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2025 Oasis Ministries Women Conference

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 16, 2025 1:35 pm

2025 Oasis Ministries Women Conference

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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January 16, 2025 1:35 pm

Join Alysia Grimes on this episodeof Truth Talk Live as she talk about the 20205 Women Conference. Discover inspiring stories, powerful testimonies and transformative messages from women of faith gathered to renew their spirt and deepen their relationship with God. 

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Welcome to Truth Talk Live. All right, let's talk. A daily program powered by the Truth Network.

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Good afternoon. Welcome to Truth Talk Live. We are here in the studio, and today we'll be talking about conferences and special events and how those have impacted you and shaped your faith. So I'm the founder of Oasis Ministries. We established that ministry two or three years ago, and we do conferences, Bible studies, all kinds of things in our community and beyond.

We also have online resources. Today we're just talking about, we're going to be talking about that specific conference, but if you have been to a conference or a special event that really shaped you, made an impact on you, I would love for you to call in and tell us about it. The number here at the station is 866-348-7884, and we'd love to hear your story. So I think we actually already have a caller on the line. Let's see if we can get Kim on here. Kim? Hi, Alicia. Hi, how are you, Kim? I'm great, thank you. Good. Well, I'll do a little bit of introduction because I actually asked Kim to call in today because she is one of our speakers at the 2025 Oasis Women's Ministry Conference on March 29th.

It is in Winston-Salem at Pinedale Christian Church, and it's 830 in the morning until three o'clock. And Kim spoke at our first inaugural conference last February and did a phenomenal job. Great feedback. And so we've invited her back again to be with us and looking forward to what she has to share. But Kim, let's just tell us a little bit about your background and, you know, have conferences shaped your faith in some way or kind of what has God used over time to shape you into the person you are today, especially spiritually? Thank you, Alicia.

First of all, it's a great honor to be here today. Conferences are a real blessing because it takes you away from the everyday, from the stresses of your world where you can really focus with other godly participants, women, and focus on growing your faith and what that speaker has for you. And you can really tailor your life around what that message is in a more direct way.

I agree. I think a lot of conferences, you go ahead. I've been to a lot of conferences, you know, like in big cities around the country. And it's a special experience because you are drawn into that environment, like it embraces you in a way that doesn't let go. And you carry, it's like a mountaintop experience and you carry that with you for a long time after you leave and it changes you.

It does. I remember probably in my early 30s going to women's conferences, you know, in Atlanta or, you know, we would, our women would organize and we would get on some buses or we would all meet in Atlanta or, you know, Charlottesville or Nashville. And those times together as a group bonded us because you're spending quality time, focused time with other women. And then what we heard and what we were able to experience and even just worshiping with a large group of believers, but especially women, there's something about it that's so powerful. There were times when I got to meet Beth Moore at one of her conferences. I went down to pray and she was there. I somehow got to meet her and I really always admired her for just leading the way in Bible literacy and so many other things. But Priscilla Shire made a huge impact on me.

So many different people. This is a more local conference, which I really appreciate because you get to hear from women that you might see again, maybe at the grocery store or maybe at your kid's school or maybe in your church. But Kim, tell us a little bit, you have a ministry, tell us a little bit about your ministry and then what is your topic for this conference and give us a little bit to go on. I have always taught Bible.

I started teaching Sunday School at 15 and I have taught all ages and most recently women and young adults. It's my passion. It's my passion to bring God's Word into our everyday life and make it applicable, make it exciting and the way it's intended. And everything in God's Word has a purpose.

Nothing is there by accident, but it's all there to shape us and refine us and to make us better. I have written two books. My third one will come out in 2025 all about God's glory and how we are to live intentionally for his glory and how that impacts us. Because as we live for his glory, it reflects off of us into the darkness, piercing the darkness of our world around us and it changes us. It transforms us, giving us a profound sense of peace and joy. But the conference that I'm going to be speaking at March 29th, my topic is suffering.

The title is called Hope's Whisper Through Suffering. And I picked that topic because suffering is inevitable, yet it doesn't have to define or defeat us. You know, we live in a broken world that doesn't function as it was originally created to function. And we know that everyone suffers, but the Christian has a promise from God that his suffering will end. So while we endure it, how are we supposed to respond? How do we live through that suffering? Well, we know that if we are suffering, God has some purpose for it in his grand plan. And we're going to explore contemporary heroes of the faith, so to speak, who have lived through profound suffering and how they found joy, the ability to rejoice through it and to find hope on the other side. And we're going to talk about the purpose of suffering and how God uses it to transform us because in suffering, he's shaping our character. He's refining us into something beautiful because, you know what, he's leading us somewhere far better than what we can see.

