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What Is Truth?... He Is Truth

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
September 3, 2024 5:42 pm

What Is Truth?... He Is Truth

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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September 3, 2024 5:42 pm

Peter Rosenberger host Truth Talk Live to talk about the truth

To learn more about Peter and being a caregiver visit

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This is the Truth Network. Welcome to Truth Talk Live, a daily program powered by the Truth Network, where pop culture, current events, and theology all come together. And now, here's today's Truth Talk Live host, Welcome to Truth Talk Live.

This is Peter Rosenberger. Glad to have you with us as we delve into some very difficult, thorny issues that are currently affecting us. Now, you may think they're a little far away from our borders, but I want to go to this thing in Brazil. If you want to weigh in on this, by the way, 86634 Truth, 86634 Truth, what's going on in Brazil? Well, let's back up a little bit. There's a Supreme Court Justice down there named Alexandre de Morales.

I don't know how to pronounce his name. And he has, in effect, banned Twitter, well, X. It used to be called Twitter. And he's in a big fight with Elon Musk. And they've banned it.

Now, the NFL is going down there to play a football game, I believe, this weekend. And they're not going to be able to use X to do any type of reporting. And by and far away, more and more people are getting their news from X. And the mainstream news organizations are declining.

Some of them are maybe maintaining. I think Fox News probably does pretty well. But by and large, most people don't get their news from television the same way that growing up, a lot of us did. You don't sit down and watch the 6 o'clock news.

You get it streaming. And they have all kinds of things in X now. They're called community notes where people can fact check if somebody posts something.

And this is happening quite a bit now where the community is saying, no, you're wrong, and here's why. And Brazil didn't like some of the stuff that's going on on X because it's saying things that they didn't like. And they demanded, Elon Musk had pulled out his legal representative from Brazil, and they demanded that he have one there. Now, why do they want one there?

Well, it's more than likely to arrest them or to hold them accountable and to use them as leverage against Elon Musk and X. So ever since he bought X, and do you understand how we got here with X? I mean, I'm just jumping right into the deep end of the pool, but I figured you guys are engaged in these sort of things, and the name of this program is Truth Talk Live. So I'm going to give us a little bit of a history of how we got here. It was the Babylon Bee. The Babylon Bee is an online satirical site.

It started out as being kind of an updated version of the old Wittenberg door. Some of you may remember that. And they tend to be the mad magazine of Christian world, and then they started getting more and more into politics. And they called Rachel Levin the Man of the Year. Rachel Levin is the Assistant Secretary of Health, who is this guy that now says he's Rachel Levin.

And you've probably seen the picture. And Babylon Bee put this out there, and they called him Man of the Year. It made the people that owned Twitter at the time very angry, and they banned the Babylon Bee. And Elon Musk said, that's enough. And Babylon Bee would not retract it, which is good for them. And then Elon Musk bought Twitter, and the world has changed because of that.

And you think, well, Peter, that's not that big of a deal. Well, it is. Because that's the place where people are going to post real-time news now. People are not tuning into their television, sitting there waiting to be spoon-fed. When he did the conversation with Trump the other night, the two of them just had a phone call. They did it on their live platform there. Last count I had was 200 million people had listened to this thing. So it's like the old fireside chats.

That's what that was like. They head back in the 30s and 40s when they sat around the radio. The family sat around the radio and listened. The world digests its news differently now. Even this program right now. Many of you are listening live on your radio. Some of you are streaming on your phone. Some of you are listening on this podcast.

There's all kinds of different ways that you're getting this program. And so Brazil has thrown down the gauntlet. Now this is on top of the guy that started Telegraph being arrested in France. And then you see what's been going on in the UK.

Now what do all these things have in common? Well, they don't like free speech. And if you'll notice, there's at least one political party in this country that also doesn't like free speech. They like their free speech, but they don't like yours. Frederick Douglass said to suppress free speech is double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.

That's Frederick Douglass. Here's a different quote on why we have this for our constitution. Around the world, constitutions tell people what they can do. In our constitution, we the people tell the government what it cannot do.

That was Renaldus Magnus, Ronald Reagan as Russia used to call him. Around the world, constitutions tell people what they can do. In our constitution, we the people tell the government what it cannot do. And Obama railed against that when he called the constitution filled with negative liberties.

