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Nick Kosmider: Something Clicked For Bo Nix

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
August 22, 2024 4:10 pm

Nick Kosmider: Something Clicked For Bo Nix

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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August 22, 2024 4:10 pm

8/22/24 - Hour 1

The Athletic’s Broncos Insider Nick Kosmider tells guest host Kirk Morrison how rookie Bo Nix won Denver’s starting QB job, what the expectations are for head coach Sean Payton in his second year in Denver, and more.

The guys discuss if Caitlin Clark can remain in the media spotlight once the NFL and College Football return, and react to the Jets’ decision to sit Aaron Rodgers for the rest of the preseason.

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This is The Rich Eisen Show. So far, so good. With guest host, Kirk Morrison. I like it.

Live from The Rich Eisen Show studio in Los Angeles. You get a jersey yet? I'm not gonna get an eight. I don't wear, I don't wear jerseys.

I don't, the rich kids, they don't. They're Patriots fans. They're not putting on a jet jersey. Today's guests, Broncos beat writer for The Athletic, Nick Kosmider, college football editor-in-chief for The Athletic, Stuart Mandel, commander's beat writer for The Athletic, Ben Standish. And now sitting in for Rich, it's Kirk Morrison. Welcome in Rich Eisen Show. See, it's caught and all. I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. It still caught me by surprise.

And I still laughed and I still smiled. There it is. That's how you know I'm in the building. Hi. Hi.

As we hear The Rich Eisen Show. Great to be with you guys. As always, hopping in the seat for Rich for a little bit. What's up, Kirk? How you doing, man? I'm good, TJ. Good to see you, Brock.

No, do a two-fold. My guy, Jay Muddy, and Jason over there in the back. What's up, Jason?

Hey. Hey, see, Jason go back. Me and Jay go back. Me and Jason go all the way back. I retired from the National Football League in 2013. And then in 2013, there was a network that launched here in Los Angeles.

I came in as a rotating analyst and Jason was there along that journey for me. And that was, what, 11 years ago? That was a long time ago. That's a little nostalgia moment right here. You guys go back like eight tracks and quarter ones. Eight tracks and VHS cassette tapes.

You go back like Betamax. Man, I threw some CDs away for the first time. Because what am I doing with them? What am I doing with them? I still have a CD player in the whip.

But I'm just saying, what am I going to do with them? Do your kids know what a CD is? No, they don't.

No, let me stop. They do. They actually do, because I do have a DVD player. So they think that the DVD is actually still a CD too. Because they look the same, right? One plays a movie, one plays the music.

Basically, they're the same thing. But I was going through some stuff in the storage and I'm cleaning out. I'm cleaning out some stuff. And you find things. And so I'm looking at all of these DVDs. My R&B DVD list is amazing, by the way. Or CD, you mean. Oh, I mean, CD.

I'm sorry. CD list. Oh, it was amazing. And I can't think of going back in time and thinking about driving with the six CD disc changer in the car.

It was funny, dude. Or being the DJ when you're riding in the passenger seat with your boys and you got to pick the right CD to get you through a road trip, right? You got to find the right CD, the right mix. And don't put a song on it.

Nobody knows. And you just killed the mood in the ride. You know what I mean?

You got me plucked in the back of the head. It's a lot. But I had some moments of going through some storage items and I was just thinking like, what is this? Like, I can't believe this is what it once was. Now, literally, I mean, I can touch my screen and put like songs on.

It doesn't even matter. And I'm just thinking about how technology, technology, how we've pushed ourselves into this new stratosphere of what could happen, of what could be. Because I got to tell you about yesterday. Yesterday, I'm a big fan of a lot of shows, but there's difficulty when you have multiple family members. You know what I mean? Well, you have multiple family members and you got to be in two places at one time.

Two places at one time, very difficult. Me as a dad, I know sometimes you have to make a tough decision. Hey, I've got to go to this game or do this drop-off or you know what? We've got to cancel this.

We can't go to that party because we got to go as a family to this party. There's decisions that have to be made. Yesterday, I didn't have to make that decision. And it felt darn good because yesterday I got a notification on my phone, boom, Rich Eisen show. So there it is.

We'll be on simulcasts with the Pat McAfee show. I said, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Am I reading this right?

Like, you know, we can just get something like, am I reading this right? Wait, Pat and Rich, Rich and Pat. Exactly. Thank you, Tyreek.

Wait, they on at the same time though. What are we doing? Hit it for Kirk.

Hit it for Kirk one time. Am I reading this right? Yeah, that's what it is. Am I reading this right? Rich and Pat, what is going on here? And then finally, boom, I click on and guess what happened?

Guess what happened? I had Rich Eisen. I had Pat McAfee, two guys who I consider friends of mine. I've had dinner with them.

I think if you have dinner with somebody, I can consider them a good friend. Broken bread. For sure. Yeah.

Rich doesn't like french fries, but that's another story. It's all good. But it was for me yesterday watching something that I had never thought could happen. Was watching a simulcast of two radio shows and I just had to stop. And I just sat back and watched as I was in my car after finishing, drop off with my kids. I was outside of the cleaners yesterday, by the way. Had to get this nice little shirt from the cleaners.

Fresh out the cleaners. Thank you. Yeah.

