As a business owner, you're always going that extra mile to pursue your passions, so you deserve partners who can help you go further with premium benefits and rewards. The American Express Business Platinum Card offers world-class business and travel benefits, so you can get more for your business wherever it takes you. With the Amex Business Platinum Card, you can earn 1.5 times membership rewards points on select business purchases, and you can get complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges worldwide, including the Centurion Lounge, so you can keep running your business while you're on the go. See how the Amex Business Platinum Card gives business owners like you the tools and rewards to do more of what you love.
Terms and points can't apply. Learn more at slash Amex Business. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the No Contest Wrestling Podcast. I am the heel that you love to hate, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Hey, yo. It's me. It's me. It's that T-O-O-J-I-G-G. TJ Jefferson.
TJ. It's almost upon us, bro. Can I get some? Oh, my God. What are you talking about?
What are you talking about? It's almost upon us, bro. It's rumble season, baby. It's rumble season, bro.
It's starting to get the itch, bro. And it is stacked. Yeah. It's like crazy stacked right now, dude.
It can go into almost any direction right now. I have no idea who's winning this rumble. Yeah. Like, it's usually like, you know, no disrespect to Cody Rhodes, but both of the times you were in it, everyone knew you were going to win.
Yeah, it was kind of obvious. But like right now, it's like, you know, who knows, dude? It's all over the place.
It's star studded. You got John, the invisible man, declaring himself. John Cena is in the rumble. Roman is in the rumble. Tribal chief is in the rumble.
Like, I never wanted to be in this world again. It's like when the Lakers are in the lottery. Like, I got Roman Reigns in the rumble. So, you know, it's who else?
I mean, who else has declared? I mean, CM Punk. I mean, cut it impassioned. Impassioned promo on Raw saying he's tossing everybody over the top rope. Even that ketchup and mustard dude as he showed up. He called him Dusty.
And he wasn't talking about Rhodes either. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, man, it's going to be great. You know, you're going to have your usual suspects. You know, we're going to have Seth in there and Drew in there. And, you know, right now, the biggest star or the I don't know if he's the biggest star, but he's the guy the most spotlight is on right now.
That's Penta. I'm sure Penta will be up in Los Angeles night. He'll be up in there. Logan Paul, I'm sure will be in the rumble. So, you know, it's going to be great. The rumble is always great. There's always that surprise entry that makes everybody lose their mind. And that's what I'm kind of looking at this year.
Like on the men's side, like what possibilities? Like who could it be that could come out and shock us? I think it's pretty obvious that if you say his name, he'll appear.
Joe Henry. Yeah. And you will be in the Royal Rumble.
I think that's a pretty. Yeah. I mean, that's going to be crazy. That pop is just going to be crazy, brother.
I mean, like there's no if, ands or buts. Number one, new TNA world champion, by the way. Yes. Joe Hendry.
That would be pop up. I would really, I would really love to see Nick Nemeth. Yeah. And that's what I'm wondering, because, oh, another thing that we need to talk about the partnership that's been announced between TNA, WWE, where I guess we're going to be continuing with this talent swap. So it kind of does make you wonder if somebody like Nick Nemeth, Dolph Ziggler, will he come back? Will DJ Francis top dollar? Will he come back and do some crossovers? You know, who knows, man?
This is kind of an exciting time to see where this could lead to. Yeah. I mean, let's not let's not forget the lady side either. Lady side. You know, you can Jordan. Jordan Grace, I think, is probably going to sign probably with NXT.
I would say that's what signs look like. So I think, yeah, she'll definitely be in there. I'm hoping that my second all time favorite women's wrestler makes an appearance. And one day we're going to give our top five lists of our favorite everything.
But my second favorite woman's wrestler of all time is Mickie James. And she had that number one spot to Oscar came in a few years ago. And then, you know, now Oscar sits above everybody, man, woman, child on my list. I miss you, Oscar. Wait, wait, please come back. I miss I miss the empress.
Speaking of TNA. Can we talk about what happened? Please. She's a racist. You know, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know how bad it has to be. When you get chance of she's a racist in Texas, that is in Texas. But that's what happened in the match up between Jordan Grace and Tessa Blanchard.
Look, I the North remembers the North remembers. I guess Tessa had, you know, you can go Google it and figure out what the issues there. Her with other talent. You know, it's very controversial that TNA brought her back.
Jordan Grace did the job for her on her way out. But yeah, that was that was kind of crazy. It's awkward. This was awkward feeling. Obviously, this is going to have to be a a a ridiculous apology tour, you know? And it is what it is.
