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Are We A Christian Nation?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
September 11, 2024 3:55 pm

Are We A Christian Nation?

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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September 11, 2024 3:55 pm

Peter Rosenberger hosted Truth Talk Live to pay tribute on September 11th and discuss the presidential debate. 

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Enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Welcome to Truth Talk live. All right, let's talk A daily program powered by the Truth Network. This is kind of a great thing and I'll tell you why. Where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together.

Speak your mind. And now, here's today's Truth Talk live host. Welcome to Truth Talk live. This is Peter Rosenberger hosting today and I am so grateful to be with you here on this September 11th. It's a day that none of us will ever forget. And we appreciate some of the things that I've been seeing today in the media where we're still honoring the Americans who fell that day and the ones who have been injured since then. And, you know, where were you, as Alan Jackson said, when the world stopped turning? It was quite a moment.

I was actually working in downtown Nashville in one of the towers and it was a bit unnerving because we didn't know what was going on. And if you want to weigh in on this, by the way, and other topics we're going to get into from the debate last night. 866-348-7884, 866-34-Truth.

866-34-Truth. I had a moment about the 9-11 thing where Gracie and I, my wife, were able to be at the Republican National Convention in 2004. And this is when George W. Bush was receiving the nomination for his second term. And Gracie was asked to sing the second night of the Republican National Convention.

This is Madison Square Gardens. And she opened up the second night. And then they asked her after she performed, we were supposed to go back the next day, and the White House called and said, would you stick around for another couple of days and the President would like to have you on the platform on Thursday night when he gives his acceptance speech, which we were kind of overwhelmed by. And if you look over his shoulder, if you go back and look at some of the pictures from then in Time Magazine and US News and Newsweek, whatever, all the media stuff that was there. And this is before we had all Twitter and everything else now. But there we are over his left shoulder while he's giving his address and it was quite moving.

But we were in the green room down below the stage to go up on the stage, and you had to be there a long time before the President got there. And we were with Bob Beckwith. Do you know who Bob Beckwith is?

Do you remember him? And that was the gentleman, the fireman. He was retired firefighter who went out, got his gear, went out there. He wasn't really supposed to be there. He told me downstairs, he said, I wasn't supposed to be there. They said, the word came out, they were clearing rubble, and the word came out that there was going to be somebody big showing up.

He had no idea. And he's out there working, and all of a sudden here comes George W. Bush over the hill, and Bob Beckwith was like, I better get out of here, it's the President. And he started to leave, and that's when the President grabbed him by the shoulder and held him, and he had the bullhorn, and he said, we can hear you.

And pretty soon the whole world is going to hear you. And it was just one of those moments he stepped into history, and he was the most kind man. He passed away recently, and we just had that brief time with him there, and it connected us. And there was another mother of a firefighter who was killed when the towers fell, and she was there.

She had some type of, one of his shields or something that he carried on his dress uniform. He wasn't wearing it that day, but she had it there with him, and there were several folks from 9-11 there, and it was quite moving. And don't you wish that our country could behave today like it was September 12, 2001? You remember how we all came together? Remember how members of Congress got out on the Capitol steps and saying, God bless America.

How long did that last? Would that we could go back to that? If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land. So those are our marching orders from our God, that his people pray and humble ourselves, and let us pray for this nation. Will you commit to praying for this nation? You listen to this network all the time.

You know the stuff that's on this network, the passion that the Truth Network has to share the gospel. Are you praying? Are you praying for this country? Are you humbling yourself and asking God to have mercy on this country? And we're going to get into the debate from last night because one of the things that came up was when President Trump erroneously mentioned it was the governor of West Virginia, but it wasn't. It was the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, on this whole thing of late-term abortions and post-birth, and we'll talk about that. But we think about our country that we don't deserve God's blessing, and there is the implication that if God can bless this nation, he can also curse this nation.

Have you thought about that? We pray for him to God bless America. We say it all the time. We sing songs about it. But if he has the ability to bless this nation, then he also has the ability to curse this nation.

And which one do you think we have earned as a nation? We have now 60 million abortions. We've taken what the Philistines and all the other pagans back in ancient biblical times were doing to Moloch, and we have taken it to exponential levels.

And we are, you know, I look back at how we were, you know, September 12, 2001, and we came together briefly. We asked why would God do such a thing, but there wasn't enough, we didn't spend any time on self-reflection. Maybe we need to rethink this, but we haven't done that, and we've just allowed more and more lawlessness and immorality and wickedness to promulgate in this country.

This show is called Truth Talk Live. That's truth talk. That's what we've done. People say, well, we're a Christian nation. Are we?

How would anybody know? We may have a lot of Christians here, but are we a Christian nation? You know, and these are things you saw a little bit of that last night at the debate. And when Trump brought that up, he was right to bring it up.

And Lindsey Davis, who was obviously in the camp for Kamala Harris, tried to blow that off and dismiss it. But the record speaks for itself, and we're going to talk about that when we come back. This is Peter Rosenberger. This is Truth Talk Live 866-348-7884.

We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. This is Peter Rosenberger, glad to have you with us.

866-34, truth, 866-348-7884, if you want to weigh in on some of the things we're going to talk about today. I heard that quote from Stu Epperson during the break about politicians and so forth. Here's one from one of my favorites.

I miss him terribly. I loved his work, Charles Krauthammer. Every two years, the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians. I thought that was a very, very appropriate quote of what's going on. And then my favorite, Winston Churchill, some men change their party for the sake of their principles, others their principles for the sake of their party. And these are just a few of the quotes that you'll see out there of thinkers and people who have looked at the political ruling classes in our society and others.

And they come up short, don't they? And last night, we saw on display some very uncomfortable things. And I want to laser beam into one issue because President Trump was right to point out Governor Ralph Northam. I talked about this when I was doing an interview some years ago with the 700 Club because this is an issue that has many layers to it.

And here's the actual quote from Governor Northam of Virginia. And he was talking about third trimester abortions are done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. Northam, he's a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. And Trump was absolutely right on to bring this to the attention. And the response of the moderators was, there's no law that says, and there's not. There's not a law. But make no mistake, they want abortion on demand. They want it on demand. And we've got to understand a few things, and this is going to get me into a lot of trouble, so if you want to write an email to me, just go to peter-at-the-internet-dot-google.

I don't care if it gets me into trouble. I have come to understand, I've watched the rage and I've watched the unhinged behavior of people who want abortion. R.C. Sproul said, it is a monstrous evil. And it is. And Trump was right last night to say, it has torn our country apart for 50 plus years.

And it needs to be out of the federal government down to the state levels where people can vote on this. And Kamala Harris wanted to bring out all these horrific scenarios of this and this and this. That's what they do. They trot it out. But they're not going to settle for the life of the mother or anything like that.

Or rape, incest. They're not going to settle for that. They want it on demand whenever. And they will bring out the most horrific cases and try to pull at everybody's emotions as opposed to, what are we doing here? Do we follow up an evil with another evil? And I remember one time they were having budget things and they trotted out people who were having to share false teeth. They'll come up with crazy things.

But I've come to watch this and I've studied this and I've looked at it and I've watched the behavior of the people who do this. This should be a horrific decision for any circumstance. Any type of medical procedure should be done with extreme care and not a cavalier attitude of any kind. My wife has had 86 surgeries. There is no such thing as minor surgery.

Okay? That's on people, other people who have minor surgery. Any medical procedure is a medical procedure and it should be done with careful consideration. And they're going into wombs and ripping apart a viable baby. And they're doing this. And then they're gleefully talking about the right to do it.

I've seen women out there praying how many they've had. And there's just all these kinds of vitriol about it. And I see no difference than what was going on to Moloch. And I've come to understand that for so many on the left, this is not about a woman's right to choose. Because they wanted to make sure everybody took a vaccination. And women who said they didn't want to take a vaccination were shamed and reported and all kinds of things. So it really wasn't about autonomy of the body. And if you'll notice that prostitution is not legal in all 50 states. So it's really not about autonomy of the body. It's autonomy of something else, isn't it? And I've got to tell you, when I look at these people and the way they uphold this and grasp it and cling to it and are willing to go to the mat for this thing, it comes across as very much like a sacrament to them.

It does. It's a blood sacrament. And I remember one commentator said, they're not going to be happy until they can perform one on the Senate floor. And we had a sitting president at the time Barack Obama spoke at Planned Parenthood, and he said at the end of his speech, God bless Planned Parenthood. Well, number one, I've got to ask you, which God is he referring to? Because the God of the Bible is not going to bless that.

He will curse it. Everything in Scripture speaks to that. But now we've got pulpit ministers who are proclaiming this as a benevolent thing to do. We've lost our way as a country. And then you had a sitting vice president who toured an abortion clinic.

Just went up on a tour for it. I've said from day one, this election is going to be the Boer election. B-O-R. It's going to be about the border or abortion. And that's what it's going to be.

And that's what they tried to do last night. But Trump, he was a little ham-fisted in what he did, but he was right to bring it up about Governor Northam. It was monstrous what he said, and it was so clinical, and it's just ridiculously awful. Are we going to tolerate this? How are you going to vote? By the way, if you're listening to this program and you're not registered to vote, can you please give me a reason why?

What possible reason could you have to not be registered to vote in this election? And I believe that we have a great responsibility to do so. This abortion issue is not going to stop with just abortion. Because when a non-viable human being, and that was what the discussion was with the governor of Virginia at the time, Well, what is viable? How long before mercy killing and euthanasia become a thing? And it's only a thing, but it's just not legal.

But it's getting increasingly more and more desirous from people. Because I wouldn't want to live like that. Well, so what do you do? My wife is missing both legs. She's had 86 surgeries. Would you want to live like her?

She lives with pain all the time. So what are we going to do? Do you see where this can go? But see, this show is about truth. God's truth. Not mine.

Not yours. God's truth. And God's truth says He has come to give life and life more abundant. And we're going to talk about that when we come back. This is Peter Rosenberger. This is Truth Talk Live.

We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. This is Peter Rosenberger.

I'm glad to have you with us. I've got a lot of stuff out there.

I do a program on the weekend for family caregivers and if you're a caregiver that is struggling right now, taking care of somebody who is dealing with whatever, then that's the site for you to go to. And there's a caregiver 911 on there. I'd urge you to take advantage of it. Look at it. Here's where we're going to start.

Right here. And I understand these things. I've wrestled with these issues. Gracie and I have had to deal with these realities for a very long time. It's like to live with something that is not going to get better. And most likely will get worse. And if we have a culture that devalues life in the womb, how much longer before they devalue life in the wheelchair?

Life in the hospital bed. Do you see the stakes here? So I'm going to ask you, what are you doing about it? How are you voting? Are you voting?

And how are you going to do this? What line do you draw in the sand? What do you stand on? These are all questions that we need to answer for ourselves.

I'd like to hear what your answers are. 866-34-TRUTH. 866-348-7884. In fact, let's go to Jamal in Winston-Salem.

Jamal? How are you feeling? I'm doing fine, Mr. Rosenberg.

I hope you are as well. Oh, I'm just precious. Tell me what's on your mind. You wanted to talk about the debate last night.

What's on your mind? I did. I also wanted to touch on 9-11. Just wanted to give a quick acknowledgement to what happened, to how we responded, and to how that's a reminder that unfortunately, evil is out there. We can't ignore it. We have to respond to it.

We have to acknowledge it and push back against it. So God bless those that served and those who are affected. Thank you for that.

Thank you. So moving on to the debate, I'll just get right to it. The matter of abortion. People say, or some people say, that Kamala Harris did so well. She did better than expected, I'll give you that.

However, she left herself exposed to taking the test and Trump did not do that. I'm going to vote for Trump. Black guy, former Democrat, coming over to the conservative side because it's just too much what the Democrats are doing. And I mentioned that to hopefully let people know, we all don't fall off and step up the Democratic party. They are a radical group. Well, their platform is.

Some Democrats are okay, but it's too much. So for the matter of abortion, Trump could have said that's a life in that womb. It's not your body. When those two chromosomes come together, science has confirmed that is a brand new life. We have pregnancy centers that will help the people take care of that life through donations, through classes, help the mother and the father, also help them financially.

There should be no reason, and I try to say this respectfully to people's situations, there should be no reason why we are killing an unborn child. Now, there is an exception, I guess, with the life of the mother. I don't know all about that. From what I heard, that's like a one percent chance.

I can give a pass on that. But every other reason, why not give that kid up for adoption and go to a pregnancy center, get some help, save that life for the kids. I don't think they want to. That's why. They don't want to. And they don't look at it as a life. They look at it as their body. They're not consistent with the argument, but they don't want to.

That's why. And they're not going to until we as a society, and this is why, the nice thing about this is it's out of the federal government's hand right now because they're never going to get legislation through this unless they get rid of the filibuster rule. It's not going to happen. And this is what Trump said last night.

They really wanted to pin him down. Would you veto this? Would you sign this? They wanted to have him on record and they wanted to pin him down on this and he said it's not an issue because it's not going to happen on a federal level. The federal government needs to be out of that entire argument and the states dealing with the people.

They don't want the states to deal with it. They want the federal government to control everything because they're statist. Statists are people who look to the state as their deity.

And I'm more convinced than ever, and if you disagree with me or anybody that's listening right now wants to disagree with me, that's your decision, but this is a sacrament to them. It is their deity and their sacrament. The state is their deity. They love the government. The government is filled with people who are flawed human beings and the founding fathers knew this.

They came out of the Reformation. They knew this. That's why they have checks and balances, but we've worked around the checks and balances. These people do not want to do this, Jamal.

They're not going to and they don't want to. They want to do what they want to do the way they want to do it when they want to do it, which is exactly the description of sin. Because like everyone else, they're sinners.

And this is what happened in the garden. And the bad news is that Adam's sin was imputed to all of us. Adam had the ability to not sin, but he lost that ability and we've lost it ever since. The next one that came along that was able to do that was the greater Adam who was infallible. And he had the ability to die. He had a fallible body, but he had the ability to not sin and he lived that perfect life. And our sin was imputed to him and then his righteousness was imputed to us. But the world doesn't want this. We do not want this as a species. And no man comes to the Father except that the Spirit draws him.

We're not going to come on our own. People say, well, I found God. No, you didn't. You didn't find God. God wasn't lost. You were. He found you.

And he claimed you. And the only reason we go to Christ, the only thing we bring to salvation is the sin that requires it. And this is the nature of our sin.

Sin is a bigger problem than we think it is. And so what you see there, Jamal, you can't reason with this. You're not going to reason with somebody who wants to cut out their own life out of their own womb.

And people who want to applaud them while they do it. That is not a reasoned conversation we're going to have. And so you do not reason with it. Yeah, and for those, you know, people can't truly be lost.

I'm a bit of an optimist, especially considering I used to be pro-abortion. That's when I was bound in line of it's just a clump of cells not life in there until I saw actual video. I probably mentioned this before on this program, so forgive me for going back into it. So once I found out it was a life in there, I said, I cannot be a part of this.

The dismembering, the brain crushing and all that. I said, this is horrific. I can't abide by this.

And how this party goes along with that is beyond me. But I'll leave you with this and I'll get off the phone. What you do to the least of these, you do unto me.

And what kind of nation, what kind of people would be fine with the killing of babies with unborn? God bless you, Peter, and God bless you all, and you have a blessed day. Jamal, thanks for the call.

I appreciate it very much. But he's exactly right that Jesus clearly laid out this. And anybody who looks at scripture will see God as the God of life and this sort of thing is abhorrent to him. But you're not going to reason with this. You might as well tell a blind man what the color red is.

What kind of conversation are you going to have? They don't care. They like what they're doing and they want to do more of it. And in scripture you'll see in Proverbs where they run to evil, they run to commit murder, they run to these things. It is in our sin nature to do these things. It is only by the work of the Holy Spirit, the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit, that we're not that way.

Left to our own devices, we would crucify the Savior. That's the reality of sin. It begets sin. The wages of sin is death. I mean, over and over. And if your pastor is not preaching on sin and they're just talking about grace, grace, grace, but they don't talk about the need for grace, you might want to get a different church.

Okay? Because we've got to say it. Now whether people listen to it or not, that is not our responsibility. Our responsibility is to proclaim it and to bear witness to what we have seen, what we have witnessed, what we have touched, what we have tasted and seen with the goodness of God.

And you don't have to have this speech prepared to lead somebody to Christ. All you do is just share, I used to be one way and I ain't that way no more. I had a caller that said that to me years ago on this network. When I called and I was playing one of the great hymns of the faith and she loved it.

And I'm over at the caregiver keyboard here. He touched me and she loved that hymn and she said, I said, why is that hymn so special to you? She said, because I used to be one way and I'm not that way anymore. I ain't that way anymore. Are you able to go into this world and say I used to be one way but I'm not that way anymore?

Because that is the power of the gospel, who takes broken sinful lives, people who would rush to do wicked things and brings them to Christ. This is Peter. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. This is Peter Rosenberger. This is the time for you to be able to deal with what's going on in our culture.

Talk about this in a theological, biblical framework. But nevertheless, look at the hard issues. And we saw this last night at the debate, things that came out. It didn't go as probably as well as some would like for Trump and it went better for Kamala Harris. And the moderators did an excellent job of fact checking Trump and not fact checking Kamala Harris. These moderators, ABC.

I mean I didn't expect anything from ABC News except what they did. I don't mind them asking Trump very hard questions. I think they should. I think you should ask politicians extremely hard questions. And it's a shame that they are allowing their own biases to dictate that because it would be nice to see politicians held to a level of scrutiny. Put it this way, wouldn't it be great if politicians were held to the same scrutiny that the IRS holds us to? Wouldn't that be great?

In other words, if you want to be on the program, 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. Proverbs 29-2, When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. You want to think about that for a moment? When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Ephesians 5-11, Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. And Isaiah 1-4, Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly.

These are things that would be very descriptive of our culture right now, wouldn't they? And we have to get involved, you all. There's no margin for error here. We have to get involved. So vote the Bible. What does the scripture say? What is the one candidate, or the one party, or the candidate in your area for Congress, for Senate, who is more closely aligning with the values of scripture? And vote accordingly. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. Here's what scripture says. Now, if you're a believer, you would want to adhere as close as you can to scripture. You know you're not going to get somebody who's going to be right on the money with it, because none of us are.

But we have a responsibility to the best of our abilities, to maintain a level of decorum and morality in this country, so that we can all live peacefully. And you can look at, history is a great teacher, but unfortunately we don't teach history. The further back you look, the further forward you can see. And if you go all the way back to Genesis, you'll see what happens when the people turn their backs on God. Go look at the Tower of Babel, as in the days of Noah. You think about that in Noah's time.

For 120 years he worked on that ark. And when that door was closed by God, do you not think that there were people out there clamoring around saying, God save us? They were crying out, God save us. And their cries went rejected. Because they weren't crying for a Savior. They were trying to get out of having the consequences of their sin, but they weren't crying out of, Lord my Redeemer. They weren't thinking that way. And we're there.

And how many times did you hear Jesus refer to in scripture, like in the days of Noah? Wickedness has just run amok here in this country. We've descended into lawlessness in many of our major cities. And please understand that the lawlessness is not limited to thugs attacking people in apartment buildings like they're doing in Aurora, Colorado and other places. The lawlessness is not even limited to people coming across the border illegally. The lawlessness is in our hearts. That's what's going on. And you see that everywhere there are human beings. Wherever two or three are gathered, there's problems.

Everywhere there are human beings, that's where the lawlessness is. And the only thing we can do is cry out to our Savior. And even that alone has to come from Him. In of ourselves we're not going to seek Him. Scripture says that no one seeks after God.

There is no one righteous, not one. And no one comes to the Father except that He's drawn. So don't think that you're somehow going to figure this out on your own, that somehow you're going to reason somebody into the kingdom.

It's not going to happen. Only if the Holy Spirit is drawn. But we have a responsibility to preach the good news. And in order to preach the good news, we've got to start with the bad news. And the bad news is that we are sinners. And everywhere you see any type of institution by man, it will descend into sinful chaos. And there are a few institutions out there that are set up as Christian institutions, and even they descend into chaos.

Because sin is a bigger problem than we think it is. So it's a little bit of a bleak message on some respects, but that's the reality of our world. So when you have a situation last night where they were arguing over abortion and don't tell me what to do with my body, and yet they willingly pushed people taking the vaccine over and over and over again, even on children. Don't tell me what to do with my body. Now you've got Governor Walz who doesn't want to have parental notification if a child wants to change genders. Children can't buy tobacco, but they can go and change genders? Well, they can't change genders.

There's no such thing. They can go have surgery to mutilate them? And they're not allowed to... Do you see the inconsistency? Do you see the hypocrisy? And there's only one reason why it's because this is an agenda to do this.

I've told this program, I've said this on this program before. My wife has been an amputee since 1991, a double amputee since 1995. Our children grew up and they really didn't have any memory of their mother with both of her legs. Our sons. And not at one time did my sons ever come to me and say, Hey, can we cut off one of our feet so we can be like mom?

And if they had, I would have gotten them some professional help immediately. And not at one time did any of the doctors who spent time with our children ever encourage that. There's no books out there saying, hey, amputate a foot so you can be like your amputated mom.

There's no children's book like that. And yet, look what they're doing with sexual organs. Cut them off. Mutilate.

Surgically fix so you can be like this. Explain the difference other than a desire for wickedness and a desire to corrupt and to mutilate. Working out their own fetishes on children. This is what is at stake.

The name of this program is Truth Talk Live. That's the truth. There it is right there. Explain to me any other reason. When I put it in the terms of amputation, all of a sudden the point becomes very clear, doesn't it? I mean, are there libraries filled with children's book about amputating your foot? Because you want to identify as a one-footed person? No.

So why are we doing it the other way? Do you see what's going on here? Are you prepared to deal with this? Are you prepared to speak to this? Are you ready to deal with this kind of conversation?

I got to tell you, you better be. Because it's coming for you. And it's coming for your children. And it's coming for your grandchildren.

And it's not going to stop. Evil does not take a holiday. Wickedness does not sleep.

Sin is constant. And it begets sin. And that is the bad news.

But I will end on the good news. We have a Savior who does not sleep or slumber. And the redemptive work of God through Christ is beyond anything we can even possibly imagine. As big a problem as sin is, and it's bigger than we can imagine, the cross is bigger still.

We cannot comprehend what it meant for the King of Glory to do what he did. As the hymn writer said, And beneath the cross of Jesus, and from my stricken heart with tears, two wonders I confess, the wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness. Once we wrap our hearts around that, we are equipped to go into whatever. Because we are convinced, compelled and protected and sustained by the redemptive work of God through Christ.

And we can go into anything. Paul and Silas were singing hymns in prison at midnight after being beaten. That same spirit. And I said this to my wife while in the hospital when she was having a very difficult time with pain at one point. And she wasn't getting the relief. And I looked at her and I took her hand and I said, You know, Paul and Silas were singing hymns.

And they were in pain and they were beaten and they were in prison. And she looked at me and she said big tears were filling her eyes. She said, I'm not Paul. I said, No, you're not, honey.

You're not. But the same spirit that sustained Paul and Silas will sustain you. This is our hope. And I say this to you as listeners of this program and as believers. The same spirit that sustained them will sustain you.

This is the Gospel. Hang on to that. This is Peter Rosenberger, Go out there. There's more information for you, particularly if you're a caregiver. I want you to go out and take advantage of it and we'll see you next time. Okay. Thanks so much for the time today. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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