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Blue Jacket Movie

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
January 27, 2023 7:00 pm

Blue Jacket Movie

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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January 27, 2023 7:00 pm

Join Stu as he meets the crew behind the Blue Jacket Movie.


Hey, this is Jim Graham from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we explore relationship instead of religion every week. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds.

Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. We've got a friend from New York, Scott Price, who make movies to change the world. They've been in business. They have amazing stories, a bunch of phone calls, a bunch of texts. And suddenly these Connecticut Yankees find themselves in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in a coffee shop. So who exactly are Nick and Kevin? Because guys, this is surreal. We're going to just have our meeting right here and the listeners are going to. You want to go first, Kevin? I'm sure oh man this is an incredible opportunity to be with you stew and John this is we appreciate this time and we just give a gift glory all to Jesus for this my my name is Kevin O'Brien and helm from Westchester New York and my brother Nick Agnetho over here brother from another mother we are in the mission field of going into our culture of media and entertainment to reclaim it for the Lord there is such an urgent urgent calling right now because of the content that is being pushed out there on video and streaming and and cell phones that are just feeding into the younger generation like a fire hose to the face constant just pounding of that of a different agenda and and out there and that is indoctrinating and really destroying I think the next generation of youth and we're called to to train to bring transformational messages through film and media and so we have a production company along with my wife first fruits entertainment and we we have a slate of incredible content and that's just before we get into more of that let me let me share a little have Nick share a little about himself hey what's up Nick Agnetho and so I was thinking about this he said you know we're we're taking back the mountains of media and entertainment and I think about the Roman soldiers that used to put on those those boots and I don't know if you know but those boots had giant spikes on the bottom of those boots and when they used to step into the ground it would plant them and lock them in place and I think about what we're supposed to do and that's trample the head of the devil right like he's under our feet right so when I think about that I think about how we're going to pull the young people the youth not just teenagers I'm talking about young people if if an 8 and 9 year old child can have access on any type of technology or media platform it's a filth how do we go in then and turn that so that they'd be interested in what we're doing I'm not talking about you know the the flower on the shirt Jesus loves you t-shirt I'm talking about some really rough rugged real conversations in shows television film whatever it is whatever the platform is that we're using we have to have these real conversations understand so my background just a little bit was not churched was raised in Catholic Church thank God I was born into a family that had somewhat of an understanding of Jesus Christ and I walked away and I started my own journey started looking for things and wanted to know what was out there I had a lot of questions I felt like Jesus could be the answer but wasn't really sure I got into a bunch of I got into drugs I was having a lot of sex and my mother and my grandmother and some of the women in a family were praying for me and long story short fast forward to February 24th 1996 I went to a club in New York City and I left that club at 738 o'clock in the morning on February 25th 1996 and I left the club went back to Connecticut I was in New York I went back to Connecticut I was probably on seven or eight different drugs and I thought for some odd reason I needed to go to my parents church now I thought that they were you know I didn't know what they were into but they were going to a church that was not a Catholic Church it was a Christian Church and at the time because I wanted to be sober I was practicing Japanese Buddhism yeah I mean I was in all different directions so I I called my parents I said where are you gonna be they told me and I showed up and that day there was a guest preacher it was not the normal pastor of the church that was preaching and this man had an anointing on his life I don't know if you know like a breakers anointing an anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and I mean any anointing when we're preaching Jesus should break the yokes of bondage and slavery but this man when he spoke those things fell right off of me he came up to me at the end of the service laid his hand on my head I was out like a light not a courtesy fall and and I opened my eyes and I was looking at the drop ceiling and my mother looked down at me and she said you've been out for ten minutes Wow and I I looked at her and I said I'm not high anymore I don't even want it anymore this is a long story made short yeah and I got up and my father hugged me and he said he whispered in my ear I remember this so clear it's all over and we went back to my apartment and we destroyed everything that remotely resembled my life and that year after I had told the Lord and I knew what happened to me I said God I am yours whatever you want to do with me use me I will say what you want go where you want doesn't matter I'm yours and I left my life