It's unignorable. It's definitely not nothing that we want to go in and completely cover here on NCW. We don't really want to give it too much time because we I mean, we got stuff to talk about. That's on a lighter note that our audience expects from us.
We'll go CNN once we get a little bit bigger right now in Noriega. Oh, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill. But this rumble, though, this rumble, though, it's getting crazy, dude. Penta is being built up to be a star handled the right way for the pyro.
As a video game fan, when two K twenty five comes out, I cannot wait to play as Penta, bro. I cannot wait to create a superstar and use that pyro behind him. I am pumped and they're handling him the right way. He's got to if he's going in a rumble, bro, he's got to make some waves. He's got to make some waves. He has to ride this momentum.
I'm pumped for him. But I don't think I'm pretty sure, you know, besides TNA, of course, there's somebody somebody who's holding some hardware. And then I'm sure if they were in a rumble or whatever, they'd make some noise. And that's Bron Break. Bron Break, our Intercontinental Champion, sitting pretty right now. The do is box office and you can find him today on the no contest wrestling podcast.
How about that? You know, that's how I started off the Bane show. You know, Rich asked me, you know, what we had going on. And I said, well, I'm wearing this T-shirt, Rich, of the Steiner Brothers.
You know, Rich is, you know, check them out. You see, you see, Rich loves all things Michigan. So I knew that he would appreciate the fact that, you know, I wore this shirt on behalf of the nephew and the son of the Steiner Brothers. Bron Break, the Intercontinental Champion, you know, and it's a very prestigious title, this IC championship. And its lineage dates back to the first champion, Pat Patterson. And so many world champions have started their championship run by winning the IC title and then going up to that main event level and becoming world champ.
So I have no doubt that he's going to follow in that path. Now, quick question, quick little wrestling lore question. We've seen many times where the champion has been in the Royal Rumble. You think there's a chance that the Intercontinental Champion wanted to clear? Hmm.
That's interesting. Because we've seen that the big big boy be in there. Brock, Brock was in the Royal Rumble, you know, I'm hoping maybe they give him a title match. I know he's got one coming up, but you know, maybe it's right. But if he doesn't have a title match, then he definitely has to be in the room.
I mean, why not? You have to that star power, man. And he's a star. So it's got to be in there.
Exactly. And it is like we said, it is turning out to be a jam packed rumble. Some some stuff that we haven't seen in many years.
Just to speak in more video games terms, we're dealing with a bunch of eighty five overalls and up all throughout the Rumble. OK, so it's getting disgusting and I'm pumped, dude. I got the itch. I'm out here, dude. I'm out here. But we got a guest to get to.
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Must start and file in app by February 18th. Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, you're mine. Our Intercontinental Champion, Bron Breaker. Welcome to the podcast. What's up, man? How you doing? What's up, brother? I'm good. How are you?
Doing great, man. I, you know, I'm gonna just jump right into it. You are our second generational superstar when it comes to, you know, going on with into the family business and things like that. It's something that I hold dear to my heart with, you know, my father and everything that he's doing and with me going in his footsteps. So, you know, I'm sure you get the same type of cliche questioning that I get about it.
So I'm a frame it a different way. How much does legacy motivate you? I think it has everything to do with, you know, just my aspirations in life. You know, like I always wanted to be a WWE superstar ever since I was a kid. Just just growing up, watching it, growing up, watching my dad, watching Scotty. You know, they're there.
I wouldn't be here without him. And, you know, I just am very being in it now. I'm very appreciative of the work that they did before me and them sort of like laying the ground work for me to, you know, for me and, you know, my cousins or whomever would would want to become a WWE superstar.
And that's, you know, they've laid the groundwork for us to make that, you know, potentially possible to get even get a look. And it's it's just it's cool, man. It's cool to to kind of be in this, you know, me currently, you know, being Intercontinental Champion and being in WWE and being on a run that they get to see me and be a part of that. And, you know, I get just their wisdom and their guidance, which is extremely important to me in my day to day.
It's just it's it's great, man. You know, we talked about, you know, your uncle's legendary wrestlers in the game. What was it like being a kid growing up in the wrestling family? Like, do you have memories of hanging out with wrestlers when you were little like, well, you know, what was your day to day like as a kid, realizing that your dad and your uncle were stars? You know, my dad was, you know, retired from full time TV when WCW closed the doors.
And I want to say it was like a one or two. And then Scottie went back to WWE in 03. But I was just I feel like I was just a little young to kind of see them like during their their prime or during their main run. But, you know, I've seen all the clips on YouTube and stuff years later. I do remember like my earliest memory of seeing them.