But we have to be stronger than we are now to get there. So we must press through the suffering and glorify him in it, not trying to escape it, but running toward our creator, not away from him, but toward him because he's our source of hope and he's our sustaining grace. So our suffering holds meaning beyond this world and our suffering ultimately leads to glory and has eternal ramifications. I love that, Kim, because so often, you know, Christians, we have this question that gets thrown at us. Why would God allow suffering if he's sovereign, if he is in charge?

You know, why would he allow the things that we see around us? And it's really something to grapple with. And we're going to go to a break in just a minute. But Kim, stay on the line and we'll continue this conversation a little bit longer if you have a few more minutes. Truth Talk listeners, we would love for you to call in and tell us your story of how an event or a conference shaped your faith.

We'll be right back. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. I have Kim Kinney on the line and she, we were having a conversation about suffering. She's going to be speaking to that topic at our women's conference, You can check out all the information.

But that's March 29th, Saturday morning, 830 until 3 that afternoon. And her topic is Hope's Whisper Through Suffering. And Kim, we were just talking a little bit about how Christians are always asked the question, why would a good God allow evil in the world and why do we experience suffering? But I, you know, thinking about the fact that everybody really has to answer that question, whether you're a Christian or maybe you don't have a belief in any God, but that's the question that all of us have to ask and Christianity actually has a compelling answer. We have a God who suffers with us. He says he'll never leave us or forsake us. He suffered for us on the cross so that we could be redeemed and have eternity without suffering. And he promises to redeem our suffering along the way.

And so those are such great promises that allow us to have a different perspective on suffering. So anything else you want to share about that topic and maybe how, what that's meant to you personally? Let me share a story real quick. Many of us are familiar with Joni Eareckson Tada and she was the young girl at 17 who drove off a raft long ago and she hit a rock and became a quadriplegic. I read her story when I was about that age, her autobiography, and it changed my life.

And I actually met her years later. But when she became a quadriplegic, she was engulfed in a world of physical and spiritual darkness. And in the depths of her suffering, she cried out, God, if I can't die, show me how to live. This was a turning point for her because she was trying to run and escape from this new reality of hers. But instead, she turned around toward God and said, OK, God, I'm going to have to live through this. How do I live?

Show me how to do it. And he showed her because she chose to stop running. She faced it head on and chose to trust God to give her the strength to face it with a bold, courageous faith. The worst thing that could happen is not that we suffer, but that we would waste our suffering or simply endure it. But if we open our eyes and ask God to show us what he wants us to learn from that, he's going to show us. And we're going to discover things about his character that we wouldn't see otherwise because the suffering unites us with him so that we share that journey together. I've been through a lot of suffering in my life over the years, starting when I was a young girl.

And it's just become a part of me. And many, many people suffer in ways that you can visibly see. But there are many people around us that are suffering, but we can't see it. It's hidden.

It's invisible from our eyes. But everybody is struggling with something because we live in this broken world, this world that Adam and Eve plunged us in long ago. That's not God's creation.

It's not his design. But he will bring us back and renew his creation with a new heaven and new earth one day when there will be no more suffering or tears or pain. But to get to that point of glory, we've got to get through this life first.

But we can do so in an uplifting, joyous way as we grow through the suffering, not fighting God over the suffering, but working with him through it and rising together to overcome it. Well, I can't wait till March 29th to hear you deliver a whole hour of just insight and encouragement around this topic. During those breakout sessions, we have 15 breakout sessions planned. Each woman attending the conference can attend, too. And so we already have a lot of people signed up for your specific session, and I'm sure it'll be such a blessing. We are already praying for every single lady that walks in that day because we don't know her story, and we don't know what God is doing in her life or what she's experiencing, but the Lord does. And so we're asking him to bring her there, to encourage her, to take her to the specific sessions that she needs for the encouragement that she needs for her life. And at the end of the day, as we close the door and get in our cars and drive away, we will know that God showed up and that lives were changed and that the Holy Spirit worked. And so this is really not about what we bring to the table, but knowing that God loves his people, and he wants us to have the encouragement from his Word. He wants us to be able to worship together. And one thing I love about this conference is it's a community conference. Last year we had about 400 women from 60 churches, so it's hosted by Pinedale, which is so tremendously generous. But this is all of us, locking arms, coming together with a common foundation of Christ across different backgrounds and denominations, but saying, you know what?