The bigger the government, the smaller the people. Now, here's something here. Johns Hopkins surgeon Dr. Martin Macquarie. He's an oncologist gastroenterologist.

He deals with the gastro area. I can't even get it out today. The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government. I was at a local dollar store and they had the little marks there where you had to stand six feet apart. And somebody told the dollar store and all the chains in the dollar store that they had to put those there. Dr. Fauci recently remarked that that was an arbitrary thing. They just made it up.

They just made it up. And so we've got these governments now who are wanting to lock down on speech and they want to tell you what you can say. They want to police everything and then they want to arrest the people who provide a platform for you to say it. They want to charge them. They've already done that with the guy there in France with the telegraph.

They took him into custody as soon as he landed there. I think they're getting it all sorted out but it's a very chilling thing and what's going on in the UK is beyond the pale. And the Babylon Bee came out with a wonderful satirical story. Again, they're satire. It's meant to use comedy and the absurd to drive home a point. And they come up with their motto is fake news you can trust. And they said everything will be fine if you'll just accept Allah it is Prophet Muhammad.

That's what the Babylon Bee said. So we're going to talk about why is this important to us on this program? This program.

Why is this program connected to that story? Truth Talk Live. We're going to talk about that more when we come back. 866-34-TRUTH. This is Peter Rosenberger. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. This is Peter Rosenberger and we are so glad that you are with us.

You just heard in the break there with Dr. R.C. Sproul's message about truth. And we're talking about truth today because it is under assault. And we hear words like misinformation and fake news and all these kinds of things. This is not a new problem.

This has been around for a very long time. And you go back to Jesus. Go back to the Gospel of John. Why did they go after Jesus? He didn't kill anybody.

He didn't steal anything. What did they go after him for? Because of his words. They said he was healing on the Sabbath but they really went after him for blasphemy. That's what they said he did.

He was lying, they said. He was claiming to be the Son of God. They didn't like what he said and they wanted to shut him up and they crucified him. And when he was brought before Pilate, let's look at John 18.

It's really important we get this in our minds here of what's going on with this. Pilate said to him, So you are a king. Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.

And Pilate said to him, You can almost hear Pilate kind of snorting. Quid es veritas in Latin. What is truth? What is truth? Jesus did not say, Well this is my truth and you have your truth. You've heard that before, haven't you? Where people in our culture don't say this. Oprah took this poem some guy had written, I can't remember the name of it.

It started with an E, Edwin or something. And he talked about, Speak your truth. Well, there's your truth and my truth. Okay, so what is truth? What's truth?

And who gets to decide this? Have you ever had anybody come up to you and say, Well there are no absolutes. Have you ever had anybody say that to you? Next time they say that say, Are you sure?

Just ask them that, Are you sure? Because we don't want to deal with truth. How do we deal with this truth? And if it makes us feel uncomfortable then we have a whole bunch of people that want to shut it up. We don't want to hear it. We don't want to hear the truth of the gospel. Because first off, everybody wants to hear about grace but they don't want to hear about their sin. And it's unconscionable.

I think it was either Moody or Spurgeon, it sounds like either one, who said it is unconscionable to preach grace without first preaching the need for it. The truth of the matter is we're sinners. We don't want to hear that, but we are. And so this whole thing of your truth, my truth, and now we have these governments who are meddling in this thing and they're going to control the information flow. You've got an entire country now that is without the ability to express themselves at a free forum on Twitter, X, I'm still getting used to calling it X, because this Supreme Court justice is saying, No, we're not going to do this. And I don't know how this is going to play out but I promise you this, mark my words, that there are a lot of people in this country who are watching this with great interest and some of them are watching this with great enthusiasm.

And this is a test case. Can we pull this off? Can we silence the voices on Twitter that say things we don't want to have?

Can we do this? This is what's going on. And everywhere you see elitist in power, this leftist, progressive, globalist, statist elitist in power, they want to shut down free speech. They don't want to have it. It's just part of the human condition.

They can't help themselves. And by the way, that is gastroenterologist. I learned how to speak, I know how to say the word, but I just, my wife has had more than 100 doctors have treated her, including a gastroenterologist. But over her many years, I do a show for caregivers on the weekend on this network. And I've been doing it for many years.