Russell was like, oh, six. I want to say they were wrestling the Dudley Boys. And I remember watching that on on pay per view in our living room and seeing that.
And, you know, it was a tape show. So my dad was sitting in the living room with me while we were watching it. It was it was pretty cool. But I just man, I wish I could have been old enough to be, you know, watching like watching them as it's going on in real time.
That would have been sweet. Well, I tell you, as someone who was old enough to watch them in real time, it was it was amazing because when the Steiners came out, you knew somebody was getting murked that night and it was going to be vicious. And you were going to see moves that you were like, how's a man that big doing that with the suit with the suplexes and, you know, just they were great, man. It was an awesome time to be a wrestling fan. And it was awesome being able to grow up and watch them. And when I was a kid, Brian, I wouldn't say I was in maybe my senior year of high school.
I lived in a town called Altoona, Pennsylvania. They had a match. I was covering this for my school newspaper and I went into the parking lot of the Jaffa Mosque and I got to talk to Samu of the Wild Samoans and your dad and your uncle. And I think I said, I want to say your dad, your uncle had a minivan, if I can recall this correctly. And they sat on the hood and they talked, they chopped it up with me for about 10, 15 minutes. And I'm like, this is crazy, man.
Rick and Scott Scott Steiner talking to me right now. And I'm writing this story from my school newspaper, man. And it was just it was an awesome memory of those two. Yeah. So that's cool, bro. That's really cool. And as I showed you before we started, you know, I wanted to pay homage a little. So I broke out my Steiner brothers T-shirt, you know, those Michigan jackets. See, when I was younger, that's cool. I don't have that one. Well, I tell you what, I'll find an address for you.
I'll send you one now. When I was younger, you know, when I was younger, I was going around, you know, on tour with my pops on the the up and smoke tour. And so, like, I understand, by the way, nobody do the math on how old I was when I was on that.
But when I'm doing it, I'm sure. So, you know, I'm on tour and I'm scared to see my dad, you know, just like being his element, you know, just be that guy that was the guy before he was my guy. And, you know, it was something in me that kind of hit where I was just like, man, like the entertainment bug kind of bit me. When do you think the wrestling bug bit you from watching watching the tapes? I remember I was I was playing sports growing up. You know, I was a three sport guy, so I was busy constantly. I was always at the ball field or at the football field or on the wrestling mat. You know, I was always doing something sports related. So I was busy, man. My mom my mom took me all over the country.
Just just you name it. With all the sports, man, we were in the car constantly just driving all these sporting events. But I remember like WrestleMania was in Atlanta. I want to think it was like WrestleMania 27. My brother my brother got tickets to the show and he went and he came back with like a commemorative cup and had Triple H on it.
And the undertaker and, you know, Austin and Cena and stuff on the on the card. And they came back with the cup. And I started like, you know, kind of got interested in like the current product at the time and started watching a little bit and sort of watching more and more. And, you know, just kind of fell in love with, you know, with the sport over time, just from that, you know, just from that cup, you know. So, man, I feel you just go over the cups.
Do it. Right. Or just that book.
You know, that book you get when you when you go to these big events, it'll it'll get you every time. Now, we know about your your football background. Is that where that spear comes from?
Bro, that aggressive spear you have? Yeah, I mean, I would like to think that when I when I played ball, I was just you know, I could move. I was you know, I had some speed. I had athleticism.
I had the stuff that, you know, makes up a football player. But I took pride in being like a really violent player. I was just I was just like that old school mentality of like when people showed up to the game or people tuned in to watch me like somebody, you know, was going to get laid out or I was going to put somebody on their back. I mean, it was just that's just the way that I played the game.
I was just I just showed up and I had to just wreak havoc. You know, so you were a star running back at Kennesaw State and I've watched his highlights and it's funny. You brought the spear up because if you didn't, I would there are definitely clips in his highlight reel of him playing linebacker, right? Like you were running back. But were you the end or a linebacker? I think you were linebacker if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, I was I was recruited out of high school as a linebacker because I just like I said, I just I was just a nasty player, man. I was just a defensive guy and I they sprinkled me in a little bit on offense here and there just to kind of, you know, just to kind of use the talent that we had on the team in order for the team to win. So they would spread me out sometimes throw me the ball. You know, it was like I was utility player on offense. I could play running back, play slot receiver, play split. But I was primarily a defensive guy. And then I went to Kennesaw as a linebacker. And then after my freshman year, I played you know, I got I got probably four or five games in. I'd be a rotational guy.