We're daughters of the King, and let's see what he has for us. And so I'm looking forward to that. And Kim, thank you for jumping on and spending some time with me this afternoon, and we'll talk soon. But thanks again for what you're doing with your ministry.

I know it's such a blessing. Can you remind our listeners of your website? Great. All right.

We'll talk to you soon. Thanks so much for calling. Thank you. It's been my pleasure. Bye bye. Well, I met Kim a couple of years ago through her daughter, Becca, who's also going to be a speaker at our conference. And I was like, well, this explains a lot.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But I just want to talk about some of the other topics that we'll be discussing at the conference. I'm going to be one of the keynote speakers. There's another Lady Faith Chambers. She will be giving her personal testimony. Fascinating story about how she came to the Lord after a lot of seasons of really, really difficult seasons as a child, where she had to do things that most kids don't have to do to help her family. But she got married, and she lived in Spokane, Washington, and spent three years traveling in a fifth wheel with her husband and kids, asking God to show them what he had for them. And they ended up in Greensboro. I was telling this story to somebody a couple of days ago. And they said that they traveled across the United States for three years and landed in Greensboro.

And I'm like, well, God must have had a plan that we don't know about. But she's an amazing young woman with a story of faith. And I can't wait to hear her story. And there's another Lady Patsy Chestnut. She has a master's degree from Regents in Human Services and Counseling with a concentration in grief and trauma. And she's going to tell her personal story about divorce, death, and loss, and how she's seen God turn tragedy into triumph. Those are our keynote speakers, but then we have 15 breakout sessions.

So lots of different topics. But if you're listening and maybe you went to Promise Keepers, my husband, when we first moved to this area, he met some guys and one of the churches sponsored a trip up to Washington, D.C. And I think I don't know. I think there were a million men up there. I don't remember the numbers, the just the pictures of men from pouring in from all different backgrounds, denominations, places in the country filled up the mall in Washington, D.C. for this time of renewal and commitment. And, you know, that was something that made a huge impact in his life, especially since we just moved here and he got to do that with a lot of other men.

So if you have one of those experiences and you'd like to call in and share the numbers 866-384-7884. We'll be right back. Today, we're talking about conferences and events that maybe you've attended that made an impact on you. We're also discussing a conference that's coming up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on March 29th.

That's a Saturday. It's going to be a little bit different than that. So we're going to be talking about the conference that we're going to be talking about today. And we're going to be talking about the conference that we're going to be talking about today. We're going to be speaking about the conference that we're going to be talking about today. We're going to be talking about the conference that's coming up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on March 29th.

That's a Saturday. It's going to be hosted by Pinedale Christian Church. And we were just speaking with Kim Kenny, who will be talking on Hope's Whisper Through Suffering, but I wanted to give you a few of the other topics that we'll be covering that day. We'll have a keynote speakers, and then we'll have breakout sessions. Thriving in marriage with imperfection and grace, mentoring, finding hope in the storm of anxiety, embracing your calling and design, sharing Jesus with grace and authenticity. That's just a few. I'll read a few more in a few minutes. But you know, marriage, for any of us who are married, we know that there's a big difference between surviving and thriving.

And what does it mean to thrive? And we're two imperfect people, and we really have to show each other so much grace. Debbie McCaffrey is a licensed marriage and family counselor, marriage and family therapist, and she'll be doing that breakout session. She spoke last year at our conference and just really spoke very honestly and very transparently about her life and her marriage and spoke in a way that helps people understand how the fruit of the Spirit works in marriage.

So we're really looking forward to having her back. Mary Kay Rath, I think she might be on the show in just a few minutes if she's able to jump on, but she's somebody who has lived a lifestyle of mentoring for 30, 40 years. And so she's going to be speaking on how to mentor with grace, laughter and love. And one thing I've learned about mentoring is it's just about showing up and opening your life, opening your faith to someone else and being willing to be known and to know somebody else. And so mentoring is something that we do for each other that is so powerful.