behind and I went forward in the Lord I went to a Newark New Jersey and I cleaned a crack house with a team of people to get ready for a family to move into and I said wow I love this like this is what I want to do and I went on my first missions trip and I went to the Dominican Republic and I started doing missionary work in different countries and in the United States and I had been working in film for roughly a decade I was working for Martha Stewart and MTV and HBO and different commercial houses and you know started as a production assistant and moved up from there and I knew that I needed to leave that life behind and then we come to this place this Junction where we are now and so across the table in this coffee shop that's why there's some cool ambient noise baller nation what do you think of these guys is this not crazy to meet these two brothers in Christ they love Jesus they're trying to change the world through all kinds of media and stuff what do you say abomination aka John Perry truth warrior intern it's amazing it's amazing to know that there's people on the front lines that are that are fighting for our young people who who do get bombarded by all this trash on social media and things and as I coach a college team I see that the impact that that our society of all these movies and and video games and all this stuff that can happen so it's nice to know that they're there there's a production company that's saying hey we want to change that we want to we want to bring the Lord and redeem that industry it's so encouraging so Kevin you guys you and Nick are partnered up together to change the world and to use me to talk about how that's happening and talk about a little bit about what God's doing now and how our listeners can get involved it's gonna learn more I mean y'all are sending me these these screeners and these cool links to movies that are the real deal and I need to watch them more but tell everyone about that real quick absolutely so we as I as a sharing earlier and to give a little backstory to how this came about to where we are now I was in in a life of living for myself seeking a career even though I had been given a word from the Lord years ago that this this industry was what I was supposed to pursue for him and he and he had revealed that word and he had and he had made good on that word by fulfilling it by bringing me into a relationship with my wife but again we get into our own mindset and thinking living for ourselves and thinking we're gonna do it on our own strength and so I had stepped away from pursuing this and a couple of years ago it was really not in a good place and my brother Nick here we came the Lord brought us together in church and we started praying and really edifying one another as brothers lifting each other up and we had a couple other brothers from our church in there and that really helped us get realigned with the Lord quiet down ourselves so that we could hear and discern his will for our lives and we stepped out in faith again on that word he had given me that this is what we were supposed to pursue so I left my full-time job I stepped away from the 401k and the health insurance even though I'm married with two kids it's a similar faith walk that Nick Nick has been on and but we we were we were standing on the word from the Lord and he has been downloading these scripts to us these are unique transformative out-of-the-box scripts it's not your typical as we said flower on the shirt Christian faith in the in the bottom of faith box here let us pray movies these are these are everything from a romantic comedy to a future to a political sci-fi type movie but the real stories and our our mission and belief is that if we're telling a real story that's authentic and has truth in it then it's for all audiences it's not it doesn't fall into just a sector of what we kind of label the the faith base this is real stories and so to answer your question stew of what we're doing now with it so we have while we have several projects in development we have one project that is that's on the forefront right now and it's called blue jacket and what's what's what's interesting about blue jacket when we prayed about and looked at across our slate of projects blue jacket is about as John just reset up the youth young adults the high school and the college-aged students it's about their choices and the consequences of those choices and I'll tell you a little more about the premise and the concept but when we looked at this story we said this is something that the body of Christ will get behind you know there's there's funny math in Hollywood there's funny math with how the dollars get recirculated back to content creators like ourselves and they they'll they'll let they'll let the the they'll keep all the purse strings tied so that all the content creators are dog-eat-dog and fighting over one another but on this side of the of the coin our content is important to us because it's the message and so we said let's let the body vote with their dollar on what content they want to get out there so what we've done now with blue jacket is we've put it out on an equity crowdfunding campaign if you're familiar with the show the chosen this is something that they they did and helped them help them really elevate and propel up because it reveals that there's the the body out there of audience that either believers or just the hearts that are yearning for good quality truth content and so that's what we've done with blue jacket so blue jacket drops you into a single day in the life of two high schoolers and with each choice that the two make different color jacketed versions of them split off and we follow the alternate versions in real time as they crisscross and even ghost one