Amazon's finest. But it was one of those situations where I'm sitting here and I'm watching. And it was almost like you guys were involved in a field trip. It was like that field you remember field trips back in middle school, elementary. It's like field trip day where you do the same show every day. And it's fun. But yesterday was different. And you can sense it from the way your interaction, your energy, same with you, Brock. There was a different energy was that we're also going to go see our buddies while we're still working.

And to see Pat and to see Rich and the interactions, the laughter, the banter. I got to just give shout outs and kudos to everybody who was involved with that because it's something that, yeah, you can't do it every day. You can't do it every week. You can't do it every couple of weeks.

But man, you talk about something that can happen. Hey, maybe every couple of months, let's just check in with our guys who are going on. Because let's just be honest, we all compete. We're competitors in a very competitive business when it comes to radio shows, television shows, or simulcasting doing them both. And I thought yesterday for the first time, there was no competition. It was friendly fun and say, hey, you've got your stuff. I've got my stuff, but guess what? I'm not necessarily competing with you.

I've got my own lane, my own avenue. Rich and Pat proved that yesterday. Because we're so caught up in the, I get it, it's ratings, it's numbers and this and that. But yesterday I truly had fun seeing Rich dance around questions about Connor Scallions. That was hilarious.

That was fantastic. Seeing Pat talk about a lot of the things that he talks about, whether it's the new college football, where does Michigan fall in this? Or some of the NFL thing. It was to me, one of those things are yesterday and for all our viewers out there, the picture of Pat and Rich right now, that's gold. That's radio and TV gold together.

As these guys are really having a good time. I never thought again, this will be possible. If you told me 15, 20 years ago that two shows on different networks, different platforms at the same time can actually join forces. It was almost like an Avengers moment. Was it not like an Avengers moment where it was like, we got to come together to defeat the comic? I don't know who the, I don't know who Thanos was. I kind of have an idea. I won't say it on air.

Something like, I liked what you did. You, you thought it was like the mega powers. It was like when we were kids and Hogan and, and macho man came together to be a tag team.

I put that whole thing on our Instagram story yesterday. It was like when the mega powers first shook hands together, brother, and we didn't know what was going to happen. WrestleMania five, and then they began the mega four was Savage won the title in the tournament. WrestleMania three was Hogan slamming Andre. We could go back to that.

That's at the point. Yeah, it was, it was pretty cool. I mean, we got word even though maybe a few months ago that it was a possibility that we could do it, but of course, you know, nothing happened until yesterday.

It was like, wow, this is really cool. We can also really think, well, Michael Rubin, Michael Rubin, shout out to Michael Rubin, still waiting on that invite and Adam Schefter. For running slightly faster than Rich at the 40. And had Schefter not when I was there, it was cool. Had Schefter not went on McAfee show and then started talking outside of his neck about how he dusted Rich. So, I mean, really Schefter who Rubin and Schefter, I guess Michigan on Michigan crime, Michigan on Michigan crime.

There's the, the race of Adam Schefter say he, he beat Rich slightly. See, that's what happens. Took down the king. He says he's the king of the 40. See, look at that. That's beef. Now we got all of these guys who are now going to start racing and running. Now, if you're a doctor or a physical therapist, make sure you get these guys on speed dial.

Because I'm telling you Schefter, hey Rich, I don't know, maybe look, these muscles can only last so long. And all of a sudden you start popping things. That's one of the crazy things. You guys see it whenever we go to Superbowl every year, right? I don't know about you guys. You guys still pass by the NFL experience.

I know I do. We've done our show in the NFL experience every year at the Superbowl. The greatest thing at the NFL experience for people who are going to go next year in New Orleans, go stand by the 40 and watch the older Groma who have not ran a 40 yard dash in maybe 15, 20 years pass out, not pass out, but like fall out. Like literally fall out.

Like I've seen people have to get carried out of the NFL experience because they thought that, Oh, I haven't ran competitively or at full speed in maybe two, 20, 15, how many years fall out? So I'm like, Oh, okay. This is one of the great things, but circling back, man, I want to thank all the L people who are involved in that because I thought it was a great moment to see just the, the, the funness of how cool this job could be seeing Pat right now on his show. Uh, I'm filling in for rich.

So rich had such a great time that he took today off. So it just goes to show like the ever evolving, uh, parts of sports. Um, that's one of the things that I love about not just this job as I get ready for next week, I'm Colorado state at Texas. I'm going to Austin, Texas on ESPN, three 30 Eastern time for all those people who want to turn on the tube and watch it.

Um, but I'll be in Austin. And the thing is what we've been talking about as my crew is how do we push the envelope? How do we do something different? How do we do more, but yet do less.

Does that make sense? How do we do more, but doing less work smarter, not harder is what you're trying to say. Well, I say, well, you want to do more, but let's do it better. Do more, but do it better.

Cause I feel like right now there's so much that you want. I love watching hard knocks. I love watching. Uh, they're still figuring it out with this. Uh, what do we call it now? The Hawkeye in the NFL on, uh, when they go out and measure now. Oh, is that what it's called? I mean, that Hawkeye is the tennis.

I called the tennis. I'm still using the same type of technology. Yeah. The new fourth in one, or the measuring. It's the old chain game as we, uh, for people who like the, uh, watch the measurements on the NFL laser chain. So I'm, I'm, I'm bringing that up because we're always pushing the envelope on how can we be better?

