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What's Right What's Left Pastor Ernie Sanders Logo

MON HR 2 011722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
January 17, 2022 11:59 pm

MON HR 2 011722

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 17, 2022 11:59 pm

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Donate and listen to the podcast at Alrighty, we are back. Elaine, give your phone number out.

Folks, listen. These questions that you have about COVID and about how to help, you know, if you've been sick with these different things, call her, not me. Please give that number out. My number is 440-478-4073.

That's 440-478-4073. I've been helping people navigate, you know, school issues, employer issues, and also navigate the healthcare system when unfortunately they've taken people into the emergency room. You want to take steps to avoid the emergency room as much as possible, and there are things you can do at home if you have difficulty breathing, etc., to keep you out of the hospital because they are not treating people properly and people are dying that are going in there. Alright, there is some good news out there, and do you know what the good news is? Many of these large corporations are now dropping the Vax mandate. One of them, Joe, has, what is it, 56,000 employees, and they've dropped the mandate. General Electric, yes, the big General Electric, and Amtrak also, so there is hope. They're taking a look at things, realizing that that was just the news, that they want to drop it after the Supreme Court threw out that emergency rule from OSHA, and so I'm hoping other people will follow suit with Amtrak and General Electric on the way.

There could be hope yet. Elaine, can I ask you a question? Sure.

I found a story that I haven't been able to, well, verify much, but a Dr. David Ostroff is a professor in the Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Lab Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine, and he said he's found two compounds that you can get over-the-counter that inhibit the novel coronavirus by 99% in tests. One of them was Benadryl, he calls it di-enhydramine or whatever, and the other was a, what is it, milk. Oh yeah, I get that. Milk. Hang on, I'm trying to find it real quick right here. It's a, oh, can't think of it, but anyway, he said he found it because people were taking, patients that were taking daily doses of Benadryl for allergies and things and drank a lot of milk, were not getting sick, although they were around a lot of sick people and started looking into it, and it's, oh god, I can't see it. Something about like, Lickitin, okay?

Something like that, yeah. What you're talking about, I had that article. Here it is, lactoferrin, lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a bioprotein, and that's what you will find in mother's milk, and basically it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer. Lactoferrin has been out there for an extremely long period of time.

I need to caution people because of the fact that, and if you listen to Dr. Tenpenny speak, I'm of the same mindset that she is in my following remarks. If you are vaccinated and you have gotten the shot, alright, that has that lethal spike protein in it, the spike protein enters every single cell in your body and attaches to your DNA. Taking lactoferrin is not going to take that spike protein out of your organs and glands once it's attached, so lactoferrin can help you with signs and symptoms of respiratory issues, bacterial issues, viral issues. COVID in and of itself is a disease state, and so you want to deal with the signs and symptoms that you are having, but there are also things being marketed out there that talk about detoxing from the spike protein. And so yes, you can detox your body, but once this spike protein attaches to your DNA, alright, it can wreak havoc in every organ and gland in your body.

And so what I guess I'm saying to people is be mindful of the verbiage that is being used out there. Just like you want to have good hydration, good food, you want a healthy environment that you're living in, you have to clean your body also. So take some supplements to support your liver, such as milk thistle or an artichoke supplement, make sure you're drinking fluid clean filtered alkaline water, half your body weight in ounces every single day. But yes, lactoferrin is very, very effective for some of those disease states, and you will find it on the internet. I also work with a company called Niken that has lactoferrin, so if people want to get in touch with me, I can give them a little bit more detail related to that. But be mindful of what's being marketed and do your own research too. This doctor wasn't marketing, he was just writing a piece out there. He found out that, like I said, through one was some people were not getting it, were milk drinkers and were taking Benadryl. And he went and started doing research using the, not the cow form of the lactoferrin, but the human form, right? Yes. And I guess there's a big difference, but anyway, he said on his testing, it's been extremely, extremely, almost 99% effective in his tests. And it supports all the mucous membranes of your body, so whether you have issues with your respiratory tract in your breathing or your digestive tract or with your urinary system, lactoferrin supports all the mucous membranes of your body.

So that means air exchange in your lungs, digestion back and forth so that you get most of your nutrients, and then also a healthy urinary tract system to ward off if people are having frequent UTIs. I gotta jump in because the phones are not ringing, folks. We can't have, those lights gotta light up, they gotta light up. We won, I have actually less than 10 hours a week to raise enough money for the entire month, and so we need to hear from you out there.