You know, I get, you know, maybe 10, 15 snaps a game, maybe less. And then spring came around after my freshman season, we had some people change schools and there was there was an opening at running back. And they just brought me in and said, hey, you know, this is what we think is best for our team to succeed.
This is what we think that we need in order to be successful next year. And, you know, I said, yes, sir. And and just went because I ultimately wanted to win a championship. And that's what we ended up doing. But, you know, it was it was the perfect fit. And as I was saying about looking at his highlights, I counted at least seven spears and your highlight reel. If you haven't seen it, guys, just go look it up. Find his high school real or college real, I guess. And you will see some just perfectly executed spears, depleting running backs, quarterbacks, tight ends, wide receivers.
Anyone who had the ball got dealt with viciously and violently. And, you know, it was just he was obviously just preparing for the future. I mean, we got it. We got to ask which which are his favorites. I got a riddle for you. What are yoga mats, a toothbrush and a Hyundai have in common?
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Learn more at American Express dot com slash Amex Business. All right. So let's ask that.
You know, we're big on lists here, Bron Break. So I got to ask you real quick. Give us your top five spears in the history of pro wrestling, like which wrestlers and you can add yourself in this.
Give me the top five guys who give the best spears or gave the best spears in the business. I feel like I got to be penciled in somewhere. You know, I mean, I think.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's why I said you can add yourself. You know, I mean, at least in today's era, there's I just don't think anybody's nobody do it. Nobody does it like me.
They can try to do it. You know, I, I, you know, I encourage other people to do it if they want to do it, because it just makes mine look that much better because what they're doing is not what I do. Yeah. So, you know, I think we got to pay respect to Roman.
I think Roman, you know, as you know, he's been doing doing the spear for as long as I can remember. And, you know, he's, you know, he's the top guy. I think edges is another one. Definitely got busy, you know. Yeah. Goldberg is one. I think Rhino is, you know, is up there, too.
You're hitting all the one shirt. Yeah. Those are. I mean, that's what I was thinking. Yeah.
Charlotte's gotten some good use out of it, too. Are we putting you in the five? Yeah.
We putting you in the five, bro? Yeah, whatever. I just I just let I just leave open for interpretation and let people, you know, decide on their own. All right.
Well, I need to know about yours. I need to know when, when was one time where you gave somebody a spear where you thought like, oh, shit, he really got all of that one. Yeah. I mean, so I was wrestling Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT title the second time. And, you know, we're trying I've been like, you know, I've been I've been in the lab for, you know, a couple of weeks trying to figure out just like the core four or five things that define, you know, Braun breaker is a character. When you see me work, you're going to see, you know, these, you know, X, Y, Z, you know, in developmental, there was just down in NXT.
There's just a lot of endless amount of resources in order to figure those things out or train. And at the time, I was just kind of like, you know, not I was I was kind of like trying to figure that out. And, you know, we had a match and Tommaso suggested it and he was like, well, you know, what about a what about a spear? You were a football guy. And I was like, yeah, you know, I'll give it a try.
And then I just had never I haven't you got to you know, I haven't given someone a legitimate spear since I played. OK, so I did it how I know how to do it. And I hit him and he he went down and, you know, we we did the match. And then I came to the back and, you know, shot on and everybody was like, that's that's it.
That's we need we need to see that every time you're you're out there. Amazing. Like I said, from from the clips I saw and I'll show you when we're done, he was laying cats out.
Yeah, it was violent. He knows nothing else. What do you want him to do?
One speed, one way to touch on the football thing again. Now, you got to spend some time in the training camp of the Baltimore Ravens, you know, Lamar Jackson, probably soon to be three time MVP. What did you pick up there with your time?
You have any good Lamar stories? Yeah, I mean, I was very, very thankful for my time there. You know, part of me wishes I could have, you know, gotten a little bit more out of that. But it was just times were tight, especially that year, because it was the covid season. So roster spots were were extremely limited. I think they were only allowed to have like 80 guys involved with the program.
Like no matter what, like guys, they wanted to sign to work out practice squad, active roster. Times were tight. So it was just it was a cool thing to be a part of, man. You know, it was just I went in as a fullback, you know, on paper, because that's what we ran the triple option coming out of college. And, you know, I got there and I was like, you know, legitimately like one of the top three, top four fastest guys in that roster. And my my second or third day being there, they were like, you need to go to the other field, dude. Like you stop running with the you know, because we used to run with groups. It was like skills, mids and bigs. And I was running with the mids, you know, like fullbacks, tight ends, linebackers. And. You know, I was bringing it every day and, you know, we we got a couple of days into like preseason stuff and they were like, you just you need to go to the field, bro.