How can we continue to do things and bring people into our living rooms and to our homes and to our spaces and give them more of what they want more access. Trust me, I'm not the biggest Chicago bears fan at all, but the access that you give to maybe a hard knocks is I, I might not have been a fan of the bears, but I'll watch them now. I'm invested now because of Roma Dunes. They are watching the backup quarterback, young quarterback, Austin Reed. I think that's his name singing R and B songs, singing Keisha, great job. He was so good, but like those moments, like I don't know Austin Reed as much as I should. I feel like, I mean, I watched a game or two. He's at Western Kentucky, but now I'm like, I want to see where this dude goes. Is he going to be a practice squad guy?

Do we see him start a football? We've seen crazier things happen, but even Tyson Bajan, like when we give you the access, it now opens up the viewer's mind to do more to see more. So now I'm able to see a little bit of Rich tap into it.

When Rich goes to break, go ahead and tap in a little bit of Pat McAfee and come all the way back, do a little simulcast, man. I don't even know what tomorrow is going to bring because I felt like we're just tipping the iceberg on what more to do. Cause a lot of people saw that yesterday. A lot of people saw it was like, wait, we can do that. Wait, I didn't know we could do that. And it was like zooms and cameras and yeah, I was, like I said, it was a big field trip. You guys were involved in it. You didn't have your little shiny shirts on and name tags, but I knew who you were by the way. Take that, take that. Yeah. I knew who you were.

So much to get to. We've got trades in the NFL, not big time trades, but trades that have been going down. We got that. We got a team that I can't wait to talk about coming up next in a little bit. I feel like nobody's talking about them. Oh, the Cowboys. No, the Cowboys are always at top of mind, but I, the one's talking about, I feel like the other team in that division and I'm not talking about the Eagles. I'm not even talking about the Giants because we've talked enough Giants already.

I mean, I feel bad for them. Malik Nabors is, have you ever seen somebody look, I won't say he looks defeated now, but Malik Nabors and watching his interviews, it looks like I'm so happy and thankful I'm in the NFL, but man, Oh man, this ain't what I want in terms of what he's got at quarterback right now. But the other team in that division, Washington commanders, interesting. Now they made a move today. We'll talk a lot about that move. We'll talk about the, the move that they made in naming Jayden Daniels, the starting quarterback. So a lot to get here on the Rich Eisen Show. Stewart Mandel in the second hour already.

Ben Standy, we're going to be talking commanders in the final hour. Coming up next, I got to start first Broncos. How do I, I don't want to get past the Broncos. I got to start here. The Broncos. See, I'm already getting ahead of myself.

I'm talking about Washington. I got to start with Denver first. Nick Cosmiter. Yeah, Nick Cosmiter from the athletic. He's going to join us next. Talking about the Broncos, Bo Nix, a lot to get to right here.

Kirk Morrison filling in for Rich. Let's talk O'Reilly Auto Parts people. You love their jingle. You're going to love their friendly, helpful service even better, because they're in the business of keeping your car on the road and the parts knowledge they have. It's all you need for your maintenance and repairs. They've got thousands of parts and accessories in stock, either in store or online.

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Sleep Number is the official sleep and wellness partner of the National Football League. See store for details. Seattle is hosting New Orleans in a playoff game. Correct.

In Seattle. And we played them earlier. Play tomorrow.

And so the first thing in the morning when I get up is I have a waffle. You know, the whipped cream, strawberries, and I'm flipping through the networks trying to get either ESPN or NFL Network. Who's going to give me the forecast? There's NFL Network. I got it. I'm eating my waffle and they panned down on Russell Wilson and Drew Brees throwing a football on the field in their graves. I'm going to tell you where I was supposed to be at that moment when they're throwing a football. I am supposed to be meeting with the officials discussing the inactives.

All right. And getting ready to say the Lord's Prayer and give our players a peptide. That's where I'm supposed to be. When I run to the shower, call my assistant. Can't get him.

The waffle is spilled on the floor. I get back. My assistant says, hey, what's up? And I said, when did the buses leave? No one called. He said, coach, the buses haven't left yet. They had taken B-roll from the Monday night game. Someone in the tape room ran the wrong tape. Can you imagine? I text Falk. He's on set with Rich. I said, what are you guys doing? I had a cow.

I'm telling you, you have no idea. We're talking about being like, this is the divisional playoff game, not being there for the kickoff as the head coach. That's how late I was. And Sean, and Sean just Marshall showed me the text.

We went back and forth. I arrived. This guy now is live on the field. And I peek out at the stadium only because of the conditions. And I take a look and Rich says, good to have Sean Payton here at the stadium.

Just some slight comment that not one person is going to understand until we tell this story. Amazing. Welcome back to the Rich Eisen Show on the Rich Eisen Show radio network. I'm sitting at the Rich Eisen Show desk, which is furnished by Grainger with supplies and solutions for every industry. Grainger has the right product for you.

Call or just stop by. Oh man. So much to get to, but you know, this week some news came down that Denver Broncos, they got a new starting quarterback. I'm pretty excited about that and joining us now, Nick Cosmiter. He's the Broncos beat writer for the athletic and Nick kind of take me through this process because before training camp started, this was the competition. This was Jared Stidham. This was Zach Wilson and here's Bo Nix, the first round draft choice. Are we surprised at this? What were the, I guess, milestones that he hit in order to get this job?

Yeah, that's a great way to frame it, Kirk. I mean, this did start as a competition, but I think the biggest question was always just will Bo Nix be ready? I think that was, it was more about that than it really was, whether Jared Stidham or Zach Wilson, you know, could really vie for that spot because again, they drafted him 12th overall.