That number is 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673, 888-677-9673. You know, we're in a war, I mean, we really have to fight, and let me tell you something, folks. Every day out here, I'm waiting, I'm waiting for the guys in the black limousine to pull up because they don't like what we're saying, and again, this is war. We're fighting an all-out assault by the Antichrist movement out there.

Everywhere you go now, we've been, the government has been military, or weaponized against us. Now, what they're telling you, again, like I'm trying to tell you, the idea, they have to meet their goal of depopulating, killing off so many people. Now, you're not supposed to know, a lot of these politicians that you see out there taking the vax, they're taking saline. They're not taking the real thing. Right. You're not supposed to know that. See, listen, if you're stupid, the media will like you. Okay, right?

No. And those, there's many of them, too. We're seeing, especially these athletes that didn't know any better, they're dropping like flies. I mean, um... Last count, it was 319 young athletes. 319, all of a sudden. Now, that didn't happen years ago.

That never happened. No. So, folks, they're dropping like flies, but you're not hearing about this on the fake news media. And those people on the fake news media, a lot of them, they are not taking, believe me, the ones that are taking, I mean, they're all a part of this. And what they're going to do, they're not going to kill off their own.

They need those people there, so they'll make sure that they get the saline, won't they? Correct. All right, there you go.

And in fact, that film that we showed at the church, where they actually tracked down and find out where the killer doses are going, okay, and how they're working, these folks, again. We need your help to stay here, because we will tell you, no compromise. No compromise.

We're not going to do it. And I need to add something to what Pastor Ernie just said. You've been on the air about 40 years plus. This will be 50 years this year, by this summer, Joe. Right, and this show, about 40.

Yeah. And you have never taken a dime. You've never taken a salary for the radio ministry all the nights you broadcast over all those years. And no one with you. I can testify to that.

I've been with you quite a few. No one in this ministry has ever taken any money in salary. When you donate to this ministry, the money goes to pay the bills. The radio bills are the big thing in the ministry. We pay the air time. We don't have to rely on sponsors and advertisers who get squeamish and scared off and jump ship. So we rely on you. Pastor Ernie is the watchman on the wall, gives you the warning, gives you God's word.

And like we joke around here, the pay isn't very good, but the retirement plan, folks, is out of this world. We're doing this because God called us to, not because we're getting famous, not because we're getting paid, but because we're working for the boss upstairs. And so when you donate, it's not helping us. Luke, in Luke chapter 6, it says, Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye meet withal, it shall be measured to you again. God says if you give willingly and cheerfully, he will make sure that you can continue to give.

You have his word on it, and as the good book says, God cannot lie. Well, the other thing I want to say also is that I know in speaking to some of the viewers over the past three or four months, that some people are really in not good locations where they can get out and about, you know, and be of service to other people. So this is one way, you know, that you can contribute to the cause and to the freedom movement, you know, in the United States.

All right, thank you. All right, Steven, Cleveland pledges $40. Donna from Cleveland pledges $400. Susan from Illinois pledges $100. Stephanie from Manhattan pledges $50.

Dara from New York pledges $40. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You know, Joe, how it's been painful because we've sat there and I've watched Joe Olsteen and these guys buying these Lear jets. And all these years I've been on the radio so much longer, I've been preaching so much longer. Not only have I not got my first Piper Cub, but I got to settle for one of those things you strapped to your back and hope you can fly, Joe.

And it's tough at my age, right? Basically, you had to buy your own four-wheel drive vehicle just to get to the radio station. Boy, do we need it today. Boy, do we need it today. Speaking of that, remember back when they were saying how England would never see snow again, you know, with the global warming, never, never. They had a huge snowstorm here a while back and the Met Office says there's another 13 inches of snow heading for the UK here at the last part of January. You know, from now on it's going to be snowing there in the United Kingdom. The return of the flakes is in forecast. So all that stuff about it's never going to, the children in England will never see snow.

Boo hoo hoo, it's been snowing. The environmental wackos were telling us here because we didn't have a white Christmas and that we're not going to have any more white Christmases and it's Donald Trump's fault. You know, he did something with the environment, right? Yeah. But if you go to, you will find out that they are manipulating the environment and creating all of these pockets of hazards for us.

Right. Well, you know, I don't think much, I don't think the good Lord is going to sit and see. If you go to Hosea chapter 4 and read verses 1 through 6, he tells you that it's man's sin that is causing the problems with the environment. It's man's sin. In other words, man is crossing boundaries he's not supposed to cross. Correct.