You need to go. So they they moved me to running back like, you know, my my third or fourth day on campus. And then, you know, I was mixed. I was in there with J.K. Dobbins and Justice Hill and Gus Edwards. And, you know, I was I was rolling with those guys.
But I mean, it was it was a cool thing to be a part of, man. I mean, Lamar is crazy. I mean, he's just he's a freak, bro.
He's he's crazy. I mean, I remember like one time we were in practice and we were scrimmage. And it was like ones versus the ones. And they were they ran like a pass play. And, you know, Mars got the ball and he's just scrambling around in the back and he made like he made like four or five guys miss. And we're not talking like just we're not talking like, you know, lower level guys.
I mean, these are like top five draft picks that we got in our squad or, you know, just people. He's insane, bro. Insane. As T.J. told you, we like to do lists around here. OK, now, can I get him to my phone question?
Please do. All right. It's the one that everybody wants to hear.
All right. So this is our this is our our our shows staple right here, because everybody loves a good draft list. A list that you've been a part of, too. Dude, he's he's his name is CM Punk. His name has been mentioned.
Yeah. CM Punk put you on his list. So, you know, we're just we're not telling you that to do nothing but boast you up. Now, there's 50 guys in a bar and they don't want you in there. You need to pick a team of yourself and four other wrestlers to make sure you're getting to the car. They got some bra and breaker haters in this bar. Main roster.
Are we is it everybody on the main roster? You can do what you want. You can pick whoever. Man, I feel like the Creed brothers. Oh, wow. Those two. OK. Tony D. Tony D is an NXT, but he's a Division one All-American. You're like the third person to create Tony D, by the way. You know, one more.
Yeah. Tony D can go. So we got Brutus Julius, Tony, I think. I mean, Bruce Julius, Tony.
I mean, CM Punk's fought the UFC. I mean, that probably my fourth. I mean, there's there's a lot and there's there's a lot of dudes. I would like to have my squad. I mean, dude, there's we got some we got some dogs on our roster.
All right. So we got the Creed brothers. We got the Donny D. And you go and see him punk.
Yeah, I'll go see him punk. That's not bad, dude. It's not a bad that's not a bad little. It's not bad at all.
I think you're gonna make it to the crib. All right. They're brown breaker, right? Somebody somebody who, you know, when when we asked each other that list, somebody that T.J. picked is is somebody who, you know, you've had you had a great run with.
Can you tell us a little bit about Baron Corbin and just, you know, everything that that he brought during that time. The war dogs. Yeah. Yeah. We that was so much fun, man. I mean, it was it was just it was a cool time for both of us because I got to introduce like a different side of my character that we hadn't seen, which is a bit of a more like funny, you know, like sort of a side that people could could learn to like.
And, you know, he he had been in a tag team role with with, you know, a bunch of people prior to. But I feel like, you know, his and mine, our chemistry, you know, because we were friends backstage, you know, too, before we were we got together. So it was like, you know, we were always messing around with each other and goofing off and we had the chemistry was there. And then, you know, we finally got to we got to put it on screen. And it was just like, you know, it was great. I had so much fun to know he had great time, too. We were just it was just something that. You know, we.
We put it together and it was just. We bounced off of each other, I think, like really well, just like I brought a different side of me to the people hadn't seen. You know, he was sort of doing the same thing.
I mean, it was just it was it was special at the time. Yeah, he's a good dude, man. He my very first couple of times coming to live events, he always looked out for me. That's one of my guys.
And it was so cool to see you guys team up. Funny work, too. Yeah. Yeah. Just kick it as like it was some hilarious stuff backstage to spread out just different parts of your personalities. And yeah, it worked. It definitely worked.
Absolutely. And plus, when you speak of Baron Corbin, Tom P. Stock, I guess is how he's going by his real name now. I'll still say this. The man had one of the greatest finishers in the history of wrestling, almost as protected as I think. Only McIntyre was the only one I've ever seen kick out of it.
So, man, that was yeah, that that move is just I love it. I just got to mention that. Let me ask you this, Braun, because I'm sure you I know for a fact, I'm sure you've been asked this question a thousand times, but never on the no contest wrestling podcast.
That's true. O'Shea Jackson and TJ, you are obviously the son of wrestling royalty. A lot of wrestling fans don't understand why a son or a daughter of an established star doesn't use that last name. So do you want to just explain to the people who don't know why you decided not to use Steiner and you chose Braun breaker?