He's the future of the position. And early on, you know, first couple of weeks of camp, I think Jared Stidham was probably the most consistent guy. He's the only one with a second year in the system under his belt. So he had that experience factor working for him, but over the last two plus weeks, including both preseason games, it just became clear that something clicked for Bo Nix. This is a guy who at every level that he's ever played at has been an early starter. He started eighth grade football, eighth grade varsity, eight varsity football as an eighth grader. He was a true freshman starting quarterback at Auburn. And now a week one started for the Broncos. It just clicked for him. And the performances in the preseason games the last two weeks really illustrated how much things had started to become a lot more comfortable and allowed his talent to kind of show out.

You know, Nick, I love what you said about this. It turned from a competition to a coronation. Explain that. Like, what did you see from him? How did he take this job in front of basically fans and a couple preseason games that it was like, wait, wait, wait, this isn't a competition anymore.

This dude is already the guy. Yeah, I think ever since that game in Indianapolis on August 11th, when he went out there, Jarrett stood and played the first two drives. Nix then came out and on his first kind of big pass, third and 10, his first two had been incomplete. He rolls out and finds Courtland Sutton on the sideline for a 22 yard gain.

And from there, it was just the efficiency Kirk that stood out. He led seven drives in the preseason. Six of those led to scores, three touchdowns, three field goals. The only drive that didn't lead to a score was when he completed a pass to his tight end, Lucas Kroll, who then fumbled the ball, ending the drive after one play. Essentially, every time he's had the ball with a real drive, he's led them to scores. And all those drives started on Denver's own side of the on the field. So it was just the ability to to take over and to guide that offense. You just said, OK, yeah, this this is a guy who, again, started 61 college games. He's he's been played.

People know Bonics. He's been playing football forever. And there was the early adjustment, I think, some of some of the speed. And that will continue to occur. He's not played really top string defenses at this point, hasn't faced any of the NFL's real premier pass rushers.

There's going to be some of those challenges and there will have to be kind of a readjustment. But it was just clear then and has only continued to grow over the last couple of weeks that it was a matter of when, not if he was going to be announced as a starter. Broncos beat writer for the athletic Nick Cosm writer joining the Rich Eisen show, Kirk Morrison here filling in for Rich Nick. I want to sort of take a look at the Broncos organization as a whole right quick, because Russell Wilson came there and he was coming to save the Denver Broncos.

After two years, he's now gone. And now they've got a new starting quarterback in Bo Nix. What's the fan base?

What's the organization? What's the now feel like? Are they still thinking about Russ and the 85 million that they owe him? Or is it now people are starting to see this new vision and shot off of Sean Payton and George Payton and general manager?

Yeah, it's a great question. This is an organization that has been searching for an answer, a permanent answer at quarterback since Peyton Manning retired. This is going to be Bo Nix will become the seventh different week one starter for the Broncos in the last nine seasons. They have cycled through quarterbacks that you could go down the list. Trevor Simeon, Joe Flacco, Case Keenum, Drew Locke, Teddy Bridgewater, Brett Ripa. I mean, the list goes Paxton Lynch.

They had a game in 2020 in which they didn't have a quarterback and their game got started by Philip Lindsay. Hold on, what's my man name? Was it Hinton? Who was it? Who was it?

Kendall Hinton. Then they tell him like the night before, like in the hotel, like, Hey, son, due to this COVID situation thing. Hey, man, you started. He was like, I ain't played quarterback since high school. What are we doing with his age? I talked to Kendall Hinton's agent that night, and he thought when Kendall called him, he was going to tell him, Hey, I'm getting elevated for this game because he was a wide receiver at the time.

I'm getting elevated for this game. Maybe he's going to get to play on special teams. And then, you know, and then Kendall, you know, says, yeah, I'm calling you, but it's not because of what you think. So that's just, that's part of the, I mean, the lore of this, you know, this just kind of cycle in which they have not been able to figure that position out. And as you well know, when you don't have that position figured out in the NFL, you have very little chance to create consistent culture, consistent success. And so I think this fan base, it's the first first round pick that they've drafted since Paxton Lynch, who obviously just wasn't cut out for the NFL.

And, um, Nix, it feels different. I think fans, there was a wait and see, um, I think, uh, component to this in terms of, you know, what's, what's he going to look like and all those sorts of things. But over the last two weeks, especially Sunday when he was near perfect in his performance against the Packers, you know, the bow show is now in full effect in Denver. Like people are ready to get behind this, especially, you know, Sean Payton, knowing that this is the quarterback that he wanted, that he now has a chance to implement his system with, um, I there's a lot of optimism, even if, even if there's some reality that this is still going to take some time, they still have a lot of work to do with this roster. I think there's excitement that there seems to be, um, kind of a clear vision that hasn't always been around ever since Peyton Manning retired.

You know, I don't think it's a disrespect to tell Sean Payton, the Broncos, they realize it, that the, still the best team in that division is the Kansas City Chiefs, the two of the back-to-back Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs are going for a three-peat this year. So that being said, you have the Chiefs were at the top and then it's like these three other teams Raiders, then you got Broncos, Chargers. And it's like, okay, who's, who's playing for second? Like who's going to get to second place? I just say that because what's the real life expectations now with Bo Nix starting at quarterback, does this put them in a situation where they feel like, Hey, we're getting closer to the Chiefs to be the second best team in his division?

