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THU HR 2 120221

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 3, 2021 12:29 am

THU HR 2 120221

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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para I also did Army, I heard you talk about your Army service, even though I worked at Marine Corps Recruit Depot before I got to the Army, and the reason I went into the Army A.R.M.Y., because I ain't ready to be a Marine yet. The other idea is, beside the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations, you can't go along with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the four gospels, P-I-L-O-S. All right. Thank you, buddy. All right. Thanks, Martin.

Let's go. That was interesting. There's two places to give your life to your country, on the battlefield and at the V.A. Yeah.

Well, you know what? I got to say this, because I had gone to the V.A. here just yesterday, and I, you know, as with Biden in the office, it was a lot like when Obama was in, the V.A. was a less friendly place for veterans than when Trump was in. Trump really changed things there at the V.A. But I got to say, I went down there and, to our penology, and I never had an eye exam, and the ophthalmologist did the best for two hours, he did a complete and total eye exam. And I can tell you, I've never seen friendlier people than they were yesterday at the V.A. They didn't, you know, again, when Obama was in, things became much less friendly to us vets than, but yesterday, I just had a really great time. All right, let's go to Cliff.

Cliff, you're in the air. Yeah, I have a comment and kind of a longer question for Peter. First, I think, you know, you're talking about doctors. I think what happens to them, and you can see that some of them are taking the poisonous poke, is they're in medical school, and then they get busy, and they're not even updating themselves within their own literature.

So they're not going to pivot from where they are when they're not even able to update themselves with their own literature. Yeah, 100 percent, and that's one of the reasons that the education of a medical doctor was set up the way that it was, because it's a meat grinder, man. And when you come out of that education, and then you do your residency, and then, you know, you're surrounded by hundreds of people who think the same way that you do, it's virtually impossible to think outside of that box. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've had patients that have been suffering with chronic disease under the care of conventional medical doctors. They come and see me, they experience a cure, they go back to the medical doctor that's been treating them for decades, the medical doctor sees that they're cured, and they don't call me up and ask me what I did. You'd think that they would, but they don't, because there's gigantic cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias there, it's almost impossible for them to break through that. You're absolutely right.

Yeah. So my question is, on sports medicine, what you've seen and what you've observed, because you've got two tiers, I believe. You've got, like, professionals, you've got baseball, basketball, football, and then they've got a second tier, which also includes women's soccer, bicycle riding, people that run marathons, or just do fun runs.

And I know that women tear their anterior cruciate ligament more often than men do, so I'd like to see what you would share on training for those sports. But also an anecdote, I thought it's interesting, and this goes with the poisonous poke, too, that people succumbed in Major League Baseball using steroids, which I personally do not believe helps them that much, because I remember hitting a home run when I was less than a hundred pounds, I asked the coach, his name was Steve Como, just give me one game with the 38-inch bat, and I caught one, and it would have been a home run in a Major League park based on the distance it went, and so that's why I don't believe, I think it doesn't even help people in that particular sport, well I think it probably does in swimming and running, but it is strange that so many athletes succumb to that, you know, giving their bodies up possibly to extreme side effects to get that extra edge. Well there's a couple things I want to say about that, you're absolutely correct, a colleague of mine helped a famous NBA player, he also helped Evander Holyfield, Evander Holyfield died, or had a heart attack, and he went to my colleague, who I learned most of this medical nutrition from, and he fixed Evander Holyfield's heart, and Evander came back and continued his fighting career, this also happened with a guy in the NBA, his name was Theo Ratliff, the best medical doctors, orthopedic surgeons in the NBA told Theo that he was done because he had bad knees and bad hips and bad wrists, and he was over, his career was over, and he got on board with 90 essential nutrients, and he did it in therapeutic doses, the way that he was told to do it, and nine months after they told him he was finished, he came back and led the league in rebounds, led the league in rebounds the next year, led the league in rebounds the next year, and from the time that they told him he couldn't play anymore until the time he actually retired, I think he added like 25 million dollars to his bank account, all because of medical nutrition, it wasn't drugs, it wasn't stem cell therapy, it was medical nutrition and diet therapy, giving his body the raw materials that it needs, and this isn't rocket science, it makes sense, right? If your car needs six quarts of oil, but it's only got one quart of oil in it, if you drive it at 100 miles an hour, it's not because it had a bad engine, because it didn't have enough oil, and you were running it way too fast, well the human body's the same thing, everybody needs 90 essential nutrients, and these nutrients are not present in the food, now if you're an athlete, and you're working the engine of your body in triple time every day, you're going to burn right through your nutrients super fast, and the stuff that's in Gatorade, for goodness sake, isn't going to replenish what you need.

