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Boss Lady of Gospel

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 20, 2025 4:47 pm

Boss Lady of Gospel

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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January 20, 2025 4:47 pm

Join Stu for an inspiring conversation with gospel radio legend Anita Dean Arnette on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Anita shares her journey of over 40 years in gospel radio, reflecting on the impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and her experiences spreading messages of faith and hope through the airwaves. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion on music, history, and the power of community. 

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The Lord has done so much in our country to heal the racial divide. And a real pioneer, a real leader, a legend, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., he paved the way for so many to come together.

So we would stop seeing black and white and ethnicity and divides and come together as one, as the body of Christ. And with me is a woman who is, she's been blazing the trail too, and she's been on the air for how many years, boss lady, I need to Dean Arnett? Well, some 25 here at the light, but some 40 years in radio ministry. 40 years in radio ministry. And our, this is Stu Epperson. This is Truth Talk and Truth Talk Live.

And we're doing a special celebration, Martin Luther King Day, and also Black History Month's coming up. But I want to talk to someone who just loves Jesus and has brought all kinds of people to Christ through radio. And I mean, when I say all kinds of people, just like the old song we sang as kids, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. They are precious in their sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world, right?

That's right. All of us. So you're a grandmom, you're a mom, you're a wife, you are a radio minister, you're spinning records. And tell a little bit everyone about what you do every day on our gospel station that's part of the Truth Network, but based in Winston-Salem-Greensboro-Highpoint. Every day, Stu, is an opportunity and a privilege for me to encourage people during this time and in the world today, we certainly need to be reminded of God's love. And I said every day, love isn't love until you give it away. And so we have to love everybody as God loves us. He loves us in spite of all that we do and all the wrongs that we do, but He still loves us. So this is what I do every day. It's a privilege and an honor to just encourage people to let them know if God did it for me, He'll do it for them as well.

Well, I love that. And I really think that's the bigger message of this MLK Day. And of course, we've had so much political division, right? And so many people are angry and you got Republicans, you got Democrats, you got all kinds of people, but you and I both know that we're talking about not two parties. We're talking about heaven and hell. We're talking about knowing Christ, right? And sadly, there will be members of both parties that aren't with Jesus in eternity. And we're trying to get folks to the Lord and go bigger and better and greater because He came for a greater purpose.

Because you can have a party affiliation, right? You can be a part of some kind of movement, but if you don't have the Lord, you've lost everything. I said to one person, I restated Mark 8, 36, where Jesus said, what is a prophet?

If you gain... And so I said to one political group, I said, what is a prophet if you gain the White House, the Congress, the Senate, but lose your own soul? Because it really comes down to that, doesn't it, boss lady? Well, Stu, I said the other day, and it was a thought that I had. We're all on the same team, and we all have one captain. We're all on the same team.

So we need to realize that. And you really highlight a lot of this in your story in Broken Steps, Boss Lady of Gospel, the Anita Dean Arnett story. I'm holding a copy of my hand and just walking in the office is the Reverend himself, the Reverend Honorable Jerry Arnett. And what a great man of God he is. What's it been like to see this woman of God write this book? And what's it like to see her just shine the light of Jesus every day on the radio, sir? It's been a blessing, Stu.

We thank God for you. I thank God for my wife, Anita Boss Lady Dean Arnett, and how this book has blessed so many people. Men and women have been encouraged and have been blessed just by reading the book.

Yeah. And tell us about kind of, for those listening, Boss Lady Anita Dean Arnett, what has been about this book? Tell us kind of what has been your passion in writing the book and in getting this book in the hands of others. I just watched you give, hand this book to another big time talk show host who wants to have you on their show. She's like, why haven't I had you on my show yet?

But what's been the driving force of this? Well, you know, Stu, everybody has a story. And unless we tell our stories of how God has healed our bodies, how God has brought us from point A to point Z always say we cannot heal. So it was sometimes embarrassing for me to tell the story about physical abuse, domestic abuse, and so many other things that God had brought me through.

But my husband saw fit to write the book, because as I said, we need to encourage men and women to let them know that if God brought me through, he can bring them through as well. You know, it's fascinating. The the healing we've seen even racially in our country, where we have a country now where who would have heard of 30 4050 years ago that we had a black president, we had a black presidential female candidate running for president, you know, in our country, I mean, who would have heard of that?

Who would have heard of black coaches in the NBA in the NFL? So it's neat to see that healing, but even deeper. It comes out of pain. You know, it's fascinating. I love this verse in Jonah chapter two, verse one. It says in Jonah prayed to the Lord is God in the belly of the great fish. Now you think about we talked about mlk day, we talked about Black History Month, we talked about the great heritage of some wonderful black Americans like George Washington Carver, I mean, we wouldn't have peanut butter, there goes my breakfast, I'm done. We don't have these but but also these are strong men of faith. But you think about that came out of some rough stuff, like the thing about the Birmingham jail letter from the Birmingham jail in the sermons that he gave being in prison, for standing up for people to be able to just be free in our country, which is what our founders, you know, we're supposed to be, you know, fighting for. And so you think about out of that pain, this book broken steps boss lady has a lot of pain in it. What would you say your belly of the whale moment was where you just you had nowhere else to turn? But you called out to God? Well, you know, Stu, I wasn't saved at the time. And so I really didn't know how to pray.