I think like that would have been like the easy road for me. You know, like the obvious thing to do would be to lean into that name and to lean into to the Steiner legacy and stuff. It's not like I'm not doing it. You know, I mean, I'm definitely pay homage to them, you know, with my gear. I just need you to put on some mismatched boots like your pops did back in the day.
I don't know if you've done that yet. I just now popped into my head. But your dad used to wear, you know, one black boot, one white boot or these boots rarely. I felt like, you know, other other second or third generation superstars before me had chosen to go with a different name and not lean into their, you know, their father or their uncles or their previous family members and been extremely successful and had no problem. So I think, you know, for me, that's something I wanted to do. That was, you know, that was my deal.
I just I just kind of wanted to go my own way. And everyone knows that I'm a Steiner. You know, everyone knows that, you know, I give them the tip of the cap with certain things like my singlet. I give them, you know, my some of my moveset, you know, stuff is done my way. But we still we still are keeping some of that stuff alive, like the Frankenstein or the Steiner line. That stuff is still very, very, very much in my moveset.
The barks. So I mean, yeah, I mean, some of that stuff is still very, very prevalent. So I'm doing it my own way. But I also, you know, I pay my respect to them and I still give that Steiner, you know, energy off. But I think, you know, it's just I just kind of wanted to you know, I wanted to I knew that was the easy way.
I just kind of wanted to go the I wanted to go the way respect. Yeah. And it definitely is cool when for people to have that aha moment, you know, that feel like, oh, wow.
And piece it together on their own. But I want to applaud you for taking the Frankenstein back. They like, you know, there's there's a lot of talks about, you know, the hurricane and things like that. So I applaud you for taking the Frankenstein back.
Yeah, I do. I got my own little spin on it. You know, I got used to just kind of he's doing in the middle of the ring when he was younger.
And then, you know, later in his career, he's go up to the top and he's just kind of walk up there. And I spent some time on live events in NXT, you know, like because I would do the I would do the move. And I wanted it to mean like mean something, wanted to be special because it is, you know, it's a legacy move. But it really wasn't getting that sort of reaction from the people when I was doing it early on. So I had to like figure out like, OK, how can I how can I do this?
The Braun breaker way, but also doing the Frankenstein and protecting that move at the same time. And then one day I was just at practice and I was like, you know what, like. Screw it, bro, I'm just going to run up the ropes. I ran up, I got up there and I was like, oh, I was like, that's it. It's so ridiculous to do that big that size. Yeah. First time I saw you do it, I was like, what? Yeah, man.
Screw it. I'm just run up the ropes. It's hard, though.
I will say it's hard, bro. I've I've I've felt quite a few times just like trying to get that muscle memory down to where I can do it routinely. But yeah, it's it was just like an off the cuff thought. You know, I tried a couple of different things, like I tried jumping to the top rope, just like straight flat footed, doing like a vertical jump one time. And I did that and it was just kind of like so so, you know, and then I climbed up and it's just stuff wasn't working. And then I finally I was just like, you know, screw this. I'm just going to like.
It's going to run up, you know, you talk about making things look easy and. It kind of is how you've made your career look, you signed in twenty one, you were NXT champion by twenty two. So you really like took to this, what's it saying, like a fish takes the water. So I'm wondering, was there any piece of advice that your dad or your uncle gave you about the business that came to fruition? Like for me personally, I know that as I've gotten older throughout adulthood, there have been times in my life where something's happened. And I'll think back like, oh, my grandpa told me that or my mom or my dad told me that this was something that your dad or your uncle told you about the business. And then it happened. And one day you just went, wow, that's that's what Pops was talking about.
And they they they're very much involved in, you know, my daily life. I just when I first came in, you know, my dad was just like, man, just just go down there and just lock in and do the just just do what you do. Just do what you've been doing in football. Just do what you've been doing in wrestling and anything that you've done in this life to this point. Just go down there and give just go maximum effort, go balls to the walls.
And if you do that, you can't deny you. So I just man, I just kept my just kept my head down and just worked. And I know that's like a super cliche thing. A lot of people say that it's like a, you know, overused thing because I actually work like hard. And that was what a lot of people didn't see was the amount of effort and hard work and dedication that I'm putting in early on.
And now still, but definitely early on when I started at the performance center, man, it was like. We do these conditioning drills. I'm running faster than everybody.
We were doing these these maxes in the weight room or these jumps or the speed reps. I'm faster. I'm stronger. I'm just out front trying to, you know, sort of, you know, like this is this is who I am.
You're establishing yourself as the Alpha. Yeah, I mean, I just I came in and just had to just have that's something I had to do because I just didn't know of any other of any other way to do it. You know, it's just I knew that if I went in and just control what I can control and just just kick ass, I knew, you know, I can't I cannot be denied.