another so that you see the consequences of those choices play out and impact the lives of those around them well ultimately all paths converge at a house party at the end of the day and the two find themselves in completely different positions based on the choices they've made so when we're talking about real things like Nick just said sex drug alcohol abuse cyber bullying date raping suicidal tendencies the I mean these are issues that the enemy is not holding back and the enemy is not coming at with kid gloves on towards our youth and so if for us to reach the youth today we've got to get in there and have these real conversations and that's exactly what blue jacket seeks to do so blue jacket is out there on start engine and an equity crowdfunding you might be familiar with crowdfunding with with regards to like a GoFundMe or a Kickstarter but those are donations on a on a on a crowd equity crowdfunding you're actually investing and you're a part owner in this and you stand to also participate in any potential profits so not only are you putting your money into a message that you are behind and you believe in but you also have a stake in it and you're saying I'm I'm in this to be a part of this on so we're really excited and we're getting the word out now about this project through that because we believe who isn't gonna be concerned with getting message to our youth and who isn't gonna want to be a part of this project and so we're wanting to get this out to the body of believers so that they hear about this opportunity I love it and I love sitting next to a guy here who the chains were broken by Christ it was set free and as you hear your partner as you hear Kevin talk about how God's using and moving this thing really grassroots thing a wake-up call there's so much evil and there's so much regarding you know maybe it was MLK or someone said hey we can curse the darkness or we can shine a light and be a light and so as we get out of here I would love Nick for you to challenge everyone out there on what they can do give a website give some kind of connection points they can find y'all and they can write a check they can invest they can partner whatever and then but also say something to everyone about about where they are there's a lot of folks that are struggling and they're trying to find meaning and they know God's maybe they're not saved or maybe they're saved they're trying to find out God what do you want me to do to make a difference the the evil is so great how can people shine a light themselves yeah absolutely 100% listen it's very important and I believe this this will ring true to everybody listening whether you know the Lord whether you don't know the Lord whether you're on the fence about wanting to know the Lord or I'll tell you this there is a love that is so pure that is so true Jesus said to Pontius Pilate when he said why did you come he told him Jesus told him I came to bear witness to the truth it's something that we're all looking for it's something that everyone deep down inside I don't care if it's two o'clock in the afternoon and you're on the squash court or if it's three o'clock in the morning and you're in your bedroom and your your tears are flowing from your eyes there is a truth that you're looking for and the truth is this that Jesus Christ came died for your sins and has set you free he set me free listen I wasn't looking for him I was sort of but I wasn't I wasn't really sure I didn't know like I said I was at a club the night before I was practicing Japanese Buddhism but he met me face to face and when I met him and I could talk until I'm blue in the face and you might want to throw me out the door but the fact of the matter is is God comes in and changes a man's heart God comes in and changes a woman's heart changes a person's heart teenager child it doesn't matter he's the one that does it if you are looking if you're not looking be available and be open when he is prompting you because he will be prompting you even right now under the sound of my voice just be ready for what God is doing in your life there's been times when you've had people put in your path to tell you the same thing you're hearing out of my mouth right now don't turn a blind eye don't have a deaf ear it's important this is truth this is life he is the way hear my voice allow Jesus to touch your heart he's a gentleman he will not bash the door down he is absolutely knocking there's no doubt about it I know I've been there I've been right where you are and I thank God that he's doing this work in your life guys you have met Nick and Kevin you can meet them more and get involved in their amazing movie project blue jacket movie go to start engine calm forward slash offering forward slash blue dash jacket dash movie and you can learn all about it and you can meet them on LinkedIn and Instagram Facebook wherever wherever godly people are shining the light of Jesus right bluejacket movie thank you guys for sharing thanks for for visiting us here in North Carolina being on truth talk we'll make this a podcast for you guys to share you can throw it up at your site whatever so people can get to know you there too and you can send it ahead of time you're gonna go speak somewhere hey listen to this first and maybe you won't disinvite us or whatever but that but that's what you know thank God that he came on a missions trip on a rescue mission to us right to set us free and now we're about reaching out now we're on a rescue mission with him to share the good news of others and y'all are doing it and I praise the Lord for you thanks so much God bless you this is the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-27 20:55:11 / 2023-01-27 21:03:02 / 8

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