I've been a caregiver for four decades. You can go see more about that at And, but this surgeon, Dr. Martin Macri, he's a surgical oncology and gastrointestinal laparoscopic. See, I said that too. How about that? All right. And he's the one that said the greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.

And I'm going to ask you a couple of quick, quick questions. Was Hunter Biden's laptop fake? Was it Russian propaganda or was it true? If it was true, then why was the New York Post shut down by social media like Twitter at the time and others? They didn't want to hear it.

See, do you see the pattern here? If you don't like what you're hearing, then we're going to, you know, if we don't like what you're hearing, we're going to shut you down. If we don't like what you're saying, we're going to shut you down. So what's there to keep them from shutting down this network? This network is telling, the name of the show is Truth Talk Live.

The name of the network is Truth Network. What's to keep the government from doing this? They're slowly but surely encroaching on freedom of speech. It is a end goal.

Make no mistake. They really want to get down, get the Second Amendment down. They want to take that away, but they really want the First Amendment firmly under their control.

You don't think so? Do a quick Google search on how much the word misinformation and all this kind of stuff is being promulgated by the government. They're the ones that have control over, quote unquote, truth. And that's why Reagan said very clearly, around the world, constitutions tell people what they can do. In our Constitution, we the people tell the government what it cannot do.

And here is the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law. Remember, the president can't make laws. They do executive orders. The Supreme Court cannot make law. They rule on the law whether it's constitutional or not, but the Congress makes the law. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peacefully to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. And a lot of that was found in the original draftings of the Magna Carta way back in the 1200s.

So these were clear in the mind of reformers to make sure that the government did not tell them what they could and could not do. Okay? So do you see where this is all going? What are we going to do about this? Because if they don't like this guy's speech, how long before they don't like your speech? How long before they don't like what we're saying, what scripture teaches? They hated the truth. The world hates the truth. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. He didn't say, this is my truth. He said, I am the truth. They hated him and crucified him.

Is the servant greater than the master? They're going to hate you too. They're going to hate me. But while we have these freedoms, are we squandering them? Are we taking advantage of them and using them to speak into as many lives as possible the truth of the gospel? This is our responsibility.

What do you think about that? 866-348-7884. That's 866-34-TRUTH.

That's the name of this program. This is Peter Rosenberg and this is Truth Talk Live. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. This is Peter Rosenberg.

Glad to have you with us here today. We are talking about truth. And as the saying goes, what is truth? And I think for us as believers we can say very clearly, he is truth. And how does that apply to our life and what are the implications? If the gospel is true, then there's nothing more important as C.S.

Lewis said. If Christianity is true, if all this is true, then there's nothing else more important. And if it's not, then we're the most pitiful. So it's really a black and white issue.

There's no ambiguity there. He either is who he says he is or this is all pitiful. And the overpowering evidence, not just the empirical evidence, I'm talking about the evidence of transformed lives due to the gospel. All of creation speaks to the glory of God. It's all there. And if you want to know the accountability factor, Romans 1 will give you that. Because nobody is going to be without an excuse. Well, I didn't know.

Yeah, you did. And they exchange the truth of God for a lie. This is what is crushing this world. And as you heard in the break there, John MacArthur talking about that, people want the benefits of Christianity, but they don't want Jesus. They're looking for peace, but they don't want the Prince of Peace. They want your truth and their truth, but they don't want the truth.

Do you see the pattern now? Do you see why this thing in Brazil is a big deal? It is important for us as Christians to be engaged in this. We cannot just isolate ourselves away from this.

We have got to be engaged. And we've got to be prepared. We've got to train our mind. Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus. Do not be conformed to this world.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Do you understand the tenets of our faith well enough to communicate it to somebody who does not believe them? I'm not talking about just witnessing to people.

I hear people do that all the time. It's like, you know, Jesus died for your sin. You're going to go to hell if you don't accept him right now. That's not what I'm talking about. Do you understand the tenets of your faith? Do you understand what scripture teaches about these things? Could you have this kind of discourse with people?

