Joy to the world, the Savior reigns. Let men their songs employ.
Wild fields and floods, rock seals and plains. Repeat the sound in joy. Repeat the sound in joy.
Repeat, repeat the sound in joy. Let's talk the truth. A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events and theology all come together.
Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host. Yours truly, the Russian, well, once the Russian nightmare, the legendary Stu Epperson likes to say, now the devil's nightmare, Nikita Kolov is in the house today and trying to fill some very big shoes.
Of course, if you've ever seen Stu's feet, you know he has big feet. And with me, I'm staring across one of my battle buddies who gets in the trenches with me and goes to war with me. Roy Jones is in the house as well. Great to be here, Nick. Great to have you in the house, Roy. Of course, we're donning our, well, the radio listeners can't see our little Santa hats.
But all the YouTubers and Facebookers can see us. Well, my hat doesn't fit in as nicely as yours does, but hey, at least it's there. It is there and that's what counts, Roy.
Yes. And so, hey, well, Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you.
And to all you out there in Listening Land, Merry Christmas early to you. But hey, it'll be here before you know it, right, Roy? That's right, it sure will, just in a few days.
Just in a few days, in the blink of an eye. And we're going to talk about that today. We're going to have some fun today, at least Roy and I are going to have fun. We hope you'll join in. We really do hope you do. Yeah, and we hope you'll call in, because here's what we're going to chat about. And we're going to give you some numbers.
Of course, if you listen to me on True Talk Live, you know I love to do Bible trivia. And since it's Christmas time, it's even more special for me to give away autographed 8x10s, Roy. Autographed? Well, not just a plain 8x10s, but autographed.
Autographed by yours truly. You truly are in the Christmas spirit. That is a Christmas spirit, that's right.
So in a minute, I'm going to throw out my first trivia question and give you the number to call in if you have the right answer. But here's the topic. So we're going to talk about, I want you to call in and tell us what your favorite Christmas movie is. Maybe your favorite actor, perhaps. Or your favorite Christmas song, Roy. I have several, actually.
I have one that's kind of at the top of the list. Or maybe even a favorite tradition. A favorite tradition.
Like what's your family do every year? Like clockwork, right? And I'll bet you have a few. We'll get to that in a minute.
We have a couple, yes we do. We'll get to that in a minute. Let me do this. Well, let me say this too.
Why it's on my brain, Ralph, forget about it. Another legend, Robbie Dilmore of Christian Car Guy fame and masculine journey and he hosts a number of shows. This weekend on the Man Up show, Roy, Robbie and I did a special Christmas show that will air on Truth Radio on Saturday. But we did a special bonus.
So really kind of a part one and part two that will air on the podcast platform on Saturday and Sunday. So two different shows this weekend. Christmas specials. Because you out there in Listening Land are so special. And the guy across from me is special. Him and his family.
So love the Jones family. All right. Let me stop rambling here for a moment and throw this out there.
I think I'll give you a relatively easy one to start with. Maybe not. We'll see. Okay. Which of these, Roy, you may know the answer but don't give it away.
Okay. Which of these things could you not do if you had taken the vow of a Nazarite? So if you had taken a Nazarite vow, okay, become a priest, kill animals. That's one choice. Eat seeds, wear sandals, cover your head. That's another choice. Eat grapes, cut your hair, touch a dead body. That's choice C. Or marry, eat meat and drink wine. Those are your four choices.
What you could not do in taking a Nazarite vow. So if you've got the right answer, give us a call at 866-34-87884. That's 866-34-87884.
866-34-TRUTH. And let us know the answer. And because it's Christmas, well, not just because it's Christmas, but I'll give you a personally autographed 8x10 photo, Roy. Very nice. What a great gift. 8x10 photo.