But sometimes even when we don't know how to pray, God always steps in, always has a ram in the bush. And I always say that there is a testimony in every test. And every test that I went through, God was always there for me. And so every in everything in that book is important because there were near, near death experiences.

Yeah. And still, I'm a miracle still God is working miracles in my life. You know, I'm a miracle. I know you're a miracle. And, and by the way, the truth network, it's been how many years since you've been on our team here at team truth.

It will be 25 years, almost 25 years. And how did it all start? This is the this is the most unique interview I've ever had. This lady walks in and I could I could sense the anointing of God on her.

And it's the first time ever. Tell you tell her what happened. Well, I just told him he needed to hire me.

I had no intentions of ever working here. Because I always said I never do gospel. But we have to be careful when we tell God because he already knew he had a plan. Yeah, it's like she was supposed to be here that day.

And she started I think she probably started that day. But it's usually well, let's talk to the board. It's usually well, let's consult with our leaders.

Let's put you through the personality profiles. You know, let's, let's, you know, let's, let's listen to some demo tapes. It was like, Okay, Lord, this lady, this woman of God walks in says, Okay, you're hiring me. Now.

I'm not giving anyone out there any ideas. But boss lady, it literally God, you just God was so in that. And we didn't really know what we were doing back then. You know, 25 years ago, we've been, you know, this is our 26 year Truth Network, truth broadcasting. But we're so grateful to God for you trusting him and trusting his leading. And for you writing this book, broken steps, which is really it's this is a testimony of your life, and your testimony. And in every day you get on the radio, and what do you do tell everyone that you're telling on your moniker, I love this. Praise is what I do.

Even when I'm going through, I give God praise. And we have this amazing Mother's Day thing every year. And the toy drive thing. And we're talking about those things and how blessed it is to see all these 1000s of people in the community touched. Well, we want to celebrate mothers because sometimes they don't have families to celebrate them.

So we want to give them their flowers while they yet can smell them. So we do a big Mother's Day event, we have dinner, we have prizes, we have speakers, we just get together and love on our mothers. And then Christmas time comes around. And we bless children from everywhere all over the city and anybody that needs help.

This year, we were like at 196 and counting. So we do it every year. We've been doing it since the beginning of time. So we feel like these two things are as exciting and important for the community. And tons of corporate sponsors get involved, they just want to support. They want to do the support more than they want to do the advertising, which is fun. And they just love what we're doing.

They're like, just let me give you a check. And like, well, we'll give you a shout out. You know how to give them some shout outs, don't you? I do every day. I love doing shout outs.

So yeah, we do. And the neat thing is Boss Lady Anita Deen Arnett, not only can you get her book, I guess anywhere books are sold Amazon, Broken Steps. And she's got some awesome copies.

If you're ever in Winston-Salem, come by and see us and we'll get you a signed copy and give you a good deal. But Boss Lady Anita Deen Arnett, you are also the boss lady of gospel is also now international because on the truth app, we also have the light app, we have your station. So people can hear you every day and on your awesome weekend show where that guy right there, the Reverend himself is just a great ministry of prayer, and you handle calls for people.

So just be sure you download the free truth network app, and your smartphone is about to get smarter. Your closing word to people out there. They're they feel like they're in the belly of that fish.

They feel like they've either they're running away from God or they just have the brokenness of life is caught up to them. What's your word as we get out of here, especially honoring Martin Luther King Day honoring, you know, Black History Month, and honoring Jesus who has brought us out of that miry pit, you know, Psalm 40, you know, where I called out to him and he brought me out. He lifted me up. But what's your word everyone out there that's struggling? Well, I say Dr. King had a dream. And I still have a dream on today because I simply trust God. Look to him right?

Yes, always. I lifted my eyes to the hills from whence come my help. My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Check her out broken steps, the boss lady of gospel, the Anita Dean story. And I'm not promoting this book just because she had me write a little a little blurb in here. That's the worst part of the book. It gets a lot better after my part.

But I do. I did contribute to this to celebrate your amazing life and your your amazing gift on the radio speaking, doing these events and blessing so many people. And it's just real, isn't it how God comes to us so he can speak through us, right?

Yes, it definitely. And he does that every day from 12 to three, one or 3.5 all of our stations and of course I have a podcast. You got to get that podcast.

What's it called broken steps? I love it. Go there, get it and watch what you God can do. And remember Psalm 3418. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart say any saves those of a contrite spirit. So the farther down you go, when you're just on your back, and there's only one way to look, it's time to look up and watch God work and watch what God has done. Did you ever think when you were at your lowest moment with all the abuse with all the poverty with all the challenges with all the hate that was coming at you boss lady? Did you ever think that there would be a book and that you'd be on a national radio show and doing all the things you've done, sharing the message of grace with so many people? Only God can do it. I love it. Truth Talk Live!
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-20 18:44:51 / 2025-01-20 18:50:31 / 6

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