If not, why not? You know, I heard the old saying that the pastor was talking about people going out and evangelizing. Some people said, well, I don't have the gift of evangelism, Pastor. You do. And he looked at it and said, well, you don't have the gift of singing, but I hear you singing every Sunday morning.

I thought that was a funny joke. But the point is, we have a responsibility to do what? Preach the gospel and make disciples. Preach and teach. Preach and teach.

Preach and teach. We're not responsible for results. But we are responsible to be obedient. And if we don't speak into this, who is in line behind us to do it? Who is going to say these things?

Who's going to go to these people? And if this is our mission, this is our mandate from our Savior, go ye therefore into all the world. Preach the gospel. Preach the truth. And if they don't hear it, they don't hear it. And if they don't want to hear it, that's not on you.

But what is on you and me? So we have a responsibility to say it. Proverbs 31, 8 through 9. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth. Judge righteously. Defend the rights of the poor and needy. Speak. Speak up for those who cannot. Ecclesiastes 7, 21 through 22.

You're going to love this one. Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Gosh, that's pretty pointed because that's the way we are. Don't be worried when you hear people say things about you. You know you've said things about other people.

That's what he's saying. So we've got to go out there boldly. If they're going to say something bad, let them say something bad.

That is their decision, but does that get us off the hook? You might want to say, blessed are you when men revile you. That's what Jesus talked about. Do we open our mouths to speak? Galatians 4, 16.

Paul was appealing to the church at Galatia. He said, have I then become your enemy by telling the truth? Some people don't want to hear it. You ever had to confront somebody with something they did wrong? You know they did it wrong? They know they did it wrong? And they said, I didn't do it. It wasn't me.

You ever done that yourself? It is the human condition. It is what's going on, and this is what's happening all across the world in various places. And make no mistake, this thing in Brazil, this thing in France, and this thing in the UK, they're all connected. And you watch and see if it doesn't appeal to people in power in this country. And if we don't get ourselves engaged, we're not going to have a country. Again, Frederick Douglass, to suppress free speech is a double wrong.

It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. Christians are being targeted right now in Nigeria. There's a story out today in the paper. There's an all-out assault to kill Christians in Nigeria. And it's time for us to stop thinking that way. It's time for us to recognize the reality of what's going on around this world. And it certainly appears that there is a boldness to the evil that is in this world. There's not even an attempt to be coy about it. There's not even an attempt to cloak it.

They used to do things by cloaking it in darkness. Now they just come right out and do it. My question to you is, what are we doing about it? How are we standing firm on this?

It's not enough to just isolate ourselves, even on Christian radio or all the other things. We've got to equip ourselves. Soldiers of Christ arise. This is a war.

But it's not a war like anything else the world has ever seen. We march with boldness into the most horrific of circumstances. Not to cudgel people with the Bible, but to speak clearly to their sin-filled hearts and point them to the truth.

If they choose to reject our Lord, that's on them. Not on me, not on you. I didn't want to make him mad. I didn't want to cause any problems. And we're going to see the scars on his hands and his feet of what it caused for him. Are you prepared for that? Do you wish to do that?

I don't want to have to look in the eye and say, I didn't do it. I was afraid. We have a responsibility, and we need to watch what's going on. We need to be engaged politically. And we've got 60-something days before the election, or however long. They're already voting here in another couple of days. This whole thing of early voting just bothers me anyway.

What kind of country are we going to have? Is there a political party that you think promulgates lies more than truth? I saw this thing the other day where MSNBC, or NBC, I think there was a lady that was interviewing Tom Cotton.

If you haven't seen it, go take a look at it. I don't know the lady's name. She took over from Chuck Todd on Meet the Depressed. And she was interviewing Tom Cotton.

And this is the second week in a row that he has pushed back on reporters. Jonathan Karl from ABC, he gave him a schooling. And this lady, she was trying to tell him about Kamala Harris doing such and such. And he faced her down bad. I mean, she really got it in spades from him. And Tom Cotton is so smart. Tom Cotton from Arkansas is so smart. And the NBC had to issue a correction because she, as they misstated or whatever, but she tried to tell people that Kamala Harris was there when they brought the bodies back.

And she was. That was the one where Joe Biden was looking at his watch. NBC had to issue a correction. There's so many of these corrections have to come. The New York Times has had to go back and make amends for things.

