a minute long, but I need for you to listen because it's about detoxifying. Now that's what she teaches how to do, detoxify, there are many.

Now again, you can go to,, you can spell it by C-A-R-R-I-E, capital, OK again, it's spelled capital C-A-R-R-I-E, capital, and so I'm going to play this here clip for you and I'm not at the regular, I'm at the remote studio tonight, so I'm going to try to do the best I can to get it right up where you can hear it real well. So detox, detox, detox, so I love detox baths, they take care of radiation poisoning, they take care of pesticides, they take care of heavy metals, all kinds of things, even some parasites. So if you've got a bathtub, you know someone's got a bathtub, that's the easiest, fastest way, good old baking soda, so one or two cups of baking soda, one or two cups of Epsom salts in there, that already is a wonderful radiation detox, it gets fungus yeast out of your body as well, you add a little bit of bentonite clay, Aztec secret is a wonderful brand, one half to one cup, now you've also got a major pool of poison coming out. You add in one cup of borax, you know that laundry detergent, that'll take nanotechnology out of you.

You scrub down, scrub down, scrub down, 20 minutes is how did you tolerate it, right? Okay, so I'm just getting a new website started,, M-A-D-E-J, I'll put all the detoxes, everything I do is for free. Okay, did you get that Joe? I sure did. Okay, so. Baking soda, Epsom salts, bentonite clay, and a cup of borax. A lot of people, a lot of people are going to say I didn't get a chance to write it all down, so.

If I can get it down, they could have, but if not, Carrie. Okay, I'm going to play it one more time, okay Joe, one more time, and possibly maybe sometime before the end of the program, because I, because I get so many phone calls, and I, and if the people would pray for us that, because we're overwhelmed, we're actually overwhelmed, trying to keep up with all the things that are happening, and so all the letters and prayer requests that we're getting, so I'm going to try it again. So detox, detox, detox, so I love detox baths, they take care of radiation poisoning, they take care of pesticides, they take care of heavy, heavy metals, all kinds of things, even some parasites. So if you've got a bathtub, you know someone's got a bathtub, that's the easiest, fastest way. Good old baking soda. So one or two cups of baking soda, one or two cups of Epsom salts in there, that already is a wonderful radiation detox, it gets fungus yeast out of your body as well. You add a little bit of bentonite clay, Aztec Secret is a wonderful brand, one half to one cup, now you've also got a major pool of poison coming out. You add in one cup of Borax, you know that laundry detergent, that'll take nanotechnology out of you.

You scrub down, scrub down, scrub down, 20 minutes, how did you tolerate it, right? Okay, so I'm just getting a new website started,, M-A-D-E-J, I'll put all the detoxes, everything I do is for free. All right, there you go. So you got that?

I got that, and like I said, if I can write it, most people should have been able to. Let me tell you what happened, I wanted to go back and tell the folks about, for right now we're asking you to, please donate, we need you to, those that have pledged all that to donate, but for right now, we would rather, if you could, now, if you don't have any other means, go ahead and use PayPal, we'll eventually get the money out of there, but a check or a money order. That would be much better, a check or money order.

Check or money order, right now, now, here's what happened, we were on the phone trying to get this stuff straightened out, and for over an hour, and I was talking to the lady from there, from PayPal, and I explained to her why we were transferring that to another, one of the other people that work in the ministry here, from Pastor Ford, Bruce Pfeiffer to this fellow named Ron. So I explained to her that Pastor Bruce was one of my associate pastors, that I was the senior pastor, and that he became ill very quickly, and before he had time to transfer everything, he died. And so this is why we're going to try to, because we didn't have all the passwords, and we did eventually find that, but anyhow, so she said, okay, I understand, here's what you have to do. You have to get Pastor Bruce, Pastor Ford, Bruce Pfeiffer, to fill out a transfer application. And I told her, I said, that would be very difficult, because, see, I'd have to go to heaven to talk to him, and I can't get there in my present condition like that.

Yeah, and if you could get there, you couldn't come back with the paperwork. Right. And so, but then she said, well, okay, I understand.