Or is a situation like, okay, it's still wait and see we've got our guy, but we still want to see him improve or develop in that starting spot. I think internally, they believe that they could be better than they were a year ago. Denver went eight, eight, nine last year. And if you'll remember, they started one in five. So they, they really put themselves in sort of a very untenable situation in terms of trying to chase the playoffs and yet still got themselves into position in early December where they had a chance.

And I think they believe a couple of things. One that they're going to be, Nix is going to be, while he still doesn't have the experience that Russell Wilson did, hasn't learned the league to the degree that Russell Wilson did. They believe they're going to be better in situational football than they were a year ago. Big reason why Russell Wilson during his two seasons in Denver took a hundred sacks, Bo Nix. That's one of his strengths. He got sacked only five times at Oregon a season ago. His senior year in high school didn't get sacked once.

That's just part of his DNA as a quarterback. And they believe that that will allow them to avoid a lot of the negative situations that kept them from creating offensive momentum. And then situationally, they were one of the worst teams in the short red zone area last year.

They've shown a lot of proficiency in that so far in training camp and in the preseason. And then the, on the defensive side of the football, the real Achilles hill was that they could not stop the run last year, last in the league, gave up five yards per carry. They go out, they trade for John Franklin Myers from the jets. They signed Malcolm Roach, you know, kind of a specialist run stopper from the New Orleans saints and, and believe that they are a lot more fortified upfront will allow them to, you know, stop the run a little more effectively and then can build from there. So internally, those are the components where they say, Hey, we have some new players. We got rid of a lot of veterans, you know, Russell Wilson, Justin Simmons, Jerry, Judy Lloyd Cushin, Barry, the center all gone. But, but they believe in Bo Nix. They believe in this draft class that they just added. And, and when you put all that together, there's a lot of internal optimism that there's no reason we can't be better than we were a year ago. He's Nick Cosmiter, the Broncos beat writer for the athletic, joined the rich eyes and show Kirk Morrison filling in for rich. Look, I get so excited. I'm already getting tongue tied. Cause I've got so many questions for you, Nick, because here's another one, because I wake up this morning and boom, the first thing, you know, I get these breaking news, like notifications and you're like, okay, what is it?

What is it? And it says, AJ Terrell, cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons, uh, gets a new contract four years, $81 million, a pack that includes 65.8 million. He's the second highest paid cornerback in the NFL or in NFL history. So immediately you're like, great for AJ Terrell.

That's awesome. But then I'm like, man, what is Patrick Sertan Jr. going to get? Because if AJ Terrell getting that, boy, what will Patrick get and does the contract of Russell Wilson and what they're paying him out over the next two years, does that hinder what the Broncos may do?

How quickly do they get this done? Because like we've been saying on this show, Nick, yesterday's price will not be today's price when it comes to Patrick Sertan Jr. Yeah. Yeah. You weren't the only one, um, intrigued by that, that alert this morning, every time a quarterback gets paid pastor Tanasan.

All right, here we go. I mean, I think he will ultimately become the highest paid corner in the league. This is a guy entering his fourth season who was already a two-time pro bowler has already been a unanimous first team all pro, uh, was an all rookie. I mean, he's just done everything possible that you could in his three seasons in the NFL.

Um, so it is a matter of when and not if, uh, he becomes that, that guy and a guy. Uh, and I do believe that will be with the Broncos in terms of the, the dead money you mentioned at the Broncos when they cut Russell Wilson in March 8, $85 million in dead money. But what they did was they took the larger chunk that there was some options in the contract that allowed them to kind of choose, um, the path to eating that money.

They, they took $53 million of that dead money this year. Um, and that was why you saw guys like Justin Simmons get released, why they didn't go after free agents like Lloyd Cushingberry and Josie Jewell, the linebacker, um, you know, save some money by, by trading Jerry Judy. Uh, those things were kind of addressing where that, that cap situation was this year, next year, that what helps so much for the Broncos is they're going to have a rookie starter in, in bow Nick. So really, even though they're going to still be on the hook for $32 million in dead money next year, when you have a rookie scale quarterback, um, you still end up with one of the, you know, uh, average paid quarterback room overall. So it's not going to affect them really after this season, after this season that they've already had, they kind of had to take their medicine this year. I think beyond that, they will already more or less be out from under, um, that dead money hit and certainly won't affect anything that they do long-term with some of their key players. Uh, they already signed Quinn miners, for example, the, the right guard, uh, one of the, one of the rising young players at that position in the league to a four year con four year, $80 million contract.

So passer tan is next. I don't think it will be long. They've already picked up as fifth year option that gives them a little bit more time to get it done. Um, but again, it's, it's a formality. It only gives them a little more time to do nothing.

They still got to write that check. The sooner, the better when it comes to Patrick certain junior, uh, just a couple more minutes here with Nick Cosmiter joining us. He's a Broncos beat writer for the athletics. Um, Sean Payton year two. Now, what do we expect from him? Or how has he been around the building? I think a lot of expectations last year, he was supposed to change Russ and the Broncos.

They got the, the, the head coach that they finally needed no Russ there this year. So how has training camp been? How is this new Sean Peyton in year two?