So the professional athletes that we have had the pleasure to work with, who do the medical nutrition, like Theo Ratliff, like Evander Holyfield, they love it, they felt much better on it, they had much more stamina, much more recovery, by the way, we developed with Theo Ratliff an energy drink to replace Gatorade, it's called Rebound FX, and there was a very famous basketball player, whose name I can't mention, who wouldn't go on the court without it, but the NBA made him put it in a Gatorade bottle, if you can believe that, it's a true story, but medical nutrition for athletes is a game changer, and it just makes sense, right, I mean the car metaphor is a good one, but you know, the people that train the athletes, they don't know this, you know, they're all into cortisone shots and different types of training therapy, they don't know jack about medical nutrition. Peter, I'm up against a heartbreak, hang right there, we'll be right back. We believe God's word is true, the democrats don't have a clue, whatever's wrong that's what they'll do, but we believe God's word is true, and we'll keep fighting the fight, we'll stand for God and do what's right, we will march into the night, and we'll keep fighting the fight, we won't back up and we won't back down, Jesus Christ will stand our ground, hand in hand till the trumpet sounds, we won't back up and we won't back down, we'll keep fighting the fight, we'll stand for God and do what's right, we will march into the night, and we'll keep fighting the fight, the Lord will be here any day, things look bad but that's ok, get ready saints to fire away, cause the Lord will be here any day, we'll keep fighting the fight, we'll stand for God and do what's right, we will march into the night, and we'll keep fighting the fight, we'll keep fighting the fight, we'll stand for God and do what's right, we will march into the night, and we'll keep fighting the fight, we will march into the night, and we'll keep fighting the fight.

Alrighty, we're going to keep fighting the fight, oh boy, we're going to go out to Chicago and Cindy, hey Cindy, boy you live in Chicago, that takes courage. Hello Dr. Glidden, I have a question, what can I do or take for anxiety, it's just so bad, and I'm tired of it. Yeah, you should be tired of it, and you know, I want you to, so there's a lot that you can do and it's easy, so the main thing to the music that's at play in anxiety is a combination of not enough calcium, not enough magnesium, those are the first two nutrients to consider in order to knock anxiety down. Now interestingly enough, anxiety also is related to the central nervous system, right, and the central nervous system is made from cholesterol, which is interesting, most people don't understand that, and there's no relationship, by the way, between high cholesterol and heart disease, that's not Dr. Glidden's opinion, that's a scientific fact published and verified by hundreds of doctors, there's no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. So a lot of people who are experiencing anxiety are on fat-free diets or statin drugs, and statin drugs lower cholesterol through a pharmaceutical action. So one of the dietary strategies is to eat a diet high in cholesterol, right, so don't be afraid of cholesterol, eat a diet high in cholesterol, and my recommendation to you would be twofold, so go to and purchase the Healthy Foundation Pack and one extra bottle of the Beyond Osteo-FX Liquid Calcium, the Healthy Foundation Pack and one extra bottle of the Liquid Calcium, there's also a product that you can take as needed when anxiety flares up, it's a botanical medicine, an herbal medicine made by a company called Good Herbs, it's also sold by Eiffel Health, it's called Nerve Support, Eiffel Health Nerve Support, take a dropper full of that as needed whenever your anxiety flares up, and I'm going to bet you 25 cents that inside of four weeks, just by taking the supplementation with a little extra calcium and magnesium, and emphasizing a diet high in cholesterol, that the anxiety will remarkably decrease. Hey Cindy, you know what, if you get his book, Cindy, on page 110 in his book, Attempt a Cure with Holistic Medicine, he tells you the entire process of getting rid of anxiety, it's pretty interesting.

What's the name of the book? The name of the book is Attempt a Cure with Holistic Medicine, and you can actually get it, we have it, we'd like a donation of $40 or more, because this is a big book, it's like 275 pages, but he actually, and this is funny, this is really funny because, you know, I've read through your book, Peter, and I just now for the first time actually realized that it does go from A to Z, you have all of the different things, now I would look up something, but it just didn't dawn on me, you've got it from A to Z, and you spent a whole lot of time, I can see in research in this, so we have that, and Cindy, you can call if you wanted to go to WRWL Ministries, just WRWL, 14781, that's 14781 Sperry, S-P-E-R-R-Y Road, Newberry, N-A-W-B-U-R-Y, it's N-A-W-B-U-R-Y, Ohio, 44065, or just go up on our website and all that information's on there. Okay, I just have one other real fast question to ask Dr. Glidden, when I take a multivitamin, I feel exhausted after taking it, and I have, you know, been taking it now in half, and it's still making me feel wiped out after I take it, I think it's wiping out my adrenal gland, because... Well, yeah, it's not doing that, I'll tell you why it's doing that, it's because it does not have methylated folic acid in it, methylated B-vitamin, and when somebody takes the multivitamin and they feel lack of energy, it's because the folic acid that is in there and the B-vitamins that are in there are low-grade, it's kind of like putting diesel fuel in an unleaded engine, it's not going to work, and it's actually going to make things worse. Now, you know, not all wine is the same, they're all made from grapes, right?