So we got, folks, I'm not kidding you, that's for real. Something like that happened to me long ago, and something similar, it does happen, folks, it really does. Yeah, well, weird things. Those bureaucracies are so stupid.

Weird things happen to us all the time, it's just, you know, it's just the way it is. Anyhow, we were talking about, I wanted to hit a couple things very quickly, you ready for rapid, this is, let's get some information out, did you ever hear of Mida Zolem? No, not that my brain remembers right off hand. Mida Zolem is being used to secretly euthanize the elderly, eyewitnesses speak out. The government who's instigated the sickening and unlawful protocol have blood on their hands and need to, at the very least, answer some questions. When my mom was put on a syringe driver, a device used to automatically administer drugs, three days before her death in 2009, I didn't think twice, the kindly hospice nurse told me the drugs were to make her comfortable and what her daughter doesn't want their mom to, or what daughter doesn't want their mom to be comfortable in her final days. Well, I knew my mom was dying because the hospice doctor had told me something, I didn't question how she knew. Back then I trusted doctors and just accepted them as well as the gift of healing.

They're possessed of the foresight, how ignorant I was. Eleven years later, in the summer of 2020, a very distressed man called me and he said he'd seen me being interviewed on the David Icky show on about the calling of the elderly in care homes and told me one of his relatives had been a victim. He didn't mince his words and told me loud and clear that a murder had been committed and he could prove it.

And I'd known what I already knew, had I dismissed him as a nutter. I mean a lot of my job as a freelance journalist, but I could tell from this man's earnestness that he was telling the truth and the truth was horrific. I needed evidence though, as a journalist, I have to be very careful before pitching a story to a newspaper. I needed to get my facts straight and have proof to get back up every claim, personal anecdotes as well as well and good as well as being an essential part of any investigation report but cannot be taken at face value. So I met up with this man and that's when I saw the evidence.

With my own eyes, unfortunately, this information can't be shared for reasons I'll be able to disclose at a later date. I was interviewed by Dr. David Hickey at the end of a most tumultuous year, 2020, in case you've forgotten. That was the first time I'd spoken publicly about what I'd learned.

I was nervous as hell, but I felt compelled to share what I had discovered. That our elderly were indeed being killed in hospitals, care homes and hospices. So the evidence, this article is a very long one, so I'm going to jump ahead, Joe. Evidence of the, includes the following, a House of Commons document detailing conversation between Health Secretary Matt Hancock and conservative MP Dr. Luke Evans, during which they discussed the use of certain medications to give COVID patients a good death, a good death is medical terminology for euthanasia. So I'm not going to go on, but that's what's happening, right?

That was it. But we're seeing that, we're seeing what happened here in America. America probably leaves the world where it comes to purposely euthanizing their elderly.

But anyhow, then people need to know that. And this is why hospitals have lost so much credibility now. People are afraid to go to hospitals, and these doctors that encourage you to take the poisonous poke, they're losing credibility. And now, one by one, they're starting to back away from that. They're realizing... Yeah.

Here, you just perfect lead into this story that was just put out by WorldNetDaily and Art Moore. Today, data released from the Scottish government shows people who have been vaxxed with two or three doses of COVID mRNA are more likely to become infected, be hospitalized, and die than people who are unvaxxed. The Scotland data, a rate of infection of 866 people per 100,000 for the double vaxxed versus 481 for the unvaxxed, no, for the boosted, I'm sorry, 481 for the boosted, and around 400 for the unvaxxed. So then they're going to the European Union, and their top health agency came out and said that getting boosted every four months is gonna harm your immune system to fight the disease from the European Medicine Agency. And then WHO, the World Health Organization, put out a statement that a vaccine strategy based on repeated booster doses is unlikely or to be appropriate or sustainable. Now we've got Canada. A week ago, the province of Alberta showed infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID all soared in the days and weeks after people received their first vaccine dose.

Israel and Britain saw COVID deaths at all-time highs after they launched their vaccine campaigns, and the data in the UK, people have been vaxxed to count. Joe, you gotta hold it right there, because we're right up against the heartbreak. So don't go away. We'll be right back after this. What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at, Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned.

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