Okay, boundaries where he has no authority to cross. And so, and that's what's happening. In the book of Job, it says the weather comes for three reasons. It's talking about watering the thick clouds and the rain and the wind. And in Job 37 verse 13, he's talking all about the weather. It causes it to come, whether for correction, for his land, or for mercy.

And that's the whole water droplets, rain, snow, all that's there in Job 37, and you can look at verse 13, makes it very clear God's doing it. Already? Those are his three reasons. Joe, we need 2300, 2300 to make our goal tonight. We're 2300 short.

Well, if I were rich instead of good looking, I would just write you a check, boss, but not going to quite make it. Yeah, well. I might just donate 125 for my wife and I, but I'm going to be a little short of that, you know, big one. All right. So you can have Lisa put me down there, Harriet and I.

For how much? 125. Okay, that's what Lisa did. Put Joe down for 125. There you go.

Well, he's got you down there already. Now, since Joe did that, I'm going to have, I'm going to go with $1,000 from Doers of the Word Church. $1,000.

Well. $1,000. So you know what that puts us down to? Puts us down to about, let me see, about 1200, right? We need about 1200. Well, let's try and get ahead of the game tonight, not just meet, you know, meet our goal, but let's see if we can surpass it. There's one story I wanted to get out tonight. Let's see if we can get Andy to pledge $1,000 and let's see, Randy and Andy. $1,000 apiece. That'll help us.

That would put us way past our goal. But. Lifestyles of the not-so-rich-and-famous Pastor Ernie. All righty, here you go. Erica from Pennsylvania pledges 150. Thank you, Erica.

Thank you. So it's coming. We're getting there.

We're getting there, folks. Anyhow, I wanted to say this. You know, we mentioned this before, this D.C. Mayor, Muriel Bowser, an added pro-deather.

One of those that sorrows, one of the sorrows. Appointed people. Bought and paid for.

Bought and paid for. Anyhow, she's pulling some shifty, evil, wicked. She's adamantly pro-death. And the March for Life now, she's declared vaccine mandate. There's going to be a vaccine in order to disrupt the March for Life. And so, Joe, would you ask and pray, would you pray that God would humble that woman?

Would you do that? She's a wicked woman. And you folks across the country, if you would pray with. What's her first name? Her name is Muriel. Muriel.

Muriel Bowser. Okay, if you would pray that God would humble that woman, okay? And that she's a wicked, wicked woman. And you folks out there listening, pray with that.

Believe me, God will answer prayer. And this woman is a wicked woman. And here, you know, whose angels are before the Lord continuously? Those are their children.

And she wants to kill the children. So, I wanted to say this just before we go there. Carl in Cleveland pledges 750. Thank you, Carl. Wow, thank you, Carl. Amen.

Go ahead, Joe. Oh, dear Heavenly Father. We have many times said that this lady, Muriel Bowser, I don't even want to remember her name, that she has been anti-Christ. She pushes and promotes the shedding of innocent blood. She professes all things evil against you and your laws. And, Lord, this march that's coming up is so important for so many people.

We have tried to be faithful, tried to protect those innocents that are being led to slaughter. And here we have this wicked woman who's trying to really destroy this march and keep the world from knowing how we feel about what the anti-Christ system is doing, slaughtering your precious, beautiful children of all colors, all kinds. And, Lord, that you would just stop her. And whatever way, Lord, that you can see fit, whether she comes down with an illness, whether she can't speak to give any more of these stupid orders, or that she would simply see the light, repent of her sin, turn from her wicked ways. Lord, we put our feelings to you and the anger, the frustration.

Sometimes you say you can hear the utterances when we don't have the right words, and I'm not sure I have the right words, but have anger and distaste for this anti-Christ woman, that, Lord, you would deal with her and so many like her. We just ask this in Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Amen. You know, that little fellow from Facebook, what's his name? Mark somebody. Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg. You know, he gave the lying liberal media $370-something million to lie.

Right. He gave them $300 million to lie. Now, here, the fall, there's an article here, the fall of the mainstream media and the biggest lies they told in 2021. I mean, there's so many of them here. It says, in the past year has confirmed anything is that the mainstream media is thoroughly dishonest. We've kind of known that, haven't we?