Not all chicken soup is the same, right, it's the recipe makes the difference, and this is a big deal with nutritional supplements, the recipe is everything, so if you take these nutritional supplements, which are the best recipes I've seen in 33 years, which is why I recommend them, by the way, that you will notice the difference, because they're not all created equal. All right, Cindy, I've got to move on, because the whole board is lit, let's go to coach, coach, you're in the air. Good evening, Pastor Sanders, Lisa, Randy, and Dr. Glidden, good evening to you folks. Good evening. How are you, coach, how's it going? Hey, I'm doing really well.

Dr. Glidden, man, I need to tell you, you're sitting next to General Sanders, man, we've got two generals on the air, wow, one for salvation, one for nutrition, it's no game better than this, folks, let me tell you, hey, I've got two things real quick for you. Number one, you hear a lot of stuff going on about, and I know people that's got trouble with their pancreas in their stomach, over 50, with their gall bladders, and they're being told it's because they don't have enough enzymes to help that, that's why they're suffering from that, and you say? I say that the reason that they don't have enzymes is because they're unwittingly eating all of the wrong food every day, which is whittling away at their digestive health, and also their body has slowly, over time, run out of the nutrients it needs to keep those organs healthy.

So what do you do? You stop putting diesel fuel in an unleaded engine, you clean your diet up, and you neutrify your body, you do that for 90 days, keep your fingers crossed, and see how far back your body bounces. Now, if that generic information only takes you halfway, then there are specific things you can do for the pancreas, and specific things you can do for the gall bladder with botanical medicine. That might not be necessary up front, we just neutrify the body, stop eating the bad foods, keep your fingers crossed, and see how far back the body bounces. One last question so somebody else can get in here. I have a friend of mine who's got a couple of fingers where the knuckles are messed up, and every day goes to work, man, I feel sorry for him because he's rubbing them knuckles and he's putting cream on them, and his wife's getting ready, her knee is so bad, is that where the minerals come in to take this inflammation and to redo the cartilage in the hands and the knee? Yeah, 100%. The first thing to consider with joint inflammation is that your joints have run out of the raw materials they need to maintain their health.

The first thing, it's entirely possible, there's a food or food that he's eating that's increasing the inflammation, but the first thing to do is to neutrify the body with a foundation pack, extra calcium, and extra minerals, see what happens. Very good, appreciate it. I love you guys, great show, man, keep doing what you're doing, and remember, Jesus is coming soon. Thanks, coach, and amen.

Alrighty, we're going to, Pastor Howe, you hang right there, we're going to go Jack and San Diego, you're the last call for tonight, so Jack and San Diego, you're in the air. Yeah, so I wanted to ask the doctor, you know, there's been variants like Mu and Lambda that really never materialized to be a threat, and why do you think with this Omnicron, why is it that the whole world appears to be in a state of panic when nothing really has materialized with this variant? What's different from this variant from the other variants that is causing all this worldwide panic? Propaganda. It's 100% propagandized, and you have to remember, the majority of people in the world are not like us.

The majority of the people in the world do not think like us, they're not free, open-minded, rational people who think things through. They're not. Most people have gotten the Poisonous Pope, most people have gotten the booster, so they're in, they're all in, they're completely enrolled in the propaganda, and so it's easy to convince these people, because they've already done it, that, you know, oh, now you need a third booster. Oh, we're going to need to develop a different vaccine for this, it's the Omnicron, right?

And that's why. It's 100% propaganda, and let's not take our eyes off of the ball here, folks. We're getting lost in all of this vaccine nonsense when, in point of fact, for the prevention and the treatment of a viral illness, vaccination is a juvenile method. There are much better medical methods to take care of viral illness than vaccines, but those aren't being talked about because it's contrary to the pharmaceutical industry's agenda.

You know, again, you're so right about that. I mean, you've got all of these things, and let me tell you something, Fauci, Mr. Fauci and these people, Bill Gates and them, they need to be charged with murder, with genocide, because they purposely kept those very medicines, natural medicines that could help people off the market. Yeah, 100%, and I mean, it's laughable from my point of view, because I'm looking at all these people go, vaccine this, vaccine that, I'm standing like, what the heck?