Yeah, you know, it's, it's another great question. I think people, national reporters who have come in who have a relationship with Sean, people like my own colleague, Diana Rossini, um, K Adams, who's known him for a long time, who have like cycled through during their training camp tours and spent time with, with Sean Payton have remarked that, um, you know, he seems as kind of loose and energized as he has, um, you know, really in a long time. And I think part of that is he's really excited to work with, with bonics. It starts there. Um, this is a guy who has been told all off season, Hey, you've never worked with a rookie quarterback, right?

Well, yeah, that's a box he hadn't been able to check. And I think was really eager to dive into that whole process. And the fact that Nix has been a really sort of, um, the marriage there in terms of bonics is a guy who loves the game planning aspect of football. He grew up as the son of a head coach.

Um, his dad, of course, was a, was a quarterback at Auburn. Um, he really relishes that part of it. And so there's a real kinship, I think between the two of them in that mode.

In that mode. And so Sean Payton is really deriving, I think a lot of energy from that. And then overall, they have a younger team than he typically has had over the last few years. And that has allowed him to really kind of set the culture that he wants to more than he was a year ago. It's a lot more of, you know, quote unquote, his guys that are in the building now. And I think that's, that's been reenergizing and what that will ultimately mean for, for where they go this year remains to be seen, but, um, they definitely, the training camp had a different vibe to it this year ago. It was, it was a lot more, um, you know, it's still, he still runs a tough camp, you know, they, they run gassers after practice. They, you know, they're, they're, they're, they're thudding there. There's, there's guys playing in the pre-season on all those sorts of things. But I think the, kind of the general vibe of it was a lot more energy to it this year. Yeah.

That was my last question for you, by the way. Um, they don't play till Sunday, the final day of pre-season week, number three, um, nobody's playing who's playing was boat. Nix puts a hat on and shows everybody his new, new, I don't even know who's a new sponsor for the NFL when it comes to the hats. Cause he'll be wearing one on Sunday possibly, but what's now the plan or the action going forward as they prepare for week one. So there's some real, there's still some intrigue at the quarterback spot for the Broncos because there you go. Who's who's the backup.

Are they keeping all three of their guys? Sean Payton has raved over the last two weeks about Zach Wilson's growth in their system. And we've seen it at practice. He is, he's loose and his, his arm talent is obviously unique. I mean, he can throw the, some of the stuff you'll see in training camp, you're just like, Oh yeah, that's why he was the number two overall pick in the NFL draft a few years ago, because he can deliver, you know, 70 yard throws with a flick of his wrist.

Like, like not many people at that position can. And he's also, I think, gain comfort that they rave about Davis Webb, the quarterbacks coach, all three of these quarterbacks do. And I think he has really kind of helped Zach Wilson come in, put a lot of that stuff that went on in New York behind him and just kind of have a fresh start. And he's played like a guy that that's a lot more loose, just in terms of, of how he's enjoying the game. And so I think it's going to be really interesting to see how much he plays and what the Broncos ultimately decide to do with both he and Jared Stidham. It's possible they keep all three on the roster, but if Zach Wilson goes out there and has a big performance, is there a team out there that's saying, Hey, like let's, let's bolster our room and try to see if Denver will make a trade.

I think all those things are, are, are something to watch as we come to Tuesday's cuts. He's Nick Cosmiter, the Broncos beat writer for the athletic, uh, joining the Rich Eisen show. Nick, man, I appreciate the time, a lot of knowledge there for us that I can kind of digest as we get ready for week one of the regular season and Bo Nix, the starting quarterback for hopefully to be the second place AFC West, um, Broncos. Appreciate the time, Nick. Thanks a lot, Kirk. Appreciate it. Oh man.

Appreciate it. Yeah. I mean, that's, let's be honest real quick, man. That division it's, is it, I'll present the question this way. Chiefs and everybody else. Chiefs first the field. We're taking chiefs.

Let's just be honest. Chiefs first the field and that's great. And look, some things can happen and it could go haywire, but we will be shocked if anybody outside of the chiefs won that division. But that being said of the field right now, currently of the field, and I'm talking about the Las Vegas Raiders, the Los Angeles chargers with pictures of, I love how social media people do this. Social media people, the chargers, what they do show a video of patent go or one-on-ones of Justin Herbert throwing a touchdown to Quentin Johnson. And he caught it by the way, right? It's just like, oh, come on, man. Let's see him do it in the game. Not Justin Herbert, but Quentin Johnson. Like, come on.

He was playing in the fourth quarter of the first round pick playing in the fourth quarter in a preseason game. Number two. Hey man. Yeah. And in Denver Broncos right now, if I told you feet to the fire, who's the second best team in the AFC West?

Yeah. We were talking about this earlier in the week, uh, Kirk with Rich. Uh, he was throwing it out there, you know, can they get a second playoff team? Who's more likely of the three to get 10 games, 10 and seven makes the playoffs in the AFC this year, the highly competitive AFC with Joe burrow and Aaron Rogers back. And we think the chargers are going to be elevated. Who can get that second playoff team in the West?

I don't know. Why not Denver? I think Bo Nix looks awesome.

If you think Justin Herbert is going to have some lingering effects to the plantar fascia, that's a weird injury that can pop up at any given time. Do you love their weapons on offense? Not really not sexy, but they're not going to be a sexy team. You're not a lab McConkie with Greg Roman and Jim Harbaugh. They're going to run the ball lab. McConkie's not doing it. They're going to be bottom five and pass attempts this year. They're going to be top five and rush attempts. Right?