You know, I think as our churches have shifted, maybe in culture many, many times, we are more segmented with just people our ages. And so finding a mentor that's maybe somewhat ahead of you, maybe somebody behind you a little bit as far as life experience that you can mentor, it is hugely rewarding to be able to learn from somebody who's been there and done that and can say, it's going to be okay. Let me, let me share some of the things that I learned along the way, but we want to create cultures of mentoring in our churches and in our communities. The next topic we'll be covering is finding hope in the storm of anxiety. And Carly Dixon is going to be speaking. She spoke on anxiety last time. And again, that was a just given what we've come through, especially coming out of COVID, the rates of anxiety and just, it seems like anxiety is something that people are talking about everywhere you go. But she has, uh, she's a licensed counselor and does grief and trauma.

She specializes in some PTSD trauma. And so she's going to speak to us about how God can actually work in our brains to renew our minds, how we cooperate with that through his word. And so we're looking forward to that as well.

If you're out there and you want to share a memory, why I remember just great times going with women on some of these trips and you would get a hotel and stay up late and talk and then go to the sessions the next day and just really be poured into and come back really ready, feeling refreshed and renewed to go back to your families and go back to, you know, the life that God has for you on an everyday basis, but with a new perspective. So we, um, the, the conference a little bit more details on the conference. Again, this is called the made for more conference made for more may sound interesting, but it's this whole idea. On one hand, the counter vision, our culture says you're made to do more. You're made to be more. We felt this constant pressure of comparison and achievement and success, but really Christ says that you were made for more than that. You were made to experience life in his family, in his kingdom. You were made to know him and be known. You were made on purpose and for a purpose. And so what does it mean when we know Christ? We actually know more peace. We know more purpose.

Maybe we do less, but with more purpose, we come to know just the fruit of having that relationship with God through Christ and how that transforms our life. And so made for more is the theme. I think we have a caller. Let's see. We have a caller.

Not quite yet. So made for more is the theme. It falls under the umbrella, Oasis Ministries, our conferences.

The umbrella theme is seen, known and loved, but this year the specific topic is made for more. It comes out of the scripture that God says that scripture says that God has abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. He can do abundantly more than you can ask or imagine.

And that's not a genie in a bottle type way. That's through a relationship with him. He works in you and he aligns what you love and where your heart is drawn with what he loves and where his heart is drawn. And when your life starts to align with the hope of God, with the plans of God, with the purposes of God, there's a joy and a purpose and a sense of, you know, I know I understand why I'm here. I know my spiritual gifts. I know how God can use me.

That does bring joy into your life. And so if you're just going through the motions or feeling like you're living on just a plane of mediocrity, I promise you God has so much more for you because he's made a way for you to be adopted into his family and you have a seat at the table and you actually have things to do in his kingdom that are so tremendously meaningful and your life is about a story that's so much bigger than yours. So made for more is the topic. A few other topics we'll have as far as these breakout sessions, sharing Jesus with grace and authenticity. Jen Crowder is going to be talking about intentional Christian parenting, daily rhythms of discipleship. And I just have to give a shout out to Jen. She has a whole ministry.

She's pretty amazing. Little small kids, works as a PT, but she just is, is probably one of the most intentional people I know about their family, raising their kids intentionally for Christ, pouring into them, discipling them and doing that with a lot of other things going on. So she is just going to be a tremendous resource for intentional Christian parenting.

Then Rebecca and Rebecca Johnson and Carson Keith, two of my favorites. She, the two of them are going to talk about walking with Christ through disabilities and chronic illnesses. Both of them have experience with family members and even their own personal stories of disabilities and chronic illness. And they're going to talk to us about finding hope and all that.

Well let's see. I think we have Mike from Dayton, Ohio, Mike, I am so glad you called. Well you, thank you. Yeah, I went to Promise Keepers when I was in California with a group of men. And they, as a matter of fact, I have a heart for men that were in, you know, all these group of men were police officers. And I went with these police officers to there and as a matter of fact, I told the guy to slow down because I didn't want to go to heaven yet until we get past this Promise Keepers. Was he a police officer driving? Was he just a wild driver? Oh my God.

He was used to answering police calls instead of just driving civilians. Yeah. Can we slow down? I want to get there.

You know what I mean? I want to get there in one piece. Did you go to the Promise Keepers? Was that in Washington DC or was there one in California?

No, it was in California in Anaheim, I think it was. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And it was a huge crowd. I mean, we're, I mean, it, the, the, the spirit of God was there.