We'll mail out to you and can't guarantee you'll get it by the time of Christmas. But even if you're not a wrestling fan, maybe you know somebody that loves wrestling. That's right. You watched wrestling growing up a little bit, right? I did, yeah. In fact, you were one of my dad's favorites along with a few others before you got on the scene. I grew up watching that. I was one of his favorites. That's cool to know. I was one of his favorites.
And we're going to give you that number, 866-34-87884. If you want to share with us maybe what's your favorite Christmas movie? Do you have a favorite Christmas movie, Roy? I do. Yeah? What's your favorite?
Well, it's kind of twofold. With the tradition Christmas movie, which we play every time we're together. For the whole family? For the whole family. It's Christmas Story. Christmas Story. You know, the little boy always wants the Daisy red rider BB gun.
And it's always, you can't have one, you'll shoot your eye out. That's right. That's right. And so that's the first one. And of course the second one is I always enjoy White Christmas. White Christmas.
Wow. Yeah, that's a good one. It's an old one, but it's a good one. And is a favorite actor tied into it?
Or not really? Not so much the actor, just the overall theme. I grew up watching the Waltons. So the Waltons, very first pilot episode of the Waltons, the homecoming was where they were in a snowstorm and the dad didn't look like he was going to make it home for Christmas. Where was the setting for the Waltons?
Virginia. No. No?
No. Oh, I'm thinking of Little House on the Prairie. I'm sorry. I got taken away by Little House on the Prairie. My bad.
No, it's okay. Well, where was Little House on the Prairie set? Minnesota. Minnesota.
Little House on the Prairie. That's the same place the Russian nightmare used to be. Yeah, that's right. Via Siberia.
But hey, what is your favorite movie, Christmas movie? Call us at 866-348-7884. That's 86634 Truth. And do you know the answer to this? Which of these things could you not do if you had taken the Nazarite vow? A vow is a Nazarite, okay?
You couldn't become a priest or kill animals, you couldn't eat seeds, wear sandals, recover your head, couldn't eat grapes, cut your hair, touch a dead body, or marry, eat meat, or drink wine. Call us. Give us the right answer.
8 by 10, Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Truth Talk Live! You're listening to the Truth Network and
Too late before the clock. Don't go anywhere. Truth Talk Live! You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and You're listening to the Truth Network and
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you're listening to the Truth Network and That's a beautiful song. It brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. It is something, you know, I do wanna make mention of the previous song, King and Country. King and Country, yeah, yeah. Little drummer boy.
Because what I wanna talk about next is his favorite Christmas song. This one actually right now doubles as a song and a movie technically. You know, they did a, they filmed a live concert, I think Houston, Texas, if I'm not mistaken, but I went last week and you wanna talk about an incredible, like it's like a concert on the big screen.
Oh wow. And I'd always heard King and Country does a phenomenal job. And which I, you probably wouldn't know, here's a little trivia for you, you wouldn't know, but so their sister, Rebecca, St. James. If somebody goes and researches this and finds her, she did a song called Wait For Me way back when and they wrote a book about it to go along with the song. And they did a movie. Well, they did a movie on it as well, I don't know. But the book and the song, so my oldest daughter, Taryn, is on the cover and did the whole spread through that book. Wow.
Wait For Me. And of course the whole premise of the song was purity and Rebecca actually waded into her 30s. I think she was like 34 when she got married. Like she just wanted to wait for the man that God had for her. Yep, that was an amazing story. I need to look up the movie. It was quite a good movie. Okay.
And the two younger brothers, she's older than the brothers and the brothers as they developed. Oh my gosh. Unbelievable. The whole story, you might say I'm a fanboy of King and Country in a way. And I've not been to their live concert, but man, in theaters right now, wow. What a production that they do, Little Drummer Boy. So speaking of which. That's the name, excuse me, that's the name of the movie. Yeah.
That's out, okay. Yeah, Little Drummer Boy and man, it's amazing. So speaking of songs, do you have, we talked about favorite Christmas movies. What about a favorite Christmas song? Do you have a favorite Christmas song, Roy? White Christmas. White Christmas. Bing Crosby.