Now growing up with the way that you have all the work that you put in two questions for you. What was a welcome to wrestling moment? One where you got put on your ass and you were like, OK, yeah, we're here now. And then also as a fan, when was the first time wrestling broke your heart? Oh, OK. Yeah, we got good questions, but I feel like, yeah, my first like welcome to wrestling moment was like I was I've been wrestling at the performance center.
So this is like not even on TV. I've been wrestling for like four months or five months. So I was still in class doing like wrist locks and, you know, sort of learning the basics of like what we're doing. And they I got sent on a main roster tour to the United Kingdom and I wrestled five days. I would say it was four or five days in a row on tour.
But I was wrestling with Sami Zayn and Tommaso every single night. Oh, yeah. And we were doing we were doing like twenty five minutes every night. And prior to this, I had been like, I don't know, eight minute, like eight minutes tops. So, you know, it was like kind of sort of like, hey, man, like sink or swim.
Yeah. You know, you're here. That was kind of like my welcome to wrestling moment because I was up there with like all the you know, the big hitters. And it was just like, man, I got to I better get my ass in gear, you know, like.
And I think when wrestling broke my heart is probably when the streak ended, oh, so maybe WrestleMania 30, I think that's the same for a lot of people, bro. Oh, that hurt. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, man. That's the first time that was dropped. Well, yeah, bro, that that was a hard one.
I completely I feel you on that. I'm still shocked that poor man and those big eyes. That was tough, dude. Like the it's crazy to watch that. If you like, watch that clip back of them, you know, when that happened, like people were just like stunned hands on their head.
It's like, what did I just watch? Like, did someone? Who messed up? You know, someone screw up or like, you know, I don't know.
The rough fast counted something with something, bro. I remember I was in my garage watching. I grabbed my still had the Apple TV remote at that point. And I was like, oh, this the feet froze because everyone sat there. I was like, for a second, I was like, OK, something happened. Yeah, I'm trying to rewind this can't just happen, please.
Somebody music here, please. Yeah, that was that was. Yeah, it was just uncomfortable in there. Like they I remember too, like after he lost, they just like and there was just like this. Silence eerie just in there and everyone was just like. What the hell just happened? You know, it's just like.
Crazy. Oh, man, let me ask you this, man, because you've been both what are you more or most comfortable as as a baby face or as a heel? I like being a heel much more than I do being a baby face.
So far, just because not to interrupt, it looked like for a minute there. They were about to kind of make you a face one week and then the next week. Now you just went and correct somebody. So, you know, I just I. I love being a heel, you know, more than I do a baby face just because. You know, that's that's more natural, comes more natural to me to to just like be a violent, unhinged, just lunatic. I think I take much more to that. Well, then, you know, baby face.
I mean, I've only had, you know, I had one. Baby face run when I was in NXT, but that was such an hour on time where I was just like figuring I had to figure things out, like so fast to where I didn't I didn't really know. Like the actuality of like what's the baby face and what's a heel and how to act and mannerisms and how to, you know, my my camera cuts for my my facial shots and stuff on TV.
I just didn't understand that at the time. So, you know, I feel like I'll definitely get back to being a baby face at some point in my career. That's no doubt. But, you know, it's it's it'll just be much better this time around, just because I'm solely alone, just because I'm more educated on on that. But being a heel is just so much more fun, man. I don't know.
I somewhat some about just being an evil, just crazy, crazy ass dude is just like that's that's like right here. Just hit home. All right. Well, Bron breaker, I want to let you know that we are inducting you.
This is a big thing into the no contest wrestling podcast Hall of Fame. So congratulations with that, sir. Let's go. Let's go. So let me ask you this, right?
Because the career, Bron Baker, let's just be honest, man. You're just getting started and you've got hopefully a good decade or so, if not longer ahead of you. So I'm going to ask you this. Normally, you know, with the veterans, I say, you know, let's give me a few matches that you'd want to play on a loop for your Hall of Fame reel.
But like I said, your courage is getting started. So here's a question I asked Obafemi and I want to ask you, you familiar with Back to the Future? The movie? I know I've I've seen them. I've seen it, but it's been a long time.
All right. So there's the movie. Doc Brown has a time machine made out of a DeLorean card. So let's just assume that Doc Brown's got that DeLorean time machine running.
Right. And you're going to hop in the car with him, Bron breaker, and you get to travel back in time and you have to pick five wrestlers to test yourself against in the main event of WrestleMania. Give me like five WrestleMania main event dream matches.