Is that enough to get it done? Do you love what the Raiders are doing? Not sexy as well. Why can't Denver sneak in there and get nine, 10 wins and get a playoff burn? I like that. I like that. Same with you, TJ. And I, you know what? I, if you, if you cut to Jason Feller right now and you see, yeah, there we go.

He's ready. Stand below Jay. Let them see that. As a cowboy fan, we talk about fan bases and who like those don't like, I've never had beef with the Raiders, the Cowboys and Raiders. Why would you have beef with the Raiders? You know, we've never met in the Superbowl 80 years ago or anything. So I don't really have anything against Raiders, but look, the defense with Crosby, Christian Wilkins, you know, they kind of the personality of that coach. That's what they say. Teams tend to do right.

So I don't know, man. I just, maybe Minshew can pull a little rabbit out of the hat and make something happen. Look, you've got Devante Adams, right? He's as good as they come. Zamir White, low key, might be on my fantasy team. He's gonna get some carries.

He's gonna get some carries. I'll tell you that. Why not the Las Vegas Raiders, man? Ah, I like that.

I like that. But the thing is you've kind of seen how these teams, and I'm talking about these AFC West teams, have kind of put the teams together, have put themselves together by what they've done in the pre-season. But there's a team right now that will not have an important piece for the entire pre-season. All the games in the pre-season, an important piece will not participate. And yet we are expected for this team to take a leap, to take a jump. Man, we're going to talk about that next. How important the pre-season is and why this dude just put him in there. We want to see him. Is it good?

Is it bad? We'll talk next about that. Kirk Morrison here filling in for Rich on The Rich Eisen Show.