Yeah. Yet most people already suspected this, but in the last 12 months they've provided more confirmation than in the past several years combined. And 2021 has made it clear that the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of the political and corporate elitists from big government to big pharma. I just want to show that it tells you this here. Legacy media has seen audience numbers plummet over the past 10 years, but in the last year in particular has been especially unkind to them.

All of the major corporate news channels saw their audience ratings decline. Well, people are understanding. They're figuring out. We're telling them one thing, and this is why Biden knows this, and this is why he wants to silence us. And he's come out and he's already said that he's going to put a stop to people putting out disinformation, meaning the truth.

Anyone who's telling the truth interfering with his depopulation program. But it says that CNN seeing the largest drop overall, CNN is facing an epic cut of 68% in its prime time numbers. The Communist News Network. Yep.

Yep. Well, PMS NBC now has the smallest prime time audience it has ever witnessed. Fox also dealt with audience declines this year.

And you know why? Because Fox, you had those people there lying. You had Bret Baier, you had Neil Kabuto, you had that Smith woman. When it came to the election fraud, they lied. They looked in that camera and they told the lie they call the narrative. And it's because of us and other programs like ours, and we outed them.

We outed them. Correct. And that's why Fox News now, he goes on to say, continues to remain the most watched cable news outlet so far because of the continued popularity of commenters like Tucker Carlson.

Carlson probably brings out the most on that. He's, and I'm just amazed that he's still there. Okay. Yeah. Here. Some managed to blame the loss of election coverage.

Okay. Some management blames the loss of election coverage. But it is not as I, it is not as there wasn't enough news hype. With millions of people still working from home and facing intermittent COVID restrictions this year, in blue states you would think that this would represent a captive audience for the fear of the machine. Even the YouTube and other social media platforms are facing the mainstream media content and to our faces daily while burying any alternatives, yet their numbers are plunging too and audiences are laughing. There you go.

Because other platforms are being created that are not going to censor you and maintain the constitution for free speech. That's right. You have more and more radio programs like this are popping up and internet shows and the clips that we're playing and people are standing up fighting back, aren't they? And that's what you have to do. This is the time to determine your line in the sand. Get involved. You know, people are really promoting civil disobedience, protesting.

You have a right to do that and you say no to the mandates. Take your mask off. And, you know, here I wanted to do that article that I had here. Oh, here it is right here. Officer Mike Boyd. Okay, Officer Mike, he was the one, he was the dirty cop. The dirty cop that went ahead and shot Ashley Babbitt right in cold blood. I saw him do it in cold blood. You know, she had no weapons or anything.

She was standing there. And down here, they never even interviewed him by the dirty, with DC, Dirty Cops Police. They call it DC police.

It stands for Dirty Cop Police. They've got a bad reputation of being really dirty down there today. And so, before he was exonerated for killing Ashley Babbitt in cold blood. Well, you know what? He was a black guy.

Ashley was a white veteran and they wouldn't even let her be buried in Arlington. Remember, this is a communist revolution. They are trying to foment a revolution. The deep state, the communists are trying to take over the United States of America.

They're using everything possible. We just told you about One News, what America News being kicked off of DirecTV. Newsmax the other day was the only place I could find when President Trump gave his great speech there.

That was the only place you could watch it that I knew of, was Newsmax. So, people, we've got to go to where they're telling us the truth. And then, I've got to tell the story. Mike Lindell is having problems. That's my pillow guy. He's been a solid Trump supporter. He has given money, donated money, made his own websites, tried to show the election was crooked. He's done so much there at, LindellTV, and the Lindell Recovery Network. And now, one of the nation's largest banks is moving to dump his nine businesses and charities that he's founded since the success of MyPillow. The Minnesota Bank and Trust, they monitored a call. This was Steve Bannon on the War Room, played a recording of a telephone call between the top executive at the bank and Lindell's controller.

And basically, they said that, you know, we're not going to be your bank anymore unless you quit doing, you know, saying the things you're doing and whatnot. And so, Lindell tried to get a hold of the bank, tried to call the bank's CEO, Stephen Bishop. He was put on hold for an hour.

Well, he called back later and was put on hold for another 45 minutes. So, here's a very wealthy man with all these businesses, nine businesses and charities, that's a lot of banking. But he said, no, we're not quitting your bank, we're not going to obey. If they want FrankSpeech gone, they will have to do it, you know, force us, we're not going to stop. Well, that's what happened with us and PNC Bank. They dropped us because of what we stood for, okay? And when we asked them, why are you doing that, they said, well, we don't have to tell you why we're doing it. And so, then we looked on their website and seen all the things that they support.