I feel like my dad and uncle are number one on that list. Nice. Nice. And if I if I mixed it up with if I wrestled my dad in like ninety three, ninety four. When he was a monster, like we could we could have made something like extremely special. Same thing with Scotty, you know, like I think that would have been really cool. Man, I I feel like Austin would be one for sure. That makes sense.
Yeah. I mean, obviously he would he would be awesome. Maybe Brock would have been cool. He's just a freak show.
How was that for? That was for us for Rick, Scott, Steve, Brock and one more. Probably The Undertaker, man. I got to do a little bit with him. Well, I probably not that I got to mix it up with him a little bit in NXT towards the end of my run down there. And it was yeah, he was cool, dude. It was just such an honor to be a part of anything with him, you know, because he's The Undertaker. So I mean, it was like really wish, you know, I would definitely love to work with him.
That'd be awesome. And you got choke slammed for no reason. It was disrespect for him to come down to your house because, you know, he he didn't even go there.
Bianca would say he came down and chose slam juice. So I think the get back might be, you know, might be appropriate. Right.
Right. Brown, dude, it has been a pleasure. Thank you so much for giving us the time of day. We see you in the car, man. My man is busy. He's got places to go. Enjoy your day. I got people.
I got people renovate my kitchen right now. So it's noisy in there. Oh, that's right. I don't know if we were holding you up for something. But before we let him go, I got I do that. Well, you're good. I got one last question for you.
It's about family. Your cousin, Brock Rick Steiner. Yeah. It's been, you know, that picture that came out with with Scotty's like chainmail, you know, he's playing playing football with Jackson, Jacksonville State, Jackson State. Yeah.
Word is that Jacksonville State. Yes. Word is that, you know, he might be looking to come into the family business or the it might be pronouncing the last name right to Rick Steiner. Yeah. Yeah. Are you guys the new bloodline? Are we going to see some brothers and cousins and maybe sisters come up and join the family business? He's coming.
Yeah, that's right. He's coming. I got Brock is Brock's probably going to be the first one. And then my cousin Brandon is a basketball player at Virginia Tech. By the way, I've seen some of his highlights. Brandon is nice. Yeah, he's a point guard. He's nice. Yeah, he's a young buck, but he's a stud.
So, you know, there's if he doesn't go to the NBA, which is I know that he has talked about that's something he wants to do. But they're common. They're coming up.
Wrestling has more than one royal family. Bron, we appreciate you, man. Yes, sir. Go have a stuffed crust on us, man. Go have, go get you some pepperoni, bro. Appreciate you guys, man.
Thank you, man. The Intercontinental champion of the world. Bron breaker breaker, man.
Bron breaker. How about that? How about that, man?
Future is right there. Asked him if he was gone in a rumble. Oh, I forgot. You know what? That was a great interview, man.
Just it was great to chop it up. I'm declaring them for the rumble. Oh, well, I'm also declaring myself. You think they'll let us in?
No. Well, as always, you know, now I'm disappointed because I might not get the rumble, but just make sure you follow us on all our socials just to make sure that there's no contest on Twitter, no contest. Wrestling podcast on Instagram. Find all of our videos in the Rich Eisen Show YouTube page. You can follow him at O'Shea Jackson Jr.
Follow me everywhere to jiggy or T.J. Jefferson on Instagram. And maybe we should tease a little something to the people. Some know we got a little bit of news that is matriculating its way. Oh, yeah, brother. They're starting to pay attention to your guys. Yeah.
Up and down the no contest pod ladder. Yeah. Why don't you let them know? Maybe we're teasing a little. Yeah.
Yeah. We might. You know, for all of our day ones, you know, the people who have been supporting us, retweeting the videos, comments and liking even the disrespectful ones. You know, we just wanted to thank you guys. And, you know, there's word where, you know, we're still trying to figure it out, but they're starting to notice you guys and we might have something really special for you guys.
But we will have something. I'm just putting it out. Put it out there. The refrigerator already next week, we're going to have a little announcement to make. I'm just putting it out there. OK. Hey, remember, TJ said that and I said something different. This has been the no contest wrestling podcast. Hey, it's Rich Eisen here.
Join me and my compadre Chris Brockman every Monday on the overreaction Monday podcast. You're also saying the record's going to go down. I'm saying the record's going down anyway.
The guy. I don't think you're off on this at all. Like you're spot on here. I don't think this is an overreaction because we have no idea what we're reacting to. Come react or overreact with us. Overreaction Monday. Follow and listen on your favorite platform. It's game over. Over.
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