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When I said I wanted to bring a guest on I'm like well I want to bring on who I wanted to be when I was a kid and that was an offensive lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs and I've got been fortunate enough to get to know Mitchell and know what what a good guy is and what a great player he is so I wanted to share this moment with with the right tackle for the Chiefs my favorite football team not that I need to tell anybody that yeah I mean it's uh it's really cool I got to know him I guess at the end of last year and we hit it off right away we both like food we both like food we have a lot of shared interests he asked me where I got my meat and we go to the same meat guy he goes to the same butcher here in Kansas City I said a serious question though Mitch where do you where do you buy your meat in Kansas City he's like oh this place called Bickelmeier's and I'm like okay you're in you're good so because I know how seriously you take your Kansas City uh food yeah you guys go to the same butcher here we do yeah city yeah which is I mean when I got here I like to cook um I was confined to an apartment in my previous life when I got here I got a house got a whole backyard set up I mean this guy's got the greatest backyard setup you could ever imagine for cooking and he's sending me videos all the time different different stuff to try and the text exchange between me and him and some of his other offensive linemen are that are into smoking is hilarious like one night I put a brisket on and it was like we were kind of coordinating with the time difference of putting a brisket on around the same time and I woke up to check my brisket and texted Mitch at four in the morning LA time which was Kansas City 6 a.m time and I told Lindsay my girlfriend I'm like I texted Mitchell Schwartz in the middle of the night about a brisket like what is going on for whatever reason I was up at that exact time and we were because I was doing a brisket the next night so we kind of throw ideas off each other see what we do I think he was doing like a 24 hour oh yeah super slow it got all jiggly and gooey and the bark was perfect back here on the rich eisen show oh man excited just because it's almost it's like almost my Friday I'm a week away from college football well actually college football start on Saturday yes week zero zero I've done a week zero game it's week zero you're not going to Ireland I'm not going to Ireland I am not in Ireland um but uh yeah I'm just happy that football so back baby you know it's always that time of year where you get the text or you get the picture you see the meme that's starting this Saturday or this weekend there will be organized professional or collegiate football all the way through presidents weekend oh my god hit that t-bone noise oh please I need that man I need it right now uh thank you thank you I need that trust me because you never know how much you miss it until it's not there because we always say like oh it's just football it's crazy it is a long six months I mean I know there's like I love we love all sports yes there's so much happening throughout you know from mid to late February all the way until mid August correct but there's nothing like football and it is a long six months love baseball yeah love golf love the playoffs hockey basketball march madness what have you it ain't now we can start analyzing games football man I just want to start analyzing games that's what I want to do you know what I mean tj the game like hits different during football season you feel me I've been trying to tell him you feel me 800 numbers that he can call for help it does just have a couple coins here and there on the game it works here uh let's go I want to go to Iowa real quick let's go to Terzo I know Terzo's on the line uh Terzo welcome into the Rich Eisen show what's going on my man well what's up Kirk I think the last time I talked to you is about this time last year yeah I think I made a bold prediction about a non-quarterback winning the MVP I thought I was kind of close with uh with that prediction last year with CMC but always it's a quarterback driven league and I'm just like you guys excited for football absolutely absolutely man what you got for us are you are you a Iowa fan or just a Niner fan what we got no so I grew up in Colorado and went to CSU so go Rams okay I got the Rams next week Jay Norville and the Rams going into Austin Texas take on the Longhorns okay and so you know just being a transplant here in Iowa I've always kind of gravitated a little bit more towards Iowa State just because it kind of reminded me of Colorado State Cyclones the way they tailgate out in the middle of the field and stuff so that's that was always kind of nostalgic for me but I do got a question for you guys especially with football right around the corner what we got it's been kind of a debate whether or not with football coming around if Kaitlyn Clark can continue her momentum with you know especially you know college football being so big in Iowa and the Midwest if she's going to be able to continue to still drive those numbers and some people say they'll still watch her over college football and I'm kind of curious to see what your guys's thoughts on that are all about windows her window has to be Tuesday and Wednesday let's just be honest Monday night it's the Monday Night Football she got about two weeks before that happens I would say the window has to be Tuesday Wednesday and I think you can squeak in a Friday night Friday night early on because there are some games on Friday nights there's some college football now on Friday night yeah um but I forget how big high school football is yeah it is country too high school football started about like a month ago like what's going on but I think she can still hold the market but it just has to be days of the week because now to your point TJ like to get older Brock that's your point the gambling hits a little different like people's viewing pleasures now go to something that you do know like I don't know baseball but I mean I know baseball but I don't know like the ends and yeah I remember I used to do like score no score in the innings that's how radical I would know Ron's first inning that's very popular very popular one yes first inning that's how that's how deep I was I know apparently I was deep in those I'm a bit I'm a big over guys when it comes to baseball I love that and here's the thing with Kaitlin Clark too if she's having a deep playoff run people will watch that's something that will break through but it's like but if they've got a deep play upfront just don't put those games on Saturday night or Sunday I'm just saying LSU UNLV have those on Friday sorry sorry LSU USC and in Vegas where UNLV plays at that's on a Sunday night okay Labor Day weekend and I got to choose between Kaitlin Clark and seeing this little few going on by the way between Lane Kiffin and coaches uh what's the coach of LSU now okay drawing a blank uh Brian Kelly Brian Kelly there it is I was like Chip Kelly not Chip but Brian one of the Kellys uh not related by the way but it's like this little Brian Kelly and just Lane Kiffin little beef going on like it's stuff like now I'm focusing on football it's gonna be hard for me to take away to kind of go back and forth so yeah we'll see about that we'll see about that man appreciate the phone call turns out appreciate you guys all right man have fun um Robert Sala had a little little something to say about his quarterback because everybody wants to see his quarterback yeah we only see him in practice I want to see him in a game well it was announced that we won't see Aaron Rodgers in a preseason game we'll see him week one Monday night football against the San Francisco 49ers but I want you to hear what Robert Sala says he's seen from his quarterback in practice his mobility it's uh that has been that was because that was because it's our like you saw in OTAs with all the seven on seven stuff he's throwing the ball but just doing it from a pocket and uh it wasn't like we were running any any boots or anything like that during OTAs but his mobility is uh is plenty plenty I'm just ready for Aaron Rodgers to take the field and hopefully play a full game I mean the meme the gifts the videos of Aaron Rodgers over the last year I'm just done with him I mean how many times have we seen like oh that dude's career lasted as long as this and they show Aaron Rodgers holding the American flag running out of the tunnel and then like it was over like the season was over literally Monday night football how excited we were and then four plays into it it was done I want to see Aaron Rodgers get through a game I want to see him go out there and play the way that we expected a lot of people do he's kind of the last of a dying breed he's in that era and for me he is actually my last link to the National Football League by the way a lot of people don't understand that I'm not officially retired from the NFL you're only officially retired when the last person in your draft class is retired really I'm part of 2005 so he's my last guy I need Aaron to go out and play I feel like I'm still in touch with today's NFL obviously I go to camps I know I've trained a lot of the young players who are in the league I've mentored a couple as well but Aaron Rodgers is my last draft classmate of 2005 in the National Football League still need you to keep going so I can't wait to see him I would love to see him in the preseason but I guess I gotta wait till Monday night football see him against the 489ers which see him against the 489ers which some people say is it an upset if the Jets beat the Niners in week one is that an upset oh for sure I'm saying don't call it an upset don't even call it a comeback Jets week one all right Kirk how how well do you know the 2025 NFL Draft who was AP Offensive Rookie of the Year that wait say 2005 you mean 2005 your draft class yeah 2025 okay 2005 uh the AP Rookie of the Year was uh Cadillac Cadillac Williams who's the running backs coach for your Las Vegas Raiders by the way yes running backs coach okay how about uh offensive player of the year oh wait go defensive rookie of the year go defensive rookie of the year um OD Odell Thurman no was it line linebacker lights out was lights out lights out Sean Merriman yes um oh my god he finished with a flurry that year by the way he was awesome those two he was like Sean Merriman, Odell Thurman um did I tell you my Sean Merriman story Sean Merriman had 10 sacks that year so a quick story of Sean Merriman I went to San Diego State so I'm actually in San Diego I go in for a visit so I'm visiting the Chargers facility I'm walking through and everything sit down with Wade Phillips hey Wade Phillips tells me everything hey you know we've got some you know we've got some needs uh we like you as a player um if you're there for us on our board man trust me we would love to have you and I say okay cool cool um he's like yeah but that guy over there man he may be you know our first round pick I was like what guy is that a guy over there I said who is that he's like that's Sean Merriman I thought that was a 10-year veteran walking around as a rookie I'm like this is a first round pick I now I knew the difference between a first round pick and a third round pick former Navy SEAL Sean Ryan shares real stories from real people from all walks of life on the Sean Ryan show Tucker Carlson what is it that you think that people gravitate I'm not self-aware I refuse to be self-aware I don't even like mirrors at all which you can probably tell from my appearance I don't have a crazy high IQ or I really don't have that many skills I would say my main skill is I believe my instincts I don't hesitate to follow my instincts ever the extent that I have I've gotten in trouble the Sean Ryan show on YouTube or wherever you listen
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