It was unbelievable. I mean, it just made me, for many, many years, think of the promise that I made there, you know, and, and still till today, it changed my heart. You know, it made me want to seek God and I, you know, and it was awesome. It was a beautiful experience with just men, thousands and thousands of people raising their hands and worshiping God, you know, I mean, it was just, it was, it was, it was a humbling experience as well as a uplifting experience, you know, so, yeah. It's almost hard to capture it in words. It's like, it's kind of like you had to be there, but there, you know, we're, we're trying here to convey just the joy of being with a group of people who have intentionally taken a time out of their life to come together and worship together and learn together. It's just, it's exhilarating and I love our church and I, I, I get to have that experience every Sunday on, on, on an incredible level. But sometimes these conferences, they are a mountain top and you know, we don't, we don't get to just live on the mountain top.

We, you know, live in the valley and on the plains and, but I do think it does bolster our faith to, to have those experiences. Well Mike, it sounds like we're up against a break, but thanks so much for calling in. You're always a pleasure to talk to and I hope you have a good rest of your week. You too.

Thank you so much, take care. We're talking about the Made for More Conference on March 29th in Winston-Salem. So maybe you don't live anywhere near Winston-Salem, although last year we had women from North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia. We had women from all over. So if you're relatively close, we would love to have you join us for this conference. But maybe it's that you live somewhere else and there's another conference that maybe you can find and attend and, or maybe be part of sponsoring something like that. This past year was the first time we did our first inaugural Oasis Ministries Women's Conference in February of 2024 and it really showed me how, how much women want and need to be together because they came out in droves.

We had to close our registration five weeks early because we maxed out our venue. So this year we moved to a venue that has about three times as much capacity so we can accommodate more women. But I think it tells me that we need each other. We need the encouragement of women. We need to be taught by women. We certainly need to be taught, taught by men as well. But there need to be venues and events and ministry areas where we learn from women. It's the Titus 2 model is right there in the New Testament. Paul tells him that the women should, the older women should teach the younger women.

And I've seen really those, those relationships go both ways. You can talk about mentoring. You can talk about intentional discipleship where you get in God's word and you really walk alongside the other person. Those are tremendously helpful and there's something about groups that are formed that are just women and there's a, there's a different way that we relate. We learn in some different ways. So when we have those opportunities to either be a part of the women's ministry in your church, you know, do some discipleship, gather a group of women together and say, how do we, do we want to, do we want to study God's word together?

Do we want to challenge each other to grow in certain spiritual gifts or in certain spiritual disciplines? Whatever that looks like, it's, it's tremendously helpful to come together with other women and have these opportunities. So we have another caller. This is going to be Carly Dixon. Can we get Carly on the line, Carly? Hey, how are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm doing great. I'm so glad you called. Carly is my dear friend.

I don't say partner in crime cause that sounds like we're like breaking the law, but we, we, we, we have a lot of fun talking and dreaming and doing big things for the Lord that maybe we wouldn't have the nerve to do by our, by ourselves. And, um, Carly, I want you to tell us a little bit about what you're up to. And you're going to also have a breakout session at our conference.

You spoke last year and I was, I was talking a little bit earlier coming off of COVID. I don't know anybody who's not talking about anxiety. I think it's causing us to have all the talk about anxiety is causing us to have more anxiety, but you actually are doing something about that and you're an expert in your field. And so talk to us a little bit about your background and what you're doing with your personal counseling and then what you're thinking about for the conference.

Sure. Well, I actually, um, my background, I, I started off, um, working with stroke and traumatic brain injury and, um, began to learn a lot about neuroplasticity and see the amazing way that makes such a difference and the changes that can happen in the brain. And having had my own struggle with anxiety for years, I decided I was going to experiment on myself and see if there was something to this neuroplasticity thing in dealing with anxiety and began to research a lot. And um, so then, um, with the counseling route and realize that, um, neuroplasticity, um, has given us this amazing brain that has the ability to change and it can help anxiety, ADD, um, trauma, PTSD.

And so that's a lot of what I do now. And it's interesting you mentioned COVID because one thing that can really contribute to anxiety is isolation. And I know just before I, I came on, you were talking about the importance of connection, uh, especially among women.

And when you have women that are isolated, um, anxiety actually gets worse. That doesn't surprise me at all. Yeah. Yeah.

Mm hmm. So now I have a private practice and, um, I work with people and I teach classes and workshops and, um, and going to be getting into all kinds of fun stuff with you. And, um, the conference I'm excited about, so, you know, what I'll be talking about there is kind of some strategies you can do, um, ways that you can kind of combat anxiety where you're at.