What are you taking? You know, it's like using a vaccine for a viral illness is like going duck hunting with a crossbow. It's like, well, maybe, but I think duck would be better, right? It's ridiculous to me, but again, it's another manifestation of the monopolization of the medical marketplace, and the only thing that's promoted is the pharmaceutical, not the natural. The natural in this case is a hundred times better than the vaccine. All righty, let's go to Pastor Hal.

Pastor Hal, go ahead, you're in the air. Yeah, Dr. Glidden, I've read where people burn wood and take the ashes and put those in the soil to fertilize their gardens. What do you think about that? Yeah, it's 100% true, and that's why the indigenous people... There was a guy from Harvard years ago, he wrote a book called The Blue Zone, and this was an expose on indigenous people around the world who lived to be over 100, right? These people were in the middle of nowhere, they didn't have any doctors, any healthcare, no hospitals, no nothing, they're over 100, they're healthy.

Why was that? Well, one of the reasons was because the area of the globe that they lived in, the soil that they were growing their stuff in, was extremely mineralized, had way more minerals than we do, just because they got lucky in their geographical location, number one. But number two, when you burn wood, the cellulose and the fibers and the proteins and the sugars are burned up by the fire, but not the mineral, so the wood ash is like 99.99% mineral. And the indigenous people would take the white ash, the pot ash, directly underneath the pot, because that was the hottest part of the fire, it would burn all the carbon away, they'd put the pot ash in their food, in their stews and in their bread, and they were completely mineralized, and they would put the gray ash on the periphery of the fire in their garden.

And so they were way more mineralized than we are, and that's one of the reasons why they lived to be so long. Now, you know what, we're up against the clock, so Pastor Hal, it's time for you to give an invitation. Okay, everybody out there tonight wants to go to heaven, would rather go to heaven than go to hell, that's a fact. But most of you have been lied to all your life, you've been told that if you live a good life, if your bad good works out of balance, your bad works or something like that, you'll go to heaven.

But that's not true. The Bible says even one sin can keep us out of heaven, and we sin every day of our lives in thought, word or deed. That's why it was necessary for Jesus Christ to come by on that cross and shed his blood for our sins. What God was allowing him to do was to pay the payment in full that had to be paid, the righteous payment for sin, which we couldn't possibly do.

And when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, he comes into your heart and he gives to you the payment he paid for you on the cross. You see, God loves you, but he hates your sins. God wants you to come to heaven, but he says your sins cannot come with you, and the only thing that can wash away those sins is the blood of Christ, and that takes place when you ask Jesus to come into your heart. It says in Ephesians 1-7, in whom we have redemption through his blood, that forgiveness is sin according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 2-8 and 9 says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. And the Bible says in Romans 10-13, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now God hears me talking to you right now. God knows what's going through your mind and through your heart right now. In Revelation 3-20 he says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock.

If any man open the door, hear my voice and open the door, I will come in. That means if you believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood to save your soul, and you pray and ask him to come into your heart and save you, he will. But the Bible also says, except you repent, he shall likewise perish. Repentance is admitting something to God he knows already anyway. That without Jesus in our heart, we're all a bunch of dirty, rotten, lousy, stinking sinners on our road to hell. And church membership can't save you, you could be a member of every church in town and die and go to hell with all your membership cards.

Some people say, well, they got water baptism, and they think that saved them, but you could get water baptized so often every tadpole in the creek knows your social security number and still die and go to hell a wet sinner. Repentance and salvation comes when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior in simple, childlike faith, and if you'd like to do that right now, let's pray. God's looking at you right now, and he's knocking at the door of your heart. Dear God, please forgive me a sinner. I here and now ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, and save my soul from hell.

Lord Jesus, I believe you died on the cross and shed your blood for me, and I thank you for giving me eternal life right now tonight as I open the door of my heart and I ask you to come in and give to me the payment you paid in my place on Calvary. In Jesus' name, amen. All right, thank you, Pastor Hal. We are running out of time. Peter and Dr. Glidden, I want to thank you for being here.

As always, it was a very, very interesting and informative program, and for all of us that are here out there and all you folks out there listening tonight, what Pastor Hal just said is absolutely true, folks. Tonight is the night, is the acceptable time to call upon the name of the Lord. We are out of time. So as we get there every night at this time, we get to this point where we say good night. Let's say good night. Good night.

Good night. God bless. God bless.

God bless. And always, always, let's do it. We are fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left. The preceding program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content.
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