Abortion, they support everything, you know, that we're against, the transgender, all of that, everything that we're against. So, we found another bank that supports this radio program and with Christian people there. And so, we moved our accounts to there and then we told many, many people about that.

So, a lot of new people went there. These people, this is a revolution, this bank is going to lose a lot of money. So, folks, this is not an economic thing, it is a political war going on, it is a revolution. The communists are trying to take control, to get control, they've got to control the media. FrankSpeech is a pain in their side, like this radio program is a pain in their side.

They tried to shut down One America News, they're trying to shut down And we know they have called Salem and complained, they've tried to get us off the air. There's just all the more reason for you to donate and keep us on the air, we don't have to have sponsors. We've got a financial institution that's going to work with us. So, please call, make those donations, keep the voice of the Christian resistance on the air. There is so much going on, you will need us.

All right, those numbers are 888-281-1110, 888-281-1110, or 888-677-9673. You know, we just mentioned Tucker Carlson and I like his program, so far he's probably the best on Fox. But here, I remember it was a few weeks back when he said, we still don't know who it was that shot Ashley Babbitt. That was a week after we were telling people that it was Lieutenant Mike Burt. We were telling people that, you know, and a week after, Tucker would still say, we still don't know. Well, we know, and actually it was the Gateway Pundit was the first to blow it, to bring that out. And just a comment I want to make, Pastor, you know, is that underpinning all of this, as we are in a spiritual war, Satan and evil doers, okay, against us.

All right, very good. We're going to a break, and when we come back, we've got a lot more to come. Now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.

The new world order does not mean surrendering our national sovereignty or forfeiting our interests. How can I convince you when your ears refuse to hear? You turn your heart away from me each time when I draw near. Your eyes refuse to meet with mine, they glance away in fear.

As if you should not look at your rejection in the mirror. How can I explain to you when you won't understand? You scoff me and you mock me and reject the truth at hand. You spread your vicious rumors all across this troubled land. You hold fully and knowingly transgress from his command. Your mind has been made up for you by people you don't know.

Whose thought machines control the scene so well it doesn't show. How can I contain this anguish and this pain knowing that your eyes are blinded by the lies? Have your eyes been blinded by the lies? Have your eyes been blinded by the lies? Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies.

Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies. Every time I think about the damage that's been done. The anger wells inside me till I'm almost overcome. I want to tear the moon out of the sky and drop the sun.

Why do I do so all alone like I'm the only one? Even though your eyes are open they may never ever see. Your mind may never comprehend this sinful subtlety. Your heart may never hunger for the truth that sets you free. Your soul may know the darkness of divine eternity. Like petty thieves who plunder in the shadows of the night. They break inside and enter through the windows of your mind.