Not everyone can get to a therapist once a week. And um, and anxiety is just, it's just a fact for a lot of people. And so having strategies, I feel like, you know, equipping my clients and equipping people with strategies is, um, much more effective. And so that's, that's really what I'll be talking about at the conference. I love that because don't you feel like so often people are like, well, just don't worry.

You're like, that's not super helpful. You know, I was just studying, studying, um, good John this morning where Jesus tells the disciples, do not let your heart be troubled. Well, if, if that's all he said, but he says, um, believe in God, also believe in me, I'm planning for you.

I'm coming back for you. He gives, he gives them strategies on how to think while they are waiting and while their hearts are troubled. I don't know. I just love that. And, you know, people talk about the Bible says 365 times or whatever, do not worry. But almost all of those are connected with something else that you're supposed to think. Some truth you're supposed to remember, some promise you're supposed to hold on to. So I love when science catches up with the Bible.

I just didn't get so reciprocal. We knew that God says renew your mind, but it actually happens. It actually can. And it's, it's just amazing to see, um, see the changes if you, you know, he tells us to capture our thoughts and there is a lot of truth to actually capturing your thought and flipping that in how it can change your brain and the way that you, you think and your anxiety level and your fear and your stress. And it's, um, there's just a lot to that. And a lot of anxiety really comes from, um, trauma in the past. Uh, typically what's happened is you've had a traumatic experience and you've kind of gotten stuck in that, uh, it's created some faulty pathways in your, in your mind. And so you hold onto it. And so then you start to apply that fear that you felt around that period of time to experience, any experience that you come across. And so then people find that they're anxious about a lot of things or they're anxious all the time. And so I work a lot with people on, um, facing trauma and kind of moving past it.

I don't ever let anyone sit in it because I think part of the problem is, is that, uh, we just get stuck in what's happened to us in the past. And you know, one of my favorite phrases is, you know, the way to move forward is make what Jesus did for you bigger than what the other person did to you in the past or whatever happened to you in the past. And that's really where you see the change is when you get that concept right there, that is the key to it all.

Wow. Well, I know you've been very busy the last few months counseling first responders and survivors from the floods in Western North Carolina. How do you, how do you process all that?

You know, I'm sure that's enough to cause you some anxiety, but I just love what you're doing. It's so meaningful that people are equipped, that God has given you the gifts to walk through the worst situations that people will ever face and to be able to process those and heal and experience life on the other side. Well, I think, you know, a lot of, a lot of people have asked me, how do you handle that?

How do you process it? And cause I've heard a lot of heartbreaking stories, but, but I've also heard a lot of miracle stories too. But you know, in any field that God places us, anything can be a ministry. And I feel like if he's called you to something, then he gives you what you need to do your job. And so I think that's how I can counsel these people and hear their stories, because I think the same thing about them, like how in the world can you spend two solid weeks, you know, doing search and rescue or search and recovery really. And I wonder the same thing about them. And then I remember God called them to that.

He put those abilities in their heart. And so when he eclipses us, then wherever he sends us, we're, we're ready for it. And it doesn't break us down. And you know, there are self care things you have to do. You have to take breaks. You have to, you know, talk about things and take care of yourself, but, but I think it's more about the eclipsing and whatever he's called you to do.

That's great. You know, I learned a long time ago that God gives you grace for, for what is in front of you. He doesn't give you grace for something somebody else's is going through. And so sometimes we look at other people's lives and we call like, I could never do that. I could never live through that.

I could never get on the other side. But there's a grace that God gives that's specific to that trial. That's different than you've experienced before. And that's the beautiful thing about God seeing us and knowing us and meeting us in those places. And so we do, we are able to have hope. We are able to heal. But when we look at it from the outside, looking in, we're like, no way. But God is like, Oh, no, there's something that you haven't experienced because you don't need it yet.

He gives us general grace, but there are specific types of grace that are just unique to maybe what you're doing or what those first responders are dealing with. So thank you. Thank you for what you do. I, I have seen you pour into people in our community and beyond. We have calls and you're talking to somebody on the other side of the world. So I just want to want to wrap this up, but anyway, we hope that you'll join us at the Oasis Conference, March 29th, 2025, has all the information. Have a great day.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-16 17:47:56 / 2025-01-16 18:03:51 / 16

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