It's on my list. Oh, you have Bing, I have Frank Sinatra, like a combo of Frank Sinatra and I forget somebody else he did it with. It might have been Bing Crosby.
Well, Bing, here's what I have. Do you hear what I hear? Ooh. By Bing Crosby was on my list. But on the top of my list, chokes me up every time, especially if I'm sitting in a Christmas Eve service and if they conclude with this, two words. Silent. Night. Silent nightmare. Gets me every time, Roy. Yeah. Gets me every time. Yeah, that's a great song on a cappella too. Hey, I wonder if you've got a favorite Christmas movie out there or a favorite Christmas song or a family tradition, 866-348-7884. Feel free to call in and share with us what that is.
And we're two for two on the giveaways on the eight by 10 photos here. Mrs. Peaches over in Greensboro, North Carolina. Lots of history for wrestling there. I won't hold it against you, Mrs. Peaches, that you liked Wahoo McDaniel and Ric Flair just for the record. I will not hold that against you.
Just like I don't hold it against Stu Epperson either. I can't remember. Did she say she liked the blonde-headed guy or she just said I remember the blonde-headed guy? I thought she said she liked the blonde-headed guy, but anyway. That's okay.
Either way. And then Jaron down in Florida, just outside of Jacksonville, one of our other winners. So let's see if we can give at least one more away here today. This one should be relatively easy, Roy.
Here you go. Where did Elisha instruct Naaman the leper to wash himself? Where did he instruct Naaman the leper to wash himself?
In the temple, in the Jordan River, in the River Nile, in the Dead Sea. Where did he instruct Naaman? And the dude wasn't happy about it, right? He's like, I mean, why can't you just like wave your hand and like heal me like right now, right? Like, you know.
Plus he instructed him to dip himself several times. Just FYI. Little hint there for you folks. Little hint there. So, all right.
So 866-348-7884 is the number to call. And we want to give you, gift you, Merry Christmas with a personally autographed eight by 10. And just a reminder too, be sure to check out all the shows this weekend on Truth Radio Network. Robbie Dilmore and I did a Christmas special on the Man Up show. And part one on air, live on, or not live, but on air on Saturday and then up on the podcast. And then part two on the podcast platform as well on Sunday. So part one and two.
So Roy, any other favorite songs? Well, back to the Rebecca St. James. That movie was Unsung Hero. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Great movie.
So it's a great holiday, not a holiday movie, but it'd be a great thing to do during the holidays with your family. Just an amazing story. Yep, how they made the trek from Australia over to America and almost didn't even make it into America, right? I mean, at the border, the border customs was, if it hadn't been for the mom's letter. Exactly.
We don't want to be the movie spoiler here, but yeah, I saw that movie and man, you want to talk about a human interest story and it'll just tug on your heart as well, is the whole small bone family and how they made their way and how God provided, right? Yeah, exactly. How he provided. It was his hand in that moment you just mentioned.
In his hand. Well, Roy, we're talking about favorite movies and favorite songs and Christmas traditions and of course, there's gonna be a lot of, next week there's gonna be a lot going on, already has been with Christmas parties and family gatherings. I know you've already even had some yourself and family traditions and whatnot. Roy, put all the gifts aside, the wrapping paper and the songs and movies and eggnog and food and everything else. What's the real reason for the season, Roy? Well, obviously we're celebrating our Savior's birthday and the fact that God loved us enough to come down as man and Jesus Christ to be born.
So that's, and oftentimes we don't take enough time to think about the whole process, right? And how it all came about and just, and the fact he lived to be 33 years old and it was the last three years of his life that the ministry took place. The birth of Jesus, right? The celebration of the birth, so really it's a birthday celebration.
It's what it is, yeah. We call it Christmas and have all these parties and festivities but it's really a birthday. Birthday celebration. Right, Mrs. Peaches just celebrated.