And I wonder, how many times do we have to make amends on this program? How many times do we have to go back and issue a correction when we tell people that Jesus is Lord? I've never been fact-checked on that, by the way, that Jesus is Lord. And if he's Lord at all, then he is Lord of all.

But he says, I'll die on that hill, because he did. This is Peter Rosenberg, and this is Truth Talk Live, 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-TRUTH. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Truth Talk Live. Peter Rosenberg, glad that you are with us. We are at 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-TRUTH. It's the phone line if you want to be a part of the program.

We're talking about truth today. I also wanted to mention to you a sponsor we have. You ever watch Shark Tank? You ever seen that show Shark Tank? It's pretty amazing what people come up with.

There's a guy on there that had a product that really piqued my interest. You know, I do a show for caregivers. I've been a caregiver for four decades. I took care of my wife who's had 86 surgeries and both of her legs amputated. And it's been going on since the car wreck she had back in 83. And I found what this guy did was fascinating, because if you ever had a change of sheets in the middle of the night, she's had a wound on her limb that just will not heal. Sometimes when she wears her prosthesis, it gets a sore on there. And then she can't wear her leg, and she has a wound.

It's hard to dress it on an amputated limb. And you'll get a bloody sheet, you know, and something will happen. Well, this guy has this thing called peel-away. And they're fitted sheets that have these built-in chucks. Chucks are like the liners they have in hospital beds, but they're built in, they're perforated around both sides. And they're layers of them, and they're all waterproof. And so you could just peel it away. You throw it away, you're good.

You don't have to change the whole bed, and you don't have to deal with anything. If you spill something, or if you're taking... This guy was taking care of his grandfather, who was incontinent.

And it was just becoming very, very tiresome. And he came up with this product called peel-aways. I think it's one of the most amazing products.

And if you're doing that right now, if you're a caregiver, or they have it for cribs as well, this is for you. This is something you're going to love. And you can go out to peel-aways.

It's just like, it's spelled just like it sounds. Peel, like peel an apple, P-E-E-L-A-W-A-Y-S, And when you get them, you can subscribe. They can send you one a month. And it's just a fitted sheet. It comes in every size.

They got every size you need. And I think they even are going to be going to pedal cases. Saves you a ton of time. They could do a monthly subscribe thing. You get a discount. And if you put in my name, Peter, in the coupon code, you'll get it.

Okay? This is an amazing product. And it's something that I think you're going to find that will save you. Nobody ever told me, when I became a caregiver back in the 80s, nobody ever told me how much laundry I would end up doing.

And so I'm always looking for ways to help make my life easier as a caregiver, and hopefully yours is as well. And this is one of those things that will. I tested it myself. Tried it. I slept on these things myself.

They're very comfortable. Very easy. Take advantage of it. Mention my name, Peter, and you'll get a special discount. You will thank me for it.

It is a great product. All right. We're back to what we're dealing with today. And I want to just close out of the remaining time we have of our responsibility. Our responsibility in this world that is just literally hell-bent on promulgating falsehoods. That is the nature of the fall. I've said this so many times.

I do this on my program almost every week. I say, sin is a bigger problem than we think it is. And if you go back and look, it is our nature to obfuscate the truth. Jesus called us and said, you're from the father of lies, who is a liar from the beginning.

He's talking about Satan. It is in our DNA because of sin. And this world does not want to deal with truth. They want to deal with spin.

They want to deal with imagery. They want to deal with anything they can to obfuscate it. And if you're saying something they don't like, then get ready. Because they will come after you. They'll come after me. They'll come after this network. Look at what's happening again in Brazil. And you say, well, that's Brazil. That doesn't affect me. And Elon Musk, he's got $200 billion.

He's the richest man in the world kind of thing. Who's going to be left to stand up for us when they come for us? And make no mistake, they will. It always starts with censorship. And the founding fathers knew this. They don't know how they got everything else so wrong when it came to slavery and women voting and all that kind of stuff. That's one of those things we'll have to just deal with down the road here when we see them in heaven and ask God, why did they get so wrong?