How can I control this poisoning of the soul? These lies that blind your eyes blinded by the lies. Have your eyes been blinded by the lies? Have your eyes been blinded by the lies? Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies. Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lights Your mind has been made up for you by people you don't know Whose thought machine controls the scene so well it doesn't show How can I contain this anguish and this pain Knowing that your eyes are blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes, your eyes are blinded by the lies Right now there are mass trials going on in Cuba In fact, it's having some of the harshest crackdowns that they've had in decades It's like 33 decades Prisoners, detained protesters could get up to 30 years in prison As they face the largest, most punitive mass trials on the island since early in the revolution They're putting them in groups, charging them with crimes Listen to this, including sedition Where have we heard that? Sedition for taking place in demonstrations against the country's economic crisis These people went out and demonstrated Some are 15 and 16 year olds And they could be spending 20 to 30 years in prison And the people are saying that this is an empire of fear Well that's the whole program, fear, fear, fear Sure, that's exactly what they're doing here, folks They're trying to crack down on dissent Mike Lindell was dissent One America News was dissent They are trying to crack down on any dissent We are seeing the same thing that's been happening in Cuba And remember Bernie Sanders, the socialist Bernie Praising Cuba and the government Just remember back in 1988, Bernie went there to the Soviet Union for his honeymoon Came back praising the communist state That was three years before the USSR collapsed He came back, I want to read something he said He was talking to a reporter Our housing in general is better than yours, the Russians But people are paying 35-40% of their income for the housing The quality of your housing is not good in Russia But we appreciate the fact that people are only paying 5% No running water, other things The quality of your healthcare system is not good But in the United States we have enormous problems in terms of our healthcare So he's going on praising them for their beautiful train stations For their cultural programs where they were brainwashing the youth Many of that sound about like the government-run schools, white privilege And praising communism, socialism So all of this really is a communist revolution We are in a war, right This is now or never folks, we got to stand and fight back We got to do it especially for the children But I'm seeing the patriots are rising up And I'm seeing people worth their salt And this is where you see those that are real Christians This separates those that are really doers of the word from the phony, the fake Alright, we want to go to, we want to say Mary pledges from New York pledges $50 Barbara from Valley Forge pledges $100 Nancy from Illinois pledges $35 Anonymous from Massachusetts pledges $200 And Joe from Staten Island pledges $40 And Elaine from the studio right here pledges $100 Wow, thank you, a one and all, hey I got some good news It came up here a little while ago Historic shift, Republicans now ahead of Democrats This is a new Gallup poll And there's been a huge surge of support for the Republican Party in this last quarter of 2021 About a year ago we, the Republicans were about 40% of people surveyed chose the GOP And almost 50% chose the Democrats Well, it's switching, it has switched big time Now the 47% have picked the GOP and 42% of a large survey of thousands of people picked the Democrat Party So there is a major switch going on with people who, and I think it's bigger than that Because a lot of conservatives don't answer polls anymore because they didn't like the way questions were formed We've learned that quite often if the question is formed a certain way it forces a certain answer So I think, you know, according to Gallup, less than 25% of America is liberal Most of America is conservative or moderate So the tide is turning out there folks And I think it will turn even more based on the past week because I was listening to the Gateway Pundit And in California where some of the radical ideas are coming out of They are introducing universal orphanhood Which is a child raising system Where they want to do away with the child being responsible to parents And take the children to be raised in one system by the government Oh wow, that sounds clear back to Sparta did that Remember back to Spartans, clear back in ancient days They took the children away from the parents They trained the women the way they wanted them to be The boys to be soldiers They had total control over the children The parents just birthed them in the first few years And then the state took over training What a wonderful system that was Everything, military, total control of everything in society And they labeled it and named it foster care for all Foster care for all, doesn't that sound great My grandchildren need foster care like they need three arms Here's the other thing Joe Antifa terrorist with a bomb, he gets a bond The court, you know, but This is what we're talking about The January 6th The elect panel of liars What they call the elect panel They are liars, there's nobody on that panel is not a liar Not one person on there Every one of those people Joe And they know it, and they know it And this is why Nasty Pelosi will not release film footage You know, hundreds of hours of film footage Because Nancy Pelosi is a liar She's a wicked woman, she knows that She knows what she's doing And Nancy, let me tell you You're an old woman and you're wicked And Nancy, you've done a lot of horrible things Your skirts are filled with the blood of the innocent children And Nancy, let me tell you this You better repent or perish And what I'm telling you is this God's word is very clear And Nancy, you're a wicked woman You need to repent of that You need to get on your knees And cry out to Almighty God Because Nancy, there's a burning lake of fire waiting for you And here In that hole, what they call the elect panel Is totally corrupt Anybody, if they found anyone on there that had any morals Any honor, or any decency They kicked them off the panel Right, exactly And here, you've got this guy with a bomb He gets a bomb But other people And you saw, we watched them The DC dirty cops Pulling the people in Asking them to come in And when they came in, and by the way The Gestapo FBI out there They were also You noticed the hearings With Ted Cruz, and he kept asking them Did you have any FBI agents doing illegal acts? They refused to answer Right, they didn't say No, there's no way I mean, they couldn't say that So by saying no comment They really are saying, yes we did They had to Otherwise they could have easily denied it Alright, we have five minutes left folks Tonight, five minutes left Remember, this week I have less than ten hours In a week to raise enough money To stay on for a whole thirty days So we got less than five minutes We're pretty close to our goal though I think we're very close Here's a short thing that'll give Brought a smile to my face Remember who Paul Begala is? He's a CNN contributor And he went to bat for old Biden this week With all the troubles Biden had And what he said, he made the case That the problem for Democrats Isn't the top of the party Oh no When asked about Biden's failing efforts You know, to get voting bills passed And all kinds of things He said, what we've seen with President Biden Is what happens when he puts his full arm anyway He was asked if the criticism was fair And basically he came out and said No, the problem isn't with Biden The problem is with the Democrat voters The Democrat The people in the party Are the problem So you Democrats out there You're the problem It's not Biden It's not Pelosi It's not Schumer It's not your fearless leaders It's the people You're failing You Democrats are failing To support corrupt leadership I thought, wow Alright, that rally that we've been talking about in D.C. Coming up on the 23rd, Joe You're going to have R.F.K., Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dr. Malone, Dr. McCulloch Laura Logan, Steve Kirsch These people are going to be telling the truth out there But are they going to be able to be there with that new vaccine Because some of those people aren't going to be taking the vax It remains to be seen Yeah Yeah, this is going to be an interesting message No, that vaccine I'm sure this rally is going to take place outside All of those you have to show Outside of D.C.?

Huh? Will it be outside of the D.C.? No, no, no It'll be outside It'll be The rally will take place Well, here Where did I have the article there?

But did that matter to Bowser? Uh, yeah You have to have a vaccine You have to have your vax port to go into any restaurant To go into the federal buildings To go inside anywhere Even children You have to show proof I wonder if that means motels and hotels? Yeah, yeah You've had hundreds and hundreds of cancellations Oh, yeah, I can imagine Yep So here, the massive rally, January 3rd Uh, it will include Let's see The number one top authorities in the coronavirus In the country today And so it gives you These are very well-known doctors They're going to be speaking Uh, let me see Burt Weinstein, Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Robert Malone Dr. Peter McCullough Jessica Rose, Dr. Perry Croy, Dr. Paul Mark Christina Parks, Aaron Carradine, Dr. Ryan Cole I mean, it goes on and on and on and on And they're all going to be speaking out there Well, I'm going to tell you We've got to get that speech and plan it out Well, we need to pray for them, number one But they'll figure out a way to have it Yeah Well, they can have it Yeah Compare that with Paul Begala, Democrats don't have bad leaders They have bad followers Well, we've got great leaders And we've got some great followers But I hope instead of just being a follower We have a lot more people become doers of the word Get out there and start participating Taking part in your local politics Start collecting good Christian conservatives For your mayors, your city councils Your county officials, county commissioners We need to take America back Yeah, we should, Joe You know, we're running out of time One of the articles I have here Suicide attempts among minors Increased fourfold amid lockdown We've been talking about what they're doing with our children You know, the entire Democratic Communist Party Is filled with pedophile I mean, pedophilia within the Democratic Party is rampant Joe, why don't you lead us a prayer for salvation And also lead a prayer for the safety of the children Oh, Lord, we need you now more than ever, Lord And we need more people to come to you To become born-again believers We need you to send the Holy Spirit A revival across this land, Lord We have children that are being destroyed Their minds, their bodies, their futures Are being destroyed by the imposing power Of this Communist revolution And, Father, we so need you to intervene To come and listen to our cry, our plea for your aid We have many who are praying daily for the children For the country And, Lord, send that Holy Spirit To strengthen those who believe Help us to, you know, show others the truth of the gospel And send your light that you would open the eyes of those who cannot see Open the ears of those who are not hearing And just help bring revival across this land That we may save the children, the country, our future And that, Lord, we would be busy doing thy will Putting you back in your proper place One nation under God, where you are the head And that our laws and freedoms go back to what the founders wanted That they all are dependent on you Our laws and freedoms all come from you We ask that you help us this time of trouble, Lord In Jesus' precious, precious name Amen One other thing, Pastor I'm a member of the American Frontline Doctors Nurses Group And good news is that the American Frontline Doctors Are going to be creating new clinics and hospital healthcare for us And on their website, They have an open invitation for medical staff and pharmacists to join them Would you give that web again? I couldn't write that F-L F-A-F-L-D-S dot com If you put in just American Frontline, it'll bring it up American Frontline Doctors Okay Alright, we're coming up to the end of the program tonight Thanks for that prayer Folks, don't forget out there The time will come very shortly where everything we talked about tonight Will be forgotten The time will come when the only thing that will matter to you is the last thing And that's your personal standing with the Lord You're either saved or you're lost And so folks, there's no in between If you have not Repent of your sin and ask the Lord into your heart It's like you're standing on a string over a lake of fire You don't want to do that Don't run out of tomorrows tonight Call upon the name of the Lord Ask for forgiveness and get saved Until tomorrow, we want to say goodnight God bless and always, always, let's do it Keep fighting the fight Another edition of What's Right, What's Left The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries All responsible for its content
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-22 22:43:13 / 2023-06-22 23:01:52 / 19

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