Her's 74, 74 years young, Mrs. Peaches. She probably didn't want you to tell her about that. Well, she said it. That's true, yeah, yeah. She said it.
I wasn't sure she was one-lining with us. But, so Jesus was born, we celebrate his birth and then he said, he had that famous conversation with Nicodemus, the most schooled man Israelite teacher of the time and kind of puzzled it, right? He said, you must be born again. You must have a rebirth and he's like. How is that possible?
How is that possible? He calls an old man to go back into his mother's womb and you're listening out there today to Truth Talk Live and maybe you've never had a rebirth or maybe you've never been reborn and you're like, I don't even know what that means. It's really as simple as surrendering your heart, right, Roy? Just giving your heart, just saying, hey, I acknowledge and recognize I'm a sinner. I need salvation.
I need this man that everyone's around the world celebrating the birth of who, by the way, changed the modern calendar as we know it, from BC before Christ to what we know it as today in 2024 and it's just as simple as just praying a simple prayer. That's not even a cookie cutter prayer. It's just God looks at the sincerity of your heart, right, Roy, and he says, hey, if you'll just confess, Romans 10, nine, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, you'll be saved. You'll be born again, a rebirth, right? Exactly. That's what it's all about, right, Roy, at the end of the day? That's it, and then take on a body of fellowship to grow strong and be discipled. That's it. From there, some simple steps, like I encourage people, we encourage people, right, to read their Bible every day, even if it's just a little bit, pray every day, plug into a good Bible-believing, full gospel, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church, right?
And they are out there, believe it or not, they are out there, so. Part of that daily prayer should be praying with your spouses. If you're married, yeah.
Yeah, if you're married. That's powerful, and it may feel a little awkward at first, but I'm telling you, it's powerful, powerful, powerful. Hey, we wanna give away another eight by 10 as well, speaking of, speaking of scripture and the Bible, where did Elisha instruct Naaman the leopard to wash himself, in the temple, in the Jordan River, in the River Nile, or in the Dead Sea? Call us at 866-348-7884, or give us a call and let us know what your favorite Christmas movie is, or your favorite Christmas song. What touches your heart?
What grips you? When we come back, I've got a few more on my list that I'll talk about, and then we'll maybe conclude with maybe some Christmas home traditions, right? Lots of people have different traditions, don't they?
Yes, they do. So, hey, I don't want you to go anywhere. Stay tuned. We got one more segment celebrating this Christmas season. Yours truly, Nikita Koloff, and my battle buddy, Roy Jones, in the house. We'll be right back.
Stay tuned. Jesus, Lord at thy birth, Jesus, Lord at thy birth, Jesus, Lord at thy birth, Jesus, Lord at thy birth. Birth of Jesus, Roy, that's what it's all about.
We were just talking about it, weren't we? Amen. Birth of Jesus. There are some incredible songs out there that just celebrate his birth, right?
And pretty amazing. Hey, our final segment, let's see if we can give one more eight by 10 away. You don't even have to be a wrestling fan, man, but maybe you know somebody who likes wrestling, and we sent them an eight by 10, autographed it to them. And where did Elisha instruct Naaman the leper to wash himself?
In the temple, the Jordan River, in the River Nile, or in the Dead Sea. Give us a call at 866-34-87884. Or feel free to give us a call and share with us what your favorite movie is, what your favorite Christmas song is. I have so many, man. How about Joy to the World, Roy?
Joy to the World. Yeah. That's a great song. That's another great one, right?
It is, yeah. And of course, I like you mentioned White Christmas. I mean, gosh, there's so many good ones. So many good ones out there.
And sometimes I, until I, like if I hear like Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Glory to the Newborn King, you know, and some amazing artists out there as well. And must have got hot, Roy. You lost your ho ho ho Christmas. Yeah, I was gonna say for the listening audience, you can't see me, but the YouTubers can see that. This hat was about two sizes too small. And so I was doing my best to keep it on, but the body heat was raising. And Roy and I go to the same barber, just for the record. So for those of you who are in listening land, we go to the same barber and, you know, they say that, like 40% of the heat is like lost through your head, like through your skull or whatever. You put a hat on and that's why you put a hat on, right? To keep you warm. And if you got a large head, it means you lose a lot of heat.
Maybe more like 70%. That's right. That's right.
That's right. So, well, let me ask you in our final segment here, Roy, just real quick, a favorite. I know you said one of the family traditions, of course, is watching certain movies or whatever. Any other specific family tradition over the years that pops in your head real quick?
Well, it's interesting. I know you said the food. We have chipped beef gravy every Christmas morning.
No matter what, hands down. Christmas morning, chipped beef gravy. And there may be a couple other things, but that's one of our traditions. Chipped beef gravy. Yeah, there's a military term for it, or acronym, but we don't use that on the radio. Okay.
Those that have been in the military, I think it was referred to as SOS. We'll leave it at that. You know, I don't think they had that in Siberia. Chipped beef gravy.
Yeah, I don't think they did. So I'll have to, next time you come visit, we'll make it for you. Okay. Well, I'm looking forward to that, I think. Borscht soup, you know, we had on Christmas morning. Borscht soup. Now, what was that comprised of? Well, we'll save that for another time as well.
So for all my comrades out there, they'll know exactly what all was in borscht soup. So, okay, real quick, how'd you come up with that? Like, how'd that start?
How'd that start? Well, it was, my mother was, of course, you know, based on how you and I talked about how I grew up. I'm a rather large. You're a big individual. Large candidate.
Roy is a big man. He eats a lot of chipped beef on Christmas boardies. So my mother fixed it when I was growing up, and it became Lisa, Lisa got introduced to it when she became part of the family.
Gotcha. And luckily, she picked up the recipe before my mom passed. Lisa is Roy's bride, and you have a wonderful family. You got another grandchild on the way. Another grand, yeah. So how many will that be, how many grandchildren? This'll be three, we're nowhere close to you, but this'll be three for you. Yeah, we got, yeah, what I got, I'm losing count, man, we got 12. 12 and number 13 on the way, my daughter Kendra, suffering for Jesus out in Maui, Hawaii. Hi Kendra, I love you and Brandon. Number 13, their third, my 13, and then my daughter Colby and her husband Andrew over in Brentwood, Tennessee are adopting their second next May, so number 14. And who knows, I guessed at one point I could end up with 15 or 16.
I don't know, we'll see, we'll see, we'll see. Congratulations, by the way, only adoption. I appreciate that, I appreciate that. All right, all right, I'm gonna narrow it down for you because I really do want to give away another eight by 10 here. Where did Elisha instruct Naaman the leopard to wash himself? I'm gonna narrow it down to a river, okay?
So I'm gonna cut the choices in half. You have the Nile, the River Nile, or the Jordan River. Which river was Naaman instructed to go wash himself to be healed of leprosy? Miracle, talk about the miracle of our, the birth of Jesus, which was a miracle in and of itself, right? And the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
He received a miracle, Naaman did, when he followed the instructions of the man of God and went and washed himself. So 866-348-7884, give us a call before we run out of time. I'm gonna give, I'd like to give away another eight by 10 autographed photo, ho ho ho, Merry Christmas. I still got my Santa hat on. It looks good, by the way. Does it look good? Yeah, it looks like it fits. Well, it kinda, it's a little tight, for the record.
It's a little tight, but I just had to don the Santa hat just because it's the Christmas season. And Roy, do people get kinda misdirected or hung up on things outside of the real reason for the season? They do, Nick, and I guess that was a God thing that you brought that up. I just wanted to leave with our listening audience. I know oftentimes Christmas and holidays can be kinda tough for various reasons, like we were talking prior to the show. Loss of loved ones.
Yeah, loss of loved ones. And then, Kirsten, in my own life, as I share with you many times, kids, if you're listening and you've got children, don't let your Christmas holidays, the celebration of Jesus, be tainted by consumption of alcohol and inebriation. That's a day for a different story, but there's a lot of families that go through craziness during the most, should be the most wonderful time for a child. Over a lot of the holidays, right? Especially over the celebration of the birth of Jesus, because your children are watching and what you're modeling, they may eventually fall into that same pattern, right? I appreciate you bringing that up. Just take that as a word of encouragement, but also a challenge to you.
This one day of the year, the birth of Christ, the celebration of Christ, to model for your children what that looks like. I think we might have one more winner here. Mike up in Dayton, Ohio. Oh, wow. Mike, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here. I'm sorry I tuned in late, but I heard your question and it was the Jordan River. He was baptized seven times, I think.
He was, yup, he was told to wash seven times. Good job, Mike, up there in Dayton, Ohio. Hey, Mike, better late than never. Thank you, Mike, for being on the show. I had to work a little later and I tuned in and I, you know, and here I'm listening to you and I knew that. All good, all good. Well, go ahead. I love what he said earlier about praying with your wife and I've been doing that lately more and it's been blessing my family.
I mean, it really has. And he hit my heart when he said that and when I get home from work, I'm gonna go pray with my wife, all right? Amen, well, hang tight. Hang tight, so Nick, you get your mailing address and Merry Christmas to you, Mike, in Dayton, Ohio. Thank you, Mike.
All right, thank you. All right, all right, I think we got time for, real quick, one more quick call. It looks like Craig over in North Carolina with a favorite song, Mary Did You Know.
Craig, are you there? Yes, sir. Hey, Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to y'all too, man. Thanks for all y'all do.
Well, thank you and you picked a good one and I hope you have a wonderful, blessed holiday, okay? Yes, sir. All right, all right.
Thank you for calling today. True Talk Live, Roy Jones. Roy, last thoughts.
We're almost out of time. Merry Christmas to all of you. Hope you have a safe holiday and just as we start the show, don't forget the reason for the season and model for your family. The real reason for the season. Don't forget, take up Roy's challenge for real. Maybe that's something that you've done over the years, but maybe, hey, maybe this is a fresh start, a new start, a new tradition. A new tradition. Maybe of, hey, maybe we just set the alcohol aside and for the record, Roy and I aren't the alcohol police. We're simply just encouraging to consider, especially if you have children, what's your modeling for those children.
Exactly. And I know we're all gonna go out there. I'm bringing a bunch of wrapped gifts to my grandchildren and my children and we're gonna celebrate the season, but all of my children and grandchildren clearly know where their daddy and granddaddy stands in terms of the reason for this season. And having given my life to Jesus all the way back in 17 October 1993, my eyes were opened to the real reason for the season and that's the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
And then of course, from there, the life that he lived and what he modeled, Roy, speaking of modeling, what he modeled for all of us. You know, if you don't have a mentor or someone to follow, man, Jesus would be a good one. Amen.
And what a, do you agree Roy? What a better way to remember this Christmas in 2024. I can't think of a better reason that maybe you've never, again, never surrendered your heart to Jesus. This is the perfect time to do it.
It'd be a perfect time to do it, wouldn't it? And I know a lot of people, you know, a lot of churches are full on Christmas Eve services. And of course, that not only is the celebration, but you know, there's a salvation, typically a salvation message that is shared and or maybe for the very first time ever or this year is different for you. And Merry Christmas, everybody. True Talk Live, Nikita Kolov. Check out the Man Up show this weekend live or on the air and then on the Man Up podcast, part one, part two, Christmas special, Robbie Dilmore. Roy, thanks for being in the studio today. Thanks for having me, brother. God bless you. Until next time, Nikita Kolov, the devil's nightmare, Shatoah Tom. Truth Talk Live! Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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