But they got this part right. That government has to be controlled and maintained. The bigger the government, the smaller the people. The more government, the more encroachment they have in your life. Think about your taxes. Think about all the things that they do. State tax, city tax, local tax, you know, business tax, sales tax, income tax. All these kinds of things.

And C.S. Lewis used to say the greatest tyranny is the tyranny said this is for your own good. How many times have you heard them say we're going to block this because it's for people's own good? Go ahead and let people speak. You know, I'm a pretty smart guy.

I can figure it out. You know, and I also have the word of God to go back and look at. I also can read what scripture says and I test everything against it. And I'm not threatened by somebody saying something. They can be wrong. I don't have to prove them wrong. I have to be responsible to say what scripture has told me to say and to bear witness to the truth.

That's my responsibility. And I think Martin Luther said it best. The body they may kill, God's truth, finish it with me, abideth still.

You know what that's from? That him, a mighty fortress is our God. The body they may kill, God's truth abideth still.

Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also, the body they may kill, God's truth abideth still. They're not going to kill God's truth. They're going to try. They did try. And he was raised from the dead.

The God-man was, the Spirit of Christ dwells in you to bear witness to this. Now what are we going to do about it? Are we going to be obedient? Are we going to get involved? Are we going to push back on this? We have the freedom to do this in this country.

Do you know there are people, like I said, in Nigeria, these people are being targeted just because they're Christians. There are people all over this world who do not have the freedom that we do. Are we squandering it? Or are we going to do something about it? Are we going to stand up and boldly proclaim it? Are we going to teach ourselves how to better speak about these things? Are we going to study history? Are we going to learn? Or are we just going to be sheep in sheep's clothing?

Which do you think honors God more? We've been given great freedom in this country. And it's little by little being encroached upon. You cannot leave this up to Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Senator Tom Cotton, and all these guys who are out there pushing back against this.

You cannot lean at all on them. We have a role to play too. This network, every day, 24-7, programming, speaking the truth about the redemptive work of Christ. Are you supporting this network? Do you listen every day? Do you support it? Do you get involved?

Do you tell people about this network? We have a responsibility to do what is at our hand to do. You don't have to go fight the Supreme Court of Brazil. Okay?

You don't. But you would be well served to know what it's about. You would be well served to be prepared. And to prepare others. This is our responsibility, I believe, as citizens of this country. If you go back and look at scripture, many times, particularly in Jeremiah 29, you know, be involved. Pray for the peace of your country.

This exile place that I've seen. We all like to quote Jeremiah 29-11 where the Lord says, I know the plans I have for you. But go up a couple verses ahead of time and God says, You be still. I put you here. You plant, you build your house, you get kids married, you have your grandkids.

And when I'm ready, I'll come get you because I know the plans I have for you. So you have to read things in context. We can't just cherry pick what we want to hear. God places us and He is sovereign over this.

But we have responsibilities. Are every one of you all registered to vote? If you're listening to this program and you are not registered to vote, please tell me why. Please tell me why you are not registered to vote.

And why you think that's a good idea. Are you prepared to give an account to the redemptive work of Christ in your life at a moment's notice? Are your feet shod with the gospel of peace? Do you understand and know your scriptures well enough to be able to articulate them? If not, today's a great day to start.

If you are, today's a great day to do it more. There is no graduation from this university until we stand before Him. And even then, we'll be learning for all eternity. We'll know Him truly. We can know Him truly now, but we'll never know Him absolutely because He's other than us. So we're always going to be learning. Sitting at His feet and learning and being prepared to share with someone else. Just like somebody shared with you. But if you're not preparing yourself, if you're just kind of going a long life and, well, okay, I've got my fire insurance. I'm not going to have to go to hell. How does that honor God?

How does that speak into the heartache of people's lives? Okay? Listen, I've got to go.

Our time is up. I want you to go out to my website, take a look, I've got a lot of stuff out for you. If you are a caregiver in crisis right now, there's a button on my website, Caregiver 911. I want you to click on it. You can start right there to help with some things to help settle you down and point you to safety.

Because healthy caregivers make better caregivers. I've got a podcast with over 800 episodes on it. And we're downloaded in 100 different countries. So take advantage of it. We'll see you next time. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-09-03 19:26:20 / 2024-09-03 